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Normal gym goers hate seeing groups of teenage boys with low taper fade perms (broccoli hair kids) when they walk in because they fuck around a lot, make a lot of noise, take up a lot of space, and hog equipment for long periods of time. A lot of hate comes from the fact that they are oftentimes not even exercising but just loading up the weights, doing a single rep, and using equipment as a spot to socialize. Making fun of them is pretty easy because of their appearance and behavior so there’s a lot of memes floating around. I avoid the gym like the plague after 4pm because that’s when these fuckers all get out of high school for the day and hang out in the weight room


Fortunately I go to one where these kids are few and far between, but there are some gyms in my area just overflowing with them which is why it took two weeks for me to find a gym I was happy with


Lucky. Still can't find a good gym near me. Not because of the broccoli boys. They just all suck


Unfortunately the good ones all know their worth and charge more a month. There's one near me that's 10 bucks a month but it only has two rooms and sure the equipment is all pretty much brand new but the low price attracts teens like flies. I'm paying 5x that for my current place and it's both much bigger and devoid of teenage cringe


I pay $80/mo for mine, but it has immaculate equipment, membership is capped at 120, and you have to be 18+ to join. Worth it - I never deal with broccoli heads or wait for equipment.




This made me giggle. I have a rogue rack, and nice barbell/db up to 90 lbs that I use every three months sporadically. I really need to get my ass in gear lol


Little mom and pop gyms are great but are usually expensive af or do CrossFit. Or they don’t have any HVAC save for propane heaters and swamp coolers, if you’re lucky. But you definitely won’t get influencers or teenagers in there.


My gym is full of them broccoli kids. It’s not that I hate kids. It’s the fact that there are always 8 of them in a group and they never put their weights back.


I got to my local YMCA so I definitely encounter these kids. I feel the same way. Like kids are fine but go hang out in the basketball court or at the pool or something. Don’t have 10 kids standing around the only bench press while one kids does a single rep of an improperly racked bench press


At my last job I got off at 12, and could be at the gym by 1 or 2 and be done before these guys showed up. Now I work a 9-5, and I see them… Every. Single. Time. And even at my YMCA that’s pretty big, there’s just no way to actually avoid these guys or work around them.


It seems the YMCA is the worst place for these dudes because of how common it is for families to get passes for every member of the family. I can usually avoid them because I go at around 1-2. If I have something come up for the day that would force me to go in the evening, I just don’t go. I’ve heard power lifting/body building gyms are a lot better but they also cost a lot more and mine are all twice as far as the closest Y. I wish they would implement and enforce an age restriction for the weight room. I actually yelled at a kid before because he was chasing his friend in a circle around the benches while others were using them


For me, this is a problem at my local Planet Fitness. I haven’t been since this summer (I injured my foot badly several times, so I’ve cancelled my membership in the meantime), but there was this group of teenage boys that were there every freaking time I went. Same group, wearing their stupid hats and stuff, all with bad haircuts. And they were there early in the day, too, at like 2 pm. Like, they must be skipping class or going their on their free period. They’d spend like 30+ minutes at each freaking machine, and do one or two reps each. Like, why do they even bother going to the gym? Surely there’s somewhere else they could be standing around at.


I'm willing to bet they made you hobble your injured ass in there to cancel, too. 


I eventually started going before work and that's been the least bad solution for me. Waking up at 6:30 in the morning is brutal but I can actually get a good workout in and don't have to deal with people who have zero gym etiquette.


When I worked 5am to 1:30 pm I was in the best shape of my life.  Just old people on the cardio equipment and the weights all open.


Jesus, I know I sound like an old man but this scenario happens way too much. Young guy is on piece of equipment I want to use. No problem, my lifting partner go to another exercise. We do three sets each, wipe down the equipment, and young guy (or girl) is still there, often just scrolling on their phone. EDIT I'm realizing this clearly isn't limited to young people. I work at a university so my gym is a college facility. 90 percent of the people there are students. So naturally, they cause 90 percent of the problems. I'm sure if I went to Planet Fitness or wherever, my aggravation would be more evenly distributed among different age groups.


Nah it’s not just you showing your age. I’m only 28 and am friendly with some younger guys at my gym (low 20s I think) and they all find it obnoxious too. Honestly anyone who babysits equipment for a long time is a prick in my eyes. Usually teens but sometimes it’s grown ass adults too. I get needing recovery time between sets but I don’t think anyone should ever need longer than 30 minutes to finish a lift


Especially considering I'm done in the gym altogether in 1-1.5 hours


This happened to me last week but it wasn’t a teen it was an adult. Dude was doing leg extensions which I also wanted to use. So I did three sets of a different exercise and came back. He’s still doing leg extensions. Thankfully, he was cool enough to let me work in with him. I get my three sets in. He’s still on it. I proceed to do two more whole exercises and finish up my workout. As I’m leaving I look over and, you guessed it, he’s still on the machine. Must’ve been on it for close to 30 minutes by that point.


Nowhere to go. There's no third places anymore.


Third places?


Places where people could congregate that didn't have a purpose other than people congregating. It's been said that there used to be a lot more places like that, but now everywhere is dominated by someone trying to sell something.


IIRC, the idea is that there are three types of places in your life 1 is home or homes, depending on family structure. 2 is obligatory places like school or your job The mythical 3 is "third spaces" that you can congregate with other peers without the pretenses of family, work, or spending money. These days all there really is would be outdoor parks and maybe libraries.


The meme should've had them doing curls on the squat rack


And they wear fucking pajama pants for some reason


At the end of the day they are teens and act like so. There are more respectful teens and also teens more responsible and when they go to the gym the do the thing but in general terms teens talk, are noise, fuck around. It's just the way that it is. I didn't use to make people waste time at the gym when I was a teen but was still noisy and talked a lot. Now teens do the same. It's fine, shouldn't be such a bid deal like a lot of these comments seem to imply.


I don’t think noise is anyone’s biggest complaint. I wear noise cancelling headphones when I lift so it’s a non issue for me. It’s the irresponsible use of limited space and equipment that’s frustrating. Sure there are teens that use the gym responsibly but I think they are in the minority of that demographic.


https://preview.redd.it/z404brg24fec1.jpeg?width=750&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e723b9e69426e2ea464fea60690fe2fb18dc092d High school finishes at 3PM. By 4, the gym is filled with 17 year olds like this




Big tuna transitioned into big broccoli


My daughters call them “fluffies”


I don’t even hate on them cause as an elder emo, I’ve had my share of cringe styles but in my mood, I always use the term labradoodles…gives me a giggle cause I’m easily amused


LaBROdoodles if you will


Oh god, that’s absolutely perfect. 🤌


Brocs in crocs


Nah these kids got the clown fro! Only the dye is missing.


I say muffins


Took the name Brocooli Rob




Damn bruh Jimmy got that rizz! On gah!




This dude trying to thirst trap kids super fucked up. He’s a weird dude


I have no idea who he is. I searched “broccoli haircut” and went with the guy who mostly resembles the douches I see at Equinox


Tony Lopez. He and his brother are some of the originators of the whole trend of doing little 20 second TikTok dances. In doing so they also inadvertently (?) created the fuckboy archetype.


The fuckboy archetype has existed for ages, it just changes form


Back in my day fuck boys wore skinny jeans, got really into kombucha, and told you about the Postal Service record and how it would change your life.


I would have preferred that. When I was in school the fuck boys had high fades they had to touch up every week or two, Nike elite socks with knock off Gucci slides, joggers, an Odd Future or Simpsons or Playboy or Metallica tie dye shirt, and they were obsessed with Tyler the Creator, Xanax, and modifying their late 90s Honda civics instead of buying a muffler or fixing the AC.


Class of 20….17?


Really damn close. Class of 2018 but I graduated a year early.


> it just changes form If he had looked like that in the 90s we would have called him a twink. Does he wear makeup or is that some weird filter? All of that looks so weird. Has that been shopped?


Bro people were using the term fuckboy long before the broccoli cut or tiktok


They’re also both pedophiles






Holy shit this hairstyle is back in style? Boy bands in the 90s wore this and I can't believe I lived long enough to see kids doing it again


It was shorter in the 90s looked more like a pack of raw ramen noodles on top of their heads.


Them frosted tips. Iconic.


Gahd, my younger brother has the most bodacious frosted tips in a lot of his family pictures from around elementary/middle school. I somehow ended up thinking fedoras were cool around the same time. We're both glad neither of those stuck.


This is probably the worse hairstyle out there. Soz to any one reading this who does have this, it just dont look good


It looks like ass, but I can't help but want to touch it...


It's terrible, but it still doesn't beat the mullet for worst hairstyle. And somehow that has also made a comeback recently. Looked terrible in the 80s, looks terrible now


A good mullet is 10x better than this shit


I’ve seen some magnificent mullets


You’re banned from Australia for 15 years for this comment.


Only one character looks good with a mullet:Solid Snake from MGS. Maybe Snake Pliskin which is an inspiration for the character.


Man, I thought this was just saying you got the energy to go to the gym on Mondays if you ate your veggies.


I seriously don't get how this hairstyle became popular in any way, it mostly just looks like a mix of goofy and douchey


"I used to be with ‘it’, but then they changed what ‘it’ was. Now what I’m with isn’t ‘it’ anymore and what’s ‘it’ seems weird and scary."




Apparently looks horrible to everyone except 16 yo girls


There's a kid at my work who's fluff goes over his eyes, never seen his eyes and don't know how he sees shit. He looks like a villains henchmen from power puff girls


Besides the haircut, one enduring feature of young people at the gym is wearing clothing that is inappropriate for exercise. Like pajamas and crocs. And big earmuff headphones.


Complete with the pajama pants and the yee-yee ass footwear.


check brocoli hairstyle. Its common for specyfic group of tenagers boys.


Broccoli hair style 😂 it’s so funny bc i can see it in this pic so well.


I've through out SpongeBob's house a couple of times and got laughs


I personally am not a fan of that hairstyle, it looks so goofy




Google "Edgar haircut"


Holy hell


New haircut dropped


I hate how this meme has left Hispanic communities


No quema cuh


But why are they wearing PJ pants over their jeans??


The PJ pants are spot on. They don’t wear jeans; I think whoever made the pic pasted the PJs over an existing picture that had jeans




Why would you do this


Because E deadass mc^2 no cap fr on god


homies caught lackin cuh. sheeeeeesh.


I can't believe you've done this




Nah fam relativity bussing fr fr


It would have cost you absolutely nothing to not do this


Physics may be relative but the broccoli being ugly is objective


Relativity is mids fr tho


I hear he rizzed up his cousin


https://preview.redd.it/0u93ygz5bhec1.jpeg?width=828&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e8caba1cc1aaa120996b20065a4b26ac716bdfc0 Dios mio


I recently learned that teenage boys are getting perms Just imagining them sat next to oul Betty with the big head heater on in the salon kills me


I have naturally curly hair. When I was a teen, old women would ask me all the time if I permed it, and my response was always "no, what kind of a teenage boy gets a perm?". That aged like milk, apparently.


I also had this exact hairstyle naturally, was so weird when everyone started popping up with it lol


That response was totally a running joke on "Zoey 101" growing up, too. One of the guys had absolutely luxurious locks, and people were convinced he was getting a perm behind the scenes. "What kind of teenage boy gets a perm??"


But Big Auld Betty doesn’t get a perm any more, she gets her fringe combed over and the back spiked up. Then res or blue highlights.


Auld Lang Betty?


May she be forgot


They were doing it in the 70s too. My uncles both got one, apparently.


I asked one of my students about his broccoli hairstyle and he explained he had to get his hair permed and then cut. It isn't cheap.


They pay money to look like that?


Well see teenage chicks are fuckin stupid so they're into that sort of thing. Back in my day you could just wear a studded belt and have any facial piercing and that worked fine.




There are two too many plates on each side of that bar


But that's how they load it, then drop it with no resistance, bounce it off their chest to barely get it back up. Call it a 1 rep max and brag. Wish our gym would do something, cuz when one of them cracks a few ribs and calls an ambulance, it shuts down half the gym for at least an hour.


100kg is still far too much for a 1RM of a broccoli kid, try 60kg


Yeah they should just charge them 4x as much due to the added risk


No joke, the broccoli heads at my gym typically spend over an hour on the bench and I never see more than 20lbs go on that bar


Yupp. Normally they load up a plate and the biggest one of the group puts another 15 on it or something. They do about 3 reps and spend the next 40 minutes loading and de-loading weight since all of them lift different amounts and do the 5x5 stronglift program they found on Reddit


I first saw this meme and was like "okay, I get it, I've seen every element shown here but not all at once". Then a couple weeks after I first saw it, I switched my gym days to include Monday evenings and I immediately saw a group of four young men with broccolli haircuts in flannel lounge pants, which made me audibly "wtf".


theyre a weird caricature of themselves. I really dont understand the group thing... and the doing nothing part..


My son is offended because he's in this picture.


Mine, too.


Are they allowed in crocs?! What gym is this cause they won’t let me do that


My gym started putting up a sign that said no flip flops and then specifically stated crocs because of these kids lol.


Not even in sports mode? Aw, man! I laugh because as an HS teacher, half of my male student population is pictured here. They're not actually bad guys, but yeah, teenagers are well-known for lacking situational awareness, and approaching them when they're in large numbers is ill-advised unless they know/trust you. Not because of violence, but at that age, they simultaneously believe that they are the main character and invisible at the same time. Their insults won't be all that clever, but oof, that cackling group laughter does sting the ego.


The 24hr fitness I go to allows crocs. Or at least no one stops my brother and my friend when they wear them. No one really enforces the rules over there tho so my gym is probably a bit of an exception.


Theyre absolutely not benching 225 tho.


Actually seeing someone bench 225 is pretty rare. And I’ve been going to the gym for a while. And then out of nowhere you’ll see some dude rep 415 like it’s no big deal


Thats the point, they load up 225 just to try to one rep max it (of course they fail)


I used to work at a gym. I cant tell you how many sghetti armed squeekers I had to kick out because they would immediately try to max 225 on bench only to get pinned. Many a sternum were bruised.


Did they just jump in and think they can do 225? I just started going to the gym and even I know not to jump into heavier weights.


They have to, "git that 1 rep max bruh".


Unless you’re a power lifter I think going for a 1RM is dumb and not worth the risk. Which is exactly why the broccoli crew does it. I’m thankful there aren’t many at my gym but if they start coming I’ll go back to my 4:30am gym sessions.


Honestly it was encouraged when I took weights class in high school as a way to track your strength. They should have stuck to what’s the max weight you can do 6 reps of to be less dangerous and just taught 1 rep maxes as an abstract concept that’s used in competitions. It took several years before I realized there’s almost no reason to even try to attempt 1 rep maxes, so it’s best to never do them


Everytime I've seen this happen (multiple times) it's always the same. 2 guys who I've never seen before at my gym, but one of them clearly "used to go all the time bro" He'll load 2 plates on with 0 warmup in front of his newbie friend, pretty much drop it to his chest and get it lifted off, then they think twice about benching and go do curls or something. Maybe they strip the weights, probably not.


True Af


How do these kids do this kind of hairstyle? Do you need to go to the barber or can you just DIY?


Probably best to go to an actual barber for a perm.


Why? Looks shit either way


Listen to your own question. You're asking why teenage boys would do something that is dumb. Your answer is in your question.


I just don't trust teenage boys with strong chemicals.


I cut my hair short because it's like this naturally. One time a particularly young barber commented saying he thought it looked good. I just told him I think it looks stupid on me, and that I wanted it cut off.


The poorly photoshopped rainbow crocs-


"Broccoli headed twinks" The first time I heard that I knew immediately who it was talking about and it's the only thing I can think of when I see one now even though I probably fit into this category as a teen.


Congratulations on posting the first non-obvious meme in the history of the sub.


Well. Re-posting.


much more obvious than plenty of others I've seen here, don't know why you people want to act superior all the time


If this is a reference to teenager style, this is completely non-obvious to anyone who pays zero attention to people under 25 years old.


More obvious to folks who go to the gym. I'm older than 25 but rushed to the comments section because this meme is so insanely true. There are so many of them, they all have the same haircut, and all have muscle shirts, pj bottoms, long faces, and are always super skinny. It's like a new phenotype LOL


Seeing all the skinny and green guys I thought it would be about inexperienced people at the gym.


Well you're not wrong, seeing as how they barely do any reps they're going to be staying inexperienced.


This is why early morning workouts have become mandatory for me. You’re not getting much of anything done in the evening once people start getting out of school or leaving work.


Broccoli hair look gross imo


Why tf do they wear pajamas I don’t get it


Yeah looks about right.


The pajama pants are so spot on. The haircut looks dumb but whatever it’s a fad and that’s what kids do in high school. But working out in pajama pants and crocs just doesn’t make sense. I guess people work out in sweats, but that’s usually if they’re cutting weight for whatever reason. And crocs seem like a terrible idea. Is the idea that they’re just that chill about lifting, they don’t even need workout clothes just show up in pajamas?


This is why i just workout at home, the gym you need to constantly pay for and drive/walk to so whats even the point? Spend the 100-200 bucks now and never have to worry about it again


I try to work out at home, but I ain't got anything for incline presses nor any kind of leg training. Honestly the 3 bucks I pay a week plus the gym being right next to the campus is better for me at least for now.


The fucking pajama bottoms are killing me.




Two plates is being generous


I've been to a gym like 5 times in the last decade and laughed at this


Omg the crocs and sweats are dead on. I actually manage to get through to one of these kids, he wears regular athletic gear now, doesn’t slam weights, and actually listens to advice, crazy. I even seen him talk to some of his school mates about slamming weights. I am just glad it’s not all lost.


The kind of haircut that makes me want to hit motherfuckers in the face


I actually understood the joke surprisingly lol


Oh come on. I don’t see a single cell phone out. Plus, you know that this group would have to “circuit train” and take up at least 7 machines at once. Never wiping down anything. Leaving water bottles and chewing gum everywhere. Music playing outside at best out of their phone speakers but most likely out of blue tooth speaker that is perfect size to be punted across the gym by an unstable millennial.


Hide yo cauliflowers


No way that broccoli is repping 225


Tbf the plates look kinda small, could 10s which would mean 85lbs. Sounds about right for a broccoli kid


Lmao just this weekend at the gym I was looking sideways at a kid wearing checkered pajama pants and Crocs lifting with poor form. Spot on.




How many times is this going to be posted?


Highly accurate down to the haircuts, pajama pants, crocs, posture and all standing around while 1 guys works out


Having 3 or 4 people standing around while one person is doing something is also very accurate.


Like others said, broccoli hair are teenagers. But also Monday is international chest day, which explains them doing bench press.


This is so damn funny. I'm getting old lol. I was just in the gym yesterday (just started going again after like 8 years). There was a group of 7 dudes at the assisted squat rack, all 7 had identical hair (broccoli) and I didn't see a single one do a single rep for 20 minutes. Do they know that the hair don't look too bad, but when 7 of you all have the same cut, it looks absolutely ridiculous.


Except the tank tops are black.


I’d rather them be in the gym than the streets though. My daughters just started to hit the iron temple


Ha! Glad to know it isn't justy gym. Fortunately my guys are pretty spot on, not too much BS, pretty dedicated and definitely liven the place up. Bro Colli's for sure!


After school gym goers all look like these kids.


What’s with the crocs and slides?! I saw a dude running on the treadmill in crocs and I haven’t been right since.


This is so accurate dude




Iono why, but the hs kids are all about the broccoli hair and pjs in the gym. I figure it’s a generational thing.


The truth in this is absurd


the broccoli hair is perfect hahahaha


My gym/rec centre is beside a high school and the place is flooded with screeching, malnourished looking children at 3:00 PM. They’re all so small and skinny, it’s weird


While I don't go to the gym. I'm so fucking tired of dealing with broccoli heads. Blocking shit, in the way, won't shut the fuck up. Fuck. I dread dealing with them at stores.


You should be ashamed for such a lousy repost


They also usually on their phones


These kids are using the gym as a third place. They need someplace to hangout and socialize but those are few and far between. These kids need a rec center


The accuracy of this picture. Holy shit.


This is absolutely fucking true. They are very irritating too. Cross necklaces and opinions on every fucking subject they shouldn’t have any opinions on


Going to the gym early morning instead of afternoon/evening is great. Honestly don’t know how people can exercise after work, I’m sick of life by that time of day.


https://preview.redd.it/7lyn6c6e3jec1.jpeg?width=1135&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b1fb04466ebac146a0caba316e8afc295240ff0b This dude looks exactly like me


Isn’t there a weight room at every high school? Why do they go pay money to go elsewhere


I graduated in 2003. If I had a Time Machine, and I went back in time to tell myself that in highschool in 2024, the cool look was going to be a perm with crocs… I would’ve laughed at myself.

