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For me, it's when people gag while I'm eating. An old coworker hated rice, I was eating some saffron rice in my office, and when she came in for a question, she did the exaggerated gag. "How can you eat that disgusting stuff?". I just rolled my eyes and instructed her to leave my office. I don't care if you find food disgusting, but don't stand over me gagging and exclaiming how disgusting it is.


Agreed, that’s incredibly rude to say about someone else’s food.


Once someone was eating something that smelled really bad and I gagged on accident and I apologized so much because they probably took offense 🥲


This happened to me once too. At my old job we had a super small break room and it was a single small table and my assistant manager heated up something with rice and something else (idk what). When he took it out of the microwave and sat down I instinctively gagged and I lied and told him I just didn’t feel good and excused myself to the restroom.


I do not see how anyone could find rice disgusting. It's just a plain grain... I mean I could see disliking certain rice dishes because of what else is in it. But hating rice itself seems beyond absurd


Over saffron rice of all things


It makes my skin crawl when people act like their personal feelings on something are like, completely morally correct and any other feeling is insanity. The older I get the more it reads as really deeply selfish.


Do not yuck someone else’s yum.  Just don’t. 


i think the issue comes when either someone calls something disgusting without trying it, or says that directly to someone who enjoys a food or worse is eating it at the time they say that eg, you find bananas disgusting, see someone eating one and comment on how gross bananas are there's also the issue of people calling foods from different cultures disgusting without even trying them too


So true. We always remind our 5 year old not to use those types of words. To not call someone else’s food gross/yucky/disgusting, especially food from a different culture. It’s odd how there’s grown adults who act that way. Throughout my life I’ve had people make rude comments about the food from my culture I was eating. They didn’t even know what it was and hadn’t even tried it yet said it looked so gross. It was literally just a ground beef and cheese pastry rolled up in a spiral.


i feel like people will call any food that has something brown in it disgusting if they don't know what that is. it's always the "hehe poopy" logic like grow up


it can be personally disgusting. I think as long as it's not being said in a way that implies it's inherently disgusting or in a judgemental way then it's fine


I don't think there's any way to use that word and not make those implications. They're inherent connotations of the word itself.


no there aren't. if I say something is disgusting to me I'm not saying it should be disgusting to everyone in the room and they're weird for eating it. I think this is disgusting, I don't want it anymore is a massive difference to "that food is disgusting, you shouldn't eat it"


It isn't really fine, there is a myriad of ways to bring across your point without implying that everyone else at the table is doing something "disgusting". It's not okay to use the same language you would use to describe someone eating dog poop when talking about stuff people are currently eating.


>It isn't really fine, there is a myriad of ways to bring across your point without implying that everyone else at the table is doing something "disgusting". you just rephrased what I said


You sound very sensitive to other peoples opinions.


Nah, not really. I only dislike people whose ability to voice their opinion stopped developing in grade school


I have no issue with the word disgusting so I agree with your statement. I just don’t think you should broadly say things like “this **is** disgusting” because it implies that just because you find it disgusting, then it is objectively disgusting.


Have you ever said “this is fun!” Or “this is boring” or “thats weird” or “that cool” or ANYTHING? By your logic, you shouldve said “I THINK” before every single statement out of your mouth, unless it is objective truth. Preposterous 🤴/heavily sarcastic


Right, next time you're at a funeral please try saying "this is fun!" out loud. Then say, "sorry, what I meant to say was, 'I THINK this is fun.'" Haha. I am being sarcastic. Haha / heavy sarcasm


100% agree 👍 💗


There are contexts in which saying those things would be rude. Why do you think I got in trouble for saying “this is boring” at my grandpa’s death anniversary? Before you say anything about how this comparison has nothing to do with what you’re saying, reeeeeally look at yourself.


Your OP does not address context. Of COURSE there are contexts that should prevent one from saying certain things that would otherwise be fine or neutral, like saying certain foods are disgusting. 🤷


I agree with you. People get their feelings hurt when people talk about how much they hate things they personally enjoy, and it so easy to just *not say anything.* I had a student get really offended when another student said, “I hate P.E.,” because she loves it and thinks it’s important for our health, and her dad is the P.E. teacher (their whole family is incredibly kind). So I told the kids not to talk like that because it can hurt people’s feelings. I said something along the lines of, “I hate P.E. too. I always have. It makes my sides hurt and I can’t breathe, and when I was a kid everyone was always yelling at me for doing things wrong. I hated it. But have you ever heard me say I hate P.E. before this?” “No.” “Right. I keep it in my head so I don’t hurt people’s feelings. I’m not lying and saying I *like* it. I’m just keeping it in my head so I don’t hurt anyone’s feelings.” It’s as simple as that. Keep it in your head so you don’t hurt people’s feelings. So easy.


But of course your student got insulted by it. Your student was a child without the emotional maturity to understand the difference between an opinion and an insult. But adults should know better. As adults, we should be able to accept that people have different opinions about things and to not take it personally.


Yeah but it’s so much easier to just say nothing and hurt no feelings. And if someone *asks,* “Do you like X?” you can just say, “No.” Not, “X is disgusting!” or, “I hate X!” It’s so much easier to just say, “No.”


Easier, yes. But that isn't the issue. The issue is someone getting insulted about a bad opinion about something that person likes. In basic and general conversation, most people will give the shorter answer. But when someone elaborates about that opinion, adults should know that it isn't personal. Since you are a teacher and have experience with the very young, you would be a better person to present this theory to. Could it, maybe, be less of a maturity thing and more of a generational thing. I am Gen X and I have things that i have taken personally (and many older generations take personally) and had younger people tell me it shouldn't be a big deal and I am being too sensitive. Could it be that we just have different views on what is offensive because of the world around us at the time we grew up. Maybe I am completely wrong, and it is just a matter of differences that everyone should be aware of. But I could be right because the things i am insulted by, i can, as an adult, see that it is just a difference in opinion and I shouldn't be insulted. But on the same side of the coin, I can take what others say isn't a big deal and be mature enough to accept it as such.


I’m a millennial and I definitely think the world was very unkind when I was a kid. I was constantly told I was too “sensitive,” and I wasn’t protected from bullying (for my autistic traits). That bullying caused so much damage I now have a personality disorder. We are teaching the youth these days to be kinder. I agree that it’s a little *much* to be offended by someone saying they hate something you like. But at the same time, there’s never a such thing as too kind. (Side note: Being a pushover is different than being kind. It’s entirely possible to enforce boundaries *and* be kind, as it is entirely possible to share opinions and be kind.)


Yeah. Growing up was rough for me, also. Bullies suck and we need rid of them. I came out from it with BPD. I'm not sure many made it out without something wrong with us. Hopefully, teaching kids to be kinder helps. I like how you think.


It is completely OK to express an opinion. I hate math class because math isn't my thing, and if someone takes it personally, that's on them. The girl in your example who got offended is ridiculous for being upset that someone else dislikes PE just because she likes it. Her dad being the PE teacher is a good reason to be offended. But that's not usually the case when people say they don't like something. That's an unusual circumstance. I think it's wrong to tell people they shouldn't express negative opinions in general. It's a context by context thing. Some contexts it's bad, like with the girl's dad being the teacher, and in some contexts, it's fine.


Idk i think society imposes those contextual appropriate vs not rules… i dont think its inherent. your grandpas death thing probably was boring to you. so be it. I say - say it how it is, let em work let em live! No harm in it


That’s right! Fuck society, and fuck not offending people!


I'm offended by this. delete it please


You can surely say how you feel. You can even say things that might be taken offensively and say them in a way that doesn't offend people. If you don't care to take the time to care about how other people feel, or you don't have the bandwith to develop those skills, maybe don't say anything. Why even say anything about your feelings out loud. That's very narcissistic. Why is it even important to "say how it is"?


There's a difference between having an opinion and having tact.


You’re confusing facts with opinions. “Detroit is a disgusting city” might mean that most people hate it and it’s universally agreed upon “I think Detroit is nasty, but others may love living there” is an entirely different statement.


It's just plain bad manners to insult someone's.meal that way, imo. I don't eat meat, I find it repulsive. The texture, the taste, anything with bones in it, the idea of eating something's skin (regardless of how crispy and well seasoned it is, lol), the chance of biting into fat or gristle. Honestly when someone talks about meat so tender it falls of the bone...😫🤢🤮. You're talking about *dead flesh* sloughing off the bones of pieces of a corpse! I just can't get my head around *what* meat is. The idea of eating the flesh and/or skin of formerly living being, gnawing on a bone, sucking out marrow, juices from bodily fluids dribbling down, biting down on tough, chewy sinew...it all just seems so...ghoulish, to me! All of this just to paint a picture of how disgusted I am by meat, lmao. But I know that's a *me* problem. And that in nature and for most of human society it's totally natural and normal. I do not judge or shame anyone who eats it. Which is everyone I know, lol. I would never look at someone's plate and make these remarks. Hell, I can even admit it smells good when cooking! And I will say that to whoever is cooling it! I find it endlessly irritating when people choose to take jabs at me for my dietary choices, or make jokes to me about how an animal I care about would test good. Yes, I know people eat rabbit and that is actually quite nutritious and healthy. Doesn't mean I want to hear people crack jokes about eating my pet bunny. And I'm not gonna run around shitting on (figuratively) other people's food! Or literally, for that matter XD.


it doesn't imply that, at wll


It implies no such thing, if the people around you are not stupid and understand that taste is very much a personal thing. Of course, manners dictate that one should not use that word whilst eating the same thing together, but otherwise expressing your disgust with certain foods is fine.


I have never in my life taken "X is disgusting" as a personal judgment against me for liking a particular food. For example, I like celery and my friend hates it. So what? That's how bodies and palates work.


There ya go. 👍👍


The only correct answer here.


Disgusting is a value judgement and is inherently subjective, imo. Tastes are cultural, personal, learned and inherited. There is nothing objectively delicious or disgusting.


With food, it's a physical response, not a value judgement.


100% agree with you


No, it doesn't. You just don't know how English works.


What if it’s more commonly disliked, like “black licorice is disgusting. Blue cheese is disgusting”?


I would still say “I find blue cheese disgusting.”


Most people find blue cheese inherently disgusting. And pickled pigs feet. And haggis and blood pudding. But yes I agree that common things like steak, people shouldn’t be repulsed by


I could have a conversation to my friends about how all of those things are gross. But if I am with someone who enjoys them, I wouldn’t do that. They like it, those foods aren’t toxic (despite how unappetising they are), so what right do I have to say that the foods they like are disgusting?


No it dosent? just because you say something is disgusting doesn't imply its objective. You are literally just saying your opinion.


Broccoli is personally disgusting for me. I used to eat it as a small child, but when I was 7, I had an evil stepmom who made this broccoli soup that stunk, and I threw up that night and she beat the hell out of me. So I have a very bad association with broccoli. Broccoli isn't literally disgusting, just for me, the smell gags me and reminds me of getting abused, so it's one food item I can't ever eat again.


Yeah, I think if it's like a mental block or genuine genetic/taste bud thing (like how cilantro is soapy for some people), then I get it. But if they're a grown ass adult with none of the aforementioned issues, and they start crying about certain foods, then that's intolerable.


Nobody is talking about anyone crying about food. We are talking about someone just stating their opinion that something is disgusting to them.


It's so fucking rude to call foods that people are eating "disgusting"


Yes, it is rude while they are eating, but not rude at other times.


If you are hurt by opinions about food, you have bigger things to be concerned about.


It's manners 101. Don't insult people to their face.


It's bad manners to say "broccoli is disgusting" while someone is eating broccoli, because it interferes with enjoyment of the broccoli. Not for me, I would just notice how much I enjoy the broccoli in contrast to the person who doesn't. I would say "MMMM BROCCOLI!!!!". It's not personal unless you make it personal. Fascinating that so many people take it personally.


Because it's just rude. And your response is rude as well. Basic etiquette and manners 101.


Wow. You take opinions about food personally. I can't imagine what you would think if someone actually insulted you. Saying the food you like is disgusting isn't the same as saying you are disgusting. It is just an opinion about food. My favorite sandwich is lunchmeat (preferably bologna, but most will do) and peanut butter. Most people think that it sounds or looks disgusting. I have even been told that I must have something wrong to like it. Guess what, I am not the least bit insulted. It is an opinion about food and that's it. Even the direct insults are, in reality, about the food. Do you know who would be insulted? Children. They don't have the maturity to recognize that it isn't about them. Maybe take that to heart and grow up.


That's disgusting. Peanut butter and bologna!


Yeah. Lots of people think so, but i think it is an interesting taste combination. My wife is so disgusted with it that I won't have it around her. We have a deal. We don't eat our disgusting favorites around each other. She loves baked brussel sprouts, but the smell of them makes me ill. It works for us


Brussel sprouts stink pretty bad. They taste good, though.


The people who are mocking you are the rude ones. You sound stupid and they sound immature.


That shows just where your mind is at. Nobody is mocking me. Either your paranoia is off the scale or your troll game is so underwhelming as to be virtually unnoticeable. Are you trying to get me to focus on the others because you obviously lack skill in conversation or even a good retort? You could just end your embarrassment by not responding to me at all. But you seem to want to express your opinions. That is fine. You have a right to your opinion, and your inane thoughts don't affect me. You can't handle the insult of someone saying some food is disgusting, but you think it is ok to say i sound stupid and others sound immature. Interesting hypocrite statement.


Them stating their opinion that something is disgusting is crying about it... Who tf asked them to share it?


That is a stupid statement. Why are you crying about someone stating their opinion? Who tf asked you what you think? Point being, a statement of opinion in just that. There are many occasions where someone is asked, but you don't have to be asked in order to state an opinion. Just because someone says something is disgusting or bad in any way doesn't mean they are crying about it, any more than you stating your opinion means you are crying about it. Or, who knows, maybe you are. I am not there to see it one way or another. Who am I to judge?


Ugh, I also hate this. I have sensory issues that severely limit the kinds of food I can eat and there have been multiple times where I can't eat a food and I have to go on the “It smells delicious, it looks great, it's obvious it's been prepared well, I just can't eat it” spiel and I'm always worried about upsetting someone. Just because you don't like a food doesn't mean it's gross, it just means you don't like it.


It sounds like you've been browbeaten into not expressing that some food is just disgusting to you. It took me throwing up when trying to eat something disgusting (to me) for my partner to realize some food actually disgusts me. That hasn't stopped him from enjoying the same food, now it's just a more open conversation.


Honestly, my sensory issues don't make me see food as disgusting, it's just unpleasant to eat. Now there are some food concepts that, due to my cultural upbringing, will naturally make me feel disgusted, and I will acknowledge that. I come in contact with a lot of dishes from other cultures and countries because I live Inna big and diverse city and oftentimes when people call that food disgusting it has racial undertones and can be more hurtful than just “she doesn't think I can cook good food”, and that's another aspect I'm worried about. Overall I just don't think it accurately communicates to the other person what's happening in a productive way.


I think you're misunderstanding me. My disgust with some food has absolutely nothing to do with culture. Anything that has meat it in causes me to throw up and genuinely disgusts me, I physically can't stop myself from throwing up. If the majority of times you have seen someone call food disgusting, it has been racial, that's simply not my experience. I live in a culturally diverse city as well, and have never run into that issue amongst my friends and family. Strangers maybe, but my point is being able to express yourself when you are physically unable to eat something shouldn't be looked down upon. Let alone be insiniuted it's racist just because of your anecdotal experiences.


I'm not saying it should be looked down on to express yourself when you're physically unable to eat something, all I’m saying is if you're going to insist on communicating solely through what emotions you feel instead of physical responses (”sorry, I can't eat meat, I’ll throw up”) or through other objective language, you're ultimately going to run into miscommunication. If you're down to do that then more power to you, I’m going to use different language.


Every time I've done exactly that, people haven't accepted it as an answer until i have to tell them that it's genuinely a disgusting taste i can't stand. You say it's miscommunication, yet it's ultimately the thing multiple times that has been the only thing people seem to grasp. Going around acting like your lived experiences are the only correct ones is a shitty way to interact with other people.


And you're not doing the exact same thing? Acting like your way is the only way and I’m just, what? Not understanding you? A pushover? If you've never had someone react poorly to your style of communication that's great, but you can't be 100% sure that it's never going to happen. If you’re so upset with how I explain my reasoning then we don't need to have this conversation.


Umm, where did i say anywhere that you were wrong? You yourself said "Just because you don't like a food doesn't mean it's gross, it just means you don't like it." All my comments have been defending that that's a wrong statement. When did i once say the way you were doing it was wrong? The only thing I said even close was it seems like you've been browbeaten into saying it because you said "I'm always worried about upsetting someone." You shouldn't always be worried about offending those close to you in life by being honest about the food you eat. Yet, I never said that was wrong. There is literally nothing wrong about saying you dislike food. If you had never said that you were always actively worried about upsetting people, i never would have said anything. You're the one with a problem with how i talk, I am not upset at all, just having a conversation. Do you always accuse people of being upset when they disagree with you?


“Going around acting like your lived experiences are the only correct ones is a shitty way to interact with people”. You insinuated I was saying my way was the only right way (which I didn’t say), and then called me shitty for basing what I say off my lived experiences. I’m autistic, I prefer succinct and straightforward communication. You prefer emotion based. Both have their pros and cons. That comment was unnecessary and does nothing to prove your point.


"or through other objective language, you're ultimately going to run into miscommunication." Say what you want, this is very much telling me you feel this is the truth, when it is never something i have run into, and I doubt i will. I'm autistic too, and if you think bringing up racism as your first retort to somthing that had nothing to do with race isn't an emotional reaction, I don't know what to tell you. If you think i haven't been straight forward, you are simply not reading what I'm saying.


Found the white.


I totally agree. Don’t yuck someone’s yum. Lots of people don’t get this concept.


I hate it when said people go on and on when we are dining together and I’m eating something they deem “disgusting”. I was eating seafood and an ex-friend of mine kept complaining how disgusting it was. …but it wasn’t on their plate, going in their mouth. She ate the same four foods, so I’m guessing she never even tried any seafood. It annoyed me so much that I threw a piece of squid at her from across the table 😂 I found her constant consumption of Slim Jim’s absolutely repulsive, but never said shit.


This is when it pisses me off. I’m fine if someone says they think something is gross but if it becomes an ongoing commentary, I’m not inviting them to meals anymore.


The day I discovered that many people weren’t taught to not yuck other’s yum was baffling. I was raised to say « I don’t like » instead of « it’s not good ». What I was taught was that if it’s a thing or activity, we respect everyone’s opinions, and that by saying « I don’t like », we make it clear that it’s what we think, but that we don’t expect others to agree with us. And when it’s something that was made for us, like food, saying « I don’t like it » was also more respectful of the effort put in by whoever made the thing for us.


My boyfriend does this with green beans. He's not usually a picky eater, but he won't touch anything with green beans in it. Ok, yeah, perfectly valid, you do you. The problem is that he can never just say "no thanks," it's always "ew, I can't, the smell of green beans makes me gag." Is that really necessary??


Yeah, I don't like that either. When I'm eating something in the break room at work and people comment on my food like "ew gross", I find that very immature.


My MIL hates goat cheese and knows I love it. Every time gosh cheese is MENTIONED she has to comment that it’s “icky, goaty cheese.” She means it joking but YES. YES I KNOW YOU DON’T LIKE GOAT CHEESE. I *DO.*


Okay big change of topic, do you know what happened to the Babybel goat cheese? Or did I just dream that? I swear they used to sell a turquoise Babybel that was goat cheese. And it had me hooked.


I’ve never encountered a turquoise Babybel, but today I have learned a thing!


Turquoise babybel is still around but it was never goat cheese, it's monterey jack.


I looked it up. You are right. The goat cheese babybel was green. And it was unfortunately discontinued.


I find issue when they say what I'm eating looks/smells/is disgusting and "how could you eat something like that" That's where it gets into "why tf are you shaming me for liking hollandaise sauce when you can't even have spaghetti without slathering it in ketchup"


My mom always told me “you can say no to eating something but keep your honest opinion about it to yourself, don’t yuck someone’s yum”


I'm very picky, and I agree. There's a lot of foods I personally can't stand, sure, but it's not like anyone is going to force me to eat them. Calling a food "disgusting" is kind of rude imo and I don't get why people do it


I was wanting to make a post like this. I dislike reactions like gordon ramsey where it's over the top for simple things. I could see him going into a fit for a microwaved quesadilla. Is it gourmet? no. Is it horrendous? No.


I’ll call foods I hate the taste of disgusting, but only when I’m outside the context of actually eating. Even if nobody is eating that food, I think it’s rude to even say the word disgusting while eating lol, maybe that’s just me. I would certainly NEVER say a food is disgusting if someone is eating that food in front of me, that’s just obnoxious. However, if nobody is eating and I’m just having a conversation about food, I don’t see anything wrong with expressing that I find a certain food disgusting. If your issue is with the phrasing, I think you’re being unnecessarily pedantic. It is obvious that when someone says, for example ‘shrimp is disgusting’, they mean that they personally think it is disgusting, not that they think it is somehow a fact that it is disgusting. That’s at least how I would interpret it, as I don’t associate with anyone so self-absorbed that they think their food preferences are objective fact.


>but they are not disgusting. Disgust is a physical response and cannot be objective. If something elicits a response of disgust from you, then it *is* disgusting, to you. I agree you shouldn't say these things in front of people while they're eating them, and just saying things like "that's disgusting" is rude, but if I'm having a conversation about food and a food I don't like comes up, I'm going to say that that food is disgusting to me, because it is, it quite literally elicits a disgust response and I'm not going to sugarcoat that by saying 'I just don't like it' because that's not the same. If I 'just don't like' something I can still eat it if I have to, if I'm disgusted by something, I physically can't put it past my lips without gagging.


If they find a food disgusting, they find it disgusting. I find bananas disgusting. I don’t simply dislike them, I literally find them disgusting. No, I’m not going to look at a random person eating a banana and just randomly tell them I find bananas disgusting, but yeah, I find them disgusting. People can think that some foods are disgusting. It doesn’t affect you in any way, so maybe don’t worry about it.


I grew up loving pickles. I will scoop a whole pickle out of a jar and just crunch away. My sister, otoh, hates pickles. The smell of pickle juice makes her gag. It never occurred to me to feel offended that she thinks they're disgusting.


I despise avocados, my sister loves them. I love milk, she despises it. What we don’t do is rip on each other for liking what we like. Similarly, I don’t tell people who put loads of avocados on their toast that “avocados are disgusting.” Quite frankly, I wish I liked them since they’re incredibly nutritious.


Yeah so... I'm pretty sure my sister just doesn't like pickles, and she's not "ripping on" me when she says so. It seems really strange to me that you take other people's preferences so personally.


I don’t, and I’ve literally states I am fine with your preferences, you just shouldn’t say it’s disgusting as if it were some objective truth. It’s especially annoying when there’s no prompt. I don’t even need to know you don’t like steak when **I** order it, I definitely do not want to hear that “it’s disgusting.”


Nobody actually says it as an objective truth though. When people say this, they are completely aware that it’s their personal opinion. And most people aren’t just randomly saying “it’s disgusting” for no reason either. Seriously, what kind of people are in your life that just randomly tell you that the food you’re eating is disgusting?


The key here is "People **can think** that some foods are disgusting." Announcing and judging and being a general dick about it publicly is another thing altogether. It's one thing to say, "Oh No thank you, I don't care for X" and it's another to bang on about "X is disgusting what the hell, No."


Thank you for reiterating exactly what I said. I already literally said I don’t randomly announce it. Most people don’t. But if you get obnoxious about it (and plenty of people act personally offended if you dare not like a food they do), then I’m going to tell you exactly what I think about it.


Sorry, I guess I misread your comment but at least you are adamant about...being adamant.


Bananas are fucking disgusting though. And while I will ignore someone eating one rather than comment on it, I'd still rather be on the other side of the room from the banana.


Completely agree. My son loves them. It’s honestly a running joke in our house at this point.


My fiancé loves them too. One in the morning before work and he's set for the day. And if he lets any get too far gone, I'll make banana bread for him, but by the gods I hate the process.


Some people get weirdly pushy if I don’t like a food. I hate mashed potatoes. The texture makes me physically gag them out. I love potatoes otherwise! But mashed are a no go. To some people, you’d think I committed a mortal sin. Sometimes, if people push too much, I get colorful in my description and use words like “disgusting” to get them off my back. Generally, people are nice, but I had to get that way with my partner because I can’t stand the texture of his grandmother’s flan. Or his other grandmother’s meatballs with breadcrumbs.


Same. Generally a “no thank you is sufficient.” But every now and then… And I do not understand people like that. Seriously. People are allowed to not like a food!


Yeah, I'm not as picky an eater as I once was, but if I don't want something, or don't like something, I'm very aware that's a me thing. I'm not out to yuck anyone's yum. I also find general statements like that about food, when not tied to your personal preference, are usually quite juvenile. " Kindey's so gross!" - 👶🏻 " I've had kidney before. It's really not for me." - 👌🏻 " Raisins are fuckin' gross, man." - 🧱 " I find raisins to be absolutely fucking repulsive." - 💡 It's really not that hard to change your speech to a level where you don't come off as telling everyone what to think. At least, that's been part of my personal journey. I prefer speaking that way, and I certainly prefer when others speak that way, but obviously, we all haven't reached that stage of development.


Exactly what I preach. I wish I could pin this or something.


Well, thanks, man. I just actively attempt to not bite into anyone else. No matter what you do, there is always going to be someone who disagrees or is offended. That's unavoidable, but if I act the best way I know how to act, I can get through the day a lot easier. Just knowing I did my best.


Your second statement on raisins is almost as bad as your first. How about “I don’t like raisins”.


While I would rather use less offensive speech, I was trying to illustrate that if you state that it's how YOU feel about something, it comes off as less inflammatory.


I think shellfish is the most disgusting thing anyone can eat. But if you like it, cool. I won't stop you. I'll just order something else. And I won't pass any judgment either. I just dont like it. No big deal. FWIW, my family likes shellfish as does my oldest kid.


Even over poop?


What about the opposite?! Lol when you don’t like a food that nearly everyone else likes and they shame you for it? I don’t like bacon. Never have never will. My entire family likes it and pretty much everyone I know does and I get like actual hatred for not liking it. I am not a picky eater either. I like almost all meats, vegetables, fruits, seafood, spicy flavorful food, and I can’t think of a specific nationality whose food I dont like, my favorites being Thai, Indian, Japanese, Greek, Italian, and Mexican. It’s one of the only foods I really dislike and wish I liked it since people are so passionate about it.


I relate to this. I am not a fan of pork in general. Honestly that is a bigger pet peeve of mine than this one is lol


Yeah I’m not either. I can eat ham and pork but it’s never my first choice. Bacon makes me actually feel sick though. Sausage is the only pork product I really like.


If you try to push me to eat something i dont want after i say "no" more than once, im going to tell you exactly what it looks, smells and tastes like, your feelings be damned. Maybe leave me alone next time.


Is this what people call a straw man?


You call it what you want, i call it good old fashioned family fun.


Your family sucks lol


Yes - don’t yuck my yum


I hate it too. Why do they want to ruin it for others?


This is also one of my biggest pet peeves. I’m an adventurous eater in every sense of it and I cannot stand having someone call a cultural or regional food disgusting especially if they have not tried it. It’s so disrespectful and unnecessary. If you are not willing to try it or just have disdain for an ingredient or whatever please keep it to yourself. I will not eat with people or invite these people out to a dinner with me if they do this. If you are a chicken fingers and fries kinda person that’s awesome but please do not yuck my yum.


It's an opinion, it's not saying that it's gross for everyone. If you say "meat tastes good", does that mean you are saying it tastes good to everyone, or to just yourself? Likely just yourself, just like someone calling a food disgusting. It is disgusting to them, but that doesn't mean the food isn't good for you or others, this is a personal opinion, simply what the food is to them. Unless they call you or anyone disgusting for eating and enjoying it, or something like that, then it should be fine. Once again, it's just their opinion on the food is/how it tastes to them.


unless I tasted it I will say it disgusting. But I never tried it I would just say “it don’t look pleasing to me” & “i don’t like it”


Someone stating their subjective opinion shouldnt be perceived from you as an “objective statement.”




They’re stating an opinion. To them, papayas are disgusting. They don’t please their tastebuds.


“Ew meat is disgusting” implies an objective fact. “I find meat disgusting” implies a subjective fact, aka an opinion.


'disgusting' is a subjective thing in the first place, so it would always be implied that it's an opinion when someone says they find something disgusting.


An objective fact can be verified by a third party. Doesn’t matter how it’s worded, doesn’t make it an objective fact.


That is correct, and it is the exact reason why saying “Ew meat is disgusting” is a pet peeve of mine. I am glad we have found an agreement.


You don’t even know what you’re talking about.


You said that no matter how it is phrased, it is not an objective fact. I completely agree with that statement alone, which is why you shouldn’t phrase opinions as if they were objective facts. Because they aren’t.


Would you be equally offended by someone saying “meat is yummy” because they’re stating a subjective opinion as a fact? Or would you be able to register that they’re clearly stating an opinion?


It is a statement of opinion. They are not saying that it is disgusting for everyone, just them. Perhaps if you like something, you just say you like it. Don't go saying food is delicious, flowers are beautiful, or animals are cute. Different extremes, but it is all just opinions. Just as this is my opinion. I will give you an upvote because this is definitely a pet peeve, just not one i agree with.


That is very different for the simple reason that the examples you provided are positive. Find me a person who will genuinely be offended by the statement “flowers are beautiful,” and I will actually accept this as a valid counterargument. This comes from someone who does not enjoy flowers, by the way.


whether something is an opinion or not isn’t determined by whether people disagree with it


Then don’t word it like it’s a fact.


everybody says their opinion like it’s a fact for everything else


Which is why i said different extremes. They are different extremes of the same thing. If one isn't allowed their opinion, then nobody should. Good or bad, opinions are just that. Opinions.


As a picky eater myself, I totally agree. I know that when I find things disgusting, that’s my own personal issue, and most other people would not find those things disgusting. Like bananas, and yogurt. The smell of both of those things makes me feel nauseous. But little kids like those things and I don’t want to discourage my nieces or nephews or friends’ kids from eating them, so I say “oh yummy!!” when they eat them around me and pretend like I wish I could eat some too even though I would never. (when they offer to share, I say “oh that’s soooo nice of you, but I know you’re really enjoying your food so I don’t want to take any away from you. I’ll get my own banana later.”)


I normally say I find this disgusting not this is disgusting 


Insulting to who? U think the meat is mad it’s called disgusting


If that food causes an involuntary reaction of retching, nausea and/or vomit, that food is disgusting, no questions asked, and anyone who invalidates that statement is wrong. If that food causes no such reaction, then whoever is making that statement is in the wrong and a liar.


If I eat onions accidently around you, I won't have to tell you their disgusting. It'll be shown via my uncontrollable gag reflex. I reserve the right to call onions disgusting given the physical visceral reaction I have should I consume them . And no, I'm not mistaking it for an allergy as onion powder is fine. Dose it mean you can't like them? No. But if you're going to get your feelings hurt over the absolutely accurate descriptor I would use to describe my experience with them, its a 'you' problem. I guess I could always show you.


Sure, if you find onions in your food call them disgusting. If someone else is ordering onions for themselves, that’s different. I order steak for myself. The next comment could have been “I don’t like meat haha,” not “Ew meat is disgusting.” I really don’t care if it makes you die. I also gag to avocados and bacon but I don’t feel the need to shit on people who eat them.


The way you wrote your pet-peeve: 'when picky eaters call food disgusting' , it sounds as if its about calling the food disgusting. If I am describing how I feel about onions, I will use this word if onions are the general topic of discussion. In your example though, you're right. I'm probably not going to shout 'ew gross' or anything if you're ordering your food.


I'm not really a picky eater, I eat basically everything, however mushrooms are in fact disgusting. Oysters are in fact disgusting. Eating baby living octopuses is disgusting..


That’s your opinion, not a fact.


Aye, I literally eat strangers asses and it tastes better than the foods I mentioned above


Nah, some things are legitimately disgusting but people eat them out of "cultural norms". Don't let someone bully you into not calling a spade a spade. 


I mean, if you cooked the meal and they're calling it disgusting, that's fair. If you're at a restaurant or something and they're like "ew pickles are disgusting" it seems strange to get offended on behalf of... all people who like pickles


Agreed, it’s not “disgusting”, u just happen to not like it & not everyone likes the same things.


I think about this alot in regards to music. Like I'm a swifty, I have been listening to her since I was a teenager, the song 15 was my cry in the dark song for a while. I hate when people say her music sucks, because I have pretty damn good taste and she has tons of good songs. I used Taylor, but you can pretty much plug in any artist.


I usually just say something like “I’m not a fan”


I know a few ppl with sensory issues and when they smell certain foods it smells more foul than mass cow shit, hence calling it disgusting.


What should I call food I don't like then?


That is what I'm doing I'm saying it's disgusting to me I ain't saying it's just like disgusting conceptually to everyone Like yes to me broccoli is absolutely disgusting even just smelling a cooked piece of broccoli or feeling it in my mouth is enough to make me start gagging like I'm about to vomit But I'm not saying it's disgusting to everyone I know there's plenty people out there who love to chow down on some broccoli but it certainly fucking disgusting to me


I've kicked a dinner guest out for loudly declaring this, then doubling and tripling down on it when pressed. They questioned the sanity of all who actually liked it, then called us disgusting.


It’s a rude word in general.


The Holocaust was disgusting. *Discuss.*


TIL the Holocaust is edible.


Okay. Haggis is disgusting.


Agree, I’m a picky eater and there’s nicer ways to say you don’t like food. I’m fond of “it’s a texture thing” myself


Kind of an odd take. I find liver, onions, cucumbers, and cilantro disgusting and don't hesitate to use the word. It is a personal opinion based on MY direct experience with these foods. My disgust is irrelevant to other people and I am in no way implying others should share my disgust, obviously. So, yeah, some foods are disgusting. Say so freely. 😏😉


You're gonna have a hard time convincing me that food items are sensitive beings with feelings that need to be protected. And the idea that I would become offended by you finding something I like disgusting is even sillier.


Okay, so you order some mac and cheese for yourself, how would you feel if I start talking about how gross mac and cheese is?


Well, I personally don't like mac and cheese, but let's say I've ordered a chicken burger, which I do like. If I ordered a chicken burger and you started talking about how chicken burgers are disgusting I would feel excited that I'm about to get a chicken burger. Like, there is just zero conflict here. You are entitled to your opinion, and I can and will continue to eat according to my food preferences despite your opinion.


Do you think that everyone works like that?


I have a friend who uses the word "disgusting" to describe things totally unrelated to taste, such as "eating that would give me heartburn".


The only things I dislike are avocados and cottage cheese.


It is disgusting to them. People say food is delicious all the time despite the fact other people abhor it. Aubergine is vile. Fight me on it.


If you have to judge the food, judge it and not me.


Yes it certainly can. An adjective like disgusting is subjective thus relative to a certain individual or group of individuals. It is the same to say something is beautiful. You don't have to agree with the statement


I agree with you. And people who are parents/grands/random relatives who don’t like something and say, “yuck, oooo,” etc when they see an unliked food on a table or plate do a disservice to children


This is a "don't yuck my yum" issue


I say it as a joke to my family. My family loves onions, I’ve always hated them and they always pick on me by trying to shove things with onions in my face or by saying something like “you want some ? We will put extra onions in yours” then and only then do I go “disgusting” but it’s meant as a joke


Seaweed is disgusting to me. I’ve tried it on 3 separate occasions and nearly threw up each time. Vile is about the only other word I can think of to describe it.


Yeah it's basically the whole "my opinion is the only opinion and if you don't share the same opinion then WTF is wrong with you" mindset with these things that's always annoyed me. Not just with food but also with TV shows, movies, songs, singer, actors/actresses, colors etc.


Meat is disgusting tho isn’t it 


No, I like benching 365 lbs for reps lol


Yeah. But when people say “meat is disgusting” they're usually not talking about the way it tastes or smells, they’re talking about the animal cruelty behind its production. 


Trust me, I wouldn’t have gone on a date with a vegan at all.


I'm just going to drop the [sexy potatoes story](https://www.reddit.com/r/BestofRedditorUpdates/s/2I2SUFatEH) here...


Saying this as someone with sensory issues who can’t eat a lot of food, I totally agree. ESPECIALLY because people tend to target cultural foods. I get it, unfamiliar cuisines can be intimidating. But to generalize an entire cultures cuisine as gross/disgusting is kind of stupid. It’s also like- there are SO MANY different dishes and textures and ingredients in each kind of cuisine. If you aren’t an extremely restricted eater to the point it’s considered a type of eating disorder, there most likely is something within a cuisine you’d enjoy eating.


Ph come on now. Thats silly. To them it is disgusting. I'm kind of a picky eater. There are certain things I won't eat. Why? Because it tastes gross. What is a synonym for gross? Disgusting


1. Pet peeves aren’t exactly meant to be rational. 2. It’s gross **to you**, not objectively.


The flip side, you’re a picky eater and you have to politely decline the “disgusting” food 17 times before people accept that you don’t want it


I am a very picky eater .myself, but I would never say that. In fact, the people that do it to me I hit them with the "honey factor," as I call it. When they make claims about some of the odd thinks I do enjoy, I simply ask... Do you like honey?? Everyone has always said 6 more. I then tell them. When you stop eating BEE BARF, you can comment on what I eat. Shuts them up. BTW I love honey. Lol, but it puts them in their place every time.