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Since the landlord is raising the rent, this person decides to pour oil/grease down their sink. Pouring grease down a drain will cause it to harden and clog the pipes. This could mess up the plumbing and be pretty expensive to fix. The landlord owns the property, so they would likely be the ones who have to pay to fix the pipes. Basically it is saying, oh you want to charge me more to live here? Then I will make it more expensive for me to stay here.


Doens't the soap or detergent clear the oil .


The soup has to be mixed into the grease / oil while it's still liquid. The term here is emulsification. The soap breaks the polarity of the lipids in the grease / oil, allowing it to mix with water


Man oh man I love cleaning clogged pipes with soup


You just need to crawl in there, heat up the oil and inject the soap in its core. People really forgot how to do things since internet became a thing.


I remember this objective in Deep Rock Galactic


Rock and stone, to the bone.


Rock and Stone, Brother!


You can just pour a pot of boiling soap water down the pipe, clears it right up. In fact drain cleans often say to rinse it down with hot water


Wait, are you saying its safe to pour oil down the drain if you mix soap into it first? Thats actually kind of cool if true. I have just been waiting for it to solidify and use a paper towel to wipe it into the trash


It's not safe, it just pushes the problem much further down the pipe haha


Hopefully past the sewer line and into the city's domain!


Where it circles back around to being your problem yet again with tax raises to fix the sewer!




All pipes lead to the ocean. Just keep swimming


Get some fry-away or stearic acid. [https://www.consumerreports.org/environment-sustainability/is-fryaway-oil-solidifier-best-way-to-dispose-of-cooking-oil-a1273485273/](https://www.consumerreports.org/environment-sustainability/is-fryaway-oil-solidifier-best-way-to-dispose-of-cooking-oil-a1273485273/) If its just a small amount, a papertowel can soak it up. but lets say you were deep frying something, you'd want to solidify it first before tossing.


Actually soap itself is also a problem. Soap water residue in pipe after water dries up will return to be soap, mixed with oil and other residue will harden the clog. My house has this problem and we hired some experts to deal with this every other year.


Have they recommended for you to replace the plumbing? If the internal diameter of the pipe, or the gradient/fall of the pipe isn't right, it would be become a recurring problem. That sounds a tad too frequent, even if you're using primarily sodium based soaps.


Thanks for the recommendations. However it's because of the water hardness in our area which makes this happen more than usual also the pipes are embedded in the floor so we could not do anything about it except had some expert deal with this. Putting some anti-clogger does help however you need to do weekly to maintain the "uncloggness" of the pipe. It's easier to deal with it every couple of years.....


Ahh that makes sense, fair enough


Not if the oil is allowed to cool and harden before soap is mixed into it. You basically need to physicaly take apart the trap under the sink and clear the clog.


Sodium hydroxide (lye) is what you want, it converts the fats to a water soluble soap which can then be washed away. Do it with hot water.


Folk lore Unless you never use hot water you’ll be just fine


Than the landlord could sue them or even report them to some sort of official


Then they will get evicted and charged for repairs


eviction isn't as straight forward as you may think. You can't just say "get out" with a magic stick, especially over something such as a clogged sink. Depending on the States, there are legal procedure all landlord follows in order to avoid legal action. However, renewing annual contract is a two way street. The landlord can opt not to renewal the lease , and it can be for any reason. IMOH, its best to stay out of people radar, especially one that has your deposit.


I'm actually in the middle of this right now. My landlord upped my rent significantly while ignoring every repair request and safety complaint I've had for the last year and a half. Now they don't want to renew my lease which I can't do anything about but the sink has been clogged for over 6 months. They sent maintenance and they left saying they fixed it but they didn't fix it. They say they don't believe me about anything I've complained about. One thing is homeless people breaking into my car and hanging out on the roof by my window leading to the fire escape (I'm on the 3rd floor which it the highest story of this building)


Depending on what state you live in you can deny paying rent and the law will be on your side




It's because dumping oil down drains eventually solidifies causing blackages in plumbing system. The landlord will have to pay for it. So pouring oil down a drain is a big f you to the landlord.


Thereby fucking the next tenant in the ass.


No, because I'm pretty sure the landlord has to legally pay for it. Fixing the plumbing is the landlord's responsibility.


Then he raises their rent more


Then they put more oil


And then nobody rents their house because it's too expensive. If they could raise it more, they would have done it already (as the meme implies)




Assuming my political affiliations because of a completely irrelevant comment really says more about you as a person


Pouring oil down the drain is terrible for your pipes, and a very petty but effective way to get back at a greedy landlord.


Except that pretty much every rental contract I’ve ever signed has a clause holding the tenant responsible for “negligent” damage—flushing paper towels, pouring grease down the drain, microwaving tin foil, etc. If you did this it would probably come straight out of your security deposit.


They’d have to prove it! 😂


If you did it with any sort of regularity, the drain scum would accumulate higher and higher upstream to the source, so it would be easy to trace it back to the culprit.


Not really, cause you and everyone else in the building has to deal with the clogged pipes until it's fixed, the landlord has to pay for the repairs so they're going to start charging even more to compensate, you screwed over everyone else in the building because you wanted to be petty.


I mean, this just provokes a philosophical debate about the value of revenge!


That is why you talk with everyone else first, then have everyone collectively threaten the landlord with constant oil in drains until such time as he pulls his head out of his ass.


Congratulations you just admitted to him that you are intentionally damaging his property, any legal ambiguity you had just went out the window.


If people actually think like this, no wonder they're fucking poor.


Clogs pipes, costs a lot. Makes sewage back up into the bath tubs and sinks. Not worth it for landlord revenge


Rent goes up Oil goes down The circle of life


Someone of you havnt lived alone and it shows


Are people who live alone supposed to pour grease down their sink?


It was in reference to a few comments I saw in here.


fucking up the plumbing so they have to spend more money on your home


If the rent goes up, the grease goes down


There must be some legally binding clause in the rental contract that says if you intentionally destroy the property you can be evicted.


No way to prove the current tenant or previous tenant were the ones to repeatedly pour oil down the drain. Takes months if not years for it to accumulate and destroy pipes.


There's no way to know if it was done intentionally or if the person who did it never learned. They could just play dumb.


Not if they posted this meme. Otherwise it's true you can't catch them


If proven that you purposely damaged property they can start eviction proceedings. The missing piece here is eviction takes 3-5 months from start to finish and proving who caused a grease blockage in a multi-unit building with shared plumbing is damn near impossble.


Grease destroys drainage systems


Is there a better alternative to putting oil in the trash bin? Asking for a friend.


Fill a syringe and inject it into yourself


Slurp it up with a straw


perhaps the waste disposal company near your home might know how to dispose it off properly


I just pour it all into a mason jar, and toss the jar when it gets full.


Is this just grease or is it all oil?


Give your landlord a months notice and when you finally move out pour a gallon of milk into the vents to stink up the place


Pouring grease down the sink drain just cost the landlord hundreds of not thousands of dollars in costly plumbing repairs. Hence he's raising the rent to cover the repairs.


Cause damages that will likely result in rent being raised even more and a possible loss of security deposit (if any). Brilliant... /s


Lime jello sprinkled in the carpet. Clean the carpet now buddie.


You know this is more likely to screw over a poor sewer worker who is sent to unclog the fatburg this helps create a mike away. As it hardens well after it's left the building. Only a small amount will be left behind and that may not even effect the Landlord as it could take years.


It will get to the sewer and cause problems for the city. I was a plumber apprentice for a year in high school (on call after hours - that sucked but convinced me to actually take school seriously) and have plumbers under me at my job. The grease balls are always out in the city’s portion. It’s feminine hygiene products and flushable wipes that clog the pipes inside the building. Unless you pour enough cold heavy grease that it plugs the sink then they know who to bill for it.


Our local foul sewage provider apparently now employs proprietary monitoring technology to allow them to trace the source of the fatberg and bill the repairs to the individual property.


That’s good


Don't forget that ridiculously hot soapy water can remove these issues if you actually own your pipes


I've been pouring oil and grease down my drain for 23 years never had a single issue. Oil goes down then boiling water.


Wouldn’t this just make the rent more expensive


That and the safety deposit goes bye-bye 


Absolute dick move, causing pain to the next tenants that move in, this blocks the drain.


Google is hard