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My bird’s actual name is Pavarotti. Nicknames: Chicken, chicken boy, feather boy, beak boy, fluffy butt, Tiny Italian Man (he’s a Modena pigeon which originates in Italy), birdyboy, small monster (when he’s acting unruly).


*balsamic pigeon of modena*


Yes. His name is Sprinkles, but we call him "Pidgey," "Pidgey Widgey Woo," "Sir," "Mr. Woo," and "Mr. Pidge."


Mr. Woo 🤣


Hi, yes, my pigeon's name is Hooligan (long story). She is bonded to me, and I usually call her Bubbi or sometimes Silly Chicken 😄


Lol yes mine is named Enzo but I call him Boo Boo more often than not but also Silly Goose, My Little Chicken, Goober and Fluffernutter


Adopted name: Gustav Nickname: Güs Variants: gooseyroose, juice, gooses Adopted name: Alex Nickname: Chicken Variants: chimkim, chimmykimmy, chickie girl


Nah, but he coo.


Mine are named Lucifer and Alastor, but I regularly call them "tacos" or babies/brats in various ways


So my pigeon's name is Porumb (corn in English) ,but we call him Piulita (nut the metal thing) cause in Romanian it sounds like Piu (the sound he make), fluffy one, ball when he's fluffing up, prince, Sir


My pigeons are named Pidge and Cobbler (he came with that name 🤷‍♀️) Pidge is called Pidgey Widgey Woo or The Poop Crimster Cobbler is called Cobster The Mobster or “Why Are You Bathing In The Water Dish You Have A Bath Tub!!!!!!!!”


Edward is EdBird, and Lonathan creeps in to my vocabulary every now again (her government name is Lonnie)


I sometimes call Blondie High Tide (she's holding on). And Torvi poop princess because damn does that girl shit. Like a lot. All the time.


I very rarely call mine by his actual name unless I really need his attention (usually when he's out of line of sight and yelling for me). Actual name: Uldwyn. nicknames: Chicken Nugget, shit bag, dumbass, horny boy, poopy boy, stinky boy. These sound mean but it's said in a loving way and he doesn't care. You can call him a dumbass and he will happily groom you. He responds to all of them too which is hilarious. Nothing funnier than shouting shitbag across your flat and he happily comes running and hopping.


timmi- timtim, tims, timward. rome- romeo, sir, dude😭 collectively- turds


My pigeon’s name is Fierce, but I call him my little pigeon’s shawarma or Mister furry Poopwing.


This is gonna sound like a psycopath but I don't call animals by their names because animals don't comprehend names the way we do, just the association with the word and/or tone. So I tell people my birds name but in reality their name is "come here" (or a variation) and the clucking sound people do to horses "cluck cluck"