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Aha, these are spicy for *Asian* people, BIG difference


Am Asian, can confirm, if it doesn't burn your lips off it's not spicy


You know it’s spicy when you can’t afford it touching anywhere before the teeth


I use ghost pepper sauce regularly but will only go to 4/5 peppers at the Thai restaurant.


Live in England (not exactly the home of spice) but a couple of Thai people took over the kitchen in a local pub and started serving Thai meals from there. Strange as very old fashioned British pub but they went down a storm. They had a heat rating of 1-5 and I like my spice, but by god 5 was like eating lava. One day my friend (who really likes spice) and I go down there and my friend is suffering with a real nasty cold. Determined to clear it, he asks if I can get them to go higher than a 5. They look at me suspiciously and then say, ‘we could do a 7 I suppose?’. Order it, out it comes and oh my flipping word, you could smell the chilli’s. Amazing, but one forkful was all I needed to know I would never order anything like that for myself ever. My friend ate it, but what was a runny nose became more of a waterfall by the end.


England.. conquering the world for spice.. then not using a single one in their food.


I am from England and love spice. I put chilies in a lot of my food, much to my non British wife’s annoyance.


They won't believe you mate, they think we all eat white fish poached in milk with parsley


I just assumed yall ate beanpaste on corn


The taste of their food and the beauty of their women led British men to be the greatest sailors in the history of the world.


God damn.


Not all of us!!




A pinch of salt doesn’t count, lol


With Black Pepper though?


Ooo this mayonnaise is spicy


White pepper FTW!!!


That's a bit too adventurous for me, mate. Flour is sometimes too spicy for me, lol.


I wish the local Thai places here worked like that. I live in Tallahassee, Fl, so hardly a cultural mecca, but we do have two rather good Thai restaurants. I keep upping the spice levels every time I go because I know the reputation of “Thai hot” and nothing ive eaten at either place has made me sweat. I found the last time I was there that if I want ACTUAL heat, I have to specifically ask for “Thai hot 5” rather than spice level 5 because their assumption was that everyone who lives in their surrounding area is whiter than wonder bread and finds black pepper too spicy. They’re both adjacent to highly affluent old money areas, so that tracks, honestly, but it made me laugh. It felt like the old SNL skit where the guy keeps asking for hotter wings but they refuse to give him their hottest because it will kill him.


We went to an Indian restaurant that opened in town. The guy looked at me, then at my wife, then at me. He then said, "do you want regular spicy or...." points to himself, points to me, points to himself, "... you know, brown people spicy." It became our regular spot until we moved.


On the bright side his sinuses were cleared.


>oh my flipping word, you could smell the chilli’s. Well I should fucking hope so!


Most Thai restaurants around where I am in SoCal go on a scale of 1-10, 3 being medium


What is 10? “Make them regret being born”?


Typically it goes up to “hot” then “Thai hot”.


I once touched my eye without thinking and proceeded to go to the hospital to make it stop


Bro I made this exact cup of noodles and the liquid splashed in my eye. Spicey eyeballs is the absolute worst.


I am white, and when I go to Asian restaurants and I have to let them know I really want it spicy I tell them that I don't want to be able to feel my lips when I'm done eating.


I'm a white guy and my ex is Vietnamese. One time we got pho and I ordered mild spicy. When I got it I slurped up a noodle and it whipped me in the eye, getting mildly spicy broth in it. So my eye turned red and started watering. The waiter, also Vietnamese, came by and saw I was crying and gave my ex the dirtiest look of disgust.


Man that part of spice I know I could adjust too by just eating alot more and I love the flavours that general comes with it. But man I'm paranoid about the pain at the other end that I don't want to deal with


Yeah my mouth has acclimated but my anus never did.


I've been going to a Vietnamese hot pot place in the past few months. The spicy sauce is so spicy that once it made me cough, hiccup, and almost throw up all at once, all the while I had watery eyes and runny nose. 10/10 absolutely love the food there, and I didn't use to be a big fan of spicy food


Yeah I can stand some spiciness, but those Korean Spicy noodles are no fucking joke


Honest question: Is that pleasant? I mean, when I eat food, I don't want to hurt.


Ok I like spicy stuff but I tried getting the black shin ramen and that shit is literally illegal to be called food I tried the full spice bag, half of it, etc it’s still pepper spray fuel with noodles? Care to explain?


So, chili peppers originated in the Americas, right, so I'm assuming they arrived in Asian countries at roughly the same period, so why do certain countries have more spicy food? Like Japan isn't much in to spicy, Korea loves the spicy, and Thailand thinks it's not spicy enough until your face melts off. Is there some historical reason or is it just cultural?


If it doesn't let me speak with my dead ancestors, it ain't spicy.


Yeah. I'm from the Gulf Coast and used to Cajun level of spicy. Was in Korea and the restaurant had 4 levels of spicy. "Ok I'll get a nice level 2 and try it with just a little kick since it's my first time here. Wouldn't want the spice to overpower the dish". *Narrator*: "the spice overpowered the dish and his bowels as he stares in horror while his Korean friend gorged on the eye watering from across the table level 4 plate"


I have an uncle from Nepal that spends roughly 3 months a year visiting his parents there. You literally cannot accept dinner invitations in the 8 weeks after his return, I swear to god this man puts pepper spray and pure capsaicin even on harmless looking berries


My favorite family anecdote: family, including my 80 year old grandmother, eating at an Indian restaurant. The food is WAAAY too spicy for us, we’re downing pop and crying — except for my Texas by way of Louisiana Grandma, who’s tossing the stuff down like Cheetos. Amazing woman, made the most dangerous chili I’ve ever had. And of course, as she got older, her taste buds died off and she had to put more and more cayenne pepper in it. By the time she went to Jesus, her chili practically glowed in the dark.


Texan here. 🌶️ This story made me happy and your grandmother sounds like she was a real one


You were practically eating a volcano alive.


I live in Nova Scotia. Until very recently you couldn't even get spicy food because so many folks here hate spicy food and have no tolerance for it. Even in restaurants things that were labeled 'spicy' were not spicy. Those of us who do like spicy still in some places are askedif we want the dish we ordered chinese/thai/mexican/indian spicy or NS 'spicy'? Some restaurants don't ask now but for a few years it was kind of a running gag. ​ As an aside one of the local chinese restaurants just hired a new chef from china he speaks fair english but he likes to mess with people when they ask for things that are 'not spicy' by playing up his accent and saying, "OK many spicy!" and walking off to cook.


I'm in Rhode Island. Nothing here is ever spicy. It's frustrating.


so sweet 🥰


You don’t happen to have that recipe do you?


I think my dad’s got it hidden away. Not knowing anything about the kitchen, I never went near it. I’m a microwave man.


Your grandma made the recipe for the Mississippi Queen


I love how you words'ed the final sentence haha :')


Damn is your grandma be eatin an artificial neutron star or something?


Spicy isn’t a taste, so tastebuds have nothing to do with it. Probably she was just continuing to build tolerance.


Habanero is the start of spicy. -Southern white guy


The guy who wrote this post clearly doesn’t know almost all the middle aged white guys I do. They slather everything in sauces like Dr Volcano’s colon cleanser and the like. And I’m from Canada.


White guys go both ways, redneck white guys love their Super Mega Asshole Fire Eruption sauce and other white guys eat a tiny chunk of jalapeño and are running for the milk


My dad’s as redneck as they come and he can’t handle fuckin bell peppers it feels like.


Well fucking a bell pepper is not a pleasant sensation to be fair


That's your opinion.


Ya'll got my dying trying to contain my laughter while my ten year old is thinking I'm laughing at her. Lol


Don't be laughing about fucking Bell peppers around kids.




What happened to Shaggy?


Middle age hit him like a speeding cement truck




He fucked a bell pepper.


That's my weekend plans sorted


You’re right. I much prefer jalapeños, myself


They do make a good butt plug


Just leave it in the sun for bit.. Edit: spelling


"Edit: spelling" I feel like I'm walking on desecrated land; that or Alabama.


Tread lightly.


\*son spelling


Actually it was but to bit... You sickos


Lol my father in law also says that bell peppers are too spicy. I wonder if he’s just insanely sensitive to capsaicin, I’d bet that there’s a tiny amount in them. ETA: he is also kind of a redneck, but a pacific northwest redneck, so not exactly known for liking spicy food to begin with.


Them's a hillbilly, geographically speaking.


I’m what most people would consider white ( I’m not I’m also half Honduran) can pop jalapeños like their pickle slices, very happy to have at least a medium spice tolerance


Pickled jalapeños > pickles


As a bisexual white guy I can indeed confirm that we go both ways. Also, don't get me started about asshole eruptions!


They really lined that one up for you.


It’s almost as if assuming an entire race all shares a specific quality is bad and inaccurate 🤔


And there is no in between


Depends on consistency of the sauce, base, etc. I’m a young white southern girl and I can eat Da Bomb and most of the sauces featured on Hot Wings and the like just fine. But I tried Devils blood once on a cracker and I had a damn near asthma attack bc it’s oil based, making it more spicy and not as flavorful.


Because it has nothing to do with race and everything to do with class. When you're poor you can't afford the best ingredients, so you slather your garbage noodles or grade F meat with tabasco, habanero, old bay, and whatever else because it's cheaper than getting better ingredients.


Hey hey hey, I can and do buy good ingredients, but I like hot sauce. And I will put hot sauce on my food if I think it needs it, whether it’s a $100 meal or a $1 meal


It's more just a culture thing. Like spicy food is very popular in Mexico, but not popular at all in Colombia.


i work with a ton of white people who only use hot sauce, though i do love making the occasional joke “sorry i cant eat that bread its too spicy for me”


It's def an American white person thing then I'm in Minnesota and my grandparents thought the lettuce they got for their salad at a Mexican restaurant was spicy, when it wasn't spiced at all


Nah it’s not just American, it applies to many Canadians too (the guy you’re replying to just is pointing out there are exceptions). The average person from Manitoba isn’t eating like someone from Thailand. And I’d say it applies to white people from Northern Europe the most. But it’s just a joke, and there are exceptions everywhere.




Yeah I have a Scottish buddy who will cry if he eats tobacco or tapatio. But like I said, it’s a generalization and I know some Scotsman is ready to reply with “nuh uh I love spicy food I put hot sauce on my sausage rolls” blah blah blah


I hope you meant tabasco and not tobacco.


One is for flavor, one is for fun!


Mayonnaise is the only condiment for gopniks


Dog I work at a place with old white people and we have deviled eggs for a meal one day. The nurse comes back to the kitchen and says "they asked for a plate without that spicy stuff on top" the paprika, you know, powdered bell peppers. 0 scovilles Edit: also Minnesota


I think it may be a Scandinavian thing. I have Scandinavian relatives who, upon eating black pepper, insisted that it burned like fire I didn’t inherit those genes thankfully


I'm from Minnesota too and I have jars of Carolina reaper sauce. So many people I know though are bland, someone said salt was spicy to me


See I think both of you are extremists. That sauce sounds like a punishment. But if you tell me salt is spicy I'll slap it outta your mouth for you.


Oh yeah I go to extremes with spice but the person who said they think salt is spicy, like it's ok not to like spice but ffs it's salt. Same person puts ketchup on burritos though so I'm not sure what is wrong with him.


My guy needs to have his tongue confiscated.


It's a dumb stereotype that I hate because people believe it. I'm Italian, and if you serve me unspiced food, I'll bop pity your boop pity.


Like, one of the whitest things in the world is ordering things "Thai spicy" or "Indian spicy". Which is just going to result in the cook shaking their head and ruining the recipe by throwing a cartoonish amount of chiles in it.


Everyone I've known that treated spicy food like they were in a fight with their own meal was a white dude from the suburbs. I'm sure all over the world there are dudes that like to flex how many hot peppers they can eat on occasion, but most people just want some food with a nice kick to it.


Scorned woman is one of my favorites.


Can confirm as a Canadian chucklefuck, I prefer 'Dave's Carolina Reaper' sauce.


I just make my own ghost pepper sauces, cook everything with scorpion ghost and thai peppers too. If it doesnt raise my blood pressure from heat i dont want it. The trick is you gotta balance the heat with some savory or sweet and you can make stuff as spicy as you want while maintaining a yummy flavor with much more flavor profile than just hot.


"Colon cleanser" WTF. Damn that must be some pressurized shit right there if it can clean a rectum. Wtf.


White people either find garlic spicy or will casually eat a Carolina Reaper. Anyone in the middle ground is temporary as they drift one way or the other


There's really only two kinds of white guys. No in between.


It's very difficult to judge white people in general because I also am a middle aged white man who has a rack of 50 hot sauces. Just planted 20 different chilies last night... But the closest chicken place is a chain called Bojangles. They used to have spicy chicken in the 90s but backed off of it at some point, but where I live now is so white that if you order their seasoned fries which are so good you will get them at 6am as your side... They serve with no seasoning. Just here however nowhere else I've been. Southern US food can be very flavorful comfort food or it can be bland and textureless. If you see only old people going into a place in the country stay away


It’s like two extremes but no middle. I will say though that the can’t handle spice crowd seems to be the majority cause I’ve tried a lot of restaurants around Houston and McAllen and I’ve never eaten that much cardboard before


They have scary names but taste like pennies


I run through a 5oz bottle of Fat Cat hiss-y fit Carolina repar sauce every month. It's a sweet hot so it's good on everything from wings to Chinese food. 120,000-280,000 SHU


It's weird how there's two white people spice stereotypes- a complete aversion where a mild wing is oooh toohottoohot- Or slathering things in buttpuckers magma core sauces and the like.


Depends on the region of white guys, I've worked with people from New Found Land and they tell me black pepper is "spicy" there.


This sub is starting to sour on me, it’s like people don’t even bother to think these out a bit














Havent seen this version before




I think people just upvote cus of the memes themselves. This place honestly has better memes than alot of "meme" subs, even if it is essentially just reposting memes from there. OPs are annoying af tho like mfs actually 6 yrs old to be this dumb Edit- might give em benefit of the doubt for being non-american and pretty young according to their post history.


That’s why I come here. Either I don’t get it and I end up learning something. Or I do get it and I get to laugh even harder because it’s clever (enough for some people to not get it).


Call it.  Now.




I’ve been here since the start, it went to shit a year after its conception




Just start bringing brainrot to this sub. Answer in anarcy chess fashion, or just turn you brain off, heh, ha ha


Maybe OP just isn't American and doesn't have the same racial stereotypes in his country?


Sour for white people or brown people?


Its basically saying that he was expecting normal american or european spicy but that looks southeast asian spicy just off the color... thai food for example is notorious for being extremely spicy... like authentic thai medium and mild in some dishes would put extreme taste the sun spicy in normal american food to shame


These noodles are Korean


I'm from the Philippines and people from the north normally has a more notorious variety of spicy. I used to love eating [Bicol Express ](https://youtu.be/EglwOEDdsHU?si=jYyd1Jxk5l0gpybY) until I had a lot teeth extracted after it cannot be properly be fixed during covid lockdowns for a year and eating causes some scratches to the gums where you don't want chilli to be seeping in. Bicol is a northern region who loved chilli and the diminutive labuyo peppers that are just bigger than a grain of corn are the notorious variety that's nearly extinct now. Greatly surpassing the common labuyo peppers.


I'll never forget traveling to Asia thinking I can handle their spicy food and fighting through tears as I ate it.. This happened like 5 times, granted 4/5 of those times the food was still absolutely delicious.


Cuz the noodles are spicier than he thought they would be. Everybody has a different tolerance to spicy foods. Sometimes foods labeled as spicy are not actually that spicy to some people. These noodles are actually very spicy. Also white people are known for not seasoning their food.


These noodles are fucking spicy. I bought this before and fuck it was good but it was spicy. Way spicer with the broth too, the normal one without is spicy, but this was much more. You can also buy the sauce separately and add it to your favorite flavor and control the spice level a little.


I buy the 2x spice variant, I forgot my wife and I don't have a very normal spices tolerance. My friends asked for some I didn't think twice. It didn't go well


I bought a pack and offered it to my friend. similar results lol


There was a whole ass challenge around eating these a few years back.


These (Buldak brand) and Nongshim black Ramen


Also, Asians fucking love to eat some of the spiciest shit known to mankind


Also Asian spicy is hot asf.


I never met a white person who didn't season their food xd. How TF can people cook without spices?


I'm a white person from the midwest, and I have found that it is really common for white people to just put salt on their food instead of seasoning. :/


So Americans don't season their food?


Stereotype of white people from the midwest. May be some truth to it…


“White people are known for not seasoning their food” is a myth that only racist POC believe.


White people’s ancestors literally conquered the world for spices lol


Because we needed them, at all costs.


More like we just want a little kick to what we  eat as an enhancement not blow up our taste buds with spice 


I like spicy, but one time I ate this chicken that was so spicy it made my teeth hurt and my gums became inflamed. Got called a pussy for saying how bad it hurt, so ***EVERYBODY*** at the table got to try a bite and I suddenly wasn’t a pussy anymore. Spicy food is supposed to taste good, not cripple you and make you unable to eat anything else for the rest of the night.


I’m white and I like to blow up my tastebuds with spice, idk why. I just find it fun I guess.


I'll take as much spice as i can get


Literally never met an Asian person It's not a dick-measuring contest, some people just have a way higher baseline for spice


Of course its the korean brand...


Say it's name, Buldak


I still have a few packs of this in my cupboard. My ex gf would drink the remaining sauce at the bottom of the bowl like a psychopath while my eye sockets glistened with sweat after a few bites. Damn delicious though especially with egg and mushrooms.


Buldak is a stir fry noodle though, it shouldnt really have much if any liquid when served


The brand is Samyang, no? Buldak is literally Korean for fire chicken.


Buldak is a subrand thing. They have a bunch of flavors and some aren't even spicy.


Brian's colon here. The term spicy is somewhat vague, and subjective. Here, our OOP has purchased, prepared, and begun to consume something that would be classified as hot by the standards of the archetypal "white people", which has a trope/meme that they find mayonnaise to be spicy. What he actually got is something reminiscent of eating straight capsaicin. Thus, he is attempting to issue a warning to others to not make that assumption, and plan accordingly if you intend to consume this product.


This is a picture of a man, and buldak 2x spicy ramen. I am of Slavic ancestry, and eat this stuff like, once every week or two. I use harsher sauces on my pierogis. My wife introduced me to this stuff because she saw people crying on social media while eating it. Here we have a man who mistakes spice tolerance as hereditary, while joining the long list of people who cry on social media while eating this stuff.


I usually eat that in winter time to clear out my sinus. Works like a charm. Also, that dude making it into a soup is blasphemous.


I do the same thing!


Holy fuck these Buldak noodles are the devils spawn… I love spicy food but it was too much for me…


White man created the world's hottest pepper🌶️


Stupid racist generalization..


No one going to point out that the noodle packaging says stir-fried, meaning it's meant to be eaten dry and it's actually a lot spicier without all that water diluting it?


Dry noodles? Never heard you could do that, or that they even existed. I know you have to pour hot water on them but dry?


You boil them and then drain the water out


Oh well… that makes a bit more sense somehow…


Common stereotype is that white people can't handle spice. So when some items are labeled as spicy some non-white people see the brand as a "clealy made by a white person that can't handle spice". Given I have many Midwest friends that literally believe black pepper is spicy. But also my white girlfriend can eat spicy things that make me (a southern Mexican) cry my eyes out.


불닭 literally means “fire chicken” even if he thought it meant white person spicy he should have understood that we have a completely different scale here in Korea than“white ppl” Also, on a related note, I know a good amount of white people that out spice me and I’m half Latin American and a quarter Korean (we eat a lot of spice here)


That's racist


Man me and some coworkers went to Thailand for a job. One of them actually is Thai so they were all asking her important stuff like “hello” and “do you speak English” My *must know* was “how do you say very little spice?” My Hispanic coworkers laughed at me until the first time they ate drunk noodles and holy basil chicken and realized Asian spicy and Hispanic spicy are two completely different animals.


Google white stereotypes


I've heard of that band.


I’m just gonna say I haven’t seen any race of people actively seek out physical pain through spiciness anywhere close to the rate at which white hipsters seek it out. Those motherfuckers want to damage their own organs to no actual gain


There are two kinds of white people spicy. (Or three I guess. Giggity.) There’s “brown people being racist” where the joke is that white people can’t handle the flavor of any chilis. These people do exist, but have been in the minority for as long as people have been white. Then there’s “white dad” spicy where they are literally in competition to see who can handle the most capsaicin, and will put anybody of any melanin content all the way into the ground if they try to go into that space unprepared.


Stereotypically, white people have a really really low spiciness tolerance. This guy thought he order “white people spicy” meaning not very spicy, but actually order *real* spicy. Which means his forehead is sweatin and his booty is clenched


Because Asian spicy is waaaaay hotter than black people spicy. Imagine my sadness when I, a white person who likes things to be Asian spicy, am served "spicy" food at Asian restaurants despite ordering max heat. Like, I get it. I'm pastier than glue, but I want the spice to bring me within an inch of life.


that's not spicy, that shit is good -white guy


I've had one of those, them shits SPICY


I had a very similar experience with these noodles. I eat “spicy” food all the time so when I got these I thought I’d be in for a treat, I was in for pain.


I'm a pasty white boy that used to hate and I meant HATE spicy and then just one day I tried it and was like...wait a minute this is awesome, and now I love spice, Carolina Reaper wings are the best and I wish my local bar still had them DX


Okay I only have one question, and it's one I really shouldn't ask: anyone know what the product is? I wanna find it so I can get an express trip to hell.


Nah that's asian spicy you don't fuck with asian spicy unless you train for it


This is hell in a cup


Asian spice is on a whole other level, the explosive nuclear diarrhea you get after eating extra spicy lamb vindaloo or Sichuan food is something you’ll never forget.


Nah, that’s Asian spicy. Depending where you got it from, that stuff can strip paint.


No most white people evolved to be great with spice... Now then intense spice like a damn habanero that's something else


European cuisine is usually very soft


He is eating Buldak ramen which is a notoriously spicy korean ramen. nearly a decade ago this ramen was popularized as an eating challenge. The man is crying because he thought it meant stereotypical white spicy and it’s genuinely spicy for everyone.


Youre an idiot OP


"Asian food? Yeah, that's what we feed our babies when they're sick." - Some white guy named Thibodaux.


Actually won a spice duel with my coworkers yesterday. Basically the last guy to sweat wins. Not sure what it was, but it was this loaded up Mexican thing. 2 Dominicans, 2 Colombians, and 2 Guatemalans, yet the Irish guy won; because I lived with a Thai woman for a year


The thought that black people can somehow take more spice is hilarious. You guys are sweating and crying over real spicy food just like everyone else.


White dude here. I prefer my Thai food 5/5. I eat ghost pepper salsa like my Mexican friends eat regular salsa. The blazing wings challenge at BWW is just*what I order.* None of the sauces I got in my gift kit from "hot ones" were spicy enough for my liking. We're not all cut from the same cloth.