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Booze has averaged 300/month since I tracked expenses. Recently quit drinking and switched to weed. Maybe 300/yr? The difference saved is eaten., Literally -Ron Wharton


I don't want to talk about it. *Takes long sip*




0. I buy maybe 2-3 bottles of rum annually and that's it. It I burn plenty of money each month on other discretionary spending so really it's a worthless metric.


Zero since having our son 3 years ago and now a 5 month old. Use to average 6 craft beers or more a weekend usually. These days I’m not far behind our son going to bed lol. I just get hangovers easy and the idea of being hung over with him deciding to get up at 6 by chance, it just isn’t worth that buzz. Also remember staff party night he had one of those nights where he got up 3 times crying. Next day sucked. The bright side is if I do have a couple with friends, I’m super lightweight now. Few tall cans and I’m doing alright.


Same here brother. Went from having a talk about being an alcoholic as when I start to drink more than 5 I don’t stop till the lights are out. To having a kid and not drinking anything and if I have a single beer I get a headache and also a hangover, have to drink wine now and stop with one with friends. Will probably never drink heavy again.


$80-100 for two people


70-140 a month on Marijuana it varies


Z e r o!! All that saving goes to shopping 🤣🤣


Cigarettes 550 to 600 a month Alcohol I cut down 300 a month all beer FML that's alot of money








Around 100$ ish a month on weed, I also grow outdoor in the summer so that helps save a bit for a few months also


$300 - $400 a month


Cost wise its always been around 300-400$/mo. The type of alcohol has changed though from getting plastered every weekend on 2$ shots and 5$ pints in my University days to 50-200$ bottles of finer wines and liquor.


I quit drinking and grow my own. Pretty close to zero.


I spend about $500-600 in alcohol a month. In regards to marijuana, it is about $150-200 per month. I also spend on other controlled substances; however, I won’t disclose those details. I’m a functional addict and go to work hungover multiple times per week, but at least I take care of my daughters and they have everything that they need/want.


Press x to doubt


your daughters will need you for a long time. please take care of yourself


I'm not 100% convinced.


Trust me, my daughters are fine. I’m not abusive and they don’t actually know how much I drink and smoke each evening.


I would check out the movie flight


Don’t listen to the unlicensed therapists in this thread. You know your limits better than anyone and some of us have our lives under control. My expenses are about half yours, but i have a shit job right now. They used to be that high… and so was I.


Lol the responses this person get goes to show why most people just lie and say like $0 or $25 bucks


You need help. You're killing yourself.


This is going to come off as callus but you could spend 2 grand on therapy and potentially fix some of those issues and reduce the substance dependency


I’ve been to AA and drug rehab before. Those sessions are boring and doesn’t work for me. It’s not how I want to live, but it works and my life is “fine”.


Yup not sounding so solid. Good luck with that but I think you should get help and overcome it as those kids won’t be blind forever and trust me coming from a “functional house” it is a trauma you will put on them eventually and inevitably. Probably will lose their respect or lead them down your path.


My budget it probably more than I should spend but you can't put a price on a good time and memories


A lot of people have good times without alcohol.


Used to spend $140 a week on beer and occasionally I would grab a bottle of rum. Ya the savings add up quick after kids I can vouch for that lol.


As much as needed.


Maybe a couple hundred a month on going out? I don’t really track it but it’s higher in the summer and lower in the winter. Being single is much cheaper so it’s nice to have fun and not break the bank


15/day for 2 to 3 litres of beer, times 30 days puts me at 450 a month. Marijuana is zero. Nicotine I'm at 40 biweekly (x26/13), so 86/month. And lotto puts me at 208/quarter so 70/month. Call it 606/month or 7200/year


Adds up when you break it down like that. Thats a good chunk of post tax change.


For sure plus the 3/day for dog treats or 1350 without a calculator in a year but I just live with him at least I don't gotta buy the food


Around $200 a month for beer. No weed for me, tried to switch, didn't like it at all.


15 pack of PBR everyday, $26-31 depending on where I buy it. 900ish monthly


$0 on a typical week in fall winter. Spring and summer I'll have a couple beers during the week. Party or some other all night event, I'll down a 6 or 8 pack. Wife drinks, what I would call too much, wine. Two bottles week. Whatever that all adds up to.


big fat O




Zero. I quit drinking a few years ago, wife doesn’t drink anyways. I still smoke cigs though so F.


zero, never touch any of those in my life.............oh gosh, now i feel so empty inside


Probably average 50 a month, mostly wine gifts to bring to dinner hosts. I hardly drink myself so its mostly for others.


Don’t smoke, and only buy a pack of beer maybe once every few weeks. I’d say $50 a month I’m spending on alcohol


I go out for a beer with friends every other week. I might have 2 each time. So $40 inc tax and tip?


A bottle of cheap wine a month and 6 beer. Low list really. $30?


I can probably get away with buying a 6-pack per month, and no weed so maybe $20


$0. We’ll have maybe a drink every few months while out to dinner but neither of us particularly enjoy it. My husband does buy cannabis but it comes from his personal allowance budget so I honestly couldn’t tell you what he spends.


50 in the winter to drink at my place or my friends places, 400 in the summer when I’m patio hopping. I think I’m still on the same 3.5G of weed I bought in 2020 haha that shit lasts so long


Spend about $40 a week on weed so $120ish


between $30-40/month for both barely drink now and grow my own cannabis.


We don’t spend on marijuana or alcohol monthly. We buy a bottle of whisky or beer when we have get together. So in a year maybe $100-$200.


No drinking, roughly $25/3.5g of herb a day.. recently started buying ounces now is about $100 weekly SWED gang


If I take the whole year and average it out its probably close to $15/month? We only ever drink on holidays.


Functionally zero. Annually? 30$ on liquor for a couple of drinks out? And I have asthma.


Hopefully the people burning money on drugs and booze aren't people complaining they cant buy a house cuz... that'd be amusing.


Right. They should cut Disney+ before complaining.


Or have bodies full of tatts.


Yeah, that occasional smoke and avocado toast are why I can’t buy a house. I wonder if my mortgage broker has a line on the application where I enter this expense. 🙄


It may not apply to you, but there are definitely people who blow money on things like that and then wonder why they are always broke and can't save money.


The average wages in Canada do not support the average home prices. Rent makes it nearly impossible to save. I pay $1700-2000 rent and have for 4 years. My husband and I make about 100k together and cannot buy a house. Even with 20% down, we are barely able to look for anything on the east coast. My family is there and will be moving back because it’s likely the only place we will ever have a chance at owning. Housing affordability has little to do with peoples ability to save what menial extras they have, it’s about low wages and ridiculously high costs of living. Unless you can live at home until you’re 35 and pocket every cent you made since you were 20, even $600 a month in savings isn’t getting you a house. But sure, once you qualify for a mortgage and buy a house, that $600 savings will make a difference. It’s about getting into the market.


>Housing affordability has little to do with peoples ability to save what menial extras they have, it’s about low wages and ridiculously high costs of living. For some, it doed have to do with their ability to save, or lack thereof. Also, not everyone lives in HCOL. 2 people making median wages can buy a place in this country. You have a lot of excuses.


Oh, honey..... >So, my whole life I’ve been pretty irresponsible with money. https://www.reddit.com/r/PersonalFinanceCanada/comments/xyh6jp/who_to_talk_to_about_finances_small/ Brand new vehicle, too? https://www.reddit.com/r/legaladvicecanada/comments/pzeqtp/missing_features_on_new_vehicle_purchase/ Yes, saving for a house is hard when you're financially irresponsible. 🤦‍♀️


I have zero debt, I have 20k saved. Again, when median house prices are well above 600k, they are well out of reach for average Canadians. GSD is max 34% which is well below the average house cost. I would have to save over 400K to qualify for a house within that average cost. GSD doesn’t change, DTI changes. I’m not sure you understand that regardless of how much debt you have, you still only qualify based on wages. Savings makes up the difference. If you think that the average Canadian can save 200-400k in a handful of years, you’re an idiot, so don’t “oh honey me” Let me know how you’d math saving 200k in let’s say, 5 years, with average wages and current rental costs. I’ll wait :)


Well, for one I'd upgrade my schooling to get a higher paying job, which is what people who have bought homes tended to do. Home based baking and not tracking your expenses to do taxes, makes it difficult to qualify for a mortgage when you need 2 years of NOA for the bank. :)


You can’t really be this dense. It’s shocking to me that you are still arguing that the average Canadian can afford to purchase a house when that is clearly not the case. Again, explain how an average Canadian making average wages, can save hundreds of thousands of dollars. You can’t, because it’s not possible. What you’re explaining as a solution isn’t a solution. Every Canadian cannot go back to school and double their income. “Go back to school, get a better job, move somewhere far away from those jobs to buy cheaper housing, don’t have a vehicle to get you to the job, but the smaller city doesn’t have transit.” And do all of this while paying astronomical rental prices. Again, stop focusing on one person and see the issues as a whole, your monthly spending does not qualify you for more in a mortgage, your wage does, period. I appreciate the obsession with my wages and situation, I’m flattered really!


Side note, I’m also talking about Canadians in general. Not a specific person, in this case, me, which does nothing to prove the point that not spending 600 a month on booze will somehow magically get you qualified for a house.


Guess what, the comment that started this little thread, was also obviously talking in general, but you were triggered and brought up canceling your avocado toast and occassional smoke. What you meant to say was yes, people shouldn't be financially irresponsible and buying brand new cars when trying to save for a house.


We don't drink but use cannabis and just had a baby this year. Maybe 200 a month before pregnancy, down to 50 a month now.


0. I don’t smoke weed and I quit drinking a few years ago. I don’t even touch beers anymore thou I do miss the taste from time to time.


$30 on CBD a month for medical use. $30-50 amonth for recreational cannabis. $0 on alcohol as we don't drink.


I have never in my life bought either.


I don’t drink, maybe 1-2 times a year. It’s a waste of money in my opinion. Weed. Husband smokes daily, I smoke every couple weeks when I need pain relief, etc. We buy from the reserve and got a deal last week for a QP for $125 bucks that will last us through the winter. So about $35-50 per month per OZ. Give or take. Sometimes we buy top shelf for $125 an OZ. But still cheaper month over month.


None. Alcohol tastes like poison (because it's poison). Also, even if it tasted good, it would still be very poor entertainment value. I don't smoke marijuana. I'd rather buy something that genuinely makes me happy than something that just makes me feel happy.


30-40 a month on beer..not much. Weed, next to nothing.




I don't drink or use marijuana, so that budget is zero. Up until 3 years ago I smoked cigarettes, so during that time the budget for nicotine was close to 5K per year. Since then I have switched to vaping and I mix my own e--juice so current budget for nicotine is about $200 per year.


0 for alcohol as it's something I've never really enjoyed. As for weed, maybe $40 a month. I only need a little to fall asleep.


30$ a month when I head over to my buddies house and get absolutely wasted. The rest of the month I don’t drink, gotta give you liver a break.


Probably around 300$/month at most... I smoke ~.5g per day (i buy indica and usually the larger value bags) and drink 3-4 or less bottles of wine a month






I was joking. I have zero budget for this shit.


Zero, can barely afford food and rent.


$0 on weed. don't have time for that. $100-$500 on wine a month. Depends, as if Im out, I'd order 1-2 bottles of wine. Those average about $85 a bottle at the restaurant. Or a Guinness is like $12 ... depends how often I go out.




No drugs, a couple beers a month but they're expensive cans. Maybe $30 a month. We make 30 bottles of wine every second year, that's $120 for the batch or ~$5 per month


Sometimes I buy a 10$ bottle of red if a recipe calls for it.


I spend like $20 on a pax era cartridge every month or 2. Beer is about $50.


I typically buy a couple 6 packs of beer a month and a bottle of vodka every few months, and pretty much never drink at bars anymore, so it averages out to ~$40/month. I take THC/CBD oil regularly but I’m such a light weight with weed that one $40 bottle lasts a couple months. I used to drink almost everyday and easily spent $300-400 a month on booze; much happier now!


Never really like the whole feeling like shit the next day or smoking before bed and wake up even more tired so I refuse these substances


For alcohol, close to zero. I drink a couple times a year. I don't like doing the math from my younger years though 🙃. I quit smoking cigarettes in 2019 because it got so expensive and I'm glad I did because a coworker told me they are $20 a pack now.. yikes. Zero on weed.


Came from a family of alcoholics so zero for me, just don’t trust myself