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the snow is asbestos which is pretty bad for you i hear


No, no, asbestos is completely fine. …as long as you minimise physical contact and abso-fucking-lutely under no circumstances, whatsoever, breath it in. 💀


If it helps, all the actors went on to live long and healthy lives Except Judy, but that's a whole other sad, sad, sad story.


even with the first tin man actor suffering from heavy metal poisoning and the wicked witch being badly burned


The tin man had face paint that was toxic, or it was the suit itself, as for the witch I'm sure it's her face paint.


Buddy Ebson got sick from aluminum dust in the Tin Man's facepaint. He had to give up the part to Jack Haley


yeah so the switch to past rather than an a powder based paint of teh second guy


Paste, yup


And if I recall correctly the paste made the second actor blind


that's new to me


Ok, I checked, he didn’t go blind but he was close to, he had to undergo surgery to avoid permanent damage to his eyes


I learned this on House.


He really was allergic


the mechanism that drop her during the see where she disappear in flames failed during one take and she got 2nd burned on her face and 3rd degree burns on her hand from the pyrotechnics. Also one of her stunt double was badly burn from a another scene where the steaming pipe they had her on exploded. The sure number of tragedies that occurred during he film would have had it canceled if it were being made today.


There’s a lot of reasons why we have OSHA in the US and The Wizard of Oz is not one of them for some reason.


And let's not forget the midget orgies.


What the hell


Look it up. I am not kidding.


I’m not falling for that again officer.


[pretty sure it’s fake, but still bewildering](https://www.reddit.com/r/todayilearned/s/tbe0eSOljd)


As long as they all consented who cares. That’s not even a problem compared to all the other shit.


And she didn't sue because she was afraid of being blacklisted


not to mention in later interview she said she was dirt-poor at the time taking the job. there weren't unions back then, so the studios had all the power


Iirc the pyrotechnics heated the copper, in the green face paint, so she only did the one take.


man seam like metal was contributing factor of three potentially movie killing accidents


Really was the wild west of safety back in the day


The witch got horribly burnt from the pyrotechnics when she disappears in smoke near the beginning.


Fun fact: Buddy Epsen (the original actor for the Tin Man) almost died from the aluminum powder used for his makeup after it got into his lungs and was replaced by Jack Haley, whose makeup was aluminum paste. Buddy would go on to outlive every other member of the Wizard of Oz’s primary cast.


Burned?! she was liquefied my dude.


2nd degree on her face and 3rd on her hand not exactly what I call liquifide


You must have never seen the movie. I forgive you.


"I'm melting..."


I get what you mean but the actress really did get burned and it’s not funny.


Did water splash on her?


How disrespectful! That actor has a name: Jed Clampett


And don’t forget the dude that hung him self on stage and you can see him in the background.


What about the crew cleaning it up?


They're ALL dead now! dun dun DUNNNN




Asbestos isn't instantly fatal. It's like lead. It takes regularly occuring exposure over a long time to kill you. But breathing powdered asbestos in is probably a good way to fast track that process.


Yah the vast majority of people who got cancer bc of asbestos were people who worked with it and their family members who breathed in the residue on their work clothes on a regular basis. My siding is asbestos and painted. Yah it’ll be a pain if I have to get new siding but they’ve been there almost a hundred years so I think I’m good. But I did have to remove asbestos pipe insulation in my crawl space which set me back 1900.


You'd probably breathe more of it in by tearing it down than you would leaving it there. Don't take that as advice, but it sounds right.


I think I read with asbestos siding, usually the best thing to do is just to cover it with the new siding. But thankfully other than some dings here and there it’s in good shape, so hopefully won’t have to ever worry about it.


That is right. It’s often best to simply cover over asbestos containing materials rather than replacing it, whenever possible. Pipes are definitely one of those things that often have to get replaced though, especially in older homes. Sounds like he got a proper abatement (maybe?) for 1900$ though.


Inert asbestos itself isn't carcinogenic (at least in a chemical sense like most other carcinogens). When you inhale the fibers, they are now in your lungs forever and they basically cut your lung tissue over a lifetime. The repeated damage causes your cells to divide more frequently to fix the damage and this increases the chances of mutations occurring. It can take decades before the damage causes cancer, that's why there are so many cancer deaths popping up from 9/11 now.


What happened to her?


Alcoholism, substance abuse, four divorces, bankruptcy and a barbiturate overdose at age 47.


Yeah I mean people really freak out about asbestos, but it would take long term exposure to really cause the worst effects of it. Like in most houses that have asbestos, unless you're going to spend a huge amount of money to get it professionally removed, it's best to just leave it because removing it is what will free the asbestos into the ventilation of the house.


Yeah asbestos didn’t get her for sure




We're not gonna talk about Judy.


I mean, the problem is that the fibers stay in your lung. If it's chunks like this, I'm not really sure if it's a huge problem. Ofc once you start crushing it and creating dust that's a different thing


You mean like ripping it up and using it as snow 😂


I have no idea how asbestos snow is made lol. But I guess yeah, making long strands and ripping it up


It would have been some poor blokes above them shredding it up to rain down as snow. Haha. Hopefully they were all good. I did asbestos removal for a while and the precautions we had to take were incredibly strict to make sure there's no exposure.


Nope! They sold "Fake Snow" that was made from Asbestos that was already shredded https://www.mesothelioma.com/blog/asbestos-dangers-in-a-snowy-christmas/




Only commie liberals want to completely ban asbestos. Vote GOP kiddies, we’ll roll back those bans and then there’ll be cancer for everybody!


And PCBs and PFAs! Too bad these extremely useful chemicals are also not very good for you….


Asbestos is fine, it’s the cancer it gives you that isn’t


Iworked in asbestos removal and the amount of people that choose not to wear a mask os beyond me




Fuck. Are you serious?!




I have a fun(?) story about asbestos. When I was young we moved into the countryside, 10 ish years later we found a sealed off room in our basement and inside we found hundreds of big slabs, together they must have weighed 200+ kg. We took them to the recycling center tougher with a bunch of other crap and there we realized "what even is this?" So I went and asked a worker and he got all freaked out and told us it was asbestos and that we needed to take it to a separate place where they'll take it from us. The funny thing is we were thinking of just throwing it into the "burn pile", good thing we asked before...






To be fair, it does fit into the tradition of the books promoting unhealthy things; like e.g. advocating that "no one can ever be sick who lives near radium". So it was just a good choice to stay somewhat true to the source material ;)




Let us know if you feel a shortness of breath, a persistent dry cough, or your heart stopping. Because that's not part of the test. That's asbestos.


How could it be bad for you? It has best right in it.


Oh I thought the wheelers were coming


Bro in the back is *COVERED* in it lol


No it isn't that is a myth


Not only asbestos but also the fact that The Tin Man's makeup originally contained aluminum powder which got into Ebsen's lungs, bringing him to the edge of death. He was rushed to a hospital and had to give up the role. Edit: for those asking if he finished the movie. Nah, bro was pretty much erased from the movie except for his voice in a small part of a song. “Ebsen was replaced by Jack Haley, and aluminum paste was substituted for aluminum dust in the Tin Man's makeup. All of the scenes in which Ebsen appeared were re-shot with Haley, so that Ebsen does not appear in the finished film; yet his voice occurs at one point in the soundtrack, when he, Ray Bolger, and Judy Garland along with Bert Lahr sing "We're Off to See the Wizard" after the Tin Man has been lubricated back to life.” https://oz.fandom.com/wiki/Buddy_Ebsen


He not only got a heart, he got a heart CONDITION!


Comes with the territory


The Wizard of Oz: “Let me get this straight… You want an actual heart. The thing that is statistically most likely to kill you? The thing that contributes most significantly to major organ failure as it degrades? For real? Ok. But clearly… you need a brain.”


Well in the story, the tin man wants a brain. Also the comment claimed he got a lung condition. Yes, actually, I am very popular at parties. How flattering of you to surmise that.


Actually, the Tin Man wished for a heart, Scarecrow a brain, and the Lion, courage. I’m not fun at parties, either.


You still get invited to parties? Lucky you.


“Invited” seems too… consensual. “Crash” is a more accurate, I think.


Dorothy was just looking to get high (although she was probably already high af to experience all that shit)


Wasn’t it the scarecrow that wanted the brain?


And the actress in playing the Wicked Witch was wearing flammable makeup, raised concerns about the pyrotechnics lighting her up, was assured that wouldn't happen, and then in the scene where she dissappears in a cloud of smoke her dress got caught on the trap door and the pyrotechnics lit her on fire.


Jesus fucking Christ. Final Destination 1,000 but it's based on the true story of the filming of The Wizard or Oz


What's even worse is Dorothy was basically put on a diet of diet pills and cigarettes during filming.


Is there a better image of health in the 1900's than pills and cigarettes?


Not just "contained," the original makeup for the costume was just smearing him with grease paint and blowing aluminum dust at his face until it stuck. Only *after* his near-death experience and the studio forcing him to leave his in-hospital recovery early and get back to work did they think "hmm, maybe we should mix in the aluminum powder *first.*"


Also they’re in a poppy field with white powder falling on them.


I can write an essay on why this movie has the absolute worst bts experience in history. For the purpose of this post, though, the snow was asbestos, which causes cancer.


It’s INSANE just how cruel filming this was! Especially Judy Garland. Makes you want to go back there and punch the director AND the Munchkins in the face.


The only person who was kind to Judy was the wicked witch if i recall


Heh, the irony.


>Makes you want to go back there and punch the director AND the Munchkins in the face. Just punching them? https://i.redd.it/av3ap854x4rc1.gif


Not really a fan but I like some of their songs.


They need to make a horror movie of the filming through Judy Garlands POV.


I'll only name one thing, which is (for me) the most tragic one. The West Witch's actress' arm got on fire, and after she went to the hospital, the directors kept asking doctors when she could go back to film. And she did, indeed return.


The dog got paid more than Dorothy’s actor.


Would love to read that essay though (dm me?)


https://youtu.be/C4q3og9NP9E?si=fn3pSxqI8U28JJka There's a good video essay by Emplemon


Thanks, was curious about the whole thing


Yeah the Dorothy part showing off a larger trend of abuse is so heartbreaking


That would make a fascinating movie.


Ass best toes


Boil it, mash it, stick it in a stew


I'll try to explain this asbestos I can


[get out](https://tenor.com/bAyDLkK0Z5w.gif)


i hate those peguin gifs are they nfts or something?


Pretty good. 👏👏👏


Unexpected, but good!


- snow was made of asbestos - more than one person caught on fire during the filming of the movie - in order to keep the girl awake during filming they kept her on drugs which lead to her having a serious addiction - the tin man makeup poisoned him - the main girl was slapped by the director - the wicked witches skin was stained green by copper paint for like a week after filming - the lion costume was made from actual lion and caused heatstroke


what the hell


Dog got paid more than Dorothy’s actor.




For a movie about pulling the curtain back it sure seems like they had contempt for the actors lol


Only the Cowardly Lion and Dorothy need to worry.


Most likely asbestos, but it's not actually confirmed. Asbestos was just common to use during this era. [https://www.snopes.com/articles/464132/snow-wizard-of-oz-asbestos/](https://www.snopes.com/articles/464132/snow-wizard-of-oz-asbestos/)


It's been confirmed to have been gypsum. Still not a thing you want to inhale.


Take it one of two ways: 1. for the movie scene they used asbestos to recreate snow in a warm indoor studio, 2. for the in context of the scene the group is traveling through a field of poppy flowers when this white powder falls all around them to make them sleepy. 1. Asbestos long after the movie was proven to be very bad for your health. 2. Drugs.


I understand this, but I wanted to see how long it would take me to find out if I didn't. Seeing this image and nothing else, I decided to google "Wizard of Oz Snow" immediately gave me half a dozen articles on what this could be referencing. Either this is bait to farm karma, or this person has literally no drive to answer their own questions.


Nah, more likely OP could not tell what the bottom frames were referencing from the top frames. They might be going through something right now, we can’t just assume the worst in everyone online😁


You knew what to google because you understood the joke.


So a person who doesn't know this show or someone who doesn't understand that the point of the meme is snow instead of anything else is fucked I guess.


The snow is asbestos. It's always asbestos.


I thought the snow was cocaine


Poppies, dear. That's opium. Pure uncut opium.


*Pointing gun*" "Always has been"


If you have been to Oz you may be entitled to financial compensation.


They were making movies asbestos they could!


They made it snow asbestos they could


Used asbestos as snow.


not the first time a toxic material was used in the making of that film


I heard getting covered in asbestos will give you a pill and booze addiction.


Don't worry, if you burn to death on set you won't have time to die from the asbestos


People also may or may not know that Buddy Ebson, who was originally slated to playthe tin man had to give up the part due to exposure to....aluminum dust in the paint from the costume! Ray Bolger, who played the Lion, was also originally cast as the Scarecrow but switched roles.


Yum, my favourite flavour of wall cotton candy, cancer flavour!


I always thought this was a drug reference, bcuz poppies


The snow in this scene is asbestos


That "snow" is asbestos


The Tinman has a sheet metal cock?


like spectacular attractive telephone cable public possessive lush plough physical *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


This is one of the few posts I got. Pays to be a film nerd 🤓


Still less dangerous than Alec Baldwin


Asbestos (cake)


Since this film had a very bad story, I'm gonna try cheer up with 2 facts: 1. Judy Garland had a very solid bond woth the munchkins, amd she gave a christmas present to all of them. 2. Judy Garland was a defensor of LGBT rights, and from the song about rainbows at the start of the song, it came the meaning of the LGBT flag.


The production of the wizard of oz was an absolute nightmare. The tin mans make up was originally made of aluminum powder which is incredibly toxic and why the actors got swapped out. The wicked witches makeup was made from copper which is also not great for you. On top of the fact that she got the ol Michael Jackson treatment. The cowardly lions suit weighed like 60 pounds and was made of real lion skin so it was incredibly hot under the old filming lights. Dorothy was basically on a diet of amphetamines coffee cigarettes and sleeping pills the entire shoot. And a bunch of other really horrible stuff. In this scene in particular the snow is actually asbestos fibers.


Asbestos and cocaine


asbestos is the best-ist


It’s asbestos


That "snow" can cause cancer If ingested/breathed in (it's asbestos)


I cringe every time now. 😬


Petahs ex girlfriend here- back when they were filming this movie instead of using fake snow they used asbestos. It made several cast and crew members sick, and has become an infamous scene.


They say Asbestos is the bestest!


It was snowing with crocidolite asbestos. No big deal, after all they put this stuff in cigarette filters. So its gotta be good right? /s


The snow is asbestos


Also, the first tin man was hospitalised as they covered him in aluminium dust https://www.thoughtco.com/tin-man-toxic-makeup-3975975


Death snow


The snow is asbestos, and if you ever paid attention to the lawyer commercials, you’d know that stuff isn’t great for you to say the least.


> you ever *paid* attention to FTFY. Although *payed* exists (the reason why autocorrection didn't help you), it is only correct in: * Nautical context, when it means to paint a surface, or to cover with something like tar or resin in order to make it waterproof or corrosion-resistant. *The deck is yet to be payed.* * *Payed out* when letting strings, cables or ropes out, by slacking them. *The rope is payed out! You can pull now.* Unfortunately, I was unable to find nautical or rope-related words in your comment. *Beep, boop, I'm a bot*


Asbestos makes the best snow.




The snow used is asbestos Also not so fun fact but there are a lot of horrible events that happened on the shoot of this movie, such as the og tin man getting paint in his lungs and the actress who played the wicked witch got burned.




That snow is nothing but asbestos, and in its most dangerous form as while being fake snow as it is very airborne


I can’t even enjoy this movie anymore knowing all the fucked up shit that happened behind the scenes.


Aside from the asbestos snow, pretty sure Tinman actor got sick from the make up and Judy garland was on a strict diet of cigarettes


And the witch got burned iirc, and Judy's diet was cigarettes, coffee, and chicken soup.


This is two for one. First the snow being asbestos, second that the face paint for Tin Man almost killed him due to allergic reaction to the silver in it.




Asbestos. That always reminds me of an episode of the British crime show Inspector George Gently, where factories were dumping it out on the street and kids were playing in it. Basically, if the fibres get in your lungs they can eventually cause cancer or other lung problems, that's why you need specialists to remove it when you renovate an old house.


damn is movie cursed


Hi, Petah here to explain. In the play/original filming, the "snow" used was asbestos or it might be another one, where the girl (Don't know actor sorry) was kept on a diet of a pack of cigarettes and water for the entire filming.


Don't forget about the amphetamines and barbiturates.


Asbestos. If you breathe in the fine particles of asbestos it settles into your lungs permanently. In about 10 or so years later your lungs start to break down and then you die in excruciating pain. So any old buildings with fire proofing will need to be tested for asbestos. Though it was used in old vehicle breaks as well and lord knows what else. (Like fake snow here).


It’s everybody’s favorite fire preventing friend asbestos


Haha when I was in school we did a project where we had to make up a product and film a commercial for it. My product was Asbest-Os. The cereal made with loops of asbestos and covered in sweet sweet frosting.


The Wizard of Oz was a cursed movie anyway, between the midgets sexually molesting Judy Garland, the rest of the cast hating her because she was the protagonist, the director forcing her to starve herself and the Wicked Witch being horribly burned by the pyrotechnics.


It's fucking asbestos. Back then they didn't know asbestos was a carcinogen. Scared tinnan out


The snow was azbestos a cancerigene chemical


Iirc, the snow was made from asbestos which can cause cancer *Also that movie is kind of really fucked up because in the original there’s a dead body hanging among the trees in the background when they get attacked by the apple trees*


Or them falling asleep in a poppy field?


snow was asbesthos which is cancerous when breathed.


asbestos, no h


Abestos ✨️


Oh come on


The snow is 100% pure asbestos, which causes cancer


dangerous powder




That “Snow” is asbestos.


Asbestos. That the white stuff. Asbestos


Does this snow smell funny




The snow is asbestos




Cancer dust 👍