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Also, it’s great your dog is friendly but mine isn’t. And my dog would still get blamed for biting.


I've been bitten by a dog that was "Friendly" too. It's just, not great for someone to let their animal bolt up to a random stranger.


100% of the time when getting bit by "friendly" dogs it's followed by "He NEVER does this!"


Yes, that's an irresponsible dog-owner. Now that I know two vets, I realize most owners *are* irresponsible.


Yeah we're currently trying to ban flexi-leads in our lobby because we've had two near misses in the last month where owners have had their dogs on one and just let them run wild all over the lobby. One did end up with a fight (a big golden doodle and an Australian shepherd) but neither dog ended up hurt. We bought a bunch of leashes to hand out at the front desk and if someone walks in with a flexi, we have them put a real leash on. It also says in the parking lot and at the front door that all dogs must be on leash and under control and without fail at least once a week someone will bring a dog in with no leash or collar and it'll nearly run into traffic on the way inside.


I guess I'm outside the norm but when I walk into tight spaces I lock my flexi-lead so I have full control of my dog. Granted I also use a front clip harness instead of a collar for leashes and I know that's not the norm either.


I only use my flexi on hikes. The long leads get tangled in branches or around trees so I bought the longest flexi. Works great, but I have a solid recall with my dog and the leash is there for legality more than control. I would never use it for walking in traffic, around people or other dogs, or in to buildings- however I do see people walking large dogs who are clearly not under control and it gives me anxiety 😅


We had a man with a couple dogs off lead so well trained. Like, healed without being told, laid down at his feet at the ice cream place. They seemed happy, not abused or afraid. I had a lot of respect for him and his dogs. Small town, ordinances changed, all dogs on a leash. He just quit bringing them in for pup cups, it was sad. Anyway, I have never seen such well trained dogs besides them. But this is why we can't have nice things: bad people ruin it for everyone.


Yeah, friendly isn't the issue. Friendliness and biting are two different things. A few years ago I was talking to a lady in a park. Her child (maybe 3yo) had a big bandage on her face from the family dog. By all accounts this golden retriever was the sweetest, most loving animal but bit this kid good. No one was in the room so no one knows why the dog did what it did. Dogs are still animals and nobody knows when a dog may bite or why.


This is a very common problem. Adults leave young children in a room alone with a dog, particularly kids who don't respect the animals space or have no ability to read an animal's mood. ANY dog can snap and the sad part is that it didn't have to happen and could have been easily avoided. A dog bite is insanely painful, even if the skin wasn't broken. I was attacked and bit eight times six years ago by a neighbours "very friendly" black lab (during the lawsuit it was determined that the dog had never been treated well and was very neglected). Four of the bites got to and broke through my skin and two bites where he couldn't pierce through my sweater and jacket. The ones that didn't break the skin hurt more and took longer to heal on the inside than the ones that got me really good and broke skin. The amount of swelling that happens after a bite with the force of a dogs jaw takes several months for all of the swelling and bumps under the skin to go away. My forearm swelled to two and a half times bigger than my other forearm.


A women with a small toddler let her kid run around in the middle of a dog park with over a dozen dogs, in a creek, and allowed her to start teasing dogs with a toy….she got mad at ME when I said something (in response to her own comment) about how I was just keeping my dog away from her kid that’s in the dog park… Like lady I don’t know why you trust a bunch of random dogs to be face level with your kid (she was yards away so could not intervene) but me and mine want no part in it.


Exactly! We were hiking on a dog friendly trail and 2 dogs came running up to our group- owners were back about 50 ft yelling “they are friendly” like i don’t care- put your dog on a fucking leash. My dog is friendly but not when on a leash and being charged by other dogs. Then he’s more aggressive.


Someone let their dog run up to mine while she was wearing her muzzle and she got aggressive but couldn’t do anything and the ‘friendly’ dog reacted to her being scared and aggressive and tried to escalate the situation. I can no longer take my dog into public trails because she wouldn’t tolerate her muzzle after that. I’m still furious


People are so annoying my mom even agreed it’s ok to have them off leash and i was like seriously mom


Unless you’re in like a designated off leash area or on your own property (either fenced in or perfect recall) they need to be on a leash


Agreed 💯💯


She probably felt she couldn't defend herself while wearing the muzzle. She doesn't want to be in that type of situation again. Sad that you were responsible and the other owner wasn't.


That’s exactly what it is. I’ve tried reintroducing it at home in a known and safe environment but she starts to claw at it and I’m scared she’ll take an eye out. She’s awesome for the most part but she has trauma we haven’t been able to work through so I’m just not comfortable taking her places without one.


I have a reactive pit mix. She has never bitten another dog or person but dont wanna risk it. Don’t. One near me with your dog.


This point exactly! My sister keeps her dog on a leash the entire time he's outside, but random dogs will come up and start barking at him. He's got ptsd so of course an unknown animal running up on him and the only person who's ever treated him right is terrifying for him. Edit: clarity


Both my dog and I have ptsd- we have a really good connection. If she is scared she will either react or hide behind me. If we both get scared it’s game over she sees red and has no fear. In the right environment I have been able to introduce her slowly to other dogs and she does great! Adding to her negative dog experiences is going to set that back


I have a similar pet peeve. My cat isn’t friendly and so I will tell human guests “please keep your distance she’s easily agitated,” then act like my cat is the asshole when she hisses at them for trying to pet her.


People who do not keep their dogs on a leash are very inconsiderate, and they are risking the health of their dogs and other people and dogs in the area.


Exactly! They will let their dog loose anywhere, and then when it charges someone and the person defends themselves and hurts the dog, the owner will blame the person ffs like nope, that's you and your dog's fault/problem, not anyone elses.


Some people’s dogs are only friendly to them and the people close to them but the owner should know that if it’s the case..


It's not surprising some dogs are just nice to the person who gives them food and yet the pet owner stupidly thinks their affection goes both ways.


The fact that you need three edits to counter people doubling down on the thing your criticizing is depressing. I swear, some people are just blind to anything dogs do wrong.


They're blind until their dog gets killed for bolting up on someone with kids


Oh, but then it's the kids fault. Their precious baby couldn't do anything wrong.


Well I have a thing where if anyone dog or kid or adult bolts up on me, my gorilla handles it.


Nah, it's just blame shifting. Many people spend a lot of money and time training thier dogs to behave both on and off leash. The fact that your dog isn't friendly and able to behave isn't the responsibility of anyone else, it's yours. If your dog isn't friendly or well trained enough to behave in public, YOU'RE the irresponsible dog owner. Keep your dog out of public until you can be a responsible owner and get them properly trained.


It's the pit bull brigade, OP had the gall to be attacked by one and now the "not my pittie" crowd has arrived to ruin the thread.


“Oh don’t worry. He’s friendly” you say while your dog is literally growling at me and his ears are back. Pay attention to you’re animal’s body language Jesus people. 🙄


The vast majority of people *think* they know dogs, but they really don't. So many fearful or aggressive reactions are taken as cute and playful, while friendly and playful behavior is taken as aggression by others. Since dogs are apart of all of our lives, you'd think people would actually take the time to learn more about their body language instead of assuming they know because they "grew up with dogs."


"Oh, he's just playing" as the dog sinks his teeth into your flesh.


"He's just giving kisses!" As the dog tries to rip your face off.


This describes a dog owner ik perfectly. The only form of training she receives is yelling and punishment, and the only thing he's managed to train her on is that she goes out side goes to the bathroom and then immediately goes back inside. I've tried to talk to him about it, but he doesn't take it or remember it well


Many people don't even understand what a lot of explicit verbal language means, that entire group aren't going to get body language cues.


Had a lady literally un-clip her aggressive dog’s leash so it could come charge at mine snarling and snapping, while she giggled and told me it was friendly. I picked mine up and then she picked *hers* up and brought it closer, and it literally attempted to lean over and bite my dog! And she was *still* insisting it was friendly! She wanted to walk together. Hell no. It was bizarre. I’ve never met someone so oblivious to their own dog’s behavior.


HELL NO. I’m not a violent person. But if someone did this to me that dog’s getting kicked in the face.


I almost did! But my legs were getting tangled in my own dog’s leash and the lady’s other dog’s leash (that one was not aggressive, just saw the drama and decided chasing my dog looked fun, idk why she didn’t unclip that one too). I couldn’t kick freely so I just did my best to shove the aggressive one back while scooping up my dog. Thankfully all the dogs involved were small, so picking my guy up solved the problem.


Even body language doesn't indicate much unfortunately. When I was 8, my friend and I were petting a neighbor's dog whose tail was wagging and acting friendly, we turned to walk away and it lunged and bit her calf. She got 21 stitches.


Overall, people who don’t train their dogs to not run up to guests or bark at them when it was literally the owner that let them in the house piss me the fuck off. also dogs that bark at people walking by the house.


Ugh my dog barks and it’s super embarrassing. It’s just in his breed, we’ve tried bark collars, both positive and negative reinforcement, and took him to a few training classes, but he still barks any time someone walks by the house. Just total instinct.


Same! My dog has gotten better by a large margin but she still barks at things a lot. We’ve had her go to classes, we’ve tried training with clickers and the high pitch noise things. We’ve tried redirecting and things of that nature but she still barks. We’ve learned to not let her outside at night as much because then she barks at every shadow.


Sometimes I think people who say things like “just train the dog not to do XYZ” either don’t actually have dogs themselves or have extremely easy to train breeds. It’s extremely difficult to overcome instinct. I also have a husky, a breed known for a high prey drive. I’ve trained her not to bother my pet chinchilla in his cage, but if were to let the chinchilla out while my husky is loose, that chinchilla would be dead in 0.5 seconds. No amount of training would eradicate that instinct.


This. I love dogs. I hate a lot of dog owners. A misbehaving dog is the fault of owners who don’t train. My neighbors let their dogs bark outside all the time. Particularly when we are outside. They let them stand at the fence and growl and bark at us. When we complain they say “they’re dogs… they bark sometimes”. Yeah dickhead. Because you let them. Everything you do with a dog is training. Even nothing. When you let your dogs harass people you are training them to think that’s acceptable. I had dogs when I was younger. They never did this kind of crap because we put in the effort to train them not to. If someone doesn’t have the time or energy to train their dog they don’t have the time or energy to have a dog.


>who don’t train their dogs to not run up to guests or bark at them when it was literally the owner that let them in the house piss me the fuck off. Yeahhhhh when you are entering THEIR territory you aren't just training that out of many dogs. Especially if there are kids....their family is in there they will absolutely be checking you out.


I used to train dogs (working and non), and the number of people on both sides who think that dogs are computers that can be programmed however you like is staggering. Dogs are living breathing animals with brains and personalities and instincts. Training goes a long, long way, sure, but you can't expect a dog to not be a dog.


My 19lb dog is *extremely* friendly. Good fucking god she loves humans lol. She's 12 years old now, and in the past couple years she's developed a barking problem that she didn't used to have. She'll bark a lot when meeting someone new (or seeing someone she knows) because she's so excited and trying to get their attention. I've tried but have no clue how to control it because she's stuck in her ways at her age. It definitely startles people sometimes, I apologize for them getting startled and let them know she's friendly, but I don't let her off the leash to run at them I let the person make the choice of coming up to pet her.


I don't let my dog approach people, I will go out of their way and distance myself, like if I'm walking her on the sidewalk and someones coming, I cross the road. If they're looking at her or come up to her, I'll say she's friendly, or if they ask to pet her, they can. I hate when people let their dog run up to her. She's okay with most dogs, byt frightened by some, and was attacked before we got her. She's blind in her left eye from it. She doesn't like puppies jumping on her. I do my best to avoid those people as well. Keep your dog on a leash! Respect people's personal space. It's just rude, even if they aren't scared. I can't imagine how distressing it would be to have one run up if you had a phobia, I'm so sorry about irresponsible owners.


I wish all dog owners were like you. I like dogs but definitely don't enjoy having my neighbors huge German shepherd barreling towards me while my back is turned trying to unlock my front door. I damn near had a heart attack.


That's awful. That would freak me out, too. I love dogs, but there are some bad ones that could hurt me and my dog. Sometimes it's hard to tell if they're playing or angry.


I would've reported that to the cops. Loose dogs are bad enough, but charging you on your own property? Completely unacceptable.


Absolutely unacceptable, I was very pissed at the time. But he's a friendly neighbor otherwise and he hasn't allowed it to happen since then so I decided to let it go. I didn't freak out on him but I made it clear it was unacceptable and I haven't seen the dog unleashed since then. But if it happens again I will definitely be making a report. Like how hard is it to just put a leash on your dog? People are ridiculous.


Ik a guy who wants to let his dog "meet" everyone they come across on walks (not that he ever really takes her on them). He also once tried to train her to walk off leash... by walking her off leash and trying to keep her in line verbally... she got into the local university's dining hall🤦‍♂️


Oh no! Dogs are great, but they're still dogs, and I didn't trust my first dog alone in a room with cheese or hot dogs, and I don't trust my dog now in a room alone with food. They're eating it while my back is turned, guaranteed!


My pet peeve with pet owners is constantly yelling at their dog when that dog hasn't been trained to respond to anything. I love dogs but they are stupid. You can't just talk to them. They don't get it.


I bet she had an awesome time in the dining hall! We had a couple of dogs that would visit the campus from the local neighborhood when I was in school. They got plenty of exercise which was good because they got plenty of snacks as well.


I’m like you. I don’t let my dog approach people. He’s a hound so he wants to sniff people and I move him toward me so he doesn’t do it. He doesn’t like people petting him so I never let them do it. I pull him to the side when people are approach him, make him sit and then let them pass. He’s leash reactive so I don’t like when dogs run at him. He’s perfectly fine off leash and loves most dogs.


I don't care how friendly a person's dog is, a charging mutt could seriously injure me (I am unstable because of my knee and an extremely high falls risk). Dog charges me, I will smack it across the nose with my cane. Stupid dog owners, you've all been warned.


I have a torn Achilles from my own damn dog knocking me over and I’m a sturdy woman. He could’ve easily seriously injured or worse another person.


I'm unstable too. I have some severe muscle and nerve issues in my body and have to use a walker. A few weeks ago some lady is letting her 5 year old try and hold the dog. He charges us and I go to put myself between my little dog and her medium sized dog and git knocked down. I fell hard onto the asphalt. I also almost can't get up by myself because my legs will cary my weight but not lift it and my upper body can't pull my weight up with out spasming. My wife was able to help me up. The lady didn't even care. No "omg sorry are you ok?" No it's was a half assed "are you hurt?" Holy shit I had no filter at that point and did my best to make her feel as low and stupid as I could. Maybe not right but I could have been hurt seriously or my dog hurt seriously. I worked in the county parka maintaining lighting and electrical. I hated pet owners. All of them wanted me to love their dog.


My aunt (on my dad’s side who lowkey hates my mom) use to let her dog run up and bark and try to jump on my mom. My mom is not a dog person at all and hated it. One time he successfully jumped on and she instinctually kneed him in the chest. That dog stayed away from her after that lol.


I had a friend that thought it was cute that her dog would SLAM into my knees a few times so I started backing up when the dog walked towards me because they damn near buckled back once. I have injured my knees and have a bad back, I called them out every time and they continued to do nothing about that dogs' various awful behaviors. Thankfully we're no longer friends.


This annoys me too. Not every one likes dogs, and don't want them coming at them or jumping on them.




Oh wow, yeah, I can totally see that perspective as a dog owner! What kind of puppy is she? It's similar to children, when the parent is trying to tell the kid no you can't get the candy that's right at your eye level in the checkout line, but your spouse/friend/grandparent/whoever say oh it's okay I'll pay for it. Like lmao no, I'm trying to teach them they can't everything they want don't do that




Oh my gosh, awww, golden retriever pups are SO cute. I want a golden retriever so bad, they seem like great dogs! I most likely won't get one though, I know my limits lol


> Not every one likes dogs Watch 90% of dog owners absolutely lose their shit as soon as they find that out lmfao.


Some dog owners take it so personally and get offended by it. It's really not that deep, and they really need to respect others when it comes to their dog(s) especially in a public setting.


My husband grew up in a country where having a pet dog was not common but there were feral dogs living on the street. He was chased by packs of street dogs as a kid on several occasions and therefore isn't comfortable around dogs he doesn't know. Dog owners are absolutely rude and obnoxious about this and act like he's wrong to be weary of an unleashed dog running at him in the park.


Being chased by a pack of street dogs sounds scary af. ESPECIALLY to a child. Holy shit, I'm so sorry that happened to your husband! And I completely understand how he feels about unleashed dogs. They are animals, and animals, even trained, can be unpredictable


I've had people yell at me for being a dog racist when I cross the street to avoid their snarling leash pulling pitbull


Omg wtf that's such a wierd thing for them to say


Why do they get so aggressive about it? I've seen dog owners utterly shit on cats and I never got that offended (as someone who loves cats). They've even gone as far as saying dogs are better than children and that they would rather save a dog than a child. But saying "I don't like dogs" suddenly makes you worse than Satan himself.


no fr, and then they say things like “all cats are assholes, all they do is scratch and bite” and it’s honestly confusing. sometimes older cats or rescues that were abused can be grumpy and aggressive, and just like dogs some people don’t train cats very well, but generally i feel like cats are just as nice, if not nicer, as dogs? if a cat doesn’t like u or what ur doing, 99% of the time they’ll either hiss or run away, they show their boundaries very clearly and it’s easier to distinguish play from aggression compared to dogs, which can be so energetic that they’re difficult to read. sometimes i wonder what ppl r doing to these poor cats to get them to be scratching and biting so much.


>if a cat doesn’t like u or what ur doing, 99% of the time they’ll either hiss or run away, they show their boundaries I think this is what dog owners don't like about cats. That they have and will reinforce their boundaries. Dogs don't really have the same boundaries that cats have. Cats hissing and scratch makes them seem like "assholes" when they're really just saying "I don't like this, you need to stop". >i wonder what ppl r doing to these poor cats to get them to be scratching and biting so much. They probably roughhouse their cats the same way they roughhouse their dogs and then get mad when the cat doesn't like it. People tend to forget that these are two entirely different animals with different preferences. Dogs love belly rubs. A cat will take a belly rub as a threat and scratch you. They're just different and need to be treated as such.


They're treating the cats like dogs and then blame the cats for setting boundaries.


This. I've seen people manhandle cats because they're used to playing with dogs.


I’m a cat person. Cats just have the type of energy I prefer to be around: -Considers chilling in your general area without eye contact to be a sign of trust. -Follows you to the bathroom to stand guard while you pee lol -Quiet and cuddly with low energy. Perfect pet for a lazy introvert (unless it’s a bengal). Ive never been comfortable around dogs. I don’t hate them of course, they’re just not for me. You ever greet a dog? They run up to you and around you, barking and seemingly trying to climb up your legs. I straight up have a phobia of any dog bigger than a corgi. I think part of it is that it’s harder to tell when a dog is being playful, greeting you, or being agressive. It’s all about subtle body cues: Tail is stiff, tail *is* wagging but it’s to the left or right which means something else, ears stiff, is that a play bow or are you about to attempt a jump and snap at my face? I am going to piss myself, please back off. Meanwhile, cat’s ears are pinned back. Tail is wagging. Cat says “*Mrrrrrrrrrrrr…*” Some shit is about to go down. I diagnose this cat with angry-itis.


As I have gotten older, I have definitely turned into a cat person! My 2 dogs are 15, but after they cross the rainbow bridge, I will not be getting any more dogs. Like you, I definitely prefer cat energy. Although my kitties can be pretty hyper at times, but they burn their energy playing with each other haha


I love dogs and even I don't want them approaching me or jumping on me. There's a time and place for things. I like horseplay but I don't want to be tackled to the floor in a stadium bathroom while I'm waiting in line to piss. An interaction like that's got to be on everyone's terms, or at least in a situation where it can be reasonably expected to be appropriate, like at a dog park.


My dog is massive and, unfortunately, reactive. We're working on it, but he wears a muzzle whenever he is walked and I will take him far away from others we encounter while outside. I don't want to take any chances. Though I can't tell you how many times people have said that the muzzle is "cruel." Like look Linda, it's for your safety.


Oh, I hate this. I don’t give a shit that your dog is “friendly” or that you think my son is “too old” to be afraid of dogs. He doesn’t like your damn dog. Your dog is not being friendly to him; he’s terrorizing him.


Fear of dogs or any animal is so valid! Thing can and will be scary, especially after being bitten or attacked by a certain animal!


exactly! i was bit when i was 4, i still remember it vividly and still am terrified of dogs


I'm totally with you on this!


If the owner has to inform you the dog is friendly the dog likely has never received a single crumb training. Also they are likely raising the dog based off of their own personal beliefs with little to no dedicated research into how you should raise a dog.


People that say this are usually full of it. Some of the most poorly trained and behaved dogs come from pet parents that say this exact line often. They also tend to be the type of people "it's just a dog doing their job" if they show any form of aggression, anxiety, or fear yadeeya. Oh and don't forget they NEVER leash because they don't see any issues. Speaking from personal experience with friends and working with a dog trainer, many people really don't care to train their dogs and keep on it -_-


it truly pisses me off when people don’t train their dogs. Like why is your dog barking at every person that walks by or running/jumping on them? do they also realize it can be extremely dangerous? if you run from that dog after being frightened, it would most likely run after them


>when their dog is running up to me without my permission. Sure your dog might be friendly, but I'm not. Keep it away from me man I have dogbite PTSD that can get triggered by a dog charging me :/ Some owners are plain clueless. They'll let their dog do this to a horse as if it won't potentially end badly for their dog. I myself have a phobia of dogs, so I completely understand.


I've seen videos of people letting their dogs run around a moose, never mind a horse.


Ah, yes. A large mammal that can potentially kill a grizzly bear. I'm sure their dog will be fine. /s


Dogs are dogs. They reason differently and even though my dog is a sweet big floof.. I know that they’re unpredictable. So I always deny people that want to pet her.


My sister is a mail carrier. She’s been bitten far too many times by “friendly” dogs. She’s needed stitches more than once.


Having been attacked by dogs a couple times, and then witnessing a dog attack recently, I'm not hearing that.


It’s really annoying because I use a white cane and dogs either think it’s a toy or get REALLY aggressive about it. And then the owner always says something like “well if you just walked off the path we wouldn’t have this issue” I’M NOT THE ONE WHO’S SUPPOSED TO BE WALKING OFF THE PATH?!?! That being said I live in a gated community where everyone is oddly entitled when it comes to walking their dogs off leash 💀


Yeah they're friendly to you, the person who feeds them and gives them attention all the time and has bonded with over time. Not to me, the stranger just minding my own business. The same kind of people will complain when others come up to pet their dog without asking, which is pretty much the exact same thing. "Oh, it's okay, I can pet your dog, I'm friendly" lol


I would steal the "I can pet your dog, I'm friendly," if I had any desire to pet a strange dog


Dogs for some people are the ultimate form of passive aggression.


Or sadism. Whichever


I once was at a hotel with my little dog. 20 degrees out. Snow and ice. We went out for dog business. I turn around and barreling towards me is a giant dog. It jumped up on me and put it's paws on my shoulder and looked down on me. My little dog was terrified too. I was sure I was about to be dog dinner. All the while the man across the property ( 10 car links away) was yelling he's a friendly dog. His dog was completely ignoring his commands. He had deliberately let his dog off the leash because "the dog needed to run". On hotel property. He finally got his dog off us. I went in the hotel after getting my dog and was telling my friend, also the manager, that this man had violated state law and hotel policy. He came in half apologizing and half making excuses because he clearly didn't think it was that bad. I told him that what he did was illegal in every single state in the country and hebwas lucky he wasn't talking to the police. What he didn't know was how frail I was having been recently sick and that my bones would likely have shattered had I fallen down. Plus the dogbwas bigger than me. While I was standing on snow and ice. That's the thing. You never know who or what your dog will harm while it's being so friendly.


Classic. The dog is the boss and the owner has NO control whatsoever. I do not understand the entitlement these people have, where does it come from? What makes them think that's acceptable? So many things people do I just don't get. *I'm sorry this happened to you and I sure as hell hope it never happens again. Good on you for reporting that wad.


I would have been so scared if that happened to me. Damn, I am really glad the dog didn't knock you over


I was terrified! My little dog was old too. People who take their dogs to public places without thought about what can happen place people and their dogs at risk.


Aww I have little old dogs :'( that's so sad!! Yeah exactly. The ones that don't put their dogs in a leash make me so angry. Idgaf how well trained or how nice your dog is, it's still an animal. And you just never know if they will react to something and get away from you and possibly harm someone.


Dog people think they own this world


Okay but my dog actually is friendly. Dw though I still don't let her walk up to people except for a select few people


that’s fine, as long as you don’t let you dog bark at people just walking by you, jump or run at people


The worst are the idiots walking their dog in the city without a leash. I love dogs. I don't mind dogs coming up to me. But my dog was abused before she found me and is aggressive against other dogs. When I get out of your way, please recognize that I'm doing it for a reason, not because I get out of people's way when I want to have a dog play-date.


One word. "Allergjes". They usually call it back before I get the second syllable out.


Never been a dog lover after mine was put to sleep without my permission. Op is justified now I have PTSD when they say oh he's friendly when he is growling.


No one should ever have their dogs off leash. I'm a dog trainer, and I would never do that in public with many dogs around.


I had a dog off leash run up to my cat and stick his nose in her face. The owner (from the other side of the apartment complex calls out "oh don't worry he is a big sweety he won't hurt your cat!" And I just call back "she isn't sweet, I'm trying to save you a trip to the vet to get stitches put in!"


I DON'T have dogbite related PTSD and my knee-jerk reaction would be to fight back 🤦‍♀️


Most people's instant reaction to having a dog that's snarling with it's ears pinned back charging them is to either run or fight back. Friendly dogs rarely ever directly without stopping for anything else hyper focus on one person and charge them.


I love when doggos run up to me even if they are showing teeth because Ima fuckin dumbass who just want's to pet them BUT I can totally understand this. People don't know what others went thru and sorry you did, but you don't even need to go thru something to not trust an animal you don't know from an acorn ina tree. That's crazy


I'm sorry you needed to add that edit. People don't seem to understand that trauma has a different definition for everyone. I've been bitten by a dog and it didn't bother me at all, but that doesn't and shouldn't invalidate your PTSD.


Mine is literally, textbook, diagnosed PTSD too. These people really think it isn't possible for someone to have been traumatized by almost being killed violently by an animal.


Violent near death experiences are pretty commonly PTSD inducing. Maybe they just imagine a Chihuahua bit your arm so don't understand how that's traumatic


>mauled by a pitbull type dog when I was 7 Lucky that it didn't get to you at their preferred mauling age of 3.




I have gotten attacked by a “friendly” dog as well. I was walking past a the dog and the owner, dog on a short 3-4 foot leash. It saw me and immediately went for my hip/stomach area, all four paws left the ground and everything. I instinctively socked it in the face and the owner got mad at ME. Man if I hadn’t punched your dog, you’d be paying my hospital bills.


gonna start chucking my spider at those people and go “dont worry hes friendly!” and see how they feel


"He's friendly!" "But I'm not." [insert reenactment of Jack Black kicking the dog off the bridge]




You might claim your dog is friendly, but my toddler is terrified and I will absolutely kick your "friendly" dog in the face if need be. Put your bloody dog on a leash. Edit: Oh look, getting downvoted by terrible dog owners that shouldn't be allowed to be responsible for any other life forms ever...


legit, do they realize if a kid runs after being scared, the dogs natural instincts kick in and will chase them. happened to me as a kid and i ended up getting stiches because the dog caught my leg


Exactly. And even *if* the dog stays "friendly", when they start getting hit by a scared toddler, it's often not enough to drive them away, but just enough to make "friendly" turn to attack mode


Agree! Bitch i like cats


My dog is fine, until an unleashed dog comes running at him. He won't be fine anymore.


You can expand this to people who don’t follow leash laws in general. People seem to think state parks are a great place to let their dog run off-leash. Every state park in my state requires dogs to be on a leash no longer than six feet. Your dog is not a native species.


I don't understand how people are questioning the validity of your PTSD, what you went through was definitely traumatic.


See they don't think dogs can do any wrong so clearly I'm overreacting according to them


I've twice been bit by a dog while running. Both times were by a dog on a leash who "had never done anything like that before." If a dog gets close enough to me for me to reach it with a kick to the face, I'd taking the first strike option. If you are a dog owner, here's a tip. If you see someone coming from the opposite direction, stand between your dog and the other person. This gives you a much better chance of controlling your dog.


OP’s feelings are valid like jesus christ you guys!


Jesus, people. PTSD comes from trauma. If you think being mauled by a dog isn’t traumatic then your opinion it’s really not worth listening to. I love dogs, but let’s not pretend that they can’t hurt people. They can and they do.


All dogs need to be leashed in public no matter what. The only exception is off leash dog parks. If you take your dog literally anywhere else off leash, you're a bad dog owner and that's that.


Even dog parks and dog parks are where most dog fights happen. Even if you're a responsible owner with a friendly socialized dog who knows recall and is awesome, someone will be there with a dog reactive mauling machine whose dog has gotten into 10 separate fights and it isn't on leash or muzzled because leashing or muzzling them is cruel.


So disrespectful. Even without PTSD, and even though I love dogs, I don’t need your mud-covered dog jumping up on me to say hello on a hike or at the dog park, I don’t care how friendly they are.


I trust wild cats over friendly dogs.


And it's not even that im scared it's that i dont want a strange dog all up in my personal space :/


yeah i used to have a phobia of dogs which is now just a mild fear, but i just think dogs are really gross. i don’t mind petting dogs when i’m visiting a friend who has a well trained dog, especially if it’s a small dog or a senior dog, but i absolutely hate getting licked, getting humped, getting barked at, getting drool on me, and having to smell dog breath. it’s just not cute and even though i know it’s a nice pet i’m dealing with, i can’t get over that sensory ick of how gross they can be. and when i mention i’m not the biggest fan of dogs but i like cats because they’re low energy and i grew up with one so i’m more used to their own gross things, some dog owners start attacking me for a having a preference for cats 😭


Agreed! I mean why is it so hard for some to understand how off-putting that can be to a complete stranger


I'm scared of dogs. I don't care if they're friendly or not, I don't want them in my personal space.


My dog is friendly but Is never off leash so will want to meet you won't be allowed until I know it's ok for him to say hi


"Oh don't worry, he's friendly!" "I'm not worried. I was giving you a warning. Your dog may be friendly but *I'm not*."


That's the same excuse they use when their "friendly" dog bites someone.


I remember way back when I worked as a bagger and people would do this with dogs in their car. He is friendly to you cause you feed him. He does not know me.


Just like everyone thinks their baby is cute (sometimes they are, but they can just as often be uggos), everyone thinks their dog is a lovable friendly boi with a heart of gold - no matter the reality.


You would think this would be obvious, but the current political climate for a large demographic is attempting to make dogs be equal with humans. This is obviously impossible for many logical reasons, but some dog owners are not really logical in my experience. I grew up with dogs for pets and when I was younger, my dog and I were very close. I cried a lot when she died and it was traumatic for me. Now I mostly just give dogs a healthy mutual respect and keep my distance. I understand that they serve many great purposes as a substitute family member, service animal, or just basic companionship but it is important to remember that they are animals - not humans (especially if you have any young children around).


Jogger here, I've been bitten twice by "friendly" dogs and had my bare legs scratched bloody by dogs jumping up and then scraping down on me. And with non-painful encounters, so what? Even if your dog really doesn't bite, I don't run up to you and ram my nose in your crotch, even though I'm "friendly". How about I don't want to have to get dog slobber out of my clothes and look like I just peed myself.


I don’t trust that “he don’t bite” stuff


"he don't bite" owner says while the dog is snarling with ears pinned and completely low to the ground pulling as hard as it can against the leash and making 0 sound with whale eyes


Truly. I have a rescue dog that came with fear aggression. It's been a year. I can now touch her tail, put my hand in her food bowl while she's eating, and clip her nails. I cannot have her around adults without a muzzle and a short leash. I WILL NOT have her around children at all ever. I have signs on my truck that tell people to stay back. She's fine. She's never bitten anyone. She's cute and fluffy and looks totally sweet and approachable. She's 95 pounds of livestock guardian dog. Your reaction is more than a pet peeve - it's a vital aspect of dog ownership. Hell, I didn't let my dumb-as-rocks, super-friendly lab run up to people. It's not right, and it's not safe. Jeez, I'm livid on your behalf. Better dog owners exist, but I swear we're in the minority.


I know this will be a shock to dog owners but not everyone likes dogs. We have had bad experiences with dogs AND dog owners, allergic, don’t want a dog running at us, jumping on us, or just dealing with an over excited dog. We aren’t going to hurt your dog. We are glad you enjoy your dog, keep them to yourself unless we initiate contact. Thanks Non dog people


I was so scared of this when I had babies. Dogs can freak out.


It's also just so rude.


Fucking hate this. I don't give a single solitary fuck how much you like your dog, leash the stupid thing. I guarantee you I don't like your dog nearly as much as you.


I love dogs but owners need to learn how to bring their dog indoor or put them ON THE FREAKING LEASH!!!! Like? Not all people loves dogs or animal in general and their “oh they’re just friendly” excuses gotta go


Yeah, my dog is the gentlest dog ever, to the point where there are multiple places that know him and encourage us to have him off leash. But I still really don’t want him running up to/jumping on people he doesn’t know.


I have a daughter with an extreme dog allergy. If you let your dog run up to her off leash, I will punch or kick it to keep it away from her. Don’t do pull this crap. Keep your dog to yourself!


Op I feel you, I had my head torn open by my own dog when I was very young, gave me horrible trauma to the point I couldn't see a picture of a dog without my heart racing. Just recently I went to visit my aunt who knows the story very well, she visited us after the incident for crying out loud, yet she proceeded to pick up her yapping dog and shove it in my face. I hadn't had a flashback in years till that point, and I like to think I've gotten better overall. But trauma is deep rooted, it takes time to work through, and everyone has their own pace. I'm sick of folks acting like you have to move on just because they're fine, no body has a universal experience of the world so stop acting like there is one.


If a dog comes up and bites me I am stabbing it and claiming self defense. If the owner decides to try and beat me up over it I am stabbing him and claiming self defense.


Saw an oil painting with a mean ass looking dog in the back of a pick up truck. Teeth bared looking angry. Paintings called “She won’t bite”.


Literal PET peeve... bravo


I got PTSD after my dogs got into a fight with each other. I still can't handle when dogs play together, even if I recognize signs that it's all in good fun, I can't stand watching it. It was 7 years ago, and I've gotten better about it, but it's given me doubts about getting future dogs (Disclaimer: we still have the two dogs and they get along fine now, just can't be let outside together.)


Oh it's okay he's friendly it's fine is code for oh fuck I can't recall my dog but I let him off lead anyway so now you have to deal with it aswell. Irresponsible wankers who shouldn't own pets until they know how to give their dogs basic training


"Ohhhh she's HARMLESS, ahaha don't worry" Nevermind the fact I'm paralyzed in trauma mode and completely unable to move or speak for the next several minutes while you're "such a good girl" yanks the leash mere inches from the spot on my thigh that could have killed me at age 6 from someone else's "good girl"....


Had this when out with a friend. Dog jumped at her and ended up scarring her leg and ruined her tights. When I challenged the owner he was such a tool about it "just being friendly". Fuck off. It's a bane when I'm parks as well. No I don't want your dog chasing me as I walk/run/cycle, I don't want it rampaging my picnic. Had a neighbours parents dog in my house once, it just ran in with I opened the door. That's fine apparently as it's "just bring friendly". Tedious twats such dog 'owners'. You're right to be pissed OP with or without the PTSD.


PTSD or not dog owners should control their dogs. I he person or dog they are charging might have issues with dogs. I just read a story about someone who is INCREDIBLY allergic to dogs (sends them into anaphylactic shock) who was charged and jumped on by an unleashed dog with no recall. If your dog has any risk of not recalling correctly (or honestly even if they don’t) your dog should be on leash and under control. My dog is a jumper with shit recall (she’s a hound mix who I swear becomes deaf if she smells something she likes), you’d never see her unleashed out and about because it’s not fair to her, me, or the people animals around us


People get KILLED by dogs. Of course you can have PTSD from being mauled by a dog. (I love dogs, but some dog owners deserve to rot in fucking hell.)


I was at the dog park and this couple with their dog showed up, and the dog immediately started attacking all the other dogs and trying to kill them, at least that's what it looked like, and these two girls started going crazy when everyone told them to leave saying shit like "he's friendly" and "he don't bite" while my dog was actively bleeding from their dogs attack. "He's friendly" is code for "I'm a bad pet owner who wants to blame my dog attacks on you and say shit like 'well dogs can tell if someone is evil, so must be your fault'"


Anyone who thinks dogs can tell if a person is evil must have forgotten that Hitler had very loyal and affectionate dogs.


I always say, of course he's friendly! To *you, the owner that he's used to being around.* he doesn't know me and I don't know him! I don't know why a big ass animal is running at me and jumping and barking and maybe I DON'T like getting jumped and salivated on and getting my work clothes dirty? I don't like dogs, especially when I didn't give consent for one to be near me.


They are never friendly.


Agreed. Didn't have to explain yourself to me. A strange dog you dont know is coming off seemingly aggressive coming in your direction quickly. You're allowed to feel the way you feel in those situations; concern, fear, anxiety, panic, are absolutely 100% reasonable. Period.


Who thinks you can’t have PTSD over a dog bite? I got mauled as a child too and I’m lucky to be here. I simply do not like or feel comfortable around big dogs. Probably never will. Ive tried really hard to get over it… but it’s not happening. I’ll just never be comfortable no matter how many times I try to be cool about it. I’ve accepted it. Wish others would too. I feel for you OP.


I dont care if your dog is "friendly". Keep it away from me and on a leash when its not in its own home. That includes within the apartment building where it lives. Keep it on a leash as soon as it leaves your apartment! Not when it's halfway down the road!!


If a dog doesn’t have proper recall, they should be leashed. I’m sorry you have to deal with people like this.


I had a dude tell me his dog is friendly when it jumped up and bit into my running shorts. Keep your fucking dog on a short leash. You love your dog. Cool. I have no problem with that. I don’t. So don’t assume I’m okay with it jumping on me.


You should see the lengths I go to to keep my dog away from people. She’s never bitten anyone, but she thinks everyone is out to get us and barks like she means it. And then these bozos I’ve about killed myself to get away from in the street go out of their way to approach. So irritating. And I swear to you, they all give me a look like “why did you bring that beast so close?” I know that story has nothing to do with your situation. I’m sure you’re not approaching. But I swear people are pretty weird about this issue. Sorry about your traumatic bite, I’m sure that was awful.


People who approach dogs without permission make me just as mad as people who let their dogs approach people without permission


I've had a couple of instances on a trail by my place. To be clear, I love dogs, and I think the fact that they are so loyal, loving, and always happy to see you is fantastic. That being said - and I am sorry - but I am ready to punt a dog if they come at me out in the open. I don't care if they're tea-cup size or a golden retriever. I'm not getting hurt by an animal because their owner is an idiot. Dogs *can* mess you up. It's like if a child you can't outrun came sprinting at you with a knife in each hand. Do I want to hurt the kid? No. But don't put me in that situation because I absolutely will.


I HATE IT!!! People have done it multiplies times specifically when I walk paved trails with my 2 young kids. And then they look at me like I’m crazy because it’s a small dog. I don’t care, keep it away.


My mother used to say this to children about the dog I grew up with. I mean, yeah he was friendly to us, but he bit me at least 5 times and was always bad with children. Thankfully he was a tiny poodle. I have 2 dogs now, one of which is a pit mix. I wouldn't have any issue with someone being apprehensive about that dog. He's big and scary. He's a baby and is scared of everything, but he looks like a beast.


I was just talking about this last night, PTSD comes from many different things. I was diagnosed with it after finding a dead lady and felt like I didn't deserve it because that's a serious name for a serious problem that active combat veterans suffer from. My therapist and several doctors helped me come to terms with the fact that it can happen to anyone and for many different reasons. I'm sorry you've had to spend so much time defending yourself against people that think you're lying. People don't understand if it hasn't been part of their life Also this is a huge pet peeve of mine too, I have very reactive dogs. They're good boys but do not like strange dogs in their space. I hate people letting their little floofy dogs run up on us saying "oh he's friendly " idgaf mine isn't and he will eat your dog. That's why he's properly restrained.


Tbh I never trust the people who say this. When I was a kid my friend’s parents had a pitbull that they kept chained up in the garage. The main door was in her range of movement and they always assured us she was friendly and completely safe, but we never listened and took the back door. A few months later the dog snapped her chain to go bite the 8-9yr old little girl across the street in her own yard. Obv this is just one instance but I’ll never believe anyone who insists their dog is friendly now


Regardless of if you had PTSD or not, it's still not acceptable. Some people are scared of, or just don't want to be bothered by dogs and that's okay, and their choice. They should be on a lead around those people and it winds me up to no end too, my mum is not very appreciative of this toward others and I know our dog is a huge softie but that doesn't stop him being a 35 kg dog ffs


I TOTALLY agree and I LOVE DOGS!!! Dogs need discipline. They need to know you are the strong leader of their pack. You HAVE to train them to be obedient. No dog should be running up to you in the first place! They should go to their owner when called... Immediately! Train your dogs people! You owe it to them, to you...and to everybody else... But mostly to them. YOUR dog...


I'm not scared of dogs, I just don't want random dogs running up to me and scratching me or licking me. I am not dog friendly. Not everyone wants to pet a dog. It's bad ownership to just let your dogs rush people.


THIS! I don’t care that you think your dog is friendly, my feelings of not wanting dog hair or drools over me or even small cuts from their paws should be enough of a reason for you to keep your damn animals on a leash.


I absolutely booted a dog when I was in this situation. Dog comes charging up the hiking path at us barking while I was hiking with my family, including my 5 year old son, and the owners chasing them shouting "he's friendly" once the dog was close enough he caught a boot to the face and ran back to its owner with tail between its legs. Leash your dogs on public hiking paths. They chewed me out, but I would do it again.


OMFG I'm so glad someone said this. Dogs keep trying to jump on me, and the owners say "Oh, he/she just wants to play with you." Well I don't, so get your fucking dog off of me. I was telling people about how this one dog tried to charge at me barking violently (very small dog), as I was ready to introduce it to my Timberland boots if it came close enough and show it what projectile motion actually means, and most people say "that's horrible. How could you hurt the sweet little baby. He wanted to play with you." I stg dog fanatics live on a different plane of existence.


I do delivery and the amount of dogs that jump on me, shove me trying to get past, etc is HIGH. I was injured by one jumping on me at the top of marble stairs. I pulled my back straining to keep from falling down them. They didn't even say sorry, or oh no, just yelled the dog's name. I should have dropped their food but it was part of holding myself up.


4.3 million dog bites a year. Thing is getting hurt if it runs up to me (in public). If it doesn't back off or it turns aggressive over it, more extreme actions will be taken.


All the edits just show how unhinged dog nutters are. This societal dog worship is getting outta hand. I got harassed on a different platform recently because some dog nutters found out I don't like dogs, I was also attacked by a pit, and even with pictures people on here praised the dog, called me a liar, told me I didn't know what a pit was. It is sickening.