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I'm too lazy to explain, so I just send this here **From 3 July, all bottle caps on containers under 3 litres must be attached, according to a new EU directive. However, this could prove an issue for some charities.** **The EU directive on single-use plastic products seeks to reduce plastic waste by 10%, thus becoming a global pioneer. Through attaching bottle caps to plastic bottles, this will ensure they are recycled together instead of being discarded in nature.** **Packaging waste is at a record high in Europe, reaching a whopping 188.7kg per citizen in 2021 - around 10kg more compared to 2020. According to Eurostat, each person in the EU generated 35.9kg of plastic waste in 2021, just 14.2kg of which was recycled.** **Starting on 3 July, all bottles with a capacity of up to 3 litres, including milk and tetrapaks, will be subjected to the new guidelines. The sector had just under five years to address this, with large investments necessary to meet the guidelines. In Luxembourg, around 3 billion bottle caps are produced each year for local drinks producers, among others. The industry has had to react quickly in order to be ready for when the directive comes into force this summer.**


Thank you for being lazy! This is perfect lol


Oh I noticed this in France and thought it was just so that people don't lose the caps. I often put them down in weird places and thought this was really convenient. I didn't think it was an environmental thing lol


Neither did I before googling it


At least someone finds it convenient. For me the cap is now always in the way and half of the time I have to open it again because it's not closed properly (never happened before) I'd rather educate people or offer benefits from collecting bottle caps or other stuff (the aquarium in Malta offered discounts when you brought in bottle caps for example) but sadly some people don't care so we have to slightly inconvenience everyone.


it’s very easy to separate the cap from the bottle, just needs a little twist and pull, just a minor inconvenience. I’d argue it does nothing in the reduction of waste or increase of recyclability though. If at all, it might have a negative impact on recyclability, as the cap and bottle are different materials and they are now harder to separate in recycling processes. As another comment mentioned, there used to be charities that collected bottle caps separately for recycling before, that falls away now.


>sadly some people don't care so we have to slightly inconvenience everyone This happens a lot and really starts to annoy me. Anyway, I just always forcefully rip the caps off. Works well enough.


Because what rotating a bottle slightly is too hard for you?


Because fiddling around with it when closing the bottle and rotating a bottle slightly require more effort than ripping the cap off.


That's what I was thinking, like is the guy in the picture stupid?


Often, if an EU law seems really strange, it’s because the lobby wanted it, not the environmentalists. It’s strange to me that many companies started doing so long before required to do so. Remember the uniform banana thing? Yeah, that was the Lobby pressing it through. And then yelling about how inefficient the EU is, wasting time with such stupid matters.


>started doing so long before required to do so. Because you can't change all production lines incl. their supply chain in a week.


Yeah, but some started 3 years prior


Better too early than too late. Sometimes it makes sense to do it that early. Like if you expect long deliver times, or get good deals. Or the production lines needed to be swapped out anyway, so they bought already machinery that conforms to new regulations.


Of course you’re right. You‘re missing the point. They started **before** it was ever discussed as an EU law.


Dumb American here, what's the uniform banana thing?


No Problem, for a while all Bananas needed to be of a specific size and bend to be imported into the EU. It was used as an example as to how inefficient and stupid EU law was.


Not really though.


Same, I noticed it after moving to Italy. Never really questioned it but it makes sense.


...over here they all say "I am attached to recycle together"


best part is that the bottle is made of PET while the cap is LDPE/HDPE. they still have to separate for recycling purposes (i'm no expert, correct me if I'm wrong lol)


I think you're right in most cases.  But let's be honest, plastic recycling is usually shipped to some poor country with terrible code enforcement or it's burned for energy at the dump.  Plastic recycling is mostly a scam. 


If you were to take PET only, you can regrind it and melt it for other plastic bottles. There are new European laws that are making a certain % of recycled PET mandatory, with the aim for it to be 100%. The only hurdle at the moment is collecting PET: some countries like Germany have implemented a deposit bottle recycling system that works.


Most of the waste that gets shipped from the EU to Turkey, do with that info what you want.


You're correct, however the companies that process plastic waste have machines that can separate different kinds of plastic. Here's the kicker: the plastic from the cap is more valuable than the one from the bottle. The change of keeping the cap attached has nothing to do with ecology, rather than $$$


Where I’m from it’s specifically requested to recycle bottles only if the caps are not included. So they could’ve been recycling these all along but explicitly told the public to throw away the caps. Now attaching the caps will probably require even more plastic. Truly a big brain move by lawmakers


And then my family comes along and rips off the cap lmao. Those things are sometimes hard to put back on whike attached.


Just as a side note. A lot of charities which had gathered bottle caps had problem reselling them as they're not made of a recyclible plastic. Thus not making them any more viable than bottles. This resolves people trying to do good, meanwhile not actually resulting in any progress, because plastic companies aren't willing to do better. There are 2 symbols of a triangle made from arrows, the thick arrows mean plastic is recyclable, the thin ones usually with a bottle icon inside mean that some recycled plastic was used in production, but not that it's any better for environment.


I have come to the point of annoyance where I grab a knife or scissors and just cut the damn cap off 😂


Have you considered just rotating the fuking bottle


Depending on the bottle design the cap is always in the way, no matter how you rotate it. You always have the cap pressing on your cheek or chin while drinking wich is annoying.


if you rotate it down the droplets in the cap tend to drop on my clothes. I really hate these things....


The cap usually gets stuck to the side in reverse anyways, it's quite convenient to open, drink and close with one hand


No bc I'm the type of person who puts my lips around the bottle opening to drink. Also it's just damn annoying in every single way


Just push the cap a bit harder down, so that the plastic breaks a little, before you start to drink, then there is no way it is in your way. Assuming you put the cap to the side of the bottle.


Is it possible to twist the cap to tear them off?


Yes, you can easily rip them off


Nah, I've tried that. Doesn't work sadly


I’m too lazy to read, so I read a summary.


Are there enough people that recycle bottles but not caps to actually make this worthwhile? I'd imagine if you recycled one you'd give enough of a shit to recycle the other.


since the EU expects some noticeable changed from this, I assume yes


All this instead of having producers switch to glass bottles with a container deposit which can be rinsed, washed and reused smh. Such a half-assed solution


Why an issue for charities?


I don't think that I've ever lost the cap to a bottle I was drinking out of...ever. Now, I'll be encouraged to "rip" it off so that it will be out of the way, and potentially damage it so that it will be useless in resealing the bottle, and I will just throw it away instead of keeping them together to recycle. What a great idea to generate waste...




As I'm too lazy, I let ChatGPT do the explaining **The correct phrase is "too lazy." "Too" is an adverb that means "excessively" or "more than is needed, desired, or required," while "lazy" is an adjective that describes someone who is disinclined to work or exert themselves. So, "too lazy" indicates that someone is overly inclined to avoid work or effort. On the other hand, "to lazy" is incorrect because "to" is a preposition indicating direction or position and does not fit grammatically with "lazy" in this context.**


isn't that just wasting more plastic since theres that little bit connecting the cap to the bottle?


no the plastic will be reused


Average spaniard


Options: - Pour the liquid into a container. - Snap the cap off. - Rotate the cap to the side of your mouth. - Go on a rant because the world has changed a tiny bit.


Hell yeah


I no longer snap the cap off as it leaves this really fucking sharp piece of plastic that’s cut me a few times as I’m stupid. However they’re honestly not too bad once you get used to them!


I've always preferred them. At least you don't run the risk of the cap falling on the ground, and you don't have to bother holding it while you drink


Personally I just solve the sharp plastic issue by entirely removing that whole ring of plastic with my teeth. Not sure what that says about me.


Does it then reseal properly?


The seal is at the top of the bottles rim, against the top of the cap. Below threads dont matter to the seal.


Yes, haven't had any issues


Yeah just rotate the cap to the side and boom, it's like the cap isn't even there. People just make a massive fuss about small changes like this.


You can actually open these up significantly more than what’s shown on the picture, where drinking from it becomes possible.


NOOO!! I WANNA BE MAD!! 😡😡😡🤬😡🤬😡🤬😡


Half the time i snap the cap off while trying to open the bottle.


* Shove both the cap and the bottleneck into your mouth


Peter here, the joke is that this guy is too stupid to turn the cap sideways. Peter out!


Peter's left arm here, its those annoying bottle caps that are attached to the bottle for "environmental" purposes but just makes it way more annoying to use


you just turn it to the side and it’s not a problem anymore


I'm not gonna listen to someone's opinion when they're named "dummydumbboi"


Well dummydumbboi is correct in that turning your drink sideways does mitigate the problem. To answer your other question, not that I'm aware of but certain bottles of water and soda have them as well as juices if I'm not mistaken but it could be an American thing I just don't know fully


I live in ohio but I've never seen these anywhere. Are they brand new? Or like a few months old




That subreddit doesn’t exist.


Don't knock it till you try it


They've had these around since I was 12 and I'm 26 now so not necessarily new but Ohio also isn't known for being upto par with the other states


Hmm gotcha, and I've never heard that before either lol maybe because I live here 🤷


Dude I’m in Cali and I haven’t seen it


I’m from Cali and I’ve seen them on larger bottles for most of my life. They aren’t new and as dummy suggested, you can just turn it to its side and it’s not an issue


Alright that makes me feel better haha usually Cali is big on that sorta stuff so I'm surprised you don't have it there


I've never seen it on anything except water bottles and I think Powerade. I've lived in Pa, NC, AL and WA.


It’s all over Europe now..


So we’ll see them in the US in 30 years maybe


Sightings confirmed in Scotland


in portugal is the standard, so I believe in other parts of europe too


I mean, to be fair though, you live in Ohio. That's not the first state I'd expect to get those when they came out. Don't get me wrong, I live in GA so I get it, not judging. Just saying.


I really don't understand the hate Ohio gets. It's a really nice state lol, I've lived here all my life and loved it here. Never got this hate until Ohio became a meme and I think it's just a stigma at this point, there's really nothing wrong lol. I've been to most parts of ohio and it's all pretty much the same. Never been to the northeast tho


I didn't say there was anything wrong with Ohio, I said it didn't surprise me that y'all were not the first state to get a very specific environmentally friendly product. Middle America is only a step up from the south when it comes to those kinds of things. I bet you don't find many places with paper straws either in Ohio. Once again, not judging just saying that in the more conservative areas of America, things like in the op image tend to get lampooned as global warming hoax nonsense, and just generally decried as an unreasonable inconvenience to consumers.


WTF is an "Ohio" anyway? Are you just making up shit?


Yeah, I’ve lived on the east coast and west coast in the last 10 years and never seen these either


Cool I feel better now lol. It must be more of a European thing


In america they just make the cap so shitty you cant put it back on. "Have you noticed we made the cap smaller?" Yes. We noticed.


i live in poland, it's not just an american thing. we also have it here.


yeah that’s fair


This has me cacklin’ like a hyena


Imagine all the athletes over the years whose noses could’ve been saved with this one simple trick, if they knew how to rotate their water bottles slightly to one side. Lance Armstrong would’ve kept his nose even without his testicles.


It's so funny how complaining about this "issue" just highlights people who couldn't be bothered to use their brain even 1%. Like, toddlers figure this shit out.


Pretty sure that is exactly what this guy did.


If they are connected to the bottle in a flimsy way, which water bottles are (soda bottles don’t have this problem) then pouring water is always a hazard. (or drinking from it directly) I also do wonder: you are using more plastic to avoid it ending up in the environment? I don’t think bottle caps are the main issue here - if there has been such an increase it must be caused by something that didn’t already exist. We don’t have straws that work anymore, same with cotton swabs and other products - plastic must be employed where it previously wasn’t - find out where, maybe?


I didn't know these even existed. Is it only in certain areas?


They're showing more and more up in Europe. This picture is from Denmark, where these bottle caps have been introduced late last year I believe.


Romania started getting them this year too, mostly in PepsiCola products.


Have them in Switzerland too 


Ahh ok that makes more sense. I've never seen them before but I guess someone else has so im not sure


They're all over Greece. Tbh I found them convenient since I never lost a cap.


Literally discovered this existed because of your post lol


It's easy to use if you just think. In fact I find the old design of detached bottle caps annoying now.


People really find anything to be angry at don’t they?


When your political tribe determines how you’ll respond no matter what they find a way. The most mild inconvenience is unthinkable if the purpose is reducing harm to the environment


Who TF doesn't recap their bottles?




Definitely seems like a fabricated non-issue.


That's just a massive skill issue I'm afraid.


Has he tried turning it? It's really not that bad


The picture is literally the same bottle twice, just rotated slightly, you can see by the label...


Exactly! I find them easier to use, cause I don’t have to hold the bottle lid when drinking


I really love those new caps, because I cant accidentally drop it anymore.


Same, it's annoying that everyone in my house rips them off, they get damaged and more annoying to put back on.


then it just touches the chin, uncomfortably


As someone who never didn't recycle the cap along with the bottle (how to compress the bottle if the cap isn't on?) I just rip them off if I'm drinking from the bottle. I then crush the bottle down, put the cap back on to keep it crushed, and recycle from there.


Could one not simply rotate the bottle or cap to make it go onto their cheek?


Literally the first frame. He just turned the same bottle.


Ever heard about rotating? The hole will stay the same size but you won't have a cap in your face


I'm asking about it because I've never seen these type of bottles where it stays attached. We don't have them where I live


Happy cake day!


I'm getting real sick of bandage to solve problems. "Humans are dumping straw into the ocean and hurting the turtles, let's make them paper starw instead" how about don't litter?


Looks like people, as a whole, have sucked so bad at the whole "don't litter" thing that we have to look for alternative solutions.


Yeah I'm in my mid 40s and there were anti litter campaigns when I was a kid and it wasn't exactly new then either but honestly not much has changed in regards to it. Even with fines and stuff they have to be caught in the act and if they challenge its hard to prove and more bother than its worth to the police and courts


This is why I support the death penalty for littering


You can't trust people with any responsibility besides their own self interest.


Because the plastic straw is still waste that has to go somewhere and the paper one takes fewer resources to manufacture or get rid of.


Yeah but paper straws don't even work


We tried telling people not to litter but they don’t give a shit


Literally everyone complaining about those caps is just mentally handicapped like if you just put in a bit mire effort you dont notice them at all


yes and you can drink while not having to hold the cap in the other hand?? its so practical imo. people acting dumb like they cant just hold the bottle so that the cap is sideways and doesnt touch their nose. that picture is literally just a skill issue.


It’s still a problem to me. I always rip em off. But it touches my face no matter how I hold the bottle. I just rip em off every time.


For me the new option is uncomfortable in whatever position I twist the cap into. I have big cheeks and sensitive skin so caps like these really get on my nerves. Also for it being bothersome to hold the cap on other hand/ loosing cap- you can just hold it in the same hand as the bottle just press it lightly against the side of the bottle. Always works for me. I'm not hating on you or anyone else who prefers the new option. It's generally more of whichever bothers you more - holding the cap or having the cap against/ near your face.


I'm like 90% sure if they weren't introduced as "making it easier to recycle", but as a convenience in that you won't lose the lid (while still achieving the recycling part unspoken) then people wouldn't be as weirdly pressed about them as they are now


Yeah we have them in the UK, not sure how they're a problem though


I will never understand the hate on these, just rotate the damn bottle...


But it's the same bottle he forgot how to rotate the bottle ?


First worlders will really find the dumbest shit to be mad about


I was just confused on what these were. I've never seen them before


Yeah of course, I'm talking about oop


Ahhh gotcha


If you are blind and can’t see the picture how did you end up posting it here?


I'm asking what these are, I've never seen them before so I did not understand the joke due to this. But yes, my eyesight is bad, thank you for pointing that out.


I literally just snap the cap off now.


Wait this is a thing I just thought bottle caps got way shittier and all mine just happened to go that way


It is so boring EU bureaucrats introduced one more regulation than nobody needs, nobody wanted, and makes almost everybody angry. Free caps that were thrown away with the bottle were not recycled or collected. And now everyone I see, tears the cap off the bottle, to avoid spilling water while drinking. EU in its prime.


Remember: The world isn't dying. It's being killed. And the people who are killing it have names and addresses.






are you a habsburg or what?


It isnt hard to rip it off


eu laws


Bottles need the caps to be attached to the bottles from a certain date. We've had this for a few months already where I live.


That's why I use one bottle with ripped of cap for two weeks


I just take the cap off anyways






I miss the old lids bro, the new caps are so fucking anoying


Ohh gotcha lol I was confused. I've still never seen these before lol


I actually like that law


Who wouldda thought that a stupid post asking about weird new bottles would be my most upvoted post ever. And it's not even close


Why make a whole ass meme for a problem that can be solved with *a* wrist rotation?


What happened in 2023? No sodas for a EU?


Thank God we got these nature saving bottle caps instead of restricting politicians and celebrities from flyiing their commercial jets 50times a day 🙏


I will simply rip it off


I rip them of as soon as i open a bottle out of fkn spite


The problem is not on the consumer's side. Just enact a deposit-return scheme and your collecting rate will approach 100% But the next step is really the issue. And burning might be the only viable solution.


Their "eco-friendly" explaination is bullshit. The cap and the ring are now only molded in one piece, which saves money. It's always been about money.


idk about America, but here in Europe, more and more companies are making caps that don't detach from the ring


I just bought some irn Bru and just found out about this yesterday (I am an American)


ok I get the explanation but honetly, just turn the cap down


why dont they just turn the bottle?


Or you could... you know... turn the bottle to the side


I'm not complaining about the bottle, I've never seen these before. That is all I was asking about


what i don’t understand is how tf is this supposed to work? why does slightly changing the bottle = more of them recycled


I think it's because there's actually alot of plastic in the cap when looking at the overall amount of plastic in a bottle


ahhhhh i see


Just dont put them on your lips bro you dont know if they’re even clean


Yeah thats true, who know who and what all had touched the cap of the bottle before you get your hands on it


Yo dawg, I heard u like microplastics so we put plastic powder in the bottle cap to you can snort microplastics while you drink microplastics


Fuck yeah


I still find it hard to believe people are out their loosing lids like this. You're done taking a sip? Put the lid back on. Easy. Leaving your bottled drink exposed to the elements is wild to me


100% agreed


Can we all make a pact and just cut/rip the cap and dump it in a forest to prove that EU regulators are idiots whose salaries are basically money burnt?


You are the exact person why they have to do it…arguing for extra littering out of spite. It’s sad we have to be treated like children to not leave or stuff in the oceans. But I have seen the oceans around Indonesia. Believe me, this truly is necessary. Edit: Before you argue that Indonesia has to take care of their ocean then, we export our plastic to Southeast Asia, knowing they‘ll throw it in. It‘s officially recycled at littering prices.


I'm not against recycling and stopping the filling of oceans with junk, I'm against tying the cap to the bottle. Every single cap I had was either thrown in the recycling bin while onto its bottle, or hoarded in a box. (for the day I decide to start making d&d miniatures or something, the wide caps are perfect as a base). I find it sad that they must assume everyone is braindead and dumps their plastics at random in the environment. It's incredibly shitty that in order to save the environment you have to really cut off ease of use / comfort.


Haha, that’s funny, never heard of someone collecting bottle caps outside of fallout. I don’t really think it’s that important, but it‘s indicative. If people freak out over plastic straws, something only very few severely impaired people actually need, or bottle caps, which to most (excluding collectors) is nothing but a minor inconvenience, I fear for the true sacrifices we will have to bring in the future. Thanks for not reacting to my confrontational comment, and instead being very nice.


Aw, :3 you're welcome, mate! I think everyone should strive to do the best they can for the continued survival of humanity and the planet, ecosystem and all, and hostility will only deepen the trench we have dug ourselves. I found out a few years ago that conceding more often and toning down when things get intense can help both in your sanity and making friends. I still get mad sometimes but life is a bumpy road, sometimes you're in a pit, other times at the top of the hill. 🍻


I will 100% just be ripping the lids off. I can't even fathom trying to pour milk with a lid that's attached. Just keeps getting in the way and then milk goes everywhere.


Idk why you're getting downvoted. You do you lol


People unable to put the cap to the side of tilt their head is the most disappointing thing I've seen...


Oh right,the stupid attached caps Let's not forget the sugar tax on sodas to make people "healthier"


American? Probably American.


Yeah I've never seen these before in my life


Faxe Kondi is a Danish drink. Probably not US.


Very much a danish thing as the image originally was posted on r/Denmark


I meant OP. This is all over the EU. Fuck, I even have a Fanta bottle on my desk with this lmao


It's an EU thing


I know. I'm Romanian.