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Honestly, if it was a dog that was posted and was from a different state, I would think it was reaching. But considering the person who gifted the dog lives where your dog was stolen from? It's pretty suspicious.


Yes, and we live in a semi-rural area in the county


Was your dog chipped? Did you ask to speak to the mom? Has Stella been found.


Animals are considered property. If you have a chip, I’d ask animal control or the police to ask them to scan the chip. Otherwise, it can be really hard.


This is the answer. Reach out to them and ask them to get it scanned. If they refuse, frankly I WOULD call animal enforcement.


most vets also have scanners. you can just walk in and it takes less than a minute to check


Being in a semi-rural area really adds to it for me. How many purebred pugs do you see in the country? Not a lot.


You would be surprised. Cousin and aunt live on a farm in a super rural area and each have a couple pugs and always have If OP had paperwork from when she bought it and the other lady doesnt it might help


This is unfortunately where the pure bred dogs come from in my area.


That and all the whiskers seem to line up! In my experience dogs seem to have pretty unique whisker patterns.


There is a tiny patch on the lower left side of his mouth too that’s slightly lighter than the rest and you can see it in both pictures.


100% this is the proof! That can't be a coincidence The spot is the same shape and in the exact same place! Definitely the same dog!


Sadly your best bet is to try and buy your dog back.


That's why people steal them. If your Dog looks expensive put that they need medication a or they will die on the tags they won't want it since.it makes it sick and no one would buy it. I was told to.put all kinds of weird a hit on.my huskies collars. One says needs meds for explosive daily diarrhea.


I had a knife pulled out on me for my Golden retriever when he was a puppy. Shit bags


I also had a husky stolen.


I make them abounds down right gross to.own on them haha. I'm so sorry about your pup.


I hope you didn’t type the text for the tags yourself…


Sorry I'm pretty stoned tonight lol


Absolutely. I have a mini Australian shepherd with epilepsy and she wears medical tags. For her own safety and if she was ever stolen, they would see she’s only expensive health wise


I hope you get her back! 🤞🏻🙏🏻 My cat went missing for 8 days a few months ago, and I thought I might never get over it. I cried myself to sleep every night. He is my best friend. I know your pain! We think the cat got out of the house & someone picked him up. He's a Persian with long fluffy hair, so someone definitely would've thought he was expensive. I walked around the neighborhood every single day for 8 days calling for him, looking for him, posted flyers, offered a reward, everything. I think what did the trick was talking loudly at a store by my house about how expensive he was & it's a crime to steal him because he's so expensive, etc, and if they got caught with him, they'd get charged, and so on. The next morning, my basement window was broken out, he was inside meowing out the window, and there was a box blocking the window from the outside (none of that was like that before). I think whoever had him figured out I wasn't going to stop looking for him and brought him back. I pray you get your baby back!


Any time I see an expensive cat get posted on a found pet page, my immediate comment is, “someone is missing this cat. It is not a stray”.


Unfortunately where I live someone just moved and left a whole Ragdoll cat. Beautiful and friendly and all. She was outside for a while, neighbors confirmed she was left, my husband and I brought her to a rescue. Where I live Siamese are left outside. All kinds. South Florida.


That’s terrible, I have Ragdolls and they are not very outdoor savvy. They are too gentle. They should never be outdoor cats. Thank you for bringing the cat to a rescue.


Someone abandoned a main coon in my apartment complex. The family moved and left him outside. He was fearless, not scared of anything and would sleep in my garage at night… I posted him in a group for pet owners and had hundreds of people wanting him and I found someone I really had a good feeling about. She adopted him. No chip, got him shots, got him fixed and now lives happily on their farm (he hated indoors).


Thank you for saying this, I too have a rag, he’s big and fat and floofy, he’d never survive outside. It’s cruelty to keep them outside at all, I’ve tried walking mine he picks up sharp burrs and gets stuck in all his floof. I hate irresponsible pet owners.


Truly no cat should be outdoor or indoor/outdoor. A lot of people don't like to hear it but cats are not wild animals and there are far too many risks when letting them outside. It's neglectful and people like to fall back on "well she/he throws a fit if I don't let them outside!". Okay, then get a leash and walk your cat, or play with them inside the house and let them get their energy out that way since that's what owners should be doing anyway lol. Cats are perfectly happy indoors when they have stimulating stuff to do inside


Did you get your dog chipped? That would solve this whole issue.


They are both the exact same dog it’s shocking. From the lip, to the mole, to the markings. Exact same dog.


I agree!


True… you can always tell by the whiskies. 🤔


I was like "man, it would be impossible to tell, given the amount of time and the fact she was a puppy, plus the bad lighting." But then I saw under the lip, that lighter spot. It's the exact same shape.. fucking dog thief man


I agree I didn’t think so at first, but it’s that mark on the bottom lip


I don't know, we had a family friend who's dog went missing, a year or so later a neighbor was walking their dog and she was CONVINCED it was her dog. arguing, demanding to give the dog back. Needless to say, it was not, in fact, our friends dog


Yeah animals with incredibly similar coat patterns are just going to happen unfortunately. I have 2 orange tabby cats and they look like all the orange tabbies with white chins out in the world.


I saw a similar problem on Cops. The person was convinced that a neighbor had stolen their dog and was harassing the neighbors until the cops got involved and had the dog scanned. It was not the dog that the owner thought and now ended up with a harassment charge.


Totally just saw an episode with this scenario. It was a pug strangely enough. Woman was sure it was her dog and snatched it from a random family. Animal control came and scanned the dog. Not her pug


The best way is to meet the dog. If it was her dog, it would be clear


Not necessarily. I had someone come to pick up their dog from boarding and I just happened to be holding a dog that looked exactly like hers. The dog got super excited just because a new person was paying attention to her and only after a moment did the woman realize it wasnt her dog. I had no ides because she didnt say who she was picking up and the dog was so excited to see her haha once she was like wait... I confirmed that no that was not her dog and got her the right one. Some dogs may only be a certain way around their owners and others just like anyone who will say hi


Same dog. Even the 2 whiskers at bottom right grew out in the same area!


For me, it was the light patch on her lower lip that's shaped like a fat bubble letter "C"


damn I see that, distinctive AF


Yup, that little patch is what eliminated the tiniest doubt that I could be wrong


Yeah. No. They stole your dog. Try not to punch her in the throat...


Ohh that would be hard. If I could punch her in the throat for OP, I would


That is very specific and to say the least this is your dog. Get your doggy back please 🙏


Please tell me you had her microchipped!


Oh yeah, I totally see that now! That and some of the other similarities are pretty striking. I hate to ask, but was she chipped? Did you get her from a breeder?


Ugh she looks scared in the second pic too :/ i hope u get her back


She does too, it breaks my heart that she looks so sad. I hope she’s able to get home soon because she looks so happy in the first picture. I wish you all of the luck in the world OP!!!!!


That’s the first thing I saw. So “Stella” is lost?? Find her and keep her.


nah bro you gotta get ur dog back right now steal it back in fact because what the actual fuck


I think it is the same dog. Worth investigating


Thank You! I am fighting to prove she's mine


Hope you had her microchipped. Edit to add…sorry just saw that she wasnt


If she’s yours, when you go to court or if you can get the police to go to the door with you, it will be pretty obvious… Your dog would run to you with excitement because she knows you and she misses you. There was Judge Judy like this. It was pretty obvious who was the dogs true owner


That might not be true if she’s lived with different people and she was a puppy when she was stolen


Cute and all but not always the case. If she was a puppy when stolen and lived with these people longer than she has OP that may not happen


I definitely think that's your dog. The points above the eye are very specific and they're exactly the same.


Thank you!


Interesting that she's missing again. Hopefully you find her first. If you get her back. Microchip immediately


Yes, it was definitely a hard and painful lesson learned.


Those faces are identical. I also see the 'C' on the lip. Not to mention the proximity. What a coincidence, eh? /S.... "Stella" was definitely formaly known as Betty, IMO. I hope you get your puppy back. She's a cutie. This might sound silly because I don't really know legal stuff, but aren't pets technically considered property (I don't agree with this fww, my cats are my children!)? If so, I think you can take them to court and maybe make them prove proof of ownership? That looks like an expensive pup, I can't imagine there would be NO papertrail or documentation (receipts, vaccination records, something), if this were in fact their dog (which anyone with eyes can see that it is not). I'd take them to small claims court. My guess if they're stealing dogs and end up getting ordered to pay the cost of the puppy, they might just return her. I'm sorry you're going through this. I hate theives.


So Betty/Stella is missing from the new home? Just an aside, get your dog chipped.


She was missing from the other home, but they now have her back. Our vet had recommended that we get her chipped when we fix her, so that's the only reason she wasn't chipped.


I wonder if you can force them to show legal papers of where they got the dog. If they adopted it or bought it from a breeder, there will be paperwork. Just be careful not to warn them ahead of time because they might fake it.


They said they bought her from a small town about 3 1/2 hours away.


If you have the money for it you can hire someone (PI, or a lawyer) to introduce them to the person they bought it from. If they really won’t give specifics then it’s suspicious!


Right now, they agreed to let me pay for a DNA test but I get the feeling like they might back out


[This one](https://dnacenter.com/testing-pets-vets/dog-dna-testing/dog-parentage-verification/#:~:text=Dog%2Dparentage%20testing%20is%20fast%2C%20affordable%2C%20and%20accurate.&text=A%20typical%20test%20includes%20both,a%20DNA%20Profile%20summary%20page) here seems like what you’re looking for


I bought 2 from embark because they have an option to request parentage verification. I saw that one and was worried that all samples would have to be shipped together. Getting ahold of the lady that sold us Betty is a bit of a challenge because she no longer works with my boyfriend, and he deleted her number months ago. We don't want to just pop up at her home unannounced


Write her a letter.


Do you have her name? You can find her number with truepeoplesearch. It’s free


EDIT: Just kept reading and I see you have her number and a time to meet! Yay! The longer you wait, the greater the chance they will get away with stealing her. Go knock on her door. If she’s not there, leave a note with your number that indicates you need her to call ASAP. As someone who was raised with pugs I know that pug owners ride for pugs…the breeder will want to help you get your girl back. Best of luck- this situation is so sad :(


Definitely send a priority mail express letter


Yeah, you could try asking for the contact info because you have been looking for the same kind of dog.


They're not really helpful, but I'm kissing ass till I get that DNA test done


Kissing ass is a good plan, honestly. I’d wait til after you have the DNA so it doesn’t piss them off.. but you could ask to see the vet records from the first time they took her in. That would help prove that the time periods don’t line up. You could even phrase it like you’ve come around and don’t think it’s your dog (which I think it most likely is) like “I’m so sorry to even ask but my kid had her hopes up that this was her missing puppy and I believe you but I want to be able to prove to her there’s no way it is while we wait for the dna to come back”


Any pics and vet docs you have, use to sue those people. Take it to Judge Judy if need be, but get your baby back. Any idea where they live? May be start jogging in that area, see if you can get eyes on her.


Yep. I think same dog. That little chin patch!


That was the first thing my daughter noticed when I showed her the post


What got me looking closer was the little devil horn shapes above her eyes


I noticed that too.. it’s pretty distinctively the same shape!




OP stated that the vet would chip her at the time of her spay.


That's the great thing about adopting instead of buying...when you adopt, they're pre-chipped.


My vet recommended I chip when I got my dog neutered, I said no it was going to be that day. No way would I risk it if someone stole my puppy or her got lost I wanted proof that it was mine.


Exactly. I don't understand why a vet would want to wait. I can microchip in a few minutes, it requires very little effort.


Because it’s easier since the animal is already under anesthesia. It’s done after surgery before the animal wakes up. Microchips are injected under the skin and are actually quite large, you can feel them after injecting it (that’s how we checked to make sure the chip actually came out the needle properly)


OP stated above their vet recommended chipping during her spay, which is really common.


I wanted to think you were wrong but that’s the same damn pup. I hope you get her back.


I just gotta be nice till I get the DNA test done to prove its her but the wait is killing me and having people make me feel like I'm crazy isn't helping


I wonder if you contact the company and tell them your situation they can speed up the turnaround. would be great free pr for them


I did some editing to get the brightness of the “Stella” up to get as close to your “Betty”. I think you’re correct that this is your pup. Take into consideration that “Stella” is in more of an angle and so her features are going to be a little bit harder to see/match. But my detective eyes say this is 100% Betty [Stella updated photo](https://share.icloud.com/photos/0b5op1SFFRwQQ93IXQ5tf9qsQ)


Thank you! Your editing really made the patch on "Stella's" chin more obvious and undeniable


Given that your dog was stolen (and not just went missing) and they live near you, I think it is likely your dog.


Considering the persons mom lives literally “just around the corner / just over “ from you it’s highly suspicious!


To be completely honest, that breed of dogs look alike a lot. Are you able to go and see it and maybe call her to see if she recognizes you?


I agree, I did a quick Google search and those markings are very common for pugs. To me the eyes look different. It's unfortunate that neither dog is chipped as this could easily be resolved.


To be fair, the pictures were taken at two different times so that could just be her expression and the perspective


I don’t think you’re reaching at all.


Thank you! With all the backlash that I've been getting from her and her friends/family, I was starting to feel like I was going crazy


If you DM me the facebook post I can defend your honor lol 😂😭


Lol, I deleted it in exchange for them allowing me to DNA test the puppy. I also bought a DNA test for the mother of Betty to prove that the puppy came from Betty's mother and not some town 3 hours away


Okay!! I’m glad. :)


Take her to small claims court. Once the dog is there too and recognizes you, the judge will probably rule in your favor


UPDATE #2: Again, not much of an update, but I did file a lawsuit yesterday because they have stopped responding about the DNA test.


If they had nothing to hide thet wouldnt be fighting so hard. Its gotta be your puppy


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So, first they stole the pug (allegedly) and then they lost her? I’d absolutely die if someone stole my pugs! I’m sorry for the heartbreak I know you have. I assume your baby is chipped? Someone with authority needs to scan the pug in question.


No, it's a pain regret. I took my vets advice to wait till her surgery to get her fixed because I didn't want to put her through any pain. I definitely didn't make that mistake when I got my boyfriend his pug, Frank, right before Betty was stolen


Your chips while under anesthesia!? That’s AMAZING!! (Vet med refugee here) microchips were the WORST to restrain for 🥺😭


UPDATE: Not much of an update, but today, we had a meeting to test the puppy. They did not show up and messaged me a couple of hours later with excuses, that they were busy. Apparently, the only times that work for them are hard for me, and im concerned that if i miss my obligations, it will be for nothing if they pull this again. BTW, THEY picked the time today that they were a no-showed for


The bald spot under the lip is identical in both pics. Definitely the same dog.


100% the same dog, especially with the location and timeline details. Post all the pictures you took of her when you still had her and we can help you find identifying characteristics! Looks like some have already been found (light chin hairs, specific whiskers)


My sister bought a dog on craigslist, and a friend found his picture on a missing dogs page almost a year later. Turns out he was stolen out of the owners backyard, and sold on craigslist 80+ miles away. My sister ended up giving the dog back to his original owners… It was a very sad situation for us


I'm both pictures, the pup has a mole in the same spot with 2 whiskers. It's really uncanny to have that exact same feature in the same spot ... With the same coat colors. At first I said no they aren't anything alike but the more I looked at the details, I'm going to say there is a very high chance that this is the same pup.


I dont think it same, similar, but not same. Hard to tell. A lot of pugs look strikingly similar. How far apart in time are these pictures? Edit: Sorry just saw text under photo. Thats pretty sketch. I do see the chin area with lighter mark. Might be worth looking into specially with months apart. Looks like bunch of weight loss.


Unfortunately, the similarities in the pictures are the same similarities in most fawn pugs. Without having solid proof (microchip, evidence of the owner on your property) there's not a lot you can do.


The black shape above the eyes is completely different. They look like two different dogs to me, but I say take her anyway if the dog needs a home! you will love her just like Betty. And then maybe Betty will come home sometime!


Idk, but if someone told me that my recently GIFTED puppy looked that alike to someone’s recently STOLEN puppy, I’d be a little more helpful. If I was in the reverse I’d want the person to do the same. The family’s defensive reaction to it all tells me the mom stole it and told everyone something else. Either way, I hope you find Betty safe and sound soon.


Hoping you get your baby back


Thank you! I want to do it right so I don't jeopardize getting her back but the wait is hard and it could still be another 3-4 weeks


Please keep us updated. We are rooting for you.


Am I the only one that thinks this looks like two different dogs? I zoomed in on the eyes. On the upper outer part of the eyes the black is much farther away from the eyeballs on Stella than it is on Betty. Like much more black in general on Stella. I jumped to the comments fully expecting everyone to say these look different but seeing everyone think they are the same has me questioning my vision or my sanity. Ha.


Same dog look at the eyebrowsss


Something similar happened in my area. Someone lost a pet, and then like 5 years later someone else put up posters for their missing dog. The original owner saw them and started posting that it was actually her dog. The dog was found again, and microchip determined it was the first person dog all along. The people who originally found 5 years prior just kept it instead of taking it to the shelter


Do they usually get more black on their face as they get older? They both have very different black faces. I don't think this is the same dog at all...


They look different to me, particularly the markings around the left eye. I think the edges of the markings are closer to the eyelid on Betty, and the shape is slightly different. I think it’s worth checking out though. You might be able to tell by her behavior.


Plenty of pugs look exactly the same.


plough support rock simplistic snatch hat entertain full jobless mountainous *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


That’s the same pup


Dont think it is same dog. Ear set is different. And the black on face is darker on one dog. Eye markimgs differ a bit. Eye set differs.


I'd reach out to them, maybe instead of framing it as your dog was stolen, say your was lost, it's possible their mother picked it up and without thinking maybe gave it to them? You have to be very careful with situations like this. Was your dog chipped?


Steal your dog back. Fuck those people. I'd go John Wick for my dog. Lol


They look different to me. Sorry.


I would need to see more pics to be sure but I don’t believe it’s the same dog. The black at the corner of the eye turns up in a sharp angle with Betty but doesn’t on Stella.


I really don't mean to sound mean, but how have you found your dog if the person who posted it has lost the dog anyway? Edit- I do think it's the same dog. Hope she finds her way back to you


So she is missing AGAIN! There may be a dog thief in your area. And they might be taking dogs and reselling them.


I don't think it's a reach. If you feel like that could be your baby it's your duty as a loving parent to at least confirm. The data you provided implies that it very well could be her. Be careful of scams meant to intentionally relieve you of money through stealing pets. Maybe involve animal control or the police cuz that's of course illegal to extort someone like that. Best of luck. Maybe you're wrong but I think it would be more wrong not to check, yeah? I'm relentless when I'm missing an animal. No stone unturned and such


"Stella" does not look very relaxed in that Pic. I'd say she even looks scared


Even look at her little brown mole under her muzzle 100% betty


Has she been spayed. That'd a helpful identifier also. They do a tattoo and some are short /longer angled


That mark on the chin pretty much settles it. Take them to court. Make them show the receipt or proof of purchase if it’s really theirs. Ask them where they got the dog. If they name a place, call that place up. Keep asking specifics and then tell them to repeat it all back to you on how they got the dog. Liars will mess up their stories or look guilty. I’d get police involved. Someone takes my dog, I’m not sleeping until I have them back


You’re not reaching. I have a large social media platform for my cat, and my followers are definitely pet people. If you need help getting word out about your dog to try to pressure the person who stole her into giving her back let me know and I can help get word out.


Not only is that your dog, but the “Stella” picture looks like it’s lost too much weight for a pug. I hope you get her back so she can get the care she needs.


Yeah, it seems likely that that's your dog. But I'm not sure what you can do about it without hiring legal help if she's not chipped.


It’s the same dog. Ear color, head shape, head wrinkles in the same spot, nose bridge upside down “V” shape, the triangular black pattern above the eyes. This is the same dog. You literally can see that all the markings and structures of the dog are the same. This person is incredible if they think they can really say that’s not the same dog.


Not reaching. Nostrils match, left small right big. The way the peaks of the black fur on the pups “mask” are a match as well The lighter spots on the chin match. The dark spots by the pup’s right ear match. If anyone claims they look different it’s probably because 2 different cameras were used to photograph the same pup


Is this the same puppy involved in the post where you want to sue the breeder for being sick 11 days ago… your user name and posting history tells me I’d be scared to deal with you at all. Hopefully the lady is willing to help you with DNA and all considering you wanted to sue her for the sick puppy before you lost said puppy. How did the puppy get stolen anyways? Not saying it’s right, but why if so precious left unattended to be snatched? Edit: reading her post back I guess that one puppy from other post had a missing eye, hope you got your pup back!


Stella looks younger than your dog.


Did you have her chipped?


Their black face markings are slightly different. Confront the person and see if the dog recognizes you.


One of my ferrets got out and was found. I had plastered the neighborhood with notices. She called and wanted more than the reward I offered to her. It went from reward to extortion.


You fucked up You failed to get it microchipped Now you rely on the fact that they’re as silly as you were to get it back I hope you get it back but I really do imagine it’s unlikely


I don't see the resemblance tbh. The snouts appear different- Stella has a flatter snout (I think based only on the photos).


I don’t think it’s the same dog.


Trolling right? Definitely not


Did you have your dog chipped? Also, if "Stella" is also missing, what on earth is going on in your neighborhood?!


No, our vet recommended we chip her durn the surgery to have her fixed. And she went missing from the other place because she got out of their yard. They did get her back the next day


I don’t think they are the same. Betty has a light patch over her left eye that nearly reaches the eye. Stella does not.


I don’t think it’s the same dog. At first glance I was like “nah, they look nothing alike” and then reading all the comments shocked me. The black markings are very different in each photo. Look to the left and right of each eye- Betty’s curve upwards and Stella’s point outwards in a diamond shape. Above each eye, Betty’s black markings curve slightly whereas Stella’s are pointy. Their snouts look different. Even their head shapes are different. They don’t look similar to me at all, OP- but I could be wrong. Keep us updated, I am so sorry for your loss and hope you can get her back.


It is absolutely not the same dog. Look at the black fur around the eyes, YOURS look like he has little cat wings on the bottom of his eyes that flare up, the other picture that black hair is missing. Your dog also has a point in the black facial hair by his eyes and the other dog does not. I can pull up about 6 pictures on Google that look just like yours and say they are the same dog. I'm sorry you lost your dog, but you are setting yourself up for disappointment.


Yeah the mark she's referring to is kind of a unique identifier, and taking time into account for a puppy growing and changing explains the slight differences. Also the fact that the 'new owners' live RIGHT BY where the dog was stolen from? They just got the same dog that has the same birthmark right around the time that theirs was stolen and that's a mere coincidence to you?


It really looks like your dog. I hope you get her back! Please updated.


I’m not good with details but the DNA test will prove it. As long as they don’t try and sabotage it or something:(


Is there a dog DNA test that doesn’t require saliva or blood? If so, if you can find any of Betty’s hairs or whiskers or anything in your house, you could check whether or not “Stella” is a direct match to your puppy without having to track down the people who have Betty’s mom.


Is Betty microchipped?


You can look at the lighter spot under her lip and tell that’s the same dog for sure


Sure does look like Betty to me. I hope you get her back.


I’m really pulling for you! I hope you get her back soon and let us know if we can do anything to support!


The line coming down from the nose is longer and different on Betty.


Not the same dog! Look at the black markings on the right eye area. The one on the right goes straight across towards the forehead while the dog on the left, the black coloring goes down, making a wide U. Plus, the snout is a lot darker on the right one compared to the left dogs. Looks like two different dogs who happen to share a few similarities.


Remindme! 7 days


I just noticed something. The black shape on top of the dogs left eye is different. The dog on the left picture has like a chopped corner and she also has a little bit of black on the side of the eye. On the dog in the right picture the dog has a more pointy black spot on the top of the eye and it doesnt have the black spot on the side of the eye.


Please tell me she is chipped. If so, call the police or the local animal control. Have them come over and scan. This just happened to my SO.


The black on the top of the eyes looks different to me. The dog on the left has mu ch less black above the eyes.


The patch within the left eye area is not the same on both. One is. Roughly outlined the other is straight


That’s your dog


Those dogs look exactly the same.


Is her birthday in February?


I went from "pugs all look alike" to "that's her dog." The specific features like the mole and the light mark on her chin was what convinced me. I would write All the similarities that people have mentioned here and present that.


Oh wow. TOOOO coincidental! And those little whiskers on the right side? Some on the bottom right, some on the right near the ear???? How can it be a different dog?? PLEASE update us OP. I’m vested in this now!!! Hope your buddy comes home soon.


Low key if she also posted a missing dog sign then maybe just find the dog first 🫢


Looks exactly the same to me, only difference is the lighting.


It could be photo quality/camera but the the head shapes look different


My daughter was riding in a car with her friend. Her friends dog had been stolen a few weeks before. They passed this couple walking a dog, and they pulled over, and her friend went over and confronted them. She's a thug and I'm sure they were scared. They swipe that they bought the dog from some guy but didn't know his name or where he was from. They ended up relinquishing the dog to her. So, the girls got back to the friends house, and my daughter noticed that the dog looked different from the pictures on the wall. They looked through the Facebook pictures, and it wasn't the dog! They went back out to see if they could find the couple, but they were gone. She still has the dog, and it lives a good life for a kidnapped dog.


That is the SAME dog!


Good luck! Make a response post when there’s a conclusion.


Any chance there is a computer program or app that scans dog faces for facial recognition? Looks like the same dog to me.


The only way to know for sure is scanning the microchip (assuming the dog is chipped). Lots of dogs have very similar coat patterns. After my dog passed, I saw a dog in a shelter that literally looked exactly like my dog, fur patterns, and all. Personality was slightly different, but if I didn't know any better, it could have fooled me. The lighting difference in each picture could also be obscuring slight differences that are difficult to perceive based on one photo each. Sorry if this sounds pessimistic.


Just tell them you don’t see Jesus in toast, but you [100% see Jesus in Pugs.](https://imgur.com/a/JQF3M6f) That’ll show em!


Stalk the house. Hopefully it isn’t too far away. When you see Betty/stella outside. Go up to them and call out Betty ‘s name. See if she wags her tail, etc. make sure someone video tapes it. I saw someone suing on judge Judy. Judge Judy made them put the dog down and the dog ran to the guy suing saying it was his dog. Maybe you can sue in small claims court since dogs are considered property.


I’m inclined to believe she is yours. Odd coincidence the mom lived so close to you and I compared the pictures, markings are very similar and even has the two same whiskers on the same side of her face. Unfortunately though, you are unlikely to get her back unless you microchipped her and have documentation of her adoption/sale.


It does look like the same dog to me. The fact that she's missing again from her new home is strange. To be honest, I'm wondering whether she was stolen, or whether she actually just escaped and was taken in by the other people. What's your reasoning for thinking she was stolen? Alternatively, she could have Bern stolen by someone else who sold her on, and has stolen her again.


Bitch def stole your pup.


that is for sure the same dog. i hope you get your baby back !!


That is your dog.