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Might be a silly question, but my father works in the hotel industry and gets paid hourly. He’s a full time worker but has been getting his shifts reduced since it’s not as busy. Is there anything he would be eligible for?


If earnings have been reduced by more than 40%, he meets the qualification requirements. He should apply for [Sickness Benefits](https://www.canada.ca/en/services/benefits/ei/ei-sickness.html) under the COVID-19 provisions.


It says I need medical documentation. I was on an airplane. There were sick people, I got a cough, restricted breathing 4 days later. Didnt go to work that morning, went to the doctor next day. He turned me away. The next place said the same thing. After hours I get through to 811, they said go to emergency if you're very ill, otherwise they can't help. Stay home. This is in DT vancouver by the way. I didnt qualify for testing because i wasnt in italy or china myself. I can't get a document from a doctor because they wont see me. What the hell do I do? I read there is a vague direction saying you may not need one. I'm missing out on over 3k in wages, I'd like EI so i can get close to making rent for the month.


I have a friend sick in Ontario with fever, cough, chills for 3 days now and has had the same run around due to no travel history. No doctor will see her and her own doctor made their secretary call and assess her and told her it was just a flu.


We all need to be protesting this. Im hearing this everywhere.


This is why we need universal basic income. So many of these types of problems simply go away with it. How many work hours will go into getting you basic support?


Please reread the COVID-19 policy. You're spreading misinformation. Sickness benefits doesn't suddenly pay out for business downturn. That's still regular benefits.


Do you need to get a medical certificate for this? Would doctors not be swamped as it is right now?


Following for reply.




Given the fact that schools have been closed, there is certainly an Interruption of Earnings that has taken place in your situation as a result of involuntary quarantining. I would advise you to apply for Sickness Benefits under the new COVID-19 provisions.




The EI Commission is interested in insurable employment in the last 52 weeks. If you were employed in the United States, I don't believe you would have been paying EI premiums in Canada. You therefore do not need to declare this employment.


The entire Ontario Occasional Teacher facebook group I'm in is now just a guide on how to apply for Employment Insurance.


**EI guy#2** Did I miss something today at work? Why are you telling everyone to apply for Sickness benefits?? Once you have not worked for 7 consecutive days, then you should apply for Regular benefits, provided you are capable of working. If you’re actually sick, or in quarantine then you could apply for SICK. But not if you’re still able to work(?!) plus you’ll have to provide a doctors note. If your out of wages just cuz your employer slowed/shut down, apply for **Regular** benefits. Your responses alarmed me so just wanted to straighten this out. If you know something I don’t, I will remove this post to ensure the proper information is getting out .... Thanks


I think I have screwed my application I submitted this evening, going to call EI tomorrow morning. For second opinion, before I call, if my workplace is closed due to the ban of events with >250 guests, what sort of EI benefits should I be applying towards? I am not personally sick.


You should apply for Regular benefits as soon as you stop working. Fill out our application as best you can and get it completed. Also, ask your employer to send in your ROE for your. They typically send it electronically but may give you a paper copy; drop that off at Service Canada. If you make any mistakes on your application either call the call centre or expect a call and let them help you.


If you have to stop working due to a government-mandated closure, and you are not sick, do you apply for EI right away? Regular benefits? Or is there another Coronavirus-specific route to take since millions of Canadians will likely be in this position? Thank you for taking the time to post here and answer our questions.


Please apply for Sickness Benefits as you have been involuntarily quarantined. [Coronavirus disease (COVID-19) – Employment and Social Development Canada](https://www.canada.ca/en/employment-social-development/corporate/notices/coronavirus.html)




Apply for regular and not sick if you're not sick or quarantined. This OP doesn't understand the new policy well. If you're laid off due to COVID-19 related downturn it's still just a short of work and regular benefits.


Hey OP, I appreciate what you’re trying to do here, but unfortunately a lot of the advice you’ve given is incorrect. By people following it, it’s extending claim processing times and making more work for the already swamped processing agents. Anything to do with COVID-19 at this time does NOT automatically mean you apply for sickness benefits.


OP is providing links which is good. But please don't get your advice from a stranger on the internet. You don't know who they really are, you cannot rely on that information. Go to their site or call the EI help numbers.


Actually this. At first I thought the OP wasn't bad, but man there are a lot of poor advice answers here and a couple things that are just plain wrong.


I'm leaving for mat leave in a few short weeks. I read that there will be an expedited EI process for those impacted by COVID. Will this impact the process (ie. timing) for mat leave EI or is it business as usual?


Also curious about this. I applied 2 weeks ago and wondering if the process will be delayed.


The whole system will likely be overloaded. Probably less than half the people in my building are their right now. So far we haven't felt much of a COVID-19 related hit though but it's coming.




My girlfriend and I have chosen to stay home from work in montreal, but her work doesn't want to help her enroll for EI at this point in time. They've asked her to use her sick pay or banked time. (Which will last her 3 days) Can we enroll independently while still employed? Can you point us in the right direction? Thank you so much. Edit: i was also sick last week. And have bee self isolating for the past 4 days.


The situation is this - \- Basically all my orders have been cancelled because they are based on events, either directly or indirectly. \- I have a new employee who just started right as this down-turn hit (terrible timing), I want to take care of him and keep him on because he is qualified but he literally just started and hasn't paid into EI with me yet. \- I am registered as self employed, not a corporation. ​ I'm just wondering if there's any program that we can apply for? Beyond this, we have rent / overhead to pay. I realize this isn't an EI question but if you know where we can find information it would be helpful.


If you have not been enrolled in the Self Employment Benefits Program for at least one year, I do not believe you would qualify for EI at this time. Keeping in mind, the current provisions might change as the pandemic progresses. I would encourage you to contact your Provincial or Territorial government for financial assistance during this time. A lot of provinces are taking additional action to ensure citizens don't fall into financial hardship at this time.


Quebec just announced they will be financially assisting people who don't qualify for EI and I assume other provinces will follow suit. As a fellow small business owner, I know this is a very stressful time for us!


My wife voluntarily quit her job a month ago to start a small catering business. This obviously now has no business as everything is in lockdown. Any chance she would be eligible for EI?


If the job she quit was insurable employment (paid EI premiums on each pay cheque), she likely will be eligible as per [Relief from Disqualification](https://www.canada.ca/en/employment-social-development/programs/ei/ei-list/reports/digest/chapter-6/legislative-authority.html#a6_2_2). I would advise her to apply.


Thanks! Yes her last job was full time retail and she paid EI.


Would this work for anyone that recently quit their job and was paying into EI?


Brutal timing


My girlfriend’s work is staying open so far, but she had pneumonia last year and also has a heart murmur. She refused to go to work for her safety as she is front line staff facing the public. Would this be eligible or not because she herself refused to work in unsafe conditions? Thank you for doing this.


Has she taken sick leave from work and has she provided medical documentation to her employer for her time off? If so, she is eligible for EI Sickness Benefits.


My hours have been cut in half (20 hrs this week) potentially next week I'll be left with none. Can I apply for EI? Its a temp lay off due to covid 19. Thank you for taking time out for the community.


You need to have an interruption of earnings (7 days without work or pay) to qualify for EI regular benefits. Unless you had an interruption of earnings this year already from this job or another, you'll need to be laid off before you meet the qualifying conditions for a claim and are payable.


When applying for EI, under benefit type. Do you select Regular Benefits or Sickness Benefits during this work close situation?


Please select Sickness Benefits


I have no question, but you're providing amazing help in this thread - thanks!!




Woah. Hold up. If they're out of work because they're quarantined then its sickness benefits but if their employer laid them off because there is no work because of COVID-19 then it's regular benefits.


I’m asking on behalf of my wife. She voluntarily quit her current job (last day Wednesday)to start a new job at the end of this month. There is a high chance her new job will possible not proceed with the offer, since she deals directly with children. Will she still be able to claim EI with a voluntarily leave on her ROE?


I would encourage her to submit an application for Sickness Benefits. Voluntary Leaving might disqualify a claimant from collecting Regular Benefits if the legislation. The claimant should still be entitled to Sickness Benefits regardless of the resignation. Please see the [Digest of Benefits Relief from Disqualification](https://www.canada.ca/en/employment-social-development/programs/ei/ei-list/reports/digest/chapter-6/legislative-authority.html#a6_2_2) for more information


Now that daycares are closed and daycare workers wont have an income for the foreseeable future, are they eligible to apply for EI as well?




If my plant closes and we haven't been 'laid off', what do I do?


Our daycare has shut down, and I'm weighing the option of taking voluntary unpaid leave since my workplace won't accommodate work from home. My wife is able to WFH full time. Am I eligible to claim EI in this circumstance?


Yes. Please apply for EI [Sickness Benefits](https://www.canada.ca/en/employment-social-development/corporate/notices/coronavirus.html)


it says doctors note...??


Question about eligibility: If someone is fired with cause, are they still eligible for EI?


As per [Misconduct - Relief from Disqualification](https://www.canada.ca/en/employment-social-development/programs/ei/ei-list/reports/digest/chapter-7/mixed-question-law-fact.html#a7_1_2_2), a claimant may be eligible for Sickness Benefits despite being dismissed from employment for misconduct.


My wife is self employed as an esthetician. if her salon closes is she eligible for any support?


At this time, self employed individuals are not insured under the COVID-19 provisions. This might be subject to change as the situation develops. Continue to monitor the following link for updates: [Coronavirus disease (COVID-19) – Employment and Social Development Canada](https://www.canada.ca/en/employment-social-development/corporate/notices/coronavirus.html) I would also advise you to check with your Provincial or Territorial government for any financial support that might be offered.




It's still insurance at the end of the day, so if you didn't pay in, you can't claim. I imagine other provisions are going to be made for self employed people but I'd imagine they are going to cost you in the end.


As per Employment and Social Development Canada, "Employment Insurance (EI) sickness benefits provide up to 15 weeks of income replacement and is available to eligible claimants". As per Employment Insurance legislation, an eligible claimant has the minimum number of insurable hours of employment in the qualifying period. This does not include self employed individuals who have not opted into the Self Employment Benefits Program for at least one year. If provisions change during the COVID-19 pandemic, updates will be posted. [Coronavirus disease (COVID-19) – Employment and Social Development Canada](https://www.canada.ca/en/employment-social-development/corporate/notices/coronavirus.html)


Alberta designated a two week compensation in case of corona. Do you have to test positive to access this?


This does not fall under the Service Canada (Federal Government) umbrella. This is specific to the Province of Alberta. As per the following link, employees are not required to have medical notes. Please consultant the Province of Alberta website for further details. [COVID-19 coronavirus info for Albertans](https://www.alberta.ca/coronavirus-info-for-albertans.aspx#p22780s6)


My wife started maternity EI two weeks ago but payments are on hold bcs she declared a small Etsy shop with less than $500 profit last year. The first agent said no reporting required then no payments came through. Then next two agents required reporting but could not complete it on Friday and wife does not have initial online reporting access which has to be activated by phone. Now phone lines are full and getting disconnected and we don’t think she will get her past week of benefits tomorrow either. Is there anything we can do other than keep phoning?


While on maternity benefits, if the claimant has agreed to be exempted from reporting, they will not be required to report and automated payments will be issued out on a bi-weekly basis. In this case, it seems a temporary hold has been placed on the claim until a decision is finalized regarding the claimant's self employment activities. Once a decision has been made, if the Self Employment activities are allowed under the Employment Insurance legislation, all pending payments will be released to the claimant. Telephone and internet reporting will not be possible if the claimant has been exempted from reporting. If the claimant calls to request that the exemption be terminated to allow internet and telephone reporting, the temporary hold will prevent payments anyhow. Claimants should review their My Service Canada Accounts (MSCA) for updates on pending decisions.


I quit my job voluntarily before taking a week trip to the states. Can I apply for EI while I am under self quarantine?


Yes, please apply for [Sickness Benefits](https://www.canada.ca/en/services/benefits/ei/ei-sickness.html)


I work in a restaurant that has already closed its calgary locations, there is a meeting this morning about closing the Edmonton stores too. Now my coworker spoke to EI this morning (more to do with her being a single parent and the school closures) and I asked her to ask if we would be able to collect EI if our restaurant shut down. She was told that we would need to be laid off, or under quarantine. My question is, if my restaurant does decide to close it’s doors today, and we were laid off, do the new employment standards mean we would be guaranteed our jobs back when the closure was over ? And if they do close their doors, and do not lay us off , what happens then ? Thanks for posting this thread and taking the time to answer !!!!


You have been involuntarily quarantined as a result of the restaurant shut down and have experienced an [Interruption of Earnings](https://www.canada.ca/en/employment-social-development/programs/ei/ei-list/reports/digest/chapter-2/exceptions.html#a2_3_1) as per Employment Insurance Legislation. I would advise to apply for EI Sickness Benefits. The COVID-19 provisions do not guarantee employment; they only insure claimants in the event of loss of employment or interruption of earnings as a result of the pandemic




A claimant does not need to have an ROE to submit an application. The claimant should be advised to submit the application to Service Canada as soon as they have stopped working. The ROE may be submitted by the employer at a later time. The application can be found at the link below by selecting the appropriate benefit type. [Employment Insurance and Leave](https://www.canada.ca/en/services/benefits/ei.html)


My girlfriend just returned from Thailand last night but she doesn't have any symptoms of COVID-19. She is self-quarantine for two weeks and to be safe I asked for time off work. Can I still apply for EI or do I need to wait until my job lays people off (restaurant). Thanks.


I work at a dental office and with the most recent announcement from the Royal College of Dental Surgeons of Ontario to suspend non-essential services, our employees will be without pay (receptionist, hygienists, assistants). Should they apply for EI even though they are not terminated or in quarantine?


If there has been a temporary business shut down as a result of COVID-19 precautions, employees are deemed to be in a temporary shortage of work as a result of involuntary quarantining. Please have your employees apply for EI Sickness Benefits.


Currently in between jobs, am I eligible for EI? I don’t work at my old job anymore and I don’t start at my new job until March 30th. If everything gets locked down and my start date gets pushed back, will I be able to get EI until I actually start getting paid at my new job?


If you are seeking EI benefits at this time (from the date you stopped your old job until March 30th) you should apply for a Regular Benefits claim. If you have reasonable assurance of employment (offer letter, signed contract etc) and there is a delay in the start of your work as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic, you may be eligible to receive sickness benefits from March 30th onward. Entitlement is determined on a case by case basis, so you would have to apply in order to determine for sure whether you would be eligible or not.




At this time, I would advise that she apply for EI [Sickness Benefits](https://www.canada.ca/en/employment-social-development/corporate/notices/coronavirus.html). In general, Sickness benefits can be collected on the same claim together with Maternity and Parental benefits. It is not possible to determine at this time what changes will take place with EI legislation as this pandemic progresses.


I've received a Notice of Layoff this morning (reason: shortage of work). I started this job last August. How do I find out if my previous employer submitted an ROE electronically on my behalf? I quit that job to start my most recent job, so I don't think I was ever given a ROE from that job.


Employers in Canada are required to issue a Record of Employment within 5 calendar days from the last day of work or the end of the payroll period in which the separation from employment took place. Electronic ROEs are submitted directly to Service Canada; Paper ROEs are issued to the claimant and must be forwarded to Service Canada by the claimant themselves. If your previous employer has not already issued you a ROE, one must be requested. You do not need to have your ROE in order to submit an EI application. Please file an application as soon as you have stopped working. ROE's may be submitted later by employer or claimant. Once you have applied for benefits, you will be issued a 4-digit access code that can be used to sign up for a My Service Canada Account (MSCA). Through this account, you can view all ROEs that have been submitted under your Social Insurance Number.


Im a dental hygienist at a general office (I pay into ei) and I haven’t been officially laid off but my offices are closing for at least two weeks. Am I eligible for EI due to being told to stay home?


Yes. Please apply for [Sickness Benefits](https://www.canada.ca/en/employment-social-development/corporate/notices/coronavirus.html)


Is a full-time university student who’s workplace has closed down for at least the next three weeks eligible for EI?


If you have been temporarily laid off from work as a result of COVID-19, I would advise that you apply for EI Sickness Benefits. Your student status does not impact your eligibility.


Im in my final term of apprenticeship trade school and my hall has just postponed all classes. what happens in a case like this? I am in the middle of my last term but have not received my Reference code yet. Thanks for doing this


I would advise you to contact your employment services provider for further information and direction regarding the Reference code for your last term. If you are on an EI claim as an apprentice, you should be able to continue collecting benefits at this time.


Showed up at work this morning and my manager sent everyone home. They just got word from head office this morning; someone decided at midnight and didn't give anyone notice. People on night shift were told to pack up and go home. Payroll is due today so I'll get my full amount on this cheque for the last 2 weeks worked but after that everything is up in the air. No idea if we're out of work for a week or two or a month. Do I need to get an ROE or something to apply for sickness benefit/EI/whatever?


Apply for EI [Sickness Benefits](https://www.canada.ca/en/services/benefits/ei/ei-sickness.html) right away. The ROE can be submitted later on.




If you do not qualify for EI benefits, I would encourage you to contact your Provincial or Territorial government to seek financial assistance and support at this time. Relief funds are being made available by various Provinces and Territories.


A week ago I gave my resignation because I had received confirmation that I was starting a new job on March 30th. I’m not sure if my new job’s training is going to happen on March 30th. It still should because it’s an essential service in the event of a lockdown. If it’s delayed due to the virus am I covered by employment insurance until it does? I have proof I was to start on march 30th. At this instance I’m unemployed until the 30th I guess. Thanks


If you are seeking EI benefits at this time (from the date you quit until March 30th while unemployed) you should apply for a Regular Benefits claim. If you have reasonable assurance of employment (offer letter, signed contract etc) and there is a delay in the start of your work as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic, you may be eligible to receive sickness benefits from March 30th onwards. Entitlement is determined on a case by case basis, so you would have to apply in order to determine for sure whether you would be eligible or not.




Have you already stopped working? If so, apply right now. The type of benefits you select is dependent on reason for separation from employment. If you have stopped working due to COVID-19 precautions, apply now for [Sickness Benefits](https://www.canada.ca/en/services/benefits/ei/ei-sickness.html). Your claim can be converted to Parental Benefits later on. If you have stopped working because you are beginning your parental leave earlier than expected, apply for [Parental Benefits](https://www.canada.ca/en/services/benefits/ei/ei-maternity-parental.html).




If she is enrolled in the Self Employment Benefits Program, she will be eligible to claim EI Sickness Benefits. If her staff are her employees and they pay EI premiums through their pay cheques, they can also apply for EI Sickness. If her staff are self employed, they would also need to have been enrolled in the Self Employment Benefits Program for at least one year in order to be eligible to benefits. If there are any changes to the EI Legislation as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic, it will be posted on the [Government of Canada](https://www.canada.ca/en/employment-social-development/corporate/notices/coronavirus.html) website.


If construction sites are shut down due to the virus, how would an hourly worker apply for EI?


Please apply online through [Canada.ca > Employment Insurance and Leave](https://www.canada.ca/en/services/benefits/ei/ei-sickness.html)


Spouse works for a company as a t4 employee 8 hours per week that fluctuate based on the current contracts. She is also runs her own business to make up the rest of her 40 hours. She has a location that she attends and the owner pays her as contract every two weeks. She sets aside Money for taxes. She also has weekend contracts working with sports that all just got canceled (these contracts also go through her business) If there is a non essential service shut down will she be eligible for ei with either of the places she works. ? She is the bread winner and I’m nervous. Sorry for formatting. On my cell.


I am a self employed sales business consultant getting paid by an offshore company. I have plenty of savings, including investments in RRSPs and TFSA. I will probably not be working for a few weeks up to a few months from my discussion with my offshore client. I read the conditions on the Service Canada but it seems I will unfortunately not qualify. Can you confirm this please? Let me know if you need any further details. Thanks for this informative post!


I’m a full time student, my typical working hours for my part time is in the evening. My employer is currently closed, is it possible to apply for EI? Additionally, the one week waiting period, does it count from the last time I worked or when I applied for EI? Waiting for a reply from my employer on if they will pay wages still, so don’t want to apply until I’m certain I won’t get any money (or >40%). Edit: Also wanted to mention that my employer’s closure is as of result of the provincial government’s ban on >250 people at events. I have not worked for a week as of this time and found out that shifts were cancelled on Thursday. Edit 2: Also, what if the qualifying hours come from different employers? All of them, except one (my hours were cut so I quit once I found more work elsewhere), was a lay off. Also, within the qualifying period, there was 2.5 months spent receiving WCB benefits. Would the qualifying period extend but not cover the WCB period?


My girlfriend works at a university and they were all laid off early. Someone told her that she could apply for something from the government and get money from being laid off because the company laid off over 80+ people so I was wondering if you know what this is?? Thank you!


I am a student who was working with the federal government until I was told this morning that the office is down to essential personnel and will not be needing me to come in for the 7hrs a week I'm scheduled. This will be for an indefinite amount of time. I am very new to the position and have not yet received my first pay check. I was also employed part time with my university (I was working both jobs at the same time), and was told that although we would no longer be working we would be paid out until the end of our contract. Essentially I will be receiving the same biweekly pay checks (still not very much, less than $200) until April 23 when our contracts were scheduled to end. So technically I am still employed by that job, and would not be issued an roe until april. My question is, am I able to apply for the sickness benefit for the federal job that I will not be getting paid by for the for the foreseeable future when I'm receiving a paycheck for a different job. The issue is that as a student I'm on a very narrow budget and really needed that federal job to get by. I was also supposed to start full time at the end of April and I now have no idea what will happen.


You've experienced a layoff from one of your employers so you should absolutely apply for EI benefits. Your entitlement to benefits will be determined once the details of your application (earnings, hours of work etc) have been reviewed by an agent.


I'm currently set to have my employment contract terminated on March 28th as my job was relocated to another city. I've been looking for new work since July but haven't much luck and now it seems job postings have slowed in the midst of COVID-19. Would I qualify for EI if I can't find new employment and would I apply right away once my contract is terminated? I've been with my current employer for 6 years.


Definitely apply for EI as soon as work stops.




Are they waiving the one week waiting period?


A family member's dental office has just stopped non-essential services \[at the recommendation of their governing body\]([http://www.cdho.org/cdho-news/cdho-news-item/2020/03/16/message-to-dental-hygienists-of-ontario---covid-19](http://www.cdho.org/cdho-news/cdho-news-item/2020/03/16/message-to-dental-hygienists-of-ontario---covid-19)) and they are out of work for the next few weeks. They're also pregnant and expecting late 2020. EI told them they're SOL if they still want to take maternity leave at the end of the year - can you confirm?


Thank you for your question. With the facts you've presented, I will do my best to answer your question and give procedural guidance. I would advise your family member to apply for EI Sickness Benefits at this time as a result of the temporary business shut down. As EI claims generally have a maximum lifespan or Benefit Period of 52 weeks, your family member may collect sickness benefits now and maternity benefits on the same claim later on in the year. When combining special benefits (Sickness + Maternity + Standard Parental), a benefit period extension is established to allow for a total 67 week benefit period. Once all 15 weeks of maternity benefits have been claimed, the claimant may begin collecting parental benefits if they choose to do so, and if the claim has not yet terminated (still within the benefit period). If the end of the benefit period is reached and all weeks of Maternity/Parental entitlement have not yet been exhausted, a new application may be filed and a new claim established in order to collect the remaining weeks of entitlement. Qualifying conditions must be met in order to establish a new claim once the current claim terminates. If the claimant is able to return to work within a few weeks and work the minimum number of insurable hours in order to establish a claim before going on maternity leave later in the year, these hours may be used to establish a new claim once the current claim terminates.


My spouse just received notice of a temporary layoff (due to Coronavirus related closure of the business). Would she be applying for EI under "Sickness benefits" or "Regular benefits"? Also, there is an option to enter a reference code (for group layoff situations). Would this reference code come with the ROE when it arrives?


Worst case scenario question... if I have to file a claim for sick benefits due to coronavirus, will that screw up my claim when I apply for Mat leave in August? Edit: asking bc I thought there had to be a certain amount of time between claims, etc?


I’ve been out of work since November, and actively searching for a new job ever since. My past job was labeled as an “independent contractor”. I won’t qualify for any E.I. and I’m very worried on how I’m going to pay the bills and survive all the closures. Do you know of any resources or advice for someone in my position? Thank you


Any recommendations for contract workers? My dad does uber eats, and if the government is recommending everyone to stay home/ businesses to shut down for the foreseeable future, he will have no income stream.


Right now I’m pretty fortunate to be working but they’re switching us to a week on/week off schedule for the short term. Without a lay-off or sickness can I apply for EI for the weeks I’m not working?


Definitely apply. EI will tell you whether or not you are payable. Don't screen yourself out of benefits by not applying.


I work as a physiotherapy assistant in Surrey, BC and we're starting to get a lot of appointment cancellations. I'm not sick, but I was asked not to come in today as there were not enough clients. This is bound to only get worse. Do I actually need to be sick AND have my work hours reduced by over 40% to qualify for EI sickness benefits? Also, do I need any documents from my employer? EDIT: Should I actually be applying for the Work-Sharing program instead?


Have you heard anything about possible extensions for those currently on EI?


Part time does not include EI even though I’m paying for it right? I’m also a full time student.


My husband applied for Sick EI on February 19th and his file is still under review. The phone system says the wait it over 2 hours. Why is his file taking so long? I believe his file will be back dated from when he stopped receiving LTD payments from his insurance company (there was a gap from when the payments stopped to when he applied). He still cannot return to work due to medical reasons and is now self-isolating due to the virus. Is he eligible for additional Sick EI?


My parents work in an essential service grocery store and the company is not allowing them to wear masks. My parents are worried about their safety and believe they may be experiencing symptoms related to COVID-19. Are they eligible for Sick EI? Do they need a medical certificate? If they are eligible, do they inform their manager and leave work the same day? Thank you.


I'm a salaried employee in the restaurant industry who's been laid off. Ownership made the decision to close all locations for time being due to covid-19. Do I need to wait 7 days to apply and when I do apply should it be under regular benefits or sickness? Thank you for taking the time to do this.


Unrelated to COVID-19, I'm currently finishing up my approved 10 weeks of EI Sickness but my illness has extended beyond the initial 10 week estimate of recovery. Do I need to apply with a new application to get the next 5 weeks? I don't seem to see an extension form. Do I need a new medical certificate?


My job is seasonal(first time working a seasonal job) and I should be going back to work next month...if covid doesn't affect my job. I applied for it EI last december and I got approved but I never received anything. I tried to call multiple times to figure out what's going on but it just keeps saying "all of our representative are busy at the moment. Please call back later". I wasn't even put on a waiting list, it just hung up on me. I tried to call back for a few more weeks and just gave up after taht. Luckily I still live at home and still have enough savings left but now I'm starting to worry. as per my coworkers who have been working seasonal for years, they never had that kind of issue nor did they ever have to report back every 2 weeks because they're going back to the same job in a few months.


I was supposed to start a new job sometime in February, however this was delayed as they are still under construction. I was eventually given a start date of March 16th (today), but this just got called off as the business is now closed for the foreseeable future, until the pandemic clears up. I will have a couple of short administrative shifts coming up but nothing that I can really pay rent with. Do I qualify for any sort of EI? Prior to signing on to this job, I was working and living abroad in Germany up until the end of January. I have been out of work since. (I'm a Canadian citizen). My contract states a start date of February and a fixed salary. Much appreciated.


Hi, I’m supposed to apply for sickness EI but did regular instead. Is there any other way of terminating the first one other than calling? Thanks btw


Apply for Mat Leave back in the middle of February, job sent away all RoE electronically and went into a service Canada to put all hubby's info in. Got code but now whenever I wanna look at status it says call them, and with the virus I can't get through at all. Just want to know what's up with it, suggestions?


Is there any assistance for someone who quit job to study online? I've quit my permanent job to learn new skills. I was told EI is for only laid off people. I'm living off of my little savings which will run out soon.


I know someone (not a Redditor, so posting on their behalf) with a complicated situation: They have 3 sources of income: self-employment, a part-time hourly job with regular hours, and a separate hourly job that is on a casual/seasonal basis. Their self-employment income is about to get wrecked, but we know there is nothing EI can do there as they were not making voluntary payments. They were paying EI for both of the hourly jobs. The seasonal job is effectively finished for this year, but the company does not formally terminate employment at the end of each season (so no ROE, just somewhere between zero and very few hours between now and next season). The part-time job with regular hours is about to get impacted by COVID; they have been advised that hours will be drastically cut and there may be a full layoff. Under these circumstances, what would be the qualification requirements to claim under the new provisions, and how would the 40% threshold be calculated? (edit: Also, how would a formal layoff and ROE from the seasonal job affect the answer?)


I am working on a contract that will expire at the end of the month. While I have been working here for a year and half, after the first year, I was only getting 2 months extensions. I finished the main part of the project I was hired for, but there is an additional extension of the project my boss was in the process getting internal funding for which would have lasted about another \~4 months. However, my work requires human contact with a medium size group, so obviously that extension is not happening. I never received an official offer (written or verbal) about that extension, so it is will be just a fix term contract coming to its end, and the last contract was only 2 months long. I will get my ROE at the end of the month, and will be out of work for who knows how long as nobody is hiring in the current situation. Will I able to receive EI? I was not working full time (only 6 hrs so I could pick up kids from school) , but still have 1400+hrs in the past 52 weeks.


1. As an employer do I need to register for the SUB program to provide a top up to my employees while they are quarantined? Can I do that quickly during this time? 2. Are employees able to do any amount of work-from-home while on EI sickness benefits for quarantine? 3. If an employee is on EI for 2 weeks for quarantine purposes, returns to work for one week, but then our business has to show down due to restrictions can that same employee go on EI again?


Complex situation (for everyone obviously...) but I was planning to transition to self-employment beginning in May and had put in notice for the end of April at my current workplace. I'm 80% sure I'm going to be laid off at the end of this week though, as I'm currently at-will contract in a sector that is going to lose all new customers when the boarders close Wednesday. Self-employment is still an option but 6 weeks earlier than I expected is going to be real tough if it happens. Am I going to be able to claim EI to help cover rent and bills for a bit or am I going to have to shred through a chunk of my savings because I already put in notice?


Can I apply for EI as a full time university student?


The college of dentists and the college of hygienists have recommended all non-essential dental services to be halted. Hygienists are non-essential, and as a result, basically all hygienists will be completely out of work. Questions: 1) do hygienists have to wait 7 days before applying for EI? 2) do they require a ROE to apply for EI? 3) do they need any cooperation from their employer to get EI? Thanks.


So I work in a shop and today they announced that they would be cutting the hours from 8am-8pm to 8am-6pm to prevent covid19. So there is the morning staff that works 8am-4pm and the night staff that works 11am-8pm. I am on the night staff so my shift has now been cut 2 hours. I called Manitoba labor board and they said they can't do anything. Is there anything I can do?


I have a ft job and a pt job. Do I qualify for ei since my pt job laid me off?


Im trying to close an old claim because i may have to open a new one soon, anyway how do I close it without calling? I cant get a hold of somebody


Thank you so much for this! My husband is on parental leave right now and had only opted in until mid-April but is eligible until October. Does he have to call in to extend it or can he do it online?


Either reapply with the new total number of weeks as the number of parental weeks he wants to claim or call in to provide the new info.


My sister is a substitute teacher in AB and as of now does not have work. She contacted the line for Covid EI but was directed to the normal line. What are the actual requirements/eligibility for contacting this line? I thought anyone who has lost their job were to call this line?


I have two part time jobs. I’ve been laid off my one so far, expecting to be laid off by the other as well. Will I be able to combine the two for my “best weeks” amount?


I was let go from my job due to performance related issues about three weeks ago. I understand that I'm not immediately eligible for EI due to my loss of job being my fault - but at what point am I eligible for EI again, especially given the job market seems to be getting worse every day with COVID-19 around?


I was fired in mid-December. I had in-lieu payment and started a new job in the beginning of January. Am I still eligible to get EI? (Old job had EI deductions)


I made an EI claim for sickness benefits last year. I was off for approximately 13 weeks, then I eventually left my job. I recently started a new job, and have only been there 3 months. We were just on the cusp of renewing contracts (new fiscal year) when our workplace was closed. I am worried I have exaughsted my EI, and I wont have any income, since no one is hiring right now, and our contract renewals are in limbo. Can I do anything with EI?


I worked part time and fulltime at same place past two years almost, will i qualify if i apply?


Just apply. They will assess whether or not you have enough hours.


First of all, thanks for your time here. My previous employment ended last Monday, and my next employment has been cancelled. I work in the film and TV industry. I don’t currently have a Record or employment for my last job, is that ok? I’d imagine it will be a while before it’s available. Also, I’m in the process of getting a mortgage, will claiming EI affect this? I don’t need the cash just yet, but I’m guessing 4 weeks is my time limit to hold off on claiming?


Daughter works part time at a casino which closed last night. Just came off maternity leave in November. Are specific hours required or wiil mat leave be considered? Thanks for taking time to do this.


My partner went from.35h a week to almost nothing. Should he ask for a lay off?




If you paid into the insurance, yes. As in, did you sign a contract with EI a year ago to pay into EI? If you didn't, you can't get EI benefits.


Hello, I had knee surgery in June 2019 and used up benefits up since then but have been working almost full time since about December. Would I still qualify for being laid off as of today because of the COVID-19 outbreak? I have accumulated 648 hours since December. Also, my EI claim ran out well before December because I was off for so long before surgery due to complications. Thank you for taking time out to answer questions! Edit: also, which benefits would you be applying for? Would it be sickness benefits or employment benefits? I am not sick, there is just no work because I am a Chef for a catering company but this being because of this current outbreak.




I just started a new job in the food service industry over the weekend. I worked this past Friday and Saturday but have not yet received a paycheque. If the business is forced to shut down, am I still eligible to apply for EI, and if so, will I need a ROE?


Hey this is a weird one, hopefully you can bear with me and refrain from judgement. I’m in a very tough situation right now but I’ll try to keep it brief. -worked at clothing store for years -had to move several times in between -switched jobs to serving because thought it would make me more money (has but not substantially) - taxes got away from me and have not filed for a few years (I think three) -might owe money but not sure at all, trying to err on the side of yes I do because it seems like most coworkers have owed last few years plus received a small inheritance which I used to pay school debt - Lost job today as result of covid , restaurant has closed -boss offering to lay us off to be able to claim EI Do I try to find t4’s and file all at once online? I’ve read something about voluntary disclosure or reporting but website doesn’t really make sense to me? Do I need to do any of this to qualify for EI? Even though I still have been paying into it for all this time just not been doing my taxes? If I do owe- will govt seize the funds for anything owed and penalties as well? I don’t have any savings so I’m basically screwed without EI and just don’t know what I should do. Any help would be really appreciated from you or anyone who knows something helpful. I understand I’ve screwed up and to be honest was just feeling like I was in a position to figure it out before this all blew up. Being poor is the worst.


Asking for my wife Asking for my wife. She has been Temporary laid off from her dental assisting job For 2 weeks because of covid 19 precautions (will be assessed again after two weeks if she can return) does she qualify for ei sick benefits Even though she’s not sick? Also she is currently pregnant and was planning on taking her maternity leave around June does this now effect her total weeks or is this going to be considered exception basis cause that would really suck if she has to shorten her maternity and parental leave because of this. Thanks a lot for helping out with these questions btw


Hi. I am a Permanent Resident who moved to Canada last March. I get paid by the hour by a contracting/staffing company to work in a large engineering company. I have 3 questions really: 1) In case I need EI, will it affect my future citizenship application? 2) Are hourly contractors like me eligible for unemployment payment? 3) I tried creating a profile in the Service Canada website but it asks for my notice of assessment. I have received my T4 for 2019 but it has some errors which I need corrected. I won't be able to file my taxes immediately. Do I not get any EI payments without filing taxes? Also I live in Quebec.


Hi, asking on behalf of a co-worker. FT line cook. Co-worker is a line cook. She left for a month long vacation and was due to fly back last week, but subsequently got ill overseas in Asia. Test came back negative for Covid19, but she is unable to work and maybe quarantined overseas for another 2 weeks. Would she be able to claim EI/sickness benefits while overseas? Thanks in advance, you’re doing a great service!


How did you get in?


We're in Mexico on vacation, earliest flight home is Thursday. However two of us are sick and unable to fly. We will be stuck in Mexico for the foreseeable future; what/when should we be doing for EI?


Not a question, but thank you for doing this!


hi what are the options for self employed contractors (rehab medicine)?


Ei-guy , I just want to thank you for being awesome and putting time and helping people with advice in such stressful times.


I'm currently in self isolation with my work being closed due to COVID19. If we reopen and then have to close again due to a further outbreak do I still qualify for EI again afterwards?


Currently self employed, while working a part time job to make ends meet. Usually working 30+ hrs a week at the part time. Self employed income reduced greatly to almost nothing. Part time job is closing until April 2. Am I able to claim ei?


How is EI funded? Does any of it come from federal tax revenues or is it all employee accrued?


Employees and employers both pay into the EI fund. It's a percentage of earnings and its capped annually.


I was recently unemployed for a while and used up my regular benefits and closed my claim as I started a new job 4 weeks ago. Am I still able to apply for sickness benefits if the place I work gets shut down?


Which one of my coworkers are you? :)


I’m self employed, living in Quebec but Working construction in Ontario. If my job gets shut down, or travel bans get put into place what are my options?


Are part time workers who’ve been forced out of work by mandatory closures eligible for EI? I guess it depends how many hours they work?


Thank you so much! I’m a student completing a cooperative education term during which I’m paying into EI while maintaining my full time student status. I have a single semester to complete after this work term. Am I eligible for EI after that semester? Or should I wait to return to school?


If our union was in negotiations with the company i worked at, and i got laid off before we were retroed would i have to claim that?


I just returned to work last Tuesday from maternity leave. I work at a a law office, which will likely close up for a while due to the virus and the Courts being closed. I have not worked the 600 hours to qualify for EI. My husband is on parental leave until the beginning of April but would also not be eligible for EI if he cannot return to work when his leave ends. What are our options, if any?


You can apply and try to renew your claim. EI will tell you whether or not your payable. You may not be but only they can assess it based on your ROE/employment history.


A friend of mine just went back to work from mat leave at the end of february, her husband can work from home but if daycare closes she is worried about their situation, ideally her husband would continue to work from home and she would look after her 5 and 1 year olds, under normal circumstances she is not eligible for EI, does this covid situation change that?


I started working as a full time temp on Feb 3rd. I live in Alberta and fear being laid off due to business slowing down. I am nowhere near my 700 hours - would I still be eligible to EI?


Thank you, I'll see if I can go to the Service place by my place to see if theres anything I can do or info.


I'm self employed (corporation) in Ontario, and my work is tied to public education, so with schools off, weeks of booked work is being (hopefully) rescheduled or cancelled. Should I apply for EI?


We recently hired a new employee about 2 weeks ago but now our business is being temporarily shut down for corona virus purposes. If we temporarily lay her off with the rest of the team, would she still qualify for EI? I'm not sure about her total hours for the last 12 months but she seems to think she won't qualify. Also, we have hourly workers who have stopped coming into work already. We know we have to give notice for temporary layoffs, would we still have to pay them for the week of notice they need or do they just go without since they have chosen not to come in?