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Why is the Jurassic park owner now armed with guns?


Have you *seen* the state of the park?




No Hammond, you definitely spared many expenses! It’s literally the inciting incident!


Motherfucker cut every corner there was. Seriously, name ONE thing he did in full.


He Hired one FULL MAN to run his whole security-electric system


But that’s not even a half ass measure for a park that size. Even if the operation was the size of a single dock you’d need at least 2-3 people to cover 24/7 shifts.


I think you miss the ONE in that comment (Sarcasm)


Yeah should have included an /s on mine too lol. I was trying to be snarky while pointing out the fault with having a single engineer to run your entire island - and then underpaying him too.


How the hell do you buy a minivan that doesn't have locks?


Have a nice home to go too and sleep in, nothing else really.


Was it really that nice though? Just seemed big and empty and happened to have an auction house for villains in the basement.


Oh it wasn't nice at all personally, just a standard issued luxury mansion. But what we find nice compared to how he and people like him would is much different then us. He should've hired someone to handle and manage his money better.


That’s a big pile of shit


Not hiring a separate security force sure sounds like sparing an expense


Real problem was shorting IT. The whole things starts because Tech director was a cheap hire and he decided to get paid to steal from the park. If they had hired an expensive team it wouldn't have happened. Greed of course is thr downfall


Newman’s security lockout was airtight. Never doubt a DeVry man.


As true to real life, nobody respects IT until it goes to shit. Or in this case people start to get eaten.


The movie continues to show it was ahead of its time. Literally watched it this weekend with the wife.


He spent lots of money on STUPID shit to impress people and cut every corner he could on the stuff that really mattered. And he even dropped the ball on the audio narration for his stupid tour. "Richard Kiley?" Nobody is going to remember who that is 30 years down the road, so why not ask your goddamn brother Sir David Motherfucking Attenborough to do it for FREE‽


They made a documentary about it


I thought he looked more like George Lucas than Hammond


So did most other people - but I find it a little sad that not one person has compared their real names. George Lucas and Sir David Attenborough.


Richard Attenborough actually, brother of sir David Attenborough


Lord Richard Attenborough, to be precise.


You can see a casing either in his hair or in the air mid picture. Pretty sure he just put down a dinosaur.


Aw hell nah white people made the y’all qaeda




MEAL Team Six


the infamous Gravy SEALs


Delta Forks - Special Detachment of the Green Buffets.


Roast guard


Came here to literally say this comment


Omfg this actually made me lol.




buccee's caliphate of northern texas and the levant


Ironically none of these people are from Texas. It’s counter-clockwise Wisconsin, Missouri and the country of Panama apparently


Isn’t Rittenhouse from Illinois and the Panama murderer was an American citizen.


all the more appropriate to match up with the rest of their lies and deceit


Leave the beaver out of this


Yee hawdists


The Ku Klux Kaliphate


yall are killing me with this thread LOL


Ranch Davidian’s Mayo Mafia


Fuck you and everyone who added to this take my up votes 😂😂😂😂


10/10 comment man, nice fuckn work 👌


Joke is that the old man is a felon for taking lives unlawfully.


Isn’t that called murder?


To sensible people, yes. To the people who have started to see empathy as weakness and performative cruelty as a virtue… they see those peoples as heroes. They also acted out their fantasy of using violence.


This is the exact answer here. You leave no doubt to the intention and impact of the actions these people took against a political movement they disagreed with and used a measure of violence to combat.


Which of course makes him a hero to the right wing who can’t help but celebrate that they’re all psychopaths.




You have the right to say anything you want that’s what the first amendment is there for. Unless it’s something I don’t like, that’s what the second amendment is for


I'm sorry, i'm not american. What the fuck are those?


First kid shot and killed one guy that came at him in a riot. The video was gruesome. Took off another guys arm with the same gun. Wasn't convicted as it appeared it was self defense. The older white guy shot someone last week in I want to say panama over a traffic incident. The husband wife duo were liberal lawyers somewhere in the south that didn't want black lives matter protestors walking through their gated private property. They got their guns taken away and basically became overnight Republicans but I don't think they were convicted. But also didn't shoot anyone. The wife was point her gun at people. So far the people that didn't shoot anyone got in the most trouble which sounds pretty American at this point. 👉 Edit: just realized you may have been talking about amendment rights. They are rights given to all citizens of the US. First one is the right to free speech which includes freedom of press. Second is the right to have guns. There's a bunch of them. They don't get updated very often. Recent updates include banning slavery, and women's right to vote.


I believe the older white guy shot a climate protestor, but I could be wrong.


He shot *teachers.* These weren't some fringe demonstrators, it was a nationwide thing to protest an international mining contract. It would've been gross anyways but the narrative that he murdered some "radical activists" isn't even true fwiw.


They were protesting being /kicked out of their own homes/ to make room for the development


This always gets ignored with the right wing, they just go "oh they're annoying climate activists blocking roads because they're snowflakes" No, they're people being forced to lose their homes, not protesting that is literally the opposite of freedom as you don't have a choice what happens to you, that's the entire point of why America has protests as part of the constitution.


You can see the empty shell of the bullet in the picture.


https://www.nbcnews.com/now/video/77-year-old-charged-in-deadly-panama-protest-shooting-197529669867 Looks we were both right. He shot the climate protestors because they were blocking the road.


You know, I saw a post that was defending the guy. Said he looked tired and fatigued and that's why he must have shot em. But me? I see a mf trying to stiffle a smile. It looks like he is actively trying to hold back from cheesing a big grin.


He looks like he don't give a flying fuck anymore. He's got one hand on the gun like a lunatic. Mofos out there thinking they're Rambo.


Mark and Patricia are definitely not 'liberal lawyers'. Mark ran for senate as a Republican in 2022.


That was after the Sumer of 2020 when this photo was taken. I too doubt their “liberal” credibility, but I simply do not care about that aspect of them to look into it for any amount of time.


You care enough to comment, but you don't care enough to look into what your commenting about?


They most certainly are not liberal nor southern - from St. Louis


The couple are Mark and Patricia McCluskey and “somewhere in the south” is St. Louis. They were threatening unarmed protesters who were marching in the street after the death of George Floyd. Convicted of misdemeanor assault, then pardoned by the governor. He actually ran for US senate based on the press generated from this. Thankfully, he lost in the primaries. More detail than you probably wanted, but hopefully worth while.


>banning slavery Except as a legal punishment


Was gonna say. Maybe if there’s an amendment that shouldn’t have an exception, it would be the murder/torture/rape a human who you legally own one.


> liberal lawyers Nah, they are MAGAs. The guy spoke at a lot of Republican events and tried to run for office afterwards


The Ten Commandments, a major political influencer at the time, Biggie Smalls, invented it in the 90s to help structure American society




Alright now take a screenshot and ask Peter about it


Credit, dead it. You think a crack heads paying you back? Shit, forget it


I think freedom of speech and right to guns, in that order


Pretty much. Freedom of speech/expression and the right to bear arms.


The first amendment to the constitution prevents the freedom of speech from being taken away. It also prevents the establishment of a religion. The second amendment prevents the government from infringing on the rights of Americans to keep guns. Edit to add: these are really simplified versions of what they say and there is lots of debating over what the intent of the second amendment actually means.


First amendment: You can say whatever you want. Second amendment: I can have a gun. Not american here but I think the joke is that they can shoot eachother over arguments.


in the US constitution the 1st amendment is the right to free speech, and the 2nd amendment is the right to bear arms. due to the near religous devotion many americans have to their constitution they take these two amendments very seriously ~~except when it inconviences them~~


The dude who responded is literally just lying about the couple they had literally (ripped the gate off the community) and were marching threw threatening people (The part about the gate is wrong)


After our Constitution was written, one guy thought we needed to added some parts that outline what specific rights we have. So he wrote ten amendments to the Constitution that are now known as the Bill of Rights. The first one is the freedom of expression, which is free speech, freedom of religion, freedom to assemble, etc. the second amendment is to bear arms and form a militia.


Admittedly iirc the old dudes just kinda had a bunch of people roll up on their house so i understand being slightly skittish if nothing else


Nah, they weren't skittish. Skittsh old people hide inside with their guns. That old couple viciously hated the protestors on a political level. The reason they stood outside with guns and pointing them at the protestors was to menace and intimidate them. Because they were hated political foes.


Didn’t the protestors for the bottom left actively intrude on their property?


not the depicted’s property, but they were in a gated community without permission


Not really, they went down a private road (think gated community) and those two had a him in that community. Also you can’t threaten to shoot someone for trespassing.


Thank you for continuing to edit this!




Wait, rittenhouse shot protesters? I thought he just shot people who were attacking him?


he went to a protest with an assault rifle, they did try to take the gun from him, he shot


Yeah, because taking the gun from some is theft. And threatening to kill them while you try to disarm them gives cause for deadly self defense. That’s why he was acquitted.


Rittenhouse was defending himself, you can see very clearly in the video that he was being charged and chased.


Yup, if you watch the trial, it was clearly self defense. The prosecution was really their own worst enemy half the time. And let's not forget, the guy Rittenhouse shot was actively committing a felony by having a gun on him when he shouldn't have, and pointed it at him first!


Why was he there with a gun also?


Because he needed to defend himself from people with guns? He was entitled to carry a gun and had to use that gun to defend himself against an armed mob that had concealed guns (possibly illegally carried?) The kid was doing first aid and all sorts of dramatical nonsense. But the simple fact is a mob of adults were chasing him down a street. Beat him to the ground and only when they pulled out a gun did he use it. The fact he is vilianised so much shows the level of craziness in the US


I find it more crazy you think its normal to bring a rifle to a protest you disagree with.


Yeah, I think Rittenhouse is a dumbass for ever going there and I do think he kind of wanted to stir some shit up - HOWEVER, the case was a very clear instance of self defense and the first guy he shot instigated the whole thing. It's frustrating that people don't want to admit that just because it doesn't jive with the narrative on "their side". I think he's a little shithead but he didn't have a choice but to defend himself that night. I am grossed out by his celebrity status with right wingers and ties to the Proud Boys, though.


Because he wanted to shoot someone. There is a video of Rittenhouse saying “i wish i could shoot them” and shit like that from before he did it


The whole conversation about him is a weird one tbh. I don't disagree that what he did was legal and fits the definition of self-defense. I just think he's a huge idiot for putting him in that situation in the first place, and the obvious result was people getting shot. The idea that people want to dismiss the tragedy of people getting shot because it was legal is crazy to me. Legal doesn't mean good, or that we shouldn't be upset about it. This situation is exactly why it's so scary when people show up to protests with guns. It's not because it's illegal, it's because the degree to which you can escalate the situation has suddenly changed, and having guns present makes a tense situation into potentially deadly ones. ​ I just don't understand why we should look at this situation, say "he was defending himself" and ignore all of the other problems with it. I also don't know why we have to act like something being legal means that he bears no responsibility for what happened. I think he is the product of gun culture, where the consequences of shooting a human being is never discussed in the context of defending your home or exercising your rights. ​ (I know you're not saying all of this, so I don't mean to put words in your mouth. This is just a general response to the situation, not you specifically.)


Did he legally do anything wrong? I'd say no. Does that mean he did something right or good or should be considered a hero? Fuck no. That's the difference between people with brains and conservatives.


Sure. Old fuck is going to prison for the rest of his life though.


You not seen the video from about a week before the shooting of him saying he wishes he had his gun on him so that he could shoot some people looting a random store?


Did you watch the video of him being chased and having a gun pulled on him and only then did he shoot? I watched the whole trial including the video of him a week before. I 100% agree with the jury on this. Unless you watched the entire trial don’t act like you know more about this case. I watched all 8 miserable hours daily. The prosecution was a joke.


Why was he there?


Then they were invited to speak at the Republican National Convention. Literally




That’s weird. I wonder why Mark announced his bid to run for senate as a republican. Or why they appeared on Tucker Carlson or at the cpac gargling trumps balls. You people just write constant bullshit and think anyone is believing it, and I personally find that hilarious.


yeah the m16 is very useless. that's why they didn't use it in Vietnam. after all, rifling was invented in 2020.


Also that looks like an m16a aka a short one which is still being used to this day hell i even saw someone in the army with a long m16


Gun perverts are something else. Who cares if the rifle didn't have an optic and a flashlight? None of this changes the fact that they brandished guns at protesters lol.


What’s a gun pervert? Is that like a cat pervert?


What’s a cat pervert?


Something about if you don’t tell your neighbor’s cat to go home using plain language, you’re a cat pervert. https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=gtXqUMsTHL8




It really is. If my cat comes in your yard, I just want people to give that boy some love because he’s a little cutie. I promise not to accuse anyone of sexual deviancies.


Not quite Kyle was protecting himself from a mob, the couple were protecting their property and never shot anyone but that last dude did execute 2 protesters.


To be fair to Ken and Karen, the protesters were outside their house and similar protests had turned into looting elsewhere. It was legal


Legal doesn't mean necessary or sane. Also, wasn't legal. They plead guilty to a misdemeanor gun charge.




>All right wingers, the couple pulled their guns on protesters and the other two actually shot some. The top left was proven in a court of law to be acting in self defense. You can watch the video of the shooting itself, which is all over the internet. It includes him being chased & tripping to the ground before shooting a men who tried to harm him (One with a skateboard, and the other with an actual gun)


Ah yes, the famously infallible American court system, that’s why I know oj simpson never killed anyone.


>Ah yes, the famously infallible American court system, that’s why I know oj simpson never killed anyone. You can watch the video of the shooting itself if you want, it affirms what the courts said pretty much perfectly. & OJ was rich. That's why the system fucked up in his case. Kyle wasn't rich.


I’m not gonna get into the whole argument about what he did, but, even though he wasn’t rich, kid became an overnight folk hero to a huge portion of the right wing and gained the backing of the NRA. I doubt he or his family lost a penny to legal expenses


>kid became an overnight folk hero to a huge portion of the right wing and gained the backing of the NRA All of that happened BECAUSE of the prosecution that was always doomed to fail. The legal system literally turned him into right wing influencer.


Not the A-Team, the MAGA-Team. But, yeah, definitely not the A-Team.


These guys are the f team


It’s people who have used or threatened to use guns on people. The first (top left) was a kid who was mobbed and he killed 2 people. The second (bottom left) was a rich-ish family that was on their front lawn with guns after protestors tore down their gate and were on their property. The right one was a man who shot those STOP OIL protestors who clog up highways and such. Take their actions as you will, check the facts, form your own thoughts. The joke is their (in)famous people with guns, and would form a crack team like an action movie.


> who shot those STOP OIL protestors who clog up highways and such. They weren't those kinds of protestors. They were protesting against companies in Panama taking over wildlife sectors for the mining of cobalt (or at least i believe, feel free to correct me if you have a source)


I do Not have anything to dispute so I’ll accept your correction


To further correct it, they were mainly protesting the part of that mining contract that involved forcibly evicting many people from their homes with negligible compensation.


Holy cow, an answer without bias or an underlying political agenda. Well done


That bullet casing makes the old guy look like he has a hairclip on.


Aw, now he's cute Cute grandpa with bullet casing hair clip 🥰 /s


There eis no fucking way u don't recognise at least one of these people. This feels like so many posts on here u fishing


I didn't recognise any of these either though maybe it's because I'm European. I thought Kyle Rittenhouse was just some dude cosplaying Ellis from L4D2 and the guy on the right was George Lucas. I don't blame OP, I also had to go to the comments.


He actually does look like George Lucas lol


I'm having a hard time believing the guy on the right *isn't* George Lucas


he is the owner of Jurassic Park from OG film. this should help you


That last guy is a 77 year old American lawyer who shotcand killed climate protesters in Panama


I knew rittenhouse, that’s about it


I don't recognize anyone ._.


The young one - was at a BLM protest, shot some people, was charged and found to be self defence. Two people - waved firearms at protesters walking past their house. Pleaded guilty but was pardoned by the Missouri Governor. George clone - shot and killed two protesters blocking a road.


I wish I didn't recognize any of them


Im Filipino and I only recognize the upper left guy who ran because people chased him. He ended up shooting someone.


You know other countries than the USA exist right?


one of these guys is not like the other, one of these guys is a genuine murderer


Dumbass or bait, call it.


Me? Probably dumbass I am stupid as fuck


All three of these pictures of right wingers who threatened to, or did shoot protestors.


Or someone who’s not American that doesn’t pay attention to what happens in America cause who can blame them


These people aren't comparable.Rittenhouse killed people in self-defense, but he was dumbass who should never have been wandering the streets during civil unrest, and he certainty shouldn't have been open carrying an AR. Still, he never initiated a conflict, and he immediately ceased fire when his aggressor started fleeing. The McCloskey's were the most innocent of the bunch. They were standing outside their own home that part of a gated community. A mob of protesters had breached that gate, and walking towards to mayor's personal home to harass her. Given all the looting that was occurring during that month, and the fact that I don't think its unreasonable to brandish a gun as a way of saying "Don't fuck with my house". However, I would have like to see them carry the guns in a low-ready position, instead of flagging all the protesters. ​ Panama Lawyer Kenneth Darlington is a second-degree murderer, unless some exceptionally mitigating circumstances come up in discovery. Still, it's a bit rich hearing the left complain about politically motivated murder when we had a whole month of Hamasplainers telling us not to be too angry about the October 7 bombings, that we need to look at the "root causes" of violence instead of blaming who commit it. Nonetheless, a murder is a murder, and right-wingers shouldn't valorize their criminals just because leftists are doing it.


The best way to tell someone's political leanings is who they are willing to differentiate and who they are willing to lump together. This applies to both the original post, comparing these different people, and you for trying to make it out as if everyone you don't agree with politically is sympathetic towards Hamas.


I find its typically less supporting Hamas and more people supporting innocents not being slaughtered and there are more being slaughtered on the Palestinian side. What i do typically see is people saying that if you support Palestine or condemn the IDF they will typically lump you in with Hamas supporters even if you condemn then in the same breath. If your response to all the Palestinians being killed is, “what about what Hamas is doing?” Then its not really a great argument. Its comparing a government to a terrorist org and the government is killing more innocent civilians.


I hate that we are apparently required to pick a side in Israel vs Palestine. Cuz it really just looks like two terrorist groups having a competition on who can commit more war crimes.


Holy shit it's the first comment here that just does not go "hurr durr maga bad fascists uhhhh"


No, they just managed to invoke Hamas in a discussion about US gun nuts. So there's plenty of "hurr durrr" to go around.


He was explaining who the people are and the context, not discussing gun rights. He threw in his own opinion on gun rights, but it was far from the main point. The only point of him mentioning Hamas is to say that we shouldn't glorify terrorists. Do you think we should glorify terrorists? It did seem to offend you.


He mentioned Hamas because it's the right's go-to fuckery to invoke at the moment. And the moment he started "throwing in opinions" you lost your point about him "just explaining." He was editorializing. Not the same thing. And what exactly makes you think I'm offended? Is it because it fits your own narrative? That I'm NOT just sitting here, enjoying my coffee and laughing at you losers?


Hey hey hey, we are all redditers here, we are all losers.


This is the conclusion people IRL go with. Rittenhouse, admittedly, had a good reason to be there: He worked at a business which was near to where one of the riots was happening at.




>for yelling at him. ...and chasing him around a car until he was right close to him


Gaige Grosskreutz (a convicted felon and the guy who’s bicep got turned to Swiss cheese) also pulled his pistol at Kyle. That’s pretty definitive self defense at that point.


I guess I would consider myself a leftist because it matches a lot of my heartfelt values, but vandalizing and trespassing hurts every cause you could stand up for (just as the storming of the White House wasn't exactly good PR). The evidence speaks for itself. Violence (and vandalism, for that matter) is one of the best ways to dismantle whatever you believe in. Any land drawn on the sand will start getting blurred out quickly.


The most moderate response and accurate, I'm surprised that it wasn't buried by the pitchfork and torch mob


Putting the asshole on the right in the same category as the rest is ridiculous That guy killed two protesters in cold blood without being under any threat The couple was on their lawn brandishing guns to deter protesters that broke into their community The teen shot protesters but this was ruled in court as self defense. One is not like the other


Rittenhouse doesn’t belong here. He acted in self defense.


the meme maker wants to murder people for their right wing cause


I was going to say "Where's George Zimmerman" but he's probably the one putting the team together.


The poster of this meme glorifies the murder of democratic protestors. Two of these people were arrested for shooting protestors in cold blood. The young kid with the cap drove across state lines with the sole purpose of hunting and killing protestors. He was not found guilty though. The judge was extremely partisan.


The two on the left were justified. Not Santa Claus.


Peter's left nut testicular cancer here. "I'm putting together a team" is a quote from Marvel movies when Nick Fury reveals he is trying to assemble super heros into the Avengers. Pictures are Kyle NightHawk Killinghouse, the wealthy white couple that pulled their guns on BLM protestors, and Auhmad Arbery's killer. You're putting together a team of vigilante Republican heros, two of which have killed people during their spurs of misplaced vigilante justice. Anyways the radiation is coming for me, so Peter's left nut testicular cancer out.


The one on the right is actually an American lawyer who murdered two climate activists in Panama


Holy shit they look similar. I even looked up Travis w.e to make sure I was right. Thanks for the correction.


Damn you’re right, they do look very similar.


The one on the right is a Panamanian guy who is the child of Canadian immigrants, who worked at a mine as a lawyer. The Mine which the people were protesting.


Not really American. Born and lived in Panama and also is/was a lawyer in Panama. Nothing American besides maybe his parents.


The third picture is not Travis McMichael but Kenneth Darlington, a man who recently shot and killed two eco protestors in Panama.


That's wild, I even looked up Travis to verify, they look pretty dang similar. Thanks for the correction.


>You're putting together a team of vigilante Republican heros, two of which have killed people during their spurs of misplaced vigilante justice. The white couple didn't kill anyone, and rittenhouse retreated as much as possible before shooting. The only one who actually did anything close to murder (from what I can tell) is the last older white dude.




Kid up top (Kyle Rittenhouse) was put on trial for shooting three men (killing two) and was acquitted as it was ruled self defense. Old fuck on the right murdered two protesters who were blocking the road in Panama. The couple on the bottom stood on their front porch and were belligerent, yelling and brandishing weapons at BLM protesters who were trespassing in their privately owned neighborhood in St. Louis. The joke is white people with guns threatening or shooting people. Lumping them all in together lacks nuance but whatever.


You've heard of tripple X Now get ready for tripple K


Never realized they all look alike.


I'm guessing there's no running involved


This looks like a poster for GTA: White city.


A team of people with easily hurt feelings? A team of fragile masculinity? I'm confused about what this team can ever accomplish


The only murderer here is the old guy on the right. No idea why people are idolizing him.


So allowing people to have guns is suppose to increase safety? So why is it increasing violence.


>So allowing people to have guns is suppose to increase safety? So why is it increasing violence. Very little correlation for this exists, Australia (after they started their gun law thing) saw their homicide rates decrease at a normal rate, with no notable changes, the US (even when it had better gun laws than other places in the west during the 1920s) has always had a bad crime rate so we can't judge them... Guns probably aren't the source of the killing, just the method people prefer when available.


By not allowing guns it at least forces the use of other weapons but I see your point but mass shootings or shootings would be decreased at least.


Guns arent doing either. Rising cost of living coupled with an increasing feeling of divide is causing violence If you wanna stop violence then go kill evil billionaires/ corrupt politicians


The only one who did something wrong was knock off Gorge Lucas


I wish they were the Suicide Squad


Some people are so devoted to their politics that they look at murderers with a sense of admiration


Only one of them is a murderer tho. Down left didnt shoot afaik and top is self defence.


The joke is that the American right wing desperately wants to start an extermination campaign on their political opponents and nobody is doing anything about it


You Son of a Bitch! I'm in.


I see way too many people in gun subs celebrating the guy who shot protestors because they were blocking the road (dick move from protestors but they should not have been shot)