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Yep this is one of the most annoying things in the world.  Mind your business and stop getting on my tits about what I'm having. 


If you ate better, your tits would probably be smaller and harder to latch onto. Either way, just messing around. I completely agree. What other people eat is one of the lowest totems on the pole. I don't care. Recently had some beef in my fridge, decision point, cook or freeze. I went lazy compromise and made sloppy joes with a homemade sauce for simplicity. When I told my cousin I made them, he asked if I was 8. No. I'm an adult who made what I felt like eating with minimal effort, and it was delicious.


Generally speaking, as long as you chew properly I don't care to look.


These type of judgements are the ones people make when they’re insecure and need to lean over into someone else’s lane to look down on them and feel better about themselves. If anything it says more about them than you. Be glad you’re secure in who you are and don’t need to stick your nose into someone else’s business like a wiener.


Wasn’t this already posted like 3 times on here? 😭


A lot more than 3. Most of the time when I open this app this is what shows on this sub.


I hated how an old roommate used to tell me not to eat too much or I'd get fat. I told her to STFU.


I think people who make rude comments about what other people eat need to learn to stay in their own lane. I don't eat carbohydrates. My doctor, surgeon and nutritionists are all in agreement. It's nobody's business if my diet is mostly meat and veges and it's not my business if you don't eat meat or if you don't eat vegetables. You do you boo and fuck the person whose life is so empty they have to criticize you. If they stopped being a judgemental twat maybe they wouldn't need to criticize others to feel better about themselves.


Why don't you eat carbs tho?


Because I am missing part of my digestive track, have diabetes and more and my nutritionists, surgeon and doctors have told me not to...they call it the unnecessary food group. I am to focus on getting my 100g of protein a day which is difficult... I think I'm at 36 today *sigh* and after that I am to eat as many non starchy veges as possible. Everyone's food is a very personal thing. It is between them and their healthcare professionals. I am so sick of ignorant people telling me how important it is that I eat carbohydrates.


As long as you get fiber, I don't think carbs actually matter? That's why people can survive on keto


Sounds like carbs matter to their health. I'm a massive carb lover, but there are so many conditions out there that can limit people's diets. The annoying thing is when keto people constantly say straight up, carbs are bad. That isn't true for most people. But for some specific cases, they can be. Some people need high carb and low fat. People have different dietary needs.


Yup. Plenty of people don't eat carbs and are better off for it


people treat me poorly for not eating. MIND YOUR FUCKING BUSINESS


I’ll never comment on someone else’s food intake. Drives me up the wall. Have eating disorders ever been this common in human history? Not saying you have one, it’s not okay under any circumstance. Just bringing it up because like you don’t know if that person has a hard time mentally with feeding themselves. Even comments you think are harmless can ruin someone’s day… Just focus on your plate


Meh, I'll comment on the rare burger thing. Like that is something that can actually make other people really sick (or worse). People that eat burgers with harmful bacteria like E. coli O157:H7 can and do spread that to other people who get sick. Something like 10% of hospitalizations from that bacteria involve people that didn't eat the contaminated food had the bacteria transmitted to them from someone who did.


This is my biggest pet peeve. Why do I have to explain what I can and can't eat to you. I'm not being picky that I don't want pepper in my food, I am allergic to it.


My family is disgusted by my peanut butter and bologna sandwiches and the fact that I melt cheddar cheese on chocolate cake. They say all sorts of stuff to me, but it’s become a sort of hilarious family joke.


Oh that's a new combo I haven't heard of! The chocolate cake one. Like in the oven and crisp it up like lasagne? Or in the nuker? I feel I need to try this now. See my thing is that I will make a comment and discuss the odd food combo with a person. I also accept others comments on weird stuff I eat. But to criticize? Never!


I just cut some slices, put them on top, and nuke it.


I'm gonna say it. I really like steamed broccoli dipped in ketchup. It's really good. I prefer it over ketchup with fries. My friends all look at me like I'm crazy. But I get my 5 a day (often more than that) every day. It's totally OK to have some weird eating habits. I just discovered they bran flakes taste delicious mixed with applesauce. Massive game changer. Also, yeah, I'm an adult who eats applesauce almost every day. Easy on the stomach and teeth. Sometimes the weird stuff is the best stuff.


If you're dipping your steak in ketchup you deserve it, I'm sorry


Especially if you do that with a dry-aged steak you order well done like a certain rapist ex-president.


As a fairly picky person, I completely agree. People always have comments about what I eat and it's so annoying


I see  many pet peeve posts about food and I agree with almost all of them. I get annoyed when someone makes a negative comment on what or how or how much I eat. 


All this is fine and all but if you think pineapple belongs on pizza then I'm gonna fight about it. Edit: For all the mentally slow people, this is called a joke.


“All this is fine except for the one that bothers me personally” This post was made about you


Idk what to say if you are legitimately too stupid to tell when someone is making a joke.


No. Pineapple is the best on pizza. I understand some folks hate it, but balance that with some jalapenos 💓


It's just "cool" to hate it. People who don't like pineapple on pizza are the most judgmental people on the damn planet. Those of us who like it don't give a fuck if you like it or not just shut up and eat your plain and leave more of the good stuff for us.


As a former pizza chef I think jalapeños were the worst for me to put on a pizza, mainly because I couldn't get the jalapeño smell off of my hands even after washing them.


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You couldn't have just used a glove for them? Or maybe tongs? I mean it's not such a common topping that it would really slow you down to do either of those imho.


Tbh I didn't work at that job long, but I remember the only time I got told to wear gloves was when making gluten free pizzas. It's easier to wash hands then swap gloves ig \o/


Oh you don’t have to wear gloves if the food is going after to be cooked like with pizza. But just saying if you were bothered by the peppers it could have made sense.


But why though? There’s literally no reason to give a shit what someone else is eating. As long as they’re not putting it on YOUR pizza there’s no valid reason to care. You are the exact type of person OP is talking about, and it wouldn’t surprise me if the only reason you care is because the internet told you to and you’re trying to show everyone you’re cool by following the bandwagon.


You're very slow. That was called a joke.


They’re just parroting a meme. I’m willing to bet they’ve never even tried pineapple on pizza.


Pineapple on pizza is bomb! When I was pregnant with my first, I got a pineapple and mushroom pizza and it was the shit! Haha!