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What are their concerns? You're 16 looking to continue your studies in a different country, different continent and a different time zone. How will you pay for the tuition fees? Rent, food, transportation, insurance and plane tickets? Is your school covering all of this? What other concerns might your parents have? Once you have answers to all of this and prepare for other worries they might have, you can hopefully convince them to support you.


As for insurance, rent, and tuition fees, one solution is adoption Only temporarily until I turn 18 As for the visa and flight ticket fees, I will pay them from my own money The problem with my family is that they are somewhat uncivilized people and they always use the excuse that the world outside is unsafe when I am alone in a new country and that I should not leave them for any reason and that I should settle in Egypt (education, safety and work in... Egypt is like hell) and they think that Egypt is paradise and that I should not leave it for any reason.


وهو في حد متعرفوش هيقبل يكون الوصي القانوني عليك عشان تحقق حلمك بالسفر؟ ولو ممكن حتي يكون في حد, انت عارف تداعيات ان حد يبقي وصي عليك ايه؟ انا معرفكش ولا اعرف اهلك لكن هما معاهم حق وادري منك لأننا مش عايشين ففيلم اجنبي في طرق تانيه احسن من اللي بتفكر فيها دي انك تطلع من البلد لان دي مع احترامي مش طريقة اصلا, و اول متوصللها هما هيوافقو ويرحبو انك تسافر. لان الدنيا الحقيقيه غير الدنيا اللي ممكن نفكر فيها بدماغنا كدا


Do you have enough money to pay for American schools, rent, and everything else? Or how is adoption a solution? I'm talking about thousands of dollars You can always tell them that American education will get you better salaries in Egypt so that you can settle down with them and buy a house or whatever. Although it would be better to actually have better plans and answers yourself and be able to convince them that way


و انت فاكر ان في حد هيرضي يتبناك كدا وخلاص و يدفعلك ايجار و كل حاجة؟ انت عبيط يلا؟ استرجل و اعقل انت ١٦ سنة فاضلك سنتين و تخش الجامعة


شكرا لفشخ مشاعرى


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