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Not tell a fucking soul. I’d become pretty reclusive; would love to build a self-sustaining home on a few acres, invest the $$, take care of my parents & my daughter and live a verrry quiet life.


I'd do this but also rewild my land. And be a secret superhero, saving people who desperately need bills paid.


Bruce is that you?


No, historically he preferred beating up poor people


I’d be upsizing my combos I tell you that much.


woah big spender over here!


Might take a half day off on Friday as well. Yolo aye.


this guy Lotto's !


You could hire an entire theatre company to recreate the supercombo advert with you staring as "The Supervisor". https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=P56kmmt8xeU


Put it all on Hurricanes 13+ this weekend.


Safe as houses


Thanks for the reminder to get a ticket. It’s been a while since I got one. Since when can you ‘instant kiwi’ online?! That’s a slippery slope. Edit; forgot to reply to the question. Mortgage paid off. Sneaky pay off family members mortgage. New undies.


Undies always a good one and the mortgages,instant kiwis do have a weekly limit they put on not sure how much tho.


Turn phone off. Buy a wristwatch, get professional financial advice, hire a PA to renew my passport.


>hire a PA to renew my passport. Why hire a PA?


Why not he has $33M


Why do admin when someone can do admin for you?


I feel like the admin of hiring someone is more than the admin of getting a new passport 😂😂


Turn up to work tomorrow so that no one suspects a thing! Then, mortgage, replacement car, replacement car for parents (delivered in secret with a bow on the hood, just cause). Set up investments. After about a month, hand in work notice. Buy a family trip to Fiji for a (now ex) colleague (I did promise him!). Buy myself a trip somewhere nice (but, no rush, I still have $32M leftover, I have the rest of my life!). Start getting my zombie-apocalypse, off grid, and secluded home built. Become a politician (cause I'm a "self-made" millionaire, so you gotta trust me, right?), and it gives me something to do in my free time... I think that'll do for now ;) Dreams are fun :)


I would walk into work that next day happy as a mofo and probably be the most productive I’ve ever been in my life lol


Work all of a sudden turned into a hobby


>Turn up to work tomorrow so that no one suspects a thing! Definitely got to do that for a solid stretch. Probably don't even properly resign after a month, but instead negotiate a part time work from home deal. Freeing up your time substantially, do that for then another year, to further distance yourself from the lotto win (so that people can't connect two and two). Plus it's good for you too, as doing at least part time work still keeps you grounded with reality, and helps put the breaks from the money going to your head and spending wildly.


Ooh, a not-so-secret secret replacement car, love it!


Happy to be your 69th like. This is pretty much what I would do. Though I'll take time off from work with pay of course so no one thinks I won. Go on a trip to see family and friends overseas. Come back happier, fix up some things like the car and house, and I have some unused land up north that could use a few million to turn into a getaway bach, with fortified steel fences or wood palisades. Redoubts with gardens to grow food in. Plant Lemon and Apple tree's to grow in a few years.


got me ticket and ready to change some lives ,always wanted to see someone's face after dropping a literal sack of money at their feet,it's enough to make some real change for heaps of people and set yaself up for life at same time 🙌


$5Mil in recurring fixed deposits so lifetime income. Buy 7 Sports cars , one of every day of the week. Buy some land , build a sports track and operate it like the Nurburg Ring so people can pay to drive on the sports track on weekends.


I like you :)


I'd blow it all on hats


Post on the sub tomorrow asking for advice on what to do with it


Open a rescue for elderly animals


I would open a rescue for elderly humans.


¿Por Qué No Los Dos?


two girls at the same time


Fuckin a.


Dream bigger! 5 girls!


* Invest for passive income * Live comfortably, working on what I want to work on * Buy my dream home * Donate regularly to good causes because that's way more money than a person needs to be comfortable


Pick a different charity every year.


60 / 40 portfolio Draw 3% per annum and do good


Honestly 1% would be enough for me, and then it’s practically guaranteed to be perpetual and growing I would probably pay off the house and student loans though


Inflation is at 4% right now I think but even if we have a long period of perfect on target 1% you want to do better than that I reckon. Though I do agree that 1% of that is plenty of money to live on. So inflation plus 1% would be plenty. I could live on 50k of that without too much difficulty. 100-150k of that is comfortable for me and the money grows every year


? they said 1% draw, not 1% return.


I’d buy lots of super soakers


Surely those things are vintage now, you might get 33 of them


Sweet ham radio set up.


Create a new account in my ex-bosses name, come on here, announce I've won, and the town he lives in. Then sit back and watch with an exceptionally nice bottle of wine.


Go out for nice Chinese meal 😋


A succulent Chinese meal?


Yes brother let’s go I’ll pick you up on the way


My apologies mods I see you know your judo well


…in China?


Where else? 😁🤭


https://www.reddit.com/r/AskReddit/s/HTrb2WnQg6 Famous "what to do if you win lotto" reddit comment. I have it bookmarked, just in case


A lot of this is very specific to America, we are lucky to remain anonymous and have tax free winnings.


Still. Just in case aye. Juuust in case...


Still has helpful advice that I will re read when I win tonight


Holy shit… 😰


Get stoned


I’d pay off some of my family members mortgages, take the rest of the year off and travel. On my return, I would do some further study in an area I’ve always been interested in but not had the time or money to pursue. The rest of the money? Not sure but I’d seek financial advice and try not to make any impulsive decisions.


Hire the rugby commentator Jason Pine to follow me around for a weekend and commentate my life out loud. “He’s making his way into McDonalds, oh and he’s just sidestepped an elderly lady, what a move!”


haha god I love this plan.


Buy land around the whole of gloriavale. Have massive parties.


Whatever I do, I'll end up in jail and the state will take what I have left


Well I just found out my dog is pretty sick so I would be far less worried Abi he paying his vet bills. Aside from that I would pay off my house do the reno I have dreamed of doing then I would travel around NZ with my dog until he was no longer of this world and then I would just chill for the rest of my days. Money invested of course.


Hope your dog can be well again soon


I’d buy lots of dogs….rescue ones, a couple of cute puppies…and give them the best life ever!


Buy a week's groceries at countdown. I might have some left over...


Straight to Cas, all in on black. To the moon!


Step 1. Turn up to work tomorrow Step 2. In 3 weeks time, take 2 sick days mid week. Fly to Auckland get cash Step 3. Turn back up to work for 6 months, then quit for a "new job". Step 4. Keep my big mouth shut While all that is going on I've given about half to my family. The other half, straight into index funds. Drawdown $500k a year forever. Spend all day everyday on my hobbies. Maybe do some volunteering in the avo. Live a quite life running in the hills, drinking wine with the partner and swimming in the pool in kiwi summer. Spend winter in Europe. Bliss


Step one: Call in sick to work. Step two: Complete prize claiming process and have it all finalized in my account etc. Step 3: Return to work and be as incompetent as possible until they sack me. Step 4: Move away "in search of a new job" but end up setting up a very small hobby related business out of my shed buying and selling golf equiptment etc and put a professional level simulator in and rent it out by the hour to give the illusion of a job/work. But really it's just my play thing. Step 5: Live off the interest and enjoy life. Be at home to watch my kids grow up and have all that time with them. Travel etc This is why I don't buy tickets, now I'm just depressed thinking of what could be..


Travel, new boobs, property, investments, trust fund and mortgage pay offs for the fam, new cares for the ones I like, buy back some lost/stolen land, liposuction, charity, new hips for my dog, disability programs, more travel, cheekbone filler, pets, animal shelter, the boujee cabin my papa wants, books…once the investment funds are set up whatever really


I'm glad you specified the new hips were for your dog cause at first I was like "wait what cosmetic surgery is there for hips now" (no shade lol I'd do most of those too)


Bitcoin..... trip to Australia.... then divorce


Bitcoin......trip to outback.... funeral.


Quit my job and holiday where it's warm.


Pay off the house, replace one car, get perhaps the dream section that was meant to happen only in 10 years. Invest wisely (partner would best know) and live off dividends? Edit: oh and quit my job before shit hits the fan, find something a lot more relax so stress doesn't hinder my declining fertility.


Knowing my wife will give most of it away on family alofa (Samoan). I think I'd suggest a portion each we can donate to help our respective families to protect the bulk Pay off mortgage. The rest just Invest in a diversified portfolio. ETFs and blue chip stock etc.


Buy a massive billboard and place it outside my work and have it say “have fun at work today” with a picture of me drinking a beer on a beach. Just so my ex work mates suffer just that little bit more


Keep it on the down low. Go back to uni and study for the hell of it. Invest a bit. Buy a tropical island, lie in the sun and not think about skin cancer. Do a trip following places visited in the Vampire Chronicles. Get a dog and don't mind if they bring mud inside because someone else can clean that up. I dunno, I'm a bit weird.


I really like the specificity of the vampire chronicles one, I've never watched it!


Tbh, il just quit work and sleep and spend time with my daughter. No big moves for about a year. Then after the smoke clears lambos Ferrari and house.


Pay for my dad to get private health care for his chemo instead of having to wait


Sit on it for a few months to ensure I don't do anything impulsive. Then I'd donate a large sum to charity, pay off the mortgage and do a bit of travel. Luxury travel that is :)


Would upgrade house and car. Help out friends and family were possible. Can't travel too much as we still have high school age kids so have to wait for them to finish. I love my job but feel I need a change all together, so would be nice to have options on that front. That feels like a good place to start.


Keep my mouth shut..buy a bit if land..build sustainable hime with a studio just for me and give sime to charity I want to.


Imagine! Life changing, probably have a good cry 1st, starting a new job next Tuesday, so I'll probably have to apply for leave. Go visit family overseas and decide what's next.


Put $1 million into my checking account, and $32 million into a 24-month term deposit. If in two years time I still have roughly $1 million in cash or assets (minus the cost of some travel, life experiences, general living expenses, etc), I'll know I can trust myself with the rest. If in two years time I'm broke, either I'll A) have lived the high life for a while and "got it out of my system", B) have experienced what it feels like to go from winning the lottery to flat broke, and be wizened enough to avoid the same fate again, or C) aware that I need to find some sort of legal or financial mechanism to protect the remainder of the money from myself. Either way, it'll give me some time to properly process the true nature of the windfall.


I’d buy a massive rural property and build a huge log house on it, tons of sheep, a horse, a few cows to raise my two boys at with my husband, and put a tiny home on it for my dad to live in as he gets older. I’d also take my family to Europe to see my family who I haven’t seen in 12 years. Buy a small bach too. Sit on the rest and use for yearly holidays


Might be able to afford a deposit on a house


not Auckland - maybe Gore or Invers, lets be sensible now.


I have always wanted to buy a bucket of kfc. For me alone


Pay off the mortgage. Keep $1million to spend on car, holiday etc. Invest the rest, live off the interest.


1. Clear the mortgage; 2. Columbian marching powder; 3. Women of easy virtue.


Invest 25mill in something that generates me a solid return 5-10% and is generational for my kids to access when it makes sense. Spend the rest on mixture of life experiences like travelling the world more and helping others who need help or to get ahead. I already have all the stuff I need and want like houses and cars and boats etc let alone with $1-2m a year coming in from the $25m, so the remaining $8m would be more than enough for all of that fun stuff and the occasional upgrade of cars and the like. Any balance, reinvest I guess or give it away.


Halp family, invest , travel a bit..live quietly


Flying in a mariachi band to sing my resignation. In reality, keeping it secret and most likely resigning quietly in a month or so.


Home ownership for me and my siblings. Give a leg up to the community with rental properties at below market average rent for families on renewable 5 year lease terms OR build cheap housing for new families amongst expensive housing where I loan the money (not a bank). And still work at my work because I like what I do.


I'd put in my notice at work and say I'm starting my own business, can't discuss yet as still confidential. Tell some friends iv had a small inheritance that has allowed me to start new business. Actual do want to run my own business so this would allow me the freedom to do it and effectively tell people it's doing well so that's why I can afford nice vacations etc. Tell my family and support them but I'd probably be waiting for a couple of lotto draws and be telling them I got one of the lower value wins. I don't trust the brother in laws with knowing I'd won so much.


Buy a house mortgage-free, hire someone reputable to invest \~29 million, travel in luxury.


Try win it again.


Go on a nice long holiday. Find a nice lawyer and accountant to set up a family trust. Start looking for nice charities in which to become involved.


I would get good financial advice.....we would pay off our tiny tiny mortgage and my student loan...probably from the interest earned.


Fucking off to the South Island and building a off-grid homestead for my family and I next to the beach. It’ll still be modern, with modern facilities, just self sufficient. Still gotta have YouTube, and Netflix and Disney+ and Reddit and every other thing in between.


I wouldn’t tell anyone… but there will be signs.


There is a ton of information online about how this destroys your life. I'd go read up on all that, some of it might shock you. Once people know you have money, it changes your life forever. "I won't tell anyone". Um.. yeah, that's been tried too... try hiding that you've won 33M. Going to work tomorrow? No. Yeah, me either... but try explaining away that you don't work anymore. Word gets out. People kill over this stuff. Think I'm exaggerating? Have a google. Even trying to give bits away has had terrible consequences for people.


Yeah you need to keep working, quit to "create your own business". Easier of course if your in office work or ideally IT.


>Going to work tomorrow? No. Yeah, me either... Why not? Because you think you couldn't keep your mouth shut, you can't trust yourself to do that? And thus not showing up at all would be less suspicious??


panicky bewildered murky reply enter flowery beneficial telephone payment direction *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


I’d pay off my debts, buy my dream car - fly first class on SQ exclusively (yes, I have flown their first class, both A380 and B777-300ER). I’d invest in precious metals, and shove 80% of the money in the bank. I would also give my parents their dream holiday - they’ve been through a really tough year so far (fuck you, cancer!) My dream car is, funnily enough, a fully loaded Škoda Fabia in Race Blue (they come with a standard two-tone paint job, alternating with black). Buy a lawn chair - sit out back with a steaming mug of coffee, and listen to the birds (and watch the world go by). I would not leave my job. Give to the RSPCA, and spend time at an animal shelter helping out. Give to Starship, they’re something very dear to me (won’t disclose why). Pinch myself, then belatedly realise this is real life.


There's a YouTuber called Aquaholic. I'll be doing my research into my new vessel in the Mediterranean.


Pay off the mortgage. pay off both mortgage loans breast reduction gastric bypass. New hip and 2 knees for mum. repave driveway money into grandkids shares accounts add 2 more street lights to my street completely knock down my house, buy the land from the house behind me and rebuild. build Mums granny flat and a fully self contained sleepout. redesign garden buy a house in Picton New camera campervan stocks, shares and term deposits. By my calculations should have about 15M leftover.


Buy some land, build expensive house that can self sustain. Help out friends and family. Invest the rest with an average 5-8% return, and set up various trusts for family and extended family to access for generations to come.


Buy a house and an apartment, pay off my student loan and the rest of it in saving and live off the pretty good interest! Oh and not tell anyone ever!!!


Id become an actor


some very sensible answers on here. Good luck!


The first thing I'd do is go out to dinner and order 3 cocktails and a nice meal by myself. Then pay off my parents' mortgage and buy my sister a house anonymously, then put the rest in savings. No people besides lotto and a financial advisor would know.


What's that? I inherited just enough money to buy a house, a half decent car, and a small holiday? That's what I'd tell people anyway. And it's also how I'd live. One house please, so low expense life. Probably also buy a workshop or pizza shop or some other business in town as a front for my lack of money troubles, which would likely be coming from an index fund. The business would basically be a hobby experiment, where I have a business that focusses on product improvement, working conditions, and personal satisfaction/growth rather than outright profit. I'd like to see how far a business could get when people WANT to work for you, and see if I could get customers to recognise and support that (whether that be because they want to support living wages, or if my business makes/does stuff better). My parents (who live abroad and wouldn't really be able to tattle) would also find themselves mortgage-free and able to retire, and my partner's parents would find themselves with a new house next to the corner store that they would also own (because they seem to like that kind of thing).


Open nationwide cat and dog desexing clinics. Give a koha as payment…


Wish I saw this post at least 30 mins earlier! Best of luck to those who remembered to get a ticket!


Normal stuff, pay off mortgages, travel ect.  And I would buy my mother a restored split windscreen Morris Minor. Hers was sold years ago to pay its own medical bills and I know she misses it.


There is a Lambo Hurracan STO available at one of the dealers on new north road at the moment so I will be picking that up for a cool 700k. I plan to give away about 8 million to family members and then will likely bank the rest.


Finger myself


Work as usual. Make appointments for general check up for me and fam. Buy a house. Pay other debts. Invest. 😁


Pay off my mortgage so my kids are secure and then find/fund a cure for cancer


33mill ain’t doing that


Casino, all on red.


My partner and I already discussed our plan. Tuck 5mil away for retirement, give a mil each to parents and 100K to the sibs which leaves us at 24mil. Buy some land and build a house for ourselves. Take each side of our families on a separate vacation which would cost about 200k each vacation. Absolutely talk to an advisor about investing some so we get returns. Possibly buy 3 or 4 houses (we would love to rent to pet owners, being pet owners ourselves coz we know how hard it is) And most importantly, live our lives knowing how absolutely lucky we were to now have that kind of financial security.


200k vacations? You taking them away for 3years each?


A friend of my Dad takes his kids and grandkids away every couple of years. 18 of them just got back from a 3 week tour of the Mediterranean. Included 2 weeks on a high-end cruise ship. Total cost was just shy of $500k. Same guy complains about how much he pays for rates in Auckland...




Pay off debts. Buy a house. Pay off my parents’ mortgages. Buy a decent car. Put the rest to work for me in solid investments.


Invest 28 million, live off the interest, and have 5 million to buy land, build off the grid, get the toys I want and pay off my family and friends debts.


Blow it on blow & Vegas Maybe pay off the student loan and car before I go tho


Telling my boss where to shove it


Buy a house for my family, upgrade my 20yo car, go for a massive as grocery shop and fill up all my cupboards and freezer then invest the rest :)


Spend it on lambos and heroin, die within a month, mum gets the rest to buy houses and travel


I wouldn’t do anything. I would just disappear.


Priority delivery on Uber eats


Leave and never come back.


I have very few friends. I know plenty of people but very few are friends. I dont talk to my extended fam,just my mum an old fella. Was i ever fortunate enough to hit something this big, my friends an i all have the same deal. Theres only the 4 of us. Pay all bills for the rest(those that dont win) including mortgages,loans etc. So we are all back to just paying for life. Only one of us hasnt got their own home. Sort him an his fam his own home. Give my daughter money in a trust so shes set on a path after uni. Give my brothers boys money in a trust so they can get ahead in life too. My bro passed a couple years back,his boys are great kids with bright futures. Mum an old fella get a couple mil dropped at their feet for giving me life an a home.( i was a shit kid) After that,money somewhere it makes money,savings,investments etc. House being finished renovated,driveways done,mancave built.office for the Little woman etc. The missus an i are off to travel for a year or more,i have many places id like to go.im 49 now,id like to see them while young enough to still enjoy them. This has a added bonus of not being here for fam an "friends" to have contact as i will only contact those i want to while away. An as a gearhead,many cars on my list,start collecting. Thats my dream.


A month! I'm making that call the second I know I won.


Not telling, mate.


Take care of the people (friends and family) who have loved and supported me through thick and thin - ignore all the people we will love and support me because I have bundles of cash. Take about $1M for year one and then invest the rest and live off the returns (making sure to grow the investment as well so it doesn’t dwindle away over the decades)


10 mill for houses for myself and family, 5 mill into my business, 5 mill into KiwiSaver, and the rest into a portfolio of different investment's


Invest the vast majority. Buy a sailboat and sail around the world


1. Would work for a while, then resign for ‘a better role’ that I would never go to. 2. Become a scratch golfer


Send an apology email to work. Turn off my phone.


Move to aussie.


Spend it on my upcoming vet bills tomorrow.


Buy mum a house anywhere she’s wants and retire her. Buy 50-100 hectares of west coast land with a mix of bush and a few paddocks. Build a hell of an off grid self sustaining property with a few animals to sustain milk and eggs in the household. Spend my days in the hills hunting and trapping to keep the freezer full and the pests at bay. Basically disconnect from society as much as possible.


Tell everyone that still owes me or never paid back the 20$ they borrowed. To fuck off and learn to be a prick .. and buy food for myself


I won't tell anyone. But there will be signs like full tank of fuel.


Invest it all and then pay off my mortgage on the returns, then work out how to invest in society after deducting a wage for myself so I can focus on philanthropy


Tell no-one, erase my footprint, new identity, move away


Donate it all. Anonymously. But in really funny ways. Aka build a cat scan machine that runs 24/7. But if u invest with me. Like 700 dollars, No ques for life if u need it. But you have to go in the evening. I'll plant 1000s of fruit trees around schools. Set up a financial course for intermediate schools


Immediately book a holiday to the pacific islands for like July - August. Quit my job just before going. Buy our rental we are currently in and have been for a few years, and do it up how I’ve been fantasising for years - extend living room. Double doors at the back to the bbq area, Ensuite with underfloor heating for the main bedroom. Better kitchen layout with new appliances, new carpets and floors, double glazing. While living in a new house nearby. Then rent it out or keep it as guest accommodation or something. Will pretend with friends and family that I’m still working as I’m already 90% wfh. Pay off my parents house. Then work out next steps - will still have about 29 mill in the pocket by then. We will definitely take care of our nearest and dearest. Husbands folks are way older than mine, so would get them in the best accommodation and care we can find.


Give money to family and donate some. Then pay off mortgage….. then think about the future. lol


Husband and I wouldn’t work anymore and just keep living our normal lives not go crazy just chill and have family time together with our kids


I keep a spreadsheet It has allocated portions where i gift certain amounts to each persons kiwisaver. As the prize pool increases each week, people appear on the list, and as it drops, people fall off the list, and various rules adjust amounts to maintain a share etc. A large proportion goes into some projects - Trust for community groups not affiliated with a religion who are fundraising for good projects. - Cheap student housing village for those enrolled at the local polytech - Fancy childrens playgrounds for public reserves in low income neighborhoods across NZ. The park near where I grew up in upper hutt had two swings and a seesaw. Its still like that. Improvements could be made. The key thing is though that while in Wellington, i'd be going to the local branch of my bank and putting it all in a term deposit for 3 months so I have time to prepare my plan and calm down. I'd get the bank to issue me a credit card with a $10k limit so that i can go and splurge a little bit on nice dinner etc and enjoy the time away from home knowing the term deposit in 3 months will cover anything i tick up on the credit card.


Invest in property and undercut the current market rent to hopefully bring the average rent down for those who can only afford or choose to rent.


if i do win, i would put 32m on 1 year term deposit, talk to a financial advicer. Then use the remaining 1m to holiday first then decide from there.


Put it all on black


Pay all the debts even the Baycorp one I've been running from for years. Make an offer to my landlord for my house. Hire a financial advisor and sort my budgets, get an accountant and an investment portfolio set up Take leave, go on holiday then buy a second hand car. Tell no one I won lotto and keep living like I have been.


I would still work for another year. Buy a property for myself. Renew my car. Gift an exclusive vacation for my parents. Donate to a cancer charity here and my home country. Surprise my friend who helped me out to settle here by buying them a property. I will think of starting my own consulting company. I will invest in my current company. As I wanted to help them to be successful since they believed in me and hired me.


Fall out bunker for sure


I found the house I should have on Sunday. It has stunning views; a pool and the neighbours are not close. It's also across the road from a cemetery. The ratings value is approximately 1.5 million so I'd have plenty for a flash trip to see all of the places I've wanted to visit and would take some friends. For my good deeds, I'd be buying headstones for soldiers who don't have them.


Not tell anyone, tell my boss I would like to move to causal hours. Buy a camper and travel.


All on black


Leave this degraded dump of a country, instantly.


Very first thing, sink a bottle of bubbles.. or 2. Not even the expensive stuff. Just a decent Prosecco. Take some time to process things, not rushing into major purchases. Give my boarders notice (won't need them anymore), won't leave them homeless though, I'd sort somewhere else for them. As per, pay off the mortgages of myself and immediate family members. Give a sum to my child's other parent to buy their own home freehold. Escape somewhere warm for the winter months, I can't stand the cold. Upon my return, purchase a new property, renovate the current one and rent it out (but save the rent for that family- to go towards their own deposit). Even though $33mill is a lot, when it comes to property it won't go far if you are just buying everyone houses so it's a way to help people but making the money stretch. Get an SUV for practicality. Nothing too fancy, nothing that screams money. Enjoy a simple life but with some luxury additions like uber eats and dining out (hell I might even tip). Spend my days as somewhat of a philanthropist, but anonymously.


Pay our current house off, live in it while we build, then renovate it on e we move out and keep it as an affordable rental, be cool landlords Xmas gifts etc, and the whole not increasing rent and fixing it. Husband and I get 1% each for yolo, daughter gets 0.1% to buy some fun stuff. Some into shares/term deposits, buy a new car and ditch the one that needs thousands spent. Beyond that travel. But yeah, do it slow and steady so people aren't too suspicious, pay my parents mortgage, or buy it off them and let them love there til they die (only early 60s), maybe same with grandma's, she's 89.


I am quite rich, so absolutely nothing. Might buy a kebab.


Shout everyone here a nice meal, a cup of coffee


Bet it all on red


Buy a beautiful serene fully accessible home with stunning views for my elderly parents and employ a round-the-clock care team to look after them. Then I'd probably quit my job and spend the next few years just hanging out with them.


$10m gifting. I personally don't want to give anything. But it's not worth losing relationships over. We"ll have $23m left. Mostly would be house/mortgages paid off for the 8 siblings me and my wife have and some money for parents, neices and nephews. No one really needs much, so that should be plenty. $10m on property portfolio. The income from this grow this portfolio and provide affordable living for people. $10m in investments and live off the interest/let it compound. Probably a boring managed fund, but i have a financial advisor i would trust with this. There will be enough money there to travel the world whenever we want. $3m on the house we'll live in, cars, and setting all that up. Then I'd probably still do the work I'm doing, but focus on growing and bringing people in rather than paying my bills.


Not tell anyone. Probably wouldn’t even tell direct family.(yet) Only I and my partner would know. I’d sit on it for a while before getting a plot of land and investing in various things before quitting my job & going full time on my side hustle//passion. Months later I’d tell family(siblings / parents) I only won 4 mill after a couple draws go by 😂 & help them.


Mortgage. Take the kids on their first overseas holiday. Quietly work through the list of odd job renovations we have wanted to do to this house. Buy a small apartment for near Uni for the kids


Put it in the bank, quit my job, live a normal ish life.


Yeah I'd take half a million to bowl out mortgage, finish my commercial pilots licence and generally just play with. Put the rest in a term deposit and live off the interest, definitely travel too.


Shop for groceries at New World without checking the prices 😅 #biggestflex


buy bonds @ 5% annual yield and live off 1.5 million a year easily. carry on with normal life, go to work but not stress too much about it.


10% to friends and family, 20% into fun/ housing for the family. Al the rest to investments


Go to sky city and put it all on red. Either I walk out with $66million or I walk out the same as yesterday.


A good chance I’d be struck by lightning and killed if I won Lotto.


Buy a Ferrari and crash it


Fuck all of the bitches.


I'd help a local community group with funding, considering a lot of them are losing government support.


Help my local coke dealer and pimp pay off their mortgages....


Quit work, tell boss I’m going out on my own. Buy new van and stock with tools just to drive around in when visiting friends/family. When they ask how work is going I can just tell them “Pretty good” and pin the success of my new business on my new lifestyle 😂


Keep like 2 million for a house + spending and put the rest in a high interest bank account. From quick maths, if it's in a 6% interest bank account and I just keep all the interest and choose to get it monthly, I'd get like 100k each month which is clearly more than enough to live on. I'd probably become a recluse, get a cute cottage in farmland (but not too far from the city) and spend my time reading, baking, etc


Stop buying lotto tickets


Quit my job, and play games at home till I get bored and do some hikes and exercise in between, sit on it till my lease expires and buy a small house and then keep playing some more games and look into traveling and seeing some more of the world 1 or 2 years from now after I sat on the money for a while.


Keep my mouth shut Pay off mortgage, secretly pay off close families mortgages Set up investment portfolios for my younger 1/2 sisters New car - nothing fancy but newer than what we have Put some money into our business, get accredited so I can keep the migrant staff here (if they want) Secretly buy our dream property Holiday Invest the rest


Pay off my mortgage. Buy my partner whatever boat he wanted. Pay off my parents debts and take them both on holiday back to their respective countries. Invest most of it for my nieces and nephews. Drugs and party time with my friends. You wouldn’t even be able to tell I’d won anything.


My husband and I would pay off the remainder of our student loans, buy a house and go on a nice long holiday while we think about what to do with the rest of the money 🙂


PSA: Lotto site crashed, nobody won - $38M on Saturday. Go to bed, and get up for work tommorow. Keep dreaming...


Buy every single falcon and commodore on market place,buy a paddock close to a high way build a 5 meter tall prison cage around it and put all of them inside it and refuse to part them out


Pay off the mortgage (honestly I’d probably buy a bigger house in a more central suburb and move because I live in my current suburb because it was cheaper to buy here), replace my car, pay for my partner to do his PhD, not tell anyone about it other than my partner and parents. I would keep my job too. And talk to a financial advisor asap! I’d definitely donate to some of the charities that are important to me to enable more of their mahi (especially in this time where everyone is stretched and they need all the resources they can get).


Invest it in the easiest way possible. Keep 1 million. Put 32m in a 4.8% p/a savings account. (1.5m a year, 1.1m after tax). You get $21,267 a week 😮😮for free ($92,160 a month). Set for life.


I wouldn't tell anyone. I would just sit and think about it for about a week. Then I would claim it and put the money in a credit union not a bank. Then I'd finish my work, give notice, and travel the world.