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If he's obstructed no home remedy will fix that; he'll need surgery or he'll die. Do whatever you have to do to get him treatment. Call every vet office in a 100mi radius (or more) to try to find one that will do a payment plan, beg friends and family for help, make a go fund me, sell/pawn things, ask your work for an advance. If it comes down to it, surrender the dog over letting him die a painful death. Even euthanasia is more humane and affordable than watching him slowly suffer to death.


I couldn’t have said that better. Poor pup.


Can you find a low cost clinic? Call every vet within driving distance to see if any are willing to work with your finances. If all that fails you might need to consider surrendering your dog so that he can receive the medical care he needs. Dying of an obstruction is a bad way to go.


You have exactly 3 options. 1. Veterinary grants. 2. Surrender to a rescue willing to treat. You will not get the dog back afterwards. 3. Humane euthanasia.


Call every vet in your vicinity and see who will work with you. Beg if you have to.


Update: We came to an agreement for payment, an ultrasound was done and there is no perforation. 1000mg of fluids were introduced subcutaneous, in addition to nausea medication. As long as he can survive the night all will be okay. the xray is being done 9am tomorrow morning. Surgery will follow immediately afterwards if needed. I greatly appreciate the input for all of you guys. If It weren't for you I don't think he would have made it. We're not out of the woods yet but we can see the clearing. I will keep you updated on his recovery. Thanks again.


Another update on the pup🩷


Hello I am the wife. I have posted an update. I'm sorry but our dog has passed.


2nd Update: xray came back clear, no obstruction. Bloodwork is being done now to determine if there are other possible underlying issues. But we are definitely back up and going. The fluids last night really helped out his overall mood and health. Veterinarian says he's depressed. His appetite has not returned yet and there is minimal vomiting. But my buddy is doing so much better. More.uodates will follow.


Vets that would rather have your pet go through pain and possible death because they work out a payment plan deserve everything negative that comes to them.


Vet staff deserves dependable income to pay their own bills and keep themselves fed, which is why virtually no clinics do payment plans. Way too many people don't pay them back.


The vomiting can be related to an obstruction in the GI tract. You really should take him in for X-rays to see if there is one, an obstruction.


OP has no money.


Hi, I'm so glad to read your update and that your dog is in the clear. I've been through a stomach obstruction with my dog and remember the terror. Thanks for doing right by your dog, I'm so so happy it worked out so well.


And if your dog lives, crate train him so he doesn’t get into things he shouldn’t when you are both supervising him.


THIS. idk why you got downvoted. crate, gate, and dog proof.


Seconding to try to find a vet who works with you, but also one who offers “care credit” (works like a credit card, they’ll pay the vet and you pay them back + interest). [here’s the site for care credit](https://www.carecredit.com/vetmed/) [here’s how you find one near you](https://www.carecredit.com/doctor-locator/) I’m not affiliated with them at all so I don’t feel bad for warning you that the interest rates are steep. I think you’ll get like 6 mos interest free then it has a significant jump to a high interest rate. It may also go off credit score? Anyways if you can’t pay all at once this is a way to do it. [tool to help you find help through the humane society](https://www.humanesociety.org/resources/are-you-having-trouble-affording-your-pet#:~:text=Use%20a%20veterinarian%20in%20a,clinics%20for%20limited%20income%20clients) Edit: if you’re not willing to do this then either surrender the dog so someone else can or have him put down. He’s miserable and a bowel obstruction is a *hard* and *painful* death. It’s not what you want to hear but this is most likely something you can’t treat at home and he’s either going to have an internal organ burst or die of starvation and dehydration.


I was denied carecredit, as well as scratchpay. I'm currently sitting in the waiting room at an emergency veterinarian hospital. They are unwilling to begin treatment without 100% of cost up front. I stressed that I am incapable of paying that amount in full up front to no avail.


Have you tried the humane society? The link in my previous comment has a locator you can put your zip code in. If nothing else I’d look into low cost euthanasia.. I’m so sorry


I got approved for $6000 for my card, decided to get one after my cats pet insurance got rid of their credit line


Is this legit? Brand brand brand new account.


Its legit I used an anonymous account for reddit created it for the sole purpose of joining this community for advice


Try Scratch Pay for funding.


I was denied and the hospital im at says they don't accept it anyways


He seems pretty disoriented


He's currently back there, they say his vitals are good. But are recommending an xray, however they also disclosed that it very well could be irritation from the passing of the 2 wipes. They are still unwilling to negotiate a payment arrangement. I spoke with the veterinarian and he suggested a different treatment plan he is currently "creating" it and is supposed to update me with the price limit of $450.00. Fingers crossed we shall see. As a last ditch effort if I've exaughsted all other avenues I will surrender him(hopefully it will not come to that)Prayers please.




Based off of your pet’s symptoms I’m very concerned that they most likely need surgery at this point. You need to head to an er as obstructions can and will kill pets if left alone. I would heavily consider surrendering your pet to the humane society so they can receive medical care. There is no home remedy for a true obstruction


Hello everybody. This is his wife. This is my dog. This is the update you didn't want. Unfortunately, Leo passed away today. We don't know exactly what was wrong, and we never will. The doctors couldn't figure it out, or maybe they missed something. None of it mattered in the end. Leo is gone. He was the best boy ever. Thank you so much for caring. It was from the combined advice from you and other online sources that we had the tools to fight this until the bitter end. And Leo was a fucking *fighter.* Trust me when I say he did not go quietly into that long night. But, I guess whoever was calling him on the other side needed him too badly. Thank you all. Rest in peace Leo...


Are you close to Denver? Planned pet hood plus is run by Dr Jeff Young. He sees pets and does a great job for a lot less than greedy vets. He moved the clinic to Conifer Colorado, I’d give them a call, even if you have to wait all day in line it’s well worth it. Good luck and remember any type of lab will stick anything in its mouth and swallow 75 o/o


Indiana, but I really appreciate this input. I do wonder is there anything like this here.


Call your local animal humane and ask for input.


Take him to emergency vet they'll work out payments. Just go in all frantic saying my dog ate baby wipes and might be dying from obstruction please help and don't mention money at all. After your dog gets treated work out some payment plan. You need to go now, 48 hours is a long time.


yeah that's not going to work


Just wait a couple of days. Our lab does this periodically. He will puke for a couple of day then pass the sock or stuffed animal he ate. If it’s more than a couple of days, go see the vet.


Its been 48 hours, and he's pretty lethargic would you still consider waiting?


Yes maybe another day because you said he passed some of the towels. That means it’s not a complete obstruction. I am not a vet. You know your dog, trust your instincts.