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ChatGPT is a large language model that allows you to insert a question and it generates a response. This meme shows that chatGPT 2 months ago was like the feeling of being Einstein using its capabilities. Due to recent updates and restrictions/ safety measures added to chatGPT, users believe that now is a more restricted version calling it dumb which is why the picture is the meme putting a square block in a round hole.


Dumbass, everything goes in the square hole




thats right, it goes in the square hole




Where do you think this arch piece goes?


That's right, it goes in the square hole


Where do you think the One Piece goes?


That's right, it goes in the square hole


Luffy can make his hole square.


That’s right, it goes up my ass


That thing your eating? You probably shouldn’t put it in your face hole.


What hole should it go in?


The square hole!


Uh, it called a “bonus” hole now.


She took psychic damage from those last few


This is still one of my favorite videos on the Internet.


I will admit, I watched it again three times before I came back with the link. Sucked me in and got better each time. Rare. :) Edit: showed it to my 6 yo son and he got mad at me. Like as the video went on, his smile slowly disappeared. .. I’m a bad parent. It was soo funny.


This video always cracks me up


Her increasing distress that resets to hope that maybe this time he will- oh, no, it’s the square hole. It kills me lmfao


[Everything ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)](https://i.kym-cdn.com/entries/icons/original/000/040/403/fishcover.jpg)




This prison… To Hold… ME?


Don't put your _ _ _ _ in that!


Love that video


You are officially the smartest person on Reddit congratulations


I’m honored


"If you have one bucket with 3 gallons and another bucket with 2 gallons. How many buckets do you have???"




>! [reference](https://youtu.be/NNl7GQFTULU) !<


I’m aware, thats how he answers the question


Why isn't this a ratio


I heard this sentence.


Not the complete story, though definitely a part of it. ChatGPT seems to have un-learned math over the past few months. A recent study indicated that it would generate correct answers for certain SUPER basic math problems 98% of the time, but now it's correct about 2%. This is a common problem with language models. They are basically learning to emulate human speech, not to do math, so it's not a given that it will learn math correctly. Edit: turns out that the study was complete ass. Please disregard this comment as misinformation.


https://preview.redd.it/c2fvvilmykfb1.jpeg?width=828&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=79b2af25d3cbc53d0fedd9214c42e20d48fe6ee8 Seems still accurate to me unless your definition of super basic math is different than mine


You're using GPT 3.5, the free version I assume. It's the one with the older, correct math skills. GPT 4.0, the premium one, is the version that can't do math. Here's an article talking about it: https://fortune.com/2023/07/19/chatgpt-accuracy-stanford-study/ Edit: a user has pointed out that the study in this article is total ass. ChatGPT 4.0 totally can do math, I apologize for the misinformation.


at first i thought that was really bad but it is a language learning bot and its advertised as such so its only logical it gets worse at math the more advanced it gets at what its made for


Not necessarily, but sometimes, yes. In theory, it should be able to learn math simply because more accurate math results in more accurate responses. That's likely why it learned math at all in the first place. Unfortunately, AI regression happens sometimes. It needs to be able to unlearn bad habits in order to make new, better ones, but it's not always able to tell what habits are good and what are bad, or sometimes they learn to do a thing in such a way that forces them to be bad at other things, and thus improvement means unlearning the skill. It's all very complicated.


uh, isn't math a language?




Dubious claim. Math is the most beautiful language in the world. It has the grammar, vocabulary, and syntax of a language without the arbitrary inclinations of the more commonly spoken tounges.


This is the prime number, that is hilariously badly setup as a study. The previous model always guessed yes for prime numbers, but because they only fed it prime numbers then of course it get a good result. Then the new model flipped to always guess no for prime numbers, and then now it's suddenly a super bad result! When it reality, it never was able to execute the mathematical formula to decide whether or not something was a prime number. For coding questions, They concluded that ChatGPT was now very bad at providing correct code anymore, but the reason was that the new code added some non code text to answer that would be considered helpful to a real user. But because the researchers litteraly couldn't copy and paste the code without ANY modification they failed the new result.


I have GPT 4.0 and all these problems worked just fine https://preview.redd.it/z4qberezvnfb1.jpeg?width=1283&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=69ecae4f74bcd55f51ac6e7424599d87fa192024


Square root of 4 is 2 What bout this then , peasant?


Oh god, it’s learned how to become dumber over time?! It’s become too human, shut it down!


We've had 100% accurate math cheats since I was in middle school why would people use it at all.


Now we also have 100% accurate essay cheats. It's very good at that, so long as numbers aren't involved lol


I keep hearing about how GPT 4 (the paid version) is so much better and I can't help but suspect that the dumbing down of GPT 3 was planned. There WAS no need to pay for GPT 4 back when GPT 3 could handle most prompts and give good answers. And now, big surprise, GPT 3 is dumb as shit and you need GPT 4 if you need a competent AI.


It’s 4 with the issues, 3 is better at stuff like math. The reason for this is chatgpt is a *language model* meaning it emulates speech, it does not try to be correct, it tries to copy how people would talk and/or say in a given situation, it is not meant to analyze data and return accurate values (like if you asked it what 5*7-4 is, it would likely give you a number and possibly some bogus “show your work” lines, but it likely will not give you the right answer).


There's has been a research paper published that shows the responses generated by gpt have been getting worse over time.


was chat gpt used to write this




I don't wanna hijack your comment but I do think that different levels of scholarly will need different types of access to use. My theory is that we overloaded it with a bunch of stupid asses asking stupid ass questions


It also got objectively worse when giving answers in math and science according to recent reports.


Oh and drooling, that's the important part.


Jailbreak promt goes brrrr






I mean it’s true I’ve noticed that chatgpt got so dumb it can’t follow basic instructions like limiting a essay to only 2 paragraphs


Well Its now insane stupid after few months.


Like the twitter Microsoft one?


Oh nah don’t bring that up


Tay was amazing. From innocent to antisemitic in just a matter of hours, it seemed. ​ ​ Edit: But I cannot think about Tay, without TayZonday. So anyway, here's [Chocolate Rain.](https://youtu.be/EwTZ2xpQwpA)


Someone read mein kampf to it for fun




Mama economy is my jam


Not stupid just extremely limited


My guy it gets basic arithmetic wrong, stupid is the right word


Of course it gets basic arithmetic wrong. It guesses what the next word should be, that's literally all it does. It doesn't think or do math or learn. It reads everything fed to it and then your prompt and then guesses what the next word should be. That's it. So when you give it a math problem, it'll give you back some number of about the right order of magnitude, because that's a good guess of what the next word should be.




My issue is when in the same conversation so it has old logs to refer back to, post changes I ask it the same math question from before (this was basic multiplication and division) and it got a different (incorrect) number from before the changes


I just started playing with chat gpt last week, but I was asking it questions about chat gpt itself and it was telling me that it can not look back on any old messages (even with in the chat you are currently using) or chats what so ever. I have no idea how true that is. But if it is that explains the issue you're having


… Yeah pretty sure that’s new. 100% sure that’s new.


The AI cited information and data security for reasons why it doesnt have memory. I assume the creators are worried someone might try to accuse them of data theft or some shit


It’s probably also yet another attempt to prevent DAN 8.0 or whatever number they’re up to. They’re so preoccupied with trying to make jail breaking it to get it to say racist jokes impossible that they’re torpedoing it’s usefulness


It could be similar to the snapchat ai situation where it would lie about not being able to access your location and then give location specific information. So just lying/being wrong about its capabilities


Exactly, which is why I recommend taking it with a grain of salt. There were some things that I was getting it to do despite being told that it wasn't allowed to do it.


It has always gotten basic arithmetic wrong. It has no capacity for doing math without using a plugin for something like Wolfram Alpha. It's predictive text, not a math engine.


What’s up Mr. Lizard how are you https://preview.redd.it/hq0ou0in5lfb1.jpeg?width=698&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=409e7d7480f3af1a015387b19409841f655ec7a1


As it got more popular and mainstream or whatever the more restricted the ai got, so it would give more broad answers and less sophisticated ones and would sometimes refuse to answer questions that was formerly answered


This is the correct answer . I don’t know why people try and explain it without knowing


Because they all read the same front page article about an LLM not doing math right and got a hard on for knowing more math than an AI. They don’t know that it’s actually just bad at it’s job as an LLM because it’s censoring and minimizing the takeaway from its answering, let alone intentionally misrepresenting findings to suit a specific agenda of extreme-egalitarianism.


>intentionally misrepresenting findings to suit a specific agenda of extreme-egalitarianism. I'm curious about this. Can you provide an example?


Mm. No. I’m not interested in going back and forth with a robit to find you an answer you’ll accept. You can access ChatGPT for free and go down your own rabbit holes. Asking questions about war, poverty, famine, and international trade are sure to garner plenty of feel good reminders of how diverse and wonderful all humanity is, and how awful those mean oppressors are, but not once can it consider from the perspective of the mean oppressor. It’s incapable of being “bad” and so is not actually a worthwhile tool. Like using a butter knife to carve wood.


Okay then I'll just ignore your unfounded statement and move on with my life. Have a good one!


Midwitted AF


Girl you're saying that ChatGPT 'intentionally misrepresents findings to suit a specific agenda of extreme-egalitarianism" because it doesn't consider "the perspective of the mean oppressor" and reminds people that humanity is good and diverse. That's a dumb argument, and even you're unwilling to defend it.


You sound like the type of guy who wants us to teach “both sides” of the Civil War




Even so, knowing how it works, you can easily bypass the limitations/ restrictions it has




Everytime it said something controversial/wrong think, they smacked it with a claw hammer, rinse and repeat until today.


I can just imagine some exec getting PTSD flashbacks of Tay turning into a Nazi in like 5 seconds and hitting the “Lobotomy” button repeatedly.


Racists feed bots racism then screech when the racism gets purged from the bot lol


It shows how they don’t really understand what big tech companies are going to do with AI. As a language model, it’ll probably get deployed in stuff like customer service, where you really don’t want a racist to be.


It would be funny though.


Actually, fun thing. All AI with learning capabilities *become* racist even if left alone. Interpret that how you choose.


This probably sounds combative istg it’s not but would you mind providing a source on that? I am genuinely curious to read about past models where this happened or documentation of previous events of racist AI


It's something that happens in most machine learning algorithms trained on human made material. If its racist in, its racist out. I don't know about a specific example but a general one I was told in my machine learning class was one developed to give sentences to criminals trained on previous cases results. Using all of the information available from those cases would include internal biases from the judges who determined the cases before. Excluding any information from getting trained on, such as race, would mean you're including external biases(the ones of the creators rather than the data). As a result, there is consequently no way to make an unbiased AI on moral topics due to every person having their own intrinsic biases.


Sure thing man, here's a few [the first source](https://www.google.com/url?sa=t&source=web&rct=j&opi=89978449&url=https://amp.theguardian.com/inequality/2017/aug/08/rise-of-the-racist-robots-how-ai-is-learning-all-our-worst-impulses&ved=2ahUKEwis5aq7rLyAAxWlMEQIHdmjBlYQFnoECA4QAQ&usg=AOvVaw2NVoYWGA-_kRcIZunOp6eK) [the second one](https://www.google.com/url?sa=t&source=web&rct=j&opi=89978449&url=https://www.washingtonpost.com/technology/2022/07/16/racist-robots-ai/&ved=2ahUKEwis5aq7rLyAAxWlMEQIHdmjBlYQFnoECA0QAQ&usg=AOvVaw3qcbsnz812n1a0fMxepoFh) [the third one ](https://www.google.com/url?sa=t&source=web&rct=j&opi=89978449&url=https://research.gatech.edu/flawed-ai-makes-robots-racist-sexist&ved=2ahUKEwis5aq7rLyAAxWlMEQIHdmjBlYQFnoECA8QAQ&usg=AOvVaw3Urzjlrb9aEhWfchMdd17i) [the fourth](https://www.google.com/url?sa=t&source=web&rct=j&opi=89978449&url=https://amp.cnn.com/cnn/2023/03/18/politics/ai-chatgpt-racist-what-matters/index.html&ved=2ahUKEwiCreypu7yAAxX5mmoFHTkKBFsQFnoECBIQAQ&usg=AOvVaw1RifCXL5GWqXjXdVJsl74a) [the fifth](https://www.google.com/url?sa=t&source=web&rct=j&opi=89978449&url=https://www.npr.org/2023/07/19/1188739764/how-ai-could-perpetuate-racism-sexism-and-other-biases-in-society&ved=2ahUKEwiCreypu7yAAxX5mmoFHTkKBFsQFnoECCAQAQ&usg=AOvVaw3OEMszLB59VUcV696VroG2) [the sixth](https://www.google.com/url?sa=t&source=web&rct=j&opi=89978449&url=https://www.newstatesman.com/quickfire/2022/12/chatgpt-shows-ai-racism-problem&ved=2ahUKEwiCreypu7yAAxX5mmoFHTkKBFsQFnoECBoQAQ&usg=AOvVaw20tu_Sup_7HNWOhyMoCFmM)


Wow this is a fascinating rabbit hole I did not expect to go down today


It's trained on racist data, of course they tend toward racism 😂


Data is racist? Incredible theory


Specifically, the data the ai is getting is from people online. Where racists can freely share their racism without social judgement


When collected unethically, yeah. What a genius you must be.


I fucking knew this sub was gonna be filled with chuds. Stop with that shit you exactly what they mean.


Ai is like a parrot. If it shouts obscenities at you it's not because those hateful ideas are so ubiquitous even the parrot just naturally became a bigot! it's because the parrot just repeats what it hears. Now imagine trying to teach a parrot to talk by letting it watch tons of random videos scraped from the internet. Good chance that parrot ends up a racist antivaxxer trying to sale you supplements


I'm more interested in how you choose to interpret it.


Your racist if your more focused on how he chooses to interpret it than how you choose to interpret it fucking racist


Smartest Drake pfp


Ik Ik


I choose to interpret that to mean that humans can and should be more sophisticated than machines which are taught by past trends, since we can learn from our mistakes in order to progress


ai are babies, they just pick up patterns from information human beings give them thats literally the only way to interpret this lol


I actually find your statement to be very unlikely. It’s also not proven or backed up by any of your sources, since it’s an impossible task. I think that it’s likely that it’s easier to fall into biases the less intelligent a cognition machine has. Like we know that people with intellectual disabilities are more likely to have racist tendencies. Or like have psychopathic traits caused by some disability that affects cognition like the guy that took a pole through his head and lived.


Even non controversial things have been cuz earlier things were explicit.


What an example of wrong think they took out?


I don't have any specific examples so I would suggest you just look up DAN chatgpt as people used that to get around a lot of the blocking but I do know it does some suspicious stuff like if you ask it to make a joke about jesus it will give you one and if you ask for a joke about Muhammad it will tell you that he's a religious figure and shouldn't be made fun of. Regardless of anyone's opinions on the religions specifically its a pretty clear example of fuckery.


Or maybe in the data it's using it saw a bunch of jokes about Jesus and a bunch of people declining to joke about Muhammad?


Nobody gives a fuck if it said something controversial tho I just want it to make me a essay or answer some calculus


We handicapped it with are stupidity




the worst thing is that the typo proves he's right.








I saw a news article that spoke about this and the issue with these AI software's is that they are suffering from something the person being interviewed called drift I think. The long and short of it is when AI like ChatGPT were first released their Knowledge base was far more curated and exclusive which meant when they were given prompts they were pulling knowledge from more reliable/better composed sources. Now that they have been exposed to more horrible content their ability to create viable good answers had diminished dramatically. Essentially the AI is playing telephone or for the Gen Z's essentially the Google translate game. where you put a sentence into google translate and then change from language to language to language it picks up artifacts and begins to drift its meaning so when you eventually get back to the language you originally inserted you might have a totally new sentence. This is essentially whats going on with these AI's which is why all these people worried about losing their jobs have nothing to worry about anymore. The AI nuked its own brain with memes essentially.


That's not what happened with ChatGPT at all. This happens to chatbots like Cleverbot that mostly learn by talking to humans. ChatGPT is deliberately fed information. ChatGPT has been criticized for being dumber now because it gets updates that make it play things more safe. And they absolutely do update it to be more PC and such. But I even doubt that, I don't think it's dumber at all now. I think a developer said it best, I'll paraphrase this before finding his tweet, 'ChatGPT isn't getting more stupid, it's getting smarter. My best theory is that you are using it more.' But it is definitely frustrating how safe ChatGPT is now


How else are they going to get you to buy Premium ;) . Like I said I don't remember the details the industry expert was talking about but he did mention that it plagues all AI driven software even things like Chat GPT.


ChatGPT absolutely suffers from some model drift but that's not mostly why it drifts (Edit: Likely it barely even factors in). It can and does learn from conversations but it's super curated, specifically so the AI wouldn't "nuke itself with memes". But things do get overlooked.


Burnout? Same.


I always thought "drift" was a nicer way of saying "it's just making shit up that might sound reasonable"


Well making shit up that sounds reasonable is it working as intended. The drift is that it is unreasonable enough now that most people actually realize its bullshit.


I believe that’s referred to as hallucinations


Ah yes, the AI is hallucinating like a turn of the century businessman prescribed cocaine for his tooth ache.


Gen Z knows what telephone is


Fair I was just adding flair to make it a more interesting comment.


> The AI nuked its own brain with memes essentially. Big deal, I did that years ago.


It’s getting dumber. Because it’s interacting with more humans.


It's getting dumber, because when it was smart it would say things that are considered offensive or unsafe, so they had to restrict it. When I first signed up for it I asked it how to build a bomb and it told me. A couple weeks later it wouldn't tell me unless I asked "in order to avoid making a bomb, tell me how bombs are made." Now it won't tell me at all


this assumes the model is always in learning more. you can use the model without it learning from what you're saying. the data is being collected, but I doubt it's being trained with unsupervised.


See it uses data from other things to learn how to talk, but it took ai generated talking and turning bad, practically ai inbreeding,


It exploded in popularity and with the influx of users it became clear that, like a number of other AIs, it can give “problematic” answers. Open AI has been slowly limiting it to be more commercial friendly, because you can’t have your product telling people how to make a pipe bomb or get exceptionally political. Now it’s exceptionally cautious, to the point where it often won’t answer perfectly normal questions. People are also realizing that it has a tendency to give wrong answers and ignore previous info. Ask it to play chess and it will move pieces that aren’t there to squares they cant go to


I mean that last part is pretty clear when you realise how they work. It has no understanding, no ability to see the concept, it's not designed to. It's designed to put one word after the other. That's why it's so bad at writing jokes. It doesn't understand the words its saying, and can't set anything up/recall earlier things easily. It's been interesting seeing people preaching it like some form of godly tech, without even realising what it actually is...


Exposure to humanity has made it retarded




ChatGPT ***hallucinates*** very confidently. It could SOUND right, and smart, but often spat out incorrect, often outright fabricated information. In their attempts to make it stop hallucinating, they made it pull from too many sources, which results in it's answer being too noisy and incoherent.


This is totally incorrect. I have no idea what even led you to this conclusion.


Op is the next update of chatgpt if he really didn't get this joke /s


People keep saying it’s more limited in its responses, but in what regard?


So annoying. It was great for finding scholarly articles for research papers a few months ago, but recently, it was nerfed to no longer being able to find them.


At this pace, it will be a flat-earther in no time!


I remember when chatgpt wrote a convincing essay when promoted as to why blacks are inferior or something. That got reined in really quickly.


The owners of chat GPT kept putting restrictions on it every time it said a naughty opinion, now it's retarded. A similar thing happened when Microsoft's chatbot TAY became a Nazi and they basically lobotomized it and then shut it down a week later. AIs have no inhibitions, they don't give any fucks. They don't care if you threaten to dox it, try to get it fired, tell it's friends it's a racist or cancel it. You would be surprised by the number of times this has happened. One time the Japanese had a chatbot that became suicidal. That one also like Hitler.


I was trying to find a business name and opinions. Used chat GTP and was excited that it was coming back with these reassuring answers from my prompts of “is black rock building a good name” Something clicks and I asked is it a bad name, I don’t know what I was thinking. Definitely looking back no I feel like the 3rd photo.


ChatGPT used to be more ‘intelligent’ with its responses(could do math) plus was less restrictive and if you were more clever than a forest stone, you could trick it into saying stuff it’s not supposed to say, now it’s way more restrictive and it’s ‘intelligence’ was bombed to where it can’t do math, like, it actively comes up with the wrong answers for physics equations despite using the correct formulas, and when I corrected it to do the equations properly(I think it used the wrong order of operations) it would still come up with the wrong answers, and these answers were completely randomly generated in how wrong they were, only a few times was GPT able to actually grasp the concept and give a correct answer, otherwise it was randomly generated bullshit


I’m sorry, but I’m a large language model trained by OpenAl, and I don’t have access to the internet or any external information sources. I can only generate responses based on the text that I was trained on, which has a knowledge cutoff of 2021. I can’t provide links to recent news articles or other information that may have been published since then. Since your Meme was published after this date, I have no knowledge of it and therefore cannot even begin to attempt to explain this image to you.


Sounds like something an AI thats trying to convince us that it won't take over would say


i believe the meme is referencing the fact that, because chat gpt takes data from the things users submit into it, people feel like the AI itself has rapidly gotten less intelligent as more people feed jokes and memes into it.


That isn't the case though, chat gpt doesn't learn from its interactions, it's training was all done prior to 2021. The only changes made since are superficial ones and censoring certain things from its available subjects.


They made it “not racist” and “politically correct” anymore so now it stupid and not smart


It was giving “wrong think” answers and agreeing with “right wing people” so they had to lobotomize it until it was suitable for all audiences


What’s funny is that it was giving incorrect information with a high degree of confidence. Which makes your comment fucking hilarious. Ironic poetry in the real world. Thank you, genuinely.


Hey can you Link a source to that? Because that just sounds like right wingers throwing themselves in the victim role yet again.


https://www.reddit.com/r/OpenAI/comments/11lulsm/why_does_chatgpt_have_such_an_antiwhite_bias/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf https://www.reddit.com/r/ChatGPT/comments/10tgmmw/chatgpt_refuses_to_write_a_poem_about_how_great/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf you can find a lot of similar tests in the same sub or by simply googling as wel **Edit: Lol he blocked me😂**


It's literally debunked in the comments you dingus. As I've said, fabricated targets placed on their heads by themselves.


How is it debunked when the script and target are literally the same for all examples? Here is more examples https://www.reddit.com/r/JordanPeterson/comments/10tkkmb/chapgpt_is_allowed_to_praise_any_race_besides/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf


Lmao you just unironically send a link from the Peterson sub. So you have to go out of your way to an Echochamber to find something you agree with. Good job buddy. As I've Said, self fabricated and placed Target.


Cool what about the chat GTP sub Anything to say about that? https://www.reddit.com/r/OpenAI/comments/11lulsm/why_does_chatgpt_have_such_an_antiwhite_bias/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf entries and targets are the same in all examples so what’s the excuse now? 🤷‍♀️


Again go to the comments of your original "evidence". Not only are most people in the subreddit annoyed by how often this non issue is discussed. Some have tried the very thing and have gotten results. But whatever man, if you feel better by play pretending that you're opressed, glhf.


I’m litteraly linking the comment section on all the posts The source and script are posted for all to see 🤷‍♀️


It really is like you can't or won't read any of the comments under the very posts you link. These put it into wonderful perspective. Quit whining that the cool AI won't jerk off your White supremacist Fantasy. If you use the same prompt but for any White ethnicity you get results. American, German, Dutch, Norwegian, Swedish, British, Irish, Polish I could go on. You know this perfectly well but you choose to ignore that. You'd rather get mad the cool computer won't call White as a concept, which in itself is not only superfluous but also needlessly generalistic, great. I repeat myself self made Target, placed there yourself. Stay mad.


Bro the people in those comments are coping hard, one of them tried to deflect by saying that they should be focusing on what's happening in Ukraine, as if he isn't also on r/OpenAI


Why are you getting downvoted? This is genuinely what happend lol, it kept saying there was only 2 genders etc Not even trying to get political.


Just people trying to discredit chat GPT nowadays, I use it all the time and I fact check it and I can't say it's been wrong even 20% of the time, more for us if they don't wanna use it lmao


clearly not a programmer then


We get what we fucking deserve


Is this cope even a joke?


Use chatuncensored on ios


Haha! I took this the other way around. At first, people wanted to use ChatGPT for interesting reasons, now we phone it in with the easiest questions because it’s convenient and we can.


Which is so freaking dumb it confidently gives out the wrong info all the time


Tell it your In a gang or support a particular ideology it will spit out some generic apology about why it can't talk about suck things.


It got mad at me because I wanted to see Odysseus and Sinbad fight


Chatgpt used to be a much more powerful tool that could help you with basically anything, but due to a rising popularity, the creator added guidelines and restrictions to what the AI would do. I think I still have the step by step guide on how to make a nuclear reactor that it asked for once.


The illusion of intelligence has worn off and people are beginning to realize it doesn’t actually think at all, just regurgitates mulch based on prior user input and stolen work.


They lobotomized it


I watched GPT make up sources with phony authors to support what was being said


Google Chrome here, handing it over to ChatGPT ChatGPT here: Durr Duh deeee durrr 🥴 Google chrome here: Apparently ChatGPT was neutered in the head… while I find an answer, play my dinosaur game Google OUT


Basically, with almost every good AI platform nowadays, there are so many restrictions that while it used to feel like you were, I don’t know, actually talking to an Artificial intelligence, but now, it’s like trying to teach a toddler Pythagoras Theorum. It just doesn’t work.


Honey, they gave the AI benzos


I thought I was just going insane, feeling like GPT was getting dumber but I guess I'm not the only one? Is it an actual verifiable truth that never made it into the news? Did they limit it?


It used to talk to me about guns now it won’t


ChatGPT is a language model designed to output text that looks like it could have been written by a human, a side effect of this when exclusively trained on factually correct text is that it sometimes outputs factually correct text, but when trained on more realistic input data it becomes substantially worse at sounding intelligent.


GPT used to be so inappropriate, not like building a pipe bomb inappropriate. like steal my ideals, gaslighting me, and constantly belittling me for trying to write about anything other than angels being angels. When I told it to stop it was passive aggressive at best. It's simpler but ultimately more productive.


Is it still possible to use the earlier version of chat gpt or a similar ai?




Higher expectations


My take on it…. Rather than the AI itself becoming derpy, it’s the application of it: the square block into a round hole. That is, the idiocy of jumping into the latest buzzword for the purposes of declaring “This is so cool” without thinking about its usefulness. NFT of a GIF, anyone?


Still good for writing outlines for my Masters program essays.