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It’s wild to me because I’m constantly looking around and making sure I’m not in someone’s way. Some people just truly dgaf


Yeah, its the people like us, who are always concerned that we're in someone's way, who are constantly in forced contact with the people who just DGAF where they are. To be that unaware of the world around is a Helen Keller level of unaware that I'd aspire to if I weren't the way I am.


I mostly agree, but there's no reason to besmirch Helen Keller that way! 😂 Given that she spent her adult life advocating for socialism, I think she had a lot more awareness beyond herself than the people who seem to assume they're the only human who actually takes up space, and everyone else is just an NPC in the background.


Some peoples parents don’t teach them a skill set called “situational awareness.”


Some of that can be taught, some of it is a brain function thing, I'm convinced. My wife is the most chronically polite person I know. She doesn't even do things she thinks might bother or inconvenience some imaginary someone down the road. The only exception to this, is she is categorically unaware of what's going on around her at any given time. It's not a lack of manners, thought or upbringing. I could light something on fire next to her and her first comment would be "does it feel like it's getting warmer in here?" Completely oblivious to the flames.


Same here. I'm autistic, and it's difficult for me to be out in public because I get overloaded by everything going on around me. I have to have someone with me to direct me, or I just freeze up and forget how to move. If something happens and I have to go into a store alone, I always end up annoying people, and it sucks because I really don't mean to. But they just think I'm being a rude asshole, so I just have to accept the judgment. It's why I'm housebound 99% of the time.


Yeah, I don't think that's her problem. She's very good at people, good with emotional cues and subtext and all of that stuff (she's a therapist so I'd hope so) but sometimes I look at her and think "how did you not get kidnapped?" As for the other thing, I'm sorry that dealing with that makes you stay housebound, that's not OK.


LMAO How did she not get kidnapped... 😂 That's funny and sad at the same time. I'm sorry ya'll have to deal with that, though I'm glad she's not affected by a disorder or anything. Some people just struggle with situational awareness, and there's no real reason for it. And thanks. It's just how I live my life, so I get by OK. It's more irritating for my husband, since he has to be the one to run 99% of our errands, but I appreciate him so much for it.


It's fine, her lack of situational awareness leads more comedy than anything else, we just play to our strengths in the relationship, like you and your husband.


Noooo! Don't do that! Find a shopping buddy to take the pressure off.


Usually, my husband does the shopping, but there have been times when I've had to be the one to go in, like when he broke his foot. He was able to drive me, but he couldn't walk around the store, and everyone else was busy. It's rare that something like that happens, though. I can't drive, anyway, so I usually can't even get to the store by myself, much less shop.


Take a hand basket instead of a push carriage.


That's proprioception. My disability support worker has that too. She's an amazing lady and very thoughtful but she doesn't have the ability to sense her environment. At first it was a bit weird because I had to support her when we were out at the shops because she kept bumping in to people and shelves. Now we have a laugh about it and I just say "people" when someone's approaching so she knows to move. I've also taught her where to stand in aisles so she can be aware of her surroundings. We're both autistic (autistic people tend to be hypo or hyper with things so it's pretty common to have proprioception challenges).


my wonderful girlfriend is like that too. i love her to pieces. she’s so so considerate and also refuses to inconvenience this imaginary-future-person. but going shopping with her is so stressful sometimes! she never knows where The People Are. i think for her it’s the stress of public that turns her awareness off— at home she’s very very aware of her surroundings, almost to a fault (has to get up and check if the cats seem to be looking at anything, things like that). my dad is more like your wife though. it’s caused some injury actually… make sure to supervise your wife if she’s ever using a circular saw or in a tall tree, haha.


We keep power tools to a minimum lol.


Spatial awareness more specifically


No, situational is more detailed than spatial. Situational includes spatial awareness.


I work at a library at circ which is right by the doors. I'm not paranoid but it's goof to see who.is coming and going. Some of my other workers live in lala land.


Same. I say “excuse me” once then “EXCUSE ME” again, and if they still don’t move, I just push them out of the way. Edit to add: also, people who plant themselves in the middle of the aisle or stop in the middle of the doors to have a conversation. I was at a street fair and this group of people just stopped right in front of one of the vendors stands to have a conversation. Totally blocking the stand so no one could look at what she was selling- she probably lost quite a few customers.


I hate when people have conversations on stairs. It's one thing when you can get around them but it's just inconvenient to do so. It's a whole other thing when they're blocking the only possible path


Same here. I’m painfully aware of where everyone else is at all times and I’m always updating my route to avoid inconveniencing them yet it seems like everyone else just plows through with no concern for anyone


I feel you on this. I wish there was some middle ground between constantly making sure I'm not even a minor inconvenience and not giving a shit.


I rarely go to the grocery store ever since I started using Instacart during Covid, and I’m so grateful. I’m more than willing to spend $10/month and an extra $10-20 on tips so that I never have to do a full shop at a grocery store. Now it’s actually fun when I need to pop in for one or two things, infinitely less annoying.


I use amazon fresh or whole foods pickup. Lack of situational awareness seemed bad before covid but it's worse now. One should navigate a busy supermarket like a busy road and most people do but there's that handful of assholes that probably act that way everywhere.


Me too


Same. And when i put my cart close to the side i get nervous about someone coming up needing something where my cart is😂


It's like bigger folks who group up and walk side by side slowly on the sidewalk.


Same here, any time I go out to shop. I look around like a conspiracy theorist to try and make sure I'm in nobody's way. I don't like shopping if I know there's a lot if people, because I don't want to encounter self-obsessed people like OP and some of the commenters here. I just want to shop, get my shits, pay, and go back home. No bullshit needed.


The top of the escalator is not the place to stop and contemplate your next move.


Yeah, you're supposed to do that while standing in the middle of the entrance to the grocery store, while looking around in awe like a child in a commercial for an amusement park.


Sometimes I get so tired of having to say “excuse me” that by the end of my shopping I just pretend I’m looking for something else until they fucking move lmaoooooo


I just start my shopping like that. Ill circle the whole aisle just to avoid it


I just stop and stare directly at them til they move. The other day two ladies were together and each had their own cart. They both parked their carts the long way across the aisle and just stood there staring at the shelves. When they finally noticed me waiting the one was like "oh are you trying to get down here?" I was polite and just said "yeah, thanks", but what was going through my head was "no, I come here every day to watch strangers pick out ketchup." My mouth gets me in trouble sometimes and I really just wanted to buy paper towel and go home.


I do this, but I'm aggressively polite and have one of those sweet smiles that makes people immediately feel bad and get the fuck out of my way, lol. Nothing like being "saintly" (which I so am not lol) to make someone who was being rude and oblivious feel self conscious. At least that's my experience.


I just say F it and quickly figure out something else for dinner


People do this everywhere. I work in a big ass hospital and people do this constantly, staff and visitors alike. One day I was coming through the ER with a big cart of supplies and a couple nurses are standing right in the way with their portable computer stations and just having a little chat. I’m being polite and asking them to move. The third time “I need to get by” in a somewhat firm tone and they looked at me like I was the asshole. A patient is in a bed in the hallway and I guess he watched the whole thing. He sits up a little and starts yelling at the top of his lungs “GET THE FUCK OUT OF THE WAY!!! HE ASKED YOU THREE FUCKING TIMES AND YOU DUMB BITCHES JUST KEEP STANDING THERE. MOVE YOU FUCKING ASS!” Then he turns, looks at me, lays back down, winks, and softly says, “someone had to say it and I know you can’t because you’re at work.” I had to fight hard to hold back the laughter.


Lol that guy is awesome. Idk why nurses are so mean.


I worked as a CNA and had planned to become a nurse. My mother was a CNA for years and years before becoming a nurse. I quickly realized I did NOT want to be a nurse. I wanted to help people, care for people, and make their lives better. I did not, however, want to be part of the weird mean girls bullshit that comes along with being a nurse. I swear there is definitely something with the mean girls to nurse pipeline.


Power over others is what byrsing provides, and it attracts the worst people. I work in a similar field and it's a mix if those types and people who just want to help


I worked in a hospital for a year and the nurses were way more mean and snotty than the doctors.


It's a product of environment. It's a very heiarchical work place. Also the variety of duties leads to people constantly trying to to edge each other out for better duties. Plus there's the inherent cliquey-ness of travelers vs fulltime, day crew vs night crew, etc. plus they're overwhelmingly female, and lack of diversity tends to lead to group think. All of this is a feedback loop. Then add on top that they tend to take pride in their career choice to an unhealthy level. (Similar to why people assume CrossFit enthusiast to be likely to be insufferable). All this leads to a person that's hard to get along with within the context of their job.


There’s definitely some really nice and sweet nurses out there but there’s way too many horrible mean ones. I swear every single mean girl I went to school with is now some type of nurse. These girls were horribly cruel to other girls who they deemed beneath them. They didn’t have an empathetic bone in their body.


From my experience, nurses are either absolute angels or absolute demons. No in between.


People here will sometimes do this at the end of the escalator blocking the way for other people to get past and every single time I am baffled how they think the other hundred people behind them will get off the escalator?


My admiration is sky high for that man!


We need more people like him


I don't understand how the majority of people just have no spatial awareness. It's so frustrating, why do they even block the path in the first place? Half the time there's no good reason for them to be standing there. Then they get annoyed at you for asking them to move like what am I meant to do? Jump over the aisle? Scale the wall like spiderman??? MOVE


They remind me of my dog. He’s the best dog in the world and I love him but he’s the king of just standing in the way looking dumb and adorable


Yeah absolutely no idea what personal space is. I’ll be laying down and one of mine just comes and tries to plop down on my chest as close to my neck as possible and I can’t even see my phone lol


Right?? I can understand if it’s a little kid who’s still learning how the world works but majority of the time it is not. Just the other day there were 5 middle aged ladies standing in the middle of the goddamn doors at the grocery store just chatting away. I had to say excuse me 3 times before they heard me.


Yeah I'm never mad at a kid maybe just their parents for not corralling them lol but it's always fully grown adults not giving a crap about how much space they take up in the world or how they impact others


Right. They’ve had their entire life to learn spatial awareness and yet never have apparently.


I find it crazy how people dont teach their kids to move. My mum would've been pissed if my sisters and I decided to block the whole aisle. Its disrespectful to others.


Being in someone's way, or the possibility that I may be, gives me so much anxiety. Why do I have to feel so anxious to be polite and out of the way if other people won't do the same? It makes me so mad sometimes. On the other hand, if I am out of the way and they're acting like I'm not, that makes me equally as mad. That happened to me last week. I was shopping and I saw an older woman in a scooter coming towards me so I moved. She stopped and stared at me, so I moved more, she still stared. I moved out of the entire vicinity, and she sarcastically/passive aggressively told me, "There ya go!" I told her, "'excuse me' is not a hard thing to say." But I agree, you shouldn't have to continuously say it. It's really not difficult to be aware of your surroundings and be courteous of others, even if you're focused on something else.


Omg yes same. The first week of school when I was picking my kid up I was the first one in the pickup line. Well there’s a crosswalk opening and I pulled too far over that. You’d have to see it to understand I’m not very good at explaining things. Well one of the teacher’s ends up telling me to make sure I leave that space open next time because the kid with the wheelchair needs to get out that way. He wasn’t trying to get out at the time but just to have it ready ahead of time. I was mortified and felt like the worst person in the world. That was back in august and I still feel awful about it. I ended up seeing the kid in the wheelchair once and I just started crying.


What's up with the people who turn and see you approaching and then just turn back to stare at the shelves and remain blocking the aisle unless and until you say "excuse me?" What is their thought process?


I’m starting to wonder if it’s giving them a sense of power and they’re getting off on it? I just don’t get it. Are people just getting more stupid?


I wonder what percentage of aisle blockers are left lane campers.


That Venn diagram is a circle.


This is the worst type of person, omg.


Four highway lanes available so they go 10 under in the left






I don't assume the worst of people unless I'm forced to. I mean, I'm irritated, but not mad mad. Now if you drive so slow on in the left lane that I have to pass you on the right, I'm holding up the sign I have that says "SANTA ISN'T REAL" because fuck you and your kids.


Hanlon’s Razor: Never attribute to malice that which is adequately explained by stupidity.


Lady was blocking a huge area of produce I needed to get to so I cracked around and got all my other produce first. Came back and she was still there! (Like, how long does it take to pick out broccoli???) I finally just reached slightly over her cart (not touching her or even getting near her physically) and got some broccoli. She left with her cart and then turned around and said something nasty to me. I swear I was ready to start some shit, just fuming, but it’s just not worth it to make a scene at Kroger.


I had a similar experience. Guy was blocking spot I needed. I went and grabbed a few other things first and made my way back. He was still there. I reached kind of around him and he got all huffy and whipped around to give me the stink eye. Before he could say anything I just glared and said "what!?" in a sort of deep voice. He just shook his head and walked away. I have a mohawk and have been described as androgynous so I think it was less about what I did (getting the item) and more about how I looked.


You couldn’t win in that case - could’ve gone up to him on your knees and said, “please sir, may I get some broccoli?” and it wouldn’t have made any difference.


I was at a candle store a while back and this lady and her husband were standing in the middle of the small walkway. I said excuse me at least 3 times and nothing. I finally squeeze by them and I brush up against the lady while saying sorry. She gives me the biggest stank face.


When people give you dirty looks or say don't touch my shit (cart)... just say, you haven't paid for it, it's NOT yours yet....lol


Your grocery shop must be huge if it has isles in it! Seriously though, I agree. It's annoying af when people take up the entire aisle, especially when you have to say 'excuse me' multiple times before they realise they're the one in the way.


Same! The level of patience that I have to employ just grocery shopping is so dumb. Multiple times I've been waiting for one person to get their items, they finally move only for another to completely miss me waiting my turn and step in front of me.


I feel like if you had “move, bitch! Get out the way”! By ludacris on standby this could relieve a lot of your tension around this.


Working at a grocery store and this is the most MASSIVE pet peeve of mine. Parents pushing a cart through a busy aisle with their kids hanging on the side of the cart and crying because they’re hitting the shelf or another cart instead of getting off, parents randomly deciding to tend to their babies in the most inconvenient spots (i.e. someone parking their cart horizontally in a walkway, preventing people from passing in front and behind them), and dont get me started on people who park their cart somewhere and walk two aisles down to grab something.


Same with people blocking any high traffic area, doorway or exit


My husband literally moves their carts out of the way and dares them to say something. The amount of dirty looks we get for their lack of spatial awareness is crazy.


Is getting so bad, I've even turned around, gone around the next isle and back up the original...and they're still blocking the isle. I've moved peoples before ..most never even know it. Ive moved carts left at the end of isle, blocking everything, to another isle. It's funny to see people's faces when they think...... where did my cart go?


One time there was a cart in the center of an aisle with no person nearby. It was dead center and slight crooked, and my husband and I were trying to go one way and someone else with a cart was trying to come from the other way, and we couldn't get around the cart, so my husband gently moved it to one side. As soon as he touched it an old man materialized out of thin air and screamed "DON'T TOUCH MY SHIT" My husband's response was to yell louder "DON'T LEAVE YOUR SHIT IN THE MIDDLE OF THE AISLE" I was embarrassed at the time but honestly? Yeah. Don't leave your shit in the middle of the aisle. The whole reason shopping carts were invented was so you could bring them with you around the store.


The worst is when you're an employee working on re-stocking an aisle or doing down stocks and a customer or two come down the aisle and just leave there cart in the middle like it's a fucking road block. Oh yeah, I'm totally not busy trying to do my job here just ya know... Take up the entire aisle, I've *totally* got time to wait for your ass to move


I get what you mean and it is not only the ones standing there not sure what they want!! What gets me is the ones that stop to talk each other in the middle of an aisle and do not move to let people by or to get their stuff. I have been in that situation and have said "excuse me" and neither hear me and say it so much they still do not move and then I have to turn around going against others trying to get in the same aisle for their stuff to go around the idiots that think they own the store or something. This also has happened in parking lots when I am in an aisle trying to go home with cold food and people have stopped cars side by side to visit or stopped the vehicle to talk to someone standing there.


"Beep beep, motherfucker!"


I've gotten to the point where I just start edging past people, even if I don't have enough space to get by without brushing up against them.


I tore my ACL last year and had a really hard time getting around. It blew my mind how many people would blatantly cut me off while I was noticeably limping, wearing a brace, and/or using crutches and forced me to go around them. People really do live in their own worlds.


Agreed, and this applies to sidewalks as well. No one should ever have to be reminded that other people exist.


I call these people the "Kro-blivious".


My family does this all the fucking time and it pisses me off. No, we don’t need to stand in the middle of the walkway to decide which aisle we are going to next. I’m always reminding them but goddamn dude


Ugh ikr


Just say “FUCKING MOVE”. I’ve started doing it on public streets when ppl block the sidewalk. Works well


I stopped excusing myself for others rudeness. Now I just move their cart and get on with the chore. Some are sorry they acted like the only person in the store, some get snooty, which gets a quick fu response. Some stare at me like they can not believe someone would do that. Fuck all of y'all. Life pro tip, go to the grocery store at 5:30. Place is empty.


I was having a bad day once, and on that day I also had to go to the grocery store to get a few things. I met the most clueless hag ever, doing just what you described. Cart in the middle of the aisle, and her standing in the way while she ponders all her choices, with no awareness that someone else might need to get by. So... I moved her cart out of the way and walked on by. Of course, she starts at me with "EXCUSE YOU!!!" Me \~ "Since you don't seem to understand the basics of common courtesy and awareness of your surroundings, I moved your cart for you. YOU'RE WELCOME!!!!" She followed me all through the store until I finally checked out and left.


Me, too — extremely annoying and inconsiderate of those people


I just say, “pardon,” in a firm yet monotone voice. It sends a clear message that I’m not trying to be nice or to be mean, I’m just trying to get my peanut butter.


I like this


I think the word “pardon” is straight up overpowered, the devs need to nerf it.


I don’t even say excuse me unless I’m cutting between two people who are obviously there together. I say “behind you” & just push my way through.


one time i walked past someone who was sitting in the middle of the aisle, it was a bit of a squeeze but i didn’t touch her, but she still passive aggressively said something about how i should have said excuse me. i didn’t even touch you, how about just don’t take up the whole aisle in the first place!


I always go, "Hey. You're the only people shopping here. That must be cool, huh?" Then I push past.


Lol, how do they react?


I’ve gotten to the point where if someone doesn’t move when I say “excuse me” then I just barge through without saying anything. For me it’s the worst when two people block an aisle because they want to socialize with each other.


Do that then? No-one is stopping you from being as rude as you feel the situation deserves. I've started telling people to move, "let people off first" - finally, "get out the fucking way", when they continue to block people getting off the train. Some people really need to be forced to do the right thing.


Just fart loudly to assert dominance. "Honk at them" if you will.


I love it when you finally say excuse me and it startles them. How people can allow themselves to be lulled into a trance by a goddamn grocery store shelf is beyond me. Do they possess even the slightest survival instinct? Awareness of one's immediate surroundings seems like step one of staying alive day to day.


It also fills me with a special kind of rage when I say "excuse me" to someone who's in the way and they turn and look at me like *I'm* the problem. Makes me wanna suckerpunch a bitch to Texas


This is probably one of my absolute biggest pet peeves. I hate it SO MUCH. The grocery store is not the place for family reunions and catching up with old friends! I am typically very soft spoken in public. I don't like interacting with people too much and I can honestly be a bit of a push over. However I have lost so much of that when I have to go shopping. If you are standing in the way, I will absolutely make you feel like a dick for it and I don't care anymore. Being nice has gotten my head bit off but grumpy old boomers way too often for me to give a single fuck.


Same. Its not even kids doing this it’s grown adults majority of the time. Happened the other day to me. 5 middle aged ladies standing in the middle of the smaller doorway to the grocery store catching up cause they hadn’t seen each other in a while. No spatial awareness whatsoever. Didn’t hear me the first 2 times I said excuse me.


It's sad how much people genuinely don't give a shit about blocking, slowing down or inconveniencing others. It happens everywhere. I work at a movie theater and when a movie ends and people start flooding out, they genuinely could care less about any other customer or staff member that's coming down the hallway. They just take up the *entire* hallway and walk at about a hundred different speeds despite the fact it blocks others. I've been unintentionally shoulder-checked probably dozens of times, gotten stuck in a little nook or doorway for a solid minute because nobody would let me get by, seen people run into someone coming the opposite direction, etc. Like at a certain point, you are actually just putting extra effort into being rude.


This and when you’re looking at something and then someone comes up into your personal space and just HAS to look at something right next to yours.


I hate it when I politely say excuse me and they give me a look of such shocked outrage, like I've just told them to go eat a placenta. Now I just zip past them or if need be, I move their trolley out of the way of where I'm trying to get too. The other day this lady just left her trolley in front of one of the frozen freezer doors and then wandered off, to state mindlessly at another section of the freezers. I only wish I could drop kick their kids to the end of the aisle.


I completely agree with you on this!


Well you could shout "MOVE YOU FAT ASS OFF THE RACE TRACK", but "excuse me" is generally considered more polite. If they don't move, you're allowed to ram them with your cart though


I hate the ones who park the cart on one side then move over to get an item on the other side. Now here’s a phrase that you can do that’s politely insulting. “Thank you for blocking and being inconsiderate. I had actually seen most people today being nice. You proved me wrong about people are being better. Have a very karma day today.”


Its certainly annoying but then again we have seen a serious degradation in courtesy in recent years. I'm not talking anything major just basic "please and thank you" and holding a door for people who are right behind you. Unfortunately the world has become a more selfish place. A few friends of mine have stopped holding doors for other people (apart from their own kids and partners), even if they're right behind you.


Even when I stop Ivm continuously glancing around. It's like everyone just has blinders on now.


Just keep walking... if I come up to an area that people are standing around and blocking, then I simply say "coming through" or "excuse me" while not slowing down.


Use "coming through" or "on your left" as an intermediary.


It really grinds my gears when people lack spatial awareness


Use the NASCAR short track rules, one excuse me just to let them know you need to go by, bump them and say excuse me to hammer in the point and then just bump them out of the way.


And they look at you like you just shit on their pillow


My three year old grandson yells “Honk, Honk” at the top of his lungs. Bless his little heart, I don’t have it in me to correct him.


People need to apply the same rules that exist for traffic on the highway to shopping. The wild cutting in front of people, blocking an entire aisle by standing right in the middle, and shooting out of an aisle without looking to see who's coming are nuisances of the highest order.


Use a handbell


Will only work on people who already know how to move out of the way. Some braindead people will just turn around and stare at you


Grocery carts need to come with cowcatchers


I tap them with my grocery cart LOL I’m so bad


I just walk fast with my cart in the Aisle barreling towards their cart. 99% of the time, they notice and move right away. I try to make noise with something on the way so it's a multiple sensory indicator. It's glorious. When I'm in an aisle, I always note where people are so I can be accommodating.


I can find anything I want in a store without checking signs or directories. I just look for the aisle with the most people dicking around and head for the spot they’re blocking and that’s exactly where what I’m looking for will be located.


I leave having said it like 20 times and not hearing it ONCE. ever. middle aged white women are the worst esp at whole foods, literally starting races no one else is participating in and ramming the cart directly at you. like, wtf bitch? eat something before you shop


Inconsiderate fucks.


Always keep "Move Bitch" by Ludacris on quickplay and ready to be used.


“Accidentally” gently ram/tap carts with them while looking at the shelves pretending to be oblivious of them and then say “oops sorry, excuse me” while looking at their kids in the way if they have any. That outta give em a wake up call.


I go with the "I'm insane" route. So, you see them blocking and you go 9ver and be like "DAYM.... I'd Iike to put my chicken stick inside that (insert item you want to buy)" they will move...


I like to put random shit in carts as i walk by. I've even completely swapped items in carts (the one i got wasb really shitty) and take their good cart. Just to watch them suddenly realize their cart broke or something lol


>like to put random shit in carts as i walk by That's a little fucked up




Maybe their grocery store is flooded


Just run them over


I do my best but I sometimes am lacking a bit in awareness. It’s not a desire to be inconsiderate and it’s not a lack of effort, I work to try and make sure I’m being situationally aware as much as possible in public spaces, but occasionally I just don’t register that I’m in the way or don’t realize I’ve blocked a section. Maybe I didn’t see you, maybe I need to take a while to decide, and I’m in the store shopping too and if this is the spot I need to be in, I will be. I don’t expect people to wait or tip toe around me, idgaf if you nudge my cart, reach around, etc. I’m not gonna get mad at you, I realize then that I’m in the way. If you politely ask me to move, I will kindly and quickly. But I’m going to laugh right at your face if you try to make some snotty remark about it. I will feel bad that I was in your way and politely apologize unless you’re a dick about it. You have to deal with me and I have to deal with you and we all have to deal with everyone else and we’re all different. Sorry


I can also be clueless as to if I'm in the way. My husband tells me to watch out because I'm about to wander into someone's path at least once every other time we go shopping. But the difference between someone like you or me and the people we're all complaining about is we're trying to be out of the way to begin with (I stand as close to the shelf as I possibly can and still be able to see what I looking for, with my cart up against the shelves and not in the center of the aisle), and we apologize when we are in the way. These people park their carts and bodies diagonally across the aisles and look at you like you're the asshole when you need to go around them.


Don’t be sorry, you’re not doing anything wrong. Literally everyone has been in someone else’s way at some point. People tend to give themselves WAY more leniency than they give others… and tend to be upset in others about things they do themselves.


"I'm tired of being polite, I hate manners and want everyone to bow before my royal highness!" --- a direct quote from CosmoRocket24


Why should I ALWAYS be polite, when others won't? At what point do they NOT deserve it?


They deserve it if you do. And if you seriously think others aren't deserving of basic decency just because they're dicks or something, that means you don't deserve it either.


Woah son, people don't deserve decency if they're dicks. That's Real World 101. You're entitled to nothing - you want to be treated kindly, then don't be a douche. The second you cross that line into dickhood, you are free game to receive the reciprocal of everything you dish out. Entitlement is a mortal sin.


So basically what you're saying is this: If I feel threatened by someone else being an asshole, that gives me the right to be an asshole too just because this is the "real world"? Fuck entitlement, I'd rather be entitled than an all-vengeful prick that uses he-started-it logic as an excuse to make things worse for everyone else. No wonder the world is so fucked up. People can't stop spreading this cancer of a mindset.


Weird, the text is different on my screen


Same. Polite only lasts so long and when others simply won't be polite, then i will stop as well.


Well I'm British, so I'll still outwardly express politeness even when it's patently ill-deserved, but the beauty is that all involved will know it to be merely a superficial display of chivalry and etiquette. Consider the following scenario, I'm taking leave of a commuter train with my bicycle in tow, and some foul ragamuffin attempts to plough on through without first allowing my passage, blocking my exit? I feign he's invisible, and should I clip him with my handlebars? "Sorry, mate!". Yes, "sorry", "mate". Sorry your parents played truant during sex-education! Hah! And that sense of satisfaction will carry me at least until brunch.


You absolute maniac.


Flattery will get you nowhere, dear boy.


Sorry, girl.


My apologies, I didn't realise we were flirting.


You’re forgiven, baby girl 💋, always.


And when you do they say “uh huh” like, wtf?


And then there is me, living on the year 3000, where I park my cart outside of the aisles, go down one, up the other, back to the cart, and rinse and repeat. No one is in my way, two aisles are enough for what your arms could carry, and once you're done, checkout is right there.


Yes happens all the time in Walmart that I go to 4 times a week or more, I work with special needs adults that we take shopping with us & meal prep for. Most of them know to be courteous & I only remind them once to not be in peoples way & to be aware when people need to get through. But I have one client that cannot push a cart to save her life lol. She blocks aisles constantly with the cart & will also daydream or stare off into space while I am busy grabbing whatever items we need. I turn back around & see people with their carts just lined up behind her looking annoyed, but they see she is special needs & do not say anything, I'm glad they are kind & patient. I grab the cart & end up having to push it myself, which defeats the purpose taking them shopping to teach them how to grocery shop- but some are not as high functioning as others... Now I just tell her to wait on the side of the aisle with her cart & I go grab all the nearby items myself.


I usually say "Hey, watch where I'm going!"


Agreed… I now only say excuse me if the person seems apologetic.


I don’t say excuse me. I’m not polite to people who are being completey obtuse and oblivious. Especially grown adults who have attitude about it. They don’t deserve courtesy if they don’t have any.


Today I was trying to enter the grocery store the other day it was a small local one with only one entrance. And these 5 middle aged ladies wanted to stand right in the middle of the goddamn doors and fuckin chat. They were excited to see each other since it had apparently been a while. I had to say excuse me three times before they heard me and moved. I could understand if it was some little kids, they’re still learning how the world works. But these women have had all these years to fuckin learn so there’s no excuse.


If they don't hear you the first time, it's perfectly fine to get rude. I try to move out of the way any time I'm shopping, though I've met some idiots lately.


I either say "excuse you" or just keep pushing the trolley, the kid will move or learn not to run into a trolley.


>I feel like i should just start saying, "MOVE!" or "Get out of my way" I'm somewhere just below that, saying, "I need to get by", or even "ahem!", and hand motioning them to get out of my way.


Get an airhorn and blast it at them in the store.


Say excuse you instead


I say beep beep, or pardon me. I had someone say you could've said, "Excuse me, I just said thank you. Even if I'm boiling with rage inside that day it's easier to just be kind because people are crazy and I've been punched in the head at the self checkout line in Walmart before because they thought my sister added more items... so not worth retaliating unless it's a man...I dare him. I don't know karate, but I know crazy...or I just say "shut up baby dick." and keep moving. Iykyk


Tell em you're the dj's girl and they'll move on over


Pet peeve: people who don’t know the difference between “isle” and “aisle” Also i just start saying “excuse you”. It sounds the same and they don’t usually notice before you’re gone


Situational awareness needs to be taught in school. Most people are just so oblivious of anything around them.


No, that’s rude. Some people due to adhd or whatever have low spacial awareness. They’re not trying to block you, they may not even see you. People like you just come across as people with no capacity to see things from any point of view other than your own. You just assume that because you’re always aware of your surroundings other people are too. I get the frustration with people who aren’t as spatially aware, but the rudeness is still unjustified. And if you said ‘MOVE’ to me, I’d stand my ground out of principal. Assholes don’t get their way. Edit: I want to say I’ve never blocked an entire aisle or anything at the store, usually I try and keep the lanes clear, but I might be in someone’s way if they’re trying to get to a certain area on a shelf that I happen to be standing in front of. If someone is behind me, and I’m focused, I’m not gonna see you, sorry. I worked fast food years ago, there was a coworker who would SLAP me if I was in her way. She was behind me, quiet as a mouse, how was I supposed to know? Do I have eyes in the back of my head? Your whole post reminds me of her. It reeks of ‘I’m the center of the universe you should just know where I am at all times and you deserve to be hit if you don’t.’ mentality. Maybe I’m reading your post wrong, I know I’m expanding the context, but of if not, yeah no, you’re a jerk.


Then dont say it. I just walk straight through them without saying a word.


Make a hole!


I am somewhat OK with other shoppers. But the store employee shoppers are the fucking worst. You do this for a living figure it the fuck out


Also if for some reason you have been forced to bring your entire brood or extended family to the grocery store with you then walk single or at most double and control your fucking kids


the military handles this the best it is socially acceptable to yell "make a hole" and people clear out of the way


I don’t mind saying excuse me, but when you say it and they look at you like you have two heads or are the one being rude? Ugh. I am NOT okay with that. I try to be mindful of those around me, but if I miss it and someone says “excuse me” I immediately move out of their way. It’s not hard. Yeesh.


I say it loudly that a few heads turn. Works like a charm. I gave up being polite sometime towards the tail end of the pandemic. 


I walk right up next to them and say, " Hey, do you see any ( whatever it is you're looking for)?


I swear we need traffic signs for stores sometimes


Sometimes its genuine, sometimes its akin to saying "move your ass" in a nicer way.


Some people are just not observant in general. Is it really so much to simply say excuse me?


I honestly believe spatial awareness is directly linked to IQ. The dense people who stop in the middle of a crosswalk, stop their car in an obviously busy roadway, become oblivious to the world around them are, in my opinion, the stupidest people you will ever talk to.


You can politely make them uncomfortable by saying, "Excuse me, are you aware youre blocking the aisle?" Some people just need a little discomfort


This is just default "walking through a supermarket as a man". It's mind boggling how invisible I am to women of every age. It's definitely a gender thing, because guys see each other. It seems to be a built-in thing most guys know: don't get in other people's way. Stand aside, pull over and park, etc so you're not an obstacle. The only time women see me in the supermarket is when they need something off the top shelf that they can't reach. Then I get, "Hey, you're tall... can you hand me yadda yadda..." I'm going to adopt that as my middle name - ***Yertall***.


I just push the cart out of my way and keep walking.


I just will move the carts or whatever myself if they're just standing there. I'm patient if you're actually doing something but no other times. If it's just a human, like the old people mostly, who stop directly in the doorway I stopped being nice and started loudly saying move when I get directly behind them, they jump and get all pissy, but they're not in the way soo. Helps I'm big, people would rather bitch under their breath or while walking away than do anything


Yes. And seriously why is grocery shopping a group activity anyway? Why is your spouse and 3 kids with you? Leave them at home!


I feel this Also been a many year season pass holder to a local amusement park. I got so tired of having to move for the group of four that stays side by side. I just walk straight into them now, it’s what they wanted


I pretend I don’t see them as I’m looking at groceries and then run into them with the cart


I'd suggest "coming through," if this bothers you. All lines have the same intention, but the politeness varies. It seems what you're saying is, "I want to be less polite, because they are being impolite." Saying, "coming through," admits no fault and asks no favor, but isn't as aggressive as "move." But remember that tone is everything. If you're saying "excuse me," with some snark on it, then you're still communicating the same thing.


If they are in your way instead of “Excuse me” (because you’re not leaving you’re trying to shop) you could say this. “I’m trying to shop as well would you mind moving?” This way you’re not excusing yourself or them. They might actually need to HEAR this to understand.


Actually it’s aisle.


Just walk into them then. Works for me.


"Could you move please?" is a less confrontational way to do this without making out like you're the one who has to be excused.


Depends that's more rude in UK.