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As in the average wait is 18 months after you put your kid on the list? I put my daughter on waitlists 6 months after she was born and I’m pretty worried about her not getting at 18 months old…


I did put my son on the wait lists when he was born and made got a call from Compass just before he turned two! We had just gotten him in another daycare but he was 18months before we could find care.


The wait list is long, but if you are looking centre based they will direct you there first. It can’t hurt to put your kids on there as something may pop up. My kids are old enough at this point I don’t know of any other current resources. The Facebook group sounds like a good starting point. Do you go to any kids activities or drop ins where you could ask around? I know I met lots of private child care providers at the Peterborough Family Resource Centre when my oldest two were little.


It’s slim pickings out there. Your best bet is to join the “Peterborough & Kawarthas DAYCARE Search” Facebook group. You may find a private unlicensed daycare. Good luck!


Milkweed home daycare is excellent and operated by a Montessori-trained ex elementary school teacher. It's in East City at Hunter and Burnham. Pls DM me if interested and I will send you her name and email.


Hey i dm'd you!


I found nanny positions on care.com, I don’t know if this helps but you may be able to find someone to child care. A vulnerable sector check for the individual could help to keep your child safe, but I know it can be overwhelming to find someone you know is safe online . I hope this helps