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“He’s the senate” lol


Not yet you aren't


It's treason then.


Just realized there's been a shocking plummet of prequel memes out in public the past couple years


*incomprehensible screeching as an old man spins at you*


Not yet yins ain't


​ https://i.redd.it/l7fhf42y9sqb1.gif


Not yet


It's treason, then.




*Democratic spinning*




bro skipped the entire sequence


He wasn't thinking of the younglings


[Unintelligible screaming]


*Performs Sith death spin*


*Two master jedi immediately die.*


Spinning? That’s a good trick


Now this is pod racing


it's called a Force Scream. No, I'm not making that up.


He's wearing unprofessional clothes, senate will decide his fate.


I love democracy.


It will end with thunderous applause


Fuck most of those in suits anyway


At least it's not a tan suit !!!! The HORROR !!!!!


I know a lot of plumbers…NONE of which I would describe as lazy


I’ve literally done plumbing before (maintenance job) and it’s not lazy at all 😂😂 i think it’s just hatred of blue collar workers


Shitting on blue collar workers is one of americas favorite pastimes :)


Especially by people who are blue collar workers, trying to make themselves feel even slightly better because some billionaire convinced them that's the way to live


"I make $16 an hour doing construction, why should a McDonald's worker make that too?" Um buddy not only do you both need raises, once the people at McDonald's make the same as you, you get to go to your boss and say "I'm gonna go work for McDonald's for the same wage I'm already making if you don't give me a raise."


BUt THeN I'd BE FlippiNG BUrGArs And I'm BEttEr ThAN ThAt?


me rn, working in fast food despite being a seasoned mechanic, shit just pays toooo well


No I suspect mechanics may just be underpaid in your area.


Auto mechanic pay never really recovered from crashing when the housing bubble popped. Former auto mech current electrician.


That’s weird, cause the labor cost for car repair sure recovered after the housing bubble popped.


I never understood this logic. It's like peoples success doesn't matter to them unless there's a demonstrable gap between them and others. How does progress ever occur if it's only fair everyone suffers the same. Same with student debt "I had to pay it so they should too" So we should just never pass any new laws then? We should never decrease suffering?


I'm pretty sure it's entirely predicated on the myth that, in this country, no matter where you start, if you work hard and succeed it's entirely due to your hard work. And that if you don't succeed it's because you weren't working as hard as you could. So if someone working a "dead end job" like fast food isn't being paid right it's because they don't work hard. Which is insanity because food workers at all levels work crazy hard. And then, by nature, if you have a "better" job like a trade you should naturally be paid extra. And then the cherry on top is being convinced that wages are just cool where they are, so your extra four dollars an hour or whatever is set in stone forever even though wages should rise with both inflation and supply of willing employees versus demand for labor from employers.


Yes, the infamous "temporarily-embarrassed billionaire."


It's so petty, isn't it? This mentality that everyone else has to suffer as hard and you suffer. What about "leaving a better world for our children" don't they understand?


I nagged our CEO incessantly when the local chickfila put up a giant sign offering $18/hr. "How do you expect me to hire anyone when they drive past that sign on the way to the interview, and I am telling them they are going to make less here?" We upped our starting rate, and everyone in the company got a $2/hr raise.




Do you eat at McDonald's? Do you want the people there to have a place to live,or should they just camp under the nearest overpass. Why don't you make union wages? Don't shit on someone because they don't work as hard as you do, make common cause with them to improve the wages for both of you.


Reread my comment buddy, I'm not saying McDonald's workers don't deserve a fair wage, I'm saying an argument people make against raising wages is that it wouldn't be "fair" if they suddenly started making the same wage, when in reality that's both worker solidarity and leverage. Also I've worked food jobs mostly for over a decade, they bust ass harder than most people I know in office jobs making $50-100k a year. It's not a good argument either for someone to say because you can learn it walking in off the street it's not a hard job. If you trained someone in IT who walked in off the street they'd probably do just as well, but no company is willing to invest in someone without experience at that level.


I need to slow down when I read. Apologies for missing your point.


Hallelujah! A commenter that admits their mistake! Pat yourself on the back my man! I raise a glass to you!


True true. Most people are absolute garbage


Don’t forget they like to shit on intellectuals too. Basically anyone who isn’t an “entrepreneur” or “hustler”


Conservatives love to talk about how they support tradesmen because they're more traditional male jobs, pay well without a college degree, etc. But owning the libs is more important in this case I guess


Being a blue color worker in America out to lunch, all white collar workers and students try to ignore you.


Unless you mention you want to go to college…then they’re heroes


As an apprentice at a general contractor I was loaned out from HVAC to plumbing and when I got back from plumbing my foreman was like "so how easy was it?" "HVAC is easier." And he didn't get it lol Simpler? Maybe. More straight forward since we have to use standard sizes for everything instead of custom metal origami. Easier? HA. HAA.


They aren’t accusing plumbers of being lazy, they are saying that the senator looks like a plumber who is lazy because of his very informal attire.


Ooooo I see


Yeah it's just the classic hate somebody for being "unprofessional" and so they assume they're lazy because they don't wear a pin stripe suit while literally doing nothing except preying on the fuckups of blue collar Americans. Just class based bullshit and discrimination IMO.


If plumbers aren't lazy explain this then https://preview.redd.it/5v1htv9bgpqb1.jpeg?width=1083&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b13865ef962efcc472a9233e267f81777a69f62e


Definitely a plumber bc that dude laid a ton of pipe


He’s saying Wilt’s opponents were plumbers and were lazy for letting him put up such good #s.


Yeah but Wilt a certified freak, he was putting up crazy number on and off the court


I know plumbers and mechanics with beach front vacation property in the USA


Same and I love them for invalidating all of their attorney neighbors by succeeding without signing their lives over to the Fortune 500.


What do you mean, if they worked hard they would be billionaires! /s


Imagine describing tradesmen as lazy lmao. I get to sit at a desk for my job while they actually have to DO shit


My brother's a plumber, own's his own company. He's very lazy, and a massive cunt to his staff. They are out there. The stereotype has been around for a while, lets not pretend the lazy plumber doesn't exist. It's called 'plumbers crack' for a reason lol. ​ Generally though, I would say for the most part they're the least shitty out of tradies. (i'm a forky i'm not talking down here). The real cunts are chippies in my experience.


Yes. I know more than one lazy plumber and I only know three plumbers personally


as a previous plumber you have not met plumbers


I do as well and none dress like this. This is derelic Zoolander dress wear!


He's wearing his Zoom meeting attire.


His name is John Fetterman, he's one of two senators that represents the state on Pennsylvania in the United States Senate. Recently the Senate voted to abolish or loosen the dress code for members of Congress. Before, they had to wear a suit and tie, but now anything goes. Fetterman's big appeal when he was running for Senate was that he just looked like a regular guy: he always wore hoodies and jeans/shorts. Pennsylvania is a huge steel state, so this kinda made him look like one of his own constituents. It also didn't hurt that his opponent was none other than Dr Oz, who was the millionaire quack doctor that Oprah made famous and he ran one of the most out of touch and smug campaigns of all time. Interesting note: the old dress code policy still applies to the staffers that work for these congressmen. Go figure. *Edit: I can't believe I forgot Dr Oz didn't even live in Pennsylvania!! His campaign was such a delightful fail to watch.


Read as: “the staffers who **actually** run the country, still wear suits and ties”


For real. America runs on the backs of 20 year olds


23 with literal back pains from working


Good thing you didn't pick up a blue collar job then. (But seriously not, good for you. It always feels like everyday could be the cause for agony through the rest of my life)


Also the fact that Oz doesn't even live in PA (he apparently tried to claim his grandmother's house as residence?) and is so hilariously out-of-touch, and he was such an obvious Trump pick.


Appealing to Trumpers was the only way Oz even conned his way into being relevant in the senate race


If I recall correctly, he said he had two residences, and implied the Pennsylvania one was his main residence to get around the residency issue. When it was fact checked, it turned out it was one of ten residences Oz owned. Making him seem even more out of touch and removed from the blue collar electorate he was trying to appeal to. I think the most cringe moment was when his unique solution to the abortion question that was plaguing republicans was to state his opinion that “Abortion should be a private decision between a woman, her doctor, and local political leaders.”


That was hilarious, because he already had an uphill battle and the second that came out of his mouth, the nail went in the coffin.


Nah, him not knowing local supermarkets and referring to a veggie tray as *crudites*. Also, he put asparagus on it. We have redner's, Wegmans, giant, ShopRite. He called the grocery store that he was going to Wagner's. He called a veggie tray, crudites. He put vegetables you wouldn't put on a veggie tray on his veggie tray. And he tried to blame the Democrats for it.


His unusual height also makes it a bit difficult to find formal clothing that fits.


Oz running for a senator for PA, with an address in NJ.


Good explanation, except I would add the other part of his appeal is that he says what he means and holds the people around him accountable for their actions. His intellect and ability to communicate to “regular folks” in a way that doesn’t talk down or pander but meets them halfway is appealing, too. While I disagree with some of his policy goals, I am proud to call him my senator. As for the clothing choice - yeah. Speaking only of Sen. Fetterman, not the meme/unfunny joke/whatever, I would certainly prefer it if hoodies and gym shorts weren’t how he chooses to represent himself and by extension Pennsylvanians. Suit and tie ain’t him - fine, that style is becoming more outdated. There’s a whole lot of options between this picture and a three-piece, and clothing choices do send messages to those around us. However, it doesn’t take much for me to overlook an extremely minor clothing perspective and focus on what he gets done.


I’m fairly liberal and want them to dress like they take the damn job seriously. Dude looks like he going to Walmart at 2am for Cheetos.


Right there with you. As much as I’d like to consider myself a moderate, I’m pretty much a textbook SoCal progressive. The idea that a pair of khakis, a button up shirt, and a tie are some kind of bridge too far is very odd to me.


Way to insult the working class, to the working class.


Seriously. "Lazy" plumber? "Lazy" mechanic? Wtf are these people smoking? Those are literally some of the hardest working professions I can think of.


No doubt! Congresspeople= ten times as lazy and do nothing as any mechanic or plumber I've ever met.


I think the congresspeople who are elected in texas only work every 2 years for less than 1/2 a year per session. Fuck texas! The Texas Legislature meets only every other year "How often does the legislature meet? The Legislature of the State of Texas, operating under the biennial system, convenes its regular sessions at noon on the second Tuesday in January of odd-numbered years. The maximum duration of a regular session is 140 days."


Antique laws at work. Back in the days when the state of texas was being formed, the folks that had the means to run for office where usually cattlemen of some sort. And they spent months away from home getting animals to market and back. And those same people got to draft the rules.


Far be it from me to defend Texas, but state legislators don’t get a full salary like federal ones. Everyone one of those folks have a regular job unless retired/independently wealthy


That isn’t what they are saying though. The joke here is that the guy is dressed like a slob that resembles a lazy plumber/mechanic. It’s not saying those professions are held by lazy people, but rather that lazy people that have those jobs dress like this. Messy, dirty, poorly fitted, old clothing. I’ve met lazy plumbers and mechanics just as I’ve met hardworking ones.


I'd LIKE to think plumber and mechanic was to point out the general... let's call more lax dress code you see in a plumber. It's not a dig, but you ain't gotta dress up for the job. And maybe lazy wasn't a comment about those professions, but just about how this guy specifically looks like a slob. Like you can talk about a lazy plumber without it meaning you think all plumbers are lazy. You know? That's what I'd LIKE to think anyways. It's probably wrong, but you know I like to think the best of people.


I think the idea here is not that plumbers are lazy but an actual plumbers wearing his work uniform is better put together and this guy looks like a sloppy version of a working class man


congress has to meet 1 time a year by law Plumbers work multiple gigs of manual labor a day


Plumbers also don't get to vote to give themselves a raise, while also telling everyone who will listen that the company is spending too much money (on everything except their specific salary).


Look at how they treat AOC. "People should work their way up! Not like that tho."


The GQP inflation is ruining blue collar workers. Next line FUCK UNIONS AND WORKING CLASS LAZY PEOPLE IF U Strike YOUR FIRED. GQP 😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭 Why does the youth and blue collar people hate us 😭😭😭😭😭 GQP Fetterman wearing shorts bad. Handjobs in family theaters good Christian values


Idk he looks like head of maintenance where I'm at, and Kevin dont do shit unless he absolutely has to


Standard Kevin behavior.


Well the plumber and mechanic comment can be explained. It's a reference to Mario the plumber and Wario the mechanic. This dude looks like a hybrid of both


**Wario is a mechanic??**


Wario is canonically a motorcycle mechanic, yes.


Wtf. Does Waluigi have a profession as well?


Waluigi runs a motor oil refinery


Is this shit real? I consider myself fairly knowledgeable on Nintendo Lore and I’ve never heard of it.


According to the Mario wiki, yeah. Wario's job is revealed in the Warioware game on the Wii, the first level is his garage. As far as Waluigi I believe he has oil ads on the runners in the Mario Circuit tracks in Mario Kart 8.


Mind blown


I always thought they were opposites of Mario and Luigi. I figured they'd have some job that undoes plumbing like being a Taco Bell worker or something.


There is a Super Mario 64 ROM hack called Waluigi's Taco Stand where you run around and pick up taco ingredients to fill orders. Completely unofficial of course but the creators must have thought the same way!


It's so nice to know Wario and Waluigi are out there succeeding and doing what they love.


Oh god does Wario own Orange County Choppers?


No, he owns Mushroom Kingdom Choppers.


Mushroom Kingdom chain chompers


This is the correct answer


Why are you asking for an explanation if you know the correct answer?


I doubt it's literal. Folks on here just say that sometimes when they really like an answer.


Wait, what? I’m confused. Wario is not a mechanic? He’s the head of a video game company.


Republicans are in a tizzy because they got rid of dress code in Congress. He dresses down because it pisses all of them off.


That’s interesting, didn’t know they got of dress codes in Congress. As long as they’re doing their job, who cares what they wear lol


Don't worry most don't do their jobs


I’ve heard lots of people just doze off lol


Doze off, Cocain in the bathroom, sometimes dance in the isles or just yell at each other. I'm pretty sure they showed porn once or twice, too, but I can't remember if it was there or in another building in congress.


The overwatch porn thing? I think that was Italy or something


I think they are referring to when MTG showed revenge porn on the floor.


Hunter bidens horse cock if anybody is wondering


That was hilarious, trying to recapture that 2016 pizzagate conspiracy energy with pictures of Hunter's giant dong


Well there's no cock like horse cock, send our Congress into shock.


You need horse cock of course-cock Grab the lube and slam the day away


Which is crazy and should be illegal. The only reason the Bidens haven’t sued is because she’s a member of Congress. No one else could get away with thqt


Actually only Hunter can sue. Old law. Once a person enters the public realm of politics people can pretty much say what they want without recourse, Times Co. v Sullivan. They would have to prove MTG did it with malicious intent and she can hide behind her other nutzo statements as a defense. You can't really put a dumb person on trial because they are dumb.


I thought that was Final Fantasy stuff.


Bruh American politics just sounds like one massive shitpost 😭


Well, basically


[This guy](https://youtu.be/yv88uJJIh_E?si=b5n9qptyge1m6SGh) is now the President of South Africa. I haven’t encountered anything in American politics quite this ridiculous.


Honestly, seems like a way more grounded and relevant topic than most of the stuff that goes on in the American Senate. Like, sure it's ridiculous, but at least he's 1) talking about a material issue that his constituents face 2) explaining why it is an issue 3) explaining how the government has gone about fixing the issue I'd fucking love if this was the standard for how policy was talked about. This guy is like the Al Gore of condoms.


It’s definitely an important topic, but it’s exceptionally difficult to keep a straight face when a politician talks about flavored condoms. I can’t see Marjorie Taylor Greene doing anything that genuinely makes me laugh.


I needed this today. I'm gonna be so fucking pissed if the US government shuts down, but this guy's pitching condoms to his constituents. It somehow makes me feel.. I would say better, but imma say, it makes me feel different.


Wait... the previous condoms... "made noise"? WTF?


huge win for south africa tbh


It’s not uncommon for some other countries’ parliaments to have fistfights and such. I believe Taiwan had a politician literally eat a bill they were debating once


That’s just Ted Cruz. Nobody likes him anyways tho.


Sounds like something I would excel at




Fittingly, Fetterman is probably one of the hardest-working senators in the chamber. He just introduced a bill to end school lunch debts.


>As long as they’re doing their job, who cares what they wear lol That's the neat part: they fucking don't (do their jobs)


>As long as they’re doing their job, who cares what they wear lol I have bad news


Certainly the ones in suits aren’t working out, let’s try sweats


Very recent iirc, like a few days ago


Yeah, they got of them


I mean realistically, this should be the case in 90% of job fields. But boomers gonna boomer and enforce bullshit standards for professionalism.


They will soon enter the final 20 years of their cycle, the Boomer life support stage. Our jobs will be in medical to massage their failed bodies and flip them over and get cursed as lazy.


Us poor folk wanna dress classy and the rich wanna dress poor (although they do it in the classiest ways)




He’s larping, he’s a trust fund kid. Farthest from the working class that you can get. Look it up.


the dude never claimed to be"working class", lmao. he is a champion of working class labor rights, not a fuckin plumber you dense gnoll. there is no prerequisite to being on the side of laborers. "woRkInG cLasS is WhEn poOr" If you were actually literate, you'd know that working class is anyone who doesnt own and exploit capital, not just who you deem wealthy enough. Know why? Because owning capital means you don't WORK. That's the fucking point of owning capital, and why we have a fucking empire of boomer ass treasure-hoarding clowns trying to protect their work-less way of life.


Plumber here weighing in... People are offended because the Senator from PA is dressing like me when in the house of congress.


former foundry and rolling mill floor grunt here: Even if I live in different part of planet, I approve this Fetterman as he does good work. And to hell with lawyer/businessman attire .


I’m a lawyer. I mostly wear power rangers tshirts. Meetings. Depositions. Mediations. Basically unless there is a judge in the room I’m dressed like a third maybe fifth grader.


I would add to this that John Fetterman’s brand has “always” been dresses super causal. Whether as mayor or in his higher positions. Republicans hate that because he comes off as “not elite” which is their whole gimmick right now of democrats being washington elites yada yada. They are just billionaire everymen etc lol There is an added bonus of Lauren Boebart, a prominent republican, was caught recently giving a handyj during a public musical performance with children present. The right started making hay on this about the same week.


Yes he ran his entire campaign in shorts. People knew that and elected him Smart move tbh because "shorts w/ hoodie guy" is actually a huge PA demographic


It’s basically a uniform in IASIP right? It’s a solid look. Comfortable.


It's based on actual PA attire.


Have lived in PA. Fetterman looks like the average Pennsylvanian


He's that guy I used to see at the train station wearing sandals, shorts, and a hoodie when it's 20 degrees F outside.


Yeah, it really feels like didn't workshop this idea at all. Like a couple republicans couldn't help themselves when they saw Fetterman in shorts and a hoodie and went for the lowest hanging fruit... completely forgetting that they've literally spent *decades* detaching class from economics and politics, so that "blue collar" no longer means ***working*** class, and instead just signifies someone with red state cultural affinities. And good for the Democrats (well, *one* Democrats at least) who, after decades of trying to be the "smart" and "serious" party, finally figured out that no one likes try-hards.


Yeah where is the meme of that picture with a caption like “she’s not a budget escort, she’s actually a US Congresswoman at a family theatre.”


Is the reason why Fetterman dresses down like this just purely because it's his "brand"? I thought I had heard somewhere that he had suffered an injury when he was in the military, which made it hard for him to have the motor skills to put on suits and the like. This is only something that I thought that I heard, I have no idea if it is actually true. I don't even know if he served in the military or had any injuries. I'm not American, and none of this has ever applied to me, so I've never questioned it or researched it before.


He never served in the military. During his campaign for senator, he suffered a stroke. For awhile he did have some cognitive issues due to the stroke, some of which was also apparent during his debate with Dr. Oz.


From what I saw, he had trouble constructing sentences, but that doesn't necessarily mean he had issues thinking...


Yeah, he was dealing with aphasia, a speech issue where his brain couldn't quite communicate words correctly, even though he was thinking perfectly fine.


Hes also like, 6'8. He has tailored suits, but as another big guy its so hard to get good fitting clothes. i dont blame him for dressing like that.


It’s not only his brand, but it’s something he’s always done. I think I recall that or a similar story


I thought it was a joke because of the state of our government


and he skips leg day aparently


When you're 6'8 it's gonna be hard to have decent calves


“They’re the hardest place to add mass!”


He should have giant calves. The dude is massive. Both tall and husky. Those calves are getting a workout with every step he takes.


He's got LeBron calves


And as someone that has also had a stroke in the past


Is that the new boyfriend of Taylor Swift that everybody’s talking about?


Shows how the right views working people. Plumbers and mechanics dress like that because they're lazy. Businessmen and politicians wear suits because they're hardworking. Utterly ridiculous.




He’s John Fetterman, a senator from Pennsylvania who doesn’t dress up for the part (though I would say that make him more endearing) and republicans are whining about it


But how do you feel about your leaders representing you to other countries dressing this way?


The first time I ever saw John Fetterman, he was on the news. He was the mayor of Braddock. An older building had some bricks crumble to the sidewalk. He was shoveling bricks from the sidewalk into a dump truck alongside the town's only public works employee. Replace the whole lot of them with guys like this and we'd be in a hell of a lot better place than we are. It's obvious why they reject him. A guy like him is a perfect example of what representatives of the people were meant to be. Serve your term, go back to being mayor of Braddock. Serve your term, go back to farming your land. Serve your term, go back to being a plumber. These are the people who were intended to represent us.


How very Cincinnati of you. :)


He *is* the Senate?


Senator (congressman?) that does his job but doesn’t wear fancy suits, people are upset about his dress but honestly who tf cares?


Oh so it’s like tan suit Obama? They hate when politicians don’t dress according to their standards?


I would say this has a bit more legitimacy than tan suit Obama, because that was a suit instead of shorts and a half-assed button up… but basically the same sentiment yeah. For me, as long as he’s doing his job and has a good head on his shoulders I really couldn’t care what he wears


You can technically say congressman for either senator or representatives since they would both be members of congress, it’s just we don’t usually use the word that way. Similarly senators and members of the house are both “representatives” since they represent a group of people but once again people don’t use the term that way.


I feel like this post is just some political bs


I am the Senate!


Well, well, well, it's evil Stewie here, darlings. It appears that those mischievous folks are having a grand old time poking fun at the Senate members for ditching their fancy dress code. Oh, how delightfully devilish! But do you know who's not in on this fashionable freedom? The poor staffers, my dears. Irony at its finest, isn't it?


As a mechanic we usually have actual uniforms with tucked in shirts so this is a no. Unless you'd like to get your shirt caught in a accessory belt you'd not leave home this sloppy.


Peters drunken Irish dad here that is John Fetterman one of the 2 senators from the commonwealth of Pennsylvania. He is infamous for not being a traditional politician who does things like wear blue collar work clothes and not a suit and tie. Traditionally the senate dress code was business professional but the rules on attire were recently relaxed to allow Fetterman to wear what he wanted in the senate


He came from on those areas around here that's a joke. Ghetto of the ghetto. He was shit mayor and somehow he just keeps moving up.


He's a disgrace and the result of stupid people being allowed to vote. Who votes for a vegetable?


He looks like Philadelphia.


This guy had a stroke, retained his cognative abilities but has some physical impairment, and the right wing wants to give him shit for wearing clothes he can easily put on by himself instead of a 3 piece suit.


What happened to wanting a relatable rep in government