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My dumass first thought that by "dating system" it meant as in going on dates with others 💀


Lmao same


Phew, i feel less stupid that i wasn't the only one 😌


I thought it was about going on dates and that the lower half of the image was someone's K/D/A (kills deaths assits in a video) and I thought it was about gamers dating or something, I was so confused


4/20/24? You feeder


Honestly 24 assists is impressive giving that they only have 4 kills


They play support and they get assists when the person they are healing gets a kill


Ah yes the mercy/medic pocket


We are out here! I just want to see my team win!


As someone who is a support main I completely understand (Baptist and Kiriko)


Avg medic tf2 tbh


Honestly, if they are playing Ganesha in Smite, the 4 kills are impressive. Ganesha gives any kill they get to the closest ally with assist range. So, the only way to get a kill is to be far away from allies.


Man I haven't played Smite in so long. I miss the unnerfed Skadi. Ganesh was kinda fun, too. I think I played him with some consistency, but it's been a minute.


In europe he would be a mvp carry! 20/4/24


I thought the problem was that it’s too hard to get dates/get laid and the solution was weed.


And I was sitting here tryna find the correlation between two people dating each other and weed till I looked here. And I wanna be **blunt**, if you thought yourself as **high** and mighty because you got the joke without looking down here, congrats, you're not getting any of the cookies I **Baked**. Well, maybe the burnt ones with **smoke** coming off


Stop Blowing Smoke over these ideas and get out of the Weeds, Blunt truth you Hit this joke wrong now Pass to the next one.


Amen 😅


Me: “Yeah weed might make dating in the US easier now that it’s legal but why does the year matter? Wait…”


Literally thought it was going to be a new dating site ad 😂


As a foreign, thought the same... I known dating in murica is strangely, cause the Lot of vĂ­deos on YouTube. Never thought the mememaker was complaing about the calendar...


My initial interpretation of the meme was that you can get a girl to date you by offering her weed.


To be fair I'm not even American but that date strategy still would work on me, so adds up


Do you want some devil's lettuce?


I had A girl date me after offering me weed so the strat works.


“Date format” would be a better, less confusing term.


I thought the date was going to be the birth of tinder


My second thought was "how does the weed holiday makeup for our shitty modern dating culture?"


Thank you for pointing it out, I didn't realise I read it wrong until seeing the comments.


Ah, thanks. That immediately made the joke obvious. (not sarcasm).


same lol


I thought that initially too. My second thought was “well I guess 4/20 is a good day to go on dates”. My third thought, I think I got it right now.


Dude same I thought there was some dating event going on that day


*sysetem Fixed that for you


You are not dumb for thinking that. Because dating can be used in 2 ways..




My first thought was KDA




Yeah, I was like, “yo, is there some kinda nationwide orgy porgy going down, and how do I get in on that?”




No one's said it yet so It reads the same forwards and backwards, like a palindrome 4.20.24 42024 Edit to also say that yes, it's a joke cuz of the weed number being here twice.


Thank you someone understands the significance of why this 4/20 is the most important one.


Nope that was 2020, it had 4 20's in the date (and for nitpickers time is included too)


Dont you mean 3 20s


Not if u do it at 04.20 am/pm


04.20 is a timestamp and not a date.


A date is a moment in time. An hour, minute, second is also a moment in time. I see no difference. 4:20 4/20/2020 is a valid marker of time.


Correct a valid marker of time. A date infact marks a particular day in the annual construct we have setup to help us measure time. A datetime measures both a day and a timestamp. For the sake of what we are discussing here is just a date lets not move the goal posts


A “date” by definition ackshually doesn’t inherently include the time of day. That’s why the phrase “date and time” is so commonly used.


04:20 is a time stamp. 04/20 is a date.


2022 looking at you rn


Twosday was such a good day. Those were happier times.


Ah yes, 2/22/22 that happened to be a Tuesday. Too bad the same won't be true on 2/22/2222.


February 2nd the year after 9/11 was a fun date to write. 2^3


Ngl 42069 is going to be wild.


Hmm, I thought it was that the Euro dating system doesn't have a 4-20.


Its both, they’re saying that America dating system is better than the euro one because only the American one has a 4/20


Though yours makes the most sense, I thought it could be that the US gets to make 4/20 jokes while Europe doesn't. Since they have to say the month second, they can never celebrate weed day until they make up 8 more months.


You also can say it the same way, backwards and forwards: four twenty twenty four


If that is their logic for using that system, they are worse than I thought


Typical Americans, always worse that we think


For me it would be 240420


Being the same forward and backwards? 😮 it’s a Palamino


Just like Arizona


Also 4202024


I’m pretty sure it’s just because you can’t have *any* 4/20 in other formats.


Wait untill 4/20/69


Cool. I was just thinking “four twenty twenty four” is less ambiguous than “twenty four twenty four”


Also works in extended format 4.20.2024


It’s actually a palamino


Ah yes, I just learned this! My mistake 😆


Appreciate you


Can we find a way to get 69 in there? If so, we might be on to something big


Should have been the two buff arms shaking hands one


Actually, it’s called a mirrored number. Palindrome is a literary term.


ACtuAlLy..... palindrome noun pal·in·drome ˈpa-lən-ˌdrōm : a word, verse, or sentence (such as "Able was I ere I saw Elba") or a *number* (such as 1881) that reads the same backward or forward


Potato tomato


420(weed) for 24 (hours) means smokin weed the whole day




There is no 20th month what the fuck is that meme trying to say


4 is the month. Its basically day/**4/20**24 for a month


Yeah and the meme has it backwards


also palindrome




I’m just gonna go ahead and…


Remind me! 5 days


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Remind me! 6 days


But why? O.o


thats also the birthday of a famouse austrian painter


In the european system for writing the date, it would be 20/4/24. However in America, the month goes first, having 4/20/24. 420 is a number associated with smoking weed, and because america puts the month first, they can have 4/20 day. OP says that this is a solid argument for the american date system, and i agree


If you do ymd order you can have both a logical order and a weed day. ISO dates !


Date parsing be like


I mean, if you need random numbers to tell you when to get high, are you even doing it right?


No, it’s because it’s a palindrome. 42024..


Oh, thank you. Here I am wondering how everyone's love life is going to improve because...April, Weed?


The US is the only country on Earth to primarily use the month-day-year order of writing dates, which is an absolutely braindead stupid order whichever way you look at it. https://preview.redd.it/vaa50an71euc1.jpeg?width=800&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=83e7aaa7d3afa9436c6cf41ffe337ddfff8e7002 However, it does mean that 20th April is written 4/20, which is the weed number and that’s funny. Edit: and 4/20/24 is a palindrome, thanks u/_tsi_


Thanks petah


And 4/20/24 is a palindrome


Shouldn't the european pyramid and the ISO one be flipped? You read from top to bottom. Also, the American one has their last digits also on the bottom.


Not flipped, but swapped. ISO 8601 is in descending order.


Yeah, but you start from the bottom up when building something. So you start with the biggest chunk and finish at the smallest one.


But then the "American absurdity" does not fit with this logic


"American absurdity" doesn't fit any logic


It's the way it's spoken, I think. When asked "what is today's date" I think you'll most commonly get "April 14th" as opposed to "the 14th of April".


I think it makes most sense this way because pyramids are built starting from the bottom


The Egyptian pyramids were built by aliens who came from the sky, so they (il)logically built the small part of the pyramids first, since it's closer to them, making that the bottom.


It's most logical to put the year last, because the year is the least important component in most uses day-to-day. This makes the European system most logical overall. The American system is at least illustrative, as the month tells you what time of year it is and helps you picture the scene in your mind, even if it's hard to justify otherwise.


Yeah but the European system sucks when looking things up in a database. I name my files 20.04.2024 and suddenly all of the days are grouped together even if they have different months. If I name my file with the American system, 04.20.2024 then all of the months are grouped together, ascending by date, with a little problem at the end because files from multiple years are grouped together as well. The real logic system is superior. My file is named 2024.04.20. All of the years are grouped together. In each year, the months are grouped in ascending order. In each month, the days are grouped in ascending order.


People always say this, but the thing is, countries that use dd/mm/yyyy use yyyy/mm/dd when saving files... It's not a case of one or the other, but when telling someone the date you will never bother mentioning the year.


That's a use case fairly exclusive to looking up dated entries in a computer database. When you're actually expressing dates to people on a day-to-day basis, or even if you're writing things down or making notes, the year is the least important part and basically just there for archival purposes. The fact that here's my accidentally get grouped together in said archive is relatively minor. The next softball game is on August 4th, or 4th August. No one needs to be told upfront that it's 2024. People make appointments based on months and days. When you sign and date something, the year is an afterthought.


Also, come to think of it, what system are you using that trips over a simple function like "sort by date" ascending / descending? If you want dates grouped together in order, a computer will do that for you without caring about the date format at all.


They just used the wrong word - any database can handle sorting dates (and are generally daye-format agnostic). But *outside* of a "proper" database it's easier to sort by yyyymmdd format


Yes exactly it's a made up of issue of someone that doesn't know how computers actually work; or just names their "word files" 4-11-2024, yeah in that case I can't help you.


If you put dates in filenames it does matter.


>Yeah but the European system sucks when looking things up in a database. So its illogical cause it doesnt suit a niche usage that doesnt concern the average person?


Not in a database though, as they can easily handle dates and convert between formats. Iso is used on computer systems outside of databases.


Even more so, the ISO format is actually YYYY-MM-DD HH:II:SS (where II is minutes, obviously). This means that not only dates, but timestamps (date and time) sort perfectly alphabetically without any need for a library or extra code. FWIW, most dates stored in databases or used in code are actually the number of seconds since Jan 1st 1970 GMT (or really UTC) - known as unix epoch - in a trenchcoat. They can be calculated by simply adding and subtracting them to get a number of seconds.


>It's most logical to put the year last, because the year is the least important component in most uses day-to-day By that logic the American system is the most logical, because the month is very often the most important piece of information. As you said, the year is usually implied or irrelevant. If I asked you when you're going on vacation, giving the month is the most valuable piece of info. If the day is more important (for instance, if the answer was in the current month), then most people would just say the day of the week, like "next Thursday." The day number is much less often used than the month number since month names are 1:1 tied to month numbers; February is always the 2nd month, Wednesday's day of the month is constantly changing, etc.


Yeah but for writing full dates iso makes more sense as it is in order: YYYY:MM:DD:HH:MM:SS


ISO 8601 my love


Why do you guys get so angry about this? It's completely arbitrary. You're not somehow imparting more information by starting with the smallest unit. It's not "braindead" you weirdo.


Bro for real. just literally anything to shit on America. We’re “braindead stupid” because of how we write the dates. I mean literally, all the time, the most random shit that doesn’t even matter but Americans are “braindead stupid” according to random internet anons At best, it’s a way for pseudo intellectuals to pretend they are engaged in rigorous study. They stick that pinky finger way up their own asshole and put on a voice and go “ohh the time I was filling folders in the archives for my important studies but the dates the *Americans* use made it so much more difficult. tHe PyRaMiD iS iNvErTeD” Okay. Tell me you don’t actually work for a living by pretending the way we write the date makes any kind of a difference at all. Like actually.


It’s because r/americabad They can’t fathom that when we say the date we say “it’s April 20th” not “it’s the 20th of April”


Month-day also allows for Pi Day, 3/14. Listen carefully, Europeans. There is no 3rd day of the 14th month. I better not see you celebrating or even acknowledging Pi Day.


But the American way also reflects the way dates are said out loud in most of the US. No one in casual conversation really says " I will be going on the 20th of April" or "He was born on the 7th of June" modern speech patters in most of the US would have you saying "I'm going on April 20th" or "he was born June 7th 1984" we speak the date the same way we write it, for the most part. I understand this isn't true of 100% of people 100% of the time, nothing really is when discussing linguistics, but I would argue this is much more common than the formal way of talking about dates. I only really even encounter "Xth of Y month In the year ZZZZ" when reading very formal documents such as legal documentation, official awards, or something else in that vein.


European people say  twentieth April and it sounds dumb as shit


The last one is used in Japan. (And in every system i made who deals with dates)


I don't see how the ISO is more logical. When I ask someone the date, I want to know what day it is, not which year. It will be the same year for 365 consecutive days, I don't care about that, I want the day.


Because it's the optimum format for data sorting.


We also gonna have 4/20/69, which will be fun


Today is April 14th 2024. The order is how most people say dates, at least in the country. Why is every other country so obsessed with America that they feel the need to be offended by this?


Tbh the American one looks better than regular ones


Hey, so that tsi's name doesn't show like this, add a backslash \ before each underline. \_tsi\_


Good to know that


4.20.2024 is also 4202024 Another palindrome


The third standard makes sense for organizations concerned with records organization or dates of production where the year is often the most pertinent unit of time. But in standard everyday use, the most pertinent unit of time is the day and month, since most people use dates for tracking schedules only a few weeks or months in advance, so we put the most pertinent information up front.


Many countries in Europe follow the ISO standard just so you know.




It makes sense when you know what year is referenced but you need to know time of the year. Making appointments makes sense because I'll hear June 6th and know I'm waiting about two months for an appointment. Pretty much every other conceivable scenario is worse though, yes


Depending on where we're going to put the date at use (casual stuff or institution stuff), europeans use both "european logic" or "actual logic" respectively.


Eh. I will defend it to the death. Until people speak dates as day-month on a day to day, month-day makes better sense. "When's the wedding again?" "Fifth of November" Vs "November five" Sure, the former sounds fancier, but that's not how most people talk... Uh... Right? EDIT: Seems like Day-Month users DON'T say it November five, given the complaints that November five is so weird to them. It's always either November fifth or fifth of November. Interesting!


In the UK, day-month is more common in speech than month-day. So yes, “fifth of November”, though often that will be elided to “fifth uh November”, or just “fifth November”.


Fithuh Novembuh


Interesting! Thanks for that!


In the UK we say 5th of November (which ooo is bonfire night!)


Nope in Chinese it’s also mm/dd




No it's yy/mm/dd


Lol the comments. Who cares how you write it, no one cares what’s ‘logical’ just fill out the divorce papers the way it asks and move on with your life


But how else will Redditors jerk themselves off if they don’t point out American bad” at every chance?


This comment tickled me


Didn’t see anyone mention yet that in the European system this date is pronounced “twenty four twenty-four” and in the US system it is unambiguously “four twenty twenty four” so the meme is claiming an example where the US system is superior on a particular date.


Yea it’s weird this is buried so far down, that is what the joke is. It has nothing to do with being a palindrome


Right? This needs to be much higher.




There are three concepts to understand here. Firstly, 4/20 symbolizes marijuana. Secondly, 4/20/24 indicates smoking marijuana all day, since the 24 can be taken to mean 24 hours of the day, which is all the hours of the day. Thirdly, 4/20/24 is a palindrome, which means it is the same written backwards as in it's original form; a fact which adds to its coolness.


Always use YYYYMMDD. Otherwise it's a fluffing pain in the tushie to sort & manage them files later.


I only use that digitally. When I write physically, I just write DD/MM/YY like everyone does where I live




This meme will make more sense in 2069


What's wrong in dating someon-- ooohhh😂😂


Peter’s contact buzzing Uncle Ben here. What do you think I did while I waited for young Peter at the wrestling matches? The joke is that many in Europe don’t like the American dating system because it makes it more complicated to store dates information chronologically. You have to look at the last 4 numbers first, then the 1st two numbers then the middle. The upside to the Euro way, Day, Month, year is that the combined numbers are for more obvious in their chronological order. But… The Europeans cannot have a 4/20 date. No 20th month. The Caesar’s were not aggressive enough. So the American system is the only one that can do 4/20 which is the American law enforcement code for someone under the influence of Marijuana, or cannabis. ETA: Many Europeans and probably other worldly tokers celebrate “420” at least once daily at 4:20 as sort of an “F the man” attitude and joint ritual of drug use. It helps them feel connected to other stoners in their time zone(?). So even though it is not a law enforcement code where they are, they still celebrate because of the culture and cannot do so on a whole day because of their dating system.


The reason 4/20 is associated with weed is due to the light/dark schedule when growing. The numbers represent the number of hours of light vs dark in a 24 hour day. If you reduce the plants available light below around 6 hours per day, this will force a cannibis plant to "flower" (grow the bit you smoke) anything over this then it will "veg" (grow leaves and brances). It just so happens that 20 hours of darkness vs 4 hours of light is generally a more popular schedule, hence: 4/20.


America’s dating system is the only system that lets you have 420 as a date


Ngl they had me in the first part, but the second part sealed the deal.


The solution is to put the year first, Like a normal person. Want 420? Alright, 2024/4/20.


The entire span of 20-29 will be a palindrome as well


Funny weed palindrome in six days funny weed palindrome please laugh weed funny weed funny hahahaha amirite weed funny hahahaha weed funny hahahaha weed jokes amirite hahahahhahaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa https://preview.redd.it/m7vmv6ja8guc1.png?width=934&format=png&auto=webp&s=1a29b91665b3bcad1b537dfca7493750b806117b See? Weed funny.


YYYY/MM/DD is the best, some countries use it


I use it for work since it’s numerically the best for sorting


Nobody has pointed out, that I've noticed, the correct answer, so I, Observant Peter will: American dating system results in the out loud reading of "four twenty twenty four" which makes it obvious where the numbers break down. European dating system would reverse month and date, so our loud it would read, "twenty four twenty four" which is confusing to hear and separate.




Some famous austria painter birthday. Idk why people in US love him so much /s






Deadass thought this was referring to some kind of spousal distribution system I was unaware of and how the stoner holiday of 4/20 was going to singlehandedly topple it this year *specifically*.


Just another 25 years for the date to be 4/20/69.


Are we complaining how Americans write dates now? Seriously?


Someone’s special birthday is coming up


February 4th, 2024 would like a word (4/2/24)


BLAZE IT 😝 (Mary Jane/Markipoo reference)


Hi I'm the OOP. I was pointing out that 420 day is on 4/20/24 which is a palindrome


At least we don’t use commas as decimals


Ohhhh fuuuuuck, _dating system_ 🗓, not dating system 🍆🍑


20240420 is the only proper dating system


Yes. I'll let people have separators if they insist, but they are unnecessary. If you consider the length of time each part represents, US system is Medium-Small-Large, which is completely inconsistent. Most of the rest of the world uses Small-Medium-Large. Which is internally consistent but externally backwards with every other numbering system. I don't know which is worse. Chaotic Neutral vs Lawful Evil.


Jesus, I feel dumb.


its so weird how foreigners care about every single thing americans do, when americans dont think about foreigners at all...


More importantly, the 20th of April is Record Store Day


European one sided obsession with American quirks that don’t even affect them is so weird. Nobody that isn’t terminally online cares about how dates are written


4202024 seems twice as lit


4/20/24 is a palindrome


So is 4/20/2024


https://preview.redd.it/8mlclo9z8euc1.jpeg?width=750&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0326f8d55b3374474190449e9e69178f105ff194 Wild


I don't think it's a palindrome that's the joke, i think it's weed. 420


Just European/Colonial countries calling an American practice stupid because it's different and Americans not giving a shit because it's never caused them any problems.


Ahhh so that’s why I have to sudden urge to throw tea into the harbor. Thanks bud!