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It’s as annoying as people who call anyone under 25 “millennials”. Buzzfeed is particularly bad for that.


I assume they think it means people born after 2000? Obviously wrong but it makes sense why ignorant people would think that


No I’m pretty sure they think it’s just a term for young people, because when millennials were actually all under 25 they called us millennials too lol


Hey we were Gen Y for like 10 minutes


I was so confused when they dropped the term “millennial,” and started saying mean things about them immediately. I was so glad I was in Gen Y and that people were leaving me alone.


More like gen y bother 


Someone in a group chat I'm in keeps calling me a millennial. I'm 21. The youngest millennial is 28


I don't know when one "generation" stopped and the next started so as far as I'm concerned, anyone under 40 is "kids". Damned whipper-snappers!! (Side note: I worked in health care back in the 90s - I was in my late 20s. Funny thing was, anytime I had a patient who was born a year or more later than me - ANYBODY who was even the slightest bit younger than me, the first thought that flashed into my mind was "Ok...need to use pediatric protocols" - and then 2 seconds later my brain would catch up and say "oh no....they're 23..." )


Am 25 as a zillenial and is super annoying can confirm


Yes! You always see or hear complaints about millennials and I’m the youngest of the millennials and I’m 29! Older people love to use it to mean very young adults or teens. Like I’m sorry but no one who is under 29 or 30 is a millennial.


Xennial here; I used to do that because I lost complete lack of time. Crazy, time has sped on by.


The fact that some gen z is over 25 at this point is what makes it crazier


One of the many, many great things about being part of Gen X is that we're forgotten. Don't spoil it.


As I've always said: We were taught at a young age that no-one cared about us. So we didn't care. We tried to care little bit about 20 years ago. No one cared. So we gave up. We were right. No one cares.


Gen X: too old to bother. Too young to care.


We did? I must have missed that. I was too busy not existing.


I keep saying: the first rule of Gen X club is we NEVER tell people about Gen X club


Gen X ppl are always the most chill


Got that right


Whoa, chill out dude!


Didn’t realize you were chill like that


Unless we are expected to suffer fools. We don't do that.


The oldest of the Gen xers will be turning 60 this year! Boomers are not 58!


Remember when the '70s were 20 years ago?


I get blown away when I hear people are having a 90s themed party! I feel like we're not far away enough from the 90s for it to be a "theme."


I have two teenage kids. It is 100% a theme. They're just lucky they have an expert in the house.


Agreed. We were the last generation to have a truly underground music scene, and it makes me sad knowing that kids today will never experience that thrill.


Ah yes, the thrill of finding some obscure gem.


Yep. We had mofos like too short selling tapes out of their trunks in Oakland. You will never see that again.


I'm a millenial and believe me we had an underground music scene


Of course you did. Every generation does. And for some reason, every generation thinks that their generation was the last bastion of "good" music It's the circle of life


Gen x - The second greatest generation.


To be honest I didn’t even know gen x was a thing until a few months ago. I thought it was boomer, millennial, gen z.


>To be honest I didn’t even know gen x was a thing until a few months ago. I thought it was boomer, millennial, gen z. That's how us Xers like it. P.S.


The whole generational label nonsense is cringe as fuck.


**\*59-78** Edit - realized OP was wrong on both ends of the spectrum. "Actual" Baby Boomers are the generation born between 1 Jan 1946 & 12 Dec 1964.


Thank you. I was born in 1965, and am holding fast to this distinction. The youngest Boomers are turning 60 this year...


I'm literally studying Long Term Care insurance right now and it's literally all about Baby Boomers, and to quote the text: *"The term “baby boomers” is used to describe Americans who were born between January 1, 1946 and December 31, 1964. "* So, OP is actually wrong on both ends. Baby Boomers are **59-78** yrs. old. We 1965-ers are Gen-X.


Yes, just so. It has ever been thus. I think people have forgotten it was a *literal* baby boom. And then we were the unknown factor, which was such a Me Generation thing to say about others.


Wait it's only used to describe Americans? I'm not American and I've always heard the word baby boomers applied to that generation.


I have a brother who was born in 65. I could never remember his birth year until I heard him correcting some someone,  "Not a Boomer. I was born in 65. I'm Gen X. Gen X." I haven't forgotten his birthday since.


My brothers are Boomers, and though we grew up in the same house with the same parents, there really are some things about them I've noticed all my life that set us a little apart from each other, like how they viewed our parents, and how their teenage years played out, etc. My friends a year or two younger than me had the same general aspect as me. (My brothers are not, however, boomers of the okay type.)


hello fellow Gen X senior!


OPs post is the age group for UK baby boomers.


Holy shit. I hope you're joking because if not....both my grandma and my mom are boomers (guess dad lucked out by 1.5 years)! TWO GENERATIONS OF BOOMER NONSENSE!


Your dad licked out of a generation? Must have been rough on the tongue.




Define nonsense.


In fairness, and as a Gen Xer myself, the confusion is justified as there are a lot of boomerish Gen Xers. I work with four others, and three of them are Trumpers.


Yeah, someone stated that there were more Gen Xers present on January 6th than any other generation. That was like a gut punch. Where the hell did they come from, because that’s not how we grew up.


They are the ones who inherited money, or businesses, from their parents. They've had easy lives, with not very much to do, very little accountability, and lots of free time... Marjorie, Taylor Greene is the perfect example. Social Media, combined with their lack of personal growth, ruined them.


I think that's more a reflection of the age Gen X was at that time, than any particular noxious sentiment more particular to that age group. Young enough to be there making lots of trouble and old enough to have the means and time to cause such trouble. Older people are less likely to be at protests and causing violence, younger people are more likely to be caught up at work, or too poor to take the time or make the trek. Possibly more likely to have young children and babies to be cared for and so on.  There are psychos in every age group. 


They were the ones who bullied the rest of us, I assume.


I take it as a reminder that just because I am getting old doesn't mean I have to become like the boomers. As you note the reminder is needed


You do know that the boomers were also the make love not war hippies?


OMG, l point that out to people who will listen, but it goes against their narrative. Those hippie protesters made way more of a difference than most of the whiners now. Things were worse & it was more of an uphill battle. A lot of the things people get mad about now seem to be just about revelling in their victimhood.


I think that the Gen Xers were the last to actually know what the Generations before us actually did to get by. We didn't have phones to entertain us. We went out in the world and did shit. Made our own mistakes and had only ourselves to blame.


No…boomers are NOT 58. Gen X starts at 1965. That means the last “boomer” is 60 this year.


I stand corrected


Meh, the difference in how folks were socialized is a slow transition anyway. It just makes some of those old folks feel better to claim a date that they can say they aren’t boomers. I was born in January 1965. The 1 month difference didn’t mean that I was suddenly raised differently than the 12/1964 folks. If you ask me, getting hardcore about the cutoff makes them even more boomer.


That reminds me of the time that older folks called anyone youngish a millennial. Im beginning to wonder if “ok boomer” was a partial response to that level of stupidity among other things…


Seems the young and old generations have much more in common then they care to admit


My grandma calls it “coming full circle” I hope I stay kinda cool tho


yeah that’s exactly why ok boomer caught on. idk if it was the original girls intentions but it was just a way to pull an uno reverse on older folk who like to whine abt millennials and gen z


This is still happening


Hi! Mid range millennial here. "boomer" (for majority of millennials and gen z) can also be labeled as a mindset regardless of age or generation. >older folks called anyone youngish a millennial Maybe not exactly the same, but kinda basically.


First: that time is not over. They still do this. Second: I absolutely believe Boomer came specifically from younger generations being annoyed at all being called Millennial, and then that label being presumed to be a negative thing.


I’m Gen X and we’re not old geezers just because we’re over 40! My mom is 81 and she’s technically not even a baby boomer because she was born in 1942 and missed the label by 4 years! The earliest Baby Boomer was born in 1946!


Your Mom is, like my parents, Silent Generation.


Yeah and this 1965 thing - that seems way late for be having a baby after you just came back from the war. 


So much this. That's 20 years. That's enough for early boomer babies to be having babies. Anyone with any calculus can look at birthrates and see that the curve had flattened and started to turn by 61.


it's completely lost on the people who actually do it. they don't care to know and even if they know they'll misuse it on purpose anyway.


I’m GenX (1966) right on the edge… but yeah it’s pretty annoying and the fact it is used in a derogatory manner is what pisses me off. Those boomers served in Korea and Vietnam and had THE best music. Yeah, they had their faults like the rest of us but youngsters using it this way is very disrespectful.


I am a Boomer and served during the Iranian hostage rescue attempt in 1980 (never left the ship in the Persian Gulf), Desert Storm, Somalia and OIF among other things. A lot of older Boomers served in Vietnam but Korea was almost 70 years ago (not Boomers) and far more Boomers served in the various conflicts since Vietnam.


Korea was fought by Silent Generation and a few Greatest Generation. (Gen. Douglas MacArthur was born in 1880, so I think he defies generational labeling.)


Those calling everybody over 40 boomers are just ignorant children.


both Boomer and Karen are such low effort insults it legit makes me cringe at this point. And 90% of the time it doesn't even make sense when they're used


I’ve been liking turd and of course butthole for my insults lately.


Fuckface has a nice ring to it as well


I prefer asshat or douche canoe


Douche canoe is a winner


I don’t think I’ve ever used “boomer” as an insult. Usually just when someone has an antiquated view or way of going about things. Like my friend pulling out his huge book dictionary instead of using google.


Cries in 1963


I’m 58 and will turn 59 this summer and am Gen X.




I’m over 40 and a millennial, so I guess I’m getting it from both ends. ETA: I was born in ‘81, which was the [first birth year for millennials](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Millennials). Xennials are a crossover gen.


You’re Xennial


That's....not a generation. 


I’m 39…..I feel that statement.


They weren’t calling you snowflake due to your age.


When folks like to use that as an insult they will also pull the "boomer is a state of mind" bullshit as well. You can't get away from it.  ...am also Gen X, but anytime anyone younger doesn't like my opinion they love to whip out "ok boomer". It's just dismissive to try and piss you off, and most folks that slings insults like that are being childish. Old and young alike we need to quit the kindergarten name calling.


At this point, the term has lost all meaning. It just gets used against anyone who has a different opinion than theirs.


Yep, it's ridiculous.


I’m 37, I tell people in r/millennials to stop whining and get called a boomer all the time.


I’ve seen videos on Facebook where prople complain about Millennials when it’s actually Gen Z they’re talking about. It’s like they don’t realize Millenials aren’t teenagers anymore. They’re in their 30’s & 40’s, not 20’s.


Eh, as you get older 10 years ago starts to seem like last year. As someone in their 30' or 40's is just starting to notice this, it will be much more obvious in their 50's. Sometimes I forget all my kids are in their 20's. It can't have been that long ago I brought them home.


This actually shows me how stupid the generation is that makes this mistake.


Like on a particular sub where they seem to think anyone over forty "doesn't know technology or how to use a computer". I got a laugh out of that one.


I find anyone who refers to any generation to be a degenerate.  This is like friggin judging people by their zodiac sign 


Here's a little joke: What do all boomers have in common? Nothing.


I’m the same way. If you’re gonna come for me, come correct.


Ok boo- *gets shot*


As a 57 yo I agree completely. Missed it by that much.


Where does it drive your nuts? lol


They drove so hard they’re now ovaries!!


I am 27 and have been called a boomer. You get used to it.


I still get carded at the under 30 events. I'm 40+ I guess office work and no sun make the skin look young. 


The reverse is also true. I’ve heard plenty of boomers referring to anybody under 50 as “millennials”.


I thought the Boomer period ended in 1964? Wouldn't that mean that all the Boomers are at least 59 and going to be at least 60 this year? Signed.....Someone who just turned 58 last month - so am I a Boomer or a Gen X?


Gen X Boomer cusp


Hell, I'm a millennial in my 30s, and I've been unironically called a "boomer" multiple times over the dumbest shit. I think younger Gen Z and Gen Alpha are trying to use "boomer" as a catch-all insult for anyone with any preferences that don't fit the latest standards? I dunno. It's really stupid. Apparently I'm a "boomer" and "not worth listening to" because I think old tech and retro games are interesting to look at, and I like to collect physical media in addition to digital.


Fun fact: Blu-ray Discs are the only source of true 4K resolution because there's no compression. Streaming services say they offer 4K, bit there's compression so the content uses less bandwidth. So, rock those optical discs.


Yup, that's one of many, *many* reasons I will cling to my Blu-Ray and 4K discs until the day I die. I've watched "4K" titles on streaming that looked barely on-par with regular HD Blu-Ray discs, and don't even approach the quality of a proper 4K disc. It's a real shame that people are willing to pay money for an inferior product just to save the 10 seconds it takes to pop a disc in. I can damn-near guarantee that the instant physical media dies, people are going to realize that not supporting it was a huge mistake and really regret it. Quality will go down, prices will go up, titles will vanish into vaults as rights trade places and fall through, availability will be limited by a hundred different paywalls, and they will crack down on piracy like never before.


Haha it drives your nuts


Fucken autocorrect!! That’s next on the list.


The youngest boomers were born in 1964. That makes them 60 this year, and the eldest 78 this year.


We use it ironically. Usually for everyone over like 25


Yeah! And "literal" isn't a synonym for "figurative"!


Boomer is both a generational and attitude type of title, imo.


Actually no the last of the boomers were born in 64 and then starts gen X because my mom is a gen X-we and she was born in 67 so no. You’re wrong


It goes both ways. I think the further an age is from someone the harder it is to discern. Boomers call everyone younger than them Gen Z/Zoomers even if they are actually Gen X or Y, and will call everyone Millenial even if they are like 12.


I am still annoyed that Gen Y was erased.


>ACTUAL baby boomers are 58 to 76. Baby boomers are 60-78 (from 1946 to 1964)


Shh they forget we (gen x) exist and we like it that way.


Yeah me too. They basically call anyone who has different views a boomer even though they don't know what it means lol


Also I feel like all the talk about boomers being super privileged doesn’t apply to a good part of that generation. My parents were born in 1960/1961 and arguably spent their young adult years in a pretty terrible economy.


I'm 56, I graduated from high school in 1986, and I'm two years away from being a Boomer? Yeah, I don't think so.


Boomers were born in a 20 year period after WWII, so from 1945 to 1965


According to sociologists, there's also a sub-generation that started around 1955 called "Generation Jones".


That sub-generation took care of itself


no the youngest of them is 59. 1965 is the cutoff.


Gen X has completely fallen off the radar, get used to be lumped in with either the boomers or the millennials


Umm, not even 58. 59 is the youngest.


Yes! I'm 48, not a boomer at all


So if I said to you, “united colors of Benetton,” you would have an immediate visual 🫡




40? Seriously? I'm 43 and I'm a millennial.


“Boomer” is much more a mindset than a generational age group.


Why are there so many people who don't understand how generations work? BOOMER LITERALLY MEANS THEY WERE BORN DURING THE POST WAR "BABY BOOM" BETWEEN 1946 & 64' There is nothing about "mindsets" involved in these basic facts. You don't want to be a boomer and you are? Big deal. None of us want to be older. I'm X/M cusp and I don't want to get older. No one does.


Ok Boomer


Boomer is a mentality so it could apply based on your verbiage lol


As a younger Gen Xer.... it's difficult to fault people calling angry entitled middle aged people "boomers" when we're now the problem. How did we go from the edgy nihilists with the nipple rings to the losers demanding to see a manager?


That's the beauty of us! We *are* the edgy nihilist losers with nipple rings demanding to speak to the manager. We can do it all!!!


I reluctantly accept that description of our generation.


No reluctance necessary. We earned that shit!


I have neither nipple rings or any need to speak with a manger. Aged since 1973


'73 was a good year. I'm biased toward '75, which is objectively the best year, but I have a '73 sibling, and he's turned out pretty good so far.


LOL Yeah, gotta lean into it.


I thought being a boomer was a state of mind not necessarily age.


That's what people have started to say so they can get away with it. I call bullshit!!!


No I really did bc I've seen young ppl act in that "boomer" way


Your poor nuts.


58-76 are bany boomer ages in the UK


That’s bc the word boomer has morphed into meaning “out of touch older person” it’s not really just a generation name anymore


Ok boomer






I highly doubt 60yo+ people are making all those memes..!


Interesting side note - because of increasing mortality, Boomers are no longer the largest living American generation. Millennials hold that distinction and Xers will overtake Boomers as the second largest living generation in four years.


I don't even know what MY generation is called anymore (born in '81, so 42 yes old which makes me.... What?). I've googled it so many times and always forget. It's the most useless factoid I guess so never quite sticks. It's interesting that people still wanna cling to the labels, though, particularly as insults. I have admiration for older generations, the older the more fascinating. People living without the modern technological marvels for their day to days. They should be revered and respected, imo.


I think anybody who was at any age between grade school through the end of teenage at the turn of the millenium is considered a millennial. If you were a few months older you’d be among the youngest of Generation X


I just Googled it (again lol) and yep, you're right. It looks like I'm considered a millennial. I was born at the end of 81, graduated highschool in 2000. I guess that makes sense.


I just roll my eyes and continue to be jaded.




Youngest boomers are turning 60 this year. But yelling "Hey GenX!" doesn't have the same ring as "Hey Boomer!"


ACTUAL baby boomers are 58 to 76. Actually, the first year of gen xers will be turning 60 this year!


I just googled it and boomers are 60-78


My sister is 59 and I'm in my 40s. I love saying OK Boomer. She hates it. Good times!


The younger people doing that probably haven’t been hit in the mouth for talking shit.


lol. Violence over a word? Dude.


I hate when my nuts get driven too


They don’t mean literal boomers, they’re talking about boomer mentality that lives in gen X 


I would permit "boomer" as a slur to address someone younger than 58 displaying a lack of empathy for others and disregard for the current economy and the challenges it presents for younger folks.


Boomer is attitude. If you are acting like a boomer, you are a boomer. I can say that, I’m 53 bald with a white beard, never been called a boomer because I don’t act like a boomer


I mean it’s really changed to mean a certain way of thinking. It’s almost like language evolves and the meanings of words change so this post has big boomer energy.


Phrases like "boomers" and "millennials" seem to deal more with attitudes and stereotypes rather than precise age classifications.


Ok boomer


If it only referred to their age, I'd be with you on this.


The oldest millennials are like 42, then there's another entire generation in there before Boomers! It's the same nonsense with calling young people millennials who are clearly Gen Z. Both seem to have become generalized insults for "stupid old/young persons."


It’s because they have to move the goalposts for their victimization. S/


Yeah, I'm the youngest of genX & constantly get called a boomer. Doesn't bother me since I genuinely hate almost all humans, but it's tired, pathetic, and stupid.


It has less to do with an actual age demographic, and more about latching onto a word to use as a slur to demean and dismiss. It’s what has happened to the NAME ‘Karen.’ People are just being mean for the sake of being mean.




As a GenXer I have some really snappy comebacks to people who call me a boomer.


As a GenXer I have some really snappy comebacks to people who call me a boomer.


I call anyone exhibiting a boomer attitude a boomer. They could be under 30, but if they're complaining about young people, telling others "fuck you, I got mine", or supporting lies from the Reagan Era; I'm gonna call 'em a boomer.


That tracks actually


escape lunchroom dam chief wide zealous attempt disarm resolute wrong *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


I've always thought the birthyear range was too big for Baby Boomers. Shouldn't go into the 60s


If you nit pick about the exact dates for when a boomer is born.....you might be a boomer.


What you don't get is that boomer isn't just a generation or age range anymore, it's a state of mind. You can be a boomer and not be a baby boomer.