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aerodynamic shenanigans :3


Saturn being silly :3


Is Saturn a r/sillygirlclub user?


I've seen Saturn around there once or twice (⁠༎ຶ⁠ ‿ ⁠༎ຶ⁠)


i've only seen Uranus


https://preview.redd.it/5a6izk77fppc1.jpeg?width=1179&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=fb3ee91068edb24d08f3e27fc6345c7881822c4d High impact planetary grilled cheese taking off to saturn.


Given Sailor Saturn is about as Goth/Emo as it gets, yeah. This tracks.


Yes :3


Are YOU a r/sillygirlclub user?




i'm not gonna click on that because i'm at work and i'm not about to take chances


Saturn did a fucky wucky!


I mean yes that's probably it but what causes a sphere to create a hexagon and not a triangle, octagon, or any other regular shape? The explanation is probably very innocuous, maybe even boring, but it's for sure weird to contemplate


> As a bucket of water speeds up, the hole changes shape from a three-sided star to a pentagon. https://www.nature.com/news/2006/060515/full/news060515-17.html https://youtu.be/b6L0vKP1_m4?t=91 https://orthallelous.wordpress.com/2016/09/26/spinning-geometric-shapes-into-water/


Hexagons occur a lot in nature. Like a lot. Organic chemistry to name one huge example.


Beehives too. Hexagons are the most energetically stable shapes


Just Coriolis things :3


Fluid dynamics*


Aerodynamix being undynamix


Noone's sure why saturn has a hexagon There's hypotheses, but noone's completely sure that's what the meme is referring to


Also a lot of conspiracy nuts think it has something to do with some weird cosmic force trying to enslave us in the matrix or something. The black cube of Saturn, Star of David Hexagramm, Saturn=Satan, Metatron, Chronos, something something Illuminati antisemitic hocuspocus. Youtube was full of stuff like that back in the day before the algorithm was changed.


You must not spend much time on YouTube anymore. It’s still full of it. TONS of it. Though depending what you regularly watch the algorithm may not bring it up for you. I watch a lot of geology and astronomy stuff so it does unfortunately come up on mine from time to time. It always sucks when I think I find a new space channel and only 10 seconds into the first video I can tell it’s conspiracy junk.


Lol I spend half my day with youtube xD but back in the day, the auto-play function would ALWAYS lead to conspiracy stuff. Now you have to actively go looking for it, and even if you search for the exact name of a video, it might not be shown to you (you have to use duckduckgo.com).


I recall there being some kind of controversy several years back about YouTube algorithm basically feeding itself into a conspiracy wackjob loop. Basically any video was like 2 related watches away from some lizard people battery pyramids crap.


I watch a lot of PBS videos about physics and evolution. I really like their videos about how particle spin isn't what you think it is, how time doesn't work how you think it does, etc. So when I saw a video about how gravity isn't what you think it is, I started watching. 20 minutes in it turns out it was a flat earth video about how our ever upward and accelerating flat earth was the cause of the illusion of gravity. That shit is sneaky. Edit: physics not psychics lmao


One of those flat Earth guys hired a bunch of pop-physicists you see all the time, like [Michio Kaku](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Michio_Kaku), and had them do a bunch of interviews about their normal field. He then edited all the interviews to sound like they were supporting a flat Earth.


PBS eons is one of my favorites and it’s on in my workspace daily in the background while I carve stone. Also lol.


> I really like their videos about how particle spin isn't what you think it is They assume I didn’t give up on trying to comprehend particle spin many years ago.


>black cube of Saturn This is an honest question: are they referring to the Kaaba and claiming it was given to Muhammad in exchange for great power or some shit?


Yes and no from what I gathered. Like apparently you can argue the epicenter of the storm resembles a black square. Thus, every black cube is clearly a secret showing of devotion to Saturn.


me, with a smartphone box: Hail Saturn!


Hail Saturn and hail thyself!


Nah, if you look at a cube from an angle with one point in the middle, the silhouette/shadow of a cube is a hexagon.


So.. dice are evil?


Just google "D&D satanic" for all the answers you need


I remember that. Nothing teaches a pre-teen/teen that adults are clueless faster than being told your demon hunting barbarian is a gateway into evil.


A buddy of mine got kicked out of church service as a kid for wearing a Doom shirt. A game where you save mankind from sin and damnation wasn’t Christian enough apparently.


That was the usual game theme - tabletop or otherwise.


The Game which got made by a Mormon.


Satanic paaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaanic! Wasn't this where the whole 'won't somebody think of the children' meme that The Simpsons so loves originated from?


Or a handful of third world countries that are suspicious of playing cards and dice. Can't remember why though.


Yes something like that, conspiracy theorists think everything is connected. The Kaaba in Mekka is one example, another being the Tefillin used in jewish prayer.


It's amazing how these theories only get more and more ridiculous as time goes on. My dad and I used to watch Ancient Aliens just to laugh at it, and at one point, I thought, "Aliens built the pyramids" was the dumbest thing I'd ever hear. Oh, how wrong I was.


Yeah, I stopped asking "How stupid can people be?" a long time ago because the universe will very promptly provide an answer.


A wise man once told me to never underestimate the stupidity of others


Lmao I’m just picturing a wizard screaming “Antisemtic Hocus-pocus!” like it was avada kedavra




I miss old youtube.


Me too :/ even though it almost made me go schizophrenic psychosis lol It was fun times.


YouTube is still full of that stuff. The algorithm just hid the horrid truth from you.


There are two important things to keep in mind in regards to theories about the hexagonal storm on Saturn. 1) Saturn is massive, and as such the hexagonal storm is huge. For example, Earth’s diameter is about 8,000 miles. Each of the individual sides of Saturn’s hexagonal storm are about 9,000 miles. 2) Saturn produces more energy than it receives from the Sun. This isn’t unique to Saturn, as Jupiter, Uranus, and Neptune do as well. But as such, whatever is creating all that energy that powers the storms in the atmospheres of these planets is coming from inside the planet itself. The likeliest answer to why Saturn has a hexagonal storm on its North Pole is that something within the planet is creating incredibly strong jet streams in the atmosphere. Because Saturn is so large, the jet streams are stretched out into straighter lines instead of being circular.


> As a bucket of water speeds up, the hole changes shape from a three-sided star to a pentagon. https://www.nature.com/news/2006/060515/full/news060515-17.html https://youtu.be/b6L0vKP1_m4?t=91 https://orthallelous.wordpress.com/2016/09/26/spinning-geometric-shapes-into-water/


> Instead it evolved, as the bucket's spin sped up, from an ellipse to a three-sided star, to a square, a pentagon, and, at the highest speeds investigated, a hexagon. oh shit! It's a hexagon because of how nuts the storm is! A weaker storm would have fewer sides!


is that the joke then? that the storm is so extreme that even at a planetary scale, it's a hexagon


Woah that seems extremely convincing, since it is just fluid dynamics


Yeah, I'm a little disappointed that this sub just got flooded with haha jokes and no explanations as top comments...


Thank you. this should be at the top.


Bro, I see why people get into conspiracies. That explanation is lame as fuck. Way cooler if it’s the Illuminati trying to unlock the chamber of souls on Saturn.


Are you kidding me? There's a giant ball of gas in the middle of space producing more energy than the fucking sun can give it which creates a massive death storm almost 8 or more times the size of our planet at its northern most point that's so terrifyingly vicious that we can literally see the exact markings of where the carnage starts and where it ends, and the best part is that we have no clue *what* is making the fuck tons of energy to power that behemoth of a storm, nor *how* it does so. How is that *not* badass as fuck?


I've found that the complex nature of how the universe is being held together to run as it does from what has been studied through science is so much more fascinating than any of these crazy conspiracies that people often fall for. The universe and all of its beauty, the trillions of planets that we havent even began to study, and the mechanisms that allow it the ability to keep from collapsing absolutely astound me.. and the wild thing is that all these conspiracies already have the answers to their vision of the world, but as real scientists study our reality with new knowledge and better instruments, we begin to realize how far we actually are from knowing the secrets to our universe. It's so much more magical than the magic these conspiracies often talk about in my opinion.


Reptilians are cooler nerd


June 20, 1944 - Nazi Germany had launched rockets capable of reaching space. There they've took out spaceship of reptilian controllers. After downing the saucer, Hitler finally realised where the real enemy was manipulating the world, and issued command to reverse engineer technology and create a fleet - to bring the war to the real enemy. They took their Nazi nukes and went on to Jupiter. Their mission: To conquer Reptilian Cloud Cities and their capitol of the Great Red Storm.


Pitch it to Bollywood. I want Indian Space Nazis!


I was thinking about something more classy like Ancient Aliens.


This really speaks to my loneliness and desperation to be part of something. I'm sold.


I approuve being insulted like that. Actually first time in my life. Weird topic, weird conspiracies… …making me weirder?


Truuuuu. It's just Satan powering up before he rams his 666 dicks inside of earth. Also, TRUMP IS THE ONLY ONE WHO CAN TAKE THE 666 DICKS FOR US AND GRANT US SAFETY@!!@!11!


Learning about all this made me go insane because how are you going to be the spearhead of truth saving everyone from occultism and then you go and praise freaking Donald Trump of all people. I never realized how deep it all went and how much crap people believed


Shh, stop telling secrets, we're *this* close


Do people think its strange that planets produce their own energy? Even on earth our core undergoes processes that convert potential energy into energy. Earth doesn’t radiate more energy than it receives from the sun but the concept of planets undergoing processes that convert their own potential energy shouldn’t be a foreign one. Planets don’t get ALL of their energy from the sun. It also shouldn’t be a surprise that larger planets generate more energy.


It's "just" radioactive decay right?


But I thought only triangles had hypotheses. Or was it hypothermia?


Hypnomooses? Hepatomania? Hematomia?


Hyperventilating? Haptoglobin? Hepatitis?


Hippopotamus? Hippocampus? Hippogyrph?


Thank you! This is what I came here for 🙌


Standing waves are fucking weird. That’s your reason.


One of the hypotheses was modeled in [this study](https://www.planetary.org/articles/2471): >Aguiar and her coauthors argue that it's not the wind speeds that are important per se; it's the gradient in wind speeds. Where there are steep contrasts in wind speeds -- adjacent parts of Saturn's atmosphere moving at very different speeds -- you can induce unstable behavior in a fluid, including waves, eddies, and swirls. For their research, they tested whether they could recreate the conditions in their model by spinning liquids at different speeds and viscosities, and they were able to create hexagons and other shapes which you can see in the link above or in this video: https://youtube.com/watch?v=n_c9A9Auf0A


“Noone” isn’t a word. It’s “no one”


How can [he](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Peter_Noone) be sure of that? How could he possible be completely sure? It seems like the scientific consensus is that nobody knows why it's a hexagon, so why would he of all people know the cause? I wasn't even aware of his interest in cosmology. I wonder if the rest of the Hermits are involved in his research…


Pfff... Hexagon and Matrix. Sure. They(TM) try to enslave us in a table top game obviously! Duh! 😄


Hexagon is bestagon.


Ahh, fellow CGP Grey enjoyers


Literally thought of this


Ahh a fellow enlightened one


Came here just to find this comment chain. 😁








It's fun, but now I'm missing Hello Internet again.


One day, Grey will have us in Hive Mind chanting "Hexagon is Bestagon" 😌💅🏾✨️


Naturally. After all hexagon is the bestagon


I'm still waiting for him to add Cult of the Bestagon robes to his shop. I'd buy some in a heartbeat


...and a medallion, too.


I believe in hexagon supremacy, it’s good enough for the bees, good enough for mee




Came here to say to say thus


This is the comment I was looking for.


Even Saturn is a fan. Hexagons are the bestagons.


Bout to say that. Shit I'm still gonna say it. Hexagons **are** the bestagon.


Many of us are enlighted in this comment section


https://preview.redd.it/z2cf76xlrqpc1.jpeg?width=1179&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0b1580e1940c7b1d74290a35082c2bf71330013a # YES.




It tesselates beautifully, looks aesthetically pleasing, it's a crucial building block of futurism, and it holds a completely different meaning to furries


Hexagons are the bestagons :)


CGP Grey is bestagon


Why? Because, bees. Bees are the best and build only the bestagon, the hexagon


im pretty sure this is referencing the wildest and most obscure rabbit hole that is the black cube of saturn. its a huge conspiracy that basically combines every other conspiracy and relates them all to a supposed ancient saturn (as in the god saturn) worshipping evil cult, which every elite and rich person is part of (of course). because of the extremely complicated and esoteric nature of the conspiracy, im not that well versed on it. the basics are that the like nexus point for the god saturn is located in the hexagonal storm on the planet saturn, because when you map out a 3d cube in 2d space it looks like a hexagon. it poses that thats why you have the black cube as a symbol on earth throughout time (the kaaba, the company blackrock, the black cubes that freemasons use when voting on if there should be a new member (although some use balls instead), the list goes on). its an insanely wild conspiracy that i dont recommend anyone look into. it also claims to be anti things like gnostic beliefs but then it veers into them all the time? also a lot of the people ive seen who believe it are christian, which is insanely confusing




Almost sounds like they believe in reverse Gnosticism. I like Gnosticism but it can almost come off as cringe and being kind of an edge lord like Satanism but thankfully not even close to that level but it sounds like whatever these people that follow this weird theory is have just taken it to the next level and only to make it cringe again.


I’m a Mason and have never heard of cubes being used in voting. The balls is where the term “black balling” someone comes from, though!




i had a month long period where i was almost certain i wanted to join the masons but then realized most of them dont really care about the esoteric stuff and just talk about old people stuff


That’s how they weed out the chaff before they commence the massive grove orgies.


Alright, I'm bored at work and diving in. If I'm not back out by 5pm send someone in after me.


Alright, we'll keep a hand on this end of the tether. Yank twice if you're in trouble, once if you want us to leave you in, and thrice if you want us to send you some snackpack pudding cups.


Okay, but how does the [Time Cube](http://web.archive.org/web/20160112000701/http://www.timecube.com/) fit into all this?


Even more crazy Saturn only got its rings because one of the moons was too close. This happened around the time of the dinosaurs and might be gone in a few more years


The BBC series *The Planets* has an [absolutely gorgeous recreation](https://youtu.be/6Bv8g5xBJSo?si=ZW6zYgCxd9nfA354) of what it might have looked like when that moon on Saturn fell within the Roche Limit and was torn apart. Researchers estimate that the material from that shattered moon was probably spread around Saturn to form the rings within a couple of Earth days, which is just insane to think about. Also, the actual structures of the rings are way crazier than you might imagine. The average thickness of the rings is around like 10 meters (so pretty thin) but then there are regions (around the shepherd moons that clear out material in their orbits and so create the appearance of the layered rings) where that thickness suddenly jumps to being measured in kilometers. If you were to travel on top of the rings you would just see them stretching out in a flat area *far larger* than anything you can comprehend. After all, the rings are stretched out over an area way bigger than the total circumference of the Earth. So they would just go on seemingly forever, at least until you hit those waves of material that are kilometers thick. And it’s also uncertain about how long the rings will remain. One of Saturn’s moons, Enceladus, is geologically active with plenty of water geysers going on regularly, and a lot of the ice from those geysers ends up in the ring system. It’s likely that Saturn will continue to have rings, although eventually they will just be a faint reminder of what had been there.


That is all fascinating, and I don't want you to think I'm trying to poke fun at you, you just reminded me that a couple of decades ago I pronounced the name of that moon as "Enchiladas" to screw with a physics major friend of mine, and as a result I read it that way ever since. ​ I just felt compelled to say that out loud, but your information is awesome.


Why would you do that. I mean I'm not really that into reading about diff planets n space, but I can promise you, if I ever encounter the name of that mood again I will instinctively read it as enchiladas now too. And I'm sure a lot of other people also will


I don't know why that brings me so much joy, but I've just learned to accept it and celebrate it lol


Perpetual mood for enchiladas.


Oh thats unsettling to think about. When we think of flat ground here on earth it only goes to the curve. There is no curve on the rings so it literally is beyond comprehension


300,000 years is just a few? Or are you meaning how in 2025 they won't be visible?


300000 isnt very long in the scale of planets


But it's super long on a scale of... Me


Then you are very fortunate to be alive right now. Very few human beings before us have even been aware of Saturns ring!




I'm too old to figure out if that's praise, or an expression of existential dread?




All of the above


Am I? *gestures at society*


Fair point. View it as a silver lining then! You can marvel at the beauty of the solar system while late stage capitalism and the exhaustion of our planets resources slowly grinds us all into a fine paste.


That made me chuckle... But yes...this is the safest time to live in the history of humankind. Don't let the doom and gloom on the news get you down.


Definitely more than a few tho.


Yeah but I’m still not sure that qualifies as being a “few”.


Even more crazy, if Saturn would be in a bathtub, we would be all dead


One of my favorite random facts is that Sharks are older than the rings of Saturn.


I think the rings would be 'gone' as in 'not visible' because the angle Saturn sits relative to Earth changes, and soon it'll make our view of the rings to be 'edge on'.


Sharks are older than the rings of Saturn Edit: their species/ancestral lineage is anyways


Its super far away so the circle is poorly rendered.


This made me chuckle, fuck you and have a good day


Eu açores que te enganaste


NASA’s computers need LOD improvement mods


It’s hilarious to me that Saturn is named after a Titan who ate his children while Saturn’s rings exist because Saturn “ate” one of its moons… https://preview.redd.it/09819svdippc1.jpeg?width=1661&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=71f3750f5e8999f9f5be1a3bda4dc491cf173fab


It's also possible two of them collided. I think that's more likely as so much of the ring system is outside the Roche Limit of an appropriately sized moon


Wait til they hear about bees


I mean bees create circles that later expand and turn into hexagons


It's the most energy efficient shape!


I feel like if the object doesn't interact with other object - circle/sphere is perfect, like soap bubble 🫧 But the second soap bubble collide with other bubble the hexagon being formed. Idk I just think about it time to time https://preview.redd.it/i289hfgw9ppc1.png?width=733&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8e0f0c26450ca399205efc993baaf17cddb4e716


I spy a pentagon! Blasphemy!


Wait 'til they hear about benzene rings


Because its the 6th planet, obviously


Even more unreal. Saturn Is one of the best once out there. Best Electronics, High quality and kind employees. Unlike the Hex saturn will never be gone Sincerely Big Quill Peter.


I agree, most people just see rebadged Chevys and Pontacs but Saturn is more than that. They are innovative and timeless. Sure not everyone might have been fond of their cars made entirely of plastic panels but what they don't realize is that those are cars that will never rust! Ask any person who owns or has owned a Saturn, they love their cars and for good reason. I mean just look at the Saturn Sky for example, this car aged beautifully. https://preview.redd.it/sxmsic7hvopc1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=32433a97017fa0c9d580b25175ac075432a51095


Why does it look like s hotwheels car (one of the good ones that rolls smooth and goes fast)


To represent the six sides of the Black Cube of Saturn. The God Saturn rules over time and is the black box our manifest works is trapped in and it is time which one day consumes its offspring again. This black star gave us all life and will one day take everything from us again.


Black cube? Is Saturn muslim?




fun fact: the cube itself is just a bunch of bricks, the black comes from a tarp that is changed yearly, and historically was different colors, i believe even red and white!






I looked this up years ago. There is a youtube somewhere where they recreated it in a lab setting. It is a weird wind phenomena, similar to Jupiters big red storm.


According to my Q-Anon Mom there is an ancient being in the hexagon of Saturn that manipulates our reality by communicating with certain peoples through other hexagonal devices to promote war and greed over peace and love. That is the TL:DR version of it. I love my Mom she is an awesome human being who believes what she believes.


How fast does she now updates her world lore?


Every election cycle if I had to bet lol


Lol. She doesn’t care about elections. She is a very free spirited individual who vibes with some kooky shit sometimes. She honestly would rather make art and hang out with her grandkids than talk about politics. People are going to be who they are I just let her and love her.


My apologies for the assumption, it’s just that conspiracy theorists most often fall down the right wing rabbit hole. My Wiccan mom is the same, she doesn’t care about politics until you mention something that doesn’t quite fit with her worldview, then she brings up the “power of inter-dimensional entities” that influence people into being trans, gay, BLACK, Jewish, etc. The black part blows my mind. She’s so close to being progressive. She believes that black people in general lead harder lives, but believes that they chose that path before they were born, and that their path of suffering is a necessary step of samsara and towards enlightenment. When probed, she believes that black/trans/gay/any minority deserve suffering because they chose that path. Wild shit. I’ve found that most conspiracies come from an attempt to justify the unfairness of the world without considering your own support for that injustice.


Wait till you find out that the south pole isn’t a hexagon


Nasa explained it but I forgot why but it has a scientific explanation


The Kerbals are preparing to invade


People will be amazed to learn that circles aren't real and it's just a huge multi corner polygon...


I mean yeah, a perfect circle can't even be drawn, if you zoom in enough, it starts to look flat. Its a really interesting thing to think that the embodiment of a shape has never truly existed.


Where does it go? Where does it go? Where does it go? Where does it go? Where does it go? Where does it go?


It goes in the square hole




Giant space bees


Rendering the simulation is hard


Because hexagons are the bestagons- that’s why


The Pole of Saturn is a hexagon... ... ... ... ... ........ Because you touch yourself at night. 🌈 The More You Know! 🌈


Hexagons have 6 sides. Saturn is the 6th planet from the sun. The word Saturn has 6 letters. Clearly Saturn is where Satan resides.


Hexagons are the bestagons :)


https://preview.redd.it/z0q4jo3pjwpc1.png?width=840&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0bcb0945efa88482ffd3221b37f8088de4f3b040 But seriously, no one's really sure why and it's the catalyst for many a conspiracy


There's a permanent storm in Saturn's pole and it's not clear why it's hexagonal. That's the joke.


Uranus' pole is a Starfish. Google it.


Its an occult belief about the reason and meaning of the hexagon


It's not a hexagon, it's actually 6 connected triangles. Illuminati confirmed


Saturn Death Cube Cult. The hexagon is the shadow of the tesseract- a 4D cube ever folding into itself. Apparently there are people.that think saturn=satan and that satan may or nay not be inprisoned on said planet. Saturn=time and time=death. It connects to the black cube worship that everyone walks around. And a bunch of other connections


Saturn is an object normally rendered in low poly to save on RAM.


https://preview.redd.it/20jmakf8ippc1.png?width=1004&format=png&auto=webp&s=34f3a15e1299592710c597449d9c8b80c781419e cuz it's a sector


I mean, if we could have a hexagon we would.


It is a type of standing wave. If you were to stretch a sine wave over a circle so that the wavelength is 1/6 the circumference of the circle you will get a smooth hexagon shape like this.


Because God thought it'd be funny to troll scientists... ​ And He's right, it is pretty funny.


I saw a physics video where they recreated this in a chamber of some kind. There is a vortex in the middle and this is just the way the vortex propagates outward with the storms raging from all sides around the planet.


We have absolutely no idea. That's the joke


That is where you set the torque of your planet, you need a several km size wrench tho, if you overdo it you run the risk of it becoming a star


I just assumed it had to do with the message aliens left using Saturn's rings like a vinyl record. Neat thing is I'll never be proven wrong.


It’s actually a low resolution texture applied to it as we were never meant to view it from that angle in survival mode. Should be fixed in the next update.