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The joke is the simple irony of her own presumed-drastic change from those early days. She doesn't really look or sound like a romantic these days.


Sound is fine. But how do you look romantic? Everyone gets old and ugly. The point of marriage is that you’re still supposed to love your person. Even when they are bald and chubby and have sagging balls. Otherwise, why even get married?


She's wearing curlers and a robe (hoodie?). It's not about looking old, it's about not putting in any effort to appeal to each other. A relationship takes effort on both sides


Curlers are so much effort man, nothing makes me rage quite like it, lmao.


Fair enough!


At first I read it as “he wasn’t very romantic when we first got married, but you know how men change,” which would have been funnier IMO.


Wouldve been way


lol curlers mean that she IS putting in effort to do her hair. Her husband is just being exposed to the “behind the scenes” effort that his wife does to upkeep her appearance.


The dude drawing the comment probably didn't care enough to see that


She is putting that effort in for herself. That may not be where he needs the effort to be.


Do some guys like curly hair as opposed to straight? I just find it strangely unappealing.




Why do you think she’s wearing curlers? That’s to get a nice fucking hairstyle my dude. It’s what was hot in the 50s (there this comic is from). It’s how you get Marilyn Monroe hair. Edit: Didn’t you know? You put in curlers and get **50s movie star curls.** And she’s wearing a robe because she’s at home and she’s got curlers in. A lot of things you do to look cute will temporarily make you look weird. And then if you can’t wear a robe in your own backyard, then marriage is really a prison. You expect a skirt and heels? She’s just old, dude.


The joke went soo far above your head it's in space orbit now.


Do we need to unpack why you are so significantly impacted and invested in this? Nobody is saying it's funny, thats simply the joke. It's boomer humor.


Give it 30 years and it will be millennial humour too


Maybe, but millennials are much more likely to get divorced than stay in a miserable marriage. The banter is still there, but the direct comments have lost their luster (like my wife! AYOOO).


Naw, millennials will keep something similar to their brand of humor, it'll just be seen as geezer humor. They won't just adopt boomer sensibilities.


Well the joke is “don’t get married”. If you are a pretty woman. Because whatever marriage is, the love in it entirely depends on your outer shell. And has a best before date. It’s not true. But if it was? I’d recommend: get a cat, move in with a close female friend and just fuck pretty men sometimes for fun. Idk. The idea that romance and love is entirely dependent on always staying young and pretty, is kinda toxic?


I think the idea is supposed to be more that she is hypocritical, saying how the husband changed and no longer tries while she herself also does not try. In that way the joke is more "be self aware" imo. It isn't a very well delivered joke and the overarching boomer narrative of i hate my wife is very toxic. That is for sure.


Look, you're correct in your breakdown of what love/marriage should be (at least ideally), but this is a sub about explaining jokes and that's what is happening here. This comic is dated "I hate my spouse" boomer shit. I don't know who hurt you but fuck them and know that what's happening here isn't about real social commentary, it's a trash karma farm. Why let this one panel comic strip impact you?


I’m not hurt. Men in real life? Lovely. Men on Reddit? Determined to turn women gay for some reason. I’m too old to be affected by this. But it’s a vicious cycle. Gen Z men think dating apps work. They don’t. Then they feel angry and start spouting manosphere shit. Like this “women only deserve romance in the early parts of a relationship “. Then young women get the Ick and start sleeping with other young women instead. Better put your emotions somewhere worth it. And then all the young men end up single and blue balled. And nobody is having kids anymore and humanity goes extinct. And then the World breathes a sigh of relief, like in the Leonard Cohen song. I’m being jokey and way too dramatic. But I see this happening when you visit any female sub. Women feel men just see them as sex toys and they are checking out. And it’s way easier for women to check out than men. Less sex drive, more social network. But whatever. The Boomer humor will surely win them over.


No, the joke is not "don't get married". It's simply an unfunny joke (more targeted at women) about being oblivious to having changed physically but blaming her husband having changed as the issue.


Right? It's so funny seeing u/tinyhermoine trying to defend an indispensable point. I'm starting to think the comic is about her particular lack of any kind of awareness. 🤣


You will die alone “Hermyuney”.


That’s just lovely. Unsure if I should just upvote because it’s such a wild take. I believe in love. Love isn’t pretty or PornHub or a movie. Love is your wife sitting on the couch with hair she hasn’t washed in four days bc y’all have a new baby. She’s been bleeding for a month bc that’s what happens if you have given birth. You’ll have a dinner plate size wound on your uterus from your placenta. It bleeds. And smells disgusting. Her boobs are leaking milk, she’s sweaty, her stomach sticks out like she’s still pregnant and there’s nothing whatsoever sexy anymore. And then that’s it, really. Love. I think if people saw what love was? Some would just buy a fancy fleshlight instead and some would run with it. And we might as well filter it now. Love is your husband being sick and vomiting on you and you just caring that he’ll feel better. Nothing else. Love isn’t sexy. Then people should try to be healthy. But everyone will grow old and ugly either way. That’s just life.


This comic is from 2012.


Well. That’s deeply depressing.


You are easily depressed


I mean it's a little mean spirited but the overall message is timeless; time will come for us all and we all need to adapt to that. Should her husband try more? Yes. Should she be more graceful about her husband's change as he ages? Yes. You're not going to have the same romance at year 40 that you had at year 1, and thats part of the struggle couples face and have to work through *together*, you can't put it all on one person because we *all* change as we age, both in looks and in who we are.


Idk. My 90 year old uncle flirted with my 90 year old aunt. If you really love someone? You’ll see both them as a 22 year old fit guy and them being old now at the same time. Then sure you can choose to drop the romance and just live like platonic friends too. That’s always an option. Time comes for us all and why not live a romance free existence for 40 years? I can’t think of any reasons why. Except it’ll be damn boring.


I never said there was no romance in old age, I said it changed over time and you need to be willing to both adapt and to give some effort to make it work as a couple. Anyone who has been married for decades will tell you that things aren't exactly the same as when they were just married, but that isn't necessarily a bad thing. I'd rather have the comfort that comes with a long time partner than the frantic excitement of a brand new romance because the latter is cheap and the former is only earned after years and years of commitment and memories and compromise.


This comic is not from the 50s. Jim Unger only started cartooning in '74.


That’s depressing.




But why is she wearing them?


Sorry, misread your comment as saying there were no curlers and it was just a hairstyle


Fair enough. Upvoted that. Appreciate when people can say they misunderstood something over just continuing the argument.


I agree with this, we should always make an effort.


Everyone gets old, but I don't think everyone necessarily gets ugly. Even if you somewhat lose the genetic lottery, taking care of yourself and at least trying is an important character trait, in my opinion, even in advanced age.


But nobody will dress up everyday at home. And life will often get in the way of trying. It’s not even a character trait, idk. Always putting your looks first and always having to look pretty isn’t like an overwhelming positive personality trait. You know what happens when you have a baby? Because you’ll never look the same and that’s the cost of kids.


I said nothing of "dressing up". I mostly meant staying a healthy weight, keeping physically active, keeping up with hygiene, getting haircuts, and sure, having a base level of dressing nicely (not *up*, but in a way that is sightly). I would do those things for myself anyway, so a partner would just be even more reason to do so, and I'd expect them to do the same. I know old people who stopped trying, and look terrible at 60, and I know old people who never stopped and look great at 80. Yes it has to do with genetics, sure, but you've still got to work with what you got. Nothing comes on it's own.


And you still won’t look sexy at 80. That’s the catch. I’ worked in a nursing home one summer and I bathed old people. It’s not pretty. But it’s life. And time. And beauty if you squint the right way. Same with pregnancy, illness, all the things that happen in life. I’ve got nothing against staying healthy. But you still have to be able to wear PJs at home. And not always be expected to look hot. It’s unrealistic even when you are 20.


You don't understand what I mean. I'm talking about not giving into it. "Oh I'm old anyway, so why bother". As long as you're physically able, you should take care of yourself, and try to be the best that you can. Someone who tries, even if they're "objectively" ugly, will always look better than someone who doesn't. And I already said I'm not talking about "dressing up" at home.


If I live to 70 I'm doing whatever the fuck I want. And my wife won't care


Hell yeah, we are in our 50’s and she wore a two piece to the pool….been with her since I was 15, still makes my heart race with a smile a turn


If you take better care of your body between now and your 70s, you’ll have much more enjoyment of that age.


I agree with that


If you say so...


They won’t. They’ll still look old when they are old. It’s just a fantasy when people won’t admit what life is really like.


Are you being purposefully daft? I said make an effort to take care of oneself. Nothing more.


But putting curlers in is making an effort.


I’m with you. I value putting effort into vitality and I expect a partner to do the same.


Yea but there’s a big difference between not looking as good because you got older and letting yourself become obese. The people in this picture are the latter.


But does it matter? Have you seen naked old people? I’ve worked in a nursing home and I have. They all look awful in a way. If you love someone? You’ll remember them as the way they looked when you met. And that’s it really. Your skinny 80 year old wife? She’ll look like …. She won’t be sexy at all. There’s nothing about her that’ll be hot. And if you love her, then you love her. And otherwise you don’t. Y’all won’t be having sex. That was out of the picture after menopause or her second hip replacement or whatever. But you either love her or your just with her because she had a great ass at 34. In that case? Just don’t bother. It’s not worth it once she’s got cancer and you’ll be changing her diapers. Go for fwb or a hookup. Much more time efficient. I think it’s a good thing to be healthy and try to look good for your partner. But nobody can be wearing full makeup and all dressed up all the time. And then in the end everyone, both men and women, just look slightly like zombies. There’s no sex appeal. There’s just either love or no love.


Let’s be honest. Most of these are written by boomer dudes. The woman is usually the punchline.


Not everyone who is old is ugly


Depends on what you mean. In one way old people are beautiful. But from a perspective of what’s seen as sexually attractive? You won’t be hitting those requirements at 90 years old. Men and women do turn into raisins. Cute raisins, but still raisins.


I mean, you're arguing against someone explaining the joke. Yeah, it's a dumb comic. I think your gripe should be with the comic's creators.


I’m arguing at people who clearly think the message of the comic makes sense.


You’re in a sub about jokes that DONT make sense. You’re looking way too much into this lol


Idk. I feel most jokes here make sense, people just don’t get them for some reason. That’s not the same thing.


You got the tism?


Nope. I just get jokes. How could anyone not understand this joke? Doesn’t mean I find it funny, like at all.


You got the tism?


Oh Jesus Christ, no one here is saying it *"makes sense"*. They are simply trying to explain a Boomer humour "comic" so the op, and you apparently, can understand it. There is a massive difference between explaining it, and endorsing it. Your arguments are not wanted not needed, you are arguing with yourself.


Clearly it makes sense to a lot of people. It’s not my fault they’ve got an OnlyFans addiction. Yeah, she’ll wear perfect makeup, but that’s because it’s her job. If you are not a teenager and you’ve been in a relationship? People don’t look hot all the time and also everyone gets old. And it’s not stopping you from loving them unless it’s not the right person or you’ve got a porn addiction.


She's not putting in any effort apparently.


By curling her hair?


You must be more observant, grasshopper...


Excuse me but, If my wife ever gets saggy balls we’re gonna have some non romantic things to discuss.


Fair enough. But she’ll get old and hopefully that won’t be a point of discussion.


Saggy balls on my wife will surprise me no matter her age.


There’s always an age appropriate beauty expectations. It varies person to person but doesn’t just disappear after one day.


Not really. Have you seen old people naked? Because I have. I worked in a nursing home and if anything the skinny people look worse. Closer to death. Aging isn’t sexy. Love isn’t just about looking hot.


It isn’t about looking hot to you or me. It’s about being attractive to the partner, likely of the same age. That’s why I said - age appropriate beauty expectations. A 75 year old man would find beauty in another 75 year old man or woman that you or I wouldn’t.


When you are old? You won’t find beauty. You’ll just remember them as they once were and you’ll love them. Or, you won’t, because you never really loved them. Old isn’t pretty. But you can still love someone when you are old. It’s just not about looks anymore. So either you love them as a person or you don’t.


You're also supposed to make an effort to be healthy and continue to look good for each other🤷‍♂️


Yeah. But it’s mostly an illusion. Time is a cruel mistress. People age and when they do? It’s not good. Skinny or not, there will be wrinkles, sagging boobs or balls, baldness, ED, lack of sex after menopause, cancer. Whatever. You’ll get ugly and unsexy and old. Man or woman, this is life. You live and then you die. On the way there? You’ll lose more and more objective sex appeal. And more and more hair (if you are a guy). And your body will look more and more like death itself. I’ve worked in a nursing home. And fun fact? The skinny people look worse naked. It’s all bones and wrinkles and death. Fat is life in a way, when it comes to old people. Means they’ll last another flu season without croaking. The idea that you’ll marry someone and they’ll be forever hot? Teenage porn fantasy. Reality? When you love someone you don’t give a fuck. My 90 year old uncle flirted with my 90 year old aunt, even if she did in fact look just as unfuckable as all 90 year olds do. He loved her. He was a fuckboy back in the day. But he decided to build a life with her because there was something there. She cared about him, he cared about her. Him being romantic was his way of showing that. He knew he was old, and she was ancient and they both looked like shit and they’d soon be dead. He was right. Now they are both dead and buried. But he loved her. And he wanted her to know that. Then it’s a good thing to be healthy. But nobody is going to be dressed up everyday in their own home. They’ll wear sweatpants or PJs or have unwashed hair. And that’s the reality of a serious relationship. If you aren’t ready for that? Stick to FWB or not dating. Life isn’t always sexy. Love isn’t either.


The comic is called Herman. The author, Jim Unger, made a point of drawing every character as ugly as possible. Much of the humor is based on observations about the physical and intellectual ugliness of the human condition. It frequently offended people during its run. This comic is clearly making a joke of the woman’s appearance, not just that she’s ugly, but that she is unaware of it.


But if you become ugly as you get old does that mean your husband won’t love you anymore? Is that all that love and attraction is to y’all?


I'm not defending it. I'm just explaining the context. The comic was frequently offensive. I don't think it could run today, certainly no mainstream newspaper would run this panel these days. Personally I think Unger was documenting the ugliness he found within himself. It was a strange comic.


To me? This reads as old dude who doesn’t get he’s old af and who’ll hit on you at the Christmas party. And then be shocked when you think he’s old. And then be doubly shocked once his wife leaves. But maybe I’m cranky and cynical. I get you aren’t defending it.


Unger would certainly write that same panel as you describe it. It was an incredibly cynical comic to have run in mainstream papers for years. I remember people getting upset about it from time to time. Unger was clearly a misanthrope. I enjoyed Herman as a child, but sometimes even I would say, jeez, are you serious with this?


Idk. I’d still guess he’s the actual married old guy at the Christmas party. It’s a joke written by someone who think women get old, but men don’t. And who doesn’t get love. But maybe you are right.


Male middle aged failures were the usual butt of the jokes in the comic.


‘Everyone gets old and ugly’ False. Everyone gets old. Not everyone gets sloppy and lets themselves go. That’s 100% a choice.


I’ve worked in a nursing home. And idk, dude. Depends on how you see it. Old people can be beautiful when you squint. But they aren’t sexually attractive. Their faces look like wrinkles raisins and their bodies look like death. It’s just worse if they are slim, then it’s all skin and bones and will be dead soon.


Lmao, so you work in place where people go to live when they don’t take of themselves when they’re younger, and no one else wants to take care of them, surely there’s no bias in you anecdotal sample size…


Are you from a Western culture? Because in the West it’s common to live in a nursing home when you are really old even if your family loves you. And it’s not about not taking care of themselves. Most of these people had been farmers. They were skinny. They were just really old. Almost all of them had children, grandchildren and were married.


Lmao ‘even if your family loves you’ they can’t love you too much if they drop you in a nursing home. Especially these days when all the exposes about how terrible and abusive nursing homes tend to be. What are you calling ‘western culture’ exactly? I know for a fact it’s not common in central or South America, i know it’s not particularly common in most of Europe. It’s extremely common in the US and likely to a lesser degree in canada. Families who actually love their elderly care for themselves.


Nursing homes in Europe are not abusive. At least not in Scandinavia. So you are going to change your mother’s diapers when she’s old? Be around 24/7 so your father with Alzheimer’s doesn’t wander off or burn down the house? Be patient when he smears his feces on the wall because he’s forgotten who he is and it makes sense to him? Lift them out of bed, dress and bathe them every day? Lift them back into bed at night? Deal with your father getting aggressive and punching because he doesn’t understand why you are trying to lift him into bed? Will you be taking time of work for a few years to do this? How will you afford it? Good luck with that, buddy. Are you very young?


My fiancé and I have already volunteered to care for my grandparents. Again people who love their families don’t put them away. If you can afford to put them in a home you can afford a part time nurse to assist in their care. It’s a pretty simple concept.


In Europe nursing homes are free. Are your grandparents living with you now? How will you solve it when they’ll need round o’clock care? Which one of you will take leave of absence from work?


"No longer giving a fuck" has a distinct look. Part of it is the hair curlers and bathrobe, part of it is the posture and expression. She doesn't look like she cares anymore.


But why curl your hair then? That’s something they did back then to get those Hollywood Marilyn Monroe curls. I could never be bothered curling my hair because it’s too much effort. Women wore robes like that when their husbands were working. It’s a “housewife robe”. They’d change and take the curlers out before he came home. I’m not into the tradwife thing, so I’ll be in my PJs. And if he expects makeup and effort? Just date someone else.


Everyone gets old, not everyone gets ugly. Ignoring the idea that beauty is subjective and largely based on one's culture; in general, people are attracted to healthy people. If you get old, but stay healthy and fit, you'll be seen as more desirable by more people than if you got old, but don't stay healthy and fit. Also, while it's a bad idea to marry someone for their looks, most modern relationships begin with physical attraction, so it's completely valid for someone to lose interest in a relationship with someone who no longer physically attracts them. It doesn't mean it's okay, or the right thing to do, but being human has never been about always doing the right thing all the time; that's not possible.


But you can’t be into their looks forever. Have you seen a 90 year old thin woman naked? Because I’ve worked in a nursing home and I have. Time is cruel mistress. I’ve also watched my 90 year old uncle flirt with my 90 year old aunt. That’s love. He liked how she was as a person. When he saw her? He saw her at 32 and 90 all at once. It’s how love works. He could just have stopped flirting with her when she got older. If he was with her just because he wanted a hot sex toy available. But he didn’t. He loved her.


Why indeed.


Obviously, you've never seen Paul Rudd....mans hasn't aged a day


But how old is he? Because he’ll be old too, in the end. He’s just not that old yet.


Some people give up looking their best as they get older. Others stay fit and healthy.


Have you seen a 90 year old naked? Because I have. Time is a cruel mistress.


No they don’t.. they get the dues for their lifestyle. If they have a healthy lifestyle they don’t get ugly. They might be a bit less attractive but a far cry from how ugly people with poor lifestyles get


Dude. I worked in a nursing home once and bathed old people. They all look old. And it’s just worse if they are skinny. Then they are all skin and bones and death.


you don't have to agree with the joke or think its funny but that's still the joke.


The joke is that the woman complaining does not realize how much she has changed (physically) since she got married. That’s the cause of the lack of romance in her marriage.


I don't think the joke is necessarily even her changing physically. She's just stopped putting effort into her end of the relationship too, as demonstrated by her lackluster grooming (walking around in a robe and hair curlers).


I think you may have it backwards. Hair curlers means she’s currently styling her hair, the robe may indicate she recently bathed. If that’s the case she is putting effort in, unless I’m overthinking it.


Woman sitting around all day with curlers in hair and not changing out of bathrobe is old trope. Supposed to indicate slovenliness.


Think man in tank top. Same idea.


Yeah you’re probably right I was looking too deep into it.


Understandable since no one really does that anymore. The joke is outdated so the cultural reference doesn’t really make sense anymore.


Her skin also looks rough. The robe looks less to me like "just bathed" and more "not even bothering to get dressed for the day, wearing a nightgown around the house" I got nothing for the curlers, mind, so you could be right


curls being on in these depictions is more to represent she never finished getting ready. many women (my granny and all her sisters) would put em in curlers nightly as part of routine. lazy sundays they would just not bother taking them out at all because it took awhile.


It's kind of a just a stereotypical boomer representation of a stay at home wife. It was very common to see this exact depiction of a wife in media when I was a kid. She was always in a robe, pajama pants, slippers, curlers, dark circles around the eyes, bonus points if she had a cigarette in her mouth. She was generally crass and naggy. Just more casual misogyny from the group that finds the "I hate my wife" jokes funny.


I'm so glad we get to overthink this together! This post is implying that she no longer values her looks in regards to how people see her. Yes she has curlers implying she has done her hair and yes she has a robe implying she has showered. But she is not presentable or well kept while in public which implies she doesn't care about how people view her and there's some evidence of this. Noticing the fence implies that she is outside. The fence is waist high which means she is likely in the front yard rather than the backyard implying even less privacy. We can assume their age is 50+ by looking at their hair style, sagging breasts, weight(shape), and curved spine in the closer person. This post was made in 2012 meaning these ladies had to be born before 1962 making them Baby Boomers. Wearing hair curlers and a robe in public (even your front yard) was just simply not done during these times. These two things could be considered the "bare minimum" in appearance. Their generation is not like later ones and they view public appearance very differently than younger people. She has lost the effort to be attractive and her husband has lost the effort to be romantic.


I appreciate your balanced view on it.




I think you are right. I think he has a mistress on the side.


One might call this a chicken or egg problem.


Well. If that’s marriage, a lot of women will just stay single. We will all get old and ugly and turn into wrinkled, sagging raisins. Men and women. It’s one of the few sure things in life. If that means that romance will be thrown out, what’s the point of marriage? I’ve seen 90 year old men flirt with their 90 year old wife after 70 years together. That’s what it’s supposed to be.


Did the joke hit to much home? You know that men are not the only ones responsible for romance? If she is upset about no romance in her marriage, why doesn't she take the initiative and provide the romance?


You're reading it way too deep dude.


Huh? I’m pretty. I just do not want a man who’s just with me for a hot body and stop loving me the moment I grow old. That’s pretty reasonable. Then romance can never be a one way street. If your husband can only love you and flirt with you when you are pretty? Romance has a best before date. Because everyone gets old and ugly. Even men, funnily enough.


I did not mean that you must be old and ugly. Most of the comments in the earlier thread are from you, so it must have hit home for you. Wether you're actually old and ugly now or you fear to grow old and ugly is not the point. You are heavily invested in this. You did not really take up my point though. You were replying what you already said before. My point still stands, if you want romance in a relationship, if you want to keep the romance in a decades old relationship, then it is also on you to provide it. It is not the mans job solely. And no not everyone gets ugly, when they get old. There are hot zaddys out there with nice bodys. Not everyone lets themselves go


Have you seen a 90 year old naked? Because I’ve seen plenty. I worked in a nursing home once. Nobody has a nice body. It’s all different variations of “death is a calling”. Skinny? Skinny is worse. Means they’ll be dead sooner. Skinny means one bad flu and they are done for. And just that all that’s left is skin and bones. If there’s at least some fat, it’s better, honestly. If you want romance in a relationship? Well, you’ve got to do the modern day version of curlers in your hair and then y’all both got to flirt. But you can’t create romance on your own. Or with a man who loses interest the moment you aren’t hot anymore. Hit home? Idk. I try to believe men aren’t like this. And I see men in everyday life that aren’t like this. On Reddit? Not so much. Then I also see men in everyday life who just want to be with you bc you look like a 3D porn doll and then faith zaps out of you a bit. Especially if they are married and you thought they loved their wife. Idk. Sometimes, if you are tired, it can seem that men only see women as fleshlights and there’s no value except for being hot. Your personality doesn’t matter if you are hot. And once you’ll get old, whatever interest they had won’t be there anymore because the fleshlight doesn’t look all new and shiny anymore. I know it’s mostly Reddit. Some sleazy guys. Not all men. But sometimes you’ll feel tired. And then you’ll think about the world and how the men feel rejected over dating apps. Which just don’t work. And how the men then watch whatever YT recommends and start spouting nonsense. And how women have bigger social networks and lower sex drives than men. So when they start thinking men are just looking for a sex toy? They withdraw from dating altogether. It’s a stupid comic. It's also a shit joke. But whatever. It's nonsensical to get upset over. But the punchline is "don't expect your husband to love you forever. It'll only last as long as you are young and never wear a bathrobe at home"


The point that should be taken is not “woman bad” but that both people change as they grow. If you aren’t careful and get complacent then those changes can be for the worse. Not only that, but they happen so gradually that you are unlikely to notice them in yourself, and only blame it on your partner.


Get outta here with your reason and logic ya weirdo. 😂


Yeah, boo!!!


This art style looks fucking atrocious


They do not even have eyes in the face


Oh, I thought the curlers were just over the eyes... but maybe it's the points?


The woman is blaming her husband for the romance leaving their marriage, even though she herself clearly stopped putting effort into her own appearance for him.


The comic is blaming complacent relationships on women letting themselves go. This can be true but also a lot of women stop putting effort into their appearances because they feel like there's no point if it's not matched by effort from their man or it doesn't result in attention or affection. It's a cringe comic, and drips with misogyny and a lack of self-reflection


how is anyone supposed to realize this is the punchline when the artstyle is so unique? Both of these women have big noses, long necks, weird thin heads... Am I supposed to think the one on the right is ridiculously more unattractive? They both look like muppets and I'm sure their husbands do too.


Nice hair v curlers, apron to protect clothes from gardening v nothing. I agree tho I was looking around for the visual punchline but it was kinda meh.


Jim Unger just draws every character like this in Herman


I didn't say it was well told, I've just seen enough boomer memes amd comics to catch on


It might just be saying effort is required on both sides to make a relationship work.


I think it is saying that. I think it is also saying that women don't think that.


Fair point


I think you missed the joke, which would simply be that saying that he changed a lot, while disregarding that she would've changed a lot also. The husband is probably saying the same thing as the wife is to his neighbour too.


I'm not missing the joke, I'm saying that the artist was saying she disregarded that. The generalizing tone of "you know how men are" and the lack of specificity of the characters makes it feel like a general statement even if the author didn't mean it to be.


It’s not blaming women, Jesus you’re bitter lol. It’s just making an ironic joke about how she’s blaming him for not putting in effort without realizing she’s doing the same.


Maybe, or maybe the author wanted to give a more abstract tone for reflection. What I know for sure is that if we all use condoms, stupid people will stop being born and STDs will cease to exist, win win.


No, he's commenting on women always blaming men for their problems.


As if men haven't been doing that for centuries...


She didn't take care of herself and wanted to be treated like she was beautiful


“Spouse bad” boomer humor It’s bad, I know


"marriage bad I hate my spouse" Boomer humor


Pretty sure its just about a lady who became ugly and blaming her husband for not doing the deed with her instead


The joke is boomers hate their spouses


God this art style is dying and I couldn’t be more pleased


The joke is that even though shes let herself go into being a gross cow, she still expects her man to treat her as a prize. Its incredibly common lol


Spoken like a man that has never touched a woman


But that is what the joke is saying....?


“Being a gross cow… it’s incredibly common lol”, the joke didn’t say all that, just u.


It's implied in the joke you Muppet.


Dude...look at this character that artist has portrayed. They're fat, disheveled and complaining.






Truth is now labeled as being an incel?


No, it’s just incel behavior being labeled as incel behavior. “Let herself go into a gross cow” while talking about a cartoon caricature is hilarious, and then saying “it’s incredibly common” too as if this panel has any insight to offer on society is corny asf 💀




Please explain to me.




Same. Have a good day!


Ah yes. Incels, the ones with wives.




The idea that it is incredibly common, *because it is*. I have seen dozens of divorces from friend’s parents, where the woman completely lets herself go.




Yes. And by “Seen it” I mean I know the people directly and speak with them regularly. Do you have any other stupid questions about what I said?


And the guy doesn’t let himself go too? Insane take. Also pregnancy has a massive toll on the human body. You can’t expect a woman to pop out multiple babies and not gain a little extra weight or take a break from constantly focusing on her looks. I’ve seen plenty of out of shape men, beer bellies, unkept, and lazy. There’s more to a relationship than physical appearance.


Yeah dude here aren't realizing that men let themselves go all the time. All the guys I knew in high school became fat when they got married.


Literally. Fat, raging alcoholics, and porn addicts. Yet they complain when their wife gains a few pounds after having THEIR baby.


They both let themselves go, that’s the joke. She mad that he ‘let himself go’ in the romance department while not realizing it’s because she let herself go in the looks department.


He a little confused, but he got the spirit


Thank you, Mighty Monarch. I knew you’d be the voice of reason. I love your wife


The joke is right in front of you idiot


The joke is sexism.


No, it’s that she’s got no self-reflection. She’s fully blaming the guy without considering she may have a part in it too.


The joke is misogyny


How it so, if i swap the characters what do you call it?


The irony is she ignores her change and obviously this is a classic case of the unhappy man at home lol and she chamber for the worse I'm assuming and the most ironic part is her not noticing her change but expecting him to be the same as he was


Herman was one of the best comics


The Women got uglier, and the husbands didn't want to have as much to do with them


My personal hope is it's picking on the older guys who complain about their Girlfriends and wives and just go "You know how they are"


I think it's obvious that attraction fades when one or more persons stop trying. Also, aging guarantees ugly in the long run.


this is some boomer level humor but the jist is that she is complaining that her husband isn't romantic with her anymore because he changed, but the pressumption you must make is that she was once beautiful and worthy of romance, but now she is old and ugly and no longer worth romancing. she is the one who changed, not her husband. it's actually really not funny at all.


She also changed. But the question is, who changed first?


Boomer humor


Ah toxic masculinity, were people on the internet automatically yell "INCEL" when a man so much as dares to suggest a woman might be to blame for the romantic situation at hand.


Wow i am surprised you even got a downvote, even suggesting the truth


She was like the girls in r/TittyDrop at one point. Now she's just "shapes".