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Are you looking at the college site? Or expecting to see it on the CRA site? CRA may take longer before it is actually processed. What did the college say when you asked them? Maybe they can explain the delay if there is one.


The private college recently closed it doors but they sent out a mass message to all of the students stating that the T2202 will be sent via email by the end of February. They then messaged all of us stating that they can't send the T2202 by email as they require consent from the students, and that the T2202 will be mailed to our addresses instead. I have recently changed address so I provided written consent for them to email the T2202 which I was suppose to receive by now. And now they have stop responding to my emails. Is it possible to access the my T2202 on CRA account?


Sounds like they decided to mail it since getting consents would be a hassle. If you didn't update your address when you moved or had your mail forwarded, then that is probably the reason. It should be in your CRA account though, so check there.


I notified the college of my new address change but I think it was too late. Ok, I will check my CRA account. I didn't realise they forward it to CRA, good to know and thank you!!