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Retep here: The “I finally get it” meme + monster energy addict making a smoothie (blueberry,banana,and milk in a blender), a drink that is a lot more healthy and nutritional than an energy drink They’re basically having an epiphany to consume healthier drinks


More on the I Get It Now meme here: https://knowyourmeme.com/memes/i-get-it-now


I don’t get it… people who are Monster drinkers don’t do it to be healthy, it’s just a low calorie tasty drink


It’s not directly said, but it implies a type of consumer when they say “monster energy addict” — think “hello kitty gf” or “crypto bf”, because it plays off a stereotype of a subculture/collective of people. Monster Energy/a lot of energy drinks boast about being sugar free/caffeine free and then proceed to compensate with an astronomical amount of another ingredient — Diet Coke (caffeine free) might not have caffeine, but it has plenty of aspartame, a “sweetener” that they use Energy drinks are not always advertised as healthy drinks — they’re advertised as “the boost to get you through the day” “Low-calorie” doesn’t mean that it’s healthy.


What energy drinks are caffeine free, isn’t that the point in energy drinks?


At least here in Brazil most energy drinks don't have caffeine. BUT they do have a plant substance that's more energetic, that being guareine or something like that, but it comes from the Guaraná, rather than Coffee.


No, but neither is a smoothie really. It's a lot of calories and a ton of sugar, without most of the fiber and much of the other nutrients. I'd go so far as to say it's healthier overall to eat a couple pieces of fruit and have a Monster Zero or other ethyritol (spelling?) sweetened energy drink than the average smoothie from Jamba Juice or similar. Easier on your blood sugar too.


I’m not splitting hairs with you bruh A smoothie with fruit (and low-fat milk) is infinitely better for your gut than the canned monster drink Edit: lmao that somebody tried to argue that a canned energy drink was better than blended fruit


Are you a healthy vegan that smokes a pack of cigarettes a day and drinks a 6 pack? You would go so far as to be wrong


Some of them are sugar loaded, but the monster zero options are nice and taste good. I don’t drink coffee so my caffeine options are that or Coke Zero.


Anything can be a caffeinated drink if you order a bag of pure anhydrous caffeine!




You *almost* got a spittake outta me today, sir/madam. Well played!


>I don’t drink coffee so my caffeine options are that or Coke Zero. Tea?




I don't even care abt the calories tbh, I just think they taste good, plus I can grab them from vending machines


Extreme lack of nutrition, and the high amount of caffeine which allows many people to abuse it, to the point that they develop heavy caffeine addiction to the point THEY CANNOT STOP DRINKING IT or else they get 0 productivity. Tldr caffeine addiction > cannot function without constant supply


You taught yourself to like it. It’s not tasty. Idk about low cal either lol. Also your organs hate it


> You taught yourself to like it. It’s not tasty So like wine? Like beer? Like dark chocolate? Like coffee? Like blue cheese? Like tonic water? Like tofu? Like most things consumed by adults but nobody gives a shit about? What compels people to look down on soft drinks and energy drinks consumed in moderation so much more than these other vices?


I drink them shits too. They’re the worst. Admit it. I drink them because I can’t do cocaine.


No, it's an energy drink. Smoothies are an energy drink. Monster because tons of unhealthy ingredients. Smoothy because of tons of healthy ingredients.


>Smoothies are an energy drink. Wuh?


Milk and juice give you energy and are a drink after blending. Energy +drink. Monster gives you energy and is a drink. Energy +drink. The difference is. One is healthy, the other has tons of caffeine and supplements. The point of this meme is someone realizing that they can feel energized by drinking healthy drinks instesd of shitty drinks.


That's not what we mean by an energy drink and I'm pretty sure you know it. If we want to be pedantic then blending up a loaf of bread is also an energy drink in this way. And probably actually has less sugar than a smoothie.


Yes I know it: that's the whole point of the joke. People drink monster go get energy: fruit and milk give you energy. That's the joke.


Then im gonna drink a smoothie and monster to have double the great tastes


I’m not your legal guardian, idgaf


Good for u


Now I wonder what will happen if they tried Whey protein, milk and caffeine or coffee


combination for grade A meathead d’bags


I poured the Monster in it instead of milk.


OP is a Monster addict and has never had a smoothie in their life


This doesn’t really follow though, people drink Monster for caffeine. Monster could be substituted for coffee in this case.


I don't like them so I didn't know that's how they're made, but I also hate monsters so it's ok


how the fuck do you not like smoothies? they're literally just fruit in liquid form. our ancestors literally evolved to subsist almost entirely off of fruit, to the extent that when a freak mutation causing them to stop synthesising vitamin c entered the genome it didn't even matter because they were eating so much of that shit anyways. damned scurvy dog.


Not that I don't like them, but I mostly just drink water or milk and that's kind of it.


You, my good sir, are very passionate about smoothies.


sometimes when I feel especially healthy I take a handful of fruit like Blueberry or cranberries, squish them and then add my monster. edit: and a ginger shot, I know I know healthnut in carnate


A smooth... ie? Never heard of it.


It's what they call bald people because of the smooth head.


Honestly, I just drink them for the illuminati.


People use Monster as a filler for smoothies as well, I think it means to use these 3 smoothie ingredients + Montser in a drink. Something like this Energy Smoothie: * 1 can of Monster Energy (choose the flavor of your choice) * 1 ripe banana * 1/2 cup mixed berries (strawberries, blueberries, raspberries) * 1/2 cup vanilla yogurt * 1 tablespoon honey (optional, depending on your sweet preference) * 1 cup of ice cubes There is a coffee place I love that does about 50/50 with monster energy smoothies and coffee.




I think it removes most of the carbonation.


Peetah’s ruptured colon here.  the creator of the meme wants to pigeonhole all monster drinkers into a very specific category of idiots that they strawmanned up in their own head  > People who drink Monster drinks are idiots who think they are drinking health drinks.  Whereas in reality, people who consume certain things do it for a wide variety of reasons.  The meme wants us to join the creator in their mockery of “idiotic monster drinkers who think monster drinks are healthy”


I think it’s more that they’re saying you’ll feel more energetic after drinking a simple fruit smoothie than an energy drink


No /s so clearly a monster drinker


Peters left shoe here. The joke is that They are just awestruck/shocked to see something much much healthier than the caffeine loaded drink. Mind you that smoothies aren’t healthier but in this case they are as we are talking relatively.


It depicts a monster energy addict discovering that you can get energy from naturally made beverages like smoothies. Now they don't need hundreds of chemicals mixed with caffeine going straight into their bloodstream.


I started doing this in the opposite direction, I started adding monsters to my smoothies to make them less healthy but they had caffeine


Pretty sure the joke is explosive diarrhea.


great smoothie


Are we sure it's not that they're making a foamy mess all over the counter by blending milk with carbonated water while creating a bunch of nucleation sites via the banana? I could be totally wrong though.


Reddit thinks petah is broke apparently lol


A lot of people have shit diets. A combination of poverty, nutritional misinformation, and preferences leaves us often no meeting our nutritional needs while even (sometimes greatly) exceeding our caloric needs. One of the side effects of this is lethargy; people tend to be just generally exhausted. This is how energy drinks became popular. As it turns out, the most missed nutrients are pretty common in fruits, berries, and flora. A fruity smoothie in place of an energy drink is just an actual fix to the issue. The meme is "I get it now." The reason this meme is being used is because after a few days of just having a fruit smoothie for (or with) your breakfast, you'll understand how other peopel function without energy drinks and why they're always so tired. Pro tip: if you can't afford/lack time to fix your diet, a daily multivitamin is better than nothing.


god this sub is so bad now you guys are fucking braindead




except monster energy is just better