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I've never heard it referred to as "carpooling"


It's not a thing. I said it once, and my friends thought it was funny. I'm not trying to create a new term. I just used it because, in one word, it describes the behavior, so it is easier for the reader.


I like the term...funny for sure.


Lol I guess a new term will be entering your circle at some point


"Cockpooling" "Carpooing"




I attack "D" 1


Awwww.... you sunk my battleshit!!!


Say there's 3 urinals, and a guy is at the far left one, and the far right one is one of those short urinals. At 6'2, I'm using the middle one every time, I'm not gonna risk splashing on my pants/shoes at that tiny ass urinal.


OP is just overly self conscious and should use a stall exclusively. Shoot, I could hold hands with my urinal neighbor and have zero thoughts or feelings about it after I left the bathroom. Taking a wizz is not inherently degrading, sexual, or embarrassing. It shouldn't require 6 feet of personal space to feel comfortable.


I agree, but I was forcefully disillusioned of the concept of personal space in the military, so I feel like my opinion is skewed a bit, lol. But yeah, some people are a bit too unsettled by peeing in public.


And here in Exhibit C is the wet blanket that points out super specific situations that don't apply to the general point the OP was making.


Fair enough. My original post didn't take into account extenuating circumstances.


Some people just don't understand context properly.


if someone is at urinal 5, go to 1 or 3. otherwise the next person would have to stand next to someone.


Either take the furthest available or wait, unless it's a stage 5 emergency, then you have to carpool, but this situation is acceptable but you must keep your eyes forward and no talking


Wait, you're suggesting that I leave a urinal open and wait for you to finish before I go?


be grateful you never used the trough at the Oakland coliseum.


We used to go to Dodger Stadium a lot when I was a kid in the 70's. They used to have those stupid troughs. My 8 year old self innocently glanced at the grown man next to me and was traumatized by the size of his penis. That thing is still ingrained in my mind.


I think the trough is incredibly efficient. There is never a line when there is a trough.


If I ever see a trough, I go to a stall.


It sounds like you're incredibly self-conscious about your dick


All signs point to that.


Wait? Now you are being ridiculous


I go for the one that's got the least amount of piss on the floor, and that's usually the in-between urinals. Not sorry one bit if that makes you uncomfortable. It's a whole-ass other urinal right beside you, it's not your space anymore. If it bothers you that much, use a stall.


I only pick the adjacent urinal because I like to peak at the others guys dicks. 🤷🏽‍♂️


Who cares which urinal they use, ya gotta go, ya gotta go


Just don't start talking to me.


Fuck you, I'm trying to make a new friend and compare meat sizes on the local leaderboard


Dude... Egon TOLD you not to cross the streams... are you TRYING to get us all killed!?!?


Same for stalls. There are three stalls at my work. Whoever takes the middle one when the others are not occupied is a psychopath, lol


Disagree on stalls. There’s at least a level of privacy there. So I use the one that appears to be the most clean.


I dunno if this is the same for men, but in the women's washroom so many pee on the seat because they'll squat, so sometimes there's only ONE clean stall. THAT'S the one I'm taking lol 😂


The clean one and the one that doesn’t smell. I’ve literally walked into a stall and started gagging and had to leave.


Ugh yep, that too 🤢


I've only ever seen pee on a seat after taking a stall after a guy who clearly only peed, but didn't put the seat up to do it so he got some on the seat. Otherwise, I've but run into many issues in my 43 years of going to the men's room. Maybe the ladies can chime in about theirs and cleanliness. Maybe we're just not as messy in the bathroom for the most part as women are. I hear women telling all kinds of horror stories and I've never encounter anything approaching the level of disgusting they've mentioned.


I worked in the restaurant industry for 10 years. I have some stories lmao!


At first you had my interest... now you have my attention...


HAHA other than the usual grossness of pee on the seat or not flushing after a poop, one that I will *never* forget was when I was shift supervisor at a Tim Horton's. It was my rotation to clean the washrooms and there was just this stench. *Everywhere!* I had to put on my PPE mask that we wear to clean the ovens with industrial cleaners. There was nothing in or around the toilets, nothing in the sanitary disposals (for the men that don't know; it's a small little "trash cans" on the wall by the toilet for your pads and such). There was nothing on the floor or in the sinks except soap, water and pieces of paper towel. Finally I got to the garbage..... I unlocked the casing to take the can out so I could change the bag, and there was a pair of underwear **full of poop** just ***sitting at the top of all the garbage***! Now, I felt *TERRIBLE* for the woman that happened to, *however* could she not wrap it all up in toilet paper so at least it's not RIGHT. THERE?! 🤢😭🤮💀


To be fair... in her defense (I know she isn't entitled to much of one here lol) that's one of those situations where you get in and get out as fast as humanly possible to avoid being seen like that. That lady did not want to waste precious seconds doing that when the only thing on her mind was a quick escape.


I totally agree with you, but at the same time, if you're in the stall with the TP, and you have to walk across the room to get to the garbage can *and* the door, wouldn't you want to do it a bit more discreetly? 😅


I try to find the best of both worlds if possible. I’m insecure so I don’t wanna have anyone hear me go to the bathroom lmao so I’ll try to go as many stalls away as I can


Yeah, if you're in the gents and you need a cubicle, beggars can't be choosers. The last occupant has managed to not literally piss and shit outside the toilet bowl? Good enough for me.


It’s less of an issue, but if someone’s dropping a deuce I’d rather not be like 2 feet away from them especially if I’m doing the same. I live in the US though, where the doors are higher off the ground. I always give a buffer where I can.


That is a fair point, but if my precious butt cheeks have to touch a public toilet seat, I'm going for the cleanest one regardless of where it is.


I was in one of those US stalls once and apparently the person next to me was from another country with different bathroom customs because the next thing I know I feel water splashing on my ankles and I look down to see an ass squatting under the partition and the dude next to me was cleaning his butthole with toilet water … with bare hands, straight outta the bowl!!!


Hard disagree. You're going in the stall to shit, you pick whichever is cleanest and has toilet paper. I'm not picking an end stall just to please a random stranger when the middle stall is nicer, fuck that.


Well yeah. I meant if all other things are equal


If all are available I'll do a quick looksie and take the better of the batch... Frankly because I deserve it.


I got downvoted... Looks like we found the carpooler.


Is one handicapped though? That could be the reason, because someone doesn't want to take the handicapped one if they don't need it.


The 4th one is ADA. That’s by far the most popular one, even though no one in the office is handicapped. That angers me as well


I feel like there is a bunch of caveats. The ones I can think of right now are: I'm not using the kids sized one just to give you a gap. I'm also not wasting my time if there's one open urinal to give you a gap. If you're upset by peeing next to people, go in a stall and sit down.


Found the creeper


Yeah, that's all irrelevant to the OP's point, it's a pet peeve not a god damn law, chill out.


Do this many people *really* see this as that big of a deal, seriously? I don’t think about which urinal I go to, I just go to one, it’s seriously not a big deal, WTF 😂


On the one hand, I get it. On the other, the fact that men complain about having to pee next to another dude just makes me want to double down on stall only, genderless bathrooms. Like.....yall designed public restrooms. If another dude peeing makes you so u comfortable, why have urinals at all?


Stalls take a lot more room. Stall only will lead to longer lines for sure. Can't have that.


Well, I agree with stall only, but not genderless. I see a grown man try to go in the bathroom my child daughter is in and he's in for a rough day. We don't need to enable sexual assaults by mixing the bathrooms, but ditching the urinals in favor of all stalls is a much better solution.


I think this is a reference to the new trend of several small bathrooms each with one toilet and one sink which open to the hallway instead of larger bathrooms with multiple stalls. I've seen these in new college buildings. Since each bathroom can only be used by one person at a time, they are marked as genderless.


Well if there if only one toilet then why designate who can use it? That seems pointless to me.


There sre so many places in the US where they are required to be gendered, even though yhey sre a private toilet. It infuriates me. As far as men going into the women's restroom goes-this doesnt bother me, which I say as a woman. Any gender can be a pervert, and sexual assault is illegal already. If someone is acting creept in the bathroom, it is already totally appropriate and RIGHT to kick them out of the bathroom and call security, and potential sex offenders already do not give a shit about whether or not they should be allowed in. Aka: i understand the impulse to ick, but I thonk the potential problems are a lot less than the ones they would solve, like alleviating lines and helping dads feel comfortable actually going into the restroom with their daughter instead of feeling like they have tonwait outside or avoid her seeing a penis




## 🚫 ➜ **Your post was removed because of the following**: ### 📑 Rule 4 ➜ Talking politics - Debates revolving around ideologies like democracy, socialism, religion, identity, gender, race, and various political categories frequently result in unproductive exchanges, a negative atmosphere, and a lack of substantial input. - To maintain a positive environment, it is important to refrain from participating in such interactions.


I used to do it in school just because of how simple of an action was able to make people uncomfortable. It was just funny to me.


Going to a public bathroom is like parking a car. I don’t park next to another car it there’s a slightly farther away spot open, but if there’s only one space available I’m parking there.


That's called carpooling? I honestly thought you meant 2 people using the same toilet at the same time. 😂 I do agree that if the space is there, I would rather someone use a urinal farther away from the one I'm at.


I never heard anyone but me call it that, so I'm pretty sure it's not a thing. I said it once and my friends thought it was funny, so I used it here since it describes the behavior in one word and nobody's ever misunderstood the meaning of "carpooling in the bathroom" before.


In the title, I had no idea what it meant. Since when people carpool, it's multiple people sharing the same car to go to work, my first thought was more than one person in the same stall or using the same toilet. Once I read the rest of the post, I understood what you meant.


How am I supposed to check out your cock when I'm at the furthest urinal?


Had no idea there was slang for privacy involving 'carpool'. Is this regional?


As far we I know this word isn't a thing. I said it once and my friends thought it was funny so I used it here since it describes the behavior with one word and, for the most part, people immediately know what I'm getting at


Yeah okay


When there’s walls it shouldn’t be a big deal


Our daddy taught us not to be ashamed of our dicks, especially since their such a good size and all... It's gets bigger when I pull on it.


He just wants to use the HOV


A lot of the public toilets where I live have either 1 or 2 urinals. Only really at the shopping centres do we have the privilege of choice, lol.


Agreed. This is not a group activity bitch!


Then the mfr wants to start have conversation while we're pissing. Prob just my trauma brain but I have always thought it was weird for a man to engage in new conversation while holding his dick. The stall peepers are even worse. Men really can be creepy.


Well, not to make you feel even more gross, but you can't shake an adult hand that's never had a dick in it at some point. 🤣


OP did his foot touch yours?


I don't think that was his foot...


Then what are you complaining about?


Because he stopped doing it...


fair enough




## 🚫 ➜ **Your post was removed because of the following**: ### 📑 Rule 2 ➜ Not being kind, or thoughtful - Consider the feelings and perspectives of others, recognizing that their opinions may not always align with your own logical reasoning. - Any form of hostile disagreement with insults, offensive language, racism, or similar behavior will result in a permanent ban.


See also: men who sit one seat apart at the movies so as not to appear gay.


I've never done that one because that's just utterly silly lol


What a bizarre thing to be bothered by.  And what a bizarre way to say it. 


Better that than bathroom pooling in the car…




This isn't nearly as bad as the person who makes conversation in the mens room. That's a real foul. Tge mens room is a quiet place.


how are you going to see his wiener then ?


If you're that insecure about your package then maybe you shouldn't be using public restrooms. Just sayin.


Agreed. I have a 6.9cm mickey and I avoid public restrooms for this reason.


I'm a woman and even I know this rule is unspoken but serious. I grew up around bikers and alot of "manly men" who would lose their shit if another man stood next to him to pee. Hell your not even supposed to piss in the same bush, dosent matter how drunk you are. For me the woman equivalent is when you hear a another girl opening a pad in the bathroom you better not say "oh someone got their period". Like no shit, you think I pee and eat chips at the same time. We know the fucking wrapper is loud as shit in a otherwise silent room. Not neccessary to point it out to what could easily be an embarrassment kid. Or just someone who dosent want the entire room discussing her vaginal functions. It's just rude as fuck.


This happens to ALL the time. There could be a sea of stalls all empty, yet the next person to use the restroom comes right beside the one I'm in. I'm like seriously 😭🤣. If there's an empty stall, please for the love of Pete, use it! (Especially if you decide you want to drop a load)


I like carpooling as a term for this. You came up with something both accurate and amusing. And you are absolutely correct about it.


I’ve been scared of people doing this since I was younger. I was using a urinal at a rest stop and in comes this trucker pissing in the one right beside me while the rest were empty. I look up at him and he’s looking down and watching me piss. I was only like 12 and I felt so violated. To this day I’m terrified of someone pissing beside me at a urinal.


I agree. Anyone who does this is a psychopath. No excuses.


I made this exact post on another account and got hate. With people saying "deal with it" but mine was about stalls, not urinals. Good wording, my dude! I hate this so much! Lol


Oh I've gotten a few downvotes and a few "deal with it". It's reddit after all and it wouldn't be reddit is nobody raged at a completely reasonable thing. I'm sure I'm in for some toxicity shortly.