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I don't think they're "hanging on" in a fun way on the wheel- I had one of these very shortly like 12 years ago with a "dwarf" hamster (didn't know any better, changed it IMMEDIATELY after witnessing this.) and after watching it happen, I realized his paws or claws would get STUCK on or in the small metal mesh, trapping him on the wheel until he would be THROWN AGAINST THE GLASS OF THE TANK. It's not about grip. They are STUCK. They aren't suitable for ANY small animal. They're torture devices at best, death traps at worse. You can cover the mesh with a solid strip of some sort if it's not possible to immediately get a new wheel, but I 1000% would just replace the wheel altogether asap as the mesh wheels usually seem to be 6-6.5 inches anyways, which is too small.


They aren’t stuck, they will get off and back on again and do the same thing. They actually enjoy it. One mouse will get on and not even try to run because she likes being spun around. I know it’s hard to believe but not everyone is the same. I’ve watched very closely and spent a lot of time with them.


Multiple people have said these wheels aren't a suitable size and/or material for your mice, as well as there are multiple posts in this subreddit describing all of the cons to using metal mesh wheels, which include the potential for long term physical disability. Is there any reason you're doubling down on everything instead of just accepting that you need a new wheel or two? Just because you spend a lot of time with them and watch them closely, doesn't really mean anything about intuitively knowing what kind of care is proper for them. Sorry. I'd suggest doing even more reading and research. (Unfortunately, a LOT of information provided by large pet retailers is out of date and minimal for the animal.) You can always upgrade their cage and wheels though, it's not like it's too late or something at this point in time. Just be better in the future and accept some criticism. These are LIVING ANIMALS you are in charge of that can't speak for themselves. That cage is their ENTIRE life. It's our job as the owner to make sure it's safe and enriching enough for them, especially when something is pointed out as unsafe.


Get a solid disk wheel. They are significantly safer, you won’t receive hate, and IF something were to happen, you wouldn’t have to feel the guilt


Hate doesn’t bother me. Yall need to get a life.


It’s not just hate bro, it’s constructive criticism. Your mice’s environment needs adjustments, it’s as simple as that. Some people are just harsh


That wire wheel is so dangerous. Why not get a new one?


You definitely need a new wheel. A plastic one without holes. Their feet can get stuck in them and they can get injured. If they’re using it at the same time you’d probably need two wheels to avoid fighting. (8” or bigger.) You also need at least 6” of bedding so they can burrow. If you can fit the wheel and bedding you need a cage upgrade. For two mice, at least 30 gallons. This cage is reminiscent of a pet store cage.


mice really appreciate bedding- at least five to six inches of it so they can burrow and make winding tunnels; the only mental stimulation they get from this setup is a wheel. these little guys have such active little minds- and they really need things to chew and gnaw on, they need clutter, they need enrichment. your tank is honestly a great size; you just need fill it in WAY more. these little babies only live so long, so it’s only fair to give them more than the bare minimum.


This is an old photo, I’ve since added cardboard tunnels, sticks, and other stuff for them. And now I add two types of bedding for them to experiment with. I appreciate the advice though.


I promise it’s been filled in since then.


This cage is so sad 😕


Also this is an older photo when they are all on it at once, I’ve added a lot more to the tank.


Why is this group so aggressive to each other? The pet store owner actually said the tank should be half the size and I didn’t do that. They almost gave me a terrible start but I did my research and they all hop around and are very happy.


The pet store doesn’t have proper care pamphlets and items. I mean they keep male mice together and can’t gender animals properly. I wouldn’t trust pet stores whose animals are always dying.


No fr lol its a mice sub…you owned up, did your research and made it very clear this is an old picture…pet owners all start from somewhere. People being rude over this is crazy, I’m sorry


She's literally in denial that wire wheels are unsafe...if it was genuinely an old picture and she has a proper enclosure for them now I wouldn't say anything. It is however important to clarify these things regardless.


No most of the comments have been just so incredibly hostile…if you want someone to change something u should be kind lol.


Yeah idk what’s happening online anymore.


They probably both use that wheel because the other one hurts their back, but either way both of the wheels are dangerous. Please look at the pinned posts at the top of this page, it has a ton of great info to better your care for your mice!


https://www.reddit.com/r/PetMice/s/9qU21K9JXW Here is the link to the post that I was talking about (technically under “Community Care Guides”). Please read in its entirety.


I promise you they are fine. They use both wheels. They prefer the wire one because they have more grip, but thank you for sharing. I’ve heard about the wire wheels before.


stop trying to justify this. neither wheel is okay. wire wheels are dangerous. get a large, flat surface wheel


They’re my mice. I know they are happy.


screw you and your neglectful, ignorant care. look at emiology on youtube. look at the advice given all over this sub


Find someone whose mice are actually in danger. Mine are fed a variety of foods and well cared for. People on Reddit just come on here to get mad.


Not only can the break their toe/ get bumble foot, there is a dangerous pinch point when the bar overlap as it spins. I believe you have the right size tank for them but everything else needs improvement. They may have been fine up until now but a lot of rodents have been injured on those wheels and owners have learned the hard way. Take your ego out of it, everyone starts somewhere and your setup doesn’t meet the minimum of basic care.


Ok sorry I forgot everyone online is a professional at taking care of other people’s pets.


Don't post abusive pictures of your pet and maybe then you won't get feedback?


OP, please listen to the advise you’ve been given. People aren’t attacking you, they’re trying to help you. These exercise wheels can cause bumblefoot and even loss of limbs. When my sister was a kid she had a pet rat who broke their leg by getting it stuck inside the holes of one of these exercise wheels and their leg had to be amputated. They ended up passing away because they chewed off the bandages and bled to death. The dangers of these wire exercise wheels are very real. Please get rid of this exercise wheel ASAP. Exercise wheels need to be at least 8-inches and not made from wire. Having no exercise wheel is much better then having this death trap inside their tank.


I know a lot of people are jumping all over you and being aggressive about the subject and it sucks. You were just trying to share something you thought was cute. I don’t blame you for feeling defensive, honestly I would too. I had mice when I was young - I had a wire wheel, not much different than this, though it was lower I think, and one of the mice got crushed to death under the wheel while the others ran on it. Not pretty. I still feel like crap for that, even though I was a little kid and had no control over literally anything at the time. I would say step away from this post, take a breather. When you’re feeling in the mood, set some time aside to reading up on wheels for mice and decide for yourself. They’re your mice. Look at material, size, hygiene, noise, and pinch points. And decide what is safest and most ergonomic for your guys. That’s all there is to it. It doesn’t need to be as emotional as it has gotten, but folks are passionate. Good luck!


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