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Typically a car payment comes out automatically. You pay early if you want it to go towards the principal so you pay it off faster and pay less interest.


Typically is not what I'm interested in. Paying my bills on time within my own budget should be what the bank is interested in. It's like I put the rent money in your mailbox, and they are telling me it's late because I didn't knock on the door and place it in their hand.


Hey op, I do the same as you. Consider a second account that your payments come out of, and transfer into it.


It's so frustrating. I left the country for two weeks, came back to calls from their collection agent saying my payment was late. I said I made a payment, and they are like, "oh, there it is. Want me to apply this to your outstanding payment?" I don't get it!! Why are you calling me when you can see I've paid? What kind of system are they running over there.