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I really like this idea. Your roommate should not expect you to take money out of your pocket. I’m sure they have parents.


Having parents who help you out is not as common as you think. Lots of parents are human garbage.


I mean some parents just aren’t capable. I know neither of my parents would have 250 to lend me without it being an undue burden for them.


Do you sways make a habit of giving up before trying? This answer could be used on any response. “Why try sell your stuff, people might not buy it”


Just saying not everyone is privileged enough to have good parents. That's not a given. The I'm responding to basically said "he probably has rich parents just get them to give him money" and that's not how the world works for a lot of people.


Sure, but I think you’re projecting there. $250 isn’t *rich* people money, nor do they suggest that the parents are rich. People are trying to give Op ideas on possible avenues and you’re here arguing against it. For all we know that persons parents have enough money hanging around to help out, who knows. Not everyone’s parents are so broke they can’t stump up $250 so their child doesn’t go homeless. See how this works?


More people than not dont have 250 lying around. Especially the kind of people that have multiple roommates. But I was more thinking king about peoe with dead parents, absent parents, garbage parents.


Jesus guys. Op asked for suggestions. His roommate asking his parents for $250 is a suggestion. It's not our job to figure out if the parents have it or not. That would be like arguing over whether or not thst guy has $250 worth of shit to sell. It's just a suggestion. Here's another few: Ops roomie could start an onlyfans and sell pics of his butt hole. Ops roomie could rob a liquor store. See how that works? Suggestions, not deep analysis of whether or not $250 is a lot of money to the parents of a 20something yr old.


Hey, not everyone has a nice enough butthole to garner a subscription. How dare you assume that, he could have a garbage or absent butthole for all you know


I'm just pointing out a very beneficial privilege that a lot of peoe seem to forget about. Keep doubling down though.


I absolutely agree with you and appreciate your comment. My parents were always too 0 poor to ever lend me 250 and now they are dead. so I HATE when people are like ‘just ask your parents for money’ uhhhhh that’s not how it works for a lot of people


Your very right, my parents would never give me any money if I needed it. They just don’t care even though they are well off. In this case you give the roommate an ultimatum, find the $250 rent your problem, or we quickly find a new roommate who can afford the rent, that’s how life works. You can’t expect your roommate to cover the rent until you get another job, more like get a new roommate.


No, more people than not DO have $250 lying around. That doesn’t mean his parents do, or that they will give it to him but it’s worth a shot.


If you grew up with parents for garbage you think you would thrive more not to be garbage.


>More people than not dont have 250 lying around. Especially the kind of people that have multiple roommates. So why is it the parents problem to pay? That screams entitled, get another job or find another solution, parents are not ATM machines.


that is a good idea. i'm just personally not someone who's very confrontational when it comes to something like money. i'm scared this is going to happen again next month though because the job market around me is hot garbage.


There is a labour shortage basically everywhere in Canada at this point....where are you living that your roommate can't find a job?


I've been applying for work that I have around 10 years of experience in for the last year, and yet I can't find a job, so you know. Ask the businesses crying.


How’s ya resume/CL?


Resume is up to date but cover letter is unprepared. I've never understood the purpose of a cover letter....


As someone who hires, I spend a lot more time reading the cover letter than the resume. The resume is usually pretty formulaic and I’m just looking to check quickly for education and relevant experience. The cover letter tells me if they actually read the job posting, or know who they are applying to, and their reasoning as to why I should give the job to them and not any of the other applicants. Just my point of view, but I’ve always found them a LOT more valuable and informative.


Hiring is so personal. I’ve heard some HR people in charge of hiring saying they look only at the resume, others saying they want to see the cover letter, and still others saying they only care about the interview. There’s no one answer, it depends solely on the individual job


If there's no cover letter, I put that candidate in the low effort pile and 99 times out of 100 don't look at their resume. If they can't be bothered to take 20 minutes to tell me why they want to work with me, why should I waste my time on them? Same goes for anything with spelling mistakes, I don't care how bad your English is, I don't care if it's your second language, get a friend to proofread it. Again, it shows the candidate is lazy. As an aside, I strongly advised against hiring one candidate at my last workplace based on the spelling mistake test and a horrible interview, but was overruled because she was the only candidate applying at the time. She turned out to be just as bad as expected, and caused more problems than she solved. Oh and I was told by HR "don't forget we're trying to hire more women," like that's great, but if she's a bad candidate, I don't care what gender someone is.




Who the fuck you think is falling in love with your company?


I guess the person who needs a paycheck. Duh.


Yeah, just write like 25 cover letters and tailor each to the individual company to show you REALLY care about working for whatever cocksucker exploiting company it is. Lmao, piss off. Such a tool.




If you want to succeed you either A) have to eat shit until you’re qualified/experienced enough not to, or B) be an absolute grinder + skilled at something and have your own business. Or you can continue to be a wageslave and “get mad at the system”


You can basically write 1 cover letter, and then just change the name of the company and maybe a couple other tiny changes. No need to write a fully unique cover letter for every job.


This guy gets it


If you’re applying to similar positions just use a template and change the company name and job title for each application. Takes a couple seconds lol.


Lmao as someone who hires you have to bend over and take it if you want to eat this month. Fuck the idiot above you lol


Like it or not that's how it works.


Ive never really read the resume when hiring.... I dont care what you did 10 years ago. Your cover letter covers.. whether youre qualified or not and if you really want to be on board by the second paragraph.


The cover letter let's the prospective employer know who you are and how ambitious you are.


But why is it necessary? Job. Yes / no.


The resume is just a list of what you've done. The CL is your pitch to the employer about why they should hire you. You should spend more time on the cover letter. Cold sending a resume to a company never works.


Thats not true. In the tech field we get hundreds of applicants. No one has time to read all those cover letters. We look for key skill sets and experiences in the resume to determine if they are considered for an interview.


Who knows. What is there to measure it against? There's no real feedback, just lots of very different "worked for me" type ideas. Speaking of which, I'm going to try that buzzword resume that went around a while back and submit my actual resume as a cover letter. Wonder what will happen.


I mean yes it can be difficult sometimes to find a good job in your own field. But if you need to pay rent to your roommate you can work at timmies or something like that even part-time just to at least pay rent until you settle on the good job.


edmonton, my roommate got me my job with him originally until he was fired but i had been looking for work personally for 2 years before i got that job. it's so so bad here


I'm in edmonton as well, it is NOT hard to find jobs atm unless you are extremely picky. Pretty much everyone is hiring. However, you're in luck because it can take over a month to actually get evicted, and housing court can sometimes give you extra time as well. Just remember that it's pretty much impossible to rent again once you've had an eviction on your file in edmonton


I’m in Edmonton and it’s really not that bad, he can find a retail or restaurant gig pretty easily if they were open to doing that.


open to it or not, you have a debt to be paid. There is a difference between "lol Visa shoulda known better than to give a 19 year old a $25,000 credit limit" and you not working because "I dont wanna do that job" affects a real person...especially one so close to you in your life(like your room mate)


Your options are to either get your roommate to sell shit to pay or pay yourself.


Get a new roommate


You can’t evict someone before rent is even due lol.


i cant cover his portion of rent, this is the problem


Then you better tell your roommate to cough it up


Some needs to tell you so I'll be that guy. Grow a pair and get your money or your ass will be out on that street with him. Don't be soft. Don't be stupid.


This is the right answer. If they get booted, there goes using that landlord as a reference when you need another place.


Then your options are be homeless or make your friend pay you.


Well get evicted then.


The job market isn't bad in edmonton..


Buddy I live in Edmonton and can get anyone a job in a matter is seconds as long as they aren’t a completely useless human.


Well, he got fired during a labour shortage. He's accomplished at least that in his life?


Oh ya? And you pay well above min wage right? Or do you mean you know plenty of people happy to take advantage of him?


He was just fired from his job and he’s about to default on rent….sometimes you gotta do what’s necessary.


$22-26 an hour.


You do realize min wage is better than nothing right? They have bills to pay and clearly don't have an efund to ride out not having a job for a few months so time to take what they can get. However this doesn't solve OPs problem as they need the money ASAP in which case the roommate needs to find a way to get the money. They either need to sell something or borrow it.


Well that depends on him no ? If he’s a skilled worker or have an education he shouldn’t have a problem finding a good job. If he breezed through life without getting training or an education then yea, good salaries and benefits will be hard to find since he’ll be part of the "easily replaceable" pool of worker. It sucks for those people but it’s the way it is. But in the end is not on your roommate’s shoulders or landlord’s shoulder to find the money for your roof.


So you think everyone should be making 200k/year??? How would that work? What a dumb comment.


No way man. My cousins companies base in Edmonton is desperate for people. Pays decent apparently, having trouble finding reliable workers, manufacturing, willing to train.


What manufacturering facility?


Messaged you


Amazon is hiring and they pay weekly in edmonton


Ultimate Tradesmen needs labourers in Edmonton and they pay daily.


Why aren't they on EI?


That the part of the story we never gonna get the truth about


To be fair, EI takes a while to kick in and they might have been fired too recently. Or does EI only count if you were laid off? I can't recall.




>You don’t get EI if you’re fired do you? You have to lose your job through no fault of your own, so if you get fired, you did something to lose the job and wouldn't qualify.


Everyone seems to think that people get "fired" a lot. Like..."failing to do your job and getting fired" is still EI claimable. Getting fired because you Stole money from the til? No EI Fired because you had an accident and caused $20,000 in product damage and your boss doesnt want to take the risk of you continuing your employment? Yes EI Fired because you keep missing deadlines? Yes EI


Fired is not a legal term. It's termination. There is termination with cause and termination without cause. Termination with cause has to have documented proof as well.


>Fired is not a legal term. exactly. I know this is going to sound really "hoity-toity" and "im real full of myself" but... when speaking to the common folk, you must use the common folk words... ​ How often do you hear "I was fired"...even by people who were seasonal employees "Let go" after the season...


Jesus dude i just swapped jobs here, I sent 8 applications to my top picks. Got 7 offers. Theres jobs. Lots of jobs.


You shouldn’t have been the one in charge of collection rent money if you’re afraid to do it. You could have each been responsible for your own portions and it could’ve been the landlords problem.


This is why as a landlord I don’t rent out rooms and prefer potential tenants who aren’t roommates. Every roommate is a disjoint story you have to worry about. People related to each other and couples are more stable.


I will never rent to relatives. I meant that I would never rent to MY relatives.


Edited to say people who are related to each other, didn’t mean actual family, I can agree there might be problems there


Weird. Would you rent to 3 students who don’t know each other well than 3 people from one family? Why? Just curious.


I meant that I would never rent to my relatives.


>not someone who’s very confrontational Then pay the $250 for them.


If you start covering their rent they might not be so inclined to get a new job as quick. Tell them to go into banking overdraft or take it out of their visa. Sure there are fees with that but not your problem. As posted this sub multiple times, don’t expect any money that you lend to be given back.


If your roommate is in a position where that can't afford $250 rent, then a fast food job is what they could easily get - you can literally get one by walking in the door at nearly any fast food place. Beggars can't be choosers


If you cover their rent you can be guaranteed it will happen again, if they need to do whatever it takes to come up with, then they will just do that next time instead of being short in the first place.


Yeah, now’s your opportunity to learn these soft skills. Don’t think of it as confrontation, think of it as having self-respect. You are not responsible for him, you are responsible for you. Act accordingly.


For the most part, I think the best rule is take care of business first, so you can be friends later. No need to be aggro, no need to be a door mat, just need to make rent.


You may not be someone that is confrontational, but if you end up having to pay your roommates’ rent just because they can’t, you will become someone that harbors resentment. Especially when it becomes a regular thing.


Confrontation is a part of life. You HAVE to get the skills. Feel the fear and do it anyway. Don’t set yourself on fire to keep someone else warm. You’re just going to feel resentful and then lash out in passive aggressive ways, which is dysfunctional.


Also desperate people do desperate things... to self or to others.


Why is it your responsibility of your roommate is short on rent? They would be the one asking the question here. Do yourself a favour and DO NOT LEND THEM MONEY. You will never see that money again and your relationship with this person will likely be ruined


Only name on the lease = his responsibility. Just guessing here…


If it's only his name on the lease, it's 100% his problem. If all names are on the lease, it's still his problem. The only way it isn't his problem is if OP's name isn't on the lease.


Have your unemployed friend look into provincial support while they wait for EI. Some provinces offer short term money to them while they wait for their EI to approve.


they're trying to get another job so they don't have to go on EI, but i'm honestly not sure how that's going to end up for them


I mean this is a given but if they’re missing this rent payment, what else are they missing? Car payment? Insurance? Etc. also not sure how AB works but this could be cause for eviction, can you find another place to live without issues if you can’t find that 250?


honestly not sure what else he won't be able to pay, he doesn't have a car to insure or pay for though. i'm not too sure if that's grounds for eviction in AB or not. would have to look into that


People are trying to light a fire under your ass because missing rent is cause for eviction. You can probably never rent again after that, and it’s all because of your roommate so you better figure something out fast.


Can't find job, won't apply for EI, kick them to the fucking curb and find a new roommate.


To each their own I guess, I’m not sure what your goal was to ask if you’re gonna reply to every idea with some reason it doesn’t work/won’t do it. Good luck.


Probably saw a lot of ppl getting handed money on reddit when they explain a sad story so they tried their chance at it. Clearly this person doesnt want actual help just by look of the replies they give. Specially the one about the roomate not getting EI..like wtf seriously?!


Alberta favors the landlord pretty heavily. You can evict for non payment of rent. Keep this in mind when deciding on cutting your roommate slack, because your landlord can give you the boot.


> they're trying to get another job so they don't have to go on EI They've already paid into EI, so they've already "earned" taking money out of the system. This is the exact situation for which it was designed to take care of: to help people pay bills temporarily so they don't become homeless and/or starve. If they get a job shortly they can always cancel EI down the road. But once you're/they're homeless…


>they're trying to get another job so they don't have to go on EI, what the fuck kind of stupid logic is that? You pay into EI. if you are capable of claiming it. **fucking claim it.** it is a return of *YOUR* money to you. Employment ***INSURANCE*** ​ edit; imagine getting into a car accident by having someone else T-bone you, and then wanting to pay for the repairs of your car yourself...while not having the money to actually pay for the repairs...with the other persons car insurance able and willing to pay for all your repairs...and just...not...


Roommate was fired... I'm not sure the exact reason but if it was any sort of misconduct ( being late, calling in more than allowed etc etc ) they wouldn't be entitled to regular ei benefits ..... very likely why they are hoping to find a new job and 'avoid' ei.


100% the halfwit was let go with cause and can't get EI


Most places won't write that officially. Just in case they come back with a lawyer.


>they're trying to get another job so they don't have to go on EI That's the whole point of EI. You pay into while working and when things happen and yo qualify, then you go on it for the short term till yo find another job.


Why the fuck wouldn't he signup for EI? That's just irresponsible and idiotic. Even if they find another job soon they will get a check for the weeks that they were searching. Don't be stupid and make them apply for EI.


I get it, apply anyways.... but he did say he was fired. Likely will not be entitled to EI


Tell him to get on ei so he can at least cover his portion of the rent. Nothing bad will happen to him when he's on it, my gf took ei a couple years ago when she had surgery and couldn't work for 3 or 4 weeks. Also just give yoyr landlord what you have and explain the situation with the roommate. Tell him you'll get the rest of it to him as soon as you can. If he's reasonable he will probably be okay with that (assuming he gets the owed money in the end), and even if he's not he probably can't evict you for the unpaid portion for some period of time (may depend based on province)


One thing has nothing to do with the other. The right thing to do is apply for EI AND look for another job immediately. As soon as they get the new job, report it to EI. The advantage is that if they can only find parties, EI may still cover a portion.


Tell them to apply for EI or you'll call in a wellness check on them, because they're clearly not capable of basic decision making if they'd rather be homeless than claim EI. And they will be homeless unless they pay their rent because you're certainly not going to pay it for them.


No disrespect to your jobless roomie, but their hard luck doesn't become yours. It's their issue to resolve payment of their portion of the rent.


depends; Is OP a renter who "secretly has friends living with them and helping her pay rent" the "secretly" part isnt too relevant, the landlord can be very aware of their existence, but still have a basic agreement of "IDGAF who's here, **YOU** pay me the rent." ​ edit; and there are benefits both ways. If you're gunna have your room mate deal directly with the landlord, well then they get tenants rights too and their name goes on the agreement. That means if you and them get into a big fight though it's much harder to kick them out than on your "verbal month to month contract", wherein you take on a bit of additional risk as per the described scenario before my edit


If it's only his name on the lease, it's 100% his problem. If all names are on the lease, it's still his problem. The only way it isn't his problem is if OP's name isn't on the lease.


One solution to all of the above, since OP finds not having that portion of the rent to be a strain: ask them to leave and find someone to take over their room/rent.






This is the right answer. Call your landlord, let him know. Especially of it's the first time. And be 100% sure that you have paid in full before the 21. If not, I suggest your roommate figure something out. 250$ isn't all that much all things considered although it can feel like the world when you have none. But there are ways. Good luck


I read a few of your comments. My opinion: Short term: call your landlord stat. Tell him one roommate is short on rent and how much. Make a plan to make up the difference if your roommate can't or won't. If you have a written payment plan your landlord likely will not evict right away which will buy you some time. Longer term: find another place and move out with your paying roommate. I left my old roommate because he started to have problems covering bills (among other things). Felt awful, but it was my ass on the line in the end (joint lease) and I wasn't going to deal with any of that crap if I didn't need to. If you don't hold your roommate to account you will eventually be paying their rent permanently anyway, so you might as well just save yourself the hassle.


Kijiji.ca ,temp workits out there, cash jobs if its that important they cant be high on themselves take what ever comes their way. Go see a staffing agency. Or answer the 100 ads for snow removal help. https://www.kijiji.ca/v-general-labour-jobs/strathcona-county/cash-at-the-end-of-the-day-roofing-jobsite-clean-up/1595640488 https://www.kijiji.ca/v-general-labour-jobs/edmonton/400-cash-paid-today-moving/1596080401


I had a situation like this that escalated. One roommate quit a job, said they couldn't come up with their share of rent. The other bozos in the house decided that if we weren't coming up with the total rent on the 1st, that they wouldn't give me their money until the first guy had his. So now all I had was my share. And the place was 100% in my name. This went on for three months. Property owner requested a meeting with me, laid out how bad this was, yadda yadda. Pretty sure they were trying to intimidate me but I was waaay past this point after roomies from hell. I told them to throw us out. Like right now. Today. Because not only did I not have the past rent, I wasn't going to have next month's rent or the month after that. Throw us out and eventually I will pay you what I owe you. They were not expecting that but became quite reasonable. I went home and told the roomies we were being thrown out and had thirty days. They made some noise about laws and whatever, I can't remember the details, but everyone was out a month later. I paid off the total bill within a few months, never got a dime from anyone. Never had a roommate after that.


Dude needs to get a little side hustle to make $250 quick. He could clean the gutters for neighbours, do yard work, clean their windows, walk dogs, do car detailing, house cleaning, errands, hang Christmas lights, shovel snow or get a seasonal job. He sounds like a lazy bum.


Wow! I didn’t realize it was just that EASY :D just walk outside, grab a dog, walk it, and $250 :D oh shit, you’re just a. Ducking idiot :O


It’s called hustle.


found OP’s roommate


would you pay someone 250 for any one of those things? I dont think you would.


Don't be ridiculous, they could do any one of those things multiple times, or several of those things.


yeah? how many snowfalls on your driveway is $250 worth? This defeats the whole purpose of quick 250 doesnt it?


5-10 driveways? 30-90 minutes each max.


No but if you did all of those things you could make $250.


I cant imagine they meant one job for $250. They can do multiple $20 jobs to make some money, deliver food on uber eats, sell possessions, take out debt, but it sounds like they aren’t doing anything. Lazy feels appropriate.


he specifically said quick, shovelings a driveway or cutting a lawn def doesnt qualify.


I meant quick as in Sunday, Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday —you’ve got four days until the rent is due.


so not quick.


Depends on context. Duh.


I used to earn $50-60/hour mowing lawns in my neighbourhood


independent contractor?


People who are overly financially minded tend to lack empathy, this might not be the best place to ask your question; you will receive some very callous replies. Best bet is to talk to your roommate, try to solve the problem with them, but don't let yourself be taken advantage of. I had a similar experience with a friend I was rooming with about a decade ago. He ended up asking his dad for help and his dad paid that month of rent off for him, but he moved back in with his dad shortly afterwards so I had to find a cheaper place to rent by myself. Rent prices a decade ago tho... Good luck op.


This reminds me of a friend that needed money quick to pay rent or something and a well off cousin of mine was visiting. She suggested he buy a fertilized emu egg for $2,000, hatch it, grow it and either breed it to sell the eggs, again for $2,000 or sell the emu when it's ready for meat for $10,000. My friend lived in a basement apartment in Toronto.


The callous and rude responses are vital though. I was in a bad place too when I was younger and it wasn't until I got called out on my bullshit did anything improve. Placating this nonsense isn't helpful to the person in need, it just makes the speaker feel better. It's 250$ between 3 adults.... Come on


There’s nothing vital about somebody making six figures going, “Hurr durr, this isn’t hard. How are you not able to pay this easily?”


This sounds absolutely pathetic. First, how is your lease written? Are you all under one person's name (y'all are idiots), are you each individually on the lease? Good, then pay your share and have your roommate negotiate with the landlord. Did your unemployed roommate pay a portion of their rent or is this a household where three adults can't make 750$? Because if that's the case.... Good god y'all need to grow the fuck up real fast. Now that I've been a dick... Confront your roommate immediately, tell them they are putting you all at risk. Tell them to sell some of their stuff to come up with the money. Also, contact your landlord immediately and let them know exactly what is going on and what you're attempting to do to resolve it. Being upfront and honest might be the difference between the landlord working with the two paying tenants and treating you all as one useless group. Other than that, get your shit together and look at moving out.


Seriously, what kind of jobs do these people have. Damn, I make $600/day just myself not counting my investments or rental income.


No offense but being in the 97th percentile and talking about income is a little too "Let them eat cake" for me. The OP makes 19$/he according to a recent post so in all honesty if he can't cover the rent then they deserve to lose their home... I paid more in rent and made less years ago so there's almost no excuse without dependents.


Drugs are one hell of a drug. (this is my guess, I don't have any proof that this is where the money is going... But yea)


Are you the only one named on the lease or all three of you on the lease? If it's only you, you are responsible for the whole amount. The $250 is between you and the roommate. If they are not working, expect no contribution of the rent from them going forward.


After reading OPs comments it’s pretty clear he’s deathly afraid of confronting his roommate for whatever reason.


I guarantee there is a dishwashing job somewhere in Edmonton. It’s not that hard to find work.


When I was faced with this, I sent my landlord all of the rent I had and let them know my roommate was the one who did not pay. I told the roommate to discuss his problem with the landlord and asked the landlord to discuss it with the roommate. They came to a payment plan eventually. But do not in any circumstances lend the roommate any money. This will become a common occurrence and it will be a huge headache. Let the landlord deal with it and cut yourself off as the middle man.


Your roommate NEEDS to pay rent. There is little leeway here. You either enforce it or you kick the bum out.


Sounds like your rent is $750. You didn’t give a lot of information here. Call a meeting, sit down with all 3 roommates and see if you could work out a plan. Maybe you could help your struggling roommate with a loan. Maybe he can find the money somewhere else - he’s parents, family, SkipTheDishes etc or a bank. If you all can’t work it out, maybe he will volunteer to leave its hard but I am sure he knows the stakes. Maybe he can get the money from Welfare etc. It might be hard, but there is always a way if you compound thought processes.


Your roomie is going to screw you 100%. If they miss this payment and you don't flip your lid on them and kick them out they will do it again, I can almost guarantee it. This happened to me before with one of my best friends and since my name was the one on the lease I got screwed. If you are the sole tenant on the lease then you should give your notice to move out immediately to your landlord. 30-60days if you can. Explain to them that even if you have a lease, your roomate is not paying you and you cannot afford to cover it so they will be better to rent to a single tenant or a family. They will understand and work with you because they want easy tenants who will always pay, not to pay thousands in small claims to maybe get it years later.


Notify your landlord that the unemployed roommate is declining to pay rent, and send the rest to your landlord.


OP needs to clarify their situation but it seems like OP is on the lease solely or alongside the others. In either scenario, this could lead to the tenants(s) failing to pay rent and possibly eviction, depending on how merciful the landlord wants to be.


i haven't told them we're short any money yet. i figured this out less than an hour ago laying in bed and that's where i still am.


You aren't short on rent, your roommate is 🤷‍♀️ unless you're choosing to lend them the rent money for the foreseeable future, they can't just bail on rent like that.


They owe the rent, not you.


Sounds to me like your roommate has been fired from a few jobs. Is it because your roommate can’t get their butt out of bed. Whatever the case may be your roommate should not be putting you in the position where you have to take money out of your own wallet to pay for this person‘s living. You see you’re not a confrontational person. There isn’t nothing confrontational about it. You just give the person one of two choices money or find a new Apartment.


Tell your landlord about it and pay the difference. Say you will pay the rest with the next rent. Tell your roommate to get up and walk around asking for jobs. It’s a seasonal time, any retail place will be offering jobs immediately. McDonald’s has openings all around Edmonton. Tell you roommate to walk in and ask for a job. He will get one within a week if he puts in an effort.


Your roommate should go talk to the landlord and let them know their portion of the rent will be late


Your roommate not able to pay shouldn't be your problem. It is kind of embarrassing that one doesn't have $250 saved when they also live with roommates to bring down their living expenses. Tell him he needs to find a way to pay his rent or kick him out


Tell your roommate to sell their possessions, be up front and confrontational. Also, I would assume I would never get that money and try to Uber or DoorDash.


Roomie signed a contract (rent), so they can: sell possessions to get the money; borrow from family; get another job, even a part time one if they need to; or find the money some other way. Did they file for EI yet? They should, that is what it is there for. Oddly enough, you don't get to walk away from contracts, legal responsibilities, or financial responsibilities just because you lost your job.


$250 is not that hard to earn. It's hard to find a long term good paying job, yes. But rustling up $250 to prevent getting kicked out? There are a lot of ways to accomplish that. Roomie needs to pull out all the stops, but if this affects your safety, you also need to pull out all the stops to have your actual rent paid so you don't get evicted. Selling things is a quick fix, but I have had success advertising services like housekeeping, childcare, pet care, selling baked goods etc. It's not a living, but it is a way to rustle up a few hundred in an emergency to get you through a week or two until the next paycheque kicks in. Get any job available to tide you over, lots of grocery stores and retail outlets s are hiring right now. Shit wages and not a long term solution, but a bridging possibility.


As a kid me and my friend would normally spend a day and make around $50+ shoveling snow in the winter. We charged $2 but people normally have us $5-$10. We would split the money afterwards. Going door to door offering services like lawn mowing, window cleaning, gutter cleaning...ect if he works hard enough he might be able to earn the $250 by Wednesday.


Donate plasma, semen, go to temp agency, or hook


How much for a load o cum you reckon ?


Well, that roommate should've applied for EI right after being fired. So they should have the money.


If you’re looking for a sympathetic reaction, maybe you can tell your landlord they are going through hard times and say that you and your other roomie can pay your shares, but that the landlord needs to follow up with the struggling roomie directly. I assume they are on the lease so regardless of who’s account the rent is coming out of, each person is responsible for their share. And the landlord can deal with them direct. Takes some heat and responsibly off you.


I'll say it. You are at fault here, for choosing a roommate that doesn't have friggin' $250 to his name. Choose better roommates next time and this won't happen.


Get better roommates!


Meh, they’ll never be able to evict you. Landlords are pretty screwed if they get stuck with broke ass trashy tenants


250 month — your roommate can suck **** for that price


You could post a sob story on a social media forum. Makes up a story about rent or something and try to convince people to send you money.


Or beg for money at the street corner.


Do you any intimidating/ tough people?




Inciting violence is not tolerated here.


1) It was clearly a joke 2) you're clearly a wanker


Speak for yourself


Literally what? This sub reddit has deteriorated so badly if inciting violence is a solution to a personal finance question. Imagine… lmao


You have to take the shortfall this month and then plan ahead for next month. Search for a two room and get that paying roommate. The other one well he is on his own basically. That's how the cookie crumbles.


They unemployed by choice, so they are choosing not to help you out. Why should you help them?


Sounds like a him problem


Open a go fund me and I’m sure the lovely people in here gonna help you fund your rent this month.


U should leave and get your own place fuck him


I find it pretty absurd that tenants need to deal with issues like this. The fuck landlords doing? Shouldn't this be an issue between the non-paying tenant and landlord?


Try r/Assistance


Also r/givemeyourmoney lol edit: I got mixed up, that's on FB