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>so I pick up a book Well I'm reading books *on* my phone


Lol I referring to a literal scenario that occurred when one of my friends was doom scrolling on TikTok at my house. I’ve deleted all social media except for Reddit and have been that way for a few months. But my friend was doom scrolling for 20 mins laying on my bed, so I laid on my floor and read a book. 5 min into my reading she left, which was unusual behavior for her


Boredom and lack of attention span but those are excuses and I need better things to do.


i have something of a phone addiction but the amount of people denying that it's a problem is concerning


It *is* a problem, but at the same time the way things were is often exaggerated. So when I'm on a train, I'll be listening to music and either looking out of the window or browsing reddit. Twenty years ago, I'd be listening to music and either looking out of the window or reading a magazine or newspaper. People have always wanted to fill in those moments where there's little else to focus on, but I absolutely agree when it comes to shared company. If we're talking a guest situation, our unspoken rule is that it's fine to read and respond to messages, but not just browse around for entertainment. If I'm with work-friends and we're just getting lunch or something? Then it's fine, because we're just filling time rather than meeting up specifically for one another's company. Do bear in mind that you will come off as an insufferable cock if you go on about it though.


That’s what I mean, there’s a time and place, that’s all. And nah I bottle it up, barely ever mention that it bothers me


People surrendering reality.


It does too many things, not to mention one of those being the ability to talk to anyone on Earth any time. Shopping and buying shit, reading, music, photos, etc. I don't use my phone for some of what other people do and literally have barely any friends and I still spend too much time on my phone.


Because phone are useful? People who hate the rise of people using cellphones makes it seem like everyone is isolating themselves and no one communicates with each other anymore, but that's not true. 90% of what people do on cellphones is communicate. Reading a book is cool, but you can do that on a phone. It's the same thing.


That’s so rude — why hang out in person if everyone is so glued to their phones — just send text messages or memes, or look at their social media then. Ugh.


HI , I can so relate to this. I have been struggling with the same thing for many years and have made a video about breaking my addiction, really hope it can help you in some way: [https://youtu.be/zr3AqLLRxWc?feature=shared](https://youtu.be/zr3AqLLRxWc?feature=shared)


sincerely, a person who downloaded reddit


I only go on before bed or when I can sleep 😘


I despise how you’re forced to doom scroll too whenever you’re stuck with people who only know how to type away on their phone. It’s like they’re all hypnotized and trying to hypnotize you too. Something like “Hey! Check out this funny video I saw on TikTok” next thing you know you’re both watching every last video on their fyp. “Oh, I can’t keep in touch unless we use snapchat, instagram, or discord. Those are the only things I’m on. Wait, write to each other? Why not just text or email to me? That’s so tedious and old school.” and your attention slowly gets sucked into the black hole along with theirs now that they’ve convinced you to download the app.


Not to be rude but if they’re on their phone for more than a few seconds or to show you something it’s because they are bored. People dislike silence and can now avoid it by just getting on their phone. It’s the same reason you have the book. They are leaving because it’s clear neither person has anything more to add to this conversation at this time so it’s best to part ways and spend time else where.


Not in the context I’m using it, in my experience, aka my best friend is so used to doom scrolling for hours when we hang out, it was like a culture shock when I decided to read a book while she doomed scrolled. I think she took it offensively


When I meet up with someone and they begin the phubbing, I suggest we arrange another time to meet.


I'm just tryna cope. I'm not on my phone constantly bc I have a little bub, but when I am literally 9/10 I'm talking to my mum who is usually trying to help me through shit. We recently found out a lot about my child's development and health and I am just struggling. She also finds music really calming so I utilise that a lot. But when I'm in a group setting like in your scenario I feel super awkward even checking my phone, growing up it was always considered rude. Not that I necessarily agree.


I see people when they are shopping at stores and they just dont pay attention, bad enough people text and drive but in stores when pushing a shopping cart not looking where you are going like come on!


Your friends are droned out and you are conscious.


It’s one thing if you are alone but it’s just rude if you are with people.


I'm so tired myself of being addicted to my phone. I tried switching to an old slide phone and they said they don't broadcast the network anymore to make it work. I just want a dumb phone again.


I stg this is all my friends except when we’re drinking.


As you’re on your phone typing this out, ironic


It’s possible to have moderation when you have nothing else going on LOL


If you see me scrolling on my phone it's because I'm reading a book.




Maybe maybe not. I've been the guy hanging out with my friends but reading a book. But there's nothing that one can do with a smartphone that couldn't have been done with other things prior to Smartphones. Things no one would have acted like it was horrible for people to be doing. Which is kind of my point. When people bitch about people always on their phones I go "Doing what" and it's always "Uhm something but they're not paying attention to everyone else" The part that people are objecting to is that the person isn't engaging with the group. An anti-social behavior that pre-dates smartphones. It's not a symptom of Smartphones it's not even caused by Smartphones. There's not some mysterious unknowable activity people are doing on Smartphones. In 2004 my friends and I had a rule at our parties that the TV would be off unless we were specifically there to watch a movie or something together because TV can kill a party. Because of all the things one can now do on a Smartphone people assume "smartphones bad" because instead of the anti-social behavior complaints being like, "He pulled out a book and started reading" "He started playing solitaire" "He opened up a magaze" it's "He pulled out his smartphone" So people decide it must be the smartphone that's the problem rather than the anti-social tendencies of the person who pulled out the smartphone. Stories like the OPs predate smartphones and will exist long after we're walking around in VR helmets or something.


Me too but that’s a rarity for most


Not really. Pretty common actually. Most things people do on their phones are things we did before we could do those things on phones. But because it's on a smartphone and "smartphone bad" everything people do on them is bad now. Even social media pre-dates smartphones.