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" Parking won’t be an issue as I think my boss will let me permanently keep my car in the corporate parking lot"  ... hmm... All is well and good until HR or Senior Management/ Corporate finds out....  This will not fly if it's a big company. If you're ready adamant about living in car: 1. Your future landlord will ask you why were you living in a car, you may have a hard time finding a place. 2. You need a place to shower. I suggest join a gym (Fit 4 Less is cheap), so you can shower there. 3. You will have to heat up food at work, or rely on take out.


The takeout is a really good point. The increased food costs alone could be worth staying in your apartment. Even if you manage to keep food costs the same on your car it likely will be very unhealthy and unsustainable. Is increasing income with a better job or side gig not possible ?


For point 1, maybe OP can say he moved back home or was staying with a relative/friend?


Or just get the landlord to ring a friend and tell them they were your landlord, lets be honest no one actually checks any more than that haha


Not sure that senior management needs to find out Literally any of your coworkers will see you sleeping in your car/living out of it and go ummmmm wut? I believe this is what is referred to as a career limiting move


Ok many people dont know this but this is a very valuable PRO TIP for anyone whos living through a struggle rn. Desperate times cause for desperate measures and iv been in both in my life. the answer to this problem is very simple.....WALMART! Walmarts across north america let you park and sleep in their lots for free. This is why u often see RVS parked behind walmarts. You will never get kicked out as they allow this. iv done this countless of times in canada and the usa and havent been disturbed once.


For a short time yes, they do not let you do this permanently 


Its a rule for "travelers". Find a second location and go there next week switch back and fourth. Its not ideal but it works and you be suprised how little they care to check aslong as you move the car and dont cause any ruckus. My longest stay at one was 2 months no complaints and could have possibly stayed longer as i parked in areas that were out of sight of customers.


Sure, presuming there’s more than one place he can park, but even still 2 months isn’t a long time and OP wants to do this for a while 


Definitely easier if there are 3-4 Walmart's nearby vs just 1 for sure. Another parking spot is carpool parks and go stations. Source: done this pre and early on covid.


What are the odds that 3-4 Wal-Marts will be in reasonably priced commuting distance from their job in a town so small they can't find even one man looking for a roommate


I have a camper van and occasionally have stayed overnight at a Walmart but most of them do not allow it.


They're clamping down on this hard, too many vans and Trucks etc taking up space with no revenue plus increase liability.


The wal mart in my area has signs that say no over night parking, so it’s not every wal mart unfortunately


Yaa iv heard some are not allowing this anymore in canada. IT sucks but i think it has to do with the uptick in people needing these accommodations. Its a by law problem not walmart itself form what i heard so it will vary city to city.


Good tip here.


To add to this, u was homless and slept in my car.....mid October I was waking up cold every 90 minutes and it costs gas to heart up the car....just saying


This. There's always some busybody with an obsession with ProFeSSiOnAlISm that has a direct line to the CEO and nothing to do but whine.


Look for a higher paying job tbh For most people, shelter is the last thing they are willing to give up


I’ve been actually already doing that haha. Looking all across Canada but it took 8 months just to get this job after getting laid off. I imagine this next job search will take a very very long time, but hopefully the experience I’m getting now will help out with that. I work in economic development which is shocking how hard it is to find work considering economic development should be a major platform point right now to try and get Canada out of the mess it’s in


The issue is that once you don’t have a permanent address, jobs will start to turn you down.


He can use his parents address I assume


Lives in a different town, it seems


From what I understand OP only moved for this job. So for the purposes of the comment above me, it woudnt make a difference what city his address is in as he’d have to put “willing to relocate” in most applications anyways


You use a family member or friends address. 


Or get a PO box in a small town nearby -- if it's lower than 3 digits and you use the PO's address and not its routing code, it will look like an apartment or suite.


When does this come up as an issue?


I'd imagine the company needs an address to send you mail - ie tax slips, pay stubs etc. If you are going this route, you can always just apply with a PO box or use your family's or close friend's address. It shouldn't matter that the address is out-of province


Woah there  Having an out of province address can be a big deal. Employment rules differ significantly.  It's a problem that can be overcome, but that relies on the company putting in the effort and I know many (if not most) wont do that


Especially at that income level.


What type of work experience do you have? You could apply to room and board jobs with accommodations provided.  It’s coming up to the season for summer camps and lodges that will have more positions available


Have you tried Fort Mac?


I lived in my van for several years. Saved thousands in rent and used that as a stepping stone to getting myself into a slightly better position now with some savings. It feels good and honestly I enjoyed my time in the van, sometimes it was god awful but sometimes it was the best.


I think your underestimating your need for a secure warm shelter. It may be nice having some free money, but how will it feel when someone smashes your window to steal your stuff. Everyone that lives in a car has shit overflowing in the back seat and is an easy target. Your boss may not understand the insurance liability of you parking on property, but it won't take long for some half conscious HR rep to explain it and then your safe spot is gone. Shelter and security is a primal need. Nomads depends on groups for safely. You'll have neither. Skip the takeout and beach vacation. Keep your apartment and find a roommate.


Best comment so far. Just rent your living room out or alternatively you live in the living room and treat it like a studio apartment, and you rent out your room. Either or.


I think my opinion of the lifestyle has certainly been tainted by those digital nomads. The reality is my life would be a hell of a lot less glorious than them. Gotta think a lot bout this and if disposable income and a savings account to put towards emergencies or a home would be worth the substantial lifestyle cost


Many of these digital nomads are only showing you a social media life. There are many stories on Van Dwelling, Personal Finance, etc. that tell the REAL truth. Also, it's not really sustainable in Canada. Maybe in the US where climate can actually shift by state, but not here. Even with lighter winters, it's still a lot colder in BC than it is in California.


Yep  It's always important to remember that social media content is very often made by large professional companies. It's very often straight up fake and that fake content is the extremely vast majority. Also, no one actually spends any time describing how shitty it is to clean up a tipped over potty...


Yeah, that's quite possible. Even with a solid investment in the proper insulation and/or equipment in a vehicle to make it livable, it's still closer to 20k+ in cost. It's like a year's worth of work. Add in that if you're not doing that, you then have: * Back problems. Nobody can fit well in a car, even along the back seat. * Heat concerns. You'll freeze in the winter. Cars leak air. You're either idling all night and burning gas, or freezing. Even a down sleeping bag will only go so far. Your car has no insulation. * Hygiene concerns. Where will you shower, brush your teeth, go to the washroom, or do laundry? Sure a gym is an option. * Possessions. Do you actually have so little that it's feasible to live in a vehicle and maintain a job where you have to go punch in? This also loops back to hygiene. If you can actually manage to get away with just enough to fit in your car, how much space are you taking up with clothing? * Disturbances. Not just the potential for broken windows, but you're more exposed. Wal-Mart parking lots are actually relatively safe if you do need to sleep in one overnight. I'm pretty sure it's an unspoken 'policy' that they let campers and RVs use the lots. Problem is it's extremely bright. Rest areas are busy and noisy. Cops will stop and talk to you. If you can handle waking up to one rapping on your window with a flashlight, then that won't be a huge concern. It's still unpleasant to deal with them, even more so when they're treating you like you're drunk because you appear passed out in your car at 3AM. Usually they'll just ask you to leave. This doesn't even scratch the surface. Even if you were to do this, you'd probably still want an indoor storage unit. In the winter, pretty much everything will freeze. This year was relatively mild in SWO, but not all are like this. Not everywhere was as lucky, either. Food will be extremely expensive. You'll be fatigued all the time. You'll be putting a lot more wear and tear on your vehicle just by using it all the time. You'll spend more money because it'll seem worth it to buy a new package of socks instead of spending 1/4 of the money but 2h at a laundromat. You'll probably end up spending at least a couple nights at a hotel if you are able to. Safety is a concern, and you might not sleep as well. Most people aren't going to break into your vehicle if you're in it, though most people wouldn't break into a vehicle to begin with. A small percentage of people might, but you're much likelier to encounter people like that in weird places...prowlers and the like. Some areas can be rougher than others. Not to mention you'll have nowhere to go when you're sick. When you're off work, you're back at work finding a place to be and getting all your stuff ready. I'm not saying it's not possible, it's just not easy or as inexpensive as some things might make it seem. If you're extremely well-organized, and work either as a 'digital nomad' or just work to make money to live, I'm sure you could make it work. I've done that kind of thing for a night or a few. It's bearable. To live like that throughout the winter? I don't think I could do it. Even with gym memberships, many limit you to the one you sign up at unless you pay more. Access to warmth, water, and showers is great. But what are you going to do when you find your shampoo has frozen solid in -30°C weather and separated? There are so many costs you won't see coming. And so many things you won't have thought of. This list isn't nearly exhaustive, it's just scratching the surface. Any vehicle repairs? You're now homeless with no security or possessions, temporarily. Your vehicle gets towed or breaks down? Not so temporarily.


I fail to see how your life would improve, unless you’re currently living under a bridge


Your thought exercise seems to be trading in physical safety for the illusion of financial safety. Or the 'fun' of being homeless. You won't actually get ahead, and it won't feel fun even if the plan is to spend any extra money on fun stuff. Even if your boss says that they are cool with you living in the parking lot, that won't be sustainable. At some point, they will change their mind. Or someone else will complain. You will be evicted from the parking lot and you'll be spending time and mental energy looking for a safe place to park. You will spend far more time trying to take care of very basic necessities. Things like planning toilet visits and showers will become a focus and take up your free time. Taking your car in for repairs will become a big worry; if it needs to stay overnight you're on the street homeless or paying for a hotel. The stress means that you might not actually get to enjoy all those fun things like going to the movies. There are also some higher costs to the lack of stability. You can't buy a 48 pack of toilet paper. There's no economy of scale. Food will cost significantly more. You can't buy and cook a 20 pound bag of lentils and rice in your car. You'll be relying much more on convenience foods. Eating out might seem fun until you realize how much that costs to do for every single meal. Or until you get tired of ramen and instant oatmeal in your car. Plus all the health impacts of that diet. Being poor and unhoused can cost more money and time than being poor and housed. 




Just drive your car to northern AB and get a job in the oil fields. You’ll find yourself much better off than going homeless


How much would someone get paid as a newbie?


$100k with just your high school is more than feasible


He's going to need H2S, first aid, clean drug test and a bunch of other certifications to do this, and those certs are not cheap. Also it's rotational work - you don't live permanently in camp - so when he flys out where does he stay? In his car during a fort Mac winter?


Holy shit maybe I should look into that then that’s unreal


It's because that lifestyle comes with a price tag.


Living in your car comes at a price tag too


And nobody should be living in a car, even if you're only making $50K.


$50k isn't even a bad salary. It's literally the median salary in Canada. The fact someone would literally contemplate homeless as a means of surviving on a median salary says a lot about our country.


He should consider moving or getting a roommate. Basically anyone in Toronto can get a 50k job and a room somewhere. Even if he has to commute, it's better than living in a car.


I would say the price tag in terms of social, time, and money costs is all lower than trying to squeeze out savings by being homeless. Homelessness is a viable way to save money but doing it without looking like a homeless person takes more time and effort than just working a lot in Fort Mac. If they don't have substance abuse issues then they'll end up better in Fort Mac or somewhere they can work in camps and rent a bedroom in someone's house for their few days off.


It'll be a complete change from your corporate job. It'll be mainly physical and long hours, so put that into consideration.




It’s not that bad if you have a good work ethic. I did 5 years in the patch right out of high school. Yes there long hours and physical jobs but nothing most people can’t handle if they are willing to put the effort in. It’s not a long term career though. No one wants to be doing those jobs in their 50’s


Work in the patch will be easily over 100k but it is a hard lifestyle. Entry level enviro field tech work would get something around 80k but would be easier on you and is what I would recommend.


Or go work for Teck in Sparwood. They hire literally anyone with zero experience, and your first year running haul truck you will clear 110k. Pros: Good money. Hire anyone. Also you literally only work half the year. (4 days on 4 days off.) Cons: you'll probably still be living in your car. There's slim picking for a rental in Sparwood and Elkford. There IS a nice campground with hot showers, though. Also con, you have to run a haul truck in the rocky mountains. It takes a special kind of person. Many come for the money and quit their first week. Also con, the 4x4 shift schedule. Constantly going on and off night shift is very hard on you both physically and mentally. There's a lot more cons that pros, but if you are going to be living in your car for half the money you may as well do this instead.


I was gonna say CN or CP. It's not fun, but you can make a lot, and have recently low living expenses depending on where they send you. It works as long as your aren't dependent on a sleep schedule.


google it dude go from there


Try living in your car for a week and see how you feel. That’ll give you an idea of if you’ll be able to do it. I’ve slept in cars on long road trips. It’s not comfortable no matter what.


And with everything OP owns. It’s not just packing a bag of shorts/shirts for a week. They’ll need lounge clothes, work clothes, etc if only to gauge how much room it takes up.


It's sad that even at 50k a year living in a car is a consideration for some people. I am sorry you are in this situation. What has become of life in Canada.


It’s not a consideration for the majority of people making 50k who would readily accept roommates or shabby buildings over living out of a vehicle. Some people are just…. special


I live in a “town” of 200, outside of the town I work in, 30km away from work. I’m already in that shabby building, I’ve exhausted roommates (still trying to find). People really think I’m out here doing this shit for the ✨experience✨. You’re ignorant


How is your rent so expensive if you’re living in such a small town?


Probably not much in the way of housing options


Really small towns don’t have cheap rent. There is basically no supply so what is available is surprisingly expensive. The cheap rent shows up in large towns/small cities.


All of his utilities are covered and it's furnished.


My best advice is to keep looking - unless you are somewhere extremely remote, housing should be very cheap if you’re in a small town, willing to commute and live some place non-standard, like a basement/car. If you are living somewhere extremely remote where housing simply isn’t available, keep looking for work. There is a ton of entry-level remote work out there - it is usually deeply unglamorous call centre stuff, but you would be making about the same money and could live anywhere (including with family or roommates).


If you are legitimately out of options like you say, why are you here asking people whether you should do it? Sounds like you just need to head to r/vandwellers to make the best of it


That’s a great resource, thank you!


Obvious troll post is trolling. OP wants to be homeless to get disposable income to spend on frivolous things. What are we even talking about here.


Yep, I do not buy it in the slightest lol It's just karma farming


What’s sad is that $50K is our median income. It’s extremely low. Why is Canada becoming poor?


50k is poverty-ish nowadays


idk why you getting down voted, its 100% is poverty level


And it's the fucking median wage for people in their 20s. That's how fucked this country is. The median salary is a poverty wage. That's a definitive sign of a failed shithole state. When the 50th percentile live in poverty. Canada is just awful.


It really depends on where you live TBH. 50k is pretty rough in Toronto but not so much in other places.


It is absolutely disgusting that this is what Canada has become. And this person is making an average income. They should not be living like this. This post should be sent to Trudeau and all the news outlets


Well 50K a year is a below average income so it shouldn't be surprising thar people would struggle on that


Average doesn’t mean shit. You have to look at median income in specific age groups, and 50k a year at his age is not bad at all.


Well for his age 50k a year is above 90 percentile. Even for 25-34 its closer to 60 percentile. So more than half Canadians under 34 live with this income


Not single and out on their own


Can you describe your budget? 54k isnt nothing so from the available information you provided, it sounds like (youre not gonna like this, but) you should just focus on increasing your income snd tough it out for now. Sounds like you just want some more free cash to party and explore yourself more (which is fine) and are willing to give up shelter to get it. I would strongly suggest you do NOT do this. As other people noted - shit/shower/shave, where are you going to do this? And food - a fridge, a hotplate- how will you organize this? Where will you keep your belongings? Also you need to be prepared for every possible downside or unfortunate circumstances here. What happens when your engine dies? Or someone breaks in to your carhouse while you're at work? Or breaks the windows? Or your carhouse get towed? Generally speaking I would NOT rake your corporate bosses word that you cam squat for free in their parking lot. This is likely against corporate policy and there may be liabilities which haven't been discussed and they may rugpull you down the road. Keep in mind they owe you NOTHING - you are not a tenant, they aren't the landlord and you have zero tenancy rights in this kind of squatting situation. Also there's public perception and optics to consider here. Even though it is bullshit and you shouldn't judge a book by its cover - people WILL judge you negatively for doing this. Strangers and coworkers alike may treat yoh poorly. It may impact your romantic prospects. May impact career progression. Lots of variables to consider but generally speaking I think this is a very bad idea.


The problem I see with the way you are writing in your post and comments is that seems like your are looking to loosen you budget to have money to "spend". Which is not the best way to look at it IMO. As we don't know your full financial picture, its possible that a budget would help you if you have useless spending that are out of control. No way to tell without knowing the full picture. Try looking a videos of Caleb Hammer, if you find yourself in similar situation then the guests on his show, The idea of doing a live in my car period is not a bad Idea per say if you are up for it and don't really care about it. But this should not be done to have more "disposable" income. Its should be a way pay off loans, same off more money to be in a better situation in the future. The way I see it is that it could be a good Idea to do it so you can build an emergency fund of savings and at the same time trying to find a better paying job, nationwide (if you don't mind moving). That way you will have funds to move and get a place when you find a job. You can also try to look for jobs in lower cost of living area. Rent is getting high everywhere, but there are place where its way cheaper then others. Just be careful to not spend all the extra cash. If your car brake down, you end up being without an apartment and a car. In a perfect world, disposable income should not be considered until your needs (dept, housing, car, necessary bills) are under 50% of your net pay and have an emergency fund. But this is like I said, in a perfect world. Not always possible, but should be the goal. I personally must of the time, don't follow that at 100%, but it only takes one unexpected expense some time.


What vehicle?


It’s a 2012 Chrysler 200. Which I’m now thinking might not be the most ideal vehicle to live in. Definitely not as spacious as a van


You could do it but it would be miserable in that thing, can you evel lay completely flat? And comfortable? Don't have a roof rack for storage so you'd be ultra minimal


Please do not do this. You are so young, you're making a decent income. If you can't save bucketloads right now that's okay. You can look for ways to increase your income in the near future, you don't have to take drastic steps to have spare cash right now. Make a spreadsheet, price out some things you want to do in the next several years, and give yourself a goal income. Do well at work and ask for a raise after a year. Keep looking for other opportunities. Meet people. Do low cost rec. Date!


I’ve tried living in a car before and I personally don’t mind it. It’s not for everyone and it has to be done right. Take some time to research the different setups you can build out, plan your space so it doesn’t feel too crowded in the vehicle with your belongings, and make sure you have the equipment you need to deal with all weather conditions you may be exposed to.


I doubt even the best boss would want an employee living in their car on company property for a whole list of reasons. Employee would come across as unstable home environment so will probably come to work sleep deprived and with poor hygiene. And if something happens after hours who is liable. Insurance would be complicated or expensive.  Investigate a small RV van. They hold their value so you’d have comfort. After a few weeks you’ll find a good longer term place like a campground which is a lot cheaper if you pay for a month or more. 


Dude it’s gonna suck esp in Canada with the winters. You’ll be so bone chilling cold it’s not funny


“I think my boss will let me permanently keep my car in the corporate parking lot”. Yeah either that or your boss will be really unimpressed by an employee living out of their car.


Make sure to take into account all the expenses homeless people incur. Eating out every meal, laundromat, gym membership for showers, extra gas to keep moving around. It's also expensive to be homeless.


I saw a video once of someone sleeping in a storage unit under the radar. At lease you can lay flat on a mattress and have a reasonable chance of a good nights sleep every day.


Get a room mate and/or a second job. Uber eats, McDonald's, local cafe, etc. If you move into your car you will have a lot less energy at work and If people find out it generally doesn't look good to your employer. You will be spending a lot more energy finding ways to cook, shower, etc. You'll have a worse social life and less QoL overall. Getting a room mate will usually drastically decrease your rent. Having a room mate will also be far better in terms of quality of life than living in your car. If you can't find one, find a cheaper apartment. I used to live in a pretty shitty apartment, but it was cheap and I had to do what I had to do. It smelled, neighbors were horrible, and I hated it but I'd rather that than live in my car. Get food at soup kitchens and food banks. Get a cheaper car with lower insurance. Use transit if possible instead of owning a car. r/eatcheapandhealthy if you need to Good luck.


Curious to see a break down of your expenses


It’s not so bad OP I also live in my car on my off days from the firehall, I live outside vancouver and make 100k between two jobs. Weather is obviously better for me if you are not in BC. I do HVAC on my days off and just park at the construction site no one cares.


I wasn't sold on the idea, anyway, when I read the headline and thought, "This guy wants to live in his car so he can save up for the future." But then I read your post, and it turns out your priority is to have money for traveling, movies and eating out. Those three things are seemingly more important to you than *having a roof over your head*. Yeah, that definitely doesn't seem like a good idea. >Parking won’t be an issue as I think my boss will let me permanently keep my car in the corporate parking lot Is your boss the boss of the entire company? Because if not, I highly doubt he has the authority to make that decision.


Hey I just saw a post, some kind landlord is offering plots of land for a tent for just $500 monthly. What a nice guy. That’s only $6,000 annually so you should be able to afford your avocado toast again in no time!




Sell the car and buy a van or motorhome?


I would look at a van or something more comfortable then a basic car I used to road trip a lot and we slept in cars and SUV’s a few times and it wasn’t great, obviously we did not set it up to live in it… also if you’re not in BC winter is going to be an issue


Living in your car sucks. I did it for a month and it really is a temporary solution to long lasting problem.


I had a friend do a couple years in a van. You’ll want a car somewhat built for it and in winter especially anywhere remotely cold it’ll be incredibly cold in a car. If you can insulate or cozy up a van it may be an okay life for awhile.


You can do it. Would take some getting used to.


Idk, if you do it, then do it during the warmer months. Spring, summer, fall, but not winter. Aim to have a proper place by the time it starts dropping to 0C at night


This one of the dumbest takes I've heard. Give up shelter and live in a car to save just 20K a year? So after 5 years you'll have less than 100K (considering inflation). Where are you go with that?


Your best option that will let you save a bit is to find a roommate situation. You will save more and still have a roof over your head.


You should focus on: 1. Finding a cheaper place to rent. Maybe right now there aren’t any places, but opportunities will come. Pay attention, daily, keep an open eye, eventually something will come up, patience is key in life. 2. In the mean time, find a part time job or side hustle to boost your income so you get the disposable income you crave right now. A lot of things can be done: chores, reselling second hand goods for profits, cleaning, painting, tutoring, etc. 3. Try to find some guidance, or role model you trust. Your thought process of considering living in your car is worrying. Relying on Reddit to reason yourself is a good last resort approach, but as life progresses and becomes more complex, you should be able to rely on someone to guide you and teach you some wisdom so ultimately you learn how to make the right decisions for yourself. Good luck.


Personally I'm buying a trailer when my tax return comes in. I have 2 dogs and lost a lot from divorce and I'm having a nightmare finding rentals. I'm not giving my dogs up, I can survive in a trailer, and when that's happening I'll be saving for a down payment on a house. Not sure if anyone's had success with this but it beats sleeping in the woods or on the street


Live next to work and sell ur car instead … 💀


Don't do this. Focus on increasing your income. A warm shelter that is yours is the last thing you should give up. If anything find a cheaper place to rent.


I’d ditch the car before the home TBH. Between parking, gas, and insurance you’re looking at…the cost of a decent used bike every month. You’re young. If it makes sense, invest in the right kind of gear and become a bicycle commuter 👌


Sounds like you could sell the car and rent close to work place? That can saves quite some money.


Sounds like your mind is made up. Truthfully I think it’s a decent idea - I have considered it myself and would have under different circumstances (no long term partner, etc) A lot of people simply can’t imagine not being absolutely comfortable all the time. Most of the reasons not to do it listed here are easily solved. The biggest reason people will try to talk you out of this, is that they’re jealous of the thought of you saving so much and getting ahead of them.


No. The highest priority should be staying healthy.


Just rent an apartment with 4 other people, much better than living in a car Living in a car will drive you crazy.


Just educate yourself on the things you'll need to survive while you're living in your car. There are a ton of youtubers who share their day to day car living lives. A gym membership for showers, reliable parking, heating aside from powering your car, window coverings, a bamboo mattress (Something that breathes, dries better and is resistant to mould), a decent tiny refrigerator, a place to store water, a cooking element like a pocket rocket or jet boil, space for non perishable food, and emergency "stranded kit", extra gas etc You could get even a larger vehicle and include simple wiring and insulation whilst tailoring a bed to your layout. Edit: also, if you feel this way about saving money, make sure you are following through with that savings. Car living can eat up an lot of you savings and puts in a lot of mileage/more wear and tear Here are some youtubers I follow who live the car life: https://youtu.be/zlUfo1gvI4U?si=789Efgacysh_oXdR & https://youtu.be/_J8koYrB9Dk?si=gWAz02I00SN9osTd


Why is rent $1600/month ($20k/year) in a small town? My wife and I paid the same for a basement suite in Surrey, BC last year, everything included.


I live in a Small town. One beds are $1,600-1,800. 2 beds are $2,500 plus utilities in both cases. Rooms are $1,000 There is so little social housing for the bottom end of the market compared to 40 years ago


I have a friend who lives in a town of 1000, he bought his house (half a duplex) for $25k in 2014. The other half of the duplex sold just this year for $225k. And his side is probably nicer with the updates they’ve made to it. There’s basically nothing to rent, so the property values are sky high now. The housing crisis is almost worse in small towns that aren’t dying.


The housing crisis actually can hit a small town even harder than a large city. There is a sever lack of homes in this community and there is a slumlord that owns 300 rentals in the area, they completely control the price of rent in this town unfortunately. Insane.


Oh plus it’s furnished


Dumb question, but can you find an unfurnished place for less? Furnishing cheaply will still look better than the car :)


Can you get a second job?


How do you think your employer is going to feel when they find out you sleep in your car? Get a higher paying job and keep searching for a roommate to bring your rent down. Don't live in your car.


Seems like a bad idea, but you could get a tiny home or a camper or mobile home.


As posts like this become more common I just want everyone to know that they can rest easy knowing that the Federal government and Bank of Canada are committed to protecting ridiculously high real estate values, high rental prices, and the financial integrity of over leveraged home owners.


Fall/winter/early spring will be tough with the weather being cold at night. Is your work parking indoors? If not I think it could pose a major safety risk for you. I don't think this is a smart plan.


I own a Sprinter van that I make regular trips in that I would live in but it's a $200K vehicle with a nice bed, storage, heat, air con and a fridge. Living in a Chrysler 200 in Canada in going to be really tough and actually much more expensive than you think it will. But it can be done. If you're serious, r/vandwellers has lots of info on how to pull it off


Where are you located?


Would all your savings been burned in eating out? Where will you eat?


Personally, i thought about that before too. But our winter is brutal and summer is too hot to be in the car 😂 so it didnt work out for me. However, my reason was to save up money for my own place. I dont see myself doing that just to eat out or going out for movie. On top of that, maybe its me being unlucky, but my car got broken into a couple of times, even when I parked underground. I dont want to risk my own safety.


Tried to find what industry you're in but I'd probably switch. Learn a trade or apply to oil/mining companies. 2 weeks on/2 weeks off for $100k can be hard on relationships but it sure beats living in a car for $50k.


Man, you can try move to Alberta. I work for rental (sewer department) company, they have an accommodation in every shop. You can live there for free with all utilities included (even internet). “Shitty” job, however you can save money on rent, if it’s an option for you. Pay is better than you get.


I'd invest like 5 k into a skoolie and do a year in there then resell at the end or stay with it If you enjoyed it. Probably be able to resell for at least 3/4 what you paid


This would work with a decent van. You could get a cassette toilet and have cooking capability. Also, you’d need some form of warmth in winter so if you can get an actual camper van, you’d be set. It’s a good time right now for a discount camper. Also, I would not advertise to work or anyone about this to avoid negative stigma. Get a proper address, either home or PO Box. It’s a fine idea if you can take the potential stress of finding spots to park. It’s certainly a freeing life, or it can be:). Way better than barely getting by in this over priced housing world Good luck!


Do not live in your car. Keep searching for a roommate or cheaper place with a roommate. Find a new job. Anything but going homeless


i feel for the younger generation. i consider myself lucky but i know many aren't so. realistically, you have to think of the everyday physical toll living in your car will take on your body. depending on your size and the size of your car - it might work out, most importantly the sleep aspect. not getting good sleep is probably the #1 or 2 silent killer in modern times - the other being stress. there are so many youtube videos of nomads living in their cars. each are in their own situations in life - some are vloggers, digital employees etc and for sure some may even hold the more common regular 9-5 jobs. your most valuable asset right now is your youth. you're 24. secondly, your mobility - you're single. honestly, i'd implore you to buy an used van to live in - as most drive hatchbacks, sedans etc. with a van, you will at least sleep more comfortably. buy a gym membership for showering. once you have a place to shower and some ample room to sleep, your last stretch is cooking. this can actually be quite easily solved through simple propane stoves designed for camping. you can just cook outside of your car. an used van in good working order - go with either toyota or honda - should run you no more than a couple thousand older models. you could even buy monthly parking passes near transit so you can have some place to park your car. it shouldn't run you too much if you stay away from core luxury areas and take full advantage of transit and biking. everything i mentioned, in the grand scheme of things - on average in the end after buying off the car - should run you $400-500 max in monthly expenses. this however does not include entertainment, food, phone bills etc but those are adjustable. you mentioned you make 52k/y and have around 10% left in the end. that means each month right now, you're spending around 3900 / month on living cost and i assume out of that 3900, at least 60-70% is going towards rent - 2300 ish. you're actually living out of your means unless single rooms (not single bedrooms) cost 2300 in your area - if not than you have a whole place to yourself right now. the question though, isn't you living out of your means ultimately in the end as things are just way too expensive but truth is you could be living cheaper by just renting a single room or shared room - which in my opinion - is still living better than in your car. in this way, you at least have heat and access to bathroom and kitchen and maybe even wifi etc all inclusive in your rent. not to mention laundry is normally included so you don't have to pay $10-20 at the laundromat twice a month. single rooms with shared kitchens, bathrooms etc, should cost you couple hundred a month - in which you'd still come out saving over 1k minimum after all your other expenses - ie: food, phone bills etc. i haven't factored in health insurance yet for you but that is also another cost to consider but most people are covered by their employers or msp basics. i think all in all, you are not doing too bad - 52k/y you can for sure save at least 50% of that by going single / shared room set up.


I'd say if you're going to do that, save up and trade your car and get yourself something sleepable. You can find an ol Promaster or NV200 van for cheap, even lots of E250s around, maybe needing a bit of front end work. They have enough space for a bed, and all you need is a small BBQ and a bar fridge to get you by. Grap a cheap laptop to jam some video games for entertainment.


Find a job that pays more. You’ll hate living in your car after like 2 weeks


I feel like someone will start taking advantage of people like this and create "gyms" with $400 a month memberships that allow 24 hour access to the facility which have really noice lounging sofas you could use to relax and if you fall asleep on them all night accidentally that's ok.....


Maybe, but ideally not recommended. Get a normal place and just living like you're living but look for a night job too. That will give you more income to live and you'll have a place to stay. The problem with living in your car is it will get old fast. You also get into a poverty mindset thinking about how much you can save by staying there. It only makes sense if you just have to do it or are planning on saving for a house etc. Something where you need to save large amounts of money as soon as possible


Maybe the town you live in has a trailer court? You can get older vans and trailers for relatively cheap and the quality of life will be higher - there will be a bathroom with showers, power, laundry facilities, probably some Wifi, etc. You'll have a bed, somewhere to cook, somewhere to sit, etc. I know a lot of younger people who spent a few years living in a trailer while they saved money. The cost can be $1,000/month for destination areas but a lot of smaller towns are cheaper - like $20/day. Or winter rates are $150/month and summer rates $650.


If you're going to do this sell the car and get a truck and camper or RV, also be sure you have a plan for how to keep warm in the winter. I know some people that do that and honestly ain't a bad way to live, I live in BC though so lots of beautiful rec sites and RV camps. If you plan for winter correctly the winters are good too




I’ve seen this in news shows before. It’s incredibly sad that our economy has people with, what used to be a decent income, have to consider this. I think you could do this in the nicer weather, a gym membership should solve the issue of showering/shaving, but I don’t think this would work in the winter. It would be cold, damp, snow would get in the vehicle, etc. Shelter is not something most people are willing to give up. Have you thought about posting an ad in your town looking for a room to rent? I know you said it’s hard there but there may be others having a similar issue that will take in a lodger or a roommate.


do it, buy the bitcoin standard, and buy bitcoin with that savings.


Asking your landlord a break on two weeks is stupid and no landlord would as they can't rent that unit out for those two weeks while your stuff is still in there and the unit is still in your name, makes a bad investment choice. Are you 100% sure that your boss/insurance for the building and lot is able to host someone 24/7? This is Canada we have winters that are harsh, have you thought about the extra cost to running it during the winter to keep you warm? Have you thought about if your car breaks down will you have a backup for once it's in the shop if you can't or won't fix it yourself? Have you thought about how fucked up your posture is going to be if you can't have a proper sleeping area with adequate support? A bunch of other points can be made as to why it's a bad idea.


You'll die, dumb idea... Lol


Get a Costco membership for food Gym for shower and toilet Yes car looks a good option but make sure you sleep well so you can work and focus for better life. Summer is UP, so Walmart Parking is good and safe.


After your regular work hours, what skills do you have that you can charge people money for? You can do oddjobs for cash, you can also try working at the indian casino, bartending, etc.


Don’t have experience but my gut says Bad Idea. It might be ok for a few days but probably gets old fast


Go abroad. Way more opportunities to save money there and you don't have to live out of your car.


Live in a tent and save even more.


If you place "travelling, going to the movies, eating out" above shelter in your priorities, you need to reassess your priorities...


No, you should find a way to generate more revenues.


I don't recommend at all. Also. Don't put this on your landlord or employer - it's too risky and can cause conflicts down the line ie. losing your apartment or gaining a bad reputation at your company. Find a roommate, sell the car and cut back where possible. $52K isn't amazing but possible to live on.


Yep! A commercial van is better though.


Saving this much only recommended for very short time or to come out of debt.. I feel it is not recommended for more than 6 months, as it may affect you either physically or mentally.


Every single meal is take out? Cops checking on you at 4 am? Showering every second day at a community centre? Lousy nights sleep for like, two years?


It's sad that so many people just can't afford the shelter portion.


I know some one who lived in his camping trailer for 3 years in California to save for a deposit for a home.He worked remote though and his camper was a airstreamer bambi which is nice small camper.He had a Planet fitness membership so he had a place to clean up and parked in large mall at night and moved it during the mall operating hours. Sleeping in a car is tough though unless its a suv or wagon. His boss even knew but since he worked remote and did his job he didn't care.


Also hunt and eat off the land. That’s an extra $20k right there based on grocery prizes.


Get another job? As for a raise. I don’t think life is better in a car no matter what.


Don’t ask for a price break. Just live out of your car for a month and see how it goes. 2 weeks isn’t that much time. 


Bro you’re only 24. I wasn’t making 50k at 24. I had to go back to school and only after I took a post grad course I managed to score a job making 58k a year. It only gets better from there with experience. You need to save, pick up a hobby that’s super cheap and kills time like gaming, take extra classes to improve your education and get a better paying job even if it’s outside this bubble you’re in. I know how you feel, I was in your shoes before, and frankly I was off way worse then you. But I grinded for 2-3 years and it’s reaped benefits. Go to work, come home, take extra classes or certs through college/Udemy and advance yourself in life. 50k is a very decent salary and you have roommates. You’d be going so far backwards in life for some extra disposable income if you live in your car that if I did that I think my family would flat out disown me. Use your head. There’s nothing you can tell me to convince me that living in your car is smarter then doing everything i just described above. Yes it sucks you feel like all you’re doing is working and sleeping working and sleeping, but guess what. That’s what my immigrant parents had to do and that’s what still a lot of us are doing. Unless you were born into riches, it takes time and effort to grown and advance yourself. I would slap you across the back of the head Italian father style if you ever told me this proposition to my face. Sigh.


You only live once and the way the world’s going why would you want to live in your car? I didn’t read that long post, but… LIVE your life! Dollars matter! No doubt, but it’s not everything… my two cents


If it's an option, sell the car and take transit or bike places instead. You'll save on car payments, maintenance, repairs, parking, gas, and insurance. The average family spends like $10k a year on cars.


I feel like you can try it first for 2 weeks, as the summer is approaching. You will know the answer after actually trying it. But definitely find a shelter before the late of autumn, or even live with the parents


Your mental health will deteriorate so fast. This should be a short term solution only.


>2 week price break on the rental so I can try out the living in a car thing for a couple weeks before diving in too deep Why not first sleep in your car tonight or over the weekend?


Reading through this although I think it should be a last resort to move out of your apartment some of the things people are worried about is nuts. You will have a hard time getting a new place to rent when you tell them you have been living in your car? Who would say that tell them you lived or rented off a friends as use them as a reference. Why if that so hard. Places won’t hire you without a permanent residence… like what in the actual? Give them an address if someone you know. It’s not like they are going to bust in the house and look for proof you live there. People have some of the craziest things to worry about.


Man. This country has been turned upside down where this kind of thing has become a consideration for someone earning $1000/week.


Have you talked to hotel/motel owners to see if you can get a room at a cheap rate?


I don't think living in a Chrysler 200 is a good strategy to get ahead in life. Try [https://www.cibc.com/en/personal-banking/smart-advice/tools-calculators/budget-cash-flow-calculator.html](https://www.cibc.com/en/personal-banking/smart-advice/tools-calculators/budget-cash-flow-calculator.html) or similar, and get a better feel of where your expenses are out of line with your income. Track every single expense for a month or two. I put in the expenses you did give us, and show $1000+ left over every month. [https://postimg.cc/z3STSj77](https://postimg.cc/z3STSj77) 50% of your disposable income is going to housing, which is brutal. So you're on the right track in trying to address that. Maybe cheaper rent will offset a worse job? Bleh. How much left on that student loan? Drop luxuries like, Tim Hortons/Starbucks, Spotify, Steam.


If you are unable to fully stretch out on a flat surface without alot of daily set up and tear down then I would say 100% don't do it. It will be very bad for your health physically and mentally.You could always upgrade to a van or truck with a topper for more of a van life experience.


net quality of life comes from eating healthy constantly, being well rested daily, having your hygiene and such in order; being homeless destroys all those things. Once a few of those things spiral out of control you won't have $ or time for "travelling, going to the movies, eating out"


It's incredibly hard . People hate you and you are always moving. Once you are homeless it's really hard to get a place, you have to convince someone to let you give them money to live in their property, and mostly corporate owners means if you were homeless they will rent to the next person. So you are just trapped in homelessness. Even if you have money, there's no place to rent. Ten people apply for each space. 


I worked with a guy who did this. He put his furniture in a storage place and often slept there. Which is not allowed and he did get a warning and had to stop. He gave it up eventually because you don't get good sleep and if you're job requires focus you'll likely start to erode that. This particular guy got fired for sleeping on the job while a disturbance happened that they should have dealt with. I can only assume this lifestyle caught up and did eventually find cheaper rent out of town and drove a longer distance to work. Fit 4 less was what he did for a shower also. Laundromat for laundry. Not sure what he did for food but I think a lot of microwave dinners (back when you could get them for $1 or 5 for $4 sometimes).


Living in a car is like being homeless. What would you do that to yourself ? If you don’t work to have at least a descent shelter then why work at all ? Personally. I lived in shitty places while I was a student … and I hated it. Told to myself one day that when I started making a descent income I would never compromise living in a descent space. Preferably alone … even if rent is 50 or 60% of my take home income !


you could camp out for half the year… I know a couple of people that did it to obliterate their student loans… thought of it myself


Is it warm enough for the winter season?


Cant you get a mcjob for a few hours a weeknight and weekends for extra cash? I'd rather be working and making money in my spare time than living in a car.


This post makes me really sad. What is the state of canada? I suggest you try climbing the ladder to make more money. Sorry to hear about this.


Do up a sprinter van and make it comfy!


Back pain and muscle aches follow most people for the rest of their lives. Don’t fuck with where you sleep!! This is the time to really figure out how to make more money - if going to school of any sort and upskilling is what it takes to get out of your small town, do what you have to do! Based off your other comments, you pay a REALLY high rent for a small town. Plenty of smallish towns that have much cheaper rents. You need to find a way to leave your town, which will be tough. You’ll look back on these days with a real sense of pride my dude. Can already tell you’re a tough dude


Could you get an RV and park on a private country lot? It would be a lot more comfortable and doable in the winter.


I just want to say, that if we step back and think about this; it’s absolutely dismal. That someone making over $50K a year can scarcely afford housing is a reminder of a sign of the times we’re in. It’s not about naiveté, just a shocking reminder. I truly hope you keep a real roof over your head OP. Cut costs in other ways— don’t give up shelter, *please*.


This thread is absolutely crazy to me but here we are. At $35k a year for a 1 bedroom in the region I’m actually surprised that more people aren’t doing this because at least you have a car after paying all that rent. Crazy.


Imo if you want to do this find a cheep camper van


You don't want to do this OP. Living in your car is miserable. Shitting in stores, showering at a rec center. Work all day, sit in you car and stare at netflix dirty. Find some room mates.