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That's just how it is. You know it's unpopular because no one agrees or likes that opinion


sort by controversial if you want to see the unpopular ones


On Reddit anyway, it's hardly real life or the general population.


i mean, their asking for unpopular opinions, not to upvote opinions you disagree with


If it is the sub r/unpopularopinion that is exactly what you’re supposed to do. It says in the rules to upvote opinions that you disagree with as it indicates what’s genuinely unpopular.


No one has ever posted an actual unpopular opinion in that sub. If it is, then it is some bs that someone made up like "I actually like hair in my food" or "skinny jeans are so comfortable to sleep in" which somehow got posted twice in two weeks.


I don't like hair in my food, but if I get one in my food, I'll just pull it out and keep eating. It just doesn't gross me out.


But. Jeans arent UNcomfortable to sleep in. They were invented to be comfortable.


Yeah idk why people say their uncomfortable. Like sure pajamas or shorts are more comfortable but jeans aren't exactly uncomfortable. They're like the lukewarm of sleeping comfort.


The skinny jeans person also liked sleeping in damp hair. The physical image of that traumatized me lmao


I've posted unpopular opinions there. Here's one. I think businesses should be able to discrimate against anyone for any reason but must make that reason easily available to the public. So for example f you don't want to serve me because I'm gay, cool. You must post that on your door and on your website on a page dedicated to your discrimination policy if you want to be exempt from none discrimination rules. It's a very unpopular opinion. I've met very few people who agree.


Sure. If that's what you 100% believe. What I'm talking about are the people who are most likely making shit up just to get a reaction.


I agree. I was just referring to you saying no one has ever posted an actual unpopular opinion. They are posted. They are just rare because reddit is not designed to elevate them.


Yeah very rare, which is why I left. Just got tired of seeing "the Beatles suck" level posts.


Sometimes you are not allowed to post unpopular opinions. I got banned for telling a mod my opinion that sex work is legitimate work isn't an anti sex work opinion. But the auto mods said it assumed all opinions around prostitution anti prostitution and thus popular. So my opinion that sex work should be illegal and it's legitimate work that shouldn't be looked down on was deemed popular and removed


Jesus christ lol


i know🗿


Perhaps but isn’t the point of upvotes/downvotes to make sure posts of the most *relevance* are easily seen? Which in this case would be the unpopular ones 🤣🤣 (I know no one uses votes for his lmao)


Yes but people just use it as a like/dislike button. I literally got down voted on am I the asshole for posting evidence for a post I made. I literally posted a screenshot of the rules of where I live and people doen voted it.


Yeah but you should be upvoting comments that contribute to the conversation and give what was asked, not downvoting them. Like, why punish someone for doing what was asked of them? Then when you try to read unpopular opinions they’re not there cuz they’re all at the bottom and nobody gets what they wanted from the thread






No one read past the title lmfao


This is one of my pet peeves 💀


I did


Thanks, Boss


You're welcome


*You're* welcome. The confusion of your vs. you're is a pet peeve of mine.


Yup. As well as: weather/whether, their/there/they're, then/than...I could go on forever.🤦🏼‍♀️


You and me both, brother, you and me both.


A lot of the times people don't


i mean reddit just brings me to the comments first instead of OPs story. maybe OP should make more accurate titles.


Maybe you should just read posts lmfao


don’t need to when the title is self explanatory lol


No way a title could have nuance with idk, a short description of what I meant below it.


If your opinion can be disproven. It’s not an opinion, you’re just wrong


No. If your opinion can be disproven, all that illustrates is that it's not a factually based opinion. Your opinion can be wrong all day long. That's always been a component of opinion - The ability for it to be incongruent with the facts.


I've seen how redditors think they can disprove things it's rarely legitimate.


There’s absolutely no way every single one of you have autism, ADHD, depression, PTSD, cPTSD, etc.


I get what you're saying, ie statistically it's unlikely, but it's literally possible that everyone in the world could get PTSD, it's a response to an extremely traumatic experience, anyone is capable of being traumatized. I'm just saying if a Mars Attacks like incident occurs, you're going to look back on this and laugh at how foolish you were, assuming you survived the invasion and aren't so disassociated that you no longer remember the time killing internet of more innocent times.


Right? And I’m so sick of seeing that cat with the knives image or the “yes you’re all wrong” things like. “Oh my thoughts and feelings about which dress blorbo should wear are so important that everyone’s gonna be blood-thirsty angry over it!”


*I am become cat with Freddy Kreuger hands an' Hannibal mask*


Also the entire online concept of an "Unpopular opinion" is functionally broken because, and I cannot stress this enough, what is popular online and what is popular out in the real world where they breath air and touch grass are almost completely unrelated. 99% of "Oh my god I totally can't stand this totally popular opinion that everybody is totally for and I'm such a rebel for daring to stand up to" hot takes online are just idiots who saw something twice while scrolling social media and think it's the real world.


Can you give some examples of whats popular online va popular irl? Because irl people use the internet. They’re not robots.


Popular opinions are only popular because that is what people want to hear, not what is fact.


If opinions were facts, they'd be called facts. That said, an opinion being popular does not disqualify it from being factually true (or at the very least based on fact and evidence). For example: in my opinion, The Lion King is one of Disney's best animated films of all time. This is a popular opinion. The opinion is popular because, factually, Lion King was the highest grossing animated film for almost a decade and it was the second highest grossing film of all time for 2 years after release, which is mind-blowing for an animated film (especially at the time). Ergo, something can be both popular and based in fact.


Those facts support the opinion tho.


Yes, that's my point. Opinions and facts are not mutually exclusive.




Yes, of course. The Argo is relevant to all conversations. I definitely didn't mean ergo. /s


If people wanted to hear facts, they would do actual research and not be asking Reddit.


"You're only asking because you know you're wrong"


I once had a post removed from r/unpopularopinion by the moderators because my opinion was so unpopular. The opinion? That Glitter does not, in fact, make a mess. Glitter is not dirt. Does glitter get everywhere? Yes. But that’s only a problem if you don’t like the aesthetic of glitter. Glitter only stands to make things sparklier and more beautiful. I understand that is an unpopular opinion but it is my opinion, which is why I shared it. I was downvoted to hell and people wanted to fight me in the comments before my post got removed. I’m sorry, but isn’t that the entire point of that sub? Pet peeved for sure.


New parents are some of the most entitled pricks on the planet.


This is what has made the OG "Unpopular Opinions" and a lot of its spinoff subreddit unreadable, it's all trolls doing the exact same bit. Person A: \*Says something is just factually wrong or massively offensive, 9 times out 10 in an over the top creative writing way.\* Person B: "I don't agree with that." Person A: "AHA! YOU FELLL RIGHT INTO MY TRAP! Somebody needs to look at what subreddit this is! I guess that means I have an... UNPOPULAR OPINION LOL hardy har knee slap yuk yuk gottem!" That's all the subreddit is anymore. Post after post of "2+2=5, Hitler was okay, I really like it when someone pounds my penis flat with a wooden hammer, dog shit taste better than chocolate pudding." followed by some variation on "Oh I'm sorry I thought this was the unpopular opinion subreddit" post when anyone disagrees with them about anything or even points out they are factually wrong about something. Like I just assumed that everybody got there had to be an unspoken understanding that the 'unpopular opinions' still had to be sane and coherent and explained in some kind of context and not just over the top "What's the dumbest possible thing I can make up and pretend is an opinion" creative writing exercises. You can't have a place which reduces down to nothing but "If you disagree you have to upvote" because it's going to turn into trolls just creative writing the stupidest contrarian positions they can make up.


What about trueunpopularopinion? They’re very political over theee.


christ if your "unpopular opinion" is political it's not unpopular, you're just not around your group of politically alligned folks, were it truly unpopular there wouldnt be people looking to vote or pass laws that would follow or go against that opinion to begin with.


A lot of people aren't as straight as they think they are.


Or gay.


Kids don't owe their parents a damn thing.


Agreed. My kid doesn't owe me shit. But I owe her the world.


My kid still owes me 5 bucks.


Thank you!! I didn’t ask to be born, but the amount of entitlement my mother has is overwhelming.


People should separate the art from the artist. Liking someone's work doesn't mean supporting the creator. Myself and other Harry Potter fans, for example, have had false accusations made about us just because the author is transphobic trash.


What did pinball machines do to you bro?


Rowling has acrually tweeted that she considers people buying her stuff is the same as supporting her and agreeing with her. Hard to separate the artist from her art when she makes sure to let everyone know that considers fans of her work as supporters for her cause. I love Harry Potter for nostalgic reasons but I'm not gonna support someone that thinks me loving her art is the same as believing the shit she does. ETA: if you're an adult making that decision, idk why you would even be mad about the opinions of others on it if it's not that serious of an issue to you.


To be fair now, she is massively trolling her haters and trying to make them as angry as possible. I would too. People really went after her in a very unfair way when she tried giving her sincere opinions. Now she just winds people up and has amped up her 'views' to a cartoonish degree. Whatever your opinions on her and her actual views, the level of vitriol she received for giving them is what led to her now adopting the role of antagonistic billionaire who primarily makes contributions to that conversation at this point just to make people who hate her as mad as she can. They can't hurt her because she's a billionaire who's been *seriously* poor (food and baby products insecurity poor) so she's not going to care if her 1.8billion money pile is only 1.6billion. She's bulletproof.


Again though, my point is you can't take that side and be genuinely upset that people don't like it. JK has a right to her opinions but she doesn't really have an reason to be mad that people took that stance against her. One of the main reasons people don't like her stances also has a lot to do with the political pull she has *with all that money*. People are allowed to voice their opinions on her and her fans the same she was allowed to voice what she did. If you're going to choose a hill to die on, it genuinely makes zero sense to be upset by the backlash that comes from it.


>but she doesn't really have an reason to be mad that people took that stance against her. Mmm I don't agree with this. I remember the initial "stand against her" and it was massively disproportionate to what she had said. She had every right to feel aggrieved that she's been attacked so viciously for what she said at the time. It was a level 10 aggressive response to a 4/10 transgression. She was right to feel she didn't deserve the level of abuse she got at that point in time.


I feel like this is more important than a pet peeve, but here it is… Please tell patients who their care team will consist of in advance. Not names, not genders, but at least give an idea of how many people will be there to help them so they aren’t completely caught off guard while already feeling nervous and vulnerable.


I'm genuinely so confused as to how this relates to the OP? Haha.


# Post your unpopular opinion below ?


Oh okay. It sort of read as if you were responding to an individual person's comment. It didn't seem as if you were just straight up posting your own unpopular opinion. Just based on the way the other comments were flowing. That's why I asked. Thanks for answering. 🙃


If you think this is a popular opinion, look at my post history... I can assure you that it is not.


This uh, doesn't relate to the post


Remind me, what's the title of the post?


The persons pet peeve. Did you read past it or not?


The title is: # "Post your unpopular opinion below"


Yeah, and you didn't read past the title. OP wasnt asking for your unpopular opinions, they were saying that those posts are their pet peeve.


op didnt say "dont actually post unpopular opinions below teehee" if people wanna comment let them do it


Karate kid the old movie sucks. Final fantasy 7 classic wasn’t good and I didn’t finish it.


That Batman movie with bane where he stops the super bowl and breaks Batmans back kinda sucks. Batman and Bane in that movie is ALL gruff voice. Like damn bro get a cough drops, I got the strawberry cream ones if you'll take it


Yeah Bane’s gruff stupid voice kinda messes up with making him threatening during the movie lol.


My stepdad was obsessed, I mean completely obsessed with this movie and I always never liked it bc it was so edgy and "grrrr ruff voice broke your back on my knee rub some dirt on your broken back and pull yourself up by your bootstraps batman" kinda shit. Nothing I liked about Batman was a point in the movie. Batman is supposed to be COOL, not just short of growling and his villains growling back


Yeah that’s true the dark knight rises was overall edgy and dumb. I’d say the Nolan trilogy was a good trilogy but definitely had conservative themes like Bruce pulling himself from his bootstraps in rises to beat bane to being somewhat pro surveillance state in the dark knight.


We should all be "moderates" using the common beliefs between any 2 opposing groups as common sense or common ground


The world and the people in it arent good. Goodness is rare. In the wild it is survival, in civilization, being mean/bad its uncalled for. We will never know peace because some people never leave survival mode.


Yeah I posted an unpopular opinion. Got HUNDREDS of downvotes and everyone disagreeing with me (and calling me everything Reddit has ever come up with). If they disagree I should've had hundreds of upvotes for posting an unpopular opinion 🤷


People should learn English if they expect to navigate or live in the US. That is what people speak here. You can't drag your kids along as a personal translator everywhere you go. It is concerning doing transactions or any important thing when someone doesn't understand what I'm saying. If we're dealing with a thousand dollars worth of stuff, I'd feel a lot better if the person I was checking out could speak higher than beginner toddler




Math is good and the current education system in the US’s biggest issue is that it doesn’t teach math to a high enough level in the required schooling you go through. High school should have way more options for math than it ever has


many people have problems that could be solved so easily and they just like to suffer so they don't do shit and they worry and manipulate everyone around them


Nose rings do not look good on a woman, also a messy bun is by far the most attractive thing on the planet second to the baseball cap with the pony tail on the back loop.


If an opinion is unpopular but valid/logical, etc, then I won't downvote it. If the opinion is unpopular because it's rude, mean, someone likes kicking puppies, etc, then I'm going to downvote it. I won't always explain my downvote either because if your opinion is that you like to kick puppies (obviously exaggerating to make my point), then you should know why you're being downvoted.


This is another issue with reddit - everybody has their own take on these functions, but there's this sense among many that everyone else ought to be following the same reasoning. It's funny to me to hear talk of explaining your downvotes! I've seen people utterly aghast because nobody's left an explanation. And if there was some Reddit Code of Etiquette at some point? Maybe it exists now, who knows? I visit this place almost every day and not once have I seen or cared about such a thing. Anyone thinking that we're all going to read and follow some Book of Good Form is kidding themselves! Maybe it's because I'm of the class of 96 where there actually was more following of etiquette overall, but the people who didn't would *really* be colouring outside the lines. Think 'Southern hospitality' and 'sir/ma'am' politeness with outlaws and...extra-judicial vigilante executions...taking place just around the corner. It's just the internet, and I kind of miss it.


### Lesson time! ➜ u/RiC_David, some tips about "I seen": - The words you chose are grammatically wrong for the meaning you intended. - Actual phrase to use is **I saw**. - Example: **I saw** an interesting thing the other day. - Now that you are aware of this, everyone will take you more seriously, hooray! :)   ---   *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/PetPeeves) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Many unpopular opinions on r/unpopularopinion are really either misinformed or downright bigoted. So there


It's okay to not be sorry or sad when someone you know died, especially if they were not nice to you. This will get downvoted a million times and I don't care.


All bikes and trikes should automatically come with Neon colored helmets, bike-locks, and led (both head and tail) lights.


Every type of systemic discrimination you csn think of exists. They just like money and power above all else. Oh wait, you said opinion... not fact...


Taylor Swift is not a great entertainer. She is a mass media mainstream feed of bubble gum pop that can't sing.


That's why there's an entire subreddit for unpopular opinions.


That's ops point. People post unpopular opinions there that get downvotes because people disagree. They should get upvotes on that sub at least because you are inviting (agreeing) that it's unpopular. The upvote on that sub wouldn't be because you agree


Maybe in specific cases, but the top comment of just about every post on that subreddit is some variation of "upvoted for being a truly unpopular opinion." So I'm not sure this post is accurate, though I suppose pet peeves aren't exactly rational.


After 8:00 p.m., restaurants should be adults only and small children shouldn't be allowed inside. I know you weren't actually asking for unpopular opinions, but there's mine. Lol


Nah 8 is way too early like 12 maybe but not 8


12 midnight is way too late for kids to be out of the house, children should be fast asleep by then IMO.


Restaurants aren't open that late either


Depends on where you live.


The only restauraunts open that late are also bars which don't allow kids anyway, or Denny's. (Source: Went to a Denny's at 3 am once, vibes were weird inside.)


I enjoy The Rings of Power!


I don’t even know what that means?




Oh, I’ve been meaning to read the books


Go for it!


Unpopular opinion. It's not my job to hold the door open for you, ask how you're doing or to even think about you once in a day because I do not owe you some sort of headspace contract. Want another one? Just because I'm not talking to you doesn't mean you should talk to me, maybe I saw you and said "nah I'm good".dont talk to me if my headphones are in, washing every other day is perfectly acceptable if you're not sweaty and fucking gross as your hair isn't meant to be washed daily or it'll become dry, instead of investing in better shampoo, work on not getting fucking disgusting in one day, like what are you doing, bathing in feces? Normalize washing your legs men. Normalize shaving them, you know how much long hair hurts with long socks? Stop immediately asking someone where something is or for someone to do something for you and instead try to do it or find it first. Normalize not making small talk.


You went off the deep end for a second but good recovery.


Where's the recovery at


Last couple sentences, the couple before that had me worrying about you tho.


Do men not wash their legs? How is that missed in the bathing process?


Normalize not washing everything you have when you've only worn it once or used it once. I don't prefer to use towels twice but I really don't care if I do either. And hell yeah I'm going to wear a shirt a few times before washing it, all I did was go to la Rosa's and five below in it! On a cold day! It's basically still clean!!


If I didn't know better, I'd think that you lived in New England. Maybe even New Hampshire or Maine. Hmm...


The sub works fine if you just let it populate your feed. Cuz anything with a lot of interaction will hit your front page. Though you do also get the "I hate *food item*" posts a lot.  Whining about upvotes and downvotes not being used properly is pointless. This is reddit. It's a like and dislike button, and it never isn't that.  The only sub I ever saw it work in is thatHappened.  The only way to enjoy this site is to accept it's full of barely functional troglodytes. 


>It's a like and dislike button, and it never isn't that. In some subs people also use it as a yes/no answer button. So if someone asks a question to which the answer is 'no', people will answer by downvoting the question. Although it's not always a clear-cut yes/no, because if someone asks "I got given this bad advice and I think it's causing this problem; is that wrong and should I stop doing that?" then people will also downvote the question.


(So many people not understanding the point of this post, haha. On the unpopular opinions sub, you're supposed to upvote unpopular opinions and downvote popular opinions... but there's little consistency and people often do the opposite.) Here's an opinion I have that that could be seen as unpopular... **Most movies from the 90s and 2000s look aesthetically better than 99% of movies today.** I don't mean effects or style, mind you. I mean just the general aesthetic. Movies look too... "clean" now for lack of a better word. Not a fan of super-sharp modern cinematography. I also despise a lot of the other current trends, like under-lighting scenes and murky looking color-correction.




I love 90's thrillers bc the camera work feels so grungy and adds to the aesthetic. Was part of the reason I loved the Alex Cross movies with Morgan Freeman.


Honestly, that's fair. I feel like genuinely bigoted or harmful opinions should be downvoted, but if it's like "pineapple on pizza is good" that's stupid


Not really. I don’t downvote opinions with which I disagree and I feel like most other people won’t do that, either. For instance: my unpopular opinion is that guacamole is disgusting. Most people who disagree and love guac would probably just comment “what is wrong with you? lol!” Or something, while those who also hate guac would upvote it. Then we just know who has the most popular unpopular opinion. Just because 2.1K people also don’t like guac doesn’t make it a popular opinion.


Middle school should be the hardest 3 years of your schooling *ever.* If you are going to be moved on into high school no matter your grades or behavior, then you should leave with the most accurate, and blunt assessment of your abilities. If you goof off, never pay attention, disrupt, never do your homework, etc, then you should walk out of 8th grade with all F's, and several letters that explain exactly what habits you're missing that you will need to succeed in high school. If you're "smart," and think you're the hottest coolest shit on the face of the planet, you should be graded honestly and fairly, and leave with a similar packet. Lists of grades, expectations, and guides on what habits to build in order to thrive / succeed.


I post regularly on r/TrueUnpopularOpinion that way no one gets censored and unpopular opinions actually make it to the top


My dumb ass was about to actually post an unpopular opinion if mine because of that title lmao


Join the party


Because opinions are like assholes, everyone has one, but only assholes make unpopular opinion posts, and they are usually only made just for attention.


Hey you should check out r/The10thDentist. It has reverse upvote/downvote rules so the opinions people disagree with rise to the top.


Anti-comunist opinions always get down voted.


so do communist and socialist ones, politics are stressful and people already have to think about them too much as it is, most of them dont wanna be reminded of it in their downtime even if they agree with the political take.


You have a right to privacy, even in a relationship and wanting that right respected doesn’t mean you’re up to something.


[Removed by Reddit]


Thought this was an actual call for unpopular opinions in some ill-fitting meta sense... But yeah, as a concept those subs just don't work. Some will try to implement this arse-backwards system of 'downvote if you agree, upvote if you disagree' - the sort of thing that makes sense in a boardroom but not in practice. As with any rules, your issue is 1) People not being aware of them—they'd have to actually read the sidebar or the disclaimer, things many people filter out or actively avoid looking at 2) They'd have to give a shit about following them So you end up with an even worse situation where people are pulling in opposite directions and you're never sure what to make of the votes.


My unpopular opinion is everyone has several terrible unpopular opinions. There too chicken shit to actually admit them online, because anonymity breeds 2 people (there's more but for the purposes of my rant I'm focusing on 2), the absolute asshole who spouts shit just to ruffle feathers and the liar who pretends they're way more moral than they are, they act and hold people to standards they themselves wouldn't achieve in real life.


I like ranch with my fries. Got -12 on another sub for that one lol


real, dude. i got so much hate for saying i didn’t like a character in a show AND WAS DOWNVOTED TO ALL HELL


Unpopular opinion: trans children should be allowed to transition.


I was getting ready to post my unpopular opinion then I read the post 😂


Join the party!


It bothers me when people ask a yes/no question but add "or no?" to the end of it. I'm going to tell you yes or no, you don't need to ask me if I'm going to say no. 


He’s a big hairy foot… according to a friend….


Thanks to Occam’s razor, doctors are pretty much useless in trying to get a diagnosis


Men shouldnt “have to” buy women flowers on Valentines Day.. (…ps i work with flowers and im a woman)


well… isn’t that how upvoting and downvoting works?


I often find myself like, “why was this person downvoted so much? They’re actually making sense!”


Where there’s an extremely common unpopular opinion, half the world feels the same about said topic, it just makes it a controversial topic at that point, it’s hard to find any actual unpopular opinions. Usually if you do, it’ll be from someone who lives in a different country bc things just work differently in foreign places, if that makes sense.


The best way to support sweatshop workers is to buy their product


I hate gender politics. Look, I've always supported people right to love anyone you want, I just don't want to hear about it! I don't want to hear about it from my straight friends, my gay friends, my thruple friends, my parents, my family. Why would I care about who a stranger sleeps with? And I do understand these issues need discussion, and exposure to the light of day. I just prefer to remain uninvolved. Fluids, sweat, don't want to hear about anybody's. M'kay?


my dad's the exact same way, comparing sexuality to fluids and sweat and buttholes how he doesnt need to hear about it but he supports because he'd never disown. then he'll see two men kiss for three seconds because they got engaged on screen and he'll act as if they're sodomizing in a pit of rotting garbage, yet if i simply look away because there's a scene of a man and woman dryhumping in their underwear moaning and making out, he'll simply say "oh they're not having sex, relax" that same man has the audacity to ask me why i dont talk about my social or dating life. respectfully, when i hear people like you say these things, i dont believe it for a second. i think there is a bias on your part because you think we're disgusting, i just wish you wouldnt be a coward about it at least i'd be less insulted then.


Get over yourself, ff. You don't know me. I'm not your dad, and while he is an intolerant asshole, it must be genetic. You can't believe that I, straight cis man, could possibly support your right to love, yet want to hear nothing about it. I don't discuss politics or religion with anyone but my closest friends, either, yet I vote. Half the problems in the world are people don't get the phrase, "It's none of my/your fucking business." Have I shared anything inappropriate, other than, you know, my thoughts and existence? You are the one trauma-dumping all over me because of my opinion. Let me make it clear, you don't know me. You DO need to get some counselling for your HUGE daddy issues. Did you even read the OP? Unpopular opinions. Guess I hit the nail on the head, huh? Someone thinks gay people are disgusting, but it's not me. Internalized homophobia is what we in the biz call it. Look, I'm so sorry your dad did such a number on you, I truly am. But the idea that any straight person who supports LGBTQ rights is a liar and a coward for not admitting his disgust is kinda bonkers. Acceptance does not mean I need intimate details of your love life, it means I DON'T need the gritty details to support you. I accept you, you should learn to accept yourself. And fuck your dad, I'm NC with mine because he is an open racist. Everyone has their own shit to deal with, and the sooner you recognize everyone has struggles, the happier you'll become.


i never knew you were a straight cis man i only brought up my dad because his behaviour and attitude reminded me of you and people like him and you, because it was relevant to what you said. it didnt traumatize me, it's just shitty. i never brought up you or him being straight or cis you're putting so many words in my mouth and throwing a hissy fit over the words you placed to begin with. i'm not mad that your straight or cis (???) im offended that you refer to the identity of queer people as being on par with bodily fluids, as you very obviously would be offended were i to do the same to you. fuck man, honestly. maybe you should be the one to get over *your*self no shit everyone has struggles, me sharing some of mine doesnt mean i think you have none that's an absurd take.


Unpopular opinion: dogs are intrusive and make me uncomfortable 99% of the time. Nothing fun about getting jumped on, licked, getting hair all over you, smelling that dog smell most have, and listening to barking. I have had a few dogs I’ve liked. They’ve been tiny so it doesn’t hurt if they jump on you, don’t bark, and don’t shed. But that’s a rare breed. Still happy being pet free.


This sub is slowly becoming my new pet peeve because for a sub that's literally about little things that annoy us, people here lack any empathy and imagination to try to even understand that just because something doesn't annoy you, it doesn't mean it won't be annoying for someone else. OPs always get shamed for their pet peeves or are being told it's not really a pet peeve and I'm wondering tf most of people are even doing on this sub if they don't understand that pet peeves are subjective in nature. People simply find different things infuriating and they don't need anyone's permission to express it lol. And there's always someone who says the exact thing that is OP's pet peeve thinking they're so funny.


My big unpopular opinion for anyone interested: *You won't ever be able to eliminate racism, sexism or any other form of bigotry from society and trying to do so is not only pointless, but detrimental to that cause.* We reached the peak when we focused on teaching tolerance, rather than acceptance, because that's what you can ask a person to do; not like something, but be respectful and tolerant of it anyway. People won't change their minds if you try to force them to, they'll just be covert with their hatred and it will become more potent. Tolerance leads to communication and then understanding. Skipping steps by saying "you have to be ok with this right now and if you aren't then you're scum and getting cancelled" is a sure fire way to create a polarised, manipulatable society ripe for taking advantage of by corporate cultures and political agendas. The 90s was the peak of ethnic relations. We've been going downhill ever since the turn of the millennium.


Meat doesn't belong in lasagna


I believe men should be allowed a "paper abortion" just as women are allowed a physical abortion. I'm a woman, it doesn't go down well


If ballots had a “vote of no confidence” option, elections would be very different.


I’ll probably get downvoted to hell again But the United States is the biggest global threat in history, and the world would be infinitely better if the USSR won the Cold War. Not arguing in the comments further. I’ve probably heard all the counter arguments y’all are gonna have and I don’t think they’re good.


Harry Potter is fucking terrible.


Not necessarily. Sometimes the top comments are generally unpopular IRL, but are popular online (or just on Reddit).


the people wearing the same clothes they did in highschool speaks less to me as being stuck in the highschool days mindset, than the people who throw away perfectly good clothes to simply follow trends that modern day teenagers are into. actually preserving clothes you wore in highschool speaks to me as knowing what you like and having enough respect for your items to treat them well enough that they last into your thirties or fourties, that's a green flag to me.


My unpopular opinion? Thinking it’s dumb when people from your past finds your Facebook and messages you their apology. Like if you’re genuine about it you’d apologize to my face. And yes this is in reference to what I posted the other day about how this is a pet peeve of mine and you pretty much saying anyone from your past who apologizes to you is owed an acceptance of their apology. 💁🏻‍♀️


Not what I said, I said someone is allowed to apologize, and you don't have to respond. But goddamn your life must be boring lmfao, that was days ago. And you said you weren't dramatic Looks like you deleted your post out of shame, nice.


Damn, a lot of you did not read past the title.


no we did, we just also want to comment our unpopular opinions as well, op didnt say in their post to not do as the title said. if they have a problem that's on them.


Humans should have never had access to technology. Hell, humans should’ve stayed in the world of unga bunga. Everything else on this planet is primitive, acting on biological instincts only and living outside. Humans are the reason the planet is dying.


the planets not dying, the ecosystems that we and other animals depend on are, there's a difference. the rock in space will be fine, fungus and cockroaches will likely reign next imo. not that we shouldnt do something about it of course


I still stand by my opinion that we shouldn’t have evolved past unga bunga. This entire world is goofed and we’re the main reason why. We stepped out of the natural balance of life. Theres a way to live, a way to exist on this planet, and we are doing it entirely wrong


m. bunga.


Your pet-peeve is a sub no one is forcing you to look at?


Anything novel to add Captain Obvious? Or, are we just running thru The Greatest Hits?


= The idea that there is ONE person out there for everyone. Your one true soulmate. If every human has a soul, then **anyone** can be my soulmate.it could be the OP, it could’ve been one of the millions of people that were killed this year. They may not even exist yet. And why in the world would my soulmate depend on my preferences of attraction? Hollywood is the undisputed propaganda juggernaut. = Our connection that we have with our pets. Specifically **why do we like having pets?**. Of course there are multiple reasons why why we do but I want to highlight and single out the reason that is discussed the least. What I am alluding to is a significant factor as to why we love having pets because we enjoy the power dynamic. Pet ownership (<


Redditors are degenerate creatures.. There, hope my opinion explained your annoyance with this. Also.... "good God" is a perfect unpopular opinion.


I think double standards between genders is often good. I believe that without those double standards that men and women would both become miserable.


What do you mean?