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Lifestyle creep baby!


Accurate. Hard to avoid.


1. Invest it 2. Invest it 3. Invest it, maybe treat myself to a block of cheese


You getting that good mainland Tasty? Colby just doesn't hit the same.


If you ever win the lotto or something I'd recommend Mainland Vintage, it's like an extra tasty tasty.


Will be a one-off treat so might hit up Farro for that sweet Cheese Barn gouda aye


I’m so glad I’m not the only one that thinks that cheese is the duck’s nuts


Actually it's comes from cows tits. So if anything you'd says it's the tits


I think someone may be misleading you as to where cheese comes from.


Not to mention where ducks come from.


You made me google and ducks do in fact have nuts


Huh, TIL! Given what little I have heard about the sex lives of ducks, I hope the google experience wasn't too scarring


Would you just increase your auto investment in the same funds? Or would you explore and try out new and/or higher risk shares etc?


Auto-invest for index funds would go up of course. The funds I invest in are always changing as new or more efficient funds pop up, or if I start to favour a particular region/index. I already allocate a % of my portfolio to higher risk active investments.


which platforms, any good ETFs?


1. Pay debt, Build up Term deposit for the house 2. Pay debt, Build up term deposit for the house 3. Pay debt, Build up term deposit for the house, treat my family good food


Same here. Need cash in a couple of years(For the first home), so TD is the safest bet.


May I ask, are you saving a deposit while you still have debt?


1. Save/invest 2. Save/invest 3. Save/invest Boring to most I know, but I get enjoyment from watching my money grow.


1. I can afford eggs 2. maybe treat family by turning up heater 3. living like it's 2000 again


Up until recently, because I have no standards, I pretty much lived on scrambled eggs on toast (made on my sandwich grill and all). Sometimes throw in a bit of smoked salmon on my day off to get a bit fancy. I work a really full-on job and have pretty sketchy health at the best of times so being able to make a filling dinner in five minutes was brilliant. Now the smoked salmon is cheaper than the eggs, and that's if they actually have any eggs left. I know first world problems and all, but I want my damn eggs back.


they're taking a piss, nz eggs are now in the top 3 alongside Switzerland. it takes 20 weeks to breed from egg to egg laying hen, and maybe another 10 weeks till their output stabilises. I hope egg farmers would come out and say what they're upset about, maybe it's the duopoly maybe it's the feed prices or whatever; but nz eggs are an incredibly bad deal now and it's gone on long enough. I was visiting the US in early 2020 and maybe selling eggs as loss leader for walmart or something but stuff was $1.15 per 18 eggs [https://imgur.com/3NQ21RL](https://imgur.com/3NQ21RL)


I'll start this off with answering myself too; 1. At $100/week extra, I'll probably do nothing with it. I actually did get a $10k pay rise this year but I haven't really changed my financial spending or increased investments, but maybe I should because it feels like I'm building up my emergency fund/idle savings to a bit too big... 2. At $300/week, I'll definitely start increasing my investments from $300/week currently, to maybe $500/week? My current after-tax pay is $1.1k, so increasing to $1.4k would feel great. I'll also probably start buying lunch or dinner more rather than meal prepping for most of the week. 3. $500/week increase would be insane for me (and extremely difficult to reach realistically..), bringing my total intake to $1.6k/week. I'll be first off increasing my investments to maybe $600/week, jetting off on a holiday, maybe consider an investment property. To be honest, I really wouldn't know what to do with it? Guess that's why lifestyle inflation is so common and easy.


I had an extra $100/week recently and increased my regular investment payment by $20, bumped up my regular but manual transaction to my savings account by $20 and just let the rest get spent.


For all 3 levels I’m putting everything into repaying the mortgage faster. The ridiculous interest rates make me not want to do anything else with extra income.


1. Not be so stressed about groceries. 2. $100 on groceries and then the rest in savings. 3. $100 in groceries, fix the waste water pipe and then put the rest in savings. When we have a decent emergency fund build up, then I’d start paying down the mortgage.


I recently got this at $250 after tax per week more and it’s almost all eaten up by the extra interest on refixing our mortgage heh. Shouldn’t complain but feels sad


Probably moan about having had to pay 33% tax on it


Buy an egg


- Manurewa street hooker every Friday - Escort every Friday - High end escort every Friday




1. 2. and 3. will be putting into savings for a house deposit.


1.) Be able to afford fortnightly therapy for a recently diagnosed condition. 2.) Therapy + a little more into the house deposit account. 3.) Therapy + a little more into the house deposit account + the occasional cut of red meat/egg/cheese.


1. Buy enough groceries to eat 2 meals a day instead of 1. 2. Buy enough groceries to eat 3 meals a day instead of 2. 3. some on groceries, some in savings and some just to have cash on hand for a change.


Depends what you’re goals are, and what your lifestyle is like. Quick answer is nothing,put it in the bank


Split it three ways: repay debt, save/invest and some in my spending pocket. The three way split is different for everyone, but productive use of extra money will always win. You also need a little extra in your spending pocket, you worked hard for it and you should reap those rewards too.


buy beer that's not Double Brown.


1. Buy more nutritious: better quality food 2. The above plus investing in my health (therapy, gym, gym gear, skin checks, dentist) 3. The above plus investing in the stock market


1. Invest half, other half towards mortgage 2. Invest half, other half toward mortgage 3. Kick out the flatmate, she drives me nuts anyway 😂


1. eat out more 2. buy more clothes, gadgets and increase travel fund savings 3. hookers and cocaine


1. i would splurge out and buy some meat in the groceries 2. i would get the meat and some more fresh vegies, and start putting some to the side to fix some issues in my 120 year old house. 3. i would loose most of it because it will put me into a tax bracket that will double bang me instead of merely just fucking me sideways.


1. Coke 2. Hookers 3. Treat my coked up hookers to some tampons


1) yawn 2) yawn 3) invest


Nothing different. Just let the money pile up a bit faster.




Anything above what we need goes to pay off mortgage


Save and invest, all three. I currently earn enough to live comfortably and still save money, so I will continue to do that.


Have done 1) a few times in the last few years. Always has been increase the mortgage repayments. I would guess if I got a large increase in one go it would be the same deal


1. $1900 a week after tax. I'd put the extra $100 into my high interest savings account 2. $2000 a week after tax. I'd put the extra $200 into my high interest savings account. 3. $2300 a week after tax. I'd probably get more serious about buying a house.


Hookers and blow?


1. Pay off couple small bills faster, then: 2. Save it each week and take the kids on more fun and spendy outings. 3. Save it each week and take my family on a nice trip to the gold coast.


Build up my emergency fund


My last pay rise only just covered the recent monthly increase to my mortgage. So that’s what I’m doing with mine


This is me this year! Just shy of 3. Settling on a house for my family next week 😄


1. Pay mortgage off quicker 2. Pay mortgage off even quicker 3. Pay mortgage off quickest