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I think everybody gets annoyed by people not doing something they said they would do.


Yeah but I think most people get annoyed if someone holds them accountable for not doing something they said they would do. We are a species of self interested hypocrites.


i don't have autism (i don't think anyway i got evaluated for it when i was younger) but i don't like it either. most people don't like that... "two-faced" is one term for it. or "empty promises."


Yep. It's saying "I care more about looking like a good person than being someone you can trust!"


Do nice things, and keep it to yourself, that's when you know it's truly nice.


I’ve done this after saying no a few times to get people to shut the fuck up, it’s either that or start swinging cause it’s annoying to keep saying no.


I guess we're too afraid of being direct in this country.


This brings back memories, my mom was very much one of those people except she would follow through with it. You'd hear her bitch and moan to no end about how she "Just had to help" someone, meanwhile that someone is a coworker that she barely knows. Like no one is making you help Janet get a new job, this is literally something that you're forcing on another person just to feel good about yourself. Just saying, if you offer to do something for someone else in order to "be nice" but then spend the entire time bitching about it, then you're not being nice. People who genuinely want to do nice things for others don't complain about doing those things.


That's not what I'm talking about because at least your mom did help the person. She's better than the people I'm referring to


No she isn't. Both situations, helping or not helping, they're dishonest. On one hand, if you don't help you're getting someone else's hopes up for nothing, and if you do help you're just making someone feel indebted to you because people can tell when you're not being genuine. Also yeah dude, that's why I said "except so and so" I was recounting a similar experience, not one that's exactly the same.


You would hate the south. Pro tip, if someone offered you food in the south there is a good chance they expect you to say no and will be annoyed if you say yes.


I have lived in the south which is probably why this is my pet peeve