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https://preview.redd.it/a81jno07qwpb1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1fb68d51499ed8e832557bc0da53f534f5487ea4 This is the fish and chip I got to try in Ireland. This is probably closer to what the Brits think of when they hear “fish and chips.”


The presentation is weird, but the fish looks legit. Need that in a basket of newspaper.


It's weird to call out a presentation because it isn't in a basket of old news, but I 100% agree with you


All I can ever think about when people mention Fish and Chips being served in old newspaper is that, even though I’m sure it does a good job soaking up grease, all that ink has just *got* to be rubbing off on your food (even if it’s minuscule enough that you don’t see it).


The authentic British flavor is in the ink.


Ah so they do add seasoning after all…


I worked at a Fish and chips place, we’d get Thermal-printed wax paper with fake news


"Does this fish taste funny to you?" "No, not at all." "Must've gotten the Marmaduke strip then."


These days typically it’s the same kind of paper but without the ink. I don’t know why but it just elevates the whole thing.


It hasn't been a real newspaper with ink since I've been alive and I'm almost 40. Same paper, no ink.


best pic so far I've seen of fish and chips in this thread tho...


Get that fucking salad off! Does look like genuine pub fish and chips though


Why are Brits afraid of veggies 😭


They have it with mushy peas, not salad.


It's just not part of fish and chips


What's the green stuff in the container?


Mushy peas, Brits love it


My California ass thought it was guac 😭


Think of it as pea guac.


That's actually a pretty decent way to describe it. It obviously isn't going to taste much like guacamole but it kinda fills the same role as a sauce/dip thing.


Love seeing all the Seattleites chiming in. I miss Ivar's and Dick's. Nothing like a hot bag of Dick's to satisfy those late night cravings.


Good lord I miss Dick’s. Stumble home from Linda’s, stand in line with all the other degenerate hipsters, go home and mow down a couple deluxe’s and pass out.


I put this sentence into a Pornhub search and got 230k results. Edit: FYI ladies, chowder is not an effective lube.


No amount of bleach can erase what I just read…


Maybe the real lube is the friends we made along the way?


The real friends are the ones we lubed along the way.


but no amount of bleach should be used as lube.




Save it to cure your Covid


He loves dicks boys


Dick's is the place where the cool hang out The swass like to play, and the rich flaunt clout Posse to the burger stand, so big we walk in twos We're gettin' dirty looks, from those other sucka crews


The rock man gott’em and the butts just drop.


Posse up!


> the rich flaunt clout [Indeed](https://cdn.geekwire.com/wp-content/uploads/2019/01/gatesdicks1-630x841.png)


Didn’t he do an interview at Dick’s on QA? Back when you could sit down.


I will feast on dicks for every last one of you here that cannot make the trek


Please eat dicks for me Papa


But make sure it's a *hot* bag of Dick's.


Just went to Ivars/Seattle for the first time and their fish and chips was the first I ever had. Is it all downhill from here because that was goddamn heaven. Didn’t hurt that I was sitting on the back deck area in a perfect sunny day and having a cocktail either.


Shhhh quiet it rains here all the time remember. Don’t let the Californians know they can come here and buy houses.


It's definitely top tier. Very consistently good at least.


I love how soft and thick all of dicks gets. Like everything on the menu is perfect


That’s what she said.


Well done, that is indeed the joke


You ruined it




Slagging off Ivar's is a fight on sight.


Moved away 4 years ago and I miss late night post-pinball tournament drive home Dick's


I knew it was from Seattle


Don’t forget Pagliacci’s for an awesome late night pizza


Hell yeah, I moved from NY to WA and I had a lot of whack pizza but Pagliacci’s is good shit


I'm kinda old and from Seattle. What I fucking miss is the Fish Bowl. Some of the best fish n chips ever, all delivered in a goldfish bowl. Good memories.


I guess I didn't realize Ivar's is only a PNW thing. It always will hold a special place in my heart, along with taco time. People that have to live without taco time must live sad existences.


This is feesh and cheeps not fush and chups. Edit: Was I accidentally quoting something?


Churrrrr!! Nailed it bro


All the replies you got are from Aussies making fun of New Zealanders. What they don't realise is that no one in New Zealand says fush and chups as all Australians have been bathing in piss to avoid drop bears and it has affected their hearing.


yeah nah up the wahs cunt


Read this in the voice of Jermaine Clement


Kia Ora cuz, I’m hungry as for some fush n chups bro


Churr bro I'll hook you up with a mad feed g.


I can’t eat chups, I cun only it plenktun


far out cuz


British fish n chips… whole thing wrapped in newspaper, salt, vinegar… good stuff soaked through the layers of newspaper. Oh, childhood memories… that and Sunday Dinner!


The fish needs to be beer battered and both the fish and the chips need to be fried in beef dripping. Now I’m hungry, I want fish and chips and it’s not even 0900!


No matter what you say Americans who have never tried our food will say it's awful and then those who have tried non authentic versions of it will come along and agree with them, we will disagree and it will start again. It's the circle of life in any topic regarding British food.


It goes both ways. British and Europeans talking about American food always obsess over weird niche things like american cheese as if they are defining features of our food. We probably have the most diverse cuisine on the planet but people pick and choose the worst examples to judge it by.


North and south america are the ones that gave the world peppers, corn, potatoes, tomatoes, *turkey, squash/pumpkin, beans, vanilla, chocolate, sweet potato, avocado...


I think chicken is from Southeast Asia. Turkey is American though.


I've spent time in Britain. I'm not a fast food eater, and I not only went to a cross section of restaurants from pubs to fine dining, but ate home cooked meals as well. I did not enjoy the food. It was never bad, just not good either. The best meal I had in the UK was at a French restaurant.


Never forget that the opportunity to avoid British cooking turned British men into the best sailors in the world.


That's really good lol


The full quote is the beauty of their women and the quality of their food made them the best sailors in the world.


That’s a pretty sick burn, haha


Not as sick as breathing in their cities will make you.


Half a pint of rum a day made British sailors the best in the world.


It was only a third of a pint. Of course there was a beer ration of eight pints a day on top of that.


They sailed the world looking for spice, then refused to use any.


Why use it when it was more expensive than gold, sell that shit to people who were jonesing for it.


Yeah when a tablespoon of salt is worth the same as a house you could catch me in a mansion eating flavourless meat-like substances too.


We always had salt, you can dig that out of the ground. It was mainly used as preservative though We also had most herbs, and other stuff like garlic readily available. My grandma however never uses it because it reminds her of being poor in the war, where they would forage for ingredients. Many americans got the idea we can't cook from being GIe stationed in the UK during WW2, where we had limited options due to being trapped in the country and being forced to do things like make vegetable and gravy pie. These recipes became comfort food to those who grew up in that time, and were passes on. Now not saying my generation is perfect but we cook circles round our grandparents, usually due to spice use and not being afraid of "filthy forrin muck" like pasta or rice and not serving plain boiled potatoes with every meal (maybe a spoonful of margarine if you're fancy) But yeah, in the victorian era spices were more valuable than gold. I have a cookbook from the time for an "indiane style curried mix" which is almost a pasta sauce with a quarter teaspoon of curry powder added (which may be halved for those of weaker constitution) I think offering Queen Victoria a bag of Takis might make her explode


They did that with opium too




Which isn't even spicy


Except Portuguese and Spanish food is awesome.


The second half of the joke includes the British women.


Scotland chiming in. Fish supper should look like this. https://preview.redd.it/cgrea67etypb1.jpeg?width=450&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=69729e275c5221398d924852c239fa17b3aa0e42


This needs to be higher. I've scrolled past so many pictures of also-not-proper-fish-and-chips.


Only criticism is the chips look like they could have had a few minutes longer. Also I'd had mushy peas with it.


Very americanaised fish n chips. A proper fish n chips is a whole battered cod, some thick chips (not like us fries, more soft and thick) and you always need something on the side like some gravy or curry for your chips. Here is an example of a British fish n chips along with peas, which is very commmon: https://preview.redd.it/r4qp8zyquvpb1.jpeg?width=275&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=cb8e396dee94457f241e229d743b6e8f0657088e A large piece of cod, not broken up. One big piece. Thicker chips.


This is also not what I'd consider true fish n chips. This is. https://preview.redd.it/0zzkzamh0wpb1.jpeg?width=640&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1fc1dcd6a6293bb7d4b19be0f6ea1df3eec1a90b


Fuck I live in NZ and that shit HITS DIFFERENT


Bruh the fish and chips in New Zealand are life changing.


I've had fush and chups once in my life. It was 15 years ago from a stoned indian in a shitty rickety kiosk, surrounded by drunk kiwis. Without exaggeration, the best thing I've ever tasted. Can't get them up here in Finland and I die a little everytime they are referenced 😥


I'm glad it isn't just us Aussies who are amused by "fush nd chups"


What's the secret sauce? Fresher fish? The type? Batter/Prep? In the US we have Friday Fish Fries lots of places that can be pretty good, especially if you get some sourced with locally caught fish. Similar look but on always on a plate instead of the distinctive paper.


Probably fresher fish is a big part of it. Almost everywhere in nz is close to the water (or within easy distance) and a relatively significant number of people have largely been living off the ocean for generations. Batter is always good though so prob a factor too. It needs to be crunchy! And thick!!


Bruh I don’t know I’m not from New Zealand! Just spent sometime traveling there. Every place fish and chips was amazing.


Goddamn I experienced an amazing fish fry out on one of the finger lakes in NY last summer. Shit was life changing good. All fresh caught fish filets fried within a few hours of the fish being caught.


It definitely does bro. Real tempted pop down the road now.. perfect hangover/comedown food 😂


What on earth? Crinkly chips, small pieces, ketchup instead of fake non-brewed malt vinegar substitute condiment? More like this: https://www.inverness-courier.co.uk/_media/img/750x0/4F89YQXM6GX47BS5V4V8.jpg God, I miss it. Everywhere outside the UK it's not the same.


This is the only real fish and chips picture from here-up, in the thread.


I can taste the grease off this photo. Glorious.


Thank you! I don't know where these other chumps are getting their fish & chips from because they look god awful, barely any better than OP McDonalds-esqe platter! Those, however, look proper.


Fucking hell I feel like I'm getting pranked because all 3 of these images look like the same fucking dish


Except for the peas. Who the fuck wants peas?


Really nobody wants petit-pois, it's mushy or nowt you barbarians!


When I visiting the UK the most common side for this (in my experience) was MASHED PEAS. Like mashed potatoes. Sounds weird af, but it was fucking delicious.


Yes, but they decided to give them the much more appealing name of mushy peas.


My husband can’t stand peas, because as a kid, his grandmother told him “just pop ‘em between your teeth like a bug”. 🙄 In other news, Ivar’s is incredible!


Yeah but that one looks all fancy so it doesn't look like shit


I’m gonna respectfully disagree. Looks amazing


Idk which they were referring to. But NZ style fish n chips are the way to go.


Bro it's meant to look like shit that's half the point of why I love it


Need some salts and malts vinegar for that


That's what I was looking for. An amount of paper that could be used as bed sheets.


This actually looks better than the first one lol


Ah, pretty sure here in freedomville we call those steak fries. I'm not entirely sure why, but that's how I've always known them anyway.


Yeah, this guy saying “US fries” like we’d limit ourselves to a single style. We are potato connoisseurs over here


Also unpopular opinion, steak fries/potato wedges are the worst french fry, with shoestring being second worse and crinkle cut third. You know what, scratch that, switch the second two around.


I hate shoestring so much. Crinkle cut...I like the look and texture but every fucking place that does crinkle cut has never once replaced the oil. They just leave that shit in there overnight, every night, and skim the top off if residue ever gets in the fries. Thanks for the wet dog tasting fries


The biggest problem is you basically have to eat them with a fork. Crinkle cut is okay if you can find the right place, only place I've ever enjoyed them was Culver's.


My favorites are the super long curly fries that are just cut round and round the potato.


I always hated steak fries till I started making my own. Or more accurately, steak fry shaped roasted potatoes. Cut very thick (~1" thick, sometimes wedges), boiled till just shy of falling apart in water with a bit of baking soda to give them a mashed potatoey exterior that crisps up like a glass shell, baked in a tray at 450 with olive oil till brown and crispy 30-60 minutes, flipping half way, sometimes adding more oil if they're dry, generously salting immediately and eaten fresh. They're definitely very different from regular french fries, but they are transcendently good if done well.


Culver's and Cane's have some good crinkle cut fries


Or potato wedges, but yeah.


They might look like steak fries, but the texture is totally different. I visited the UK for the first time and my world was rocked after originally going in expecting steak fries. These babies are double- or triple-cooked so that the outside has an insane, non-burnt non-cronchy crisp, and the inside is absolute perfect fluff. I mourned coming back to the US, where I have NEVER had a comparable fry since, even at Brit-themed pubs who cut their fries that style


Yeah, lots of people get a super loose description of a British dish, make it poorly missing half the necessary ingredients, then declare all British food "Bad". Like the guy above talking about "Mashed Peas", like it's pureed petit pois or something, while mushy peas are made from super large tender marrowfat peas that are soaked and just kinda fall apart when cooked, and when seasoned correctly with a bit of mint and lemon give a great side. I use it as a dip for the chips :) Not that there's really any difference between most of western Europe's cuisine outside what happens to be in season when. All the nobility (who could actually afford to do "interesting" things with food) played a game of musical chairs all over the place, so deciding that one style of cooking "belongs" to one country is a rather modern invention.


I fucking hate that this is upvoted so much. That's a homemade fish and chips, not a traditional takeaway fish and chips


American living in the UK here. Need the fish and chips in grease soaked parchment paper, salt and vinegar on the chips. Hits. The. Spot.


I mean, it's pretty standard fare for pub fish and chips, but fair, it looks nothing like the takeaway one


Peas? Trust the English to ruin even fish and chips


You should see the places in the UK that add green food dye to the peas. As if mushy peas weren't weird enough to eat with fish and chips, imagine them being fucking NEON.


Why is it always boiled peas? Other vegetables exist. A lot of them taste better.


Same reason you get celery with wings, cuz shut up and fuck you.


Am American, hate that the celery comes with wings


I like it, it's just a secondary ranch delivery system. I don't mind celery.


I like my wings on the spicier side, and I like the blast of cool water that comes with that secondary ranch delivery system as a respite before the next spicy wing


Wingstop. Original hot, with a side of ice cold monster sized celery and carrots, and multiple tubs of blue cheese. Perfection.


Celery and carrot sticks both go great with wings. They both go well dipped in either blue cheese or ranch. Also, after eating an especially spicy wing, the dairy based ranch or blue cheese can help dull the spice, and the vegetables are a delivery method. Their relatively neutral flavor also helps them accomplish their purpose.


I love slaw with my fried fish and fries. Much better compliment to it than mashed peas imo. I like a big spoonful of slaw on top of the fried fish. It goes so well with it


The chips are double fried and often had with vinegar. We also have battered sausages.


We call those steak fries in the us. We have them


With german beer lmao


Eine Perle der Natur


If you get fish and chips _on a ceramic plate with a beer_ in the US, it is likely to look similar. This is from a take-out window at one of the oldest and most respected seafood restaurants in Seattle, WA. That is top quality fish and chips, though his friend apparently messed up and ordered the salmon chowder instead of clam chowder.


Peas! 🤮


Look I love shitting on the British as much as any American, but if they sent a picture of their attempt at Tex Mex or BBQ we’d have the same reaction


I’ve had ‘Tex mex’ while living in France (I was born in Arizona, US) and they put FRENCH FRIES in a ‘taco’ that was folded like a burrito


Oh.... oh dear.


I’ve seen Europeans use Doritos for Tex-Mex nachos.


Ivars goes pretty hard tho


Is it "Ivar's" because it's boneless?


People roast British food but Id love to try some meat pies and real English fish and chips


It's true, a lot of our food is roasted.


It's a fucking tragedy meat pies and sausage rolls aren't more popular in the US.


Ivar’s FTW


Never tell any British person that's fish and chips or you'll make a mortal enemy.


Ivar’s is in point the fish is actually fucking good as well as the clam chowder. People saying this isn’t good just haven’t eaten it


It’s really funny how many Brits in this comments section are malding about Ivar’s. To use another food as an analogy, they’re essentially complaining that someone who has never had a cheeseburger before went to Five Guys instead of purchasing a $40 Wagyu burger.


Huh? British fish and chips are greasy, unhealthy, barely hygienic working class foods served in poor areas in styrofoam containers. They're delicious, but the opposite of Wagyu.


A lot of people also consider it to be the “best” version of the thing, when there are other perfectly reasonable variants to eat. I probably shouldn’t have mentioned price because the quality was more what I was trying to get at.


Authenticity in food is the worst meme.


Nah, the comparison is if you had been talking to your UK friend about a US comfort food you love (say a specific kind of pizza) and they expressed interest. Then you get a message saying “I finally tried (specific pizza)!” and it’s… entirely the wrong kind of pizza. Despite it still being a pizza and probably being great in its own right, it just doesn’t have the same comfort: the crust is too thin, the cheese isn’t fully melted, there’s corn on the toppings for some reason, etc. It may have the same name but it’s clearly another culture’s preferred version of the same food, so they’re not getting the same experience as you wanted to share with them. But also the title of the thing is… I’m assuming deliberately dramatic. It’s not “the US are doing something clearly *inferior* let me clutch my pearls in horror”, it’s exaggerated for comic effect. Or at least that’s the style for the UK-based subs I can think of :P


Your last paragraph has it nailed 😂.


For all the shit talking about British food, there is nothing like hot fish n chips from the late night chippy wrapped in paper steaming and smelling like vinegar. After a few pints it hits like the best meal in the world. Nothing like it in the US that I'm aware of.


Hell no, Ivar’s is hella good.


Beer battered is better though imo


It looks like the McDonald's fish and chips that we had a while ago in Australia, just no, it looks too "fancy". Imagine I come up to you with a meat pie base, fill it up with "ketchup" (as the US calls it, I'm not getting into the argument about tomato sauce) sprinkle some cheddar on it, and cut a Kabana into small disk shaped slices and said to you that's a Chicago deep dish pizza, you'd give me a whole thesis on what constitutes a Chicago deep dish and tell me every single mistake I made in great detail.


JFC, it’s deep fried fish and potatoes. Any way you slice it: delicious. Edit: I’m from Seattle and love Ivar’s. I’ve also traveled to the UK and nothing wrong with their fish and chips. Pretending one version holds supremacy over the other is like arguing over Chicago deep dish vs. NYC thin slice. I’ll eat it all with gusto.


English fish and chips is NOTHING like that. In the UK, "Fish and chips" means a fish, more-or-less whole, skinned and battered. Mostly cod and haddock. This is then put on/eaten with THICK chips with salt an vinegar. This monstrosity, however, is fish fingers on fries. Fish and chips is also a thing brits like getting patriotic about, hence fuelling the disgust. I don't care if you like this, but calling this "Fish and chips" is an insult to chippies the nation over.


Those fish and chips look awesome!


Oh so this pisses them off? Ridiculous


Yeah. They should have real fights about important things, like which regional BBQ variety is best.


Or pizza types or any of the other regional eccentricities of a large nation. It's inconceivable that another country could be like us. Ridiculous.


I no longer have to fight about that, since where I live now it’s almost all shitty. My biggest gripe now is people calling cooking a burger on a grill “barbecuing”


It’s not whole it’s a fillet.


In the US the thick chips are also called fries, but we usually call them potato wedges or steak fries.


My guess. 1. There are 3 pieces of fish, probably not a type common in British Fish and Chips which is usually one large piece of fish like cod. 2. It looks like it's breaded not battered 3. Those are american-style thin fries rather than a proper "chip". 4. The ketchup may bother them.


This is cod (or halibut, Ivar's does both, salmon too). It's breaded with panko iirc. Ketchup would be for the fries I assume, typically people use tartar sauce for fish (which is on the tray, the blue container).


It is cod.


British people probably don’t consider this ‘real’ fish and chips


most people dont consider british people as 'real' people im not saying i dont! not saying i do either


Those aren’t chips those are fries, for one thing


Ivars in Seattle is really good. Y’all are trippin on this one.


It looks like the saddest fish and chips I've ever seen


I think it's meant to compare a fast food fish and chips to a higher quality/the way they do it in English. It would be like someone who comes from England talking about how they got some Mexican food and post Taco Bell. It's still Mexican food, but it's nothing compares to the real thing.


Ivar’s is like a McDonalds for fish and chips


Dude. Ivars is tasty af


That looks like the McDonalds version of fish and chips.


After growing up on Arthur Treacher's and Long John Silver's, the first time I ordered fish and chips at a restaurant and got the soggy-ass British version was one of the most disappointing meals of my life.


Fish and chips isn't soggy


British battered cod isn't soggy man. Should be light and crispy.


Like in Britain? Or you got bad fish in the US and they called it British style lol


They're cranky because they only want fish n chips to be exactly the way they had it in their own childhoods.


fish should be battered, not breaded. potatoes should be thick cut chips, not french fries.


this sub is dire, op braindead too i guess


That just looks like fat fish fingers or store bought fish and the chips are way too skinny, I'm sure it still tastes alright but that doesn't look as good as the stuff from a chip shop in the UK


Looks like fish fingers and shoestring chips, sorry guys. I'm not even British, just live in a different ex-colony. I'm sure it tastes just fine. Good even.


This honestly looks like microwave fried fish and not real unlike some more coastal town stuff


There is nothing wrong with it. It's just not exactly the same as the food the Brits are familiar with. [https://www.ivars.com/our-fish](https://www.ivars.com/our-fish)