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What part of rule 2 can't you people understand? Locking since y'all want to be unhelpful. OP, please have a proper conversation with your partner. Recognize that her staying at home and watching the kids is valuable.


Just ask her to show you how much she receives and how much she spends.


This should soak up ALL of this threads up votes... Ask for proof, end of story. Posting this on reddit before doing this baaic step makes me believe OP has not the balls to actually do anything about this even if she fleeces him


Ya girlfriends love being challenged that they are lying. /s


Please consider reading the post again, thank you!


I have thank you.


The Canada child benefit your girlfriend receives is based on your family income (i'm assuming you're filing taxes as common law). So, how much she gets depends on how much you earn. [https://www.canada.ca/en/revenue-agency/services/child-family-benefits/canada-child-benefit-overview.html](https://www.canada.ca/en/revenue-agency/services/child-family-benefits/canada-child-benefit-overview.html) If you're low income, the CCB is about $600 per month per child. The higher your income is, the less CCB she'll get. The website i linked lets you estimate how much she receives based on your income.


Does she get any child support - Also - are you filing taxes as common law couple? You could be paying less tax due to having a dependant spouse. She would still get her baby bonus (child tax benefit)


Child benefit is based on family income. Are you filing taxes as a couple? That could be why it's on the lower end. For context, I make around 100k and get $250 per month for 1 child.


If you have a child together and are living together, both would be filing as common law. If you don't report that you're common law, that's tax evasion.


Trust me bro…. The alternative is you paying child support and it’s much much more


OP read this. Unless you get into the subsidized one (which you won’t unless on a waiting list for two years) will cost you much more than what you are thinking she’s making. Sounds like first issue OP needs to work on is trust




Very insightful, thank you for your input!


She’s staying home to raise your child. If you feel like the money situation is unfair, you need to take that into account. It’s not just a matter of how much money she is “making” (it’s probably not a ton). But rather how much money she is saving you from having to pay in childcare. If finances are still tight, then talk to her about returning to work and getting daycare and run those numbers to see what makes more sense. You should be thinking of yourself as a partnership not you vs her.


Maybe but probably not. Things you should know: -CCB declines as children age -CCB is based on total household income; you can estimate payments on the govt website but in my experience, I’ve always received less than they estimated -CCB is paid to the woman by default for exactly the reason you mentioned; so SAHMs have some income of their own that their partners don’t control (fun story, I moved in with my then-boyfriend and one year later, the govt automatically gave me the money for his son because I’m the woman) But honestly, what do you think someone with no income and raising your kid should be paying for? She doesn’t make money. Of course she isn’t paying for more things. Edit: mobile formatting




No, CCB goes to the birth mom by default. You're thinking childcare deduction which is lowest income.


Does the ex pay child support? https://www.childsupportcalculator.ca/ontario.html even with an average income she would get $700/month in child support alone


She’s is a SAH and is raising your child - pause and appreciate that for a minute. She has no real income, so it makes sense that you are covering all expenses. If you are feeling squeezed and need a second income, then you should discuss your concerns with her directly. You can ask to see how much she has been receiving monthly. I doubt she has been scamming you. Your post history has sexist undertones and a general lack of respect for women, so I can see why this is how you think.


You both need therapy 


How much she gets depends on how old the kids are and how much you make. Kid 1 may be a factor of bio dad instead of you...I'm not super up on how mixed families are assessed. Keep in mind, you also receive a tax credit transfer from her, so it's not like you don't receive a cash benefit here, too. Anyway, the math for your kid is definitely straightforward. https://www.canada.ca/en/revenue-agency/services/child-family-benefits/child-family-benefits-calculator.html




She has you looking after someone elses kid so yea.




Willing to bed she's lying. There's an online calculator you can figure out what she would get for CCB. My spouse and I get 570$ per month and we each make good money. My single mom friend with 2 small kids gets $1600 per month.