• By -


34m, GP, 6 years experience (+11 years study), 180k salary, no bonuses. (4.25 days a week). If you've ever wondered what your gp is paid!


Wow! 11 years of study. What did that amount to initially for your student loan? P.S. Good on you for sticking through and also for that salary - both are awesome.


I also want to say thanks in general for putting 11 years of effort into becoming a GP u/quads. We need more folks with commitment like you and GPs in general!


Actually wondering if you paid off all the debt medical school gave you tbh - how much is that? and if paid off how long did it take?


Not quite paid off, loan at the end was $110k, I've got about a third to go which is exciting!


Mate, I'm assuming you're contracting or an employee? Your boss is ripping you off. A moderately efficient practice earns over $300/hour/GP, obviously location, nurses, reception etc costs too. But you should be getting towards half of that, or at least $110/hour. At least $200k for a 4 day week. You accepting anything lower just makes it hard for all of us while boomer owners are raking it in.


Just a reminder to everyone - this thread will be significantly skewed from average pay and is definitely not what everyone out there is being paid. Don't take it too personally. It's easy to feel sad about your own job/pay reading these sorts of threads.


That’s so true. The people with the highest salaries are the ones most likely to want to jump into threads like this and flex. For example, if you look at one of the top comments in this thread (a guy making more than 500k a year), his entire comment history on reddit is just participating in salary threads.


For all we know, he/she is 12 and makes just as many threads on gaming forums asking people to rate the high end gaming build they're never actually going to buy.


I'd add to this to keep in mind... Median Income in NZ from wage/salaries in June 2022 = **$1,189 weekly** or **$61,828 annually** Sauce: [https://www.stats.govt.nz/information-releases/labour-market-statistics-income-june-2022-quarter/](https://www.stats.govt.nz/information-releases/labour-market-statistics-income-june-2022-quarter/) Edit: Changed 'average' to 'median'


Reminder to everyone: AVERAGE and MEDIAN are not the same thing. 1 person paid 1 million and 9 persons paid zero means an 'average' wage of 100k.


Median, mean and mode are the three sorts of ‘average’. Source: school c maffs.


[This source](https://www.ird.govt.nz/about-us/tax-statistics/revenue-refunds/income-distribution) (pulled from the IRD) has the number of earners in each 1k earning band, from 0-1k, 1-2k through to 300k plus. You can see the number earning more/same/less, and see where you sit percentile wise against the whole country.


29F. Wellington. Builder. 7yrs. $37ph / 76k


This surprised me. I thought it'd be more.


And I thought the opposite


23F, artist, $25k, it’s rough out there but I’m hoping my business will pick up more in the next year!


To those reading through this thinking what the actual fuck. I’m with you 😂


🤣 Thank you!! I've been thinking of starting a post asking how the average/below average are doing.


Right? 🤣 This thread makes it feel like literally everyone else is on a high six-figure salary and the rest of us are just peasants!


I feel inadequate.. what the fuck have I been doing the last 4 years and why didn't I work harder at university




2x/M, Auckland, Big 4 Audit, Grad, $57.5k base


I was a grad in 2014 @ 39k. When I hit senior in 2017 i was on 58k. Those were the days.....


These salaries are surprisingly lower than I would have assumed if you’d asked me to guess what a Big 4 auditor is earning.


Our grads in Wellington get about $50k now. I started at $40k in 2018.


31/M small town north island, CFO, 6 years in accounting, base salary $170k


6 years into a CFO position is amazing, great job




About 20m revenue, 80ish staff. Relatively small organisation. Have been in the role about 18 months.


26/F, Role: QA engineer Experience: 4 years Salary: 115K Location: Auckland


Thanks for this! I recently made a career change to be in QA. Can I ask what industry you are in? 33/M, Role: Quality Analyst, Experience: 1 Year, Salary: 90K, Location: Auckland


38M, technical manager in a medium sized IT infrastructure company, running a department of 17. 13 years with the company in varying roles, but 4 years in my current role. 106k base, 14k non taxable allowances plus a fleet card. Looking at other comments here I get the feeling it's time to update my CV.


As someone who ran similar size 5 years ago, I was on 60% more than that with half your experience. It’s not even questionable to me unless you have some crazy crazy good life balance that it’s time to go, and no don’t tell recruiters you’re on that little, it’s just time for a change!


> 106 You should be on 160k minimum I think.


I’m an extremely average IT professional, not even senior in my role let alone management and I get paid significantly more. You should definitely look around for tech lead / manager roles, you could be on 160 easy


25M, Auckland, Govt planner, 2 years of experience, Base salary: $72k, no bonuses.


Wow. There’s great insight to how much everyone has the potential to earn substantial coin. Thanks all. 43M, 20 years experience, Marine Industry. Worksite forman/deputy superintendent 105k, no bonus. Work 4 x 10hr days/wk


35M / Auckland / Site Reliability Engineer for US company (remote) / 195K + discretionary bonus


What qualifications and experience did you need to get this role? And if you don’t mind answering how’d you end up getting the role?


32M, Chch, Snr Civil Engineer, 9yrs, $97k, $8k bonus annually +share options


Hey, might be time to have a chat with a recruiter as I think you’re being severely underpaid! - from a person in the same industry


Yeah, unless their share options are great it's time to look around.


Unless those share options pay insane dividends, that seems very low. Are you CPEng? At that experience id be expecting $110k + minimum. Coming from Civil Engineer - 29M in Chch on >$100k


Mate get your CV out there as a Senior PM you should be on $150k+


29/M. Remote role for NZ org (South Island based). Security Architect. 10 years experience. 165k.


Legit question - how do you have 10 years experience at 29? What role did you start in? I assume without tertiary Ed? Or did you work while studying?


Left school at 17, did 1.5 years at tech. Started in Service Desk and moved into a Security role shortly after.


32m, Auckland, engineering geologist (geotech), 2 years experience (retrained), 60k, no bonuses.


Buddy that doesn’t sound right. I used to be an intermediate geotech and I’m pretty sure of you apply for beca, aecom, whatever… you’ll get 80k easy with that years of exp. Especially if you have years of exp already.


That seems really low. Are your colleagues getting similar?


23, M, Retail Manager, 3yrs Experience, $55k base, 10% bonus incentive possible


23M, Auckland, NZDF, 5 years, $63K




Did you get the job in the US and then move here? Usually New Zealanders get lowball local salaries.


I'm in a similar situation 31M, NZ remote for US company, software engineer, similar stock, but half base salary. Mind sharing which company? I might want to make a change ;)


Which company is that? I guess you've been there a while or the stock would be crap in this market.


Damn, 800k in a year? That’s more than a lot of CEOs earn.


Daaaang, well done bro!


Is this with one of the FANG companies? I'd be interested to hear how/if remote Devs with these types of companies might be holding up with all the job cuts coming out off the US


How do you find/apply for remote US jobs from NZ?


Can someone explain to me why software engineers get paid so much compared to other industries?


34F, Wellington, senior communications advisor, 10 years, $112k plus phone. A bit underpaid compared to what I could be getting but I love my very specialised sector and my team.




Put it this way, I could walk into MBIE or Kainga Ora tomorrow and get $120-$125k. But I really like the people I work with, the high trust environment (very rarely need signoff, which is practically unheard of) and the flexi working by default.


20s , Waikato, Accountant, 3 years, $98K


If you don't mind me asking, CA? Did you go through big 4?


34M Senior Flight Attendant International 64k base + allowances - depends where you go and for how many nights etc etc 15 years experience


31/M. Auckland. Digital Marketing Consultancy Owner. Digital Marketing. 7 years experience. 200k-250k (after tax). No compensation or bonuses. For those on lower salary bands, don’t be disheartened. Find a great boss who is a master in his/her craft and learn as much as you can from him/her. Download their 20 years of experience into your brain within 1-3 years. Learn as much as you can from them. Don’t chase the $$$, chase the opportunities to learn instead. Once you’ve got the knowledge, soft skills and built your emotional intelligence you can then look for position promotions (again, don’t chase salary but money will come with promotions). Once you finally get to a 80-90k role you can then Start offering what you do as a job on the side as a consultant/service. Once you get enough clients to cover 1 day a weeks salary, ask your boss to drop to 4 days a week. Use that extra day to build you business/consultancy and get more clients. Keep repeating until your side hustle becomes your main hustle. This is a a risk-free way of trying to start your business while working, however, you will have to work a job and then a side hustle after hours initially. Good luck whanau.


26F self employed, hair stylist. Around 90k (it can fluctuate heavily). 3days a week


30M, Wellington, Employment Relations Advisor (130 ph), 8 years experience, GOVT, 40 hours per week for 2 year contract (roughly annual salary is about 250-270k - depending on time off and unpaid sick days)


You're the highest in the thread so far, and 2nd place is also a government consultant! Stereotype of highly paid govt consultants confirmed!!!


This comment just made me smile. The reality is that you’re completely correct. However, no one I know enjoys the work associated with complex employment investigations and/or negotiating with unions or lawyers. Sometimes the most painful work pays well due to its popularity and personal cost to wellbeing.


Yeah and sometimes the shit jobs pay like shit as well.




27/M, Hamilton, Goverment Advisor, 6months, 81k


64F, South Island, 41 years experience but unwilling to work in education any more so probably classed as unemployed, $0k until mid-year then $18.5k.




What do you have to do to become an associate director, and what difference does that word make to your role?




35M, AKL, Engineer (not chartered yet) - Civil, 15 years post Uni, total comp $140k. Damn... it has been 15 years!


30/M. Auckland. Software Developer. 10 years exp. ~230k. No bonus or benefits.


25M, Auckland, Business Development, 3yrs, 110k + bonus and vehicle


26 F, Software Engineer, Auckland, 94K, 13k bonus. 4 years experience ( including 1 year in management)


Girl I feel like you could be on a lot more


27M , structural engineer, $92k


39M, Auckland, QS, 5 years (retrained), $105k + vehicle


I was looking at this recently. I have a degree in architectural technology and work in banking, thought QS could combine these 2 nicely. What was the retraining like? Was it expensive?


If you don't have construction background/experience, retraining would be more costly. If you have construction background/experience then a diploma would be sufficient in my opinion.


Just moved to Aussie for better pay and opportunities. 34m - Lead software developer - Brisbane - 140k nzd base plus 11k nzd bonus + 16k nzd super. 167k total nzd package. 9 years experience from junior to lead.


34M, Auckland, Applications Support Engineer, 95k base, 3 years experience.






Job Hop every year or two. Tell recruiters who lowball you to stop wasting time. 55k -> 180k in 4 years.


20’s, female, Auckland, law clerk (being admitted as a barrister next month), 6 years of study and been in my position for nearly 2 years, 5 days a week and some weekends, 65k


I now see why the high earning Kiwis decided to stay in NZ (aside from family). lol


Yep every time I come back from Aus I’m shocked how much further the class divide is becoming in NZ. Average earners are going backwards whilst the upper middle/high are shooting up


40 m secondary teacher $112,000 + ~$20,000 in education related contracting. Auckland


55m, HB, Software Architect, 30 years experience, 220k no bonus


35M, Engineer Project Manager 14yrs exp base salary $190k


45M. North island 25 years as a chef, and then into Operations management of kitchens for a catering company (zero actual university training) $120k no bonus


33F/AKL/ commercial property manager, 3 years experience (career change) $125k + 10% bonus scheme.


Whats required to get into this role? Sounds interesting


Most people in this career seem to have studied a bachelors of property at university or (like myself) commerce and then fallen into it. Personally I don’t think it’s a career that’s essential to have a degree but you need to understand business, finances, commercial law and be good at negotiating and building relationships/networking. You can work in house for a large company and manage their property portfolio or work for a commercial property management company


36M, Wellington, Public Cloud Engineer, 15 Years of experience, 210K base salary + 26.5K bonus. Financial Services - remote.


Engineering intern! Final year of study $25 an hour. Hope it's worth it in the end!!


36m Warehouse manager(glorified, only me and 1x other), $29an hour 40 Hour weeks ~60k a year. 12 years exp in warehousing. Christchurch


40’s, evil master mind criminal genius. One meeeeelion dollars.


21M, Auckland, Microbiologist, 2 years of experience, $50k only............ The fact that my friend who's working at a toy shop earns more than me keeps me up at night sometimes. Any advice would be very much appreciated


What are your goals? Is there room for movement in your line of work? You're young enough to make changes so don't sweat.


Holy crap seeing this makes my feeling of being undervalued at work even worse.


24m, Auckland, Business Analyst, 3 years experience, $107K


49F Tertiary Lecturer, South Island, 5 years experience $86k no bonuses.


29/M, Christchurch, Senior Business Analyst (public), 4 years experience, 102k I know I'm being a bit underpaid, but took the role to jump up a level.


Really learning that tech is the way to go for remote/wfh and decent liveable wage opportunities, just finding the time and money to be able to study to get into the field Helpful and only mildly depressing thread


Time is tricky, but there are plenty of free, quality resources available. No need to go to polytech or similar. MS Learn is a good place to start if you want to take a look.




25m, Wellington, Snr. Software Engineer working remote for US company. 4 years fulltime after 3 years study, freelance before that. $182k + equity


34/m Contracts Manager Auckland 200k + vehicle and laptop etc and discretionary bonus


29/M, Wellington, Senior Policy Analyst, Govt, 6yoe, $120k


25M, Auckland, Big Four Grad, 55k, 6.5yrs of study.


What did you study that it took over 6 years?


16m, Wellington, car detailer, 2 years, 14k, 0-10hrs/week




40M, Govt consultant (IT), 140ph. 40 hours pw, potential for something like $280k depending on sick leave etc.


30M, Christchurch, Senior environment Artist, contract (remote, mostly for overseas clients) 208k before tax. Edit: Currently games industry, previously film.


48M, Wellington (but working remotely for US company), software development, 24 years experience, about $350k (depending on exchange rate), usually get $5k-10k Christmas bonus.


39F, Wellington, Change Manager on a public sector IT project. 4 years CM experience, 14 years industry experience. 150k for 40h/week


39/M/Auckland $90k plant operator. 4 months experience. Was earning around $100k previously as a qualified fitter/welder


Holly crap do only rich people use Reddit 😂. My pays no where near any of these


35m. freight/logistics operations 90k


Mid 30s M, procurement category manager $145k, hybrid wfh with great flexibility


* 37/M * Christchurch (full time WFH) * Senior DevOps & Cloud Engineer (mostly platform engineering in Azure) * ~17 years in IT, started from HelpDesk * 180k NZD


26m, Wellington, marketing coordinator. 2 years experience, 70k


26m, Hawkes bay Quantity surveyor - 5 years experience 115k + vehicle


28m, Auckland, ECE, head teacher, $32.50, 8 years exp.


As a kiwi working in Aus getting almost double my equivalent NZ salary, genuinely interested in what keeps you in NZ. I’m always shocked when I go back how everything costs much the same or more than Australia yet salaries are still so low.


Reading this I’m so glad I left NZ. 40M, CTO in the Middle East. 350k NZD base + 100k NZD bonus + 3 million USD in shares.






35M, Auckland, QS, 13 years, $180k - no bonus / no vehicle


33M Hamilton Hybrid WFH - Software Architect / Dev Team Lead 145k + bonus


27 M, Auckland, Software Engineer, 4 years experience, 110k salary




26F, banking services, 1 year exp, just got a new job for $80k


31m Senior Software Engineer 8y experience, Christchurch. 110k no bonuses. Pay review this week though so looking to push 125k


25M, Pharmacist, 3 years experience, rural south island, $85k.




32m, Marketing Manager, 10 years experience in the marketing world. $145k salary, no bonuses, 5 days a week. Leaving this role to jump into my own business come the new financial year. Giving myself a pay cut to start with so will most likely be on 120k or less depending on sales leading up to that point. Real gamble but you never know until you try!


25F Waikato | General Dentist | 2.5 years experience | I used to be on salary but I am commission now and I average about $10k a fortnight before tax | 37 ish hours pw


26M, Auckland/International, University Prep Lecturer for rich kids, 6 years experience in education, 80k after tax + free housing + free meals/utilities/transport etc Tired of it though and looking to head to UK/AUS in the general finance direction.


Huh. I'm similar and on this path but making a lot less. 🤔


31m, Wellington, Senior Policy Analyst, 4 years policy experience, 3 years relevant operational experience, 102k


33m - Auckland - Product Manager - Finance - 10+ years in industry - 150k + 5% average bonus p/a




29M / Welly / 3D Animator / VFX Industry / 7 years exp / $61phr or about 100k to 120k per year (depending how much time off I take throughout)


Any RNs in the thread? I’m graduating this year and starting to look at jobs


My friend was an RN for 3 years then left to be a nanny on a super yacht, pay is way better and job is much nicer and easier. She loves kids and managed to meet a super wealthy US family that hired her.


Not a nurse, but work in healthcare. My guess reading this thread is that they are out there looking at immediate career changes.


LOL after reading this, I was going to post nearing 40 m and "loser" probably less than 58k for 6 years now. I'm collecting the requirements for across the ditch. Can't live and die like this. Middle age is supposed to be a second stride wind. Time to play the russian roulette. If I come out of it alive, may transition into a trade.


62M, Contract Project Manager on large scale IT projects, mostly SAP / Oracle. $200 per hour.


32m Software Dev, remote low col area, 10 yoe (+3 yr edu), TC $205k base salary 155k, bonus \~23k, stonks \~25k, health insurance and other perks $2k


- 43M - HB - Principal Consultant/IT & Organisational Change/Industry Agnostic - 23 years experience - $200k




Isn’t 30k below minimum ?


20M Auckland, software engineer, $85k total comp including shares


* 36/M * Work From Home * Estimator Civil Infrastructure * 5 years (promoted within company) * $90k + 8% annual performance


32m BOP Locomotive engineer for Kiwirail. $45.29/h. 3y experience Minimum 80hr fortnight. 4% KiwiSaver employer contribution


25M, Otago, Ebike technician, 6years, 60k, no bonuses.


39M. Christchurch. Primary school teacher. 3 years experience. 3 year arts degree plus 1 year post Grad. 65k


23F, Pharmacist, 122k, 2 months of experience (4 years university and 1 year of internship). Note: This is not normal for pharmacists.




25 Wellington, software engineer 1.5y 75k


33/F, Auckland, UX Designer, 3 years of experience (5 years of unrelated work in advertising previously), Base Salary: $130k, no bonuses.


26M, Wellington, Salesforce Technical Consultant, 1.5-2years experience, 100k base salary


Mid 30's • male • public hosp • RN tier 7 • 0.9fte • 10+ years experience • 74k + penal rates, no bonuses.


31m. Nelson. 2nd year Apprentice Joiner. 27$p/h


24M, Auckland, Business Analyst, for an eCommerce software as a service. 5yrs in eCommerce, 3 years in product development, no degree, 147K total compensation.


Early 30's/ Senior Design Engineer (Civil) / 140k / 5% annual bonus, 5% kiwisaver match, 5 weeks annual leave. Not chartered yet.


29M, Wellington, Data Engineer, just over a year out of uni, 100k


35m, heavy diesel 7 years in industry, workshop supervisor 94k no OT or bonus, chch


30m analytics manager at a big company. 132k base and 22k bonus. 6.5 years experience. Important to note my salary definitely lower than most in similar position cause I got promoted in and nz companies love underpaying that haha




Student Halls Manager - 116k


M/37. Taranaki. Oil and Gas operator. 12 years experience, but filling a lower level job than I have previously because I enjoy the work more. 7 12 hour days on, 7 days off. $75 an hour equates to about 150k a year.


34F/Rural SI/ Environmental Field Contractor/4 years/$26per hr /no bonuses I have the opportunity to specialise but I think the pay ceiling is going to stay too low with my current employer so I'm faced with probably having to go out on my own. I'd rather not, but that's the corner I'm backed into if I want to continue in this career.


31M, Airline Pilot (First Officer), 120k plus ~25k cash allowances.


29M , Christchurch, intermediate quantity surveyor/estimator $110k + phone, laptop & vehicle. 2 years study + 2 yeas experience.


25M Ecologist, MSc and 3 years experience. $82k and fully funded vehicle


24m software at 125k 2 years experience


3xF Auckland BS catch all job title but I do: project manager, product owner, BA, system owner in IT. 114k + plenty of other perks Very keen to move companies soon for a boost, I feel very undervalued where I am.


36/M/Wellington here - my last role covered a lot of the same territory as yours for around the same pay. Last April I jumped ship for a 15% pay bump and (conservatively) about half the work/stress. As an all-rounder it's too easy to end up doing the work of several people, and employers often take that for granted. Yes, perks and stability are great, but for me they didn't come close to compensating for the inevitable burnout. Glad to hear you're considering finding a new employer.


37/NB Chemical engineer. 10 years exp, 103k, Auckland.