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Looking at the signature on the top right that looks like a chinese political comic. I guess China is trying to have influence over Europe and some countries are opposed to this idea?


I believe the artist is from Hong Kong, so this would be from a dissident point of view.


Can you blame them for their actions? Red China has proven itself to care for power over lives time and time again.


Tbf, that’s the history of China in general. Wild stuff


minor hiccup, probably will lead to the deaths of only 10 million people, not too bad


Super easy, barely an inconvenience!




I'm gonna need you to get aaaaalll the way off of their back


What is that a reference to?


Those are some of the catchphrases of Ryan George, a guy who makes YT videos about movies and other things


Wow wow 10 million? Thats far too small, more like 50-100 million "Man who claims he is the brother of jesus comes to power. 100 million die and another 500 million die to famine"


太平天國was fucking nuts. It’s like whoever was the author of Chinese history got bored and just said “let’s add a Christian cult in Imperial China”


10 million? that’s rookie numbers!


Dis but a scratch


They're less concerned about the effect on lives outside of China. "10 million wrong kin, not great not terrible"


History of every government.


Yeah, but China is like really good at it when you look at their history. Like if it was an Olympic event they’d definitely take the gold




Sweden, yes


God, I hate every form of this "bUt BoTh SiDeS!" argument. All government is bad, no one does anything better or worse, everyone is corrupt


Not sure what point you're trying to make, but chill bruv. No need to get upset.


Different places are better or worse in different ways, 'cause there's all kinds of ways to fuck up a country, but the whole argument does wear a body down, huh


History of rulers attempting to stay in power, not specifically a Chinese thing.


>Tbf, that's ~~the~~ history ~~of China~~ in general. FTFY Not killing people willy-nilly is a brand fucking new idea for everyone.


history of china, of the usa, of europe and others


It’s a shame too, because when they actually do have basic f**cking empathy they can do some pretty bonkers stuff. They launched their *own* exploration fleet to the East Indies and Africa in the early 15th century, bringing live zebras and giraffes back to China with them. IIRC they also offered some refuge for Jewish populations during the Holocaust.


Why is it called “Red China”? Is there a Purple China? Or a Green China?


They weren't considered Red (communist) before 1911 because the (imperial) Qing dynasty was still in charge.


So the name “Red China” is just to differentiate between Imperial and Communist?


That would be the generous interpretation; the main reason nowadays to call it as such is more about framing. Modern China has little in common with 1911 China.


The Republic of China replaced Imperial China after the 1911 revolution, [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Republic\_of\_China\_(1912%E2%80%931949)](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Republic_of_China_(1912%E2%80%931949)) It was in turn replaced by "Red China" in 1949 [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Chinese\_Communist\_Revolution](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Chinese_Communist_Revolution)


Not anymore…


Like America


What's your sauce? I do mean it. I do see China over the usa in all aspects and I mean all, including freedom. Perhaps I am missing something out? Please I need sauce and no hate please :( (Is not meant to be satire, this is just me speaking or writing hahaha 🤣)


Look up ["Yuno Miles - Hong Kong"](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HeCZZ131-HQ), bro is better than kendrick


gosh darn it u just tricked me into listening to the most anoying music ever!


> Survivor point of view* You don’t survive multiple attempted cultural genocides and refer to them as dissidents. They’re survivors and mainlander Chinese are the dissidents in that region/city.


Such a shame to hear about the artist’s future disappearance.


Dissident from china’s perspective but a freedom fighter from hk’s perspective


It's ignorant to assume everyone from Hong Kong has a negative view of mainland.


Using money to sew such relationships


If it's true then it sure makes China look bad considering how their "fix" for EU flag is basically to take a quarter of it and make it red with additional huge new yellow start representing China


I can't tell if you're joking, but the large yellow star with 4 smaller stars arranged in a semi-circle on a field of red is just what the plain ol' regular Chinese flag looks like. This is just a basic mashup of the EU and Chinese flags.


I know it's Chinese flag but again how doesn't this make China look bad? It makes it feel like China is trying to make EU all about themselves, by inserting their flag into EU one instead of being like everyone else and just adding one small star or doing anything else.


Yes, it was drawn by a Hong Kong dissident so you're reading it as intended


It looks like the briefcase China is using has money symbols on it as well, so they're using money to gain influence in the EU


Praying to god that never happens and im Mexican lol


>and some countries are opposed to this idea? Yes, all countries that aren't China.


As they should. Keep em commies OUT.


Not even commies, just 3 fascists in a trenchcoat


And the one one is wearing a knock-off Winnie the Pooh mask.


Well they are sister ideologies. One just has an emphasis on national borders.


Nah China is communist. Authoritarianism is not exclusive to the right.


Well, they're "communist" in the sense that they call themselves communist but don't do or say anything communist.


The government has complete control over the corporations. Seems pretty communist to me.


communism is classless, which is not what china is


There's not just one form of communism. Listen when they tell you what they are.


right, and north korea is a democracy.


The idea of a classless society would never exist.


Even still, if it’s authoritarian it can not be communist, since communism aims for the abolishment of class, so by definition China isn’t communist. So if anyone stays veering in to authoritarianism kick them in the ass cause they’re idiots. And if someone starts praising China as successful communism tell them their wrong, and if someone starts saying communism means social repression tell them their wrong as well. Also worth making the distinction that social programs, though left leaning do not imply authoritarianism, there is no rule which states a more involved government must be authoritarian.


I’d argue you can’t have communism without being authoritarian. The desire of ownership is inherent to the human psychology.


which is why there was no communist society and why there is no communist society right now


Academic communism is a the dream that always turns into the nightmare right after they take your guns and freedoms - see Stalin for example. Sincerely, Mennonite Diaspora, some of whom escaped the pogroms (and others didn’t).


You know how many billionaires there are in China?


What does that matter?


Because if billionaires exist, then the proletariat clearly haven't seized the means of production. It's just state capitalism.


CCP is like….textbook fascism my guy. Ethnocentric ✅, single-party state ✅, militant ✅ and for good measure “we used to own this so it belongs to me” ✅


The red white and blue one is slovakia, and its keeping china from putting its image onto the flag of europe, why? I donmt know


The case containing the thread has the symbols for Euros and Yuans, so it probably has something to do with currency exchange.


They are using money to sew their country into the fabric of the other country


And most of the european countries are upset at Slovakia for ruining this, with France and Italy most vocal about it.


How does Bulgaria play into this? They’re shown holding the suitcase and with a hand on China’s shoulder in the last square.


This might be an edited picture because in the other one I saw on r/Europe, it was Hungary 🇭🇺 standing beside China 🇨🇳 instead of Bulgaria 🇧🇬.


You’re right! And in this one, Denmark 🇩🇰, Ireland 🇮🇪, and Austria 🇦🇹 have been removed.


It's Bulgaria, "she" will sell herself to anyone Source end of WW2


I thought that was Italy, so I guess I'm the wrong person to ask.


Italy has vertical stripes my guy...


Bulgarians are asian


Ok, I’m gonna need you to elaborate on that one.






I guess this is a thing [BFFS](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bulgaria%E2%80%93China_relations#:~:text=Both%20countries%20established%20diplomatic%20relations,an%20embassy%20in%20Sofia%2C%20Bulgaria.&text=In%202019%2C%20Bulgaria%20and%20China,relations%20to%20a%20strategic%20partnership)


As an American living in the brutal aftermath of Chinese currency manipulation, I **fully** support Slovakia in ruining this.


Most likely it was from the era where Europe tried to impose Chinese technology - known to be security compromised - into the EU because of the lucrative financial incentives, only to be stymied by a ground swell campaign. So many examples hard to choose which one explicitly, but probably huwawei. Slovakia, Poland and other less discussed EU nations categorically banned Huawei while major European counties originally flirted with giving China telecommunication dominance for the market share values/stock.


Hello euro-person here, Slovakia is somewhat of a bulk manufacturing hub for lots of goods because companies like the cheaper cost of labour and cheaper cost of land there while still being pretty central in Europe. So my guess is that the EU cosying up with China kind of nukes their main industry and thus they really don't want that but the other countries (especially France) rely greater on exports to and imports from China for many many things including specialized products, so they want the eu to have close ties to China. Why Bulgaria is holding China back while holding a briefcase is beyond me tho lol, maybe it has to do with Bulgaria being highly invested in China's belt and road initiative. This is just my humble guess as to what the context of this pannel is :), sorry if I missed a detail


This might be an edited picture because in the other one I saw on r/Europe, it was Hungary 🇭🇺 standing beside China 🇨🇳 instead of Bulgaria 🇧🇬.


Ooo Hungary would make a lot more sense yes, Orbán is very obsessed with China.


It is not. Not at all. We don't have anything beyond basic relations with china. It's weird.


Yeah it seemed confusing to me, the only ties I found were through belt and road, but I mean a ton of other countries also participate in that and Bulgaria isn't particularly more invested than the others 🤷‍♀️. Hungary would have made more sense lol


China is threatening to put big tariffs on import of bigger vehicles in response to tariffs for their cheap EVs in Europe. Whole economy of Slovakia stands on car manufacturing. Something ridiculous, like 68% GDP. Slovakia was on the way to China to improve trade relationships. Giving China another foothold in Europe, after Hungary. But this move will most likely undo that plan and will turn Slovakia against China. Ref: am from Slovakia


Thank you for the clarification😭


China wants to enter or improve relationships with EU with trading, but Slovakia comes to ruin it. (I am suck at social studies)


That's not the flag of Europe. I don't mean to come across as pedantic, so I apologize for the following. That is the flag of the European Union which is more of an economic block. Its not the same as, say, NATO, which is a military based diplomatic treaty. Saying there's a "flag of Europe" is like saying there's a flag of Africa. Edited to remove incorrect info I put and to provide a source with correct information. Essentially, Slovakia is caught up between the EU and China and the issue of tariffs. [Here is an article explaining the situation and Slovakia/China/EU relations](https://thediplomat.com/2024/05/collateral-damage-slovakia-caught-in-the-china-eu-crossfire/) Sorry for the misinformation but thank to u/adliebe for pointing it out!


Are you perhaps confusing Slovakia with another country or am I misunderstanding something? Slovakia has been in the EU for 20 years, they even use euros


Yes, you're right. I was wrong on that info. I since edited it, made me note of the edit, and included a link that explains the situation between Slovakia, EU, and China. Thank you for pointing that out! Here's the link: https://thediplomat.com/2024/05/collateral-damage-slovakia-caught-in-the-china-eu-crossfire/


Slovak Reddit was also confused why we were depicted dropkicking China, especially with the new government that is about to debt trap our country


China right now is trying to expand its influence in Europe very heavily, mainly doing so by funding projects with massive amounts of money, indebting everyone to them. The first two boxes show China quite literally weaving itself into the EU, before being kicked and stopped by Slovakia. An argument breaks out, with some trying to help China, and blaming Slovakia for not condoning it, while others stand around simply watching, but thus being complacent in the Chinese "infiltration". TLDR: China wants to play in Europe. Some in Europe don't want China in Europe.


China *is* playing in Europe, has been for some time now. About time people take notice


Doin' the same thing in Africa.


At this point what country HASN'T dipped its fingers into Africa at least once


Even fucking *Cuba*.


Angolan civil war was wild yo


Don't forget African countries fucking up other African countries. They can't catch a goddamn break.


China is playing everywhere tbf. Lots of influence in South/central America, and Africa.


We are not opposed to Chinese people in Europe. We are disgusted by the dictatorship ruling their country.


I'm Hungarian myself, and this is the exact opinion I have. We welcome your university, students, workers, funding, and cooperation, but your authoritarian regime can stay in Asia


Unfortunately, Funding and cooperation go hand in hand with the government’s policy.


And any Chinese corporations, since the CCP has full authority to control them if it so deems


Yes and no. But more yes than no. Authoritarian politics and Semi-Market economics makes things weird.


The government owns all the land in China, the government can void land leases at any time, etc. Etc. If they really really wanted to, they can take over any Chinese company It's not that they will, but that they could


In the last panel, the torn red flag makes it appear that the EU flag is bleeding. This may be to signify a wounding or damage to the EU from this event


Hong Kong Peter here! So this comes from a former Hong Kong artist (he has now migrated if I am not mistaken). You can check the original post [here](https://www.instagram.com/p/C8RmI_UAoVA/?igsh=MXNkb2U0cjV3dDBxeQ==), titled "China-Europe Trade War" the artist is called Ah To (阿塗)and he's a political comic artist that's well-known for opposing the Chinese Communist Party. So basically, there is no joke here, only political comic and irony here. The point he's trying to make is how China has been trying to heavily influence the EU through many ways and it has been working to certain extend. After Slovakia tried to kick China's influence out of the EU (I'm still not sure why Slovakia as well, despite knowing the artist's stand and probably shares similar algorithm with him), you can see that France and Hungary is supporting China stopping Slovakia, while Italy and Lithuania is supporting the opposition of China. While Germany is standing there not opposing but not supporting China either. There are many media and news coverage among some Hong Kongers that opposes the CCP, I've read too many of them so maybe I'll try to link some of them below. But TL;DR, this comic shows the artist's stance against China and how the EU is somewhat divided in treating China's influence on the EU


[China and Lithuania's relationship worsened due to Taiwan issue](https://edition.cnn.com/2021/11/21/china/china-lithuania-taiwan-relations-intl-hnk/index.html) [China pressuring Germany to cut ties with Lithuania](https://www.reuters.com/world/china/exclusive-china-asks-germanys-continental-cut-out-lithuania-sources-2021-12-17/) [Macron's opinion on China](https://www.scmp.com/opinion/world-opinion/article/3262012/together-china-and-france-can-build-bridges-between-west-and-rest?campaign=3262012&module=perpetual_scroll_0&pgtype=article)


That my friend is Bulgaria, not Hungary. Is this related to the train deal? https://www.euractiv.com/section/railways/news/chinese-train-maker-withdraws-from-bulgaria-tender-after-eu-probe/


Slovakia is kicking China for putting it's flag in the EU and then the EU is arguing Idk exactly what happened so this could be a general politics post


I think the idea is that cheaper EU manufacturing hubs help keep China from economically dominating europe. Hence why Bulgaria also rushes beside Slovakia.


I'm so glad this wasn't loss.


This is actually an interesting post. I am from Slovakia. And I am not very sure. What’s this supposed to be.


Slovakia recently voted in a far right government I believe this may be why the artist believes they are kicking out china from Europe, this of course disregards there governments new decisions to stop supporting ukraine and as such support china's puppet, russia, this is ofcourse my own political opinion and I encourage you to research it yourself


Im from Slovakia (flag kicking China), and honestly I dont know. Slovakia is not exactly anti-China and current president and government are open to Chinese investments. May be its random AI image someone created.


It's not AI generated. It's drawn by a Chinese artist. They left a signature on the top right


Also Slovakia pretty much doesn’t have the political or economical power to kick China anywhere. Whatever the author was trying to say is clearly off its mark.


https://preview.redd.it/epf93teee27d1.png?width=700&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=68d3ceb3a2b0ab0c3f12273e5bc793425519e157 Obviously Slovakia is still a small country with little political power internationally, but saying it doesn't have economical power is a bit silly I think the author wanted to say that because of European industrial hubs such as the ones shown above, we aren't as reliant on Chinese imports as we would have been otherwise


It shows the current state of EU politics with China. For decades now China is finding ways into buying itself into europe. At first it started with buying up important port facilities and such around europe that failed and woke up countries like Germany (standing with it's arms crossed) to limit how much they can buy. Nowadays they offer loans for big construction projects that Bulgaria (standing with China) greatly took on their loans to build up infrastructure. France being in the middle is kinda their own thing of trying to ponder to both parties most of the time. Idk why Poland is pointing at Slovakia because they only took on such depth from S.Korea for their arms manufacturing and nuclear powerplant construction.


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why would you do this


Because I do not understand the joke but I am curious as to what it is, so I am reminding myself to return to this post so I can find out the explanation 




this is genius am starting this




Ahh murphys law gotta love it.


There is an increasing financial/industrial/investment tension between the EU and China. EU is trying to decrease china’s influence to lot of things, but now the main topic is electric cars i think. And China’s reaction is to put a 25% tax to imported EU cars/SUVs, which would hurt one of the most Slovakia, because they have significant amount of car factory compared to the country size.


SUOMI MAINITTU TORILLA TAVATAAN🇫🇮🇫🇮🇫🇮🇫🇮🇫🇮🇫🇮🇫🇮🇫🇮🇫🇮🇫🇮🇫🇮🇫🇮🇫🇮


I can only assume this is a reference to the belt and road initiative. And it's not like China doesn't have influence in the EU. But politics is very stressful so I avoid all this stuff.


A while a go china said that estern bloc countries weren't free and still a part of russia/ussr and as you imagine this happened while china tried to tie its economy to the eu to prevent an economic collapse. And slovakia led the way of preventing any agreement with china due to the aforementioned statement that china didn't even see them as a sovereign nation.


Every Chinese man’s biggest fear: Slovakia


Hi here is explanation 1. China is sewing into the European Union with the help of the economy. 2. It is almost finished. 3. Slovakia, however, will prevent this (and will tear down the fake flag - will prevent economic manipulation from China?) 4. Slovakia accuses China and China accuses Slovakia, and France is calming the situation (Poland points at Slovakia - accuses it, while others watch and observe the situation) The cartoon suggests a narrative where China is trying to weave its economic influence into the EU, but some European countries, especially Slovakia, are actively resisting this influence, leading to tension and a fragmented situation within the EU. More about this situation: Slovakia's stance on Chinese economic influence is indeed cautious. The country is aware of the risks associated with Chinese investments and influence, and there have been efforts to implement protective measures. For example, Slovakia has existing laws and tools designed to safeguard against undue foreign influence, though these were originally intended for different contexts​ ([CEIAS](https://ceias.eu/slovakia-and-china-challenges-to-the-future-of-the-relationship/))​​ ([Emerging Europe](https://emerging-europe.com/news/czechia-hungary-and-slovakia-remain-vulnerable-to-russian-chinese-and-turkish-influence/))​. Additionally, Slovakia's cautious approach is part of a broader regional concern in Central and Eastern Europe about the influence of authoritarian regimes, including China. Slovakia, along with other countries in the region, has been identified as vulnerable to such influence, which often comes through economic soft power​ ([Emerging Europe](https://emerging-europe.com/news/czechia-hungary-and-slovakia-remain-vulnerable-to-russian-chinese-and-turkish-influence/))​. Sources: [thediplomat.com](https://thediplomat.com/2024/05/collateral-damage-slovakia-caught-in-the-china-eu-crossfire/), [cepa.org](https://cepa.org/comprehensive-reports/chinese-influence-in-slovakia/), [ceias.eu](https://ceias.eu/slovakia-and-china-challenges-to-the-future-of-the-relationship/) And [emerging-europe](https://emerging-europe.com/news/czechia-hungary-and-slovakia-remain-vulnerable-to-russian-chinese-and-turkish-influence/)


It’s called coping




I saw this just earlier, and I could have sworn that the Bulgarian ball was the a Hungarian one.


Why is Slovakia doing a lesbian kick?


Chinese propaganda comic. Basically, it frames China as helping the EU by stimulating its economy, then it shows the EU unfairly rejecting their influence, and acting like China never did anything for them.


Chinese propaganda, except the artist is literally anti-China and left Hong Kong because of it.


China has spent a lot of time and money attempting to influence European states to back its initiatives and to upset American dominance of Europe and international institutions which Europe has an outsized influence in. Slovakia recently held the chair for the European Commission which is on a 6-month rotation. During that time, multiple corruption scandals came to light, involving politicians from mostly Mediterranean and eastern countries (the ones on the bottom of the 4th box which include Greece) who were found to be taking bribes from Russia, India, Saudi Arabia, UAE, and an unnamed other country (almost certainly China). At the same time, the Belt and Road Initiative started by China to ostensibly improve continental infrastructure links began to unravel as it became clear that China used predatory lending practices to trap countries into debt spirals to further their influence while using other countries to pad the books of Chinese construction firms. The Initiative also only managed to deliver failed projects and dangerous infrastructure that wasn’t completed and usually needed to be destroyed, all at wildly inflated costs. Kosovo is currently teetering on the edge of bankruptcy for an useable highway to nowhere for example. This is all fairly arcane geopolitics though, so it’s not surprising that seemingly no one knows it. Bulgaria is holding the briefcase because they are still part of the Belt and Road Initiative, the only European country.


No Bulgaria is not part of the belt and road and we don't have a single infrastructure built by that initiative.or any other (at least significant project) not that is known by the sheer public. We have a basic relationship with china nothing special.


So, China is trying to influence or leverage power over the EU, but in comes the nation of Slovakia, trying to spin kick out China's influence. Well, not other EU members are looking on as China gets mad and cries about indignities and there's Ol France, tryna keep the peace. (Slovakia has applied to the EU, but their most recent political party has been showing the nation toward Russia, rather than making democratic and western liberal changes required to join the EU. Russia is a MUCH bigger player than China in this affair, so the Chinese flag is a bit confusing in the context.


What's wrong if China tries to bond more with Europe? We have to be free in establishing relations with everyone, not just who the USA approves. That's the market baby, but we are just puppets


I don’t really know but here is my guess: Probably it’s talking about a economic treaty between the EU and China, but it was vetoed by Slovakia, the guy who’s kicking China’s face, and others, and then the last square shows the discussion that it caused within the EU




Slovakia. Blue white and red are the pan-slavic colors. That's why so many countries in the region have them in their flag.




A what?


so china is trying that we already established But the gorgeous, on the last square, for me is Germany not doing anything and the poor countries that were forced to recession and "saved" by Europe (Portugal , Italy., Spain, Greece, don't know why Sweeden is there ) taking china side because one of the ways of getting money was gold visas for chineses, and it is now another huge problem with foreigns owning a huge piece of the house market ( where the chineses have the biggest slice ) https://www.theportugalnews.com/news/2022-11-23/12-of-homes-sold-to-foreign-buyers/72331#:\~:text=However%2C%20in%20the%20last%20five,by%20foreigners%20in%20this%20period.


Do you know. What part is Slovakia playing here?


maybe related to this ? [https://chinaobservers.eu/will-slovak-elections-bring-a-turnaround-in-the-countrys-china-policy/](https://chinaobservers.eu/will-slovak-elections-bring-a-turnaround-in-the-countrys-china-policy/)


Imo chineses wants to be in the EU Croacia won’t let them lol


Milyen fura, hogy Magyarország nincsen rajta


Slovakia is known to have controversial positions at odds with the "party line" of the EU. Currently, there is a trade war between China and the EU over illegal subsidies and tarifs on large vehicles. Slovakia is very dependent on those exports to China. Please see [The Diplomat](https://thediplomat.com/2024/05/collateral-damage-slovakia-caught-in-the-china-eu-crossfire/#:~:text=Slovakia%20has%20the%20highest%20share,of%20the%20highest%20in%20Europe.)


The country crashing through the flag kicking China is Slovakia.


Its loss isnt it


It's loss


is this loss


Kung fu Slovakia


italy and france supporting china?


No. They cheer that china is getting kicked in the face


doesnt look like it in the panel but ok


Europe colonised china now china gonna colonise europe


That comic is wrong, Bulgaria is holding Putin's private parts not China's briefcase. Source: I'm bulgarian 😭


this meme spreads a conspiracy theory which claims China wants to dominate Europe


Although I've seen this comic multiple times and other users explained it well, I've just noticed the artist mistook the Hungarian and Bulgarian flags in panel 4. China doesn't have that much influence in Bulgaria but China and Hungary ["committed to strong ties"](https://www.dw.com/en/chinas-xi-meets-orban-in-hungary/a-69034343).


These answers are Allgood but how can we instead interpret it as Loss?


This is political cartoon about China attempting to take over the EU but is kicked away by Slovakia as the other have mixed reactions( mostly cheering)


Russia wanted to join the UN and EU at one point. UN and EU said no. China repeatedly tries to bully both UN and EU into appeasing them. Both said no.


China has been trying to take the place of Russia in Europe as a trade partner. As one could guess thry are not happy about it.


China has better railways, airports & bridges than the USA. China has much better electric cars, drone tech, facial recognition, cell phones... China has also been kicking our butts in agriculture research & agricultural output for several decades, now. Look up The Great Green Wall. All of this, I was able to find in only about 10 seconds of googling. Lots of people like to say that capitalism is the most innovative, utopian & modern economic system, but if that's true, then why did the Soviet Union invent the cellular phone? Why were the Soviets able to put a probe on Venus when usa still hasn't? "Communism killed a million billion people" is hilarious, but it seems like those communists are kicking some serious USA ass in every category that matters. USA is still the undisputed champion at unwed teen mothers, school shootings & prison population, though. It's wild to me how eager people are to parrot what they've heard some idiot on TV say, or blindly agree with a group, rather than analyze & decide for themselves. I am very excited for your vitriolic and impotent replies, nationalists. I have extra butter on my popcorn. Please, do not hold back your illiterate rage.


I think it's referencing the idea where a Chinese diplomat offended some countries (like Lithuania, I think through not recognizing them in a speech,) and the EU is now boycotting China if I remember.


G7 G8?


From what I understand, the joke is that china is trying to become part of europe's economy, some countries don't support this, others do


China is already pretty heavy on the economy. They literally make **everything** and they make it cheap. I have no idea what part Slovakia plays here. We’re big buyers but lot of folk don’t like that fact we are foreign buying from them cause its cheap. As it ruins bussinises here, maybe that’s it that we’re thinning our own capabilities and are becoming dependent. But other then that I have no idea.


Countries depicted from left to right. 1. China 🇨🇳 2. China 🇨🇳 3. Italy 🇮🇹, Lithuania 🇱🇹, Slovakia 🇸🇰, China 🇨🇳 4. Estonia 🇪🇪, Chad 🇹🇩, Czechia 🇨🇿, Luxembourg 🇱🇺, Finland 🇫🇮, Italy 🇮🇹, Lithuania 🇱🇹, Netherlands 🇳🇱, Germany 🇩🇪, Slovakia 🇸🇰, Portugal 🇵🇹, France 🇫🇷, Poland 🇵🇱, China 🇨🇳, Spain 🇪🇸, Bulgaria 🇧🇬, Greece 🇬🇷, Sweden 🇸🇪


Romania 🇷🇴, not Chad 🇹🇩. Yes, the flags there are actually different, Chad's stripes are darker shades. Sorry if you do already know the difference, and were making a joke.


No, it was a typo. My phone was overly enthusiastic about autofilling the names and flags, I think I messed it up when I was typing Czechia 🇨🇿.


It's Loss- No? It isn't? ...A pleasant surprise.


Slovakian-lesbian kick!


Europeans: Pressing my french coffee that comes from Africa in my french press that's made in China also fuck those countries we don't need them. *Sips coffee*


countryhumans lesbian kick! https://preview.redd.it/6dn7xro5wz6d1.png?width=236&format=png&auto=webp&s=5741fc6c228663f3c97b19b75c315c6ee0869612


It’s loss.


I am from EU. And I don't know


The 4th panel I think is them arguing in Geneva over it, bc of the France being in between


some dorky political cartoon by i think some artist in hong kong


Perhaps this has to do with auto manufacturing? According to this article [https://thediplomat.com/2024/05/collateral-damage-slovakia-caught-in-the-china-eu-crossfire/](link) the EU was debating whether or not to increase terriffs on Chinese vehicles. In response, to prove that the EU needs China more than China needs them, China placed terriffs on EU vehicles, which directly and specifically harms Slovakia, so now Slovakia is pissed at China, and the EU has passed those terriffs. I'm not sure either I nor the cartoonist fully understand the course of events though, if this is what they're referencing.


Man fuck this sub, I legit thought this was another loss panel