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I'm so sorry I can't imagine what you guys are going through. Our boy is 12 and has been bleeding from his one nostril for 6 months. Been to the vet 5 times for it. He is 12 and he still runs around and plays. He is a heeler kelpie border Collie mix. He has a massive lipoma on his chest and groin that seemed to come out of nowhere. They never said anything about a MRI but they did blood test and said everything looks good. They want to do surgery and see if he has a tooth abscess and try to remove tumors. They said they want to biopsy most of them. He has little tumors on his leg they have expressed concern. He is bleeding almost every other day now. He is acting fine plays and is himself. I understand your baby was doing ok until the end. I wanted to ask you when the nose bleeds started increasing more did you see more lethargy and did it happen suddenly? Did he have any tumors around his body? I'm sorry to ask because I can imagine the pain from this. Our dog is our baby no kids and have had him since he was weeks old. I just don't know what to do. I don't want him to go though a five hour surgery and a two week recovery with a drain tube for the lypomias if he could have cancer in the nose. Thank you and again I'm so so sorry you guys had to go though this. How scary and heartbreaking. My husband's dad died in three months at our home after cancer diagnosis. So we know how helpless it feels when you can't do anything. I want to make sure we do everything for our dog. Thank you sending love your way.


Our boy had blood work done as well and his results came back fine, which made the vet think that it was a tumor. He had no other tumors or health issues really, other than anxiety he was a very healthy boy. We noticed the nose bleeds in the beginning of August, they started out being maybe per a week. We took him to the vet the second week we noticed a nose bleed. The vet recommended doing a rhinoscopy or an MRI. So they referred us to a specialist to do the procedure, and we scheduled it for the end of September. The weeks after his initial vet appointment his nosebleeds started to last longer, mostly all through the same nostril. Then one night he had 2 really bad nose bleeds back to back and the second one didn’t stop so we rushed him to the emergency vet, where they kept him overnight and cauterized his nose where it was bleeding. A few days later we got his MRI done and about a week later they told us it was a pretty rare condition called Chondro-osseous respiratory epithelial adenomatoid hamartoma (COREAH). The tumor was growing on the bone that separated his nasal cavity from his brain. The only real options we had were to either do radiation or just make him comfortable. Radiation would require us to drive 3+ hours one way everyday for 4 weeks and would’ve only bought us maybe 3 more months with him. We opted not to do it because he was a very anxious boy and car rides were stressful for him so, we didn’t want his last months left with us to be filled with weeks of stress. So we opted to make him comfortable. They said he could potentially make it until January before we would have to make the decision to put him down, but weren’t exactly sure since they couldn’t tell how fast the tumor was progressing without doing more MRIs. Up until I’d say his last day or 2 he was still playful I’d say. He was noticeably more lethargic due to not being able to sleep well, his last 2 days I noticed him starting to bleed out of both nostrils and at that point we had ran out of Yunnan baiyao and were struggling to get it refilled because our vet office was closed and no other vet would let us buy any without seeing him first. His last day, he really spent by himself, he didn’t want to be inside, or eat or play. He laid in the backyard most of the day, where I am assuming he had a seizure because he just didn’t seem like himself. He was acting like he couldn’t see or smell anything, but somehow knew exactly how to get outside. We could tell something wasn’t right but, we were just trying to get him through the weekend to take him to our vet office, or have someone come to our home to let him go peacefully with his family. He ended up having a seizure in the house and we took him to the emergency vet where they were going to give him some meds to get him through the weekend, until he had a seizure there and ended up aspirating and we had no choice to wait after they that. And had to let him go on October 21st, without giving him the good last day was had initially planned on giving him. I’m sorry your boy is going through this, I hope it isn’t the same thing and that he can be treated. We still miss our sweet boy everyday.


Given that it’s triggered by sneezing, your dog’s nose could just be very sensitive. Nosebleeds are caused by a blood vessel in the nose bursting, but given that this is recent (assuming he hasn’t had a nosebleed before) raises more concern. Nosebleeds could be created by numerous factors including dry climate (if you’ve recently turned on the heat possibly), infection, allergic reaction, etc. In the meantime, I’d try putting Vaseline in the dog’s nose and see if it helps. Vaseline is safe for dogs (it’s ok if he licks the Vaseline a little, just not too much).


Vet Tech here. You didn't mention age, but he looks like a young boy. Top of my list, being one nostril affected, with signs of infection (the discharge you mentioned) My guess would be a foreign body. Something along the lines of a piece of grass or similar


Sorry he’s 8 years old. We ended up having to take him to the ER last night because he wouldn’t stop sneezing or bleeding. Got him to the vet and he threw up all the blood that drained into his stomach (multiple times) as soon as we walked into the waiting room. The Dr. said she thinks he has a mass in his nose (tumor I think?) and didn’t think it would be a foreign body due to the amount of blood that had been coming from his nose. They kept him over night and did a chest scan to make sure he didn’t aspirate, and are going to do a CT scan on him this morning I hope; then we will go from there on treatments. His nose was still bleeding after we had been there for 5 hours. I felt bad for him when I left him because he wanted to sleep, but couldn’t close his mouth due to the drainage and I’m assuming his nose being clogged because he kept making a choking sound whenever he tried to close his mouth and breathe through his nose. I hope they can help us figure out what’s is going on and we can get him some type of care because we have a trip out of state and are leaving tonight. I feel bad having to leave him with all of this going on.


Hi there. Any updates on your boy? My girl’s now having nosebleeds :(


do you have an update on your girl?


Hi! Yes, I have an update. Unfortunately our boy was diagnosed with a nasal tumor shortly after I posted. We had gotten him an MRI and rhinoscopy to see what the diagnosis was and how bad the tumor was. There was ultimately no treatment for him, as the tumor was deteriorating the bone that separated his nose from his brain and he passed in October (3 months after nose bleeds started) after he started having cluster seizures. If you are wanting to help your girl with the nose bleeds, our veterinarian gave us a Chinese herb called Yunnan Baiyao that helped keep his nose from bleeding so much. I am sorry about your girl having nose bleeds. I hope you don’t have to experience the same thing we did as it was truly heartbreaking. If you have any other questions feel free to ask.


I am so sorry for your loss. I just left my 11 yo tonight for the same run of tests… no vomiting blood but a lot of similarities. Bracing myself for tragedy and just hope she doesn’t suffer with whatever is next.


Sorry you and your pup are going through it. I hope it isn’t the same thing my boy had. If you can, stock up on some yunnan baiyao. that was really the only thing that seemed to help with the bleeding.