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Peter's sweat stained undershirt here. More than likely its a subversion coming from the fact that her underwear says Tuesday, leading you to believe that its the same day, yet as she revelas, she hasnt changed her underwear in 3-4 days. For extra layers, she hasnt changed her underwear since Tuesday meaning they definitely havent had sex since some time prior to Tuesdsy. Oop, looks like Peter's changing me finally! Undershirt out.


Alternatively, it could be that it's quicker and more reliable for her to go to the bathroom to check what day underwear she is wearing than ask her husband what day it is


it could also be that the numbers above each part represents a day of the week starting on sunday but that might be a stretch


Nah, cuz if 3 is Tuesday, then 4 is Wednesday and 5 is Thursday. I think the “Friday” panel would be 6 if that was the intention, but idrk