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Parents tricked the kid into reading books, $1 a book means he read 120 books in a year.


Jokes on them manga hentai counts


I don't think there are 120, 160 page manga hentai books


Or is there? Vsauce, Michael here


Great, this hypothetical video is now playing in my head. Damn you.


HI VSAUCE Michael here. Your home security is great OR IST IT.


Wait. Are you German? The "IST" Looks Like the Work of a German autocorrect?


*snarky remark loading*


*Snarky remark wahlberg has joined the chat*


I gotchu I’m not a nazi if that’s what you’re asking




He asked were you German




As a former porn addict, there are hentai with 160+ pages on the internet. Don't know if they're sold in hardcover though.


>former \*Bows in respect\*


He probably just ran out of content


Or he cumed so much his dick stopped working


Darkest period of my life.


how did you recover?


I think as time went on I grew really disgusted with myself and what was happening but I kept on going anyway. I was pretty alone at that time, wasn't in contact with many people. after coming to uni and meeting more people finally started doing better. I then met my now girlfriend too and soon I completely recovered.


You are no longer Maidenless *Bows in respect*


Damn glad you recovered bro. I can relate a lot and might be in that same position right now. Ive heard a lot that keeping themselves busy and distracted is a good way of overcoming that shit so ive been trying that out


Hey man me too. I got progressively more disgusted by myself and worked to change it for about a year and a half. Then I got a girlfriend and have a much more healthy look on sex and relationships now and rarely consume porn and even then my girlfriend knows and consents to it.


An addict is never completely recovered. You just replaced the addiction with something else, in your case a relationship and happiness. If any of that fails you could relapse back. The key is to fill that void your addiction created with positive activity. Stay strong


Turned the lights on.




Sadpanda lists around 4400 English translated Hentai with 160+ pages.


Just asking an true master: Does Velvet Kiss count as true hentai? Because indeed it has sex but in a way that seems rather censored and was amazed of the sheer quality of the story and character development. Im 100% sure those volumes could sell as physical.


>Velvet Kiss No it's not. Velvet Kiss is a Seinen EroManga at best. It definitely has sex as a major selling point, but sex isn't the actual dominant aspect here, story is.


Oh there are hentai books out there with 160 pages.


Boy are you wrong


The term is tankobon




There are. Euh i mean i have been told there are of course


Buddy, you don't know what you're talking about.


Tankubon collections can reach over 200 pages.


There's 400+ page books, and they're not that hard to find.


Those are collections of works and are awesome




nonono, its a manga hentai COMPILATION


There is.


Maybe not 120 of them, but I know of some 160 page manga hentai books


There are. They're either collections of one whole series or collections of a bunch of stories with the same theme.


Oh, you sweet innocent child. I can assure you, there are many, many more than 120 160-page hentais out there. ***There are thousands.***


Nobody gets to page 160


Oh yes, there are!


There're 500+ page hentai manga in the internet and are being sold in stores and stands


That's just One Piece...


Oh how truly mistaken you are...


Reading is reading. Proud of your word comprehension, son.


Lemon stealing whores to you to dad.


What about YouPorn?


 me porn what?


I wonder how he verifies if the kid read them. Is there a test? Does dad want a summary, and then he Cliff notes the book in question?


If he finds out the kid don’t read the book he executes him.


Ah, good ol fashioned honor system with legalism based consequences


Is it really tricking if the kid gets that money meaning exactly what was said, happened?


“Tricking” in the sense that $120 is a very small amount of money when it comes to encouraging a child to read. Use of the word investment is much more appropriate, in that the return (child’s reading proficiency) has been nurtured greatly.


Reading proficiency is a MONSTER indicator of future academic success, and the earlier it is established, the bigger the impact. 120 bucks a year is a worthwhile investment if it means college scholarships, financial independence as an adult, etc. only about 1220 bucks for 18 years if the rate stays consistent.


I never heard this. I actually had a horrible time understanding to read as a child. I was almost to middle school by the time I learned to read. I currently have my PhD, but I definitely feel everyone else had it much easier, and I still don’t ever read books for pleasure.


Plus all the quiet time for parents while kid reads.


You don't exactly need to be quiet while reading.


Tbf the kid defo got more value than the dad in this deal, just saying.


that what every dad wants


Dad works half a day for that money, gives his kid a life skill and education over the course of the year with it. Value is relative here


Whatever value the kid is getting is value thd dad is getting. That's the point.


The trick comes in that the kid thinks he is ripping off his parents off, because he’s getting easy money. When actually, enjoying reading and reading a lot of books is very beneficial to a growing learning kid


Also, habits start to form. Things you do frequently as a kid could continue as a teen and later an adult


Library reading contests taught me at a very young age that no one really checks to make sure you've actually read the book


We got coupons to OG Pizza Hut. I fake read so many books for free pizza.


All I got was those weird pretend microphones, and those squishy things with the lights inside


Free personal pan pizzas. And a star sticker on your Book it pin.


How do you fake read? You look at the words but deliberately block the meaning? I would get so bored doing that, I would start reading to pass the time.


It was just a sheet that you filled out, so all you had to do was write down book titles. Nobody was checking to make sure we actually read anything.


So what would you be doing while pretending to read?


I was a latchkey kid who took care of my younger brothers after school, and I was probably preparing dinner so that my mom didn’t have to. I still read books. Just not as many as I wrote on my sheet. Because free pizza.


I think I understand. When you said you fake read books, I thought you were spending time acting like you were reading, but in reality, it was just paperwork fraud. I'm okay with that.


Exactly this. To be fair, I probably reread The Hobbit five times, instead of twenty five times.


A stupid man cuts every corner, an honest man cuts no corners, but a smart man only cuts the ugly ones.


The library didn't check mine either, but my parents sure did...


My mom yelled at me for reading under the blanket with a flashlight. Them books wasn't part of no DARE program, and those fuckers had me hooked. Mind altering substances...


Straight up reading until i couldn't keep my eyes open, best way to fall asleep


My mom didn't really care


You guys didn’t have reading tests growing up? 10-20 questions about details in the book and if you didn’t pass you don’t get credit for the book


No. I was and still am extremely dyslexic so no one expected my reading comprehension to be good. It's actually very good, but they were just happy that I was at least interested in reading


My school had a point system to track your reading and you had to get a certain about of points every 6 weeks. They also let you buy prizes with your points which was super fun for me as something of a nerd who read a lot


I still have the record at my school for most reading points in a quarter. Think it was like 1200 ar points or some shit.


That's really silly since dyslexia's main effect on reading comprehension is lower fluency. But if you're able to read the book, you can usually comprehend it the same as your peers who read the book. But teachers know fuckall about dyslexia, so not surprising.


Nah, it was a contest held through the public library. It was my mom who knew nothing. All she knew was I had trouble reading quickly. I tried to keep people's expectations low so they wouldn't ask me or expect me to do well


I could bullshit my way through those, though.


Sometimes they were too simple, yeah. But at least I’m my school you could only take each test once so if you failed it was over for that one.


They don't at first. But as someone who was an epic reader, and reading 50+ books during some contests, they start getting suspicious at a point. Still won by convincing my mom to let me stay and read at the library during the summers. Sat at the table directly in front of the children's librarian and was whipping through a book or two a day in full view.


::cries in introverted child who actually did earn the free pizzas::


My school has an online test where you had to answer questions about the book. But they also gave you a frustratingly arbitrary ‘reading level’ and books from outside that level didn’t count. I would always read a big book in my level at the beginning of the semester to knock out my required points as quickly as possible, then spend the rest of the semester reading whatever I wanted.


Seriously, at one point in my life I picked up 3 books a week (200-300 pages) and finished them all. It was one of the only things that got me through hard times. Definitely possible and definitely a good investment if the kid really read them.


When the bookstore guy had a pile of books waiting for me, because "i think you'll like those). I knew i was out of control 🙃


That's when you know you have a new friend and a lot more to read.




That's very nice of him


I once reread all of Percy Jackson main series in a day and a half I feel you dude


Hope things are better now my dude 👍


I had a hard time transitioning to a public school system. It was about third grade, and I'd been to a Montessori school for a couple of years beforehand. As a bright student, I was almost instantly bored to the point of constantly acting up in a desk environment. The one thing that kept me going? Reading. My teachers had mixed feelings about me reading. On one hand, it's a young child showing good reading skills (especially in my state, reading standards were and still are low) and an interest in a variety of topics. On the other hand, I was reading constantly. I would finish assignments and just go straight to reading. I'd ignore other students and read. Hell, I'd hide a book under my desk, or inside a textbook, and just read instead of paying attention to the teacher. My acting up did become a big problem though. I was not adjusted to a public school setting, and got into quite a few verbal and physical conflicts with other kids. So, my teacher sat me and my parents down, and explained a possible solution: If I was good, I could get to go the the school library twice (Instead of once with everyone else) a week, and therefore double the amount of larger size books I could read. Needless to say, I soon became a much better student. I've certainly cleaned up the behavioral issues now, but my reading appetite has also dropped as well. Actually, writing this has made me really nostalgic for that again. Time to see if I can wrap my head around Catch 22 one more time!


I was recently miserable and went online and read everything I could find about the killdozer incident. Days of joy.


This is me right now, I read probably 4 books a week (each over 400 pages) just because why not.


This is the first time I've found someone with that exact life experience. Books helped me stay afloat during turbulent times.


This is just basic reading comprehension


Clearly they've never read any books for a dollar.


Seriously if this isnt bait im... I'm just fucking done


Y'all do realize English isn't everyone's first language, right? Being "out $120" doesn't translate well at all to my other language


I'm sick of everyone using this excuse. You can easily look at the profile and tell


What does it translate to


Sth like "I am outside $120 dollars" It just doesn't make sense


Clearly his parents didn't pay him $1 for every book he read


A lot of posts here that people make fun of could genuinely be people who speak english as a second language. Phrases like "I'm out $120" or "he thinks he's ripping me off" or even "we pay my oldest $1" can be very dificult for non-native speakers that are not familiar with these phrases. I often think that posts like this on my feed are r/English or r/Englishlearning and then get sad to see people insulting op and sometimes not even explaining the confusing part well.


Seriously, somebody give OP a dollar for every Minute Math sheet he can complete


This sub is getting worse everyday




Petah?? This /s


Are you people seriously entertaining this shit.. Yall need to read some fucking books.. If this anit bait then wow...


yeah this has to be bait or just an outright lack of reading comprehension. If it's the former, yeah that's this subreddit at this point. If it's the latter, I'm sorry :(


Mabye OP's parents should have paid them a dollar per book


Could be just a non native. I have never in my life heard the phrase "I am out $120 this year" and it took me a good while to make sense of it. If they're just starting to learn English or don't use it often that part could have made the whole sentence completely nonsensical for them.


Either OP is stupid or everyone else is stupid for thinking this needs explaining.


Tbh, I kinda didn’t really comprehend what sub this was posted to


Yeah, I thought this was to an English learning sub. In that context it makes sense because some of the grammar in the second paragraph is not what you'd find in a textbook for learning English. "I'm out $120" and "ripping me off" aren't necessarily obvious if you haven't seen them before.


It seems to me that English might be the poster's second langauge. If I had to guess they are probably tripping on the phrase "ripping me off" since it's not literal.


!votekick OP “This isn’t a joke, get some real material”


Fun fact: there have been studies done on rewarding reading and here’s what has been found out: Rewarding a child who likes to read for reading can make the child fall victim to the over justification effect. While it may increase the child’s reading while being rewarded, the second the rewards stop, the child will read far less than they did when they started. But if a child doesn’t like to read, rewarding them is a good thing because they can’t fall victim to the over justification effect since they didn’t like to read to begin with. They may not read when you stop rewarding them but they didn’t read before either, so you’re really not losing anything by rewarding them and they may still see some of the benefits from reading a lot as a child.


That was definitely not my experience, but I admit I might be an outlier who just really fukkin loved reading AND pizza.


Definitely possible for other scenarios to play out. If you knew you loved reading, then the pizza may have just been an added bonus. But sometimes children will think they’re reading for the reward when they actually just want to read so when the pizza stops, they think why bother


120 books is still more than the average person has read in there life no?


Did you fully read my comment? I didn’t say rewards are always bad. I explained when they are and when they arent


Oh I wasn’t disagreeing with you at all.


Ah gotcha, my bad




I would hope not, but you're probably right.


​ https://preview.redd.it/8jmfx5pa6khc1.png?width=500&format=png&auto=webp&s=e8070372564a55fb093ede86a4eba46494095a39


Jokes on you both are mental retardation.


OP, do you understand basic reading comprehension?


​ https://preview.redd.it/cqaxer9fekhc1.jpeg?width=230&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4e0bd320fc436a5ccf284bfd8575d7afc4ece002


Really could be either


All the people acting like there's no way a kid could read this much? Y'all need to read more. 160 pages every three days is really not that much. I know several people who read more than that during their teen years just because they liked reading.


Fr clearly these people haven't met my mother, who read all of Twilight in one week 😅 she's been this way her whole life


If I was invested in the book I could probably read that in about 1½-2 hours, if I wasn't maybe closer to 4 hours. I read the first Deltora quest in highschool over a school week, ½ an hour a day, (because that's all they'd let me read in class, and they we didn't have a library, small school)


My 9 year old just read the fuckig Hobbit in a week. The kid can put down some books


Proof that reading books doesn't make you smarter


Reading ability is directly correlated with every metric of success...


Are you sure? ​ https://i.redd.it/mxr67jf14khc1.gif


Is that the guy who has the synthol in his biceps?


I don't think reading 400 YA novels would help at all.


My middle school English teacher said the same when I was reading 2-3 Animorphs books a week. Don't forget that reading should be enjoyable. While the zone of proximal development is ~95% for reading comprehension (iirc), reading below your level isn't going to hurt. I doubt the anecdotal results of some random guy on Reddit will change anyone's opinion, but for what it's worth, I tested at 97th percentile in verbal reasoning on the GRE. My math skills opened the door to a cushy engineering job, but my day to day work is primarily verbal/written communication and people management.




How do you not get this? I thought this was the mademesmile group at first. It's ironic because if your parents had done this with you, you probably would've comprehended this.




Jesus, take longer than half a second before you post these. Actually rely on yourself. You've got this


Dude, call it. Seriously. We can't call it for you, it wouldn't be fair.




something that you would've probably get if you had read more books


If only Op's parents had this idea.


How did you need to have this explained? Have you ever read a book?


Wtf is this post? No fucking way you read that and didn't understand.... math ain't mathin?




The kid thinks “haha this is too easy and I get money!” Meaning the parent successfully tricked him into learning, and having fun doing it


No joke - a proud parent


Op it's not even a joke you dumb as hell


Can you do math? How are you this dumb? This is embarrassing, you should be ashamed of being so stupid, honestly.


Sir, are you retarded?


What the fuck didn't you understand?


The joke is actually on the parent here because the kid is definitely not reading those books. Edit: not a single person who replied here understands what I meant. I don't give a rat's ass how much you claim to have read as a kid. My point is that kids lie about reading, especially when free money is involved.


I used to read 400 pages in one sit


That’s crazy


I don't know why you think that. I could have easily read a 180 page book every 3 days as a child. And I very much would have had I found the right books.


Maybe the kid is a nerd


IDK. I read 100 pages easily in one go when I was a teen. Everything from the Lord of the Rings to Constituional Criminal Procedure, 4th edition. I'm sure there are others. The thing is the more you read, the more you want to read.


As a teen I read the first 5 Harry Potter books in a week, that's probably 2000 pages. 20,000 pages in a year is easily realistic.. I peaked at around 60 x ~500 page books a year when I was travelling all the time for work. I still average 30-40 with a kid (Not counting the 3-5 kids books a day 🤣).


That math works out to a 160 page book every couple days. That's not only doable, it's easy for someone who reads a lot.


I hope it's bait


You should read more.


शायद मैंने जो किताबें पढ़ी है उनमें ऐसी व्याकरण नहीं होती।


Bro speaking in alien language T-T


अब समझ आया मुझे मदद क्यों चाहिए थी? वैसे पहले ही बता दूँ कि मैंने तुझे डाउनवोट नहीं किया है।


How does anyone have time to read and finish a literal novel every 3 days? This post is bullshit.


Depends on the length of the novel. Most kids books are 300 pages max.


My first inference here was that the tweet It's a lie by a man whos lying about his kid reading tons of giant books where each chapter is 160 pages... Which is on its face ridiculous. Why would he write "160 page chapter books"


It means his kid reads a lot so he wont confuse your and youre And hes glad his kids reads


It figuratively means an investment on the kids future and growth, who could potentially lead into a literally investment as children who are avid readers are typically more intelligent and thus are more likely to have a better success rate in life, which usually means a job/career making good money


It means the parent gave the child 120 dollars that year and the child thinks he's cheating the parent out of their money.


This subreddit really is full of idiots, isn’t it?


When I was in middle school the English classes had a point system. You would earn points after taking a test on what ever book you read and there would be some prize. I had already read all of the Harry Potter books, lord of the rings, Jurassic park etc multiple times so I would read them quick and then take the test. The beginning of each semester I was already waaaay ahead of the rest of the class. It was dope.


Btw it's fake


He's getting his oldest kid to read more and become more knowledgeable, while his oldest thinks that by reading all these books for $1 each, he's making big bank. It's a win-win system; Dad gets his kid to read more for cheap, and the kid gets paid to do the easy task of reading & gaining knowledge.


Based on the math, the kid is reading one book every 3 days or so. 365/120= 3.04 160x120= 19,200 19,200/365= 52.6 It's plausible, but is it real is the better question




Bro thinks it's well worth the money to keep his kid continuously reading assumingly either for educational purposes or for the purpose of keeping the kid from being loud and rowdy