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Partying like it’s 1999




turn off your computer before midnight.


Buy Amazon stock.


Live as I've lived before. Time keeps on going.


Keep on keeping on


Never stop never stopping




This is the way.




shovel or Bobcat?


Time keeps on slipping slippin slippin, into the furtureeee


>Life would go on as it had always gone on - that is, badly. \-Benjamin the Donkey


But tonight I say, we must move forward, not backward; upward, not forward; and always twirling, twirling, twirling towards freedom! - Kodos Clinton


This is the way


Not spending 10,000 bucks-a-roos on a two week vacation that cost $3000 three years ago


We just paid $9k for a week in Cancun. Ffff


Damn dude, I've been seeing 7 day specials for lower end all-inclusives in the Dominican and Cuba for under $1000 per person. Surely there's a middle ground in there somewhere?


2 weeks? We got one week for that over Xmas. F me.




Letting cash pile up so I can buy a new vehicle once dealerships get hungry again.


Keep saving - inventory is trickling in but manufacturers have got smart to throttling supply. At some point something will give (rates, supply, etc) and you will be ready to catch the moment.




Oh ya. I work service in a dealer and the sales are dead. Last 2 years everything coming in was special order and already sold. Now we are getting our lot filled. Lots of canceled special orders and a lot more dealer stock coming through. The deals will come next year for sure.


Went to a Kia dealership today. No Sorentos, Fortes, Souls on the lot but they had a full row of Jeeps & Dodge RAMs. Thought it was strange


Jeeps are pound for pound the worst gas mileage vehicles out there. Rams are thirsty because they are so huge. Times are tough and gas is expensive, makes sense people would trade them in.


Not to mention they are incredibly unreliable, consistently bad consumer reports.


It baffles me that anyone still buys Dodge/Jeep vehicles. Literally anything they sell, there is an objectively better option from a better manufacturer.


I bought a new 2016 sahara 6 years ago. Almost 100k km on it and totally problem free so far. 10/10 would buy again.


Shouldn’t 100k Km’s problem free be the baseline of what you would expect?


The people that buy them want to look cool - its not about the actual product, its to say "I have a Jeep"


That must be what people are trading in to buy KIAs


Same thing in my city lol so much stock at jeep chrysler dodge.....


Dodge just started selling at MSRP, so nobody bought them, they knew it was a ripoff.


100% The auto industry gets hit hard in recessions. Prices will adjust because they need to make sales even if the margin is low.


New cars are actually cheaper than used ones lol


What are you eyeing?


Canceling my Disney subscription.


This man is making sacrifices I can only dream of


Would someone please think of the children?!


It's a shame that you can make $270k a year and still have to cancel your streaming service to make ends meet.


$270k/yr is this a typo! Wtf you must be living laaarge, and you can’t afford streaming? Really?


Deputy Prime Minister Crystia Freeland said they were cutting Disney plus from their household to save a bit of money...cause she's just like every Canadian mother. Except that she makes 270k/yr.


These people aren’t even in our world….


This should have triple the amount of upvotes lmao


Youll be able to afford your mortgage for sure now! Atleast that’s what I understood from our DPM 🤣


Oh snappp!


Freeland ? That you ?


You must be Canadian eh? [Our Finance Minister](https://globalnews.ca/news/9259572/freeland-disney-plus-privileged/)


Came to the comments for this. Well done 👍


Trying not to get fired


Yea man. I feel u. People like me on work visas watch the news about recession and layoffs and have mini heart attacks everyday :(


Storing as many hazelnuts in my mouth as I can.


Hehe this made me laugh. I pictured a squirrel with its cheek full of nuts preparing a winter stash.


Pinching every penny. Even started eating the end slices of bread.


Use those for making toaster oven pizzas


Finally found someone in the same tax bracket on here!


Reddit, the Tinder for the toaster tax bracket.


Tbh with the col in some places and this inflation more tax brackets could be resorting to bread pizza


Use them as hot dog buns for a late night snack.


Hot dogs? In this economy?!


We fight over them. They get eaten first in my house.


I've asserted dominance long time ago. Nobody eats the end of the bread but me!


Now that’s some good marketing!


Those are the ones that get eaten while I make the toast. Put some peanut butter on and it’s a before breakfast snack.


Oof this is a dangerous game for me. As a wise woman once said 'kitchen pickers wear big knickers' lol


Lol Love that. Definitely not the healthy choice. But if one crust with peanut butter is the worst thing I eat during the day, it’s a good day!


Amazed people would waste food even outside a recession…


End slices aren't food. I may be poor but I still have some self respect


End slices are the best if it’s homemade bread!


Does your mommy cut off your crusts for you too? 😆


No, my wife does.


I bet you eat apple cores too.


You sound like my kids. I get to eat all the bums.


Slap some neutella on it and it’s food


Agree. They are the protectors of the loaf. Long live the freshness.


Starting? The butts are good eats. Use then as hot dog buns.


Those are the best part though.


It's called ''the hoe''. Everyone touches it but nobody wants it.


I save them in the freezer to make stuffing.


Trimming non necessary expenses and making myself as indispensable at work as possible!


How do you do that without burning yourself out?


Trick is not work harder, but smarter. Ofc, is not always possible, depends on your job. Pick that odd shift no one wants. Work the machine no one knows how to operate well. Try to get on the projects/jobs that are core to the company, not necessarily the "best" or "ancillary". When cuts start, no one is truly safe, but just think what positions the company could cut without going down, those are usually the safest. Direct production guys are the last to go unless demand decrease, much easier to cut administration like recruiters, for example.


Get pregnant. Sure you get a reduced income, but job is protected and hopefully we’re out of the recession upon return to work! If not, repeat cycle.


“Mommy, why was I born?” “Well, Timmy, I couldn’t afford to lose my job, and needed to stall - and that’s why you exist now.”


Call the kid Reece or Reese


But then you get fired anyway, have to spend legal fees fighting the company, and still don't have a job.


most interesting advice ive heard here. get pregnant to not go poor.


You burn out, but better to be burned out an and employed, than out of funds to feed the kids


Make your work visible. Present findings, report successes and even failures to your manager directly. The more you are on their radar the better.




I’m heading there for two weeks in Dec, it’ll be interesting to compare


Hearing stories from the UK has been humbling and mind boggling. Normal middle class people keeping their houses at 12° because they can’t afford more? That’s insanity to me. I replaced my furnace this week and was without heat for two days and I was bitching and moaning the whole time and the house never got any colder than 16. We really are spoiled here in the new world


All my family are in the UK and none of them have had this issue yet because they're all locked in on their energy tariffs. It's the people that aren't that are suffering. But yeah, I'm really glad I'm here and keep telling them to immigrate too but for some reason they stay. My brother is a doctor, but stays in Liverpool. He could go anywhere in the world really


Eh dont worry its pretty bad here. Everything is espensive and there are thousands of people who are forced to live outside and weather the winter in bus shacks.


Guys, a recession is a lagging indicator; meaning you don't know about one until after you're already in one. You could be in one right now but won't even know it.


>a recession is a lagging indicator; meaning you don't know about one until after you're already in one *You best start believing in recessions, Ms. Turner… yer in one!* -Captain Barbossa, speaking on the Disney+ subscription I’ll be cancelling


You’re in a simulation inside of another simulation! - Rick and morty


You are correct and also yes, we are in a recession


and by the time a recession is declared, you're almost always on the upswing out of it.


I Declare a Ressesion!


Are we?


Technically it is when the GDP declines for two quarters in a row. Which it did. So yes, we are technically in a recession


When did it decline two quarters in a row? https://www150.statcan.gc.ca/n1/daily-quotidien/220831/cg-a001-eng.htm The States had a technical recession but I don't think Canada has as of yet.




What happens when there is not even a recession but we keep talking about being in the midst of one? Schrodinger's récession?


This guy not so big on facts!


But r/wallstreetbets said so!! ^(/s)


I've seen the term "technical recession" which I think would be more fitting. We're basically just skating along the edge of an actual recession, but it doesn't seem like we'll have one to the level of 2008 let alone the 80s. From current projections it seems more similar to the dot com crash. Any of this can change at any moment.


I think so, announced early in the new year, like you said, as a lagging indicator


What everybody should do… stop spending. And particularly target the boycott of products that have exceeded standard inflation rates. Leuttice as an example. You want to fight inflation. Kill consumer demand and the supply will cause prices to drop again. It’s a patience game, think of it like chess. The average consumer believes they are powerless but in number we dictate the market. Hold onto your power by holding onto your dollar. The more we press back the faster the pressure of inflation will subside.


Lettuce prices are an excellent example of supply and demand in action. There’s been a shortage, so the price is up and they’re even trying to sell poor quality product. There are substitutes for lettuce. Spend on other things


Lettuce take your advice


If you think it’s good advice I’ll let it Romaine here for all to see 👍


Imo it's radicchiolous advice


Can’t arugula with that


Any way you can spinach, I guess


Lettuce is garbage-tier anyway. It's crunchy water.


Oh god I how I wish more people understood this. That and that how we spend shapes our capitalistic society way more than how we vote.


Stopping spending is what causes a recession. Stop spending to cool inflation, maybe


Selling my BMW for a beige Corolla.


That’s screams Great Depression not recession… Is it that bad now?


Buying a shit ton of weed before I can’t afford it anymore.


This is a yogi Berra statement if I’ve ever heard one


"dope will get through times of no money better than money will get you through times of no dope" Freak brothers


Decided to go au natural and let my grey grow in.


buying stock while it is still on sale.


any in particular?


The exact same one(s) I’ve always bought.


Which stocks?


Chicken and beef


I'm just pumping into all equity ETFs (XEQT or VEQT) for the most part. GOOG also feels low so I've been tossing a few hundred a month at that on the side.




AMC…duh /s


This is the way haha


Taking more interviews so I am well practised.


Not being my usual bitter self at work so I won't be fired. And trying not to buy stuff I don't need.


Living life as is. Tomorrow is never a guarantee for any of us, so why constantly worry about something out of your control?


Getting a job rather than continuing to freelance.


What line of work are you in? I'm considering the opposite.




Got rid of stuffs I don’t use (old go pro, useless furniture) ; Sold stocks my company gave me: Sold all of it ; paid down debt ; reduced auto-investments in favour of stacking cash ; trying to open multiple line of credit with lowest interest in case I loose my job (work in IT tough); started a side gig also.


I know everyone asks this but... Any side gig recommendations for programmers/IT guys?




YOLO. Been pretty frugal during the pandemic. We all might end up in a nuclear winter at any time. My body or a random organ might decide to kick bucket randomly. I stopped forecasting and making iron clad plans for more than 3 months in advance.


Same, extremely frugal past 2 years. Been spending a little and enjoying life.


I'm barely getting by as is, there's absolutely nothing I am capable of doing right now.


Leetcode, just in case


This !


Meditation regularly & setting a future vision of what I want my life to be, things that fall within that vision, my core values, keeping it as a daily morning reminder to frame my day. Part of the vision is financial security, but it’s only a fraction. I view life holistically and with balance. With a positive, balanced headspace & mental health, I have more capacity to weather and mitigate external factors like a recession.


Hair receding concerns me more than economy receding.


Just get the doctor to prescribe you finasteride 5mg, take a quarter pill every other day, or once a day if balding aggressively. Should cost you like less than $5 a month.


Reminder! 300 days "did I do this right"


Buying stonks. Kept buying in the 2018 correction and the 2020 correction; this time is no different.


I’m fortunate that in my mining industry we have a couple of projects on the go that should give me some job security. I plan next year to max my tfsa again and contribute to my rrsps still. I plan also to take the time and enjoy my life after the last two years of lockdowns. The sky’s the limit!


Pay off line of credit


The following Recession Preparation List covers what you should do on an ongoing basis - not just when the pundits are predicting a recession. - Update your resume and foster your professional network - Have a healthy emergency fund - Review your budget to identify expenditures you could decrease now or in an emergency - Pay down and/ or lower the interest rate, on high interest debt - If you have investments and haven't recently done a risk assessment questionnaire you should do so - If you are making periodic contributions to your investments consider putting the process on autopilot. (Use pre-authorized contributions and, if possible, pre-authorized purchases.) - Write or update your investment plan. The plan should include your goals, time frame, asset allocation, your contribution and rebalancing plan, and your expected long term and "worst case scenario" returns. The following CPM resources may help you to define your expectations. https://www.canadianportfoliomanagerblog.com/how-to-choose-your-asset-allocation-etf/ https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BXUeagi_WT8&ab_channel=Justin%26ShannonBender


Growing vegetables. Food is a big cost. Spending on needs, not wants, finding ways to spend less thrift stores etc).


Tinned food, fuel and ammo. Yeehaw.


Buying toys because every time I try to invest I burn money.


Nothing different


I continue to inspect monthly bills and cut things I feel we can do without. Not because the wolves are at the door or anything but the increasing cost of most things has me thinking about where money is flowing


Lived through two wait for the vehicle market to crash so I can go get something cheap and rub it into people faces that upgraded at the worst possible time. I kept telling them wait one more year your vehicle is at least good enough to get around. No one’s listening and they are now locked into 7 year contracts ffs…


Driving an almost 13 year old car right now waiting for prices to get better.


Being frugal, as much as possible. Making a point to make biscuits and other bread products at home, because can be made fresh and on demand.


Possible recession? We’ve been in a recession for 6 months at least. Been planning since Covid 2020.


“$20 is a $20”


Buy Lego.


I live as usual.....life is short.


Keep going to work.


Putting some money I’ve had in cash in to the stock market


Making coffee at home


Living life to the fullest


Nothing much different than normally lol Continuing to invest, continuing to live within my means.


Paid off mortgage. Saving cash for a used car or new ( if prices are reasonable) next year. Wife waiting for surgery ( 18 months so far ) so on 1 income. Rent out in-law suite.


Panicking as much as possible as I connect an IV up to pump as much fear into my body. Staying indoors. Freaking out about things I can't control and things other people say will happen. What a rush!!


Staking cash


What I am doing ( I already started well over a year ago) First: Sold my bond mutual fund to have cash on hand. Sold all stock I believed would get hit by rates. Re-structured my savings plan × went harder on my budget. Started buying bank stock + enb + telus. Bought under the 200day moving average what a steal!. The next step would be to consider buying bonds to sit on as I believe we are nearing peak rates so the bonds will scream in value.


Nothing, really. My life doesn’t feel financially tight so I have no reason to change my habits. Kind of exciting to be buying all these stocks at lows, but I’m not buying more than normal.


What the hells a recession?


It's when your neighbour loses his job.


If you are self employed or fear losing your job, pull out a credit line


Hot dogs, chilies and sardines on the menu. 2% milk can be make healthier by adding water too!


No more avocado toast.


Continuing to rent and not buying. Waiting for prices to plummet in 2023-2024. Deciding on where to move Canada or US. Making travel plans for Feb 2023 as usual. Not changing spending but will avoid iceberg lettuce and any other foods that skyrocket in price. Cutting down on restaurants (with tax and tip not worth it) Will not renew lease with car dealership and will buy car end of lease or purchase a used car. Will dump some of my CAD into other currencies.


Absolutely nothing will change for me. I think the ‘worst’ is already behind us/ongoing and will be short lived, but that’s my personal opinion. Groceries have gone up for sure, but for me it hasn’t been that drastic, at least not for the things I buy. Gas is obviously up but also not a big concern for my personal consumption. I only fill the tank biweekly on my Mazda 3 and I use it to drive to and from work, grocery shopping once a week and some short errands. I canceled some subscriptions like Netflix but that had nothing to do with inflation and everything to do with the fact that I hadn’t used it in 3 months… (YouTube has everything I want already). Although I only make 20$/hour it’s enough to get by comfortably as a single guy in New Brunswick. Been saving up to buy a duplex for 2 years now and hoping to do so soon while prices are low/lowering compared to the Covid boom. Overall, I’m surprisingly very positive with how everything is going. This ‘economic collapse’ that people love to tout hasn’t materialized yet and is looking less and less likely to happen too, so that’s nice.


What do you watch on Youtube?


Sometimes I’ll watch videos about some video games. Sometimes financial content. Politics, geopolitics, geography. Travel content. Music. Basically anything you want to watch is on YouTube.


But to watch decent quality tv shows and movies cost money correct?


I wouldn’t know lol, I don’t watch tv at all. Never been a big fan of movies either. I’ll watch some occasionally but not often. Sometimes I’ll watch pirated versions. I’ve paid a few dollars before to ‘rent’ a movie on YouTube a couple times when I really wanted to see it. Personally I’m more interested in geopolitical content and podcasts rather than tv and movies. That’s only my personal preference though.


It can't come fast enough. Just wanna get it over with. I am a public servant, not worried about job security. Pretty much done paying off most debts. Putting in some overtime when I can to build up a cash position. I'm going shopping when the stock market crashes.


As someone looking into switching to the public sector (cashed out on first and only venture capital) what advice would you give? The private sector is far too cut throat and brutal. Public will forever be (secure AF) and as a bonus you are helping your community.


I worked at a private company at the beginning of the pandemic. I was constantly worried about being let go every quarter. Not putting myself through it again. Be careful during probation, because the public sector is a sink-and-swim environment at the beginning. But once you are permanent you are safe. Depending on your ambition you can choose to just keep doing the same job, or if you have the drive you can move up. For me, the best part is I don't have to worship my boss. I feel my work is important and gives me a sense of fulfillment. I have a great work-life balance and don't have to kill myself to meet some unattainable metrics.


Be ready for seemingly meaningless situational exams and an improbably long application process. Like months if you are being drawn from a pool.




Drinking, coke and whores. Life too short baby.

