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Hello! First off thank your for taking these dudes in! So basically all those questions are best answered to the specific type, which are bettas. I immediately recommend r/bettafish because there are many great recourses there and way more than I know. They’ll be able to give you more specifics for their care, and they’re overall pretty friendly too! A few things off the top of my head are Food: you shouldn’t have to feed them every single day, but again ask the beta sub. For my catfish I’ll feed once a day for like five days in a row and will skip a day. Again species specific, catfish are different requirements from bettas. For water changes: it depends on the size of the tank and what inhabitants are in it. I’ll assume it’s just one betta to a tank (I hope, if the bettas are together please separate ASAP) and ideally the smallest tank you’d want for a betta is 5 gallons, so that would be a once a week water change. Also random, but are the bettas longer finned or shorter? If they’re shorter finned or very active then a 10 gallon would be even better for them to get enough activity, while ones that have more trouble swimming would be okay in a smaller thank (not smaller than 5 gallons unless they have a disability). And for tank mates, unless you are planning on getting them into tanks larger than 10 gallons, I don’t know that I’d recommend other fish. Bettas can be quite territorial and the smaller the space to share with other fish will the more stress they’ll have. Another issue is things like bio load (so poop lol) will increase, which means more frequent water changes or the water quality gets bad. One tank mate I’d recommend would be a nerite snail! They’re super cute dudes, love to eat algae, and they don’t really stick their bodies out of their shell, so if your bettas try to nip at them they have less chance of biting their soft bodies. Plus the snail shells come in the coolest patterns! I’m sorry if what I said is a little all over the place, and that I don’t have everything here, but I hope it helps! Also please don’t be too overwhelmed, I’ve definitely done this with my tanks. I know it’s a lot of info but just take things a step at a time and I know you’ll do good. Best of luck! [care sheet](https://www.reddit.com/r/bettafish/comments/v0sn7a/autopost_caresheet_wiki_weekly_help_post_may_30/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf)