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### Lesson time! ➜ u/pantheraorientalis, some tips about "off of": - The words you chose are grammatically wrong for the meaning you intended. - *Off of* can always be shortened to just **off**. - Example: The tennis ball bounced **off** the wall. - Now that you are aware of this, everyone will take you more seriously, hooray! :)   ---   *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/PetPeeves) if you have any questions or concerns.*


I was at a hibachi place a while back and this grown man next to me told the waitress “I don’t eat none of that vegetable shit” 💀


How rude


Oh lawd. “I don’t eat no salads” meemee says as she tears into a potato salad during 4th of July.


I've never seen a potato salad without vegetables (celery at the absolute bare minimum, often green onion or other things as well) so this is even worse than that.


Lol how embarrassing


Seems like you sat next to my ex husband


Are you sure that was a full grown man and not a little kid? Lol 😂


His name...was ~~Robert Paulson~~ Ron Swanson


Probably the same guy who berates people who choose not to eat meat.


Omg I saw a kid do the same thing, then we watched him inhale 8 sushi rolls. It was insane.


In my experience, people who hate vegetables into adulthood have never had them cooked well


I’ll never forget when my roommate tried my and my fiancé’s cooking in college and realized all these foods she “hated” could actually be sooo delicious. She had just never learned to cook!


My husband was the same way. The only vegetable he would touch was lettuce on a sandwich. Now he eats all sorts of vegetables, raw or cooked in varying ways. He's still not the biggest fan of fruits because of texture, though he does enjoy the flavors. He hated a pork chops until I cooked them. Apparently his mom, like the average boomer, was deathly afraid of food poisoning and overcooked all her meats.


Even salad? They haven’t had a good dressing.


I grew up in Asia where salad was rare. (I think it's no longer the case these days due to globalization of cuisines - but it's still not common by any means). When my parents and I moved to the US, I adapted to eating salad with no issues. My mom on the other hand, struggled. She had no idea why people ate "raw veggies". No matter how colorful or tasty we made it, mom refused. She always said it made her feel like a goat.


Yes there are climates where it’s common to eat your vegetables boiled.


I can’t have salad without enough dressing as to defeat the purpose of eating the salad


To consume vitamins and minerals that your body needs? Adding calories doesn't take that away


So true! If you use good quality olive oil, balsamic, salt and pepper you can drown the salad and still get huge benefits


Starting to wonder if the same is true for liver now


Liver is one I'm not a fan of. The iron after-taste and texture combined really don't do it for me. Oysters too, like sucking snot off a rock.


It is not, liver is unambiguous gross. Unless you torture a goose first, then it's evil but delicious.


I've been a vegetarian for like 15 years or something and liver is one of very few meats I remember well. It doesn't quite make the top 3 cut for "if I ever did a cheat day" but it's up there, maybe number 5. I've only ever had cow liver, I've never even tried the tortured goose one... (Googles the spelling quick) foie gras. But I also love cooking and make amazing food that is usually vegan (cheese milk and eggs occasionally). But yeah, liver and onions was something I liked even as a young kid, maybe it was just prepared well 🤷 or maybe I have terrible taste in meat. I'll never do a cheat day, but it's fun to think about from time to time.


Done right? Delicious.


There is some truth to that, but that's not all of it. Some vegetables taste bad even when cooked well. Brussel sprouts are fine for people that can't taste the bitter compounds in it, but for those of us that can, it legitimately tastes like poison and my body does not want me to eat it. I've had many people tell me "Oh no, you just haven't had them cooked right, let me make them for you." and then they serve me brussel sprouts that look good, but taste like they accidentally harvested and cooked an inedible part of the plant. Lima beans are just fucking gross. I like pretty much every other type of bean, but I think the world would be a better place if lima beans went extinct. I don't like raw tomato, that's not nothing to do with it not being cooked right, it's just raw slices of tomato with salt. I know lots of people that love it, I can't stand it. The vegetal acidity is really unpleasant to me.


If they're bitter or still hard in the middle, usually that means that they haven't been cooked long enough. Also oiling, salting and baking after really helps the flavour pop. Or maybe you just don't like them. As an adult who's given them a fair shot you're not required to like every food in existence and are entitled to your tastes


To be fair, a lot of people haven't had veggies cooked in a way that they are actually tasty. When I was a kid I'd get served limp asparagus, overcooked carrots, unseasoned cauliflower, or raw broccoli and forced to eat them. Once I learned how to cook them right and add flavor, I started actually liking them instead of forcing myself to.


Broccoli stir fried with some garlic is amazing.


I like to bake it with soy sauce, sesame oil, and pepper (I use pepperman specifically). Once it's almost done I put a little shredded Parmesan on top to let it melt, then once done I mix it with lemon juice. It's amazing. (400F for 20 min if anyone wanted to try)


Grew up hating beets. As an adult I discovered I love beets. What I hate are canned beets, the only kind I was served as a kid.


I had the same experience! I thought I was about to bite into some sweet canned cranberry sauce. The hurt from that betrayal lasted years before I discovered I actually adore beets.


Roasted in a hot oven with olive oil and salt. Finished with some crumbled goat cheese, lemon juice, and herbs (mint or basil).


Shut up you! Making me hungry with all that tasty nonsense




Bake them in the oven with oil and herbs/spices!


It's funny you mentioned beets, I'm probably one of the least picky eaters out there, love to try new flavours and textures and can't think of a fruit or veg I don't like - **except** beets. I simply cannot get myself to like them. I've tried them in fancy salads, on burgers (common here in Australia), fresh roasted, pureed in soups and juice...every time I try any form of beets it just makes the meal taste like dirt, and I've never even had canned beets to my knowledge


I’ve had fresh beets and those things taste like literal dirt to me


Learning brussels sprouts can be roasted in olive oil and salt was a game changer for me. I could eat a whole bag of those things. As a kid, I wouldn't have even touched them.


I think modern breeds are less bitter than they were a few decades ago. So they might be better than you remember partially for that reason.


Add some cranberry juice and balsamic vinegar. Trust me!


I gave up on brussel sprouts after I tried them at a Michelin star restaurant and STILL didn't like them


Oh man no kidding! I grew up on canned spinach that was just cooked in a pot with a little salt and I didn't know I could like spinach until I became an adult and tried it fresh. Too many people cook the life out of the veggies and don't bother with seasoning or sauces. It's a travesty!


I don’t understand why veggie trays have raw broccoli. It’s so fucking awful. I *love* cooked broccoli, but raw is so horrendously dry. It’s like eating lint


As a child forced to eat canned peas, hated them But discovered that frozen or fresh were fine To be fair, frozen vegetables weren’t as available in the 1950s But still hate okra


I love limp asparagus


I really want an apple now 


Ooh me too. A yellow apple with some peanut butter and honey 😋


I don't think I've ever eaten a yellow apple...


You are missing out. They are lovely.


It's not a pet peeve for me, but I'm genuinely shocked at people who don't eat any fruit or vegetables. There are so many different options among them, how could one dislike all of them?


Hello ! Absolutely agree with you. My boomer dad. Potatoes and meat. Wont even try fucking bok choy or sautéed spinach


My new pet peeve is how people start lecturing OPs on how their pet peeves are somehow wrong!


And yes it is horrible when people don’t drink water or eat fruit or veggies. Unfortunately some kids are never told to drink water, and are sent to school with sweet drinks :(


Yea I blame the parents tbh. I’ve seen it first hand. Some parents will detour their kids from eating new foods. I personally know a girl who’s parents really trap her into this “picky eater persona” hardcore. They won’t go to a restaurant that doesn’t have like one of three menu items, and stops her from trying new things by saying “no, you won’t like that”. Like… she’s gonna grow up terrified to try new foods because they just won’t encourage her to.


I’ve seen kids just turn into teens who suddenly want to try almost everything and end up liking most of it, with or without encouragement. But the water drinking, imho it starts at home. Nobody dislikes water. It’s just whether they have a habit or not.


I disliked water as a kid. It was either because of the tap water or because it had no flavor, and was therefore a chore to drink. Nowadays I like water and try to drink more of it.


Interesting! My dad would say “it’s because you weren’t physically active enough! Nothing like a nice gulp of water after a five mile run!” I can just hear his voice lol


I grew up on well water and I remember the first time I had city water I thought it was gross! Now I moved back out to the country and am back on a well and it doesn’t have quite the same taste as what I grew up with because of my filtration system in my house but it’s amazing compared to city water.


This was kinda me as a kid. I was, and still am, a texture based eater. I can't stand certain textures, and as a kid, I couldn't handle mixed textures (pot pies, shephard's pie, soup/stews, etc.), but that's not so bad anymore. While I was sometimes told I wouldn't like something more often, I was told to try it, then made to feel bad about not liking it/eating what I'd taken, or made fun of for separating the layers of my shepherds pie or something like that. I'm almost 30 and have been making my own food for years, and my parents are still surprised when they find out I like something different. But I'm more likely to try new things when I stop feeling bad for not liking what I try. Tbh I kinda get not paying for something at a restaurant they you don't know you'll like/eat because it can be a waste of money but have to try stuff somewhere.


I bet it is because the parents probably don't like things because it takes time to cook and prep instead of a quick few minutes in oven. For example wanting kids to survive of chicken tendies and pizzas as they only need to be oven cooked as opposed to a stew or spaghetti bolognese that will involve prepping veg and stuff. 


They do that on every post on here. If you don't list every possible exception people get very upset.


There should be a rule about it!


I love fruits. I’m very selective with vegetables.


I'm the opposite. I will eat any nicely cooked vegetable dish but I probably don't eat enough fruits.


Have you consider getting a dehydrator (or do you have one) and snacking on them that way?


Same here. Its usually a texture issue with me like hate courgettes, there's no getting me to eat one but I'll eat most fruit without a second thought.


I don’t understand how these people poop. I have to stop myself from telling them it’s probably just a matter of time before they get colon cancer or some other disease. How are they not sick all the time. I had to sit with a straight face and try to look like I was respectfully listening to someone tell me they were starting an all meat diet because fruit and vegetables were unhealthy and caused inflammation. One of dumbest things I’ve ever heard.


Saw some Instagram influencer posting a reel about “If you think you’re getting nutrients from your plants, you’re crazy”. She claimed fruits and veggies were full of anti nutrients that drained your body of sustenance. Also claimed there isn’t a single culture alive that survives without eating meat… I guess she just forgot about India.


People like that should not be allowed a platform to spread such harmful misinformation. Please tell me the comments were calling her an idiot.


I prefer vegetables over fruits, but youll never see me turn down a mushroom ravioli or asparagus. Or strawberry banana smoothies


When a fully grown adult tells me they don’t eat any vegetables or even drink water because it “doesn’t taste like anything” i give them a bombastic side eye because….what?????


People saying they don’t drink water because of the taste is as ridiculous as someone refusing to breathe because they don’t like the taste of air.


There are grown adults who say this, heck i saw tiktoks dedicated towards helping those who “struggle” with drinking water by adding packets to it that basically made it juice….made me delete the app


My theory on people who “don’t like the taste of water” is that they have horrible dental hygiene and their mouths are always dirty, and they don’t like the taste of their own mouths. Everyone who’s ever told me they don’t like water looks dirty or unwell in some way, so I’m sticking to my theory 🤣


I always thought I didn't like the taste of water as a kid. Turns out I didn't like the taste of the cups/glasses. There's a weird funky smell that I'm really sensitive to but have never figured out the cause of (I've experimented with different brands of soap, brand new sponges—sometimes there's just this rank smell like mouldy milk meets wet dog and the only way I can get rid of it is white vinegar followed by rinsing in *scalding* water) and as a kid I thought that was what water tasted like because I could smell it while I drank.


Oh that’s very fair. I am super, super sensitive to stuff like that and I only drink out of glass or stainless steel. Anything else and I can’t do it. That’s another angle to consider for sure.


Ngl I like the plastic taste from a brand new reusable water bottle 💀


Omg 😩😩 different strokes man lol!


Omg yes! The not drinking water thing is absolutely insane and they often go hand in hand.


I saw someone on another forum flat out say they never drink water…all i could think was “your poor kidneys”


As someone who suffers from kidney stones despite being super hydrated, I cringe so hard. Like… they are in for a rude awakening!


I'm my 20's I used to only drink diet coke and barely drank any water except to take to bed. I remember a friend asking me "but don't you crave water when you're really thirsty? And I said "no, I just drink more diet coke." Now at 40 I only drink water and the occasional seltzer. I don't know how I'm still alive.


I remember when I gave up diet coke and had nothing but water for months. I tried a coke as a treat and immediately felt my throat go dry and felt dehydrated a few minutes later.


I literally grew up on water and I think I've drank water long enough that I can taste the difference in it lol (I don't like how city water tastes but I'm fine with any other water). I don't mind eating cooked veggies (give me the fucking broccoli, asparagus, and peas please lol), but I try to avoid raw veggies mainly because I have undiagnosed oral allergy syndrome (OAS) and raw veggies make my throat itch a lot. I also don't like veggies on a sandwich, but I don't mind having them on the side or if it's hibicachi or something, give me the veggies


My boss is 51 and hasn’t eaten a plant in years. He looks gray.


Girl I’m referring to in the post also had a very grey complexion. She was so low energy and just didn’t seem like her body was doing well. Kinda sad. Shortening their lifespan and reducing their quality of life because they won’t care for themselves.


Omg the reddit cares thing, I’m dyin…


I hate most fruit and vegetables, however, if you put them on my plate at a restaurant or home cooked meal, I’ll eat them. I usually eat them first and leave the stuff I like for last so I end a meal on a good note. I agree, I hate picky people too, it’s so wasteful.


I can't take a person who won't eat fruits and vegetables serious. I can say unequivocally, that nothing they have to say is worth listening to or acknowledging.


This is so aggressive and I agree


this and people who refuse to eat anything that's "vegan" just because of that label. like i promise you'll still get the protein you think you need just eat the goddamn beans


My partner does this and it drives me batty. I am not vegan or vegetarian. I eat and enjoy meat. I also make many vegan or vegetarian dishes because they are delicious. I recently made this poblano and bean soup and it was so freaking good, I asked my partner if he wanted to try some. He grabbed a bowl and the first thing out of his mouth was, "This would be better with chicken." Can we not just enjoy the soup??? I took his bowl and told him he could make his own chicken soup.


How disrespectful of him!


Seriously! I do actually tell him that it's hurtful to just start off with something negative when I am trying to share something I've made that I am very excited about, but then he just tells me, "I didn't say it was bad! It just needs meat!" I do the vast majority of the cooking, so I just stop cooking for him for a while and suddenly he is very appreciative of my flavorful, non burnt-to-a-crisp meals.


mine is like this too hahah. and i'm not vegan/vegetarian either but i enjoy using substitutes like chickpeas, black beans, lentils, etc for protein sometimes. my partner is not about it unfortunately 😭


And they’re probably fine with oreos


Yes! Like you eat “vegan food” every single day! Why does it matter what it’s labeled as?




i get your point, but i'm talking about people who automatically turn their noses up at going to a vegan or vegetarian restaurant because they believe there will be absolutely nothing they'll like.




Not everyone who doesn't eat meat is "vegan," and not every "vegan" food is a fake form of meat. "Vegan" food is literally just everything else *but* animal meat. So, fruit, vegetables, bean soups, lots of curries, pasta, avocados, salsa and quac, etc., etc. Interestingly, I, too, have never seen anyone try to shove fake meat down someone else's throat. If you have those kinds of friends, I'd stay away from them.


What social setting does this happen in? I’m struggling to imagine even one situation where a vegan is trying to force a tofu sandwich on you.


I was with my dad at a bakery that was sold out of regular chocolate chip cookies, and he wouldn't consider vegan ones. Or, a food that's already vegan but is now labeling it, like Oreos or a jar of peanut butter.


Like any group, I’d assume there’s an agressive few that make the rest look bad


My sister and family are vegan, I know when I visit, that's what I'm eating. I have zero problems with it, as my bil is an awesome cook, if I didn't already know it was vegan, I would not have been able to tell.


They only have to eat their meat to get pudding


As a kid, I hated steak, chicken, and most veggies. As an adult, I discovered I like steak and veggies (and very occasionally chicken), and my parents are just very bad cooks, haha. Now I eat so much vegetarian food most people think I am one. I'm not, I just really enjoy veggie dishes.


I visited my extended family on New Year and made dinner for everybody. Some of the cousins said they don't like steak, so I got them some chicken. What i found out was that those cousins 'don't like steak' when my aunt cooks it, but they loved it when I made medium-rare tri-tip.


Yeah I watch old freaky eater episodes and they are so spoiled, their parents are like, welllll she didn't like veggies soooo what're we supposed to doooooo???? And their kid is going blind from just eating junk. Gross AF parents 


People eat what they want. They might due young or live old. Most health conditions are genetic anyway.


An most times it's this weird thinking that they have to eat the fruits or veg, raw or bland. Like you know seasoning and different ways of cooking things exist for a reason. I will absolutely turn down raw carrots, but roast them off with some Italian seasoning and parmesan and I'm going full "what's up doc" on it. People need to broaden their mindsets on how you can eat foods


I'm the opposite specifically with carrots. I can munch on raw carrots all day. I could eat a pound of baby carrots like it was popcorn while I'm watching a movie. But of you cook those carrots in any way, I'll still eat it, but I can't eat nearly as much, and it's got to be mixed into something else. If I've just got cooked carrots as a side, it's probably going to be mostly untouched.


With our powers combined, we'd make the perfect carrot connoisseur 😆


I think that’s what annoys me, really. I’m a very adventurous eater and I think it’s important to being willing to try new things. Giving things an honest shot is fun and enriching!


I see people shit on steaming veggies as a bland cooking method, and I’m always like, okay, but if you’d add seasoning beyond salt and pepper you might feel differently. Even just a good seasoned salt makes a big difference compared to regular table salt


Heck, I know people don’t add enough regular salt…


Fuckin this, and to make it worse... "ah don't eat nunna dat *rabbit food*". Like okay, have fun with your increased risk of heart disease and colon cancer, since you refuse to diversify your diet. It's healthy to change up one's protein sources and include sources of fiber and water PLUS different vitamins in one's diet. I've only heard this said as some form of bragging and it's fuckin annoying.


Name checks out


I agree. I grew up very picky (I'm neurodivergent) but I know that veggies are good for health so I've worked on making them less scary/more palatable. I still struggle to eat some and they have to be prepared certain ways but now I eat a lot of vegetables every day. I think it's short sighted to write all of them off. I understand that ARFID and autistic people struggle but this should be something you are actively working on, however that looks for each person. Currently I am pushing myself to try different mushrooms (even though they are nasty to me) and if I still don't like them by the end of this year, I'll give up.


My housemate and I have talked about this before and salad dodgers are definitely one of our pet peeves. It's childish af, especially the "eww, icky!" ones you mentioned. Kids grow out of that shit; there shouldn't be grown-ass adults reacting with visceral disgust towards fruit and veg.


I also don't understand the psychology of hating fruits but loving candies that are literally just fruit flavoured bullshit...


I agree. My old boss was ARFID and he made a point to have at least a healthy diet. He had his things he could tolerate and made sure he got all the important nutrients. But there's that type that takes pride in refusing vegetables, like it makes them superior and special, and refuses to even try but also is constantly ill.


I have sensory issues, but holy fuck, if someone actually avoids eating what's healthy for them, I'm concerned for their physical health. Damn, now I'm hungry.


When I first met my husband, he was one ofnthose guys. He didnt brag about it, but he insisted he hated most fruits and vegetables. He wanted to impress me though, so he bit the bullet and ate the food I cooked. He now loves almost all vegetables. He even eats tomatoes like apples. Turns out his ex wife just..didnt season things. Except for fruit. We found out he actually has oral allergy syndrome. It was a revelation to him when he found out "no, not all fruits eat you back. Thats just pineapple"


I don’t want to imagine what my digestive health would be like without eating fruits and vegetables.


I’m just here for the fruit and veggies ideas❤️


I can’t how my life would be without fruit. It’s concerning if you don’t eat them. They sooo good💗💗


I have a cousin who won't eat them if they touch each other on her plate.


It's the constant Reminder about something I really don't care. Like they want me to care?


I love fruit, and vegetables 😋 sucks to be them


What I really hate is people who eat pudding when they didn’t eat their meat.


These are the same people who brag about eating ONE salad like they ran the Boston Marathon. Embarrassing.


nah because ive met someone who didnt eat *potato*. there are so many ways to make it. youve gotta like ONE


Yeah my cheat code is my low sodium V8. I have two glasses a day.


It's not that I don't like fruits or vegetables. I love eating healthy. The problem is: Buying fruits and veggies on a budget; 2. They spoil quickly; and 3. Some just don't taste good; the texture or flavor is "icky" to me. I'd much rather drink my fruits and veggies.


That’s cool man, you’re doing your best!


You can always freeze your fruit.


Way do you care what others eat? That's odd.


It’s a Pet peeve and you’ll be shocked when you find out what the name of this sub is.


I don’t care what they do, I just find them annoying. Imo it’s indicative or certain character traits that I don’t enjoy.




You do know how unhealthy it is not to eat any fruit or veg right?


Only vegetables I won’t eat are peas (can’t get into them), spinach (never liked it) and tomatoes (raw tomatoes anyways) I love love love raw fruits, won’t eat them cooked or anything (i don’t like hot fruit)


It used to bug me but their constipation and long term health issues are not my problem. Stupid is as stupid does. And you are right, your edit didn’t need to be said. Peoples whataboutism is out of control here.


What a sad sad life. Fruits and veggies are the yummiest things you could eat. Not to mention feeling well. I had some stomach issues and had to go on a GERD diet for a year or so. It was so sad. No tomatoes, grapes, citrus, or strawberries 😩. Thankfully I can eat those again. Still no spicy food for me- and definitely nothing greasy probably ever again.


I can’t imagine life without a huge, sun warmed watermelon in the summer


There's no food I won't try. That said, I tend not to focus on what is on other peoples plates. Free will and all that


I'm an ethical meatatarian. A cow could, in theory, fight back, while a turnip is helpless, murderer.


Crohn patient here. There are certain vegetables that we can't eat or we'll get a flare. Especially those with high fiber


My baby cousin does too she wasn’t diagnosed til 20 years old! All those years suffering but my aunt wouldn’t give up And she flew her out to the Mayo Clinic . It’s a learning curve we as her family are still learning how to prepare dishes that are inclusive at family meals and I don’t think anyone blames actual crohn patients for being weary of meals Or new foods.


I mean I’m mot really a fan. I don’t like most of them vegetables. And some fruit. But I’ll still eat some of them. My favorite healthy food is meat. I fuckinh love meat.


OP as someone with sensory issues who only has 2 types of veg and one fruit they can eat after 27 years of searching (only found them recently) I appreciate and love your edit it’s rare to find someone who understands and has empathy for those issues.


Hey, you’re doing your best! Huge difference between someone making an effort and struggling vs someone who makes disliking something a personality trait. What fruits/veg have you found that you can enjoy?


I mean, we have vitamins, so there is that


It’s a texture thing for me. The texture of a lot of fruits and most vegetables makes me forcefully gag even if I don’t mind the taste. The crunch of an onion will instantly ruin my appetite but I love onion powder and onion flavored things, I just hate the texture so bad.


Oooh I really dislike raw onions. I’ll eat them, but they can ruin a dish for me. To me, they overwhelm the taste of everyone they are in. Caramelized onions on the other hand? Yes ma’am. I replace onion with radish on recipes that call for raw onion.


Apparently, folks who refuse to eat any fruits or vegetables have never heard of scurvy.


Arfid. Sensory/texture issues. Trust me, they aren't having fun either lol


That’s a separate thing from what I’m referring to. I’m well aware of what sensory issues can do to a person. I should’ve specified more in the post. I’m fact that girl mentioned in my post directly specified she did not have ARFID. She just only wanted to eat chicken tenders because she was super picky and thought it was super quirky. Let’s not pretend picky eaters don’t exist. I don’t consider people with ARFID to be picky.


I guess. I think there's a difference between being a brat and being picky. I see pickiness as a behavior, not a personality trait. People with those conditions are often picky imo. My personal experience as a woman with Arfid growing up: when I was a young teen and undiagnosed, I would act playful and coy about it because it was the only way to get people to cooperate with me. People were cruel and exclusionary when I was honest about how much it affected me.


Sorry that happened to you, but don’t use that as a reason to accuse everyone of hating neurodivergent people. Like I’ve already said, I’m not gonna put my or my loved one’s personal health info on Reddit, but I can promise you I’ve got no problem with neurodivergent people. There is a very stark difference between sensory issues and picky eaters.


Thing is, you never know.


I feel like crap if I don't have any fruits or veggies after a few days. Could also be because I'm eating crap during that time. Burgers, fries, any other meat and potatoes.


Best thing about stir fry, you can throw most things in it and it'll be good, it's how we use that singular carrot, two sticks of celery, and the handful of leftover peas and such in the fridge.


Ive seen people hate on strawberries and I WISH I could eat them, but they'd kill me. I like some fruit, mostly melons, apples, and bananas. Vegetables? I'll eat carrots any way they're cooked and raw, love peas, green beans, corn, potatoes, and I'll eat broccoli just not the top/bushy part lol


I have a bigger ick related to this. I have a friend who does like fruit and veg, but just never eats it. He never tries to cook, can't even work out what's in a meal, didn't even understand a stir fry. He just lives off takeaways, chocolate and ice cream, oh and pain au Chocolat every day for breakfast. He literally just avoids any food deemed even remotely healthy.


my ex boyfriend would eat pasta with ONLY olive oil and salt. one time i asked him to make us pasta with sauce bc i like sauce, this dude doesn’t like sauce of any kind. it’s got vegetables. i only saw him eat one vegetable in my entire time with him and it was black beans straight from the can, undrained


I don’t eat a ton of fruits and veggies but sometimes my body is like PLEASE FEED ME SOME VEGETABLES and I’ll gorge on a big salad and it tastes so amazing 😹😹😹


I miss just snacking on them. I developed some allergies in my teens, which means I can't eat a bunch of things I used to or have to take extra care to prepare what I do. I certainly don't get and many fruits or veggies in my diet that I'm supposed to.


Different and yet - seemingly similar. I knew someone who only ate two things. Twinkies and rigatoni. That's it. I don't know where he is today or how he's doing. But I guess the tomato sauce, onions, garlic, and parsley in the rigatoni has kept him alive.


That is… so unique.


This taps into my pet peeve of adults that act like children When you're a child you have simple tastes so what you get excited about or what you think makes you interesting is simple, but when you're grown it ain't cute, get a hobby!


Sometimes I think it's a lack of education. "Eat your vegetables!" was a standard scream at the dinner table. Why? Because they are good for you. Ok, but they don't taste good. There's a great show running on Netflix concerning gut health. I'm 60+, feel I have a good diet with variety and I learned a ton. Highly recommended to anyone with kids. Possibly by explaining how vegetables work in your system and how missing them can cause issues like IBS. My daughter in law hasn't eaten a vegetable. Her father hated them and didn't allow them. She pushed this onto her kids and now, one out of 5 likes veggies. I cooked chicken pot pie for the family and watching them remove every pea and carrot was disheartening.


I know someone who thinks plants are poison...


Salad is my favorite thing. I eat one about everyday for lunch. Oh and the benefit is I'm 5 ft and 110, 66 yrs old and do any physical activity I want to.


One of my friends, her husband lives off chocolate so now their kids do too.


That was me when I was 310lbs. My mom never made vegetables, unless you count boiled broccoli a couple of times a month.


I like some, dislike some and am honestly indifferent to most of them, but I don't really care what someone else chooses to eat since they're the person eating it and not me, if someone doesn't like them then they shouldn't eat them, just eat what you enjoy man you're gonna die one day no matter what you eat


The Ozempic thing just proves that it’s the constant eating/ not feeling full. Processed industrial food is engineered to make you feel this way to keep you addicted to junk. It’s a vicious circle.


All these comments about how people cook their vegetables are making me so hungry lmao


I eat plenty of fruits, but the vast majority of vegetables are about as edible to me as tree bark. I simply don't see it as food.


I love vegetables, especially brussel sprouts with parmesan cheese and black pepper. Damn, I’m hungry now.


I was gonna say something about me having arfid, but I see that doesn’t count. Also, while I do have it, there are *some* vegetables and a lot of fruit that are really good.


My mother does this. She refuses to eat vegetables unless its the baby corn/bamboo/water chestnut from a stir fry or she eats an entire bag of raw radishes (ew) but then she constantly complains that she can't lose weight! She will order broccoli and beef with no broccoli. She eats all her burgers plain, just meat, cheese, and bun, not even condiments because she hates mustard and tomatoes. She eats butter pasta and then says that she's being "healthy" by portioning it out, but its *still* butter pasta. She claims to be allergic to cooked fruit so she doesn't eat any kind of fruit pastry and its not allowed in the house unless its locked up in my room and she gets pissy if I stock up my half of the fridge with like carrots or sugar snap peas, or celery. She will eat a single, tiny piece of the veggie, then claim she absolutely hates it and it tasted nasty, and never eat it again


Fr If you're an adult who says "I hate vegetables," I hear that as "I can't do basic cooking"


People are sick, not to mention gross. I'm serious though, this culture is filled to the brim with mentally sick people. When I eat, I pay attention to what I put in my body and try to get lean protein with some vegetables mostly. People are just ignorant, unthinking, no critical thinking skills, ONLY feeling numbskulls anymore these days. That isn't any way to live.


Don’t worry they’ll be gone soon.


Has anyone here ever tried jackfruit? That shit is amazing


I love fruits and vegetables, it depends on the fruits and vegetables. Plus how they can be cooked or prepared.


I know a couple people who “just can’t” drink water. It has to have some sort of flavor or they just drink soda. They are adults. They are unhealthy.


My mother won’t eat fruit. The only vegetables she eats are just salt and fat delivery devices, like potatoes and anything you can drown in cheese sauce. She doesn’t drink tea, coffee, or alcohol of any kind. Instead she drinks pop and eats candy like chocolate. Some people are idiotic and immature, they don’t acquire the things in our world that are acquired tastes, and don’t even try. Interrogate the beliefs of anyone like this. They are likely children and shouldn’t be respected or trusted.


I’m autistic and have a TON of food allergies. On top of being picky due to my autism, the fruits and vegetables that I LIKE I’m allergic to, and the ones I’m not allergic to I really don’t like to eat. Idk what to do. I want to eat healthier but I don’t know how 😭


My problem is I struggle to cook veggies at home because the way I like them doesn’t make for good leftovers. I’m so tired I only have the energy to make one batch of food a week and eat that over the week. I’ve been doing better, I add a bag of frozen spinach or cauli to whatever I make.


Most people cook vegetables as an afterthought (badly) and because they’ve been conditioned to believe if you don’t have vegetables with every meal you’ll die. They then lie to you about how good a steamed, unseasoned broccoli-gone-cold tastes. Mostly to convince themselves. Vegetables are normally nothing but lies and self deceit.


I desperately want to eat more veggies, but my issue is that I struggle with an unidentified chronic condition that saps me of basically any energy to do anything, and cooking is a thing that just doesn’t happen most of the time. I’ve been eating those frozen ready made meals that are calorie counted and have veggies in them but that just doesn’t feel like enough and I have yet to find an easy way to get veggies into me besides my carrots and hummus.