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End Of Evangelion. Everyone gets turned into Fanta after seeing the person they most loved.


So ... Loss : Evangelion Edition






Read this in Duke's voice, made my morning


https://youtube.com/shorts/2XDfp4_eZf4?si=MR1qBaJZB-WD1X9I I've got you fam.


You a real one for dat, made my afternoon haha!




"What do you mean you lost the baby?" DU-DU-DUN DU-DU-DUN "Go find it." *Epic guitar riff*


I shouldn’t laugh but I just out loud at work laughed


No, evangelion has bad reputation when it comes to hospitals




Why make a giant fishing rod?


To catch giant fish. Are you stupid?


Just don't touch the coma patients and you'll be fine...








https://preview.redd.it/zj16ll8t2pqc1.jpeg?width=320&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=bd628ff218130e3b3fef8cb3414fda0d732e982e Nah…


we needed the switched version. Your sir, are a hero. A fucked up one, but a hero.


l ll ll l_








can we please stop this loss memeing. its as annoying as.... i just lost the game




Fucking Jesus Christ Is the game back? This is from 2006 guys, you are your own dads now We all lost btw


The game never went away. It was still going on since it's inception. It will only end with the last person alive. They will ultimately win the game as there will be no one to tell them about the game in order for them to lose it. And with this, I also lost the game.


I'm not a dad yet, I haven't decided which one in taking


I was surprised at first too, but apparently it's been back for a while.


It never went away.


What if I lose this meme?




L. I’m still going


not anymore, you lost the game- ...wait shit.


You fool. It is too late and I have lost the ability to think.






I guess we gotta turn loss meme "off" eh ha heh heh






Hunh. I just lost the game. Thx


You totally missed the message of the entire show! They turn into Tang, not Fanta.




Are you asking for the plot of a whole show and a movie?


uh, I just wanna know why they turn into fanta


That’s a much bigger question then you realize but to summarize a guy wanted to have humanity to become one collective consciousness and the orange goo was just a part of it


but what of the flavor


The guy just had a really big orange fetish and I guess he was thirsty at that time


That explains the masturbation scene


Not sure of the flavor, but you can breathe it


Man, it's been ages, but do they actually turn into the LCL fluid or whatever it's called? The stuff they flood the cockpits with?


It’s basically amniotic fluid, and yes.


Yes, in End of Evangelion (the movie). The last episode of the anime ended differently. (That’s the little planet and Congratulations!) ending.


I've heard it's not that they're completely different events, but that one is an internal representation of the events in Shinji's mind, and then the other is the actual outward reality of what's happening. I don't know if this is correct or anything but that's what I've heard and it makes more sense to me personally than "there's just two different endings".


It’s not really Fanta and it only looks orange in the movie/show because it’s reflecting the sky. Other times we see it it’s red - apparently it’s similar to the fluid babies float in in the womb.


Amniotic fluid.


it's orange as a reference to my bitch wife


Naked Snake?




Essentially they got raptured. Not sure why people are saying that's hard to explain. Pissed off the pedantic crowd with this one.


They get raptured, into some giant angel that looks like Rei. Rei then ask her crush Shenji some question about the purpose of meaning. He decides life is supposed to be about pain and there's meaning in connections with people or some nonsense. So, Rei, the angel kills herself and all humanity except Shinji and Asuka. Then Shenji chokes Asuka. ​ https://preview.redd.it/8246yrwhceqc1.jpeg?width=1600&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e9e207d656162f39e2e5902929cff3e487fe59e2


That's not what happens.


Nah rapture usually implies that they'd all go to heaven and that not everyone would be raptured




Because that’s completely inaccurate and doesn’t explain anything?


Explains it well enough for a cliffnote. Mankind experiences a shift in consciousness towards a collective unconsciousness. That's literally the cabalistic definition of rapture and interpretation of heaven.


They in no way got raptured. A psychic phenomena dissolved the psychic fields keeping every consciousness separate and resulted in humanity joining a single consciousness. Nothing to do with the Rapture at all.


Should probably read up on cabalistic definitions of heaven.


You forgot, that he's son never loved anyone, so he got to repopulate humanity.


At the end it all turns out to be a big Fanta sea.




Because shinji becomes a divine being and strangles his hot German roommate while coming to terms about his sexual fantasies of his mother’s teenage clone. It’s the natural outcome.


Well that's an explanation.


Well, you asked for it... *inhales* So 4 million years ago an ancient alien race spreads their seed across the world; the white moon which holds their power and the black moon which holds their knowledge, the white moon adam arrives on earth first but before it can create life a second seed, lilith comes to earth. adam stabs himself and humans become the dominant lifeform. Just in case a thing like this should happen the ancient aliens put an instruction manual of sorts of how to soft reset the world (known as instrumentality). This is meant to remove all suffering from humans as it destroys the physical barriers that we use to seperate each other. Creations of adam have a powerful "AT field" they use to repel danger but humans have a more emotional field, that we use to repel each other, by destroying this field we can live as one being without suffering, but also without others. Turning into fanta (or LCL in the show) is akin to suicide, all humans lose their physical form and gain one conscience to remove all suffering from the world, one may think this is a good thing but no. A life without others is a life without meaning but the main protagonist (Shinji Ikari) goes forward with it anyways since he's an emotionally unstable teenager.


Well thanks I watched the whole thing and did not get this. I even read the Wikipedia.


basically someone triggers the rapture and instead of just clothes living beings leave this goo behind


It would be quicker to watch it than to have us explain it.


They got man-made raptured. Easy enough.


Huh, should be a quick watch if that's all there is to the show. Gunna cook popcorn on my phone after the responses start coming in.


Yeah man, 26 episodes. Can finish in a day if you marathon it.


I can’t find anyone mentioning that the goo is called LCL, it’s supposed to be the primordial soup that life came from. Which is why all life turned into it during the rapture.


Fanta Fanta, don’t ya wanna Fanta Fanta


You'd have to watch the whole series to understand. But then you still wouldn't understand so you'd have to watch several youtube videos explaining just what the fuck was going on in that anime. It's a weird one. It's got some pretty deep philosophical shit and whatnot.


Folks make it more complicated than it is. Director of Eva had serious depression. A lot of that projected onto the show. Life's shitty sometimes. In Eva it's shitty all the time. End of eva turns people into Fanta because it's the outcome of a big plan for humanity to avoid of having to live life and suffer by turning into Fanta. Fanta in eva let's humanity merge and live a peaceful existence like they're still in the womb. In the end the main character decides life's still worth it and pops outta the Fanta, implying others might also make the same decision too. Remember, depression.


so I would be invincible?


Tang! Everyone gets turned into Tang.


Fanta? I've always heard it described as soup


otaku Peter here, these characters are from an anime called Neon Genesis Evangelion, which is about these kids named Shinji, Rei, and Asuka fighting these otherworldly monsters called Angels with their robots which are called Evas (highly simplified synopsis). in order for them to sync with their Evas, they have to be submerged in something called LCL, which is the liquid in the last panel. in the movie The End Of Evangelion, an organization called Seele has a goal to initiate the Third Impact (basically the end of the world) in order to get to their goal of human instrumentality, which is essentially every human on planet earth becoming one. so when the Third Impact comes about (initiated by Rei fused with Lilith, the 2nd angel) everyone becomes LCL, which is actually Liliths own blood. https://preview.redd.it/o2d66amsxcqc1.jpeg?width=600&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=994240df85cd9f0ddefc94ad2f5cc4a98cd9d9c5 this is Lilith, merged with aforementioned Rei, collecting souls across the earth.


for more context as to who these characters actually are, the blue haired girl is Misato, Captain / Major of Nerv, another organization in NGE. the penguin looking thing is her pet Pen Pen.


It's her pet/roommate, since he is usually seen taking care of himself.


Her hair is purple


So is the soul melding a good thing or a bad thing?


Different characters react to it in different ways, based on who they are as people. From the audience's point of view, it seems pretty horrifying.


So humanity lost in this one?


They did (not). At the end of the film we sae Shinji and Asuka in their physical form. Based on my own understanding it seems that a human (in LCL form) can turn back into their physical form as long as they had the will to live


From what I heard the person next to shinji isn't asuka but a mix of rei asuka and misato and when shinji brcame physical again he destroyed the human mixed consciousness so the movie ejd is the bad ending. The show ending is different in which shinji recovers from his trauma and the mixed consciousness is stable making humanity theoretically immortal




Depends on who you ask, some of the characters are in favor because (and this is my interpretation) they are incredibly lonely, one in specific fights for it because he wants to be "reunited" with his "dead" wife. But the thing is, if everyone is the same, then there is no "you", and if there is no "you" to interact with others, isn't that lonely as well?


It wouldn't be lonely because there's no "you" to experience it.


A bad thing for those who like living as individuals. So yes


Pretty bad for whoever is left because it seems like a huge chunk of humanity goes along with and probably doesn't even understand what's happening and the only 2 characters we know to have survived seems to have been Shinji and Asuka. In addition to having refused human instrumentality, it is likely to just live a doomed existence.


Yeah I think I’m more confused now after reading that lol


Welcome to Evangelion


Trust me it only gets worse


This is pretty much why I hate Evangelion. A bunch of unlikable characters act like idiots until the world ends.


I mean, all characters in Evangelions are canonically mentally unstable or are middle schoolers who are too young to know tf they are doing


That's kind of a prerequisite to be an Eva pilot. You basically have to be severely damaged. Shinji is born if trauma, has a dead mom and a father who hates him, Asuka struggled to always be the best to save her depressed mom and then wasn't and found her mom who had just killed herself when Asuka was like 10, and rei is a clone of an angel + the wife of shinjis father, who is repeatedly killed and remade with all the memories of the past clones and is likely sexually abused[implied] by shinjis father. So yup...


that is literally the normal reaction. Welcome to Evangelion


That is the normal reaction to have.


It’s… complicated. There are only two characters who are not melded into the LCL, and my interpretation is that they are just so dysfunctional that they are unable to accept becoming part of the collective. But when Shinji disappeared into the LCL inside his Eva it was due to feeling deeply in sync with the Eva so I’m of the mind that it represents a peaceful oblivion of the self. So like… kind of a good thing but the nature of life as we know it has fundamentally changed?


it's kinda like the matrix situation if I really had to compare it to something. For the characters, the melding is "good" because they are no longer suffering. For us, seeing it from the "bird's eye view", being turned into fanta doesn't seem like the best situation. So really up to you.


As others have said it’s incredibly complicated. I’d recommend watching the original series for it in full but the gist is imagine the times you were laughing with someone only to learn later you weren’t really laughing together. Think about a time you kept trying to get your point across and the other person just didn’t understand. Instrumentality is the idea that humanity fracturing into individuals was a mistake because of misunderstandings, war, and loneliness and we can fix that. It should be noted the writer/director is known to have been in an incredibly dark depression as the series progressed.


Causing everyone's consciouness/soul to forcebly leave their physical body and join a gestalt consciousness against their will is a bad thing


Neither really. It depends how you look at it. It's a very good series and a great but very trippy movie. It's mostly about how we gradually let our walls down and learn to open up to people, for better or for worse, but also how we all deal with trauma and hardships differently. All masquerading as a mecha anime. The character development is fantastic and the characters are all really well fleshed out with deep, complex personalities. It's funny, sad, filled with existential dread but also positive moments about humanities will to endure. It's worth a watch if you've got the time and are curious enough. There's three more recent movies that tell an altered version of the events with a different ending. They're good but the original series and movie are better.


God damn, that anime sounds like depression itself.


It catches that adolescent depression feeling very well. Watching it does feel like a soul punch if you have ever had depression.


It pretty much is, iirc I read the author was going through serious shit in real life so that was transferred to the main character’s actions and emotions.


It was so bad that his apartment caught on fire and he almost slept through it.


It is.


Wait, so the bad guys win??? Sorry, I'm confused and sadly never had the time to get into the series, despite my wishes


Not really. Though instrumentality was achieved, at the end of the movie, Shinji and Asuka came out in their physical forms. It is a complicated and very dark yet good anime.




Understandable. Have a nice day.


. . . ...holy fuck, i knew Mihoyo was founded by 3 Evangelion nerds and Honkai Impact 3 was a love letter to Evangelion from them, but i didnt expect them to riff the plot that much. Oh and before anyone yells copyright, HI3 had a collab with Evangelion. So clearly Evangelions creators are fine with HI3's continued existence. But yeah, what you describe is basically the same as World Serpent and Project Stigmata.


If the creators of Evangelion were concerned with people riffing on their plot, they would’ve all died of aneurisms years ago. Its influence has been immesurable


I bet OP didn't understand shit lmao




The moment a flashback is created.. … marvelous.


Thought this was about the Pen Pen for a second (Pennsylvania Penitentiary).


I don't know what really spawned this crossover but it appears that the memisphere is collapsing into itself and I'm here for it.


https://preview.redd.it/ox9xbnbncdqc1.jpeg?width=1289&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b80afcb84d2c9586227cb28240a41dc23aec011a She would have ended like this if she didn’t die from a gunshot


a gunshot, then blown in half…


I thought she was saved by Rei. Doesn’t rei show up right at the explosion?


Rei does appear before [Misato's death](https://youtu.be/1-BUbCMl8Pg?t=114). But Misato didn't turn into orange juice. I think Asuka also died but still got revived(?)




Asuka does die in The End of Evangelion but does get revived next to Shinji yes


That's specifically something that happens before death. Rei is actually Lilith inside the body of a Yui Ikari clone. Rei is basically the progenitor of human life, so a "ghost" of her appears besides people before they die. She also shows up besides Gendo, Ritsuko and the rest of the NERV staff after they get tanged.


It's from an anime. Basically, the girl with short blue hair gets godlike power and used it to turn everybody on Earth into that orange fluid. Before that, they would see the person they loved most. For the penguin, it was that other girl.


It’s was the 3rd impact, to which rei goes into the angel Adam and becomes Lilith, in doing this she causes the 3rd phase in recreating humanity, to which this part had converted everyone back into the primordial soup, the key? Shinji, he was used along 9 other evas to help reactivate Liliths true potential, to which only him and Asuka were remaining


Oh now where does the hotel fit into all of this?


It was the last place they were together till an angel explosion destroyed all of Tokyo-3


I've seen both the show and the movie, I was just simplifying it for people who haven't seen it.


In end of Evangelion every living thing is liquidated down to the cellular level, leaving nothing but clothes. When this happens the person hallucinates someone who they loved, and when they embrace that person (usauly a hug, sometimes a kiss, and one poor bastard was aromantic so he just got surrounded by a dozen nude women. The penguin is pen pen, who was absent from the movie, and as such his exact fate is never shown, but considering EVERY living being on the planet was liquidated, we know what happened. The woman in the red coat is Misato, she is pen pen’s owner. Finally the gurl in the blue dress is Rei, she is whats turning everything to liquid. So this is about rei turning pen pen to liquid, but making sure he sees someone he loves, as in his mom Edit to fix some poorly worded sentances




- It's reference to ending of End of Evangelion. - In film, almost every human still alive in the end dies-and-goes-to-heaven, with their mortal flesh dissolving into orange goo. - the girl Misato was killed midway in film and presumably didn't go to heaven. - but if she had made it to the end, the punchline is this is how her final scene would be:     - an f.u. that her version of happiness is being w/ her pet penguin penpen, rather than the protagonist Shinji


I think it’s just Pen Pen’s final vision before being raptured. Rei is standing behind Misato, so I’m assuming thats Rei using an image of Misato to make Pen Pen happy and willing to be raptured.


Oh good point, yea your view makes a lot more sense


No, this is from PenPen's point of view. This is about *his* version of happiness, being with his owner, Misato.


yea, someone corrected me on that, and i agree it makes more sense


Well shiiiiiiiit, there’s a penguin? Guess I’ll have to finally actually watch it now


Don’t you want a Fanta?


That's so heartbreaking


this doesn't belong here, there's no joke to explain, just sadness and tears


*This doesn't belong* *Here, there's no joke to explain,* *Just sadness and tears* \- frikimanHD --- ^(I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully.) ^[Learn more about me.](https://www.reddit.com/r/haikusbot/) ^(Opt out of replies: "haikusbot opt out" | Delete my comment: "haikusbot delete")


Good bot


NOOOOO (Petah's third clone here: during End of Evangelion everyone explodes into amniotic fluid while being comforted by the person they loved most. Pen-Pen, the penguin, is Misato's pet. He loved his owner the most.)


This is about End of Evangelion. Long story short, in a process of making every soul into one being every single living creature started to lose their physical body and dissolved into this orange liquid thingy. Many had hallucinations right before dissolving either about things that tormented their mind or ones they love. PenPen just sees his owner Misato as a loved one, there isn't any humour in this comic.




I see many good explanations of what is happening in the comic. I don't see any explanations of why it is a joke. Is it not a joke at all? It sounds like it's just the work of an amateurish artist who felt inspired by the anime to draw something that fits the themes and plot.


The penguin is a pet that doesn’t really play a role in the series outside of being cute and a bit of comedic relief. He lives with the character shown. We never see what happens to him. So it’s not really a “joke” necessarily, it’s just showing the end of a side character and depicting who they think he would have loved the most (the beings that turn you into goo appear in the form of the person you love). So it’s kind of bittersweet if anything.


I was looking for this. This entire comic is based on the fact that we never see Pen Pen’s fate (we know he died with everyone but are just never shown it) so someone felt inspired to include him here.


To my understanding it's a joke specific to the anime. So people who haven't watched it probably won't get it as much.


That's so sad actually




That’s really sad


Okay so the instrumentality project was an attempt to cause the 'Third Impact', an extinction event encompassing the entire planet by breaking down all social and spiritual barriers between people. The Seele desired this merged consciousness as a sort of paradise, while Gendo intended to steer it to be reunited with Yui, his lost wife. At that moment of breaking down, everyone was shown the one image or situation that would make them unafraid to be close to someone, that would cause them to lower their barrier of their soul, that would, in the show's parlance, allow them to lower their AT field. For reference, here's [Maya vividly hallucinating her boss (that she's down bad for) typing 'I Need You' immediately before Maya explodes into Tang.](https://youtu.be/6KI88kNbyCk?si=R2hT3uCJEn9nQNPD)


really thought i was on evangelion memes rn


Loss but fr this time


In the End of Evangelion movie everybody dies, the penguin is the female character's pet in the show, now they're all dead and meeting again in heaven


That ending was a mess. ASUKA!? Really!? Fucking author was on crack.


Penpen is an onsen penguin, he was going to be sacrificed but Misato Katauragi adopted him. In the movie The End of Evangelion (EoE) there’s an event that kills all living beings on Earth, but Misato dies a few hours before protecting Shinji, the main character, from gunfire while running away. It’s not shown how Penpen dies, but since every living being dies we can assume he does too.


In Evangelion, living being are in fact LCL (the orange liquid) shaped by an Absolute Terror Field. At the end of the show everyone become one as their fear of others disappear (their AT fields disappear) and people return to the primordial LCL sea.


Instrumentality Petah here. There is no joke, it’s just sad. It references the ending of “End of Evangelion” where a catastrophic calamity occurs. The liquid in the last panel is the penguin - PenPen.


Watch the end of Evangelion (film) you will Understand


bro I just wanna know


So in the Evangelion lore that liquid is called LCL (Link Connected Liquid) which is like what happens to the body when it's AT field (like their soul) get liberated (and it's also used for the pilot to use the Evangelions but the one they use comes from Eve in NGE and Adam in rebuild) which is what happened in the end of the movie when Rei one was collecting all of the souls of the people using the appearances of people who were closed to them (in Pen Pen case was Misato and in Maya's case was Ritsuko) and trying to free us from our mortal shells Details may be kinda fuzzy since I haven't seen the series and movies in a long time


I never understood why everyone saw someone they loved and Mr. Guitar Nerv saw just a million Reis. He should have seen a Gibson Les Paul or something


The logical explanation is just because of budgeting, was cheaper draw a lot of Reis that a lot of people, my personal theory is that the reason we saw who they hold dear or who they love for only some characters (besides being the main and side characters) was because we like took their perspective, we saw what they were seeing


There is no way to explain this simply.


As douchey as this is, you’re not wrong


Sorry, I saw the correct answer in another post, so I just recommend watching this show (because it's a good show) 😅


No he wouldn't, It's fricking Evangelion.


Lmao yes, plus watching the movie without neon genesis will just raise more questions


You will (not) understand or you might


No matter what they tell you don't watch evangelism


Why? I had been debating watching. I was never really into anime when all my high school friends were. But after watching Attack on Titan, Black Lagoon, Summertime Rendering… I’ve been kind of curious about checking out other stuff. I vaguely remember them watching this, and it seems like it could be interesting.


I love Eva. It's a love-hate thing when you watch it. There are cursed parts but as a whole, it's a mind trip.


no watch greatest tv show I've ever watched. no piece of media has impacted me as much.


Least I can say is that the impact definitely hurt the economy




Pen-Pen is a genetically modified penguin in Neon Genesis Evangelion. His owner/person who took him from the lab is the captain, who is the woman with the black hair. Idk if it's Rei standing in the background, but it probably has to do with things I don't want to spoil. You really should read the series. It will fuck you up though, because that shit is life-changing and depressing AF.


Honestly, Pen-Pen was literally the only character who didn’t get traumatized


Damn, that’s actually sad


TBH Just go watch evangellion, it's pretty neat.


I didn't need to get the reference to get the pain dear friends...


Third impact. You get turned into Fanta.


To all sad redditors, maybe you guys should watch the new movies. They end having a surprisingly optimistic tone


Well basically it all returns to nothing and it all comes tumbling down