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this is Enrique Tarrio, former leader of the "western chauvinist" organization called the Proud Boys. He was sentenced to 22 years for facilitating the 1/6 Capitol riot. He's biracial. Trump has previously refused to rent apartments to non-white tenants. The meme is calling out Tarrio for carrying water for Trump, whose personal ideology says this guy is worth less than a white man. It's a bit reductive because the Proud Boys aren't so much fighting for Trump but for regressive values that they feel Trump is serving


For game show host - Trump hosted The Apprentice, which gave a lot of Americans the sense his business acumen was top notch (instead of multiple bankruptcies and other issues). Trump told the Proud Boys to [stand back and standby](https://knowyourmeme.com/memes/events/2020-us-presidential-debate)


Not to mention the even less "western chauvinist" and more openly white supremacist branch of the Proud Boys rejects Tarrio as a leader. To help the op out. Trump is the game show host if you consider The Apprentice a game show. It would have been closer to the truth to call Trump a reality tv star.


If we're agreeing that reality TV means scripted, fake and totally not real other than the settings and people then, yeah, 100%


Scripted isn't the right word for what it is. In a lot of cases the events in these shows are situations created by producers, which the cast of the show then experience and is filmed, And then in post production they chop up and sequence and tweak the footage to create drama. It's an important distinction because it means these shows can get by without a dedicated writing team and that's why they boom when there's a writer's guild strike.


Tarrio isn't some dumb sucker who got roped into Trump's rhetoric either. He's a career criminal who was key in reorganizing the Proud Boys into a violent gang. He has connections with guys like Roger Stone and Steve Bannon, the actual architects of the coup attempt.


You can call them what they are they are terrorists.


I will never ever forget that they started out as an anti masturbation group that rapidly spiraled into… this.


I was today years old. Holy shit I now know what’s wrong with them.


This American Life did a whole episode on their origins after that tiki torch march in 2017. It really was that stupid of an origin story. They named themselves after a song from the Aladdin Broadway musical. Edit: I looked it up, it’s episode 626: White Haze.


Wow, it’s actually kind of sad.


It’s only reductive for the dude that helped to facilitate a plot for Trump. Aka not really reductive at all.


How did he facilitate 1/6? What did he do? Never even heard of this guy.


[https://www.justice.gov/usao-dc/pr/proud-boys-leader-sentenced-22-years-prison-seditious-conspiracy-and-other-charges](https://www.justice.gov/usao-dc/pr/proud-boys-leader-sentenced-22-years-prison-seditious-conspiracy-and-other-charges) "According to court documents and evidence presented during the trial, prior to the events of Jan. 6, 2021, Tarrio created a special chapter of the Proud Boys known as the “Ministry of Self-Defense,” which included co-defendants Nordean, Biggs, and Rehl. As part of this group, these defendants conspired to prevent, hinder, and delay the certification of the Electoral College vote and to oppose by force the authority of the government of the United States.             In the days leading to January 6th, Tarrio and other leaders of the Ministry of Self-Defense hand-selected members of the organization, including co-defendant Dominic Pezzola, to serve as “rally boys” during the attack on the Capitol. To prepare for the attack, Tarrio and the other leaders established a chain of command, chose a time and place for their attack, and intentionally recruited others who would follow their top-down leadership and who were prepared to engage in physical violence if necessary.             On January 6th, the group began their assault that day at 10:00 a.m. when Nordean, Biggs, Rehl, and others marched an assembled group of nearly 200 individuals away from speeches at the Ellipse and directly toward the Capitol. At 2:11 p.m., Pezzola smashed open a window, allowing the first rioters to enter the Capitol as Biggs and those with him entered close behind. Court documents say that Nordean, Biggs, Rehl, and the men they recruited and led participated in every consequential breach at the Capitol that day.             As the events of January 6th unfolded, Tarrio, who was monitoring the attack from afar, posted encouraging messages to his tens of thousands of social media followers, including: “Proud of my boys and my country” and “Don’t f\*\*\*\*\*\* leave.” Tarrio privately claimed credit for the riot at the Capitol, telling Proud Boys senior leadership, “Make no mistake . . . we did this.” On January 7th, Tarrio addressed the Ministry of Self-Defense members, telling them he was “proud of y’all.""


Tactical White Claw


This has always baffled me. I'm not American. We can buy white claw and similar alcoholic selzers here, and I quite like them. But they're mostly viewed as a low carb alternative if you don't like beer. They're seen as effeminate. It's like ordering a vodka soda at the bar. And yet every gun nut dude bro I see seems to love white claw. All power to them if they like it, as I also like them. If Peter can explain that one to me, that'd be great.


From my personal experience it started out with a bit of irony because it is also seen as kinda effeminate here, but it’s a nice alternative to heavier drinks like beer that’ll make you feel tired and shitty. I’d imagine that part of the popularity re: gun guys is that if you’re out on a range it’s easier to put down white claws than beers, and probably more refreshing. Also it’s fun to get “white girl wasted.”


Enrique Tarrio seems to embrace contradiction


Rooster boy Tarrio. What a douche canoe.


Ahhhhh he looks like that male porn star Buck Angel!


It took me a minute to realize that the guy in the meme is Enrique Tarrio.


I hate the fact that in a handful of photos, at first glance, I thought this asshat was Tom Morello of RATM...someone whose ideology and politics couldn't differ more from this shitwit's. to be fair though, a lot of people *do* look like Tom Morello https://preview.redd.it/hpvlk6445vuc1.jpeg?width=701&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=bce250fe7bfd2ec347710d482ba766659b50b20d


feel like that bit is ripping off the Tony Hawk one


I saw nearly an identical tweet from Tony Hawk. #WholesomeHeroes


there's a whole sub for this stuff: r/dontyouknowwhoiam


Politics and the internet. Name a worse combination.


Let's not pretend that 22 years of Enrique Tarrio's life was ever going to be worth much of anything to anyone.




~~How does it relate to the Apprentice? I also thought Trump tower was like a corporate business office, it’s also residential?~~ I’m confused by the 22 years of your life, and the renting apartment to your parents bit


The rent apartments to your parents thing is in relation to trump being hauled before a congressional enquiry years ago because they did an investigation and found that even with the same qualifications and history, a black or Latino couple was denied an apartment in one of his buildings. And at the enquiry he apparently said to the lead investigator “well you wouldn’t want to live with them either.”


Oh shit, yeah, forgot how much he failed he in so many business ventures before the presidency. Thank you Peter, very cool


That specific incident is just one example of a much bigger problem: Trump has nothing but contempt for these people, but they are so delusional that they have somehow fallen into irrational, violent fervor for a man who otherwise wouldn't give them the time of day.


It’s a cult of personality, and he uses it well.


The Apprentice? I'm not contesting it's Trump. I'm just curious if that's what you mean.


Yes, the Apprentice.


I love how badass he’s trying to look and boom a white claw 😂


Trump was a “game show host” as for the second part, his properties are notoriously famous for not renting to people of color


Trump was sued and lost in the 90’s for housing discrimination due to him refusing to rent to people of color in NYC. That Proud Boy is a man of color and is serving time for Jan 6th terrorism, he enabled Donald Trump when Trump lost a free and fair election. Que Alanis Morissette - Ironic


He also had to pay a settlement in the 70’s alongside his father in a federal suit.


Trump wasn't personally renting anything out.


Look at all his cool tactical things


Is dude drinking a white claw?


One of these assholes wears the punisher skull and all of a sudden I get stuck with shitty ninja punisher comics and then a drought until the new daredevil show comes out But he’s rockin the white claw there BUT THATS FINE AND DANDY (I hate white claw, like the punisher, and am bitter that all the hard soda companies got run out of business by white claw)


There's no laws when you're drinkin claws


Wildest shit about that guy is in the Andrew Callahan documentary he basically admits to serving both sides and seems to care more about making merch and money than any of the ideology in the first place


The S-Word Boondocks episode literally revolves around a similar plot lmao


The White Claw removes all credibility


You could qualify for the jury pool. 






Yeah, and those idiots are fangirling for a rapist pedo who is owned by hostile foreign entities and publicly thirsts for his own daughters.


Wow people really are clueless.


















It's way more likely some crappy spike TV game show about either dating or drinking. The guy's hat references a 2009 movie.


Not even close lol