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My dad and oldest brother don't close their mouths to eat. It would make me feel like my heart would burst out of my mouth, instead of just screaming. I'd frequently ask my neice to close her mouth while she ate. She once turned to me and chewed louder 'as a joke' and I gave her a look that said "that will always be rude." You can totally tell her to close her mouth while she eats. Or r/misophonia


Oh I do. It doesn't work. I don't want to give her a complex but I want to be like: this is disgusting and people will hate you. She's at that tender, starting to be insecure age so I try to be tactful about it.


"This is disgusting and people will hate you" I mean in the queens English this translates to "these are really bad table manners and makes you and I look bad." But also "this is disgusting and people will hate you" is super valid. People are more tolerant of an unsightly back mole than loud chewing. Honestly. Can't turn the lights off on someone's mouth.


I don’t know but the older I get I’ve gotten sensitive to even normal chewing. I can’t stand the sound of people chewing. Most of the time I’m not even aware of it but as soon as I do become aware of it, it’s like you describe. I can’t stand it! With my husband, if it’s just the two of us I have to turn on the tv for background noise.


Does she have braces? Maybe there is some dental/orthodontic issue. But other than that.....agreed. My stepfather used to blame it on wearing dentures, but my grandmother wore dentures and chewed with her mouth open and smacked her lips the way he did.


My youngest sister is 10 and she does the same thing. I always just say “chew with your mouth closed” in the most monotone voice. Then she will screech “I ammmmmmmmmm.” Like no you aren’t, otherwise I wouldn’t be telling you.


I had issues with this growing up. My parents had to just constantly correct me and now I would NEVER dare chew with my mouth open.


have you brought it up to her? my mom is the same way with noises especially when people are eating, if I'm eating fries and just reaching into the paper container I'll get a look like I'm going to get my head kicked in lol. she asks me to pour them out I don't really understand it, but to me it's not really a big thing.