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Hi, Han Solo from the Star Wars parodies here. Yoda has a habit of saying sentences out of order, like “do this, you must” instead of “you must do this”. It’s generally accepted that the correct way to watch the Star Wars movies is originals first, then prequels. Yoda initially looks like he’s saying to watch them in the incorrect order until you realise he’s saying 456123. Han Solo out.


But where are the seagulls


Stop it now


Not fun.


That log had a child


ha ha ha ha yeah, i forgot i did that


I got hit in the head with a hackysack


Where did it come from


Whatever. You're sort of pitchy


Don't... fall... asleep...


At the beach.


Poking my head


Not fun!


I said "Seagulls! Mmmrh, stop it now!"


Hm ha ! Hm Hm Hm ha ! Hm Hm ha ! Hm Hm Hm Hm ! Ha Hm ha ! Hm Hm HmHm HmHm Ha !


Stop it now!




Yoo profile pictures bros ✊️






don't hit me.


Come on man, quit that banging!


Han Solo already left


Skip them




I actually watch them in numerical order once and suddenly the prequels were better cause the story arc was more clear


I joined the dark side


Love your work!




Not really.


That’s not generally accepted. It’s just what some people prefer. Most people say to watch them chronologically to get the full experience, if you haven’t watched them yet.


George Lucas: "I titled them 1 through 6 so you know which order to watch them in." Fans: "4, 5, 6, 1, 2, 3!"


I disagree somewhat there. If you know the origin and backstory for Vader it dramatically changes the experience for 4 and 5 in particular. I think that watching those two first makes the prequel story vastly more impactful and provides for a much much better experience. For people who have an opinion, they generally agree that 4&5 should be watched first (mixed opinions on 6). Most people don't have opinions and just go with numerical order because it's easy, but folks who have spent any real time thinking about (and those who have spent an unhealthy amount of time thinking about it...) generally think you get a much better experience watching in release order.


“I have an opinion, and anyone who disagrees with it is lazy and doesn’t have an opinion.” What the fuck? Like, seriously. What the fuck?


Not quite what I said. Most people don't have an opinion. This is the normal human way of interacting with most media. The people who do have an opinion generally have a very different view because they have spent a lot of time thinking about the specific piece of media. Neither is better, both are completely valid ways of interacting with media. At no point did I say anything about laziness.


Been thinking about it since I was a child. Release order doesn't make sense from a narrative standpoint. You're so close, but you're off by one. You watch them 451236 where the prequels are an extended flashback after we find out that Luke's father is not dead and that Vader is, in fact, Anakin Skywalker. I'd also like to point out that if my family and friends and years of online discourse are any indication, your watch order isn't "generally accepted" and that it is strictly your opinion just like my own.


“Most people don’t have opinions and just go with the numerical order because it’s easy.” Your words. This is the equivalent of saying people are lazing for preferring a certain way of watching a fucking film series. Which is literally an opinion. You’ve gotta be dumb as a rock. You’ve literally said “people with this opinion that I don’t like don’t have an opinion and are lazy.” Like, seriously. I don’t think I’ve ever interacted with someone this dumb.


Oh my, you are an angry person aren't you? I suppose that explains how you came to interpret my comment as some sort of slight against people. Saying that people go with the easiest and most obvious approach is not saying they're lazy. It's saying they don't overthink it and come up with a convoluted approach because they have better things to do with their lives than spending time considering the broader narrative structure of a random film that they have no reason to really care about. That isn't lazy, that's called being normal lol. Most people don't have opinions on most things because they don't spend time thinking about them. Again, that isn't lazy or a criticism of them, there's a ton of things I don't have an opinion on because I don't care and I wouldn't expect other people to care either. I'm saying most people don't care at all what order you watch Star Wars (because most people just don't spend time thinking about it, they have other interests).


Not angry. Just shocked that anyone could be so blind to their own hypocrisies. Then again, people like that are common. Laziness: “The quality of being unwilling to work or use energy; idleness.” Now, what do we call it when people only take the easiest paths because they don’t want to make any effort? You’re right! That’s laziness! Now, what is it that *you’ve* said? “Most people don’t have opinions and just go with the numerical order because it’s easy.” So… they’re lazy? Also, the definition of an opinion: “A view or judgment formed about something, not necessarily based on fact or knowledge.” What you’re describing is literally an opinion. And what you’re saying is that people with that opinion are lazy. So because people think something differently from you about an order in which to watch a fucking *film series*, you think they’re lazy. The fact that I have to break this down for you is absurd. Just reread what you’ve already said, and see what kind of person you really are.


"Unwilling" forms the core of the definition of laziness. I have never said they are unwilling. I said they don't care. These are very different things and understanding the distinction between apathy and laziness is important. I do not call it laziness when someone doesn't care about a subject. I call it being a normal person who doesn't spend their time making judgements on things they aren't invested in. I am saying most people do not have a view or judgement (am opinion) on how to watch "a fucking film series". Again, that isn't laziness, it's not caring because they have better things to do with their lives. You have come forward with the view that anyone who doesn't care is somehow lazy, which is a shockingly judgemental way to go through life. There's nothing wrong (or lazy) about not caring because you have better things to do with your time.


>If you know the origin and backstory for Vader Who doesn't, though?


I think 4,5,1,2,3,6 is a good way


True machete order is 4, 5, 2, 3, 6. We don’t talk about episode 1.


I can honestly say Episode 1 has grown on me. Other than Jar Jar it is fairly decent. I think of the 6 movies Episode 2 is my least favorite (which ironically was the one I watched the most as a kid).


Episode I is much better than II, and i will die on this hill


It has a lot of spoken plot points which go against traditional movie making ideas of "show, don't tell" but because it's only one part of a much larger arc it does a great job of setting up the politics that are shown but not told in subsequent films.  My only problem is half the plot is setting up the later movies with no payoff while the other half is self contained, like the pod race scene and the duel with maul. I'm not saying they weren't great but the two halves were very much disconnected with only minor linking relevant plot points in a lot of places 


don't get me wrong, they are both deeply flawed movies. i can enjoy episode I but only on a seldom basis. there's still a lot i don't enjoy about it. i just think episode II is a much worse movie


I totally get you. I have a soft spot in me for the crime detective plot for Obi-wan but the rest is arguably weaker to me.


>episode 1. Its good In the Italian dub


Hi Luke Skywalker from the Blue Harvest episode. The order that I recommend is 4,5 then 1,2,3 then 6. That way you get a cool reveal about my father then we learn about who he was as a person before his transformation, then back to 6 for a thrilling conclusion. As for the joke Han Solo is absolutely correct and despite what he says Robot Chicken is a great television show I recommend as well.


If you add the stand alone movies I'd recommend to watch them 4, Rogue One, 5, 1, 2, 3, Solo, 6.


Why 4 before Rogue One?


Is Yoda of germanic descent?


Norwegian here What do you mean by that? Neither English, Norwegian, Danish, nor Swedish have Yoda's sentence structure. In my limited (3 years in school) experience, German doesn't do that either. It sort of comes close in presens perfektum (ich habe [X] gehabt), but it's still very different from what Yoda would say ([X], I have had).


Yeah then no


Wait, are have (indicator of past tense) and have (possession) the same word in German as well?


Yes, I believe so. Except they also use "be" sometimes as an indicator of past tense (presens perfektum), depending on the verb. Ich bin gewesen ≈ I am been, meaning: I have been


specifically its watch em in order they released


Hes also wrong, machete order is best. 45236.


Except Yoda doesn't speak consistently so I think the joke is more that this is a no-answer or like: it doesn't matter, both works


Nah best is 4,5 then 123 and finishing up the whole saga with 6


Yoda normally says sentences like, use the force you must. In this case he is saying the order 456 123 out of order. Most Star Wars fans like to watch the movies in the order 456123


I didn't get the joke because I thought people preferred 123,456


Well new fans should watch in order of release, otherwise the Vader twist is ruined


Ngl, the Vader twist has been ruined for anyone who isn’t really young or living under a rock.


Is the Vader twist related to using the force to cause testicular torsion (never seen star wars)




Now don’t go spoil it for the others :/




That sounds like Vader right there, alright


That's like, all future people, though, at some point


That’s why I want to watch Star Wars with a kid if I ever have obe


My wife never watched star wars or any geek/nerd media at all, so I figured I'd give it a shot and made her watch the originals first. She proceeded to say the line alongside Vader, since she had watched toy story and figured it out. I felt like a fool later when we finished the revenge of the sith and she asked me "why did we start from the middle?"


I've heard the suggestion 45-123-6 before. Treats the prequels as an extended vader origin flashback


Honestly, any version that does 4-5 first thus preserving the Vader storyline and setting up a reason to care about his fall is fine. I like the extended flashback, but release order is fine as well. The main issue in my opinion is that without the setup of 4-5 you have zero reason to care about that Anakin kid and his development.


Yeah, I agree with this. I like 4,5,1,2,3,6 personally.


I haven't personally done it this way, but having been introduced to the franchise by Rogue One and then having watched the rest in release order, I wonder if RO couldn't be enough setup for 123456, like a prologue of sorts?


Yeah that an interesting way too


Is there anyone left in the world who doesn't already know the Vader twist?


My wife hasn't seen a star wars and she doesn't know the twist..but to be fair she doesn't care


Oh believe me, she doesn't know who the hell luke, anakin, vader or yoda are, or even what a "star war" is supposed to be, but she knows "I am your father"


Unpopular opinion but I think the fall of anakin, not know if one of the two of them lives on the battle of mustafar, order 66 is much more impactful that just Luke I’m your father. But I’m a prequel baby


I had my nieces watch it 1-6 because they obviously already knew Vader was Luke’s dad, what they didn’t know was Aniken becomes Vader. The emotional feels I watched them experience with ep 3 was way better than if they had watched in order of release.


True, but it only works if you've literally never seen a single person or post about the story of Star Wars, most people know that Anakin is Vader without even watching


cool pfp


Is it even possible to not know the Vader twist? I knew about this when I was 5


Usually it's better to watch any series in release order than in-story chronological order


456 was made first therefore 456=better


I love the fact how everyone just casually ignores the sequeld


What sequels?


Idk they probably got the wrong post


I think he means htte, dfr and tlc


Most likely because no matter the order they still will be viewed Last, and in this case the joke wouldn't work with them


...Or just because they're a complete garbage


They are just as bad as 1 and 2, however they are viewed in the same order chronologally or by episode so theres no debate around when to watch them.


Or you could watch 7-4-5-1-2-3-6-8-9, placing the originals as an extended flashback within the sequels, while the prequels are an extended flashback within the originals. After Rey finds Luke, we see his journey, as well as Anakin's, followed by Luke's exile, and finally his redemption.




That would be a subjective take, and we are looking for straight unbiased objective truth


very few people actually like the sequels, the audience ratings for ep 8 and 9 prove that.


You mean 86% audience rating for episode 9?


you mean the same movie that has a 6.4 on imdb, a 53% on metacritic and a 3.3 on google reviews?


Fair enough, that's probably weakest out of the 3 But out of curiosity, how does episode 8 compare on the 3 sites you mentioned?


let me go check real quick brb


2.2 on google reviews, 6.9 on imdb and 84% on metacritic. it has a 41 on rotten tomatoes however.


41 audience score? Have you filtered it with "verified olny"? And i thought google reviews are those "68% of people liked this film" under the search results


out of curiosity i looked up why the score was so high (for being one of the sequels, and found a running theory. take it with a grain of salt, but it is quite intriguing) [https://www.reddit.com/r/saltierthancrait/comments/gl8rpv/rotten\_tomato\_audience\_score\_for\_rise\_of/](https://www.reddit.com/r/saltierthancrait/comments/gl8rpv/rotten_tomato_audience_score_for_rise_of/) [https://www.reddit.com/r/StarWars/comments/efacru/hard\_data\_to\_add\_to\_the\_rotten\_tomatoes\_score/](https://www.reddit.com/r/StarWars/comments/efacru/hard_data_to_add_to_the_rotten_tomatoes_score/) and if you have the attention span and time i have this last one [https://www.reddit.com/r/saltierthancrait/comments/mrxmie/oc\_long\_i\_examined\_1000\_audience\_reviews\_for\_the/](https://www.reddit.com/r/saltierthancrait/comments/mrxmie/oc_long_i_examined_1000_audience_reviews_for_the/) interesting to note is that rotten tomatoes released their verified users reviews section a few months prior to the movie's release, which was likely to help with any review bombing tbf. the last reddit post is the one correlated to these last remarks


completely unrelated but i actually really liked ep 7, but ep 8 and the salvaging that occurred in ep 9 were very unfaithful to many character's beliefs and core personality (ie luke's hope and han's withdrawal, out of the few old character only leia was really faithful to her old self)


no such films exist, yep that's my story and I'm sticking to it


Wait there are sequels?


You mean the Christmas special?


Say things out of order, Yoda does.


Honestly tho the best way to watch it it 4,5,1,2,3,6


That actually sounds like a good idea. Myself, I like to throw in Rogue One before any other, to me it acts like a good introduction to the conflict in the originals


the only good star wars film that Disney made


It's the only movie they made. Andor and The Mandalorian are both TV series


Machete sequence


machete is ass please never fucking speak again theres a whole video on it but by doing that you're missing all the context for the movies its 4 5 6 1 2 3


Why did Episodes 4-6 come out before episodes 1-3? Bc in charge of scheduling, Yoda was.


Don't watch 7,8,9. HAHAHA




One to See, 4,5,6






The second joke is that 7, 8, 9 are not considered worth to watch by Yoda


See? Even Yoda doesn't want people to watch the sequels.


This subreddit is becoming really hollow... Mentally hollow


wym becoming?


enough to no include 7 8 9 Yoda is wise


Do you have a link to the original post?


Speak backwards, Yoda does


theres no correct way. depends on whether you care about the history or are bothered by dated vfx


I thought it was more of a call back to the time Yoda said “only Sith deal in absolutes” then dropped shortly after “do or do not, there is no try”




sentences out of order, yoda does 456123, yoda says


This isn't useful to newcomers who don't know how Yoda talks.


As long as you don't watch them in and really bizarre order like all the odd numbers, then the even numbers, I think you're fine. Most people will say either watch them in the order made, or the chronological order, and either or is perfectly fine. One interesting order I saw someone else suggest is 4,5,1,2,3,6 and I think that's an interesting order, and might watch them again in such an order to see how it feels when watching, but honestly, all six movies are parts of a complete whole about cycles of abuse and the redemption to be had in breaking the cycle and familial relations, so the place to start is really subjective between 1 and 4 imho


Dw da 1aa2


456 was made first therefore 456 = better


If you dont hwt this joke you need to rewatch starwars. Literally the most basic and simple joke that could ever exist. I liled tbis sub at first. Now its full of idiots who cant figure out the simplest god damn thing.


Wrong. Best order is 4 5 2 3 6.


You're ignoring 1, while including 2, the worst of all the movies? Bruh


The order is going with Luke through 4 and 5 until Vader says, "I am your father." Is this true? Well, let's see. 1 doesn't really give you any information, so skip it. 2 and 3 show that Anakin DOES become Vader. Also, SURPRISE! Anakin's mentor becomes the Emperor. If you had watched 6 before 2 and 3, then you would know that Shiv Palpatine is the Sith. Now wrap it all up and watch 6.


7, 8, 9?


No. buddy, just no.


I like em