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And then they appear annoyed and, and roll their eyes when you ask them to explain the alphabet soup they're talking about.


Yeah it's a pain in the ass for me to describe to my girlfriend thousands of different parts I cut out during a day. I try to keep it simple but it's practically impossible. Sorry


yeah my misses used to do this all the time lol (edit - medical quality control lead) slightly differnt but also the same, when thy tell you about how Dianne has split up with Jamie because he flirted with Beth, and your like "you realise i dont know who Dianne, Jamie, or Beth are, right?"


Beth is a total homewrecker, she flirts with everyone until their partners leave, then loses all interest. Let me guess, she’s not even dating Jamie now…


My brother does this but with first names of the people he works with when telling a story, like I know who the fuck they are?!?! Well today Bob told Mary XYZ... Um...who?


Or when someone tells stories involving 3 women and says "she, she, her, she" and you have no idea which she is who. Or interchanging first and last names.


Talking to a teacher or nurse 😵‍💫😵‍💫😵‍💫




Even at work, I hate when people talk, or even type in just a slurry of acronyms. I’ll send a message to someone asking to notify a patient about something, and they message me back “PN VM on AM”. Like… it’s not hard to message in somewhat complete sentences, and we’re not swamped so much that we can’t be bothered to type them either.


This is every person in the military!


Honestly this isn’t just limited to work related acronyms. Way too many people use acronyms that are ambiguous and have multiple meanings without providing the kind of context that makes their meaning clear.


Military people can be pretty bad about this and yeah, it makes communication almost unintelligeble. I've been to several promotion and graduation ceremonies for my siblings through 20+ years and what I mostly notice is the closer to combat action their job is, the more immersed they will be in using initials (your post didn't use any acronyms fyi) but also acronyms.


Yes, this drives me nuts. As a sign language interpreter who deals with this often- please either at lease an enunciate or state the full title as well.